BE'SUBE YOU ABE RIGHT ; TELE3ST GO AJBCB AJD.-P Crockett ;L.S4 N-42- TARBORO, N. C. . THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13. 1906. ' , : ' . .' .... r . ESTABUSMED 1822. -o U H 11 I " - a-waa " aa aaeuer ,. iw.r!,'nfli a Diiraos nantr i have been !'" .... u - ' ' . .. i. :.. it . t.Wi a n u remove gloomy lee- ;! j i:-ar coated. ., ttSTORI'A IA -W r-- 1 x Infants ara Lnuarem - Ljjil lull liu: miiuju uwuiu LB !!V.V Under the above heading the Atlanta Journal says: II. Q. Well?, the interesting Englishman, whobas been-among u taking notes, speaks of onr use of child energy as 'the weakest spot in America's -fine front of national well-being.". And he writes with abhorrence of noctur nal child employment. ,'Jost think of it! he cries with pained astonishment. 'The ticheBV greats est country the world has. ever seen has over one million seven hundred thonsand. child red under fifteen years of asre toilintr in fields, factories, mine?, -and work shops." He point out that there are not lew than eighty thousand children, most of whom are eirls. t&e y at present 'employed in the textile &diter7XJ&uM I mill of the country. In the south he affirms, there are now mx times as many children at work as there were twenty years agro. Mr, Raymond Patterson has been making a personal .investi gation of child labor, visiting them as thev toil in the hideous heat of the glass blowing- furnac rooms; in the danp darkness of the coal mines; the slime and reek Of the stockyards; the dull mono, tony of the tenements, under ground and otherwise, where the sweat-shop sewing .is dpne. The tale he has to tell is a terrible one made thrice terrible by the fact that in not a few cases a family ia partly or entirely dependent on the labor of some child, who. real izing this, carries consciously his burden of responsibility. He tells of one boy who, being fearfully injured, was taken to the hospital, and n when he saw his mother's tears, fancied thetn shed because the family would be kept out of his pitiful weekly wage. ; UXDER- taki: ; i ' ay ice p:i- I teles' Stables j Tarlcro,.N. C. EKEAD, in Dentist t r iKBOKO, N.O. iour-; to 1 and 2 to 5. D0.N WILLIAMS, fcroD? Ox: and Oxygen Gas faction of teeth N. C. Attorney 3. - Ll.l.'i' I.EET at Law Lldg, V. St. ?ti't-et. l iuboro, X. C. A.ZOELLr.n, Gamine ul1 Steam Engine t, Adj'i.-ciLi j: of Gasoline Ed- ispecia'.tv. d6twti Danfer Frn the Pfce. There's grave danger from the plague of Coughs and Coids tfca are so prevalent, unless j ou take Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Cnchs and Co?ds. Mis. Geo.. Walls, of Forest Citv, 8 H .UOd8ei:t ItH climMe- V jei. joaghs and 'Onls prevail, i lind it quickly ends them. It prevents Pneumonia, curs.- LaGrippe, gives wonderful relief in Asthma and Hay Feyer, and makes weak iutgs stiong enough toward off Con ram pt ion, Cous.-t people )ivitj 2" i & Zoellers. Trial bottle Free. tt Jack of All Trades pump ,saw,wo"'l. t ut feed and .do errictf tL-it- a cool reliable ise Eiiiut- can do for you. A ?ae fur the asking. 