f s AgtX :. : jjy-; ; " - " , ;' . .. .. W Si if iff '-: filMil 7 BE 8TJRE YOJ ARE RIGHT ; TELISIN GhO APqruVA T.-T Crockett TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY; OCTOBER 4. 1906. ESTABLISHED 182. N . T V V V J JOT THE" "BLUES" I. is knov. Ti as the "Blues ffl occasioned by actual exist ernJ onc."Jens, but In the ajeriiy of cases by a disorder THI i A FACT which -ay bs demonstra ted by trying a course of P t - Utro! nn.! rebate the UVER. IriS? riOfr i.iu iiMjoubj lain Tuc PriZ neiltn and elastic kRS NO SUBSTITUTE. 1 1 ro, X IB a 3 4 Dr. Cbarles Duncan Mclver. " BY MISS JIETA ULES , The annouicement of tbe death The JapahoM nattlai Hik. All tbe bo called "Chinese mat ting" used for covering floors in - Dl?lC 'MclT?,t hM imported from Japau where U is all over WOTen in band looma Iron, ihe our State. Nowhere is Jhe gloom dried stems or straw ofasp-cies mi I w"uw. olUogrush. This identical, rush, uiorBueep man mine aeatts or jntWMia fTnn i n.tiv, 7 th. Ihroc r. f 1 w 1 ' w I"".. j i ii i V, ? entire eastern section of tbe Unit uuu7,u,euJ i" w ed States where it covers thou- 8 uhuysu uv me women 01 ue n, f t -.. i owe. aiore euteu ptna . man 1 1-,. j but as one who has known and Silver Ur4lr AaiMvaraArr Our friend and predecessor as editor of th's paper Li growing old. We truote from tbe J Ulster of Mobile, a town that has taken him properly and mott kindly: "Friday, September 21sl was the twenty-fifth anniversary of Major and Mm. Walter l "Williamson's weddicg day and in the evening they- celebrated their allver aoni- AS i OR I A For Infants and Cnildren. . Ind Ycu Have Always Bought ; r. tinl Surgeon, C Thoae Ho. 1S6. THAN WILLIAMS, renscii u Artist and Hir- saitlVcov.itor. f i i rr- kioor ivovi u&uk or xarDoro O'jtrat tor aun Duiiuer. . and HV-avy Work Solicited . , . J oa't-s t i' iiifui r uruitxien. BARBER, T AKBOEO, K.C Owin to the cost of hand labor I versary in a most happy manner. the weaving of mattioe has hith- holding a family reunion at their like to help others to know more 7.: mZ?l 7 ,f 1Z Vtty new home on Govern abont bis Me and to form a high- Khr kt. ini anA er conception of his achievements . ented in the Unite! States eetral I relatives to enjoy th celebraUon . f, . V"' 1 oower icoms lor -wtavmg maitice. I Hii th jia naence oi tne oiie formal Uol- The inventors of these looms claim lege over those who have attend- that they can compete successfully ed.it, has been a problem for more with hand labor of any country than one head. Had the matheraa- aDd oniv await the supply of ticxan studied the wonderful per- suitable and so fficient raw toater sonality of Dr. Mclver, he would ial fD begin the manufacture of have .approached the solution of floor matting on a large scale. thl7Problm- T In Japan the matting rush is When Vtt Mclver was a young grown as a seiui-spontaueoua or man, he decided that there were by crop along tbe banks and two things that he would never ditches of rice fields. It has been do. The one was to teaeh women; so grown for many centuries aud the other, to make a public has been subjected to a crude speech. His first public speech kind of selection which has pro was a complete failure. He was duccd special varieties suitable attendiog the school breaking ud for diflWi.ni ,.1 r rtt- Th. of an old