BE SURE YOYJ ARE EIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 84. NO. 44. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1. 1906. ESTABLISHED 182?. dvice to the Aged. brings infirmities, such as slns- AS? .... weak kidnevs and HlnA. I VinoKonrl'a Haw She 8ecwre II is Release. uunng the first year of her At the America OTaaapelr. bankers con Tent ion re- imprisonment at Fort I wii ot t. ri..i.n Monroe, Mrs. Davis was not al- T , 4 . . ! "JL9 rD 1 lowed to remain with him. During " ffll'f'fO USB I it "e second year, 1867, she bent all "After a carefol study of the II 111 I r II her will and energies toward se- Paternal policy o! England I am II II N J h J El fl curios Mr. Davis' rdPP nnmmo. confident that if the cotton crop I W North to New York to consult 8 " tinder the English tUg SaUnTtVe ttat country would by an STpcnorm their natural functions as J counsel in the matter. That emi- P011 tariff or appropriate boon- vown" Tipnt anrcor firj k,., v; ues reserve ior its nome mann- opinion there was just one thine to lecturers the monopoly of the raw be done, and that t Mt. th material lor the clothing of the world. Bach a policy is uu-Amer iupARTWG VIGOR I fnthc kiJneys, bladder ant SaaakeU What is this emokeb.M powder? It is the modern high explosive which has superseded the old style blaek powder, even at eleo- II " 11 t ? 1 1111 """''"" 1 1 i mm mm i ryu mmmm i m ) i i . wri.h f mp III. Stats Superintendent of Public Instruction J. Y. -Joiner baa re eel red from the West Central DLs- a LivLK. 1 hA linnA anrl (hof irOD uA fhev arc adapted to oM and young. . " V . kUW T6e- I ifiAdmfr nnaTi of the Republican Lgtef The ' e netri i Sign. Al&DO'Dtl. Tomv neign&ors ana inends: "And wno is he?" asked Mrs. fait' '''t'i't raJ neartteu thanks! .Davis. ,,. h one Tin uiw juur sraa- "norace ureeley," replied Mr. i r 1 It iT f III u 41 UU r nriTA 1 vk K ii i last sicicness. Jiay tlie Hnt I do not know hi.n nnrl T you all , are my do not think I would have anv in- ooi Lord i-itfss iviitH ana prayers, J. Lawrexce Mil CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Tie Kind You Have Always Bought il U. i',. HYATT, FUKMTrKK AND UNDER- TAKER. tppo?i:' I-.y- A: fledges Stable? usiie: . ''.'ne .0. Tarbcro, N. C. i WHITEHEAD, Sir aeon Dentist, T ARBOEO. N. O. s res to l and 2 to 6. ,r.don williams; bargeon Dentist. JeNitrous Oxide and Oxygen Gas aiaiuistered ia the extraction of teeth f A RBO RO.. N. C. JAMEoM. NORFLEET Attorney at Law Koom :. Xorlleot Bldg, W. St. Ja ne- Street, Tarboro, N . C. A.ZOELLEli, i t) Gasoline and Steam Engine Expert, Adjusting of Gasoline En- nesa specialty. dGtwtf fiuence with him,M said Mrs. Davis "it is tne only chance 1 see to success,' was the lawyer's reply. Mrs. Davis called on Horace Greeley. It was a memorable in terview on both sides. The wife of the fallen leader was courteous ly receiyed. She told how sbe had come to New York to woik for her husband's release and had eMi told that the only wy to secure it was to get the signature of Gree ley to the bond. "Mr. O'Conor tell me that you nave a kind heart, Mr. Greeley, and that yon will do this if Aon believe it to be right. My husband is dying, and the only wav to save hia life is to secure his relensf "Madam," said Greeley, extend mg his hand, "I will hign the bond.'' He did. But it was a costly per form a?. c for 'Horace Greeley, He "was a candidate for the United. 'State enate, but this action eo angered the legislators that he lost the election, and the faUiog iff in subscriptions for a histoiy of the war which he had just completed was so great that the estimated loss to Greeley was over 30,000. After Mr. Drvis release , his wife accompanied him to Ho gland, and returned with him to the United States. PhiIadelphiOPresp. JPDESl V - n4a Happy r Life. - G'eat t-aonirofis jt'ie iiito the home of 6. (J. Blair, bcnool super inteudent, at St. Albans, W. Va., when his little daughter was re tored from the dreadful complaint he names. He sav?: "My little daughter had St. Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until ms a last resort we tried Electric Bitters; and 1 rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure.' Quick sure cure fcr nervous cimlaint", general debility, leaia.e w ses, impoverisned blood and ma latia. Guarnnteed by Stton k Zoeller. Price 50c. It our Jack of All Trades pump aier. saw wood, cut feed and do say service that a good reliable Gasoline Engine can do for you. A catalogue tor the askinsr. I sell ill kinds oi" machinery for cash or (reuit R. A. ZOELLER- W. STAMPS HOWARD, Lounty Attorney. O.ce ia the Court House. VMEU 10,000 lbs of bees- Tax, wool, and feathers. J. Zan der. -. K Wblla Capped. Seaman Braswell, Henry Bryan, Carey Sberrod and Baldy Pittnian, all colored, living in the neighbor hood of Ltggett have been bound over, to the next term of the crimi nal term of Superior court for assaulting another colored man, George Lewis, about two weeks ago. Baldy Pittman, it seems, invited George, who lives some ttiree miles from the Buliuck farm to come over and see him. George came. He and Baldy went to Leg.ett and lean. But a, currency system by hlch the people of 'America are enabled to hold their cotton, al lowing it to percolate into the market as the - spinners need it, enabling the producers to erjoy the full benefit of competitive buying, is wholly compatible with the policy of cur Republic, and wise beyond controversy, "Cotton is a chi'd of climate men Ihin oi soil- During tue cotton faminti vl the civil war millions were frpent and wasted by the European governments in the effort to establish cotton fields in other parts of tbe world. All iu the end Uiled. So, recently, wat use ten million dollars by Alan Chester mauufactuiers who at. t em pud to eHtaolinJi ctton 1-iiiiis iu ine Cong't btiu of Africa. 1 his plant reqnirrs h crt;iu av-ratfe tewperatnrrt during the young d tender pencKl, u cer'nin ingticr -tyerage temperature iiurmg tbe "sutceetiing aays of development and a certain other average teai perature during tbedaol U fruition. Coupled with tbee con ditions there must be a .crttaia average degree of moisture in the air. Tue hot winds trout the fcviuib Atlantic, cruhsiug the Gulf Slieum aim uieetiug tue i-OKitr air cur eut of the Appala-biao cbaiu, produce this degree of moisture fhe facts which I have just recit ed are proven by a century of ex perimeut and by scientific re search. Between latitude 30 and 39 North, aud from longitude 100 West, thence eastward to the At lantic Ocean, is formed by nature by the combination of warmth aud moisture, the cottou i ltfi'iu re. ior tbe world. 44 jcien lists tell us that the growth of cotton on a considerable s?ale will be restricted to this area until the Creator has physically remodeled this1 planet, "So skillful have become the manipulations of this wonderfully plastic and versatile fibre that it bas nearly put the silkworm out of business and has become a sub stitute for the sheep. Once blend- ( . iiu ve. noimi-g i-r.r t e C li .tbC can urtiil it iu tue fiaefct.wcoleu garment. It han be couie iu surgery second to the kmfe. So nuiveit-al is its coo- tumptiou that in strange lands, amoug strange tongues, where your Government bonds would not be collateral for a breakfast, this whit fibre of the cot t6n fields is soiight and brought, aud woven wnd worn. Had tbe monopoly of this product reen placed by na ture just nine degrees further rth. I am profoundly conbdent that the law of self-preseivation tricity has suDerseded ga. and I trict Assoclatloa of Coo oty 8a per I which is used oot only ia the field I IntendeuU of Pmbllo Schools re fer sporting purpose, but is umd .olatlOM the aaQciatlon bu Just exclusively for tbe shoulder arms . , .i .... ... of the army and navy as well as ptd, Brain that Mr. Joyoer for the machiua guns, tbe rapid-1 do consider any proposition to fire gnus, and the huge rifles oo I Kitre op the duties of BtaU Super- medrcksoi our tttle ships aod I latendtat notil the work he bet lit it . i a I wlin,u ,CB wo, . o cor ioruu. 