BE YQXJ A-JRK RIGHT ; THESIS' GrO AJEjCb: AD.-U Orockntx VOL. 84. NO. 41. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER II. 1906. ESTABLISH ED IS22. A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" J What is known as the "Blues js seldom occasioned by actual exist ins extern J conditions, but In the great majority of cases by a disorder edLiVLR a. THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of They c ntrol and regulate the tJVTER. They brin? hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. . TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE.- CASTOR I A Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Hate Always Bought Bears the Signature of S7 fl FL- siciaa and Surgeon, Tarboro, X. C. 'Phone No. 1 56. fi r. usorial Artist and Hir- suit Pecorator. Two doors from Bank of Tarboro Lr'IiKD CULLEY. BABBEB, TAKBOKO, N.C 1NL!. !'.. HYATT, V . "FUWNITURE AND UNDER TAKER, (w :; Iay & fledges Stables !.-( phone ?0. Tarboro, N, C. OFTIIEHIGUTKnC The resolutions that we publish which the negroes of this town and vicinity adopted are rather verbose, but the speeches or talks made in approving thera were of the riht ring. The meeting was well attended and by negroes who would do credit to the race anywhere. There was no attempt to mince matters. Each speaker showed by his earn estness that-he was opposed to lawlessness and when it caiue to ravishment he was one with the best of whites. - v . , . ' The meeting was no prepared affair, there were no Bet speeches. Nathan "Williams and a few other good citizens of his race called the meeting and there was a court room full of theuK Those who heard the brief talks that were made had no doubt of their sin cerety and good faith. . The Southerner has frequently asserted that we had negro citi zens that would compare with the best. The meeting gave ample ev idence of this. Bat have we enough? W hope so, for we believe that there is enough leaven iu the two hundred who unanimously adopt ed these resolutions in no per functory manner which with con tinued efforts will leaveu almost the entire loaf. That meeting started the ball in motion, we hope that its rol ling for the upliftiig and better ment of the race will not be per mitted to stop. jjB.C.A WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. G. O'.ncs hours y to 1 and 2 to 6. , R. DCLN WILLIAMS,- scrgeon Dentist. i tafNityms Oxide and Oxygen Gas aciniuisWed in the extraction of teeth TARBORO. . ........ ....N.C. Virtaeaof Prf naerr. As a stimulant of the sense. perfume has its use. If it be ot the pure and unadulterated kind made from flowers, it is a whole some aid to well bein? and cood health. Its artiseptic qualities make the old fashioned plan cf sprinkling it . upon the handker chief a sensible o'w, ! ecHwse ib hiiuukei chief id ou cfiea uuilvy t carrying infection. But it is by means of a spray that the per fumes recommend scent to be con veyed' to the person, and by pour ing 6 little into the palm of the hand. ' - v JAME5 M. NORFLEET Attorney at Law Room Norfleet BldgW. St. James Street, Tarboro, N. C. t A. ZOELLER, C? Gasoline and Steam Engine Kxpert, Adjusting of Gasoline Ed .siie? a specialty. d6twtf E l)V;iX F. FENNER, IIYICIAN AND SURGEON -icently occupied by R. G. Allsbrook, Esq. !CK IfA J3 T Wj a Another fashion that has lately arisen is that of scenting the hair. Women wear perfumed caps at night, undergo the dry shampoo at the hands of their maids with or rib powder, and havt th. ir hair biushed with perfumed oils, after which it is burnished with the palm of the hand and a silk band kerchief pad. Scent bags are sewd into the hats that are worn, to intensify the perfume used -on the head These