classmate. Fearing that American rush never having been tho recipients of man v handsome he might be called on for a speech, utilized has not been improyed, gift, testimonial of tbe affection he took a seat in therear ofthe but ther onn i n. lnni.L hnr e . . . room. The exercises proceeded tht under fccientific culture, se- mceiy ana ur. oiciver iouna mm- lection and crosu bredino- th American plt.nt wcnld in a very few years givu improved varieties probably lar superior to any ol the Asiatic varieties now kuoflrn. In the nean time the United States Department of Agriculture has through its Uurrau of Foreign Exploration introdumi the varie ties of rush most growa in Japar. b. ir T.ivb. self enjoying the occasion. When the programme had been com pleted, he was shocked to Lear the principal of the school an nounce that Mr. Mclver would address the school. Dr. Mclver found his feet and rose. He began, "I, I, sym , I, .1 sympathize w with Brother in in his work. I sympathize with, him.' That of their relatives and many frieuds and the evening pansed all too quickly, while the night was filled with good wishes that tbe major and his wife might lire to cele brate twenty-five more anniversa ries just like this one." The Southerner will add that he has a mother and two sisters that will accentuate that wish while AND UXDEIi- . iledgeS' Stables X. C. was his speech. At the conclusion of the affair, - the " schoolmaster , inese are to be given a practical this editor joins io a hearty amen. iui iu iub m eruwio? reuion C. A WHITEHEAD, ; - ' : Dentist, i AiiBORO, N. O. e hours y to 1 and 2 to 6. H4ir ItMra.4 Cilrl or boy, mtn or woman, is quickly out of pain if Hacklen'a Arnica Salve i applied promptly. O.J. nelcb, of lekonha, Mich-aaytr "I use it in my family for tre. DON WILLIAMS, Demi: trou? O:,. istere i '. 1B0P.O !e All these varieties come from the grasped the hand of his sym pa- warmer portion of the Mikado's thetic friend and expressed his empire and arte not likely to suc- appreciation of his sympathy, ceed except where rice llouiishes. Knowing the bent of his early The two plants require much th a inclinations and the obstacles, same, kind of boil though tbe rush which were in his way, one is dors not reouire tbe freoneni obliged to aduit that nothing less 1 floodlit; nor tne tuune wmoout ol I 't all ekin injuries, and find mat err, perserTernnce, ana nara i iir t iat ric d'. In otbj 'wr vunae ru cnr work, made Dr. Mclver tbe leach- Caro.in tne JauaneM rush vi.l I kuowu. Jt ht-altng cilvv tade. er and orator that ha was. - I without doubt sucted on the wet 1 25c at Statou & Zoellet'a drug Dr. Mclver was a txru teacher I bottom lands of the CaDe Fear. I store . i euse, Tar and lioonoke rivers. The crop when grown on a com mercial scale is specially adapted for large larmers who cin u-ilite and an expert in managing girls. His strong and stalwart appear nce was such as to inspire awe in ' the heart of the Freshman, who and Oxygen Gas the extraction of teeth N.C. That marriajre is a lottery it cot merely a fietre of rpech in the province of Smolecftk, Ilatia; it is au actual fact. Thtre four time EiJI. NoKFLEET. Ai"j .; !:.