1 sell dus ol mac tinier y for cash, or ; It A. ZOELLEE. il y Jltlt Him 8tl. "Jini'' CorbeU, erstwhile Srk. Twain Describe let ef t'a. A myriad of men are born; they labor and sweat and strangle for bread; -they squabble and sold and fight; they scramble for little mean advantages over ach othsr; age creeps upon them; infirmities folio; shames and hnmiliation bring down their pride" and tbtir vaoitie; thooe thv Jove are taken ffm them, and the joy of life is turned to achlne grief. Tb bnr pain, care, misery, "jrrows heavier ytar by venr; at letgtb, ambition is dend, pride i dend, vanit ia cead; lonring for release is in ttveir place. It comes at last, the omv. unpoisoued cift earth vrihad"h:uiV-ai.t( ihoy vanish irom a world wnere they wre ot no consequence: where tlierachiev i nothing; wnere thev were a mistake auJ a failure and a foot ishness; there, ihcv have Ielt no sjgu that they have exited a world which will lament them a day aud forget tbitiu forever. Then another myriad taKe their place, aud coi'iet all they did. and gsts along the name profitless road, aud vanishes a they vanished to make' room for another, and another, ind a million other my riads, to follow the ftauje arid path tbe tame desert,and accomplish what the first inyrud, Mnd all the myriads that come after it. Accomplished nothing. From his "AntobiocraDhv'' iu the North American lteview. AMP HOWARD, County Attorney. See ia v.-.- Court House. L"TEL-!".i)U0 lbs of bees vool. and leathers. J. Zan- 15tf iua: WILLI A Alb, lonsoria! Artist and Hir- suitlWorator. doors from Bank o' Tarboro :i D. JLNivLNiS, Physician and Surgeon, oro,X (j. 'Phone No. 156. fUEDCL'LLEY. BARBEE, TARBOEO, K.C WIS nK ia: Alls U.JA .1 Contrrt; 'L: iEi ar.- -: ir.'l r.r,.' i KXNER, AND SURGEON v occupied byK. G. 'k, Esq. If heavyweight champion of the! world, bad stood in the Crirriuat Court this morning when Judge Harlau sentenced William Le compte, of Presstnaan etreet, tr two years in the penitentiary for stealing a horse valued at $500 from Dr. Henry "jr. Uil he wouia probably haT shed tears of sor row at the plight of the lad. Le compte told Judge Harlan that "Gentleman Jim' and bis bhow, "Thtf Burglar and the Lady,' drove him to horse stealing. Lecompte took in the show at the Holliday Street Theater ou September 19, on the very day when he was employed by Dr Hill as a driver. Dr. Hill employ ed him. thoush be did not have- hia recommeudation in his pocket at the time. The pnysician ior wnom jjecompie iuiiuciij lived in the West End, and he promised to get the papers which would give him an unblemished name when the sun rose over the hills nu the next morning. Mean while he must eee "Jim'7 Corbett. Jndee. as 1 made my way io Bleed Poleealeg- resnlb form chronic constipation, which i quickly cured by Dr. King's Xevr-Lile Tills. They re move ail poisonous germs from the system and infuse new life and- vigor; ?are ur stomach. nau9ia, headache, dizziness and ;olic, without griping or discois- forrJ 25c. by Statou & Zeller, druggists. 