n i hi rr II m i hi r n m i r ii ii i ii u iii ii i ii Piii ii ii ii bSSBBSBMBBlSa" 1 BE SIJ:RB YOU ABB BIGhBT : Qn AffAn-p Crockett VOL. NO. 48. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 20. 1906. f III i Lrpsbur? 111 tosjunii'tion. I.irr:5-A' TMK EVIDENCE OF DESIGN. Written IB Behalf Muie Ao. n Nwelety. BY ORREN W, TCRTSEB. "And Nature the old nurses took The-child upon her knee Saying here is a story book Thv mafifpr finfVi niUnn r teraess,Rneu- thee,' - liln and Piles. hrLongfeilow's Tribute to Agassi Long ago the wise and "good man, fcocratti, argued that if vou did not know there waa a liod at all, you could at least infer it be cause every thing was so wonder ful. And the evidence of design ia so convincing we are obliged to believe there ia a designer. 8nall we believe it less because wefind ESTABLISHED 1522. MR. deranges the whole JUCCS " - cr rcmecrv for these! 3 than DR. TUTTS j a trial Mill prove. ii (1. i ii er norae, near W ilson county, of X a ii u ie, . .wi fe ,'of V ii f. Ii r ri . 1 Ece sons sur v osu bctllfiit woman tsitemeu oy- a rnjeeircle oi nicies. H;ck from New :e. where be par aried stock of 'u:is holidayt, for who will make Le 'inarters in the .. .'. l rn CASTOR I A For Iafants ana Children. Kind Yqu Haye Always Bought Bears ue tvo.r.. 11 V ATT, I FiRNTiTKK AXD UNDER TAKER. ppw'.te i.iy 11 edges Stables fceitKC; c ,-.. i arooro, x. U. 3.C.A- WHITEHEAD, Sirpcon Dentist, : TAiiBORO, N, O. Micnoar? H to 1 and 2 to 5. Something You Didn't Know. There are about 12.000 watches imade in this country every dav jnst think ef it, 72,000 every week. xou tnougnt jnst - about every person had a watch, didn't vou! Watches are being-made better every yer many people are trading off their old ones and getting something better, and you should remember, too, that people of. almost everv rountrv in th world are buying American goods. If your watch doesn't suit von. drop in and let me show you the latest styles in watches vou'll want one. Bell The Jeweler. - Cures all Headaches, KeuraJria. in tie creatures about, ns the now. 4 tc. Does' not depiwa the heart er aud ; intellect to care for their I o01" oj all druggists own lives?,' WX "1 . 1 " . m wia you ever stop to observa Blun,P or rocs. 6enairg lonn how . the bird? nre v.nt-ntlv UuMesion of rpid 4,whinroor changing to adopt tbemselyes to ! " interspfrs-d with barely their surrounding? Loup ago bo- Qdbl "chm-k-." In the daytime loire the presence of the wfiite man c '8 seated ou tfie ground amoup in America, the bam swallows and leaves and like the rest of the chimney swifts built their nesta terrestrial protectively colored and reared their young' in cayes ml it is difnenit to ditcern him and hollow trees but now they oc- rom the brown leaves. And again enpy a. prominent place around the argument of design inseitsiir the dwellings. And did you ever &elf. The great blue berou as be nolice how in dead winter time 8tands in the weedy marfth, hunt our birds secure their food' as ID minnows and tadpole, will though nothing unusual had hap- straighten his crooked ne k aud pened. point his bill straight in air aJ "When nature has spread her tllU8 remain motionless uim penetrating white sheet ever moth the intruder passs. Acd so un er earth it seems almost impoesi- 'Q16 is nis oou observation triek me tnat the birds can obtain food ina5 yn wuia suppose ne waa enough to keep them alive. And cypress