midlife "V 1 Pa, T I I II I ill ,111 1. WVvV BE 8XIEE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GhO AHEAJD.-D Orockott 'Mm a r - ''ill Is , 31 II J I 111 I I If fl I II L i II III II 1 a TTT 131 I t 11 I 1 I I I t I I I I I I I 7"v x III II i-ll 1 ' I r ' ' - - ' "Bassw.w.siwaw- m t VOL. 84. NO. 43. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25. 1906. o 1 5 red It ;r..-.y be from overwork, bat t . .hances are its from an in- acti se LlVm ith a well conducted LIVED otv- can do mountains of labor v.iihout tatlgue. r . : it ,iJds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. it cm be kept in healthful actios by, and only by - Characteristics You are The other fellow . Strong-minded, Stubborn, SeH-reeppctinf,: ,VaiD, Generous, Extravagant, Honest, " Hair splitting, Tastefully dressed, Foppish, ESTABLISHED 1&22. s TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. Courteous, Diguified, , Manly, s Sympathetic, Ambitious, Prudent, , , ; Frank, ' " ' Refined, Enthusiastic,' Elcquent,- witty, Paiticnlar, Well-read, ? Successful," 1 IJulncky, - C ASTORIA: For Infants aid Children. The Kind Yc KaY8 Always Bought Servile, Puffed tfp. Brusque, -Inquisitive,- . Covetous, Selfish v Rude, ' Effeminate, " -Fanatical, . ' : -Long-winded, , -Frivolous, . Fussy, Pedantic, Lucky, Incompetent. V. From Jdfe. Bears the Signature of . HYATT, - ITUUE AND UNDER TAKER. iiy & Hedges' Stables 1'iione f 0. Tarboro, N. C. .B.C. 1. WHITEHEAD, - rSeon Dentist , TARBORO. N. O. ijr? H to 1 and 2 to 6. jam;: 'OS WILLIAMS, Dentist. r us Oxide and Oxygen Gas : -eJ ia tbe extraction of teeth vmo. -, N.c. o M. XORFLEET ' Attornev at Law Fooii Xorfleet Bidg, W St. J.tuw s Street, Tarboro, N. C. ZOELLEK, . .-'in1 ami Stoam Engini Adjusting oi Gasoline En- hi. a specialty. Lt't u an-. -a'! k ii V. M ED 10,000 lbs of bees wax. v.,!) and feathers. J. Zan- !; . : AJiMl rw riuwit Law. No suggestion has - been receir. ed with more interest, in political circles in Washington than the nlan rY(A itod fn Manatnv Tillman T-&jjiAS I ioT tbe inauguration of a nesro I nnaaw.fr 1 il . l m t (iwispvili law 1U I lit BUOIO. xuo question - is one which will eflfect northern communities only indi rectly, in that it may give them some of the at present exceeding ly snrplus negro population of the southern states. Politicians in Washington of all f hades of opinion have evinced the deepest interest in the suggestion, but few of them are willing to talk for publication. Some of them eflect not to take it seriously, and c'ass it along with Senator Hoar's famous proposal to set aside an island to which anarchists could b) transported and allowed to live in enjoyment of their own creed. It is quietly admit ten. however, that the passport propc sal cannot be disposed of lu the same light way. It is likely that it will form an important issu in the coming elections, and it la characterized as one of the few practical proposals looking to a solution of the' race problem. One ol the features of the situ ation which makes practical poll ucian9 oeneve tbe pat-sport has tem can l int into elT-ci is the fact that it will it quire na tional registration. iVere feder; 1 bill on the eubject to bs iutrodoo ed in Congress it would be beaten as amoral certainty; it would not even put up the 'fight that was created over the Force Bill, bet the fact that the passport system can be enacted as a state law, makes it more than probable in the eyes of yeteran politicians that it will be grasped with great er avidity even t han wai the MJ iui Crow Cir Law," which has now spread over the whole region. Bouth of tbe Potomac and the Ohio, As a national is&ue, the question will never have a chance to be raised; but as a burning local necessity, . it is saie to have' its -av . k i at i ; t ii- it on me uatiouai :iuija.