9IiikJiU ia Stw Terk. '"Don't talk to Lie about moon shining in Kentucky,' sid the u ternal revenue -feiil. "There's n.ore moonshinifg going on all the tiaae in liitl old Hew i'ork than euld be dn in en Ken ckys. L. tLe crowd I h ch-tns fth Eut a tt v . ics stu Niric ' up riht uiuu aud for u wniUs coa- duct a dourishing bobiness in the low grade whisky thev manufac ture, xoaisee, itdoesn t tekemuch trouble to -quip f til 1 with eorn and yeast and start in to.mako the as a pretty poor sort of whisky. The great difficulty is iu getting rid of the peculiar smoke and odor from the stills without ex- ------r. r , , . aiicuiptcu .j -' w - - connectiou with a dye shoi cr more other chemical enterpns an a blind. We keep watch ou a-I such establishments and have the town well covered by snarp-eved venules Cerellaet Jaeelewa Esklelllea Jofeph E. Pogneis made com miseioner general for North Caro liua at the Jamestown El position. The State gricoltaral department will a'o hie a representative ther., vi ry proballj T. K. Broner, its ttcrtturj, who it cow at Bottoa at the fod fair." Th Bccto Anicricaa of the North Cron lina exhibit:' "Tti eihitit is in Paid Uerere Hall, opiuirs and u ne of tbe most beaatifol eshib;u of the products of a Sute, or couutry ever shown." II lr I acreage la Mecelele. Commissioner ofInsnraoceJ. il. Yonng has paid to the SUte treas urer 3.:M8. rvnresentinir the co lections in the insurance de partment lor September. Tbia makes rl20,352.10 for the fiscal yearsinee April 1a cain of $10.- 3J2.0D over the corresDondinir period of last year. The total col lections for the fiscal year eodiog last April were t-05,124.07. A de cided gain over these figures is already assured for the current year. Working Slyly. Our republican friends in this county are work and working slyly. They know that the voters of this county are Democrtts, but where cver they can salt in oa.e or in duce one not to vote they have aud are doing so. 'Democrats who wish party success should not fail to take notice of the facts, for they ore at their doors. They do not dare come oat in the open, their candidates that they have nominated do not dare come out aud declare that they en dorse the "White lilies" who ea dorse lioosevelt, Booker Washing ton and all that social equally stuff. They merely say nothing and ad vise their dupes to abstain from the polls provided they will not vote a white lily ticket. The candidates that they nomU nated, they say consented to ae copt lcfore they were nominated and that those who hare since de clined will arcept if elected. The injustice that they are doing to uch men may not occur to them, but it does to the outsider. a "nomination have a right to have tVir wishes respected. Those who have not, they can do what they T!caM, vrifb bconse tcir "iVfc! gives totmeut 10 any iaud every thing that the rvls may do. Democrats, however had better be on the oai .vive. It U a sly Money aod Watch StoUo I M.itwaf. . J. D. Camming with hit Wo Ia the that tht town U sons room in the d veiling of XT. R. milnT la the opera hooae, t lAvrencei ThU morning when 00,J Prt U general wUfc that they arote Mr. Commiogt found Jthereihall be no b2f waj laJnrM that the dollar be had ia bU l-t "ch an iaproretneot. The pocket wu miuiec sod hU aoadrtMlK rooss, we are aMorrd Kicbard tbea discoTtred that Uvu U right but oot o for money in bis pocktt. amoontiof jtber featorm. to fiva dollars was gone and also a I Tb orrheira should be rlaced ilver watcb, Udia siss. o that neither head nor piano can Tber bT no idea, when the obstruct a view. Tb roof above