stick piojecting cut of the bird traps, air rifles and shot the marsh. eruna take the advantage of this A'i birda are more or less in starving weather when birds are dined to protect their nests even obliged to seek man's premises to in tDe gravest daDger. Thus one obtain sustenance food. The slate of nature'a most brutal tragedies colored junco as he flits about nse frwm lne unwillingness of a your doorsteps on the frozen snow mther bud to desert her babies, finding here and there a crumb of Tne plnme hu-jter seeks the nest bread or an oat 6eed, seems pt r- "S colonies ot tne wnite egrettes fectly content with the scanty sup at time when" nesting is at its nlv. And voner in th flower tr height and then only are these A preliminary report of the' Qreat lapplneaa earn loto tb Interstate Commerce Commixsion aone of 9. C. Blair, acbool aope on the iucome accounU of the rail-, ln,od.Dt Albaoa, W. Ya.f ways of the United Spates for SSVStJ!Sl jr enmngwane mid, last, ccn-,fit nacies. !? aav-: -Mr btti -tains returns from companies op- daaxhttr F bad 8L Yitua' Dasc, erating'220,023 miles of .lines or I whlch J Wdvl U o treatment but about Mrr Mnt f, ,n... tcrtrjluduj woraanoUl as a last that vili UmwI i k I " wc uccuig uiiun; that will becoered in the final . rule lh hen. rePrt- (effected acorn ear. Onltk The total grcs earnings of the! tore cure for nervous eoaplainta. road were t2.3 19.760.030. beinr? I general dibUity, faoala weaknea- equivalent to tl0,543 per mile, ff' H001? mZ Passenger erningsVereWlS- lQL0 Cllt Aft e t it r . I wuiugs l,WU,Vi-',ty,.', or 94,433 I nmm.mi.mm tlCMtte per muc. Uperatldg expenses were In oar 1m t inoe w lUUd that 11,513,103,152; or U,VC3 per tb number of bale ciontd U Nov. mile. The net earnings of the roads Htu, 8,531,000 teamad to ba bear- were $377,790,877, being g3,5$0 ib. Io oa aenaa it docs, beiof m per mile, and nearly 137,000,000 1 million mora than bad Wan aiootd more tban .tke corresponding I DP t 'ot. 14th lut jr. The amount reported for the previous I pecuiaiora in -tw lock took a year. Income from other sources diflertot x9 "first blab, IDO-N WILLIAMS, D IARB0RO, . gar den, the chipping sparrow, scratch ing and digging vigorously at the base of some seed plant, finds a few seed of which he ia thankful. And how satisfied and happy tbey seeu ! Yet we are not. :We begin to frm nn a coce like concern uo 6uu.vijseu jiu i witn a nroD ana trisreer and rjlaca the extraction of teeth I IIl with nil nf its alf rai.fi vpnoea in the path of the j unco's and spar rows and the little ignorant things led on by the dainty food, soon meet their fate. The red breast bobins and cedar waxwings are murdered without warning while feeding on holly balls and elder berries. " The meadow lark and flicker as N. C. IIUISM. XORFLEET Attorney at Law - Wm ,i. :,: lieet Bide- W. St. James Street, Tarboro, K". C. A. ZOELLEIi, M Gasoline and Steam Engine PDert. A(3i'ltiu? of Oaanlino Rt pa specialty. d6twtf I ev Pro tne fi'd nd meadow in searcn oi txnience iooo, are victims of the ta get hunter for they are unfit to eat. And think of it; these birds that destroy mil lions and millions of insects dur ing the summer, helping the farm er to successfully raise n is crop VIXTEU-HJ.OOO lbs of bees- fa, wool, and leathers. J. Zan- - 15tf '.STAMI HOWARD, L'oantv Attornev. OSce in the Court Housa. birds inclined to allow human being to approach in shooting range. The