&u. la the states of the Union where the negro is practically an unkuown quantity, there will be criticism and reviliDg of the South, but through tbe Black Belt and the other sections where such restrictive legislation is known by dire eiperien to be an absolute necessity, the propo sal is apt to be welcomed as an exceedinely moderate and hu oiane way out of an almost inex tricable socio political tangle, The Folly of Worry. '" - - - ...', ! ain't gwlneter worry any mo over what's a-cominV said Brotu- er .-' w llliams, - "Yer 1 is. cry- headed beto my time, an all on account er worrvin ,bout what pas" en gone en what gwineter happen. .1 once knowed a man dat beam tell of a rail toad wreck. He wuzn't on de train, but dat didn't make no diffnnce ter him. He sot right down he did an' thought 'bout what might er hap oehed ef he d been u dat tram how many leg) he'd had ; broke an' mebbehis head would er been knocked sideways, an him not havin' no accident policy! An he worried oout it bo bis wife left him. an' he married a widder 'oomaa, dat made him tke out a accident policy,'' an pnt him cn de train an' kept him gwine yer an' dar twel de tram rauned off en kilt - him,' Bho enough!' Au wende widder put "a moniment over him, she put a writiu' on it, sayin' it wuz all.fer de ties, au she wuzn't gwineter call him back no' mo': an' he persuaded anuth- er man ter marry her; bbt he wnz wise cz de widder. an' sLe never could git him on er railroad train though I hear tell she'd still livm in hoptsl" tlanta Constitution. resultf form chronic constiptition, which is quickly cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills. They re move all poisonous getxns from the sybtem and infnse new life and vigor; cure sour btornach, nausia, btadacre, dizzinens and colic, without- griping or discom forN 25c." Guaranteed by Staton & Zoeller. drngiisK d6twti n Jack of All Trades pump . -aw wood, cut feed and do nice that a good reliable lie Engine can do for you. A for the asking. 1 sell 'iof machinery for cash -or R.A.ZOELLER. 1 AMI'S HOWARD, County Attorney. in the Court House. Lfitf I'Cl for the Five Dollar Gold Piece, offer- W . H . Macti ai r for the iniiifh nf fi iinir rtn I i ought to ie lefore tiif time to purchase jour A large, iiesh variety just 1 . I LH;EI) CULLEY. d BARBER, TARBOEO. K.( I'ANOLA DAIRY I 1'u re Milk and Cream i i' ttrons will phone their 1 -rs to phone No. 243a. tfrseeteoai i i ! II. JAMKS on tractor and Bnilder Tarboro, N. 0. xv.n" specifications carefnll 1 promptly prepared THAN WILLIAMS, i ousorral Artist and Hir- -suit Decorator. loors from Banko' Tarhor i D. JENKINS. ':i AVti-ro lysician and Surgeon, N. C The Law's DelKf'. If Harry Thaw had killed Stan ford White in London instead of in New York, he would have been indicted and tried for it loDg ago, and that is the one great reason why it is a