money and watch wtre etolea. I the stage should be so rabved that Wbtnthty went to thtlr rooms lf scenery ran be liOnl od aad tbey left the front door unlocked I not tide shifted la the combroot for Mr. Lavrsflce, bo did not wy w bMe lceo vorkiog. corns in at til an hear or tvol IWIJm (tilt it s (.. Mr. Cummlngs doe not think L.tUf.h.nM the .theft took place doriog tbU U.7T7 .7;. in.h should U then sold a. mcrved i v , v k vJ ... Di M Jtuii ceUia number U the might have been richer thU mom. 4plut iag bytWfor llr Cummingshad welrMl oordty fAlLer, that much ander his pillow. viII mnnMtUtM M . . ' . Tke stete. are to bare first class sttrar lions The 2G5 StsXe, private and sar- here we most oSTer accommoda- log banks in North Carolina hare tioos to match. The expen once aaseU anL33,3l203 1 iocurml will U a saving far tor. deposits accord ior to the iammary j Hereafter whether the plsy to be of sUtemenU lsued by Us Corpo-1 presented U by proftssionsU or ration CommissioQ. Some notable I onr own home folks, whoa we items mentioned In the statement I bould encourage in every way are capital stock paid In, $C,269r the stage will serve every pnrpoM. J51; sarplns fund 91,24,963.33; Oar opera hoo should be made nndlvided profits, 91,39,839. Last model. year this time there were 941,093,- ojv assets, oeren years ago when I tsv eU; the Commission took saperrUlon I Writing of the pmentatios of of these banks there were only 61, this play in Norfolk the Landmark the aggregate of asseU being 91 I of that city ssys: 275, tW "Not so sensational as tbt The CUnamaa,' yet soCcieo'Jy good to satisfy any and ience, ws the ver dict of everyone who witnessed tht premier performance of Thomas Died Friday morning one of tie little ones that Jesoa w sated vent to him. iferv Howard. Infint d&nrhtr of JobnlXand Mary U. Koigbt. PUon .four set comedy of a2ed 11 month, and 1 dsj. Sioce "a t Acadsmy Msv sbs bad been aflinr. all that I lt night. eooU be done to canst assimilation ",0 -e?tojC f Mr. IMtoo as a of f-od vas naarailitf, so the end P'-J'rlgbt, one Bstnrally tarns to cune. I The Usnarsaa far that was his first vent a re as a builder of play. At bis borne ia Eoskv MoooL Toe story of The One Worn so. Tborsdsj Uth, William Gsy. srsd kovtTer, is coUrely oniat tbst sf 73. lis wss a mtmber of una -soiaier. us wss known and vary popoUr. Co, I. WK1SIJ The Clansman and nU appeals to a una latpvttf cir aiiimw HMiur. The County Alliance metTuur dsy ss the guest of Excelsior Alli ance in the school boose near J. M. Howell's. The cotton Question vas dU J&SuL&izefjc' Absolutely JPu re A wholeaomo cream of tartar balonrj powder. Makes the finest, lightest, best flavored biscuit, hot breads, cake and pastry. Alam end clum-fkosphate ponlsrs are injurious. Do not me them. Examine the labtL SCMi M fce4 C5. M m Jnr Un fJi subaKs, HI crtv4 UL fdrtatli. pfy . a a . oisaoctent Use, tx prrKaJy i UtUe Joe exvincw ue cent rrota it. ualis. psgos gros? to tie Biosx six rears eo, tnit sot direct:. Hu ins ne stUiscda iv.. pleads. Io Ue last, sjg U uJ rtieej eighty one txisnd. Ar.t! Ikaa kaMta mmm. f - . . m. tlsu who bav. ln aecpu a a ,lt ll ir.t-T :M uios :nlt- t uu it Dn.t u.;r zzurr- h UssbeUajHSh.s firth sre wu dUr, fcr i.j a li:::,,;. twwm. aeu urn IM ico fci'l IO a-iJ La I .V . i i tUe Joe rt t ri:ml Lt rn. Ul the r.Ot!e rsttel hia t- ct the C frr sir tbst t4 aad slrtcrtkroed bi, e j.8r a rsr. 4 Iarwf t&tfa wU! UU ytm that r4lr frrji sir Uh:rl owp t., ute la$rt a ttS CTTWlMt STlb ts4icr k ao a te centra iewrv. KtrrjU.Jj iwilrrvh airthe teo Ja rt tbe ttr j-e Tt r.