old birds are ki)ld by tie hundred- and their placceo torn trotu their back-J, leaving the Touue to the awful death of star vailon. Th" !h" ptniiie HrHKl3 as wmte egintes to atiuru luehatb for ladies and any lady wLo wears one is a walking bymbol or death and destruction, and a true stoij of mother a love for her babies The beautiful killdeer with his handsome white collar and black cravat will feign to be win g broken a ruse to keep the intruder a safe distance from his nest. lie gets a safe distance from you and falls over screaming a shrill, dear, dear dear, which of course hasl-ns tu toward him and away from the nest. But when you come with in a few feet of him he will noble a little farther repeating the cry and thus luring you from the nest and how wonderful is the deijrt.? i -4 1 MU' .Mi i EE 0. TO OUAJLD'SCrS ararst Cm XSm UosbS Staaca Ocrcoama 6sextrg at than those of operation acrcmrateU 32,C24,928. The dividends paid amounted to 229.406.39S and taxes f G8,903,2SS. rM... strike Br..k.r.. The moat famous atrike break 9fk in the land are Dr. Eine's N'ew Life Pills. Wfcen liver sod bowels go on strike, they quickly regardiog then nitbr balluh nor bearub. llowevar if wa aaaljta them wo can betur ac why they did cot rtf rd tbo f inoors rtport as bearub to aav tbo leaaL Io 1903 tbo amallMt crop ia tbi years waa made, 9,Si2,0OO balff. w ben on xtov. 14 lb, 69 per cant was ginned. On this beau, taking n - " -. -. etlle the trouble, .nd the purify- " 6 " TJ 7 iag work goe right on. Deet re fport of 1lhlhr for constipation, heauache aid! dizziness. i'5u at btatout Zoeller's the druffst :CT. Dr. Geoige It. Tabor, State Hedth Officer, of Texas, tells tbo Washicgton Post: "If other cities ot the United Stales would follow the example t by Ike National Capital in the matter of clean streets, it would do more to prevent the spread of the 'white plague' than any other one thing. It seetna the hardest thing in the world to convince people of tbo neceanity. Dirty treets are conductive to coreuiop ti', nl ihe atmosphere wbero such conditions prevail ia filled with the deadly gern.8 and Inhal ed into the lungs by a careless population. Then they wonder bow the disease was contracted, point to the model Uvea tbey have led, and never for an instant con nect the diseate with the dirty streets. 1 In our State we are very parti cular. We will not allow passenger ears of anv kind to ta awept or chmU unlit passengers re abroad. Wa btve inspectors to examine the c&ta before going out of the yards or barns to aee that the law has been complied with. If it baa not. the guilty parties . are vunisned, ana in mis way a crop of 15.300,00. If wo tako the crop of 105, tbo next abcrteat year, whoa 10,576,000 ' bales wore ginned, or that of 1904. tbo tig crop of 13.438.00a With tbo pf cenuges respectively 71.3 and 71, wo find a probable crop oa 190a baU 11.900.000; 1904, ll.T50.0ua Hojodgiog tbo crop by thrto former years there will bo no record, oao or one approacbiog tbo record. The world needs of Americas cotton 12,500,000 bales. Only one of the percentages baaed on accurate statistics about furnish a crop to equal the quantity needed. It must yet be bora ia mind that each crop la sol generis, sod that sufficient data bavs ncl beta obtained to approximate aa average. ifore cloning was done la all of the States this year between Kor. 1st and 1 1 than last, bat the gains from all east of