more serious matter to kill a man m .England man it is is America- Human life is cheap in tbe land of tbe free and the home of tbe biave. isot along time ago . an eminent judge in a large city of the Mississippi Val ley, charging tbe grand jury, said: "The life of a man in Ulis town is worth about $25.'' . - Given a shrewed and an un scrupulous attorney, these contin nances, a little money, and your murderer can shake his finger at justice in this country. We are an emotional ana a senumeniai peo pie. We have got more means than all the rest of mankind, and have mure hysteria. 1 here is some thing fascinating in an outragrous, murder. At first we are horrified, but in a little while we get sorr for the prieonei; public opinion goes out to him, and the; jury catches it, and the accused is turned loose. Daily there are mis carnages of justice in our criminal eourta. ... - The Sickles case had a most demoralizing effect on the Ameri can public. Cole-Hiscock Six. far Don't put otT until to-morrow the iutt?r ! tubscribing for The Youth's Companion. The publish ers offer lo send to every new subscriber for 1907 who at once remits the subscription price, $1.75, all tbe issues for the re maining weeks ot 1906 free. These ieues will contain neatly 50 i-onjplfrte it ri'H, t titt8 th Oj niu i'Uaptt iof Ilalij Gvr land's serial, "The Long Trill" all in addition to the 52 issues of 1907. "Whatever your age, six, sixteen or sixty, you will find The Com panion to Toe your paper. It touch es every worthy interest in life every interest that promotes cheerfulness, develops character, enlarges the understanding and instils ideas of true patriotism. Full illustrated Ancricemen ofTh-i t'ompai im lir ll'o" wil be sent to sly address fiee with sample copies of tLe paper, New subscriliers will receive a gift of The Companion's Four- Leaf Hanging Calendar for 1907, lithographed in twelve colors ud gcll. , Subscribers who get new ul "ciiptioi.8 will receiie $10.290.(;0 in cash and many oih r f j ecial awards. Smd for infoimation. The Youih'h Cc mpamon, 141 Berkley St., lioston, Mats. A Yar nihir at ' My mother baa suddenly been made jouogjtt 70. Twenty years of intense suffering from djspep sia had entirely disabled her, un til six mobthe ago. when she be gan taking Electric Bitters, which havrf completely cuied her and restored the strength and activity she had in the prime of life." writes Mrs. W. L Gilpatilck. of Danfortb, Me. Greatest reUoia- tive m?dieiue on tbe viol, oais btemacb, Liver and Kindeja right, purities the blood, ami cures Malaria, Biliouauess and Weaknesses. Wonderful Nerve Tonic. Price 50c. Uuarauteed by Staton &. Zoeller. TheTemperaturein The Kfon . dyke. Thomas Dixon, Jr., author of The One WToman," and Edward II Rise, the well known et2 di recior, while watching and direct ing the rehearsals of the new Dix on piny Ml to talking about the temperature tn tbe Klondike, where the last three acts of the play ate located. "I suppose the plafers ought to weir tealheavy clothes,". iald Mr. Dixon, a it is pretty cold up there.' "Col J," aaid Stage Director Rose, "cold well I auould say it was cold. Why Dixon, do you know, I knew a Brooklyn man who went up there to dig goh. Ooenight wMle wearing a - bear iiu suit over three heavy eulfa of woolen' underwear he was fnxsn btltf iu hit bunk.. Tbe miuera