help to distribute the odor iar and wide. Rose "perfume is a favorite at present, and hearts of Persian roses, little pinkish petals dried almost brown, are strewn whole sale in cupboards among body linen, in the escritoire ana in the handbasr. Russian leather is an other odor that is popular, in liquid and in actual stripe of aromatic skin. Ean de Cologne is still acknowledged as a most splendid vitalizer but is only - . . -w- healthy when it is pure ana .ng iish lavender water still has its votaries. London Mail. TMCikia Paurlat. , The Washington Post has never had an exalted opinion of the Cu ban patriot. Wh'ila the Post in its inimitable style speak with teem ing levity yet there are chunks of truth in what it says atid betwten the Hues: Ve aw ait with genolrioanxkty the outcome of StcreUry Tafi'e effort to disarm the Cnban revo lutionists. It has beu ttied Lefoie and has never yet tacred-d. Even in 16U9 or was it llhjut when President McKiuley sent his rnend, Kobert r. Porter, to tie island with g3,00o,000 in co!d cab not to disarm the berj of Uumex and Maceo, but to purchase their weapoLS at 75 acb, the result was visible only in a collection of ancient blunderbusses and other archaic weapons, absolutely use less and 'interesting chit fly as relics of the s xteenth ceutury. They took the money all right. Old Gomez emerged from tl e chaparral, for the first time io three years, and al: the eeuetals. colonels, majors, c stepped op to the ofhee and got their tnouey. But the United ritatt-n tecelved nothing mere valuable than a lot of junk aud scrap iion which would have been wastefnlly expeusive at 2 cents a pound. Arituins from the past to the present. wht rea son have we to suppose that the Cuban bushwhacker will surren der for civilization's sake that whicn they refused to surrender a few years ago for real money? -But of course ilr. Tait does not actually expect to get those guns. lie is far too wise and too experienced. The proposition is part of the appointment ot com mittees, and all that sort of thinp; the" commissioning of numerous gentlemen who haven't held an office or drawn a salary for ever so long; the launching of solemn and picturesque confabulation, which the typical Cuban loves much bet ter than he doe Lis life. What the typical Cuban yearns for above all other hapciaes in this sablnnary spheie, i the livery of coiiiUqueoce. the opportunity to ca.-er m the H'lifltljr, tte warrant loi t'isplay aLd puget.t.y. Abit wll these - blessings becretary lalt now showers on him with a fat and friendly hand. In effect, be says to them: "Be good and ftbow devotion to the country of your birth and love. You are all burn ing to sacrifice personal ambition on the altar of Cuba a glory and renown. I know it by the smoke which so gracefully curls. Ta-taJ I deoendupon you.' Bit he knows c tLe -a.jn uiu, iL ch-iI -4tilc army will do t ntana he will pai) away from Havana, acrot-8 the eemi-!ropic'af under standing perfectly weil tbat it makes not the slightest difference whether the champions of liberty disgorge or not. It is only fair to call attention to these features ot the Uul a a situation. We owe it to our fun loving readers to give them the key to the burlesque. Gaf- er our Jack of All "Trades pump w;ttt: . saw wood, cut feed tnd do i vue that a eooa reliable line Engrine can do for vou. A cata ne for the asking. I sell a - k i ; i ! o f machinery for cash or ( t lit R. A. ZOELLER. .vi am PS HOWARD, . County Attorney. 