MhieJppl arc alight. Mississippi and states west To cuani your home n-airut the un seen dangers cf food product the Govern ment has enacted a pure food law. The law compels the manufacturers cf baking powder to print the incrcdicnta on the label cf each can. Tba CWaot Lee crmS C Uhrt ym, rUcU so Ct yw can l-ml atrtr, g dxa cs aay purs crwtra urur LanJ fe teck mul Say ptainly (5J ROYAL la a pn. proajct os crffcod, mw vfi BAiuriG CS tarter blx towr- nn Urn TtCAn aCia t Cm to2 Mr. Stel Wialf K4fM4, Preaent Indies lions pclot to a harp fight over tbo aptakerthlp of the Iloosa lathe next Lrgula tore. Tbcra are sirtady tbrr strong candidates la the field for the place. Wllboit rvfcrroc to merits of tbo other, Tbo Dispatch Is very much la fatoi of I be elec tion of Mi. W. C. Io I, oi Uecklenbdrir, and alncervly hopes that the Iloat will select tbfca al4c rentlrmaa to prraide over Its do liberations. Mr. Do J U ooo of tbo Wet taea ia North Carolina and bo toMenwt by their own death warrent in the our smaller birds are ihe Texas is rapidly becoming the N Our Jack of All Trades rmm-n saw wood, cut feed and do rl service tl.it a food Triable line Eii '.iie can do for vmi A u,v the asking. I sell flnds ol' inachinprv for rush or winter Whv do we permit 'such :cums oi me rajeienous ueauoiest oiaie in me union. cruelty Surely the world is un- bud which flays egH8 in tne nesi vhen hundreds ol persons mJLa oiirt l,nloal of other birda to avoid the troubl were dying in New Orleans of the ' -ri.k ir, nnr Kriaht oi lncuuaiing auu rearing oi wu yeuow lever iwiniw uaiveaion Hnrrnnndir.trai " I spring. But few birds seem aware I to prevent the fever's spread, if F ' I.Z.U-I m 4 .. n.1 nnl rT I 0 . 1 1 I L.T. IL.k Ti. Main "I . 1.. rA,.mnmlmt haf nnr Ul iii lUIUUaiUIB auu mv W".w UUHIWIfl lUWIUttl VIII. AMD U'.IU . - j J - f a A -r... I taeV lnCUOaie, DUI M wo v I IBID? t 1USUIIU UDOII WU CiNUlll xo . J I I A r V. ,i.V r. .... ...1... ....It ...I dav all throoeh the summer when ttLiU " . " I - r"' vt" a - - .... I t W . w vxlA1inrra tthlPh BATTIA I e?ea ea?VrtSi-1 in IJQl vMtAn A l ; M A ni:n , th wha nn m o I LXITT la VJ f s-1 fc-'i - ustt-'9 w w oo a v aa u-e au w v t v v mm v U) WI 19 wuuuiut mu tuo iiuiuo .. . - . i: X I -T- "r.. . -11- t .tiii;.n. rWmM ;n.wu -Itimes ie oi swrvauuu. ihm. mopeopiBoi iuhcuj, 17 JX AJL& Ut X 111 a aa, e a . 1 -t I " at 7f.;. D;i,a o, in sieaer intended and therefore no gate me atrip abroad. While In !:"t"!.Tr" rirr-u :.:r kick is cominjr. Europe I observed that the cities W ci r.v, I t r "II . tVxvo. .a I U l -.- .u . I . ..Ii.i.l.rf.-.t th.fl.ati.kr II VOU Will UUl kitui ut wuere ucku tunw ciotuu ...rtlno. tn and fro at the nass actual iacis luen uwin 1 ia.ut-u cn "'""'J ino- inaecta returninsr each time to " " J - . .7 . their same post witn tneir victim The active warbles and vireos ex A aM.K -lm lM 1 e-w m K " 1..,, raaninatmn 1 nhTl r ailOn ana I u shuilnlo flnnlliifM ' were greatly Incrtaaed. Texas baa every noahficatn for arrakvr. The aireaay ginnea more coiion uaa It made last year and It Is within 600,000 of tbs total crop of 04. The number of bales gtoned ia this Bute U 333,000 a10s 100,000 leas than last year. IT It does not seem possible that the States ia the eastern half of Us belt can make np the difference that now exists betweed the gin- nings this year and laaL So taking the figures from any reasonable point, there Is very little of bruin to be found ia them. 0 in their own naunisana oe iurw icuercuiosis; wnere opposiie con- for Contumptioa. wi! , witness. If you wonld know a good d it ions prevailed the reverse waa i.vizj riilt tbsvl avfls t" thing when you see it then pive true. The main thing that will uJ, i VM conphj ,r nature a trial. Tis full of mys prevent the spread of tuberculosis d VJL A - A A L. I WAM r V ing inseciB cjr ''! ' riLunll1,nt,. Tisasonrce nMh - 4 Y in f r 1 H I 1IIUCOLIIVIV J - UUbUaitucot vuiia- I - . - o . 