-ctcle will kiln m U ! fcl Ui 1tth sir Utw a 9 ill Am tie t ffmjtj, TLe ley la utvcg Utn u a iLrj tU, Unit Jw aas Bva! Ue rce a4 Urm k ua nrrjUr raa rrt cue. Wehstea fw 14 tn ivC jew raa rr ast W I rTTI r a-l wk;4 t I II II I race 1 lorotUa cm the Wands utt by sCcrtis; and only a few spectaeas are All Ktsl oanfotvi is saGjoff-tcaJ puis over lbs civUited woeld. Is splu I hi jrsrv. aaltLe ew eaviroemtot Itto wLkh tt baa beta cast. Dser Is keliby and rrotnlttt to lift lo a beer if old ae of a tbooed oc at. He is trty rtoilt ssdr f- htodtof Lis Urrsbl. 'per. ..t Vik S&lMaea) NtkM Teniae teeeav. Clssdt Kiubia st l"it-.vp bjpruy ( tU rtrs Wass ta d.caiLta sad tat Ctafedttmt toldttr lo fist ijl. Tbt te eoKtVs in e S'iU lbt i-.iU gvt it petma u.jrilM . U iU lUrytl Of I And Rham-nosed aeents .. . 1 t 1 ri. - . : . ... We are conhtaatlv arreting trese 1 as poseime. no uku small moonshiners and aeaa ng 1 tis countv, if we nndenuna them them to jail. "But enough PrD? I like a fair figbt and no favor, so these sntiiking policies itop and oe who are candidates come out It . 1 v : .;..., toe ru rs piling. i . , , , w t t robe vote a . w gim BMVAtj wwu uu m 1 -.- -. 4 CJf wc a0 ! 1 to make the Edgecorol The 01 loveasastcwa by tat move ment toward soclalUm which marks tbe new century, revrallog ia swift, ' uoifirJ snJ pottrfui action, so-i ctaium, a Ue4ly potstoo, wbicn.lsad Dit, td touc porauueo la the boar of tbt erll P Cf f llbt I of which O! f OC Ml cf tlkfrvfl oald destroy tht fibre of Anxlo-1 coo 11 wntt bu n - 1 . Saxon character. Tht author I oot oat f fiv 01 of trrj and a resolauon was adopted Itbongbt, and Ue tbemt treated U tltvta msa et.uocj u ttt it unanimously, pledging soppArt tolvorUy ofitady. luatiary, Ua are rtyUc.. !s the Southern Cotton Aseocisuoa I TK. MM..l r,.t.rM era m I ItlUt do tht lsl0ru i4rs and not to sell any cotton below I witboot ioUrteL A vein ef bamorl DsckUr t Cf4 v " . i..uu. e. -v i " - . .irrei e.i n nnmii iifM A resolnUon was also adopted I UnbUr. tbt ctmtdr Uior cbUflt wt otiwry rPiwca nt j rUhbULM DUIlUAlj liUTJli &i(virs gUd to tkt M ftfl T 1 11 1 1 1 U LI with up in their places for jou to say I . with safety that, as I say, there's .ftAmtGdininit trnimr Oil In I "C uiuir 4iwuoufi -r - l:.k. r It ia a noor cm DM New York y rlghraio wite lighteSpog cordial wUh to fornbsed by UsU's sanl, whe ka t ncttilisj of. a Ctcftd .uv.w .. - i .r. . A lUZxlo LUk P;rir Wstrr Kfl. Cth-blia.1 aad a kt-tv rsrr. New York Sun. af nnLlicitV L7 . . J 1 t he uemocrau ao not uw it. My mother hait suddenly been made young at 70. Twenty years of intense sufferiug from dyspep sia had entirely disabled her, un til ri't months asro. when she be a-e a. e. a CspLJ. B, Lloyd, former business UritUs a book to prove tbst taa I monsmenl aai u,t uaetauts ae agent, who leaves la Jsauary to I U merely Ut miatiog link Ultns bsdeat