-v at Law B3ie- M: Gtrooimo, pronounced Heron! mo. the mrtt notoriona Indian chief uin alive It making h:t but tour of the country with Tawoee Bill's Ui.to.ic Wil l Weit and Omt . Far Eal which will be seen here - ou next Friday. General Mile, who with laptam Law ton, effected this wily Moot tablet a capture, tajt Atlanta tuft bo- raay b-crlH cited, bat wta ar joa foing to dd as a remedjt Forty years alrtrth negm -a' set free. About tim enorrS fot him to make it uo if we trip bin. tan 1 117 Tbe w and Observer report that I Governor Glenn at aaakinc wtn. ' . i Geronimo, U beyond qaeiUoo, tba I f0' rech. W.r--ver whim I mot. wondrooa chif that eTer lifted a icalp. Jott how oil tbU Sioax chief it. It not known, but by tratirg back to UtUea In which be has prticipated, he make bimael! over ninety jar old, but General MileiMvane u over tha Maturr mark. Gcronimo, ia. a government i riaoner and nptotbeume he wa given over to the care of Pane Bill waa a prwoner at Fort Sill, and here he will return al the dote of the tea son, never to laate it alive again. He U of one the moat intere.tiog itadiea of the living red men, and no or;e under aUnda him. . He toaaeaes more peak forta. withont tcakicg great ef. ABSOLUTELY PURE Hcaliliful mxzi of UrUr. cJcrfrtd toW froa grcpet, rcscd to abioJutc rarity, u liie u2:e . gwle of cxxy -poind of Royal Baling Hcooe it is iLtt Ropl Baling Powricr renden the food rcrLiblc bodi (or in Bx Eavor and bcalihfulneo. No alum, no f&otphate yrhlch are the , principal clement, cf the caUcd cheap baking powd cn -and whicharo dcrircd from bones, rock vrx! tuJphuric acid. ' ei.a re-9 C4. m Wbn a bevy r4 negro stria oa I the sidewalk hold their own Id I ! meeting a same Dombr of whlt jaod will not concede half the Heht ofwer what ia to be dnnef Thi ji aqueatioa aakrU oa, and we refee it to tbe eite ucarmea of theeommanity of which I here are. e are rejoiced to knnw. a large comber. Mary an n Dotler and Cbermae Adams are asserting that tbe Deo oc ratio adminttratloo ia thi State i apetdiog more monev than the futootta for cvioca tional purpoavee. II U avite Mor cnunmg man any oioeMna.an th, t inlobuildlDja, trore Into f.acher eyer toured tie oonuy and while pocketa, more leto larrer terms he baa peculiar tact of nakinJI and jet tL eol pr pupil iale those around him feel that he ia l0 ho the foslocitadi4Tacd friendly with them, Pawnee Bill, never for a momtni leaves him oat of hi guards. lie Is never allowed weapons or ammunition, except when taking part in some of the battle aceee io the arena during the perform th State with I la domioaocy. "Child, whom do ton love the cter, your father or your moth etr' "M father! "WhiT1 Becaoe Is aee Iret of him antes and these are taken from Simplicieirxa. hit as soon ea the act ia tremblingly, made her first ap-1 improved machinery. p roach to him. His broad smile 'lbe bogrusb, Juncus effusus is and cordial greeting easily dis a perennial plant related to the! every year a lottery is b Id, the peiiea all aisoomirot ana tne j lijy family. Once planted it will I capital prize being a young conn second approach was made with a J bold the ground far a liMim or I try eirl. with someiimr a good fir ner tread. Afier a short ac- loutcr. The ioi tsiucks ie-euiLJel iiorv lu aLt'i. 