1 1 al ni nTicriesn huiuuicui us - a ducational and to ieeaai onicve ILFUKD CULLEY. . n BARBER. TARBORO, K.C D-'AGXEK, " Contractor and Builder. c5iaml Heavv Wnrfc Solicited WILLIAMS. roiivirr.-ial. Artist and Hir- corator. : i s ; on. Bank er Tarboro H. JAMES Contr ami ;tor and Builderr rl.oro, N. C. 'f '-ifications carefull) tly prepared- PIIVSI U"C.' r.. KEENER, I AX AND SURGEON; ' ' y occupied by R. G A. i,;-. rook, E80 t"l V 15 110., and Builders. A. t nrrtca V;S I l f ! :iy j, art ;. tiuiii us. ' utsee ') a8 any, 1'lsina When we and jnye woodpeckers, dees, and brown creepers search the tree trunks, examining eyery limb and crevice for insect's eggs, and ants, and excavating tha dead boring larvae from his interior home. The terrestrial birs such as the thrushes, meadow larks, sparrows, wrens and towbee?,keep ud the hunt on the ground. When they retire, the night hawks and whip poor wills resume the hunt for noctural insects that escape the day flying birds. Thus we see arc very few insects that escape. And again the argument of design is presented to us. How wonderful is this design 1 And shall we think for a moment that the Designer intended for us to murder and ex terminate His demonstrators? We will linger for a moment on the night hawk and whip poor will as the two birds aie greatly confused. At the whip poor will is strictly nocturnal he is eeldom seen. The night hawk or bull bat passes the day in motionless stup or but at dusk or night be flies heavenly in search of his insect food. His vocal powers are limited to a loud, monotonous tweent'' ut tered incessantly in his undulating flitrht. He baa a strange habit of diving straight to the earth with set wings, and at the termination of his reckl. ss flight as he nears the ertbr his stiffened wing quills makes afctr.nere booming sonnd caused by the air pasting rapidly throUin them. One would suppose that the bird's object in so doing tas suicidal intent but he will rise higher and higher in the air and in a few moments repeat the per formance. Whilst the mgnt navx is to sympathize, thereforu aid us in nea'.iutr a public sentiment against the needless destruction of nnr wild nou racce and song birds. There are laws wbi h prohibit such destruction and may we enforce them i-i the name of Audubon and the Designeil AlllatMkdllM Catctr. It Wits long thought that cancer was a diseate peculiar to man; but it is now proved that tberoll scarcely a vertebrate animal with oat it, Havage races were long I supposed lo be from cancer. Now, however, that trustwortnj reports are being sent in to the imperial . a , cancer rescarcners. is is anown that savage races, and, indeed, all animals, develop cancer quite as A Yea Mve4. The year 1903 will long bo re mem bored Io tbs home f F N. Tacket; of Alliance, Kv., as a year of blood; which flowed so copious ly from Mr. Tack el's longs tha death aeemed Tory Bear, Us writes: 