0 ft U jnore mixture -cf ran cotton- and I 1 - alcohol and ether, or acetooe. orr teRenwal Impnesloa that Mr. else acetone with con cotton and I Joiner is to be offered the pre!- nitroglycerin ite iwo BtroBgeau d.nCT of tha g.. vormsi Md explosives known aod. blended into anew cooipouDd which is a least double as strong as the com moo black powder, explodes with nut giving off smoke, and, once nnisbt, not merely the dangerous characteristics of it dreaded inziedients. but is so safe that you uiiebt gives hatful of tbe powder int tided fur the six teen inch Sandy llook goo to s baby io play whb. He might pound it with a hammer to h' he in sconteut, or you jourpelt uiiebt place it ou u aovll abt brtu a fjity iHioi'd sledge lo Industrial College at Greensboro to succeed the late Dr. Charles D. Mclver. The Saprtme court, io tbe case of State vi. Caotwell. from New Hanover, says that special exemp tions froa jury doty by firemen hare do loogvr any force in the face of section 193? of the rUrTusol, the only exceptions now heiog those nmt.f ultftii ISO) Km. Iialn In on it. It would merely nujb like I active firetnea sol no longer to I So tuucli Snip or pultv. So com- I th. who ira honorary. Not fTrn . . . f I. .1 : . i . .1 u.iS.iuu.'nicii miuia powuer luai . t. trm .ln B . m mm m mm a wms v j kll rvltl I rrt r. m t nn.A rm Kwl I of til.y tuns of it and it would not 00 0,0 ur'' 80 we Pram explinle. So provf is it Mralnstl1140 coooty commUsIooers, beo explosiou by fiie that yon might! they text revise the Jury list, will plant tlck oi cannon powder on Dut Ue names of all members of MMm Xlmi VJohk Some Mothers, unconscious cf the injuncus cficcts of Alum, arc caily giving it. to their Children by the use of sVcallcd Cheap Baking Powder. I Vih&t Mother vroulJ do so if she only tntvt Alum's Worst Work is its early harmful influence on the child's digestive organs, Pos itively Never, should Children of tender years be required to eat it in their food. Secure your Children against Alum in their food. AVOID "ALA7M fSap plainly ran 7" mm Dz3 BAKING P0VJDER a saucer in your bedroom, Hgbt It with a match, acd go to bed by a flickering? fizzling light, as if given -iX ly bomiog fat. In short you simply cmnot explode this powder units you goto tbe trou Lie of couliniug it, and even then jou ctu explode it ouly by using a fulminate of mercury detonator. loe quickest way to picture tbe bar io the jury box, unless they j are of the opinion that they axe unfit to serve. ROYaAL b maie from Pure Refined Grape Creim of Tartar Alia Digestion. latrtMS teifM. Instead of a double ter rice tbrte times a week on the E. C, this service Is now daily W smokelees powder is to dUmiss all except Snodsj. Thii is provioj: a ideaaofthe ordinary blsck goo powder so iamiltsr to every one. Tbe color of the modern powder is not black at all, but has tte nhnde of daik amber. In tbe ene of h powder being fioely divided HI, Mlioktlrss tiOWder la l-O p .u-r k all. It conslsia of a wax like romoosition, tbe size of the 'grams' calibers tbey are designed. For use Io re- decidsd cooveoisoce to the traveling poblio aod of decided benefit to the mercbsou of this place. All the lod Uxla os Ue c44 I c Usts wilsklr la lira rh last line that this Lapp bed we bs-i WiLter weaitar l& I tras lb handles of p!of k. IUbbtts are aiuits aroa4 with ahussped op lock