shipped his body back to Brooklyn aud hi i family decided to have the remains cremated at Greenwood. "After they had him in the oyen at the ceicetery for half an nouroueof the miner's trot b era opened tbe red hot door. While the door was ajar everybody In the little chapel was startled br deep bast Voice floating out on the heat and saving: 'For baven's ake abut that door. Via afraid I'll bate a chill. This U the lint t e i. . nine a tb ieti warm since l ar rived in the Klondike. ' Mr. Dixon looked long and hard at his lnend Iloe, then ahook bauds with him and said: "Rose, you certainly uiiseed yoarcalliog. iou should bave been an author. As a story teller you are a won d r. Et. A la Vallag. Rich voter most have resided in the 6tate two yearn, six months in the county and four nionU in the election precinct. Where a person has not tended in a township four months, he may vote in the pre cinct irom wnicn ne removeu or which he lived prior to his re moval. Revisal of 1905 Sec. 4,316. .. . , . I i u it I Got Bfackixira Goln. The Democratic Executive Cora mlttee U hot after (rarreaamaa Black born, tine hla ftilare and refusal to meet Uackett oo- the stump and answer theebargea of poiiUeal cormpUoo,tard will now flood tbe Eighth district with cir. rnlara containing the affldavlu of Met wen, whom he caused to serve. "a bis brother, a tro In the penitentiary. A copy of thU dr- cniar, la which there ia the evora charge that Blackburn accepted money and promised McEwen Immunity from the lav, haa been maileii to President looser fit. SocreUry 6haw, AUorney-Geoerml Knox, speaker Canroo and other Ug republicans. Mr. Ilackett baa repeatedly served aoUce upon Blackburn that he was maklnr use of these chargca on the nUmp, and Mseu mm to a Joint debate, for the purpose of maklnr them faoa to face. The lily white is not ru ing to do this; not their methods. T Plll(al aitaalaa la aiai. Senator Slmmona U reported aa saying concerning the political aituatioa in this State: "It looks fine, floe. The Repub llcan campaign in the East has completely collapaed for varioea causes, one being the fact that Marion Butler took charge. He is not only odious to the Democrat, bat also to a large element of the Republicans, who do sot at all relish the domination be has ac quired and has been accorded. I say in my speeches and I say here now, to jou, thai If Boiler should now or at any time In ten years get control of the Legtalatore one or the very lira things be would do would be to take steps to validate the special Lax booda and other bonds which the people of North Carolina hare repudiated as as fraudulent and void." m m ar a aw a In England and France the Sale - of Alum Baking Powder ii pro hibited bj law because of the in jurious effects that follow its use, The law in- the District of Colombia also prohibits Alum in food. Yon may live where as yet yoa have no protection against The only surt protection against Alum in your Baking Powder Ahm is (o Say plainly POVJBER ROYAU is made from Absolutely pure Cream of Tartar. a cure Crar? yiuuuti.