'iievere bleeding from the longs and a f rixbtfol cough bad brought me at death's door, when I began taking Dr. Kiog's Now Discovery for Consumption, with lbs aatoo- aner takiog four toly metered and as timo has prove perman ently cored." Guar an teed for Bore Longs, Cong ha scd Colds, at Btaten & Zoellet's drug a tors. Price 50o sod tl. Trial bottle free. lib which bo aord tit no mi cation ia tbo primary la bit COOOtj ireeVitg vdiiie. odiUr uf lie Cbarlvtie Kitat&g Neva aod as a piltelc cttiien. be baa stood for morality, civic Hgbt eoctnesi and progrrea. Ut deter tbo honor ws sUh him, and tit udom of tbt Closet will doo-'Una elect him aa tbt proer tcia for for tbo rjkf ftlip. Leibttoo Dpatcb. - The Soot here er would faroraUy commend Mr. Dowd to Dr. Pitt aod Mr. Vestal. Ho U eka to that genial geollrmao, Henry A. Dowd whom we all know so well aod ea teemed. How Ooo mao Was Made to Toll. Annt tbo d4see frsea etreo wilboat tvooor f lit lirvt c-tgro comfitAles awot t&tmbwr ! whkh were rioioea ia UrotMti., Ttiaa, Lut asoiCMr, kwag tp tbt aUveta aad kulitg itMrtt -foa, 8. SL Nj rvleua aa tfftit sattWl riKrJ It tit ffOToel unl!l al I'eial Lw&at, wbero it waa a f-Uoar. Th provcMl taarLk!l w m rillag by bit eol tiers ba tmm of lita carted bin. lit i!i!ly taraed arcaei aad aretf4 ly bit orderly rods la it lie rAlttirx dtmaadieg to V told whs cam 4 bias. No tvtly waa aueda. 'HI give "tie i !il. LO .rfci r.-l Uiief 'vtl lit atc!. M let. il rn..U nr. Vt StUNcf t tiaii;. it. Ue "uve tie taufw lt t K"OatJ 1 1. VOX He lu bow tie 6.wer..i54l. Tkw a e it tit a v., AWal iMlri l;&e fn, t tt;i-; atl yal wkt is. Uxo I rtt aj m;v.i ttr a a v.ry Q4 wii'e Uft li ltxe tre dcr?4. Two Uuc, t 4 aiUb. mz4 teftt; f re V W.tii !. r'ft 4. 11,4 iMt Jit. WV4U!t i4 al lcfii to, leca hm t-tUtnrw be 11 itt dtt4 lit ierattg cctua ly lit rrw eatioy a Ike at in ra, pwwt all t-wWe a4 frlj'T w Wa "lalt n al lit ii." 1tv. irajicw ar iejt.m. tQf lateta, rrvta djM:r: a;l rld akkly, a4 Ukc tarfy, aw ji trl Ut tlala r-M t .. Ivv-trel. air .' fcr rbU4if a. at-d a rltal far a4al SJ ead rmea:4 ta & aat ZZ- Ur W all 4ekrw. b lamd sat lockUg !!l.,.ly atoceovas, aad coa nmiol: ,f. "- .... ltlMM ItMiM Aa ike e Kn'tJ t lii.il.l . "- - ' I f V. a?. t....J. t. v . man, a etMr ia a&otler taut all etK . ...... . m . . raifi;cd f.UtaS4 ta taaila tie tram J ilifcol termini m' i ak. I - . . . " I j ann. mi a la . w. I rmmA K 1 K!, . a.. - I . - ' ' - S W OM tym awSF a- W W e4 IV I . -a . - " " - - ' I .!vt CI . : . . 1 . m. . .Neadoea Ml know. Hal llet Z . T. V : . Tr ...V..i. xrwi. ai at IMU 1C1 wow Mir lie axxxxtkcKl lo fatua ea Laltve. lit tltt to falUw rr ?:. llaa C'leae Call. A dangerous surgical opralion I freely as people living under civ- invnlvin? the removal oi a man-1 Hived conditions. Uoe or me nrst frnant nicer, as larce as my band, I cases brousht under Dr. Bash. from m v dauehter's hip, was pre-1 ford'a attention was that of a can vented -by the application of cer in a wild mouse, and mallc BuckJena Arnica Btlve," says A. Dant cancers Late been found in L, Stickel, of Miletus, W, Va, Dirds, tame aa well aa wild. From I'eraistent nse of the Salve com- trout in hatcheries, from carp.aod niptplw enred it." Cures Cuts, frota marine fish llyirg in a state ( mm j of nature cancera have beeo taken. Even an oyster has been found with a large cancerous tumor. Dr. William McGregor found cancer in codfish effthe Newfoundland