to theta, mt4 fieldakfceTe wrttUes la lhtf UUs. It this Bae aAtth'ar. It .ifeara Mills I rowjne m rtiml of ff lder ! tCSo Iwesly defter ti" ft. Accjriio to figures compiled I itetr Icalbcs -d are roUb.o ! f'3 NotetaUr tbtvii.h Hat ilreet Joarnsl, I bcrax on their feel to hsrdso Tyrooe tlersld. Item op. All the one-eyed owls are leer iog the coootry a mootb oarlitr than otosl, and tbe bob-tailed The corcbutke are a foot sxd s half thick, aod all thesUlks let to the west. The frog hsve already begno searchisg the bottoms ol tail! pwnds and me J holes to find out the deepest place. Thegeeae, dokssod rblekts sre growing a cost r ir rder reb.::.. ,t w.ii. the Wall Street of tbe guns for which I .M.r nt mnA fm.r mAM VtrAfltsVjla Eogtsnd. by than the mills of New the grains resemble the tiny pr. I Oatof sbtf cotton mills la Aew Uqulrrtls sre Istlejc laewm jpotv fora ed elat-s beads, of tbe sort I cnriaoa nareiy nsu osvs utir i loes as wen as note ior later used io old time needle work. For I seen ri ties quoted above par. The I provUioos the machine guns, the rapid fire I Journal says: To be exact, xorty-tbree were guns, the Heavy rtnes oi battle ahin p( fora. the ptslns are .-t in.-'ri iu H"im, oii ir I aiz- liotu a tlilid of au iu h to three-fourths of au inch in length to tbreo-fourths or so inch io diameter aod about two inches io length each grain, io order to increase the srea exposed to igni tion, being perforated equidistant ly and longitudinally with from one to six holes, big as knittiog tbo-e an4 thirty seven llo- p. Out of 101 corrsapoodibg uA of sooth eru mills, seveotf-tvo or nearly three quarters of them were selling shove par, aod only tweoty Dice below par. Taking the securities of the 1S1 mills considered, 115, or 63 per cent, were quoted above, and sixty If an article Is Imitated, the orlcical is always UnL. Thisk it over, and re joa go la bay ihsl texs oi salve Io keep sroad UW bowse, rrt tie Will's Witch Ixsx.1 Sslre. 11 la the Mlsiaal & U Tyrone barbers report thst tbal name Is stamped oo every box. demand anion bald-headed ttexi I Good for ccje-m. Utter. UhIs. raU for applications of hair restorer I sod brotaew, sad especially rerosw- tlrf h .u MV 11 to t-r " l-MM'rd U t piMS. ivid b II IZ. L levtous ee-u.. Also saatj Cwk. ywuog Den are aboat Io late lu.l Tbe tbe rctl:of of T-t'd, tie beards, whether they are beconj-i JUr. has n p!s.-d tear Ha tog or not. STRONG AiJain s needles, depending upon the sixe I six or 37 per cent, below par. of the grain. A. V. Iiolker, in I Tbarw ara two crohable Apptetou's. I -llun.tiollt 0f this diffsreoce. Tbe r Ova l-tllar (Hill aaalfcar. UloS wbich inspired tbe tariff nd tne t .il f Sutt vs. Cant- . . -i i i. i it transcontlDeniai i ,. .m W:lm;,lt,ton. tha So- would have found means by which I ' , i Ll-nnM havo to a larre rreme Court renders au opinion "l""'V . " I , , decree named tha price ana the wnicii puis a lfi:ed culley. i BAEBER, TARBOEO, U.C I go pledged themselves in friendship that George went to Baldy 'a house unaccompanied by Baldy. The half a pint of booze, which the two drank before parting acted us a saporific for Geerge and he laj down and went to sleep. How long he slept he does not know, but does know that Be was awakened by j bv Btrenuous blows being in- fiicted cn the nether extremity of his t; nb k. Before he escaped he was roundly beaten and bruised, so much so that a physician had to see him and sew up a wound or two on his forehead over the oy. WaUNEK,. Contractor and Builder. Brick and Heavy Work Solicited Estiiuiites Promptly Furnished. Physician and Surgeon, Tarhoro. X G. 