l cukt Ibtav as Jndee Msloney in Wasbinjcton I mke his borne in Lincoln, HE, to woman sad a atoskey and aill,1res. ... the other dsy fined a white womsn Um editor 0f tbt Daily Times-1 flnally dUapp-ar. aad rrofmoe At olas.sglt fts.t rA..jt ! for reinsmg to be cross eismtnea ..r, p . . & L vj0Td Olio SchmitL a womso bsUr, wbo suu rr?at;aa at..Mi3 iVttlta. IJUk J'pfitf lilsxrr At ary Ut lapvtcd. Try It, t Jndira Melon vet least has the distinction of expressed J e. I t . n..u r----s. "::-- .,.k ndior 8oeh a decision as lar action ga i taking lec men uwnj- f ,n,oroed. of wm Ultnhllm I SUeMB a V Vaaa a aew From tbe Utet accounU It P U,-.v-.t t,, life peai. that tbe American srmy o "7, r. .n .r.naactlne cured her restored the stre lgth and uctH ity h hail in the orim of li'c writes Mrs. AV.L. Oilpattick. of Dttnforth. 'Me. Greatest restora- tiv medicine on tbe eloW. S t , Kindeya ed deep appreciation of tbt bs written a ho k to prove tbst tht priaeiH sdJrta. oftboAlUsoc, and spoht wouisa has no soaL Tbt two mttl Pl Jonas 1 warn friendshlpa bt has tall in lovt, and contradict sll tbtj Jcwry uk snd . atbtooonty. which will bo hsve wrilUa. Tblt PU, will U b, W. Su-t Hats4 brs OcL 3UL - and Builder nro, N. C. ifications carefnll prepared 1 Siti-iTTiarh. Tjiver and -6v, m.Kloi -rnritipB the blood. and I no pinjuuuire w - j --e - evenirg. tones. American srmy of 1ft ftB AM iteiftlB nvaolAtl in t .mil DUWB tJUUwMSt of two peace commissioners and a I routine bos 1 nets adjourned to meet brigadier general. Me Kef. Mae.a.Sli Cares all Headaches, Ntra2gts, eta. Does not deprrss Ut heart. DlaVnOUBC OU U1U lUUM'tmat'-- -I migui, . iiri" he related in stentoriau cures Jtalaria, Pwuf J' I -I took a frw drinks. Theu Weaknesses. underfill Nerve plavers came on the broads. I J Tonic Price f.(K-. Ouaranleed by itly 15 !(in.. V 'is tL,.i; thA ,.ftmnr utAalinf in that' show I Bi W w f- . j thanl believed ever couiu nap-j pen It was so real, Judge, ina nAwr SAT: mv hrain in a whirl. 1 for the Five I ,.J B -u all ifore me. as iu Dollar Gold Ij Hfe- and lua8 aware riece, offer-1 f . t , wa9doine I rushed front I. Macnair for the j the theater and beat it for the .mil nn'nO home of my new boss. - to mill ill. Iini T.oMimntA - took a OouDie ltIU at first, and remained out until 3 Staton & Zoeller. VHP ' The explosirn nature o! gan- powder, which l made m cbarcoal,sulpba.r and saltpeter. Is A,, tn iho fact that w lien nreu mil. lu uu to purchase yur I o'clock in the morning. Upon hiB ii tsh variety just j return to the'stable, he decided to trv out oue of the PAX OLA IAIKY ' iik and Cream IV. wi 11 phone their tione No. 243a. til ,v i i I! i horses, alone, Hp bound for the West when lr. Hill discovered his l. Baltimore News. . Patience So you doo't like froesMegtl ...... ratrice Ob. I think they're nil rieht in their place. -And where l their piace, pray?'' , "On the frogs." Yonkers Statesman. Yonoir eunch had scarcely nwie bis debut in society when In January with Cocoa Alliaac The guests wen then Invited to 1 Bold by nil druggists partake of a yery excellent dinoe', cooaUUpg of : barbecue, cake, brief iair. fd!oe4 b) W. SUaijx Hotsri bt akt britflf, bat ndt a ftr'. it proa. Tbers crt rrvacatatwMtt