- mas Qigcsnon aaas to the neaitntulness of food. mm, toll a grand man and then A 'orlune teller fortune to a young asked to be paid. - Wha!!' exclaimed the jouth. "How is it that you who under stand all hidden tbinzs did not knnw that I have not even a cent in my possession?" Le Scaccia pensieri. , " Mamma I hope you bebavfd like a little lady while Mr. Bor em was ttying to entertain you? Little Daughter Yfs, mamma, I put my baud over my mouth every time. I yawned. Pick-Me-Up. - D. Lichtenstein ia hero from I Richmond toepend a few daja with his sons, Alfred and Leigh. Xtaaaer rra lb Plaa. There's grave danger rrom toe Tk lOiik'tltByiaxa ia 11. Tbe Youih's Com pinion an noonres among the attractions of its 52 issues iu 19( 7 TWO HL'NDBID practical papers, serviceable to young people who have their way to make in the world, belpfnl in their insistence on worthy ideals ia every relation oi life, useful In the home particularly the regu lar series, "Till the Doctor Cornea." 1WO 111MKD Xy D FltTT capital elorits hemorons atorie, charae'er stories, stories of life on thdfarm. in the ieat citiee, on the sea, in tb wiUlerntsa. Among them will le Five Serial Stories by five Companion favorite: Hamlin Garland. Ade'ine Koapp, Ralph Bt boar, Grace Richmond and Holm n P. Day. There will beaseiie, h'o, bared upoo In cidents iu American history, ill ustrative of life and times in America frcm tbe first colonial planting to the close of the Civil Wsr. . tSZTHOrsaSD short note giving concisely, clear lv and accurately tbe important news of the times in public affair aid in the fields of science snd industry. Tiir.ir. lirsDiED contributors giving assurance that every need aud every taste among Companion readers will be satis fied. Goverocr Folk of Missouri, Ed ord Everett Hale, Margaret DeNod, Col. T. W; Hlgginaon. Commander Eva Booth of the Salvation Army, Gen. A.W. Gree'y and Ioa l'erdiearis are among them. rwo tiiocsaxd one-minute stoiles. aneodotes.blts oi humor sketches which take not more than a minute to read. A StavSlf atara4 iln or boy, man or woman, is q sickly out of pain if Bockltn's Arnica Pal ia applied promptly. O.J. Welch, of Iekoiras, Micrc,aay: "I Bse it in ray family for sores, c ats and all skla iajanea, and find it perfect.' Quickest File curs known. Beet healing salve made. 25a at Statoa & Zoellei's drug store. Thomas Hanter, the weallht negro I a that section of the Bute, has been sen tenet! to debt years in the penltrotisry, for barn ice a store of W. II. KUioU. ia Gstw county. Tbe trial was beard by Jndge McNeal la tbe reaper tor ewrtof Gatce. II enter's attorneys sppraled, aod h a rtlraxd on U0Q l3od. Major rcoder.sars that dnring hLs five terms as msjor he had net bad a negro who was a property owner up before aim save for some pettv offeeae, not one for felony. Well, we bsve Letter negroes here thsa eiaewberr; q. e. d. A rar-aaer Wt From Howard county cornea the tale of a four story farm. Charles Rilgeway is its owner, erdtr-e farm is located arer Favettr. Mr. Bidrewsy has a fine clover field. Beneath the clover is one of tbe richest beds of coaL and under neath the coal iaa fine bed of a bale, fiom which excellent build ing brick are made. Ia and above the clover is aa spple orchard, oo which there ia aa abundant crop ot apples. This make a four story farm shale, coal, clover, apple and shows boa tbe wealth is piled op in XluaoorL CJlosibos Uerald. Tbe rains have tneeb retarded bo tiding operations to the impa tience of both eMrme!rs fH i s lit ijm lrm kxt In the good old dsvs when the nimble pea of Charles Hoyt was tickling the rieiblea of