'Phone No. 1S6. -l)VL F. FENNEK, i'HY 0:!!.,.. end to contentions Aerm upon which the Old World I thst have been made iu a uumber anight obtain tbe raw material ior i 0f 0rth Carolina towns, that ciomiug. I where a ipcaial act oi the legulslure provided for exemption from jorj o mutual prejudice tbe habitat of Uaty and military scrvue for !,:e iWtnn was then deemed a wooden I ior acnye iaab anuendasre to the body poli tic, through which neither blood l or auouey need circulate. That era. thank God, is ended. Now let us meet on the level and part on the eqaare. -ICIAX AXD SURGEON recently occupied by R. G. AlUbrook, Esq. AT 1 1 AN WILLIAMS, i I 'Ksorial Artist and Hir- Mit Iecoratoi The white capping Iwas tte rs from Bank o Tarboro result of a woman, but not Ge .rge' KILL the COUCH ICUREthe LUNGS Dr. King's Hew Discovery a m a ai fnn I ' UNbusiriiun run 1 OUGHSand ' a a service ai memoers oi voluntary lire department of a town for five jeais, a subsequent Legis lature could not repeal tbe act ia fiucb a war as to compel a citizen who had ferved tbe five yes'rs fir to do the jury or military service. Umm4 mm Caasv. The Ballard 4 Ballard Co , man ofsclnrer of the celebrated Obelisk flour, pla In every package of Boor tickets from the small sack to the barrel. These tick eta mo all the way from 10 rents for the smallest .V...n mill m tar MAM tiavll sack to tl for the barrell. than mills. I .1IeTJ. J J- and the northern mill, as a field n hlrdpper. fnr investment, have proUbly M U tickets, car v log set. reached the limit of profitable ex ; in tickets, st silver-plated namioa under exitliog conditions spoons. f3 10 ileitis, sei siiTvr ptsiru forks. 19 to tickets, set silver plated kolves. 10 to tickets. 10 piece toilet set. tiO in tickets, W piece diooer set. Mln tickets, Obelisk sewloe rrjsUud flr!v Km&d fre Dj-s- mil mm are tslsg r tvtts ti'; ll Cl S4is tt tM Wynnes ta. tt cartes tis trSaas sf satraA ta-t ss4 lx ti. tfv-a tacUr U mJZU si Kodol For Dyspepsia frool of him t'erw tx lL Wft as tov eeterlbe door. Th ckrk Va breo io eat tf fifty vears a, J U tail fifty more, a?d has thewssnit ct vstcbrs. Hsve yon tried iUUria' for chlllsf We hsve secure! the srrorr for Tbe Weffolk 34stW crks, . easV sia- I re and are now la a ritiam la ocote ! trt saJ smjjsu mltiv Vss- joa a low price a Siveotaeat aod Toalattoors. All otl guar to teed to Cnib. t;oslit, atd price. IVoeapt skltceats. W. L. & J K oisaaooa. ChlllsHa Is aaiiiitey pusi sxceot for ipecisl vsneUes product. Their coajjtitioo with southern mills is a constant factor in this rsspecL The southern mills are still lo one of their most prosperous nerioda of expansion. They have oot yet reached the period when competition amoog thems-lvee he pu to lower dividends, end when I trade repression brlogs them the ft I wmm whteh tha DM and downs of the cotton Inevitably bring. bred to break chiU. VT. II. Macnair Uaay a man poises, who would harm a kltteo. Is guilty cf cnw.ry where his ovostossrh Ucvanrrn mm rV1fl AA.Vm1 K . what tt oeeds t soettler list i Ce Wf. a.-! rsdMs Vut srsak rrsa, Mtr' txw mxi t-e"A. Ko&J saar r'-cx. UiiVj, SAaaw s.1 sJ rrs by Digests What You Eat !, of haas& l- I ) j r td act UUeg?y 1 . .. ,.m C!4 by K. I- U ck. SI S r4mm tet( isrer ah-s'd etevti Ike a Surest I J-ES, or OLDS Pries 50c a $1.00 Free Trial. nn.i OnioiTMt: Cura for all OAT and IATNQ TB.0TJB- M0NEY BACK. wife. While the law 'was violated j it is the opinion of the good colored peoplejof the neighborhood that George, who is a married man got only what he richly deaervedl It is an encouraging sign th at the negroes in that locality, while ad mitting thst the , law had been violated, are of the firm opinion that Lewis personally, when his wife ia considered, received only his just deserts.. the best. All grocers handle Ibis flour. Ask yoor grocer for Obelisk. A Year ml Hlaa. The year 1903 will long, be r- membered iu the home oil 'I Tacket; of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blooa; wbicn flowed