'iYe i r.ee ol a quaintance, each student was made thooe of Johnson and Bermm.a ticket is about 85 ctbt. At a . I . m - -w-k warw .... I . . tit Bld. W. iSt. 1 to feel that in xr, reiver sne naa i;rasses and like these crashes the Isincle dravine 5.000 tickets are . Tarboro, K. C. I a true friend and a ready adviser rnsh forms a thick mat of root in I sold. He who is foi tuoat s enough I Sioux law the money bla daughter J EIarprra Veedly. 1 lne larcreness of his personality the cround. The cnltivatioo of a I to draw lbe Inckv ticket haahislwuntd receive from the aha t . "' i I - T T I.'l I-.... - . l . ..I. . . ..1 ' uuiu uiiu iu h"-- to I x a uouco wuiu vvu!iri iiicii'iiik; ujj w i Wniilil rk w'm Ti n 1 r rrmw r.fmj.1 I m . -1 -t 17 1 , , I? .j.i " 3i. I I .... . I .... . . . - . . - J . . , "uu kjt.caLu .b-iucl.uv7 nann i no iv itiuibi mill lu rauu uixao' i t k I iiiria mnrii w nan nnn iat brar. I criri 11 Ln rki mm iiui piid over. Even in his advanced years, he Is as straight as an arrow, and more active than many of the younger Indians with the company. He ride splendidly, runs swiftly and shoots accurately. , Cerooimo, last December, took unto himself his eighth wife, and she is travelling along with him. Major Llllie regarded the old chiefs marriage as another one of his cunning proof. At the time Major Llllie losed a contract with the government to take Gcronimo for a farewell tour of America, the old chief waa a wldewer and the father of three daughters. It had been arranged for the latter to ac company him and Gcronimo was plerd over the trip and at once suited to prepare, although it was somewhat distant. Under the Mr. Hardoppe I flower 1 sent voa to ball came on tlatf MieeCotUog No, they dulo'i. They tame C O. P. Woman! Home Companion. a- t c a v a. Cot crM"d to l a tvpaUic temporarily at Jcwt. Friday niht. and U aow goteracd ,ty U. t-omojippiocm. Prvmideot Palma ao4 h. tfctirr cabloel realroed. The CtmTtmm rvfaed to .raert to elor sr- hope the wear at tlecwKMa,ao the doty of go era ttr the ialaod dcvoltrd tx the I ailed oLalc. fWTtUr j Tafl U provUlooal Goverwcr. Vee, lady, said Hoorry Hlg- gin, "police pereecotioo rained me life. by, when I wa first arrested yeaia aim, I hsda'lbeee dnn a b!eM tiir.n "P'rnn," -t Ih iodA. lad); -hen'e a dime for oo. And what charge did they troop op against yOBl' "Vagrancy, aaam.'f Calholie The Cau5c of Many Sudden Deaths. reenf rv ent( Ltww lr,w ... c I! II r ur" i- r. l Tvjrr -t "ri c. m people made love under his wis dow on til all hoara." r.ot couldn't Wp after t nv n Lt v. ? N ; Kon a tte hihi bt iUd, the ibbdred got up.'' I I en Ik at. t J P-Il a tl J4 i ti a-J Far mi Kttittu- e aaaatLir t f a. tH I-k af wWKh le ,vlt Ut 9 IJ, at J m.H t.- t arrr!i. arj f catt. j9 o-!jf.U. bat tie iW wlkh M;"it Cft4o tt. LH taa!e4, at4 ut!a .Ztf i Cruelly fra say elit u'mi tl.ViUca lc?n:; A ts-i tm e.k tfittr to lt m ,tt19l ll io Mt2tg jt jit H . t -.;. t n. t-t J irtS uUM mi m i:h wikh it eix-at4. f!rl ii)ic(Uii Ji tof tical. t'haf lttiuU ia ah aa i4,tHti. wkkh Las lo t 5twen it ef4 ei-t. Tie 'rtti.i has gce ou ia iu d,niii t ffiltjr tt W taArwcetDbCfXMiUa atst-1 t. il 4!: lollrfaff't -VTY-l U lm frUsrva r-vI lp l J- r V - ; 1 -: fmr-a.r I trfl l I V. i"- Vra.tr, It J iKm - f il r-. e t a r .J arb) f IvorMMB-! tfvki ff iu -1. r.tv.": i'.rfl V tW IrJi4t. riia -! rtetkt! fi d.'ir-r ' it tL cl'j, 1 iww. Urre-v tit tie til , fcwt WtrV'T'l Ssih Aattfw-a. s t J) f t I I et iitt.e.l m li ig v:r g. s mu if tqa A'l J-'--i.t t t.eeet le ti f U kff 1 1 ia iirit I dtisi fal. 1 1 o-i r . . ... i t 44 el. t ee r. i t.rr ti! Uurf 4&.ii it .! rlt. rla ff 1J.Cmi f-pV. r--"- itr ra.e. fca j-e' t4. Ga.vii at. A-liuUQi of Gasoline En WIN EN N Ell, A, AN AND SURGEON iiv occupied by 11. G. 