rtX All of aboca trt fl boosteotirij. I o"f Mti ablt factor Urtbol Ltt Uj a tbt hi jb, e billy eind. m e m w.. - a ftw Aki ma an tbe charcoal at d suipnur mo te round uiareaanry burned at the ex ense of the oxy- inTiution tu a teception, owing r-en iu ti.c saltpo er, mucn neai is to a previous engsgemen. j developed and lai qnimiuw . i BO Dy penning iuo rm ..A.ftvftftsl tr St. n I A w M eel I raw gvis are produced, inw U.I. m.M l aftVftT. ftV Me. ,11 .M ,J -Ult planU4ttato la tbe 4n.i Aid rwvt tMnn. I . " . " .lCboetot uncaisg mkuos wrrt .v! , a I IiW tS lUt Wg tOriOlftt Oil .,ti . ."J ..v Ut Bronx Zooloricairark.wbkh " a ooiamn of spat to expUIa tht I - r;- . " Trsriar on I tt 1 It Vl I- TA wbst U COW tbt blU uoust lawn st Wsshtogloa (Memoirs ot CoL 8amol Arrall, Itpatir Gov eraorof Virginia, 1612). Ia tbe first threo baodxed J ears of his rarity of bank lootbr In-China, It seems to as It mott briefly txpUlntd by Ut rsnty ot banks. A aiaalf mmrvm SIM or boy, msa or woman. Is quickly of pain If great pressure 00 tbe U ,.vu m who. ... W .-. r.V: . l;- """:.;' TTn' Salve l applied prompur; u.rf. now vi wUn piesaore tut: 1 r- " I vc-uk f Y.Vomehs Mich SSTf I ve or prop- invitation for the 2Ut. nd tnanss -;.r , . . ami. r :b her extremely for bsvlog given ; - .kin i. Jurist, lad find kosion is bim Ue opportanuy ioao.o. fj-.B, onlrkeat PiU' enre e B eV aw e al " itO., and Bnilders. Ju-t see us. When we futp as any, and giye -. Plans and specifics : i ! (jh. aw Qaeker Drtak. Care. William Penn was once urging a man he knew to stop drinking to excess when the man suddenly asked: "Can you tell me of an easy way rs Ar. ill" " 1 uVpa reDlied Perin, readily, . m. 1 'it is iost as easy as to opeu my VoT-r? friend.' nr.Tiince me OI icat, mc uift" 1.; "And I will piomise HUIWU"'''! - " upon .uy honor to do as yuu r.ttk ' -: - t i.w.11 mv friend. ' renii u- swered, whenever tnre uuu. elas of liquor ia thy nana, ou that band before the glass touches thv lins. and . thee win jnni Vini-e its dis rupti ulsive effects. Wn en gunpowde fired ia a euu tbe exp instanteneoua. 'ine expajic Chicago iews. . r . 1 . nrnil !! tl new torce 01 m5 i- -"L 7. 1 RedJ I tee on tbe sn au m moving alonr tt o barren nu jrraduaJly iaeeena its velocity. If the explosioo ere ao uu as to be praeticaJly iustauUneous the greater pr 01 iuo would be axertet ruaanly on the sides of tbe eb.mlr cojtaintng the powder and Jot as it aciuauy tbe case, on ihe shot". O Um. & M XI X v. JeaeU. tfg 1 iJte'eTn jetfl SLUeer troeU. t? sa U aWeJL, dlecwrtta4iaeUte; ajare i te t.-W7T.e .;nv n htcam acLfttin rha mnn was so struck by the f the c-reat Quakers advice that he followed it and re- - tt.nv . mien ftf humane im- pulses, who would not willingly harm a kitten, is guilty oTcrnelry wVere his own stomaoh is concern nrririvn. overworked, when lU' " ',. what it needs is fwn(iuis'" ill digest the food eaten anoneip th stomacb to Tecup., thing like Kodol Dyspepsia thst is sold by It. is- - ' advice that he followed it aou "d Water &ts. Phone 120. formedi Ladie-' Home Jonrnal thty have a new dsnce called the automobilsdance. Greene Is it a brtaadownl Yonkers Statesman. 