playgoers, a Westerner was made to say ia response to a quest km as to ho be disposed of bis Immense crop of corn. "We eat all we can and bat we can't we can, Louis ville Courisr-Joarnal. It It regretaus when persons ran here town water and wilr not bave it in the house, bat it U worse for one to want this water and beg for it only to be refoaed This U tbe case at the Peanut Knitting Mills. Tbe Rard of Publlo Works shonld give tbeae mills abundant water and with the least delay poaaiblj. It will be noticed that with all tbe recent fluctuation ia cotton ths 1 hey aie alwsys new, always well I price goes a little higher each time. told. and. in in neat onest or I " w ao tsv. rtreahera and after dinner arjeak. less ths ginnsfV report Of OOlton A full Announcement of the new bowt aa mcreaae otr laat year volume will be sent with aamole I wr we same uma, prwen price. copies of the paper to any addrvss m"J sir:iea woe on nquet The new subscriber for 19u7 who sends 1175 for the! On the 22th eoart will convene new volnme at once will receive I fr a term of two weeks' for the sia4 aa Cats. The Bsllard k Ballard Co., man afactnms of the celebrated Olwliak flour, pla.e la every parka; of flour ticket from the small sack to the barrel. These tickets run all the way from 10 rents for the ssallot sack to tl for the barrel. Here is what yoa can gtt with three tickets: t J iu tickets, hsirclipper. tl ia tickets, carviogaet. IT la ticket, aa sUver plated spnons. - 13 la tickets, set silver pisted forks. - t? la ticket, set silver plated knives. 10 in tkketa, 10 pier toilet set. t0 in tickets, 56 piece dinner set. toOin tickets, Obelisk sewlsg machine. These prfa!ams are all flrt-eia. Tbe sewing machine is as good as the best. All grocers handle this flour. Ask your grocer for Obellk." aatat 4aala Seaaa Tttars The aait ef Mrs, !C if. U.H.e; vs. WrsUra Ue'eu Ttfrta Cocnpaay for taenia! asj-ftuh in failare U d!;Vr a eema W) kf from Denver, CL. wm aetCel c-s of CO ft at Kitaloa, ly le rota Pnypaiegto Mr. IIr 1 g t a of 1 17-i aa a cvtf.&o-. r'ue circa euuncce how the c-aiw U U one of ectuaa ajjtrataiToa. Mrs. Ilardteg's son, Cieorr Palrkk, who was knowa hy bar t W very kk io Birmlex&am, Ala., left tUl city for Denver. CL, tat hi health. Us grew worse, and a uUgraa wa iif7aichtd to his raotbrr ia Kicjtoi sdtiicg karcf hi very Mfvo'st eisi-n TVa Ul;ra C: ait rrt h ker sat:! lea dj slur it w.a tl4 acd ti.ro Ui adirv wroe.g, teteg "Mrs Heme , awd bavisg Mr. Patnck t-aa "Hart saaa." When Mrs. Ilardlttg wav shows this she fcnt said il a txl tA her hot had the local oKrw ak Ieover for eoi rented cstSMtre. Ivaaver rtpl'cd that ao sanaax tike that had ln f ed. Ia the atrantime Mr. Patrick had died. and there were sore errors ia traasmiwdoa ef rantvar which caaaed such delay IS at the curp ronld aotbeshipiwd to Kibio fr bo rial. C )a4af a a lii CsrvtaUUIrlacb Nmra!r, etc. txA deprtws tt Lt tJ by all drerxtits Saa f ttHMMilf. Aa .tic aoux hk tw rdrtvd ty ti ta ta ftn-ih lie per U Jp tivr, lkr ."