eo copious ly from i-Ir. Tacket's lungs tha dsatheeemoavery near, ue wmer. "Severe bteeding from tbe lun8 and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, with the aatou ujh'iDg result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored aud as time has proven permsn- ancient. The . r tv.. r,,. I bOItCX. t Ktoipn A: Zeller's drug store, i mucn oururu mn ouc b"'-""" i u the colion isrmers: I ivai sa set too colitM m loon ou TShmmlnffli ara all finwl rlaaa. I .. w . I rrx-Ul rae ia r 4lr tAlf. C Tbeswlog machine U as good attbioclike Kodot Iisp;aU thai ;they t rb y will Uxm ttm Is sold by IL IX L. C. Tbe Supreme Court holds that exemptions from juiy duty were never considered as contracts by which one Le; is ature could sell or give the rignt of the State to service other citizens for public! land governmental duUes. But raaaaae luikt SJraaaaea. The most famous strike break ere io thelsod are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver aod bowels go on strike, they qoickly settle the trouble, sod the purify ing wuik goe right on. Best core for constipttloo. headache aid tbet-e are merely privileges levok-1 dizziness. 2ic atbtaioask Zoeller'a able by subsequent Legislatures. I the o rug gist. r . i 1 - . v T u ioe oi iue ui o iub raaaaaea mouth College case win be reiega-1 .v. Horns, one of tbe fore- tits. Devisee so J ba at law ted to the rear, ancient. ne I mn,t farmers ct Johnston eoooty SUMUUNS BY I'L ULICAIIQN. Naiio Csroliea. ( Is Hurnoc Coort, EJcecoabe Co. ) Ifoe tt Cat k. L Sta'Uscs. s4ai6itraioe with lta til saoesl. ef 11 C. DoIUks. deceawd. ssii. 1. Bel lock. 1 K. Bollock. J. D. llio. Predrwk JeokiO.' KoUri Jeaa. losbos Jeokto. Ilstti Jskio. Lu 14 jeosios. 1.1. jessics, um sa Msll.ois sod batoaod W. f Stat bog , IIU Uo'.locv. W. L. bial lioss. aoardLsa of lUI'en ttaltotk. sod i. D. testis gosrt let ol Jess OiX.aVOiliy., CItti Us Kiir.ji to -I tt to t clrat iSrt Ufotr Ue is K.l l itZ cent to lo re-ata a -hbs-1. tvtaa culboa was tc3;l.l ktte loday that t! se gr-s fe, svad lie bet ptMv t 2f fed tkss a rest b!o ordiasry . 1 1 s li ad, dirty, lrahy sal tUiscl tiln rv4io. tV4l"ai Ibal i caWwy pkkrd will era! wl. If Ue (ttllr tail m a l"w -t- f 'lirxTY CANVASS. ,'! 1 f-niocratic candidates of ' -niiihe county will address 'In ,:.! in the several townships atii.t- l'uilowing times and places: l"j;!ii:.-nt speakers, other than the ('a!"ii'l;ii s, will be tfe9en at these V' iiitmcnt aqd address , the - - j w . . . v v . .j.j ia v...J JJ . " '1;t Everybody1 is invited to be -fiit . Take oif a day and come, oidtr of the central commit- 1,1 11. G. AlXBBROOK, t:hmn Ex. Com. Coakley. Nov.l, 2 p. m. ' Maccleslieid, Xov. 8, 1 p. m. tarboro, Nov. 3, al Had a. Clavsa Call. "Adangeroussnrgical opTtion involvine the removal of mali gnant nicer, as large aa my hand, f rnnv mv dauehtera hip. was pre- .onfpH hv the SDDlication of Bucklen's Arnica Saive," says A. C. . Stickel. of Miletus, W, Ta, Persistent use of the Salve com P? oletelv cured it." Curt Cuts, thair - - . .- Burns and Injuries. Hoc at Diaiou. & Zoeller's, the dint gist?. rrico50c and tl. Trial bottle free, impose on the succeeding one! Our versatile friend, ready au thor on all i-olttical occasions, Jef ferson, though Madison was really the man, . opposed or denied the right for one generation to tax the succeeding one. The Dartmouth College case decision made it so that a State could make a contract in perpetuity. The courts now are ctrcumscrib intr this view, and it is well thst Jtail Wat. Scott Bellamy, a healthy looking colored lad was sent to tbe roads today by Mayor l'euder for thirty days for vagrancy. Scott, so it sppeared, before our occupant c tbe wool sack, would tot work, notwithstanding numerous snd divers pereons solicited his services for psy James