1 in the Court House . lancemtn. lce All! The Edjrecombe County Farm ers' Alliance will meet with Ex oolainr Snb-Alliance. No. 790 at school house No. 1, near J. M. Howell's, on Thursday, Oct. 11th, im ot 12 o'clock m. A full at tendance is earnestly desired. R.G.Hart, Secretary. A VBDC Mather l . "My mother has snddtnly been made youDg at 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from dyspep BiA bad entirely disabled ber, on til six months ago. when she fce- ean takinz tlectrio Bitters, which ... wa .. have completely cuiea ner anu reHtored the strength and activity she had in the prime of Ii'e, writes Mrs. W. L Gilpatrick, of Danforth, Me. Greatest retia- tive m?dicine on tne pioi r. o -ia stomach. Liver atid Kiudeya ncrlit. nurinea the blood, and eures Malaria-, Bdiusne8 and Weaknesses. Woideiful erve Tonic Price 60c. Uuaranteed by Staton &. Zoeller. Ckliklwkki. The Chinese Court is one of the prou J st in the world, hon-stly lelievinir, itself to be without a rival in dignity or In resources or in a kind of divine light to prl tuary among the natiots. It is as impatient of threats from mer cLants as we onc were of threats from French culoneU; and t hour a owing tt a long tradition of mili tary weakness, it finds evaaioo and trickery rier than defiance, a i imam. a ii wcuui, ii u aarHi, prefer to wrap itself up in a kind of deaf piide and leate the birbamna to complain as long- aa they pleased without reul . Ithaaalvaa bitheito cootid- ete1 any appeal to fvrce aa vuler and violeotr but the aucceaa of the Japanese, both in iuportiog West era civilisation and winaine bat tles, has acted la Pekin as the solvent of those old prejudices. The statesmen who govern, forcwd by the wounded pride of their eubjrctr, who rage at their rob miaeivecess, are williog to accept "reiorms," but intend by reforms something very different from the meaning usually assigned to the word in Euiope. They are seeking for more in- depeudeDce tht is, for better means of defying or punishing pieeure from the barbarian world. If they could but secure an army and a fleet like those of Japan tby would be content to leave all othet reforms Ibe Boxer moyen.ent, which was a aponlaneous as well as a fierce one, was not a movement for n-ore liberty, or more juatice, or even lighter tuition, but was an effort to compel the com t to rid itself of the foreigner and his in fluence. It is an army, not a con stitution, which the governor genetalof Peehill is striviog to found, and it Is by no meat s clear that he will cot ucced in found ing iL 8ome European observers say h s new fortes, 120.000 ttrong are extremely well drilkd, fairly officered, and provided with all necessary mu onions. China has large undeveloped resources, and a mobile aimv,eren though small, 1 a mot eCicient instrument fur reiving tie. The court, too, has had two ex peri- en era which ha v dissipated many of its lurking fa rs. It u&d to dread Buaaia xceillcglj; and it has seen the Russian armies driv en Dace by Aioogois like lU-owo subjects, men, indeed, whom it has been taught by tradition to regard as the inferiors ot Chinese. At the same time. It has found that it own abi'ity toflr is a fsriuid Hlc iuj'ttuent of Jefeucs. t saw qa.te as clearly ss the European statrsmen that a march on biDan from the coast was a wore dangerous enterprsse than H a rope wou'd consent to under Uke. Uithio a few years, therefore. tbe army of China may be locreas ed to 6O0.C0O meo,and an invasion of tbe country will be as nearly impossible as ever ait ee there- treat of 1812. tbe lovaaion of Russia has been held to be by all serirus soldiers. With tbat force tbe court will fetl safe, and sveiy grandee of a fottign ambassador will be reduced to a kind of glori fied dioputaot on international aw. Spectator. V X TED 10,000 lbs of bees a, wool, and feathers. J. Zan iltr. I5tf OF It was a little, newly arrived ;tpr that nurse held in her