banks, and even frogs have been discovered with it. Prof. Welah, of Sydney, recently found genuine cancer in an old lioness, a tigress, and in a kaugaroo. All ra?s ol minkind, In fact, and all verte hratoa are liable to cancer, whether pnder civilized conditions or not. Besides tbo fsct that animals and all men are subject to cancer, it is signi0cant that tke tame kind of vancer is found In men and anl mals. It is became of this that so much is hoped for from cancer research on mice. If cancer can be i : : it tn.m. t n hA m -5 : , enrru iu uiu. . w u iTVrirVnui,! hr Kiwi ujta. atrone . Wical -dednctiou that It can be e-rtion. un,x err-- w hum - . . . London DU- Burns and Injuries. 25c at Statoa k Zoeller's, the druggists. Don't fad to try Chillaria" for chills. At W. H. MacNair's. Heart Strength Heart Streneth. or ITfwrt Wcaknrta. meanaNarre fttrnimh. or KTTeWrakn nothlnntnopa. Poa. ttirely. not one wea boart in a hundred U. In lw aplf. actually dilcajed. H la alnmat alwara a hidden tiny Uttte oerra that rraUy U all at teult. Xhi obacure nerTo the Oirdiac or lieart crr simply neda. aod must ha. more powr. mora stability, mora controllln. nor eorrnlue atrnnrtb! W ithout that thr Hrart muat rootinua to (ail. and the Krnnach and kidnejl aiao have tbVw same rontrolllna nerre. This dearly explains why. as a medidna. VT. ghoop's Restoratire haa In tha part done ao moca lor weak and alllrut Heart. Dr. hoop first 'h the cauee ol all this pain fuU imlpttatine. augocat- Ins-heart distrws. Ir. unoop a ?f7ZiZZ popular preMTiptioo la alone directed to tfa Wk and waAlnv nerte ceoUra. . It bullda; are canted by ladwetioo. If jm m a Lule too mtjch, or tl row ara eabject ta attacks of tn&gvtlioa. yoa bre m tfoU bs4 tbortzteaeof bresUw Tt4 heart beats, beartbora or pelptUtiaa ef tbe beart. ladiftetloa caatea the stomach ta ejrpaad-wa!. ad tnS trp arataaA tha heart. Thte crow da tke beart aa4 tater fares with Ke action, aad ta the court of tat tbo beart Kodol For Dyspepsia lEsecU what yoa eat. takea the strala e of the heart, and eontitaiee aoBrkbmeet, atrenta aad beaha ta every orxaa ef ta body. For ladvstjon. Dfvpepaie, Soar Stornach. IniUavnation ef the rmxece rnembraaee bninf the Slomach aad tXree Vvm Trsxt. Narroue Dytpepai and CalATrb of tae Siomar n, XSar aartae. svy Saat m iMait na,raia and I P naity I a boale af Kaeat aa M r- aatara&rf. aaar wife a lew ia n I at aara. aua.jQrUKQ ateHOLa.rwaaTaa.awT. a aat Killed at R. R. CroJ5Io?. Wm. Lor ett, an ttcel'eol colored man a boot ti 3 ran cf ago was killed at tbo PriectTi:!t railroad croeeiogtBgTboraiay etteiog a boat 6 o'clock. From what caa tt Iramed bt aee ma lobaTt been wholly at faalL Tbt Kinatoo aboofly, which killed bad blvvo far tbt cronies; and tbt bell was beicg aoooded. Tbo cngtoetr, Mr. lajlor that bt saw bin 00 tbt track, whta it was too latt lo atop, . tboagh bt at 00c applied lbs ttnergvacy braita and btoogbl tbt traia to atop in ICO yard. But Lovett bad failed to clear the track, so be was struck aad knocked down, dying almost ta stantly. His right arm sod right leg wcrw fractured aod be 1 truck oa the head. Tbt aboil was not crush cl but It aa Ibla that probably cud death. The Ualo crew ptacdthe body oa tha train and broorht tl to town. Lovett aa coming (walkiog) Intrt lAti when the faUt accident occurred. nr. W. J. Tblrpeo. alter a thorough loqulry, found 00 rravoa to hold a corooer'a loqoeat. By lorot