'TOO k , Esq . 4 x . i if. i r rm 1 L I - ... - ... I T . . . . . U. LIIB Ik IU U 111! - 1 I U. F I FI M . U . n n AM . T.ITS Tl w 1 ... . .... - . 1 0. "1 " IX . . . a. n " 1UU. U.1S WOO au xujuuhbu. K"-- J lllCttllUU VI IU LIUUUU WUU a I LUll lUlfui ii.OIJ IU UUIUUU IU I d6twtf sonage at all the social gatherings heavy cuttiae harrow to break ud whatever tho ciil brings with her I wm,d 001 refuse to give her salary where his keen, tense ot numor the matted roots, bnflicient fertu- as dowrs: or, if the "prize ' in I aim neuner wouw iiajor ume and his jolly disposition were 1 uer would have to be used to I question doei not p.eae him 1 e separate him from his wife if he gi yen full sway. His nature was ensure the lirrsest yield of high can turn tbe ticket over toa kn.. r.imn immi.ii.,. II - I 1 n .nllAil VrlK I 12. . . r . 1 . T I " f I . ! . 1 I I one tnat lueptrcu suu taucu iw.u i quality Hiraw. ice Harvest juiog i irieua. utirou eouruat the good of which a person (eelea; re oils form chionle eooatipaiioo. all the good ! of which a person j the crop may be done with mow- was capable. He placed the dis-1 era or better with pelf-bindiDg cipline of the College for tbe most I reapers. The annual yield sbouid part, in tbe nanas oi tne gins, i be from 4 to 8 tons ot salable relying upon theu good judg I btraw per acre. Theie would be ment, and appealing to tneir sense three or more cuttings each sum- of honor. Consequently, tne gins tner. ' ofthe Normal College are freed! The writer adyisee every owner frcm many of the restrictions I of wet land in the eastern section which prevatr at other Colleges J f tbe State t procure from Mr. Bryan admits that govern ment ccntroi of railroad may be etlicieut and r-nfficient, but he doubts that it will be. He is will in? to give it a fair trial. In the meantime tbe suckers of one sob stance are denouncing him. Call .u-1 tiff vonr onll centlemen. and e blch ia quickly cared by Dr iving's New Life Pills. They re move all oiooou Trme froa the i)s:em aod Ufoae cw life and tiior; eare soar teasck oaoab, head ., duxU and hen he told rawoealo"', wiihoot gTipleger discoaa- married. This made M01 aarnteeti by ffutoa a. eur,diogguta. ife took unto himself his eighth aod smiled i Bill he was one more Indian on the pay roll and two more Indians happy. tbe UiWf. e ie k m ; (byoe aal f cn 1-r rX f f -a a 't' j. t 1 I . i 4 I a cat It '-;iirl e trt 1-r a '! irr.tnrt 4 tlx k.l tl oiu frU ! teli je ee rwit im V t-r Ukia;fr. kU-art', aeie-tteoC ft Ulatf, In-. 4 lUlr t it-rC . It corrrf.. inWUr ' b4 art- -l raUit le ikc it. 9. -, nr!'l i riva uiwt o4 le rt p tau t sctil. TWawVi l lje tt .y It UU tbe a'v fe Ha Wtfat cerra o Ike aamt ! (nu. r c f.i.Kar4! u r:et t ! t I Vwe ia rr-'d' t iT. :l 7rr:u k 'V J i:j t u;, r sJo,jhiI.y, o kr aee a . 4 . e4 atee. PreaiJent a C Moor, o' the N.C. D.vUioa of the Foe them will see what is btat. our Ja.