arms. and seven-vear-old Robbie stood fxrTi-t -rt,E-Tvri id I ionlnnRlv inspectinGT her. lo his X U J JJm VAA11 A. AM I J wv - w v TV A A. V W A . f attract iye than any mtie sisier oi thA nther bovs that he coma re mtR.)wr. and he felt a keen thrill f auan'oointment. So he put his hands deep in his pockets like nana, wrinkled up his nose, and, regarding the" new acquisition navae-elv. said: "Well, I call that ptetty near a failure.'' Cincinnati Commeieial Tribune. Tk VrfBtMl rMMi The court room lut evening was comfoitab:j filled with oor leading citisena called together the recent attempt at dastardly ot. trace. Rev. R, C. Cravto was called to tbe chair . and Frank Powell made secretary, ilr. Craven said tbat be need not d sell on the criraa tbat brought forth such so blags. The meeting s be nnderstood it was to cobsider wh: t under tLecircnmatances would beat serve and promote the peace, good o hr.nd quiet of tbe commwiitjr, bat as CapU W. 11. Pewtll, be bv lievedwasone of tie leaders io bringing about the meeting Is would ak him for aa er-reion cf his viws: Capt. Powell said that la his opinion much of the lawlessoeew was due to Idleoeea and he favored turning the meeting oto a good government club and ap pointing committee of 23 of our best citizens to act with a similar number of eegroea, for be believed tbat they were seriously in earnest Io their declaration, to stop loaf log. Tbat to rut aa end to Idle ness, there must be no temporizing but the strong hand most be used firmly, diacreelty and Justly. This proposition was received with applause and reading of tbe perceediegs of the negros was call ed for and had. Rev. Mr. John was called for. lie said that he had lived with os too brief a time to be acquainted with local conditions, bat he reali zed the necessity of doing some thing and he was with na heart and soul. Capt. It. A. Watson said that be agreed with Capt. Powell. Col. J. W. Cotton did also aad urged that the town and county keep here blood houoda, a soggta tion tbat was promptly approved. S. 8. Nash spoke on the evils of Idleness and lbs effect not only la conducing to crime but demoraliz ing all set rants to tbat the domes tic servant problem was pressing for solatAoa. Dr. James Philips said tbat since his return here he had fouud a decided change for the worse with servants, who were cot" only trifl- ' log but often iosoltlogr l.c fvcr ed positive arlioo. II. A. Gillian favored hsviog the colored people cooperate; that such cooperation could be made most effective, and he bsd no doubt of the grod faith cf the ne groes who had met the evening before. Opt. Jas. B. Lloyd believed idleness to be tbe root of much lawlessness; that shoold be stopped and tbe one who would not work should be tnsde to walk. F. S. WUklnsoatald ranch of the crime committed by the negroes was doe to taking govern ment from tbe stranger la This had wide too many of the race disregard ful of the Southern white. Education was tbe sore Elsewhere it will be seenthst the Democrafe will In a few days begin their eanvaxs. It U Chair man Alhbrock's idea to bare the canvas abort and sUeoceo, tak ing as little of tbe time of tbe vo ters as is consistent with r si log tbe Imucs. At there w ill be only ooe apeak. log in a locality, there should be a Urge to- bo it on that day. All c f cutcan file joe day to hear leg tbe speeches which will be good ones. There are no derwys on tbe Democratic ticket, each aad every ooe siocerely relieves la tbe raa-e and principle of the party tbtl has tKiminalrd aim. Tom oat and hear lb eta. Success says tbat tbe most just ly celebrated passage of English proe literature Is ooe from Car-1 rem dy, but that took time a od I e write