witnevatt It la betUf td that tbt man lo haabrniog acroaa Ibt track atnmbled and Ilia do- laved him ao tbt lbs train aUack him. el Mea aiaaa rriJay Utea 11 aai 13 o'cUck nooa.tbt pa boaa oa tl lldwari 'a farm la No. & towtilip, eWal C a&ns f roes btre waa dtatrc jtd Vt era toenbev wttb iu- ncutu. a boat 1M worth ol aetdreaJ. tottoo ae4. aiae taws cf : aad farm iaif.sfctiU it ln lea. The farm ta oaa J.UU'v t v tie' Howard Trait Co., aa4 J. A. U:ai:Jt En: Ef:tj Titills id fovj Sa;ul 1 Bww Ta rva Owa. ft Vc at roaBwac (Uaa two waiev aa4 ktll ataa4 tamtMt e artijrcawwl a af tf u jW Wae miM m4X i mf trUw : t- f vf"aj Ut tJMMia Hatw. tt Oe tk at al UaUtf are aw4av. Vtel V Sw. Tbere t cmla't ta W IwwV mt mtXtm eayi an I. IS4 tr. k'i Smaa-Kasl. Ite fVl a Maw twmmtf. ta t ta taara. .!. lr. v ead ewry put 4 la aaary rwr It ewtweta tasutf wm w-. a awevirinwiwe. tlut tcaf m dnr tat ?. aa r ' Us aUwcrUay eSect 5' aorf -ft mat leeoaaa rvaUjwa. li hmva ie a-fi far tta waitfJ cajwe U Ii mm im.m (w. If ve pww1 a C-.w rWita titf a ew- r tank (Ut ft atnal .! H frra Vrwaul. Ai ! t. ia:wcv a Ca, ur- kaartoa.M.Y. Uw r.:;I Karwfa lka ?V ea! t&oaal aoake av BhUlt. rraaraatarr Uw ataai. t. KUaarf &-. aa4 at a.iirr-v, Ubaa-aa. N. . Tbt grl rrpt4xa r!a wLWa tbt ra4 rtrs la lk: tuii;re cle!ce4 ik day af er tl r'tca kev to crrr--i list H rad vol to i a4iai it:iur ewai Ua ttaa la lK-t lky, Uvtm, wia a'Txtr-j ,w ciaiaa I tat tit Dtaocratx vrle ctitlr 114 lis oa. A ty ceo aavta urtUUu eoo'd b acta Hat UU a a a gwod aboaltg. rrl Wcarw baa beta r trtxwl to Ue rravla bjKajcr iVa drr for verraacr. Irv4 Yt.ltr. a ca&kl tea: cm a. iaga t0c il aa4 a C tl. . Tbt ratlard A P-allard Co . sata afartarvf a cf Ibt ritra!4 Ot;ik Cwr, ptaww la rvtry tarkr f Cocr ikkef frvta ll rail k lo tbt ban e. IVw t K k t V t t.a a. lie way fioca iQrvaVa f;r lb aUeai url tal f.f Ibt ttafTv!.. Her t what v tl gvt wilh i. a . . a . " I era IMii'.t; a 92 ta lrki, lair ltr. 1 1 ta iwkrt. eara It m1. t ta llt'ji, a4 etlvff aZ4 ;noca. is ta tifltta, set s.rrr plalrd forks. ty ta IkktU, Set tilTtr ttalrd kaltre. , , f o ia tr k tie. 1 0 tecw l4t a 1. tro la Kkrte, t rerw dtatf aet. til la tkktta, Ol.k tewttg eeclitc. TW tva te art al tr4 aa, Tlfwtg taat-bia la a gw4 a llwlwat. All grrwera kvaa4 His &r. I had atawiaati traataa aa waa bt a U4 mm Sa4 aa(t traatiii wa . I Im U.m4ml CwaaaM C- aajlatq. Mia,a Uiein as needed, with Pr.ShOOps 9 ptch in Kansas City Star. dw rr o xxx. wati. iaalTtHiaiwiiaO aatmra bids wantt:i fob nciLD- log a arboolboca to No. 6 towo ahiDOQ Ceo. It. Camraoo'a Wbll field farm, of ood. Braled Uda wlltU rMlrnl nn &( larladlBC DUests What Vou Eat I Dec 20. Tbttnitdicg wmtoo , , Ittonr Bolldiog to be compieUM awr aw aa I Bold by B.E.L. Oook, by Feb, 10, 1W;. For plana aad specifications apply to the soptr Utcodcnt, F.8. Wilkinson. Bl I'd WANTED FOE Rt'ILD ter a acboolboaat la Ko. S towa abl p sear W D Aaderwoa. cf col. Hraled bids Will ta? .rtrvlvttl an aad ladadler Dec. bi. ""bt loilt ll...(it t.. v . 1 ... ill w til a w m j . v. 1 -w- and aprciiaticca aptv to 11 eaperiotendret, F 8. Wilktoawat. Building lobs rxaplctcd by Fib. 10, UILLtkc COUCH CURE wg LUNC3 Dr. Kings Nov Discovery C.'.a a4 g0stla) few? I-iai. Iirwt a4 Wajaaawa Oar a ruxoar aa Leva rs-o- 1XJ, erXCXXT 8 f'-I'l'lslifcil a"d V ater Sts. aia the meadow or seated on some (ALL DEALERS) Phone 120

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