-; srvii-..' t! f All Trades pump 1. cut feed and do and each girl is made to feel hr" I TJniied States Department of Ag- i aolf rwfnlin.rlv TASnonsible for the I rifn tnr cnnnirh nlAnta nf the I v V J . .. r I . " r . . I rr-. t : ;m nreprvation ot tne&e llDerues. I imrxiTtPd Janar.ea rnsn to etve I i ne uemocru 10 nuimiju ... r . . I .r v.. I t i i.. ,i.- ... Just as a commanaer encoura-1 thi croo a lair trial. ucu trial l open in a n-w uo. ius v? . . .... .vl I . , . . . . I ' !.;.. li.l.l that e pes nis soiaiers wnn liiiiug i Diauts can ue naa iree oi cos uv u iuc . at an nnnnrinnfl time, so did Dr. nnlvinir t th TT. rt. Secretarv if sires s joint dUti? Ibe hoolh. - ' . i -r r -j - , .. I . . . i . . 1 ir MiTvr .KnonnraTO nose aooui lAfrr,.!. tnro. V ufhincrtcin. U. IJ.ieintr is rwi auimnz.ru wuwm 7nn vera fttrncf lln? With I nr tn arv mnarKiinian IthlS. t.Ut 11 WillOPtfUllS COIUmbS selclSe Ciftd ae U le lltatta. Tell my people in Danville tht t,,,, Aaeociatioo rwoeau that I wdl meet them in btavao. I j.i.,., .v.m I from each cotton groeieg coootv it a tri Tiirilft mental difficulties. The quotations The rnsh crop is not recommend to any candidate that wishes to goou rename i i : i :o 1 t - , , h;n.ir.1.mimnuittri oim ! ,,f. ,.o 7i a I which he annea moss mvue miaus i ea ior uiana sous nor lor auy uieuaa .1 Nit sta:.; i PL Woo i. I , . . t CI I .ansHlinn i i . 1 . V,..li. ir; t call I OI nis nearera wn uc c... . uul luw euiueiu uuuuuea ui .'uou M1UUB' I,, ,- I -rr -i -I . .-.. i,;n0f,Di, miners: - ivarouna. litneto Kiro n'-rtm, UWw not that he knows not is a tool, ud rice lands who think ot start Shun him." ing in the proposed culture will be He that knows not and knows famished with .more particular that he knows not is simple, information as to markets and Teach him. ' probable profits by applying to "He that knows and knows not the undersigned. : Geeu d McCarthy. Biologist, N. C, Dept. Ag. During the civil war someo! these rnshes were made into ex- J:. A.ZOELLEE. HOWARD, Attorney. t :if; Court House. 10,000 lbs of bees- feathers. J. Zan-15tf that he. knows is asleep. M him." -fle that knows and knows that n Tpa Niffinftfft I he knows is wise. Follow him.'' r.. tj t.i. I Th two things that an observer a Eeaewed yigw. I wnnld think Dr. Mclyer loved cellent mattings, EJ.J i'i-n, iniiiestion. Lire I Koot warn r education and forth K!:olP!. Lezemn, impon i " 17 . , . . . Caro la!lT? . "I suppo-e you have found.' Eyery rad in this county and thoee that favot them have shown that they are pieous. Bryan and Hearst About which no hearse Patent applied for. With these ' words, Charles L Adams, son of a well known tobaccooutof the Virginia City, lamped io froatofao eogine io tho Spencer and ended his life inalantly. Adams bad come to Spencer the aame moroiog. He talked with persona around Ue depot, aaying he did not want to live. He told tbe trmiooten in the yards that he eUbcd to die aod to a call boy, tu ting that he woold eod his life by jumping under an eo gine. . He waa seen to make one attempt, bat the locomotive stopped befare it alrock him. Later te threw himtetf in front of another locomotive aod died instantly. rrnere ot a tou4 tVi '' aU W t, tcbmt fte Wal. A-trt U.U rf Jk Ce ... tur5ifc(ti. JC. V. V.Xe wrrttef 9trtmr reti( 1.. f oCee tm taa pr. t"at r eMUlt.Wi fTiwNrf tie . i4, te. KkUnrf wa T. X twl l . . . . . . . . teiJ. Toca rar-nrr t- LOW PRICES AND HIGH