'Thev say there is a new word adied to the langusge every day in Ue year' "Well, that's right and proper. ItioBt sbcut keeps up with tbt bir.h rate in Boston.' Cbicsgo Tribune. " . . a a a Old Croskybo I tninic we'd better have the paaa?a and IUH case re papeieJ while I'm laid np, Mrs. Cnrosge. Mrs. 0, bU housekeeper) - Lor sir: 'adn't yer better wait and A a fTW ae eee ow ye goes on iuw ui noiEns do make each work with sUiresse wall papers. Smiles. t)rfect,, known. Bttt heallag salvw madt. SSa at 8Uton aZoeUtc't 'drmg tore.' " '12-. iKSs WlJeaW ae ttrteWet ! lit tt k aut J - - t vituU War eCTsa . Vjktae'. tiii SiU rtl.T Ue. ll eci "... O SeantU rt r-r TT. T ,ti Kxa tea raw s w 3 tat .BTOZIZA. irr Ma mweet fr 4. U faete 4 IMftUlM " I te Hule iwdtM tee Me r- eert Mt la ewe. n eee im w ua. , ' r cSUfti te ex e Settte af rum vuiBtruax Xa et Uk aiWtttvte. tf ree 4fetu 4m a ft- ee4 lwetrS CieeS ae Caekw Tht Ballard & Ballard Co.. wan- i Bfacturtm of tbe celebrated Obeluvk floor. Dlacela every Mckaew of floor tickets from Ut small sack to o- KTJtei lAM.hrtf IKea-eltjatl-w . .V". l .n wk toll forUt barreU. rm:if fc Tfe. ie atietvoti ran rrl h hirtUMW Ueae tickets: tl In tickets, hslrlipper. ti la tickets, car v leg set. IT la UckeU, st sdver plaUd TOO OS. I . . . I I M TTTM I I I - - . RUMVONi BT rt UCA110X. A. L. S lt, e' tl4rW w.ta laa kl eaeeeMl. .( . C. i!cmJ, r, tt.3- V . J K. B-Vk, J, tl. leek. !- Jei, Jetet, Lt I' Jfe. Li )4 Jttlt, ltMftMi xa ate 4 4M4s4 W. f. biiS t4je f tl'tew UelWt. Mil. U.flUirtM M Jree-IS-tw IVe .! leJi ftl :. urcr- J K. Hi":! u tt f4 eetn Settd ai-1 lke eat' ll tl a kw! tt.t-4 - (tfr taewatt ed ta Ue Crt tt l-Is" cct te aKl .leu I D.t,te ! If IftJWH I t tj ; e l t. C, lltUetk M ati c-tt t.ttl lee tit r-maree ei atltt Ml US la tr eVtte S-e trjr.1tl PttvS ltlt t e-f lUilXM d ea.4 1!. C. U1 ttt It !! f It It. UrAl tt.Ult eJ df Utfttt J. K. fttce t if f ttd tjtrMMiJ DnJ reC a4 et trellis st tetevr! rwr d eto:e4 1V a4 oXeattt J. a . UeatS awl te1ir tttt S. te rvs r4 le aer M la t fSe C4eCk ( tt ; ef t f itiet(UeTta we inmUe te eee la !. mmi fmmi.' rm e4 Vtvlee-vet iaAJr afcl ae la e feeUl M awrt yee eeT-war. U',att M lRSe rW. ei. kivtarr 4 ttfcvVUv Ueii. 1 1 ae.4 ! . . m e - a Wa -e a iA In tick cu. act silver piateu I -n- aii eat sxx- forks. 1 3ajMBa-RaaS fee-te4- knives. I w.. vmu S.ui. IM eltt c IS a-id Ceiv at deieC to M ta eei atje, k atM M C4 a !!, tS --!? wd Ift t tot IW t eeteOed S'4 CVtS (Ut. Citfa lt S !v ct Oci. tvi A T. VTALSION.C a C KILLtxx couch A3 CURE th LUNC3 10 la tickets, 10 piece toilet set. " . aaatt taw- tlQ In'tickets. tlect dlsser.W r-a lrt. ele .T4 MteeWt UUt e3 tUt S- 1 lac'.4ie as i tae CaeaeaaU a U TIT. C5 ee4 Wale mu aeOe4 ree. i . f . - - - - BJin UCKCIS, OWllW tw,BS - r. k 1 eS,er machine. immi. xr iar Dt. &. c- Threprmloms artaii Brncim. ITe h1h tnadilae IS tt rood St IftOeDCBV. f. r.-w. .Mftlftvi kl Qe All crocm hsndle Uls floor.' rti. X. V- tw tTwry I Ask joar gTOccr fur OtrIilJ:.,, tu. rated- l wr iter Dt. KJrf a. Ca-rst-clast. aerfeeCstMe, N.Y U tsrt e4 Mf. rood St Owe tarv. t-1 T fcei.e. ,Va Ara-eeWv U eM. J.--X. Dr. King's Elev Discovery t9S1A fee tAeC aMe eea UuUH Cere U ritnoxr eat LCXO TXOC XftXi tt voxn a a ex.

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