! -t2;Vt4 t lie t S p!t t.g, Il h U lutei lis ill vtaU W tia te Jovvat ilif-m with t : y rte is tit day Late. tt vkMm Uf a 14 Idea t the r-r4 of VH Weeks la caa t trt ca t the cSerrvwae If the UU tltut wr-e fi- .J- m I;M aad fca all te W:tf ps;rvl l-y tlevtrWtlt. rMie i lrxoee. It ato'd tw saSfeildrtkt that ertr ity, aiH aid day, la CrtiraVr. atad Ike twctle ia4 kae tt, if the txat U a4 tw gtval. arrtta;a whal w hat w c u4 tr ia7vwte MslBtlf The Tarboro rkntherxir ha oar thanks for llakiod.y sotkvaiti fiollecio, aod lis tc-l aoed for the laeaAjcieg editor. Wt spprtxU.'t this sll the more, tw.itca idc from the editor of tbe tsi cooaty peprr. la the tuie. Acad) Balietla. I - ... t i n.u. ii. r t r..i i m n h r r u I i n r -rvn ana Mini . .1 1 1 j r. i Xt was "j i piaiuc ji i tragedy, and that I y are so prevalent, omess yon iaB - .Rinl arHann Adair. I Hi- Klnf S isew Aiscuvrry tor free all the remaining isanes for 19C6. including the Doable noli day Number, also The Compan ion's Four Leaf Hanging Calendar for 19 7, lithographed in twelve colors and gold. Subscribers who get new sub scriptions willztcelve $16.290 00 in cash and many other special awardo, Send for information. Tue Youth's O.Mrasim. 144 Berkley St., Boston, Mass. ' rupne o. oo. i tVta tnvar,anA a hot ha unwritten law IS far ConsnmDtion, Couebs 7V tuaw . waaw -J - I . J ANK OF TARBORO. 25.0C0 140,010 . . . 9,5(H- i ! . Shackelford, Presdient, I. Howard, V President, ' i J. Greeo, Cashier. V Hart, Ass't Casbier, " v lock hoxes i'or rent. -U IX F. FKXN Eil, " HYSIUIAN AND SURGEON i stronger than the written. '. But what are human laws cou pared with the divine? The mur derer makes . hia victim his cun- stant companion for lite, sleeping, wlrintr -feastinfiT. lasting, uan- ""'"BI . I n nnV frhnst will not down. is homicide And we would We- . - . m W-a . . a a &fi8 Geo-Walls, oi fores. v.uy(i Me , write-: "It's a' Godsend to people living in climates wbete soughs and colds prevail. 1 find it nnieiilv ends them. It prevents " T.:r!rlnnA MtAt rnenmonia,cur3 uw"pn rAliel in ABlDma nu dog were mutated, their ng and snapping on toe streets wcnld cause less annoyance To have a curfew la should have a town clock. trial of civil causes only. Ths members of ths bar bars arrsn red a calendar for the first week. Thai they set do cases for ths second week, was heeaese they expect. ths cases for the first week to ran well it to the next week. as The rains are making cotton rot io the bolls. . arnnrterfnl peak of the murderer, but every Hy Feyer, and makes weak lu ogs u m Wm lomicide is not a murder. - jttong enough to w ; Xovembe tiuk wo uuun- 1 1 uiuvn'i a , on; recently ocenpied by R. Allsbrook, Rs. G 1 --x- . - 1 I.. H ifnn t. A oa oon inainnatin? &QV I and Si UU. uarauic j ' - I m I 1 -1 11 VD th ug to the prejudice o young i zeners. m Mr. Thaw. He belongs to juage and jury. What we desire to call encourages attrition to i the delay that Fosi. crime- Washington The County Cotton Associa- meet hereon Monday, November 5th first Monday, j There should be a large attendance. a-s swiBBawaaBsaBBMBsaM OABTOnZA. BaanOa t l ts4 Tas Ire tun bql lalaaaaae S.sU fia;a4 t4wi tka saa saa m Itwm liiti aotwaraa f- IM iw aa yr. UUl iHdiM Swa BBa ss Tail, it rr a r a su mt ntrrs vxjusrtrvac . a mi Ttr:: fci emm tr aava is aa Ts as iaka a aaS at ittli artaaa inilyi 8UUMUNS BY rtOLlCATluN. No lb CaroJiaa. I la Kupenor Coor, , Edcecocbbe Co. lUto9 U CW(S. "A", I. BtaiUecs, adsiisUtrsvoe with tbe will aaoel. t II. C. Ballocs, dareaaed, tlH. P. Bab toe. J. K. BaUocb. J. D. jtasioa. Ftednck Jeckiaa. Robert Jeia, Josboa Jeatle. liattl JaaVios. Lae s JcoVlas. lane Jeekitta, itrnm