STANDARD at tut ir count j mecticr. OcL Cth to a'.teud a meeting at Ue S:U Capital io Ilaleib, Oct. 17th. at 6 o'clock p. m. to hear PrraiJeot Half is Jordan, Preatdeot E. D. Smith, ofthe bowth Carolina Ditis ion and .loo John. P. Alliaoo, member, ot the . F.Kcotivt committre of the S. C. A., disctte the proposition to raite . a f and eCicleoUy Urge to protect ta I BrvTai -e oar ,lor-. QUALITY cotton iodattry ofthe boath frecalnew aopply of lbe low prices we are thrtalaxcd with evh aeeaoa This is an important atep atd a'aould incrU tech cottoo xreeee. It probably means mo.v to the cotton ind oi try ot the Sooth than We hate a very aUrartiM ForoUort and arw rdy toaetvi yon with aaj thlo y ou t d. We atrire to merit the roatia oaoce of padroaere of all the peo p, aad pmmiaeaatiafaftioo laali our deula;. The big stick for Cuba, but the I At the Bocky Uoont tobacco I soy tup that has yet beeo ukeo by big snica ior trutniuinesa is cauieu i iair ov,wu ponooa oi we wevu 1 the Aasociatioo. down by tSan Juan Teddy. OR SALLOW PEOPLE 'Ijjjjni VOUK FAMILIES JUIILi WITH )getner. " aaia ih nlain citizen, "that every that it was tnrougn tne women oi - nn Ye," replied the lobbyist PTpent the man wno is buying.'' Philadelphia Press. '"ft. .1,-; Canit . J. i t. Genuine mada by I COUpled lOgetner. lie ltToHiau-kn Witt I . . . tkn I trior it wiiH inruutu luo -uiuou w i , . rr"V" I. T.T; - M thfenea man bas ms pneer civilization was t be affected. It was his desire that every girl ic the State should have an oppir tunity for the full development of her powers. To this end, he labor Through his ef- foi ts loan funds have been estab .t the State Noimal . Col- leee and each year girls enter the college with, little eise save am u Hon and nluck. nr. Mclver was a Christian. Qin.n.i'ttr and charity were tne virtues that ne empuaaizeu At chapel exercises, ne reau nu reread until aimos; every c knew 1 Cor. 13 which reaas, -auo I Bpeak with the, tongues oi men a.,rt of aneels and have not char- itv: I am nothing." and Mathew yi which reads, : "Take heed that not vour alms before men. n,M wKpn an unfortunate inci dent occurred, hedelt gently with 1,1 li k Spring "Water 1 ! lul and a kidney cure. 3 DriTTi inn unovc t-n uuiiiwiH iiunno i'iioiie 140. 1 ' spring Ginger Ale 'he imported. Try it. ' K OF TAUBORO. 25.000 140.0C0 9,500 e!ford,Prefedient, li vard, V-President, ; rn, Cashier irt. Asa't CaBhier. t orlh inouished the others: - 'There is.so much good in the most of us . " And so much bad in the bst of s, ; That it scarcely behooves any of us " To talk about tbe rest of us. In the death ot ur. unariee Dorcan Mclver, the State Normal lost it pilot, tne Tbe country is trying to sccus- tom itself to an honest man to administer federal affairs. Uot one who talks a equare dear and lies to Judge Parker, and favors tariff reform until ordered to stop, but a man who is Jcur square and his nacre is Dry an. were told at an average of nearly 11 cents a pound. Do ring tbe pre in In m sale the average waa IS cents. ' Some selling as high as hO cents a pound. iTtiaf Mektraitl. Tbe meetiog will be daripg IV r Week which will levare low ra 1 road fare aod ahoali Jslao (nture a targe alUadacce- Let tvtry coantj be repmeoted by a Ursa delegation tt tepeeeoUlitefar avert II. ill L Dt Fo roll ore