Pave lUTs Great Wild Wcat Show arrived btredotieg tbe early hours Fri. mortriog aad piubrd tbeir ttnU in tbe Commons. There wjs bustle and baslle sad strena osity for awhile ssch as woo Id bav highly dahgbtad PrraUeot Room valt, bad be wilaeawd tbe auload. log, aad rrvparstiortfor tbe parade. Tbe small bojs. aad some large ones too, were ep before the glorious sun bsd walked o'er yon high Kira hMV to tbe real aggrr gallon aa tbty diaro.Urked al tbe nulroad sidiog. Tbe day has Wea UUJ fwf outdoor performances sod Ibtrt was qoiu a crowd of people on the lreU old, yoaogr wkiu aad black to witora lbs grand parade which was Indeed a very cradtUUs and unions affair. The show opened in the after ooon and those who attended It no doubt thoroughly enjoyed the en trrtalaipg per forms Dev. The arena represents as far sj poaaitle the plains of the the Far West in pioneer dsya and git aw an eiart rvpeodo'tioti of lite la tbe West st thai peviod of out coea try's history, with Indians, BaCa !o,Broochos and poalea, Pawnee Bill has an exhibition ut tie Far Eaat also. In hka nalqne sccre gstioa are reprrsentatives of tbe FarEaatcrn conatries, there beicg Turks, Hiodoon, Booth Africa a Kaffirs, Filipinos Randans ard Jspa. The show la all rrv1 cum par ra fturb!y wlia tiu0a Bill's. The rsrsde wasararly to talks la leegth, bring tbeloogeat evtr s en here. Tbtre are three bond rid and fifty people w Ith tbe abow and they isve threw band red and eighty seven borar, t9Ulrs tie pbsoif, camels, burros, aad beffs loea. Iloraemanablp, of a high azd akblful order, was a stroec ard entertaiolng feature of tbe gerfor meace, aad tbe mllltsrj evolatioce were rendered sklllfslly, rivlag a splendid Idea of what Uacle Baza's boys ran do on tbe field of battle. Pawnee Bill's show Is free from all skin games, tricks aad Kke& of deception lo fact there ts nothing bit clean! leem and derwory about this great show. 12) alam Wmj&eiz DISTINCTIVELY A CREAM OF TARTAR BAKING POWDER Royal do not ccstaLn ca ctcta cf phosphatic add (which is the product of bones digested in sul phuric acid) or cf aJura (which b one-third sulphuric add) substan ce adopted for ether baiin pow der because of their cheapness, we -9" ctt. t-w m. ww a.K.r .sew.aa. J-vLKOK L.VXH. Idcaireto eiprr4toap;4 1 will Mt1T .N iWlili of Tarboro uacrre tbaoka for si IS M. t is c-n tbeir nuv kiaJMMi klJ ,, IeUt.. airs st tbe 5othl done ft lends aaasre preciats tVaa J. PCLSnirrt. - la ..UwdedU.aa.laat M.v I r lL twrui f mt dwr w if;. I I T'"': . ' . .V eg taorw eid hsi. U. IZ'r.r ""r. mii by any people tbsa tav J f ,V'..IU,'T did for me lbe. aad I i i 1 r J . . 44i urrva tow that no owe col4 ar- .ITTi'. " ! ' . bat ion d4 ror aubi, 7 .7 " T. V'? XX) YOU GET TJP WITH A LAilX BACH? Kilary Tmtk Salts Tea X:ri. rtw imS In. V. Z-rt h - ri c h m m r x. a. . 1 t-f. rl O f t at S.trT a4 hfM II, r a!. ttiim -4 ISw U.&jv a! iri(l t ua U U lorm til ftm. tw. Kumi 5wwttaM U a turn! tw-r ja aw4. t 1 iHwtUitf i tiV t crop eltltalvd. a4 lleneU tnr"d atsieof rs'ttUia. foe ftiriber pari ice! r W. II. fl.vata. TbtaO.-Uler la, .. M uwuNS tr PVaiTcMlOJcT . - - ... .1 If. ti. J K. r.-i, . p. i rvirwk iralta. Ku-rt J .stva Jralsa, lln Jal. ts. i J.a. La Jal tla ';it4 MUtl W. I. Kva. i i. D Jitiiiftt'iM e4 jrafc ollcr. 4v "'w' wW t wm a4 la hum rt. al U I . . . ' al trwl U. W t a WU ( (f W IwU. a W a l-4 la ftaZtawt l t mXr t im. Ukrt mJUi aisa r;;rV- gaainn mrt ll J; a4 4 A Caw, lf.WtiM. ?t. t. rrr-M i it: - AoiU mtm tnciV a n n cd4 kr mil rt Ctrr rl mmf MUl. K tmm.m IV , 9ara4. I". K.wM at bm kVtfM, tu-t , iw. N. m eT MUft. mm. LOW PRICES AND HIGH STANDARD . m at aaak A LIQUID GOLD GUBh LAXATIVE COUGH SYRUP THE ORIGIHIl mm QUALITY I" ail at our store. We have a Mii'Plv of very attractive Daortr rrm tbe Pfn- There's grave danger from the W It h oni thinor rnn . .... u J 1 " ' "fc J " . ' ( strive to merit the contin : " i of patronage of all the peo, I' :;f;l promise satisfaction in all mi : oiling. . 