G. Purvis, who was on the police force, has left to take a position with the Dattghtridge Supply Co. -' at night, 8 p. m. W. A. Bridgers is in Pinetops. .... I . : . .i i Cocstable Hyatt, publicly an- tbey do, ior omerwisc, merrr wou o l, wuld he no telling wnere sucu womu a v - w ... Mas a lead to unless socialism, lutiroaa owrershin is near akin io that wnirh we suggest. nouueed that Mondsy have some half a dozen other sup posed idlers. He had warnea luein. he said, and Mondsy tb,y will il ..or found at woik, be uaen tefore same officer. I The sunshine 'hss not only improved the appearance of cotton in the field, but kalso the fcehogs ol the farmer. The sitostioa seems lo be io jour e comaeseed lo tta St"toe! .t . l 1 . .1 Murl SI LJetcomga iwoil m soe wuausa pi ly sad la oo towot&io f "barb if. C, Uallock 1st t said ccmslf ted. seiied lor lis purpose of m-os a sis tib bich la tev b'.s oabis sa legscies; Ibsl Dsvvi Bo'lock ose of tha dtvlaeas of s-d U. C. UoIIock 1 rr-i awswHaaaaant td tat'.rr 4 AZs i i Vm ia gtrai C3kstpi, wt.: tt t J grat aarb a tatabt bf e ttis rxkib; wiU cnlX, lajta, f jc k- i - Mo sail t-r -!.ll tiry ...i d lu fatlee 1 sl daa; It, et-ii'i" p tt fe. aj mwif Uw lon i 2aital r ibr.l af at iV -sa. ViuA M taw svoary asl tVSr t?r.ata wn la U tet San SaoVa an ara fea tmraj'f M Cmf tuaea limit laar-aa-- la liar CrUt x iirrmf taoaC Uaetal orraa. fha iataar s.s hands for islliog the cotton crop. It U op to you to name the fatore price. Cotton fields look like Christmas times. It ii a crop two weeks Iste and frost three weeks early. bas died sioee tbe djaih tf tta sd mm. mm. mm - t m. m a a . m. m A ..t I A A. tela I II I. DDUOrllV11 vW eiw yer Top crop completely destroyed Jr . BoIk)ck u tr l almost tirooghoot US cotton belt, I deossaad David HoCock s4 s except Tsxas. '8!r!:' . The dsmsge by frost, rain and V f"- ,K- storm will soon starUetne hoieit.-i, reaored le atier at it Oce tha elaf i of Ibe 50DV Coert coootry. A an let TJoKxe, For Cotton Growers Aswociatioo. rue and tried friends cf Uo family-DeWitt's LiUle LArly Edrscombe cuoaty o ibe ZC day of NoveoQtw. uC at lb cors bowse Is said coosiv soi aaaar or daatir lo tbe coiarUit ia sM act -03, w'akb will M fi-ed ia sW oce. th t!aIMttff wdi srtlr K tb etwrt TWfot. "4sawttaf kttrs aea of est U tmUrt. jwa esa kta4 W iaicklf fmt Ualf ta sflactad 4 Ww sn-ery ca taasss U tad te iaUftm a sack m ?eat Wtif ." lri Ulw: U rrwat kJay ra vtlZL 1 . ... M :i iwr w.:i u t . rt.sra to wi t'l la Alt ear bv.:a. A tui I A r : cf ki t I 55a t3 eoanaca aayeaM. 1 K i J. ba rd Ua-. k ta4 k aS 11 yoai sre twa raw mm .v. K m Wtaia.C m-meat l ta 1 7, wM aat t' i.ri-'ai T t ( la-. Iaaf i Swa-Roaw, f Sataey rrw-df. af- J ad ta k fW to ms wrf:c. c4 tl mm, caaaa. aavi l m i 3 U swmis ty a.! IraarXa ia tn y ef s IS "Ja. Tl. -r9 amii ia WiVa sx4 bewail t Sfjart4 f la tg la aaa!&t f 51is Kill as 4-s-ria rd Krl a4 g.ia a t ll la,, Jfaot lie Urn Vow SBf A cold Is much more easily cored when the bowels are open. - " 'v- " .1 tr .i 1 v, . . 7. l?tuu IU) rnrroanlta and best IO tveoooay S laiiun mwwj I tr tha ralial Oetaaausa la SSJ-1 CO ake. Dependable little pills. They Tar opena the bowela and drive pUml do not gi ipe 01 sicken. Bold vy it. me y 'rTCC . V uTTt cTrw r n r K. L.Cook. orold.BoldbyB.Ii.Xa.Cook, J. A. X. WALSTOX U 8. C. at saea a k mmmA lm. mlm a Twac&t twalaialcat if ja ktw bladder trcwl-ie. traoa) 11. p-:f ihmm wrmt l ir. Kdaatv At M. T kUatMS.N. V. t3WTI saaaa aay asaAaaa. pe. suUaera Smwmjm. aaJ u ma. a mm--, v v MtwnmLa, V f m mfft Tie lis afvtrr tei Atlats 'Wta j-0 rt ala lbl ho n It ?Vla baa ifaa-J iaj prvw far t a4 Vfaa"4 ia S-c etK- . 1 ;:. faff are sm piag ! aal e fwsftf heallSy fc say aect. Thm lacrvase ia rce w4 be all t kV, U Ue eosa- srt r

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