Dralera, Fateral rectors and lnbalraera. If wr p!re ) oti, tell other; if ret. kiln.. Osr liberal arroea toolaUcca are iora fr K!LLt couch g curtryni.unc3 Or. King's How Discovery r ctxram; evee 51 S rwt aa ft CNr C-e niaoar a lux a ro; i t a. e xsarxT aacz. I! IV MIU UU the SAklax. "My mother has soddenly been and othtra iotreted ia the move- I fertBt Prkew Wt'U Tiemt PMIir reeae the rtecee. There s grave danger from tbe plague of Cougha and Colda tha. are an prevalent, onloss you take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Ouphe and Colds. Mis. Geo. Walls, cf Forest City, M . write-: "D's a CJodaend to College has lost it P'OH lDO peopl living io climate where women or Kortn Carolina , nbs and colda prevail. 1 find lostafirni friend, and tha btti ,t aQckjy tofo ibem It preveots has lost a broad-minded, active I pneUmOUia,;urseLaGiIipetgivs .irirpn. Tbe who'e COmmonweaun i ...r-i r,i:,f i. Aathma and can look upon his career ana say . Feyer, and makes weak lutgs His life was gentle, and the ltO0(P eooogh to ward off Coo elements so mixed in him tnat j fQmpt.0Dt Coughs and Colda. too nature might stand up and say to nd l qq . Guarantee by Statoa all the world, " - - '& Zvellen. Trial bottle Tree. . Thia waa a maul 1 S made jouog at 70. Twenty yea t of loteoae aotTeriog from dyspe( si a had eLti'eJy disabled her, o til six mooths ago. when she t e gao takiog Electrlo Bitters, which have completely cuied her a a leetored the strength and sctivliy she bad io tbe prime of life,' wri'ea Mrs. W. L Ollpatikk.of Deoforth, Me. Greatest reabita- tive mdiclae on tie adobe. Kelt htooiacb, - Liver aod Klodejt right, ' porldes the blood, aod cores MaUrle, It.lioaaoess aod Weekoease. Woodetfal Netve I Tonic. IMce 60c Outran teed by btalon A Zoeller. iMna liaUiTlnil-rn!a ansnt It it tbe ointoa of the et'l is formed that tbe cottoo crop witl not be as lare as was thocgol socae m a e VMasago, aca acave very decided action ia 11 ea ei.l to. briog the prod a cvri the taxsrj tbey shoold irceite for it. There ahotld lea fU atltt.4 aoce attach ef tLe coealy meeting 'a tbe firat Selarday in thicker to discoaa tbia aod and other iatioca of iraporuftbce to the AaeucUuocul Let OS Ibow oer iotereet sad lo. - slty to the Aiaocis'ioo by alUfidiaf the rnceli T. B. Parker. Sec. Jt. C Dir , d. C. A, HUht lUgU Y Cixht The km to save de t fc-rcvt U. Cotvtrsciort sad r-oIUtra. . .-.11 Any jb. Js'ta as. A U e are ae cbe.p aoj. at4 . gmaraoleee. l'acs m4' tfnt.U. tavios fsrfile4 da ! Mala aod WaUx Sis. ricct 1 gitro tail tie fee. e bj drjs.! I wiU attend Ite fvtloeinf l!ar la LLe eeveval Ucri;e -e tte data laiid brtow foe X9 parpteeof teeiig Sad ex W tieg tatae for IM: T.enhp 7, C'OacVe', Kaiarday, Oct . 6 . No. 3. pred. Teradar. 11. . Na. S, t oak4ryt We'.weljj, Ot. I. No. 4,' t Ae reare, Thar!aj , t Vt. 11. Na. 1rrtii, TrJ-lil. CV. 1. N.. W hi! at tea. Mil. Ort. U. N . tuife!., isat. tt ur V. .;4 Sata,Tee.ta-t IC. No P. Xr'-aei-l. Iet. IVt.??. e. . 17. Oct. IA- N. ir. i:-ke Mu'-Im rr. Tridaj, M. I- e. It, l t?ltt UVW dav. i;. tl4'tX "h ia.a ef aa-l N'ef . I etd ie rraoe fVj di-b!y w al say tw ts Taite-ew, daily, Ui lie aae t-itfm. u. r. nxvreos, aifUaUU lfarx-ae. TTtarwat tha parties involved and tuns au boxes or rent,

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