1. 1 J. L 1 inurfanrl are read v to serve I nuDn nf Coushs and Colds tl a " I v , ' . i w are so prevalent, uihbm juu i.o Dr. King's Sew Discovery for nnnHii motion. Coughs and Colds. M,a Geo. Walls: of Forest City, Ma. write: "It's a Godsend to onia livinc in climates where UCUC'V o ha and coU8 prevail. 1 it nnicklv ends them. It prevents . X .ri.i.n. mvaa Pneumonia, curas uuncFri wonderful relief In Asthma und Uay Feyer, and makes weak lungs nnnirh to ward ff Con- Eumption, Coughs and Colds 60o andilOO. Gaaranteed by Btaton & Zoellers. Trial bottle Free. Tka a4 Clam BWiom 4 tka Braty Baa as i niA or a Caiiph nearly always pre- 4r conatiDtlon the water all mm to the aye, nosa and throat Instead of pawlnr. out ' . .... .4 LMmm rj iKjt nffl lnrourn uii ura j For tha want of moisture mo do i-vwh.w nranl hard " Nearly an oinercouen ara consticaung. espcciaiij "-. 'Kr-nnodr'a Laxathra Honey and Tar moves tha bowels, contains no OpUtea. it ii re Dealers, Funeral rectors' and Etnbalmers. Di ' 1 w p'.tase ou, tell others; if not, v. llus. Our liberal accom modations are yours for the asking. ,-' v 1 " " ! s Prices t We'll Treat Kight You Eight Abe ilace to eaye don't forget -it. i 7 - . i. m m" TJ. -X. e"W hle's "bat tor Reeaitos.'' litre w It is: VL'ke some wild Aiming, wild tbunderinc train of Llesveo 's Ar tillery, does this mysterious Mao kind thunder and flame, in long drawn, quick aaoceedisg gran deur, through tbe unknown Deep. Like a God created, fire breathisg Bpiri: bust, we eioerge fiom tbe Inane: baite stormfuWv across the astoLlsbed Eartbt then plnoge agsin Into tbe Inane. Ltrth'a mountains are Ievsled, ana ner seas filled od. in our passagei eu tbe Ertb, which is but dead and a ylsio-, reUt spirits which hnrs realitv and are alirtr Un the oard esl adamant some footprint of us is stamped in; tbe last Hear of tbe hoat will read traces ot ths Earl I est Vso. But whence? O Ueaven, whitbei? benae knows not j Faith knows no; only tbat it is through MtsUrv to Alystery. from God to (od." oold not go into that subject, but merely say that a lion and a lamb coold be taught to lie down together. lie favored prompt action to stop Idleness and loafers. The motion to eppolot a commit tee of Jo to co-operate with ora- mitteeof like number cf negroes was carried unanimously. The chairman- who will appoint th se gentlemen was addetto tbe com mittee. Capt. Llojd suggested that the joint committee as soon as practl caUe issue an address to toe cm- sens, pointing out what was expected of the dUsena. This was approved and with some pertinent remarks by tbe chairman, the meeting adjourned. KENNEDY'S LAXATIVE HOHEYriTAR y Relieves Colds by worklnr them out of tha system.through a coploua action of tha bowels. , , . y RcUeyea Coughs ty cieansrK .uenKthenlnc V?..SStf the throat. cnesi, iung Died At hi home near here Thursday nifht. William Ilogeater aged 77. Hi death was rttbersodien and is attributed to kidnej trouble, .le was a true Confe-lerate soldier and a member of Co. I, 13th regiment, lie leates a wife and one ebild, Mr. Thomas Sutou. rlMali( Mr. Rockefeller ssys limit op portunity snd yon stop national growth. Quite richt, Uockletold boy sod that's why tl dislike the btandara uu. result form chronic constipation, which is quickly cured by Dr. Kinz's New LUe Pills. They re- v rrn whooruzConrh,lsCrrppa, I move all Doisonous iferms from inflnenxa. Broncnitis, and all mXhtrm Rod infuse new life 'u SrrSZ& and ,igor; cure sour, SnS and TarT Children Xika It. J nausia, bcade, dixzine and IT i-,ciOomi$i.oobowattsL.a- colic, without griping or discom. , - gold by E. B. L. Cook. & Zoeller, droggUts. HP VERUIFUGE at Ow mm f4. U4mmm'm4 T 1 lul ka, mv4 U livr C Unit tM t1 tk MM 4, y. II k mmmm mm i rr. II mm . Im k If Y-". AAU4 m Jk a KUl nitrrs rcjtMjruoK a nxE Tens roa cbubui n m ua a Ulan, u u. an. et a.