SUlltsra sad busssd W. L Sut bet, Uvlfs Ua'.kV. W. L. bul. licts, taarirao ef IUl!ea Del 'oca, a4 t. D. Jeafctas caarde ot J Uia, Dtaitco aad batt at law. J K. Bullock oc ot the ef4 tetsabo asntd will tike notice tkat a actioo stit'ed ss aboae ta bees contacd la tbe Sorye eorl ollUsoobw coast y th sU tbe lsadituat t Edccoab rooa. tr d le ee towasbio of tkh H. C, liallock late ( s4 eouetf ded. aeiaad toe tte rrpos of aaks( sets with tic to iy tli dci aao kgaciaa; tbst Davtd PaUock oo ot i to avas o sa-a u. - twor bas dd slace the daih tf tbe ! II. C Boikwk ietesiaie and aaid do (eodaat J. K. BeJkvk b a ber 4 aid docasooJ DavvJ BoCock sad a such 1 o.ioteeleo rty ol sm acUoo;dtbs said dfadaal J. K. U alloc k will frttiUr tk aoic. tKat b U required to apcear at t cSce of thecieis ( tbe Scpoor coott 4 Edrreoaibe euoety o tbe ra day of hoirmlr, IK C at tbe can tousa It Said cooatraad aasoae or doe 1 tbe COSDplaiat ia said , wokb U1 b fiwd la. a. J ode, oe tbe olai.iiff wUl rpy to tbe coert for tbe rebel daoaadad ia said coea o'als. i Clrea t dv el Oct. tic-. 1 A. X. WJLLSTON, C B, a f '" I oauh.su a I Vf i. mm I i v e u a mmtmm I !.l s - I S CtaSHaalaKlllail iaee. Iro rvtaralsg foe the fvaie Fa!r w itbo: etfr-c riiasrt4 theeihiUt SKSebythl vwwaty. Frank Cherry daert r gy rat t rl . I foritakosel be fv!fd that bo hod ja dsj lc illt-Z Haodsy togvt op tkla t tiJUt. a ii sMsWaWSgSJO S aBWaWasWOi i is a 94wb WmsVt Acsiaat aaatctsfe trrtfrs!tf I of 7i C.rVfee&Ur thia )r Ces para a kf 77J.Tke h!xtet was 97 oo !CJ ad the lort S vm 2lh. The average r sis fall fr tki raocUi U 3 1.2, Iot Ut eoe'.h Uftv ca?y fell 2.tS iftclMf. rsr PlCrl, the pre Spi tat ioa sstaMt anmsl. GaU4i lUtUo rj4titr The avrx fi tbe Male w a a third of aa tech above txrvsal. Tan-L- J- I wcr i-a oo '"Xie--- s -V- aaxs-waaKsawawaaaaw W.nuii En! Bf::y Tr:i!! i:i Rstw Sat 1 Stoo Ts ria4 Oaft. ritJ a ot tiNHMi x-m w.iSi var 1 natT a4 Id U tUo4 vmt. 4t W l mmm. S ialjatH t wt 1 7" y CZlfZn " tliiava:t -C?i A"a --. "a 'A 0fZLi if aw-rai tl it att.a ii 4 US a- it IM Wl I aad Ua&Vv s 4 VM Ts a TbV U CVtrnJ l Urn l iKrtlVtt W afta-a nr 1. ta t. ki aa- I SaaaalUst. Ia tTt kiis-f rtaUf . Isia;3 eWf tm rrte f aoaaaas-aas faia m Um hoc a. V t i'-i-i a a.) rtr ft i hm .ry -ar It twmii a?r.Jjr o l4J arW at araVl.i kaia ta tmi N. Ot lal w4tt ftiov aa 4 Jtm. oaa mm Utyrt. aa4 ori:ssa ttaat ;. as Ci sale ft ttrtm cw!iJ ta r Wui arr u to rt Uaa-4t( l a ril, tso ScVI l t txlrtw-rd ary t t tU 5w aaasrw Ua raajaL tt staaU lism " tu aMOilitfalcarrS ol IW m trtaKsg caa. tf yoa aa, t a tmCamm U'.l Wava u-, Uat. Xfftg. gyt.t Ifi-Kimi al oa-ip-a sra. Yoa asa bas a ovsk ! a t tbat ur- a-J aaaat It. boti arajt t ras tZtimm k. Ca. t f aaau-N. V. VI Wa wtiUrng aaealaoai tia faff sol tUml aaaae ay stult. tat i nnaWt ua It Is st.Il p ta A"-Jtt.aa Prdrrs t tkat ar t I u le tto 1' rat at l!ry .lta al tnut tt cx-".a.f oat red a4 tl t vUta r do tie rtst. O. D. WaGNLR. Cct tractor ax4 P.ttioa. Orick afcd Jlravy Wctk rV4i!oJ tnt&tre IV-ottlf I crt.ll-i. Yon: i 'AU.Ui: wmr Alo P.5ral Uk ; Hc V:t eft. de)htfsl e&d a kidtey rare. FBKtU EOTIUKG ViXRIS Ikci ItO. Bsffa'.o tick tft'.tt Giarvr Ae a3tps ike tnjxritd. Try it. KILLmCOUCH CURE Tit LUNCa am Dr. King's Tlev Discovery rertTrr:i mm FCR I CCH a4 IStlX9 :vtt fr-1Sst. I Ciacs So a4 TTtXOAT oaa LCXO Ta-0C-Ul,fS0XXT JLACX.