- xronri ae4etlewn:- Many a man of ho man im polsea, who would not wlUlorl) barm a kitten, is guilty of rrueif) were tU oo stomach Uroorvrn ed. Overdriven, overworked, w be what It needs Is aotstthleg ttal will digest tbe fod eaten and belt the stomach to rem p rate. Feme tbiog like Kodol fyprpaia thai is sold by U.E. L.Cock. ae ta rava. The Callsrd 4 Pal lard Co., man n factum of the celebrated Obellah floor, place la every package of floor tickets froca the small sack to tbe barrel. Tbewe tick eta ma all the way from 10 rents for tbe smallest sack toll for the barreil. Here ts what yon can get with tbeae tickets 3 In tickets, hair clipper. f 4 in tickets, carrier; sal, 17 tn tkkeU, act silver-plslrd spoons. laUrketa, set silver plaled forks. 19 la tickets, art silver pUbrd knives, tlO la ticket. 10 piece toilet set. r.0 in tickets, W piece dieses Set. 150 In tickets. Obelisk sew I or machine. Tbrwe p retain ma are all firsidawa. Tbe sew log rnarblae la aa gwd aw tbetst. All grocers handle Ibis Coor. Ask your groorr for OUliak." A sSavsry (.In or boy, tn m of wnnaa, is qaWl'y out of pals If UatkJvs s .tra Pal re te applei proplr. G J Welch, of fekooha, llicrx,aa)t "I ns tl ia mf faaaily for sore, rata aod all akin icjane. aad fiad U pei feci. Qukkeat file care known. Bat bealisg salve mad. Sa at UXoo ft Zoest's dreg tort. If they l w vvms. w m a4 hare tbe !- cwrrvrtl. If)ear head .acbre jta tty , at a rale. aUrtbnte Ihe tw la 4fvV . Ive vfcaiow. ittu rpAit, w th treat mral la soe , jw will find to ba tbe cure. aa foilows: llarb day tn etewc ralardav. frtwai lo at rowi-w, lit 13 aal Z.2. si OwVe, Sept. r, al TarWtfw, Hotel rafrar. ci. W.MKWrjnttX. tkartwrcf Oy.r in, ' .tl.UW II L. .a t. 4 m mxi i ii c I'.v.'vck iaaoit.ti4 I iw I I. C l:W I HI a a.-J ia- Sw M mm t Wlr uriw W.I o-'f-d, t J. a. U, i. i.i. a-v it f MI-m l f5 e t-a e f 4 r-Ka. js "r cf H.-m9Vm0 t. ? it t MM i . (.. lmvttt Urn W Mr4M Mk a J wa a 4 r m hm Car.i 9 5 ifr curt fr l a l hi a i r4.s. - . CritS rvt A T. wI.M1 f Sill HANK OFTJtUUUUU. Cardial SXW Da pea va. I t irV- J. P. rV ackao 4. Prw J T. !ta4. V t. Ja i. Cf-aa, Caa t ee. U v lUrv. A t Sata'v t ss Sot 0. D. WAGXEU, TotuwUx and IlatU. Drlek axd tlravy tYk St!irai aUaaiee Pnxaptly Kerak-t I. aw aa jty S tlal tlwtwr 1 wtU eftrcd tae fwi5 ;tava in lie rv4 lw imVi m IU !a ivixaJird U Ike pf r- tllt.g s4 r:tifra 1st' IW !--: Tbip 2, i MVe, JilAlisy( On. t. N. 3. ?rwd. T4t, CVt. 9. No. f, takSj. Vtdw4j. fVrt. No I, Lajaraww.TVwJlOA. II. '., atiAArsa, Hal. M. IJ. X . 7. lUlit, Sal. CVt. ?3. No. ,flhaita,la.Cacl. 1C. No . Mare 144, e I. Or. 5 7. YOUIt I'AMILll wmi p M'r3 -ay. Alaofkio lick -riar Vai soft, delljcbtfa! and a kUMf ewrw. PEVCOIA BOTTUXG W3RIS PaowlU. DstTalo Lkk Epcis Glaxr Alt snrpw-a tbe ttprid- Xrt it. '. 10, Oct, 17. S. II, llarta, ltrwiay. Oct, If. 12, P.wke Mt. V Oct. 57. N. 13. W.J. lC9Ut'mUm Friday, ikl-1 Na. It, ar', U'anra l.y. 17. N'er. 1 i I t rw hf dety at tar -3mtw la Tit, 4ai y So the a r-ii;. II. r. tA- MIX. k7 l!aal C. f t PANOLA tfAtUY Tire MCk Cfwawi Palrot will (rW&e lhtr erdars lo tbece Ne. 2 tla. WW i I I .! 1 V it i r r.nnnH curcthi Lurica rrra Dr. King's New Discovary CWXWTSCS rM.a axslaaf t?itt A tm.MAA C TTtfcOAT a IVUKO TXOC X a aTT

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