ESTABLISHED 1822 BID SURE YOU ARE RIGHT; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Orockett -__•__ VOL. 86. NO. 8 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 20 1908# an old adage SAYS.— “A fight purse is a heavy curse” Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat off nine tenths of all disease. Ws Pills ro to the root off the whole nat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action off the LIVER to normal condition. ne to the system and .h to tho body. tO Substitute— ( lki IF1CATK OF DISSOLU TION. To a’I to whom these Presents may come—Gieetiug: Whereas, It appears to my sat isfaction. i»y duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the \ointary dissolution thereof, by the unanimous^eousent of alf the .stockholders deposited iu my of iice. that Rocky Jit G ancuCo., a (orporatiou ot this State, whose pro eipal office is s:taated at No. — street, in the’o vn of Rocky Mt, county of Edgecombe, State of North Carolina, (H. E. Brevard being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom pro ces> may be served,) has complied with the requirements of chapter L’l. Revisal of 1905, enticed u* or , potations,” preliminary to the is suing of this Certificate of Dissalu tion. Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do here by certify that the said corpora-' tiou did, on the 24 day of January, 1908, file in my office a duly execu ted and attested consent iu writing to the dissolution of said corpora tiou, executed by all the stock holdeas thereof, which 6aid consent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on tile in my office, as provided by law. In Testimony V”hereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 24 day of January, A. D. 1908. J. Bryan Grimes, i Sec’y of State. ■ / - -- 4 D. D. WaGNEK, Contractor and Builder. Prick hnd Heavy Work Solicited Estimates PromDtlv Furnished. NAT HAM WILLIAMS, Tonsorial Artist and Hirtn t Dec orator Tarboro N. C. Two door from Bank of Tarborc PANOLA DAIRY f w • Pare Milk and Cream Patrons will phone thei» | ^ orders to phone No. 243a. | Tiie Finest Males We believe that we have just received the.. FINEST MULES thatwe have ever receiv ed f r sale on this market. Come and see for yourself We are also showing some very desirable riding and,driving horses. Iiawson k Wilson Sale and Feed Stables Next Jail., Tarhoro. N. C. WHY BUY CtfEAP : OIL? —when you can get— ■xmbTe best WHITE. uCr is guaranteed not to- leave-an unpleasant (dor in 1 lie room after blowing o it your lamp, and not "to smoke.. For sale by tiic bbl or smaller quantities. Buy 1 gallon and be convinced. Sole Agents Red “C” MfgCo. Balto., Md. Phone or write ub. LILES-RUFFIN & CO. The Pare Food Store. For Sale.—2'brood sows and 1 stock hog. The sows are 2 Berk s'.iire iifid | Poland China, the hog full blooded Berkshiie. ilobert'Ou S,!].ply Co. ^ dwltjI7 Tryi my Agricultural Lime, guaranteed 91) p. c. agricultural5 Can give you a good price, and references from reliable men in town and country that have used s*in ■. J. B. Penningtm, 2nd floor Bri.lgers’ building, Phone 148. Bears tha Kind Yoj Ha»3 Always Bought E*r c ONE VltW OF CREDIT CURRENCY. In reply to a great many ques tions as to what is(jrjneant by a credit currency, it may be said that ii is a proposal to give the bankets the right to issue curren cy, firsts on the basis of the amount of real monty in hand. W ben that rnnsout, tp issue currency on the basis of everything tliey owe, whether they ever expect to pay it or not. When that runs out, to issue currency on the basis of their cheek. When thai^runs out to issue itron their nerve, and so on ad infinitum. The only limit is wdat the traffic will bear and the experience or the past has shown that the traffic is very forbearing.—Puck. BURIAL CUSTOMS OF THE PHILIPPINES. Sines his return Secretary Taft has been kept busy telling of hie varied experiences during his not ablp trip. Among other things, lie was impressed by some of the burial customs oT'the Philippines, which ih some instances are some what akin to pigeon holing the dead. There is indescrible pathos iu the funerals of the poor. The mother, smoking a pipe, carries the little pasteboard coffin coveied with colored cotton. Behind her are several children, presumably the surviving members of her family, and evcept for the coffin she carries on her head, there is nothing to iu4|catethat a burial is about to take place. The fact that ihe child death rate in the city of M auila is so heavy makes it evi dent that the little oues who sur vive Ihe climate there are iD a small proportion to those who die and the poet’s argument that “Loss is common, doth not make our loss the less, but rather more” appears to die somewhat disproved by the Filipino attitude toward funerals. The interment of a rich man is quite different; there .smuch pomp and a brass band plays. It hts been grimly stated that the favor ite tune on these occasions is “There’ll Be a Hot Time,” an air always associated with America by the Filipinds. “Dixie” and “Hia watha” are also popular airs for aN funeral, and have served to enliven I many a ceremony of this nature. ! Funerals in the appear to be regarded as a sort of public spectacle, and a day when one or two such gorgeous functions do not occur is regarded as a dull period in Manila.—Joe Mitchell Chappie, in the National Maga zine. Bert Barber, of FI ton, Wis , says: “I have only taken 4 doses of your Kidney and Bladder Pills and tdey have done for me more than any other medicine has ever done.” Mr. Barber refers to De Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pi Is. They are sold by R EL (ook. AN ANCIENT DIAMOND. Although by far the greatest of all, theCullinao diamond, now the property of King Edward of Eng land, is only one of many famous diamonds held by crowned rulers of Europe. The King has still the Kobinoar, a stone' which was known as long ago as the time of Caesar’s landing in Britain. An other well-known gem, Florentine, is now owned by the Emperor of Austria. It formerly belonged to Charles the Bold, Duke of Bur gundy, who lost4t on the battle field. /The Swi s peasant who dis covered it mistook it for glass and gladly parted with it for about half a crown. Subsequently it came into the possession of Pope Julian II, |wbo presented it to the Emperor of Austria.^ DOMINO DANCE. To" mark the closing of one term of her dancing school, Miss Annie Cordon gave her pupils a domino dance, which was thoroughly en joyed by the large number who took part as well as a number of spectators Thursday evening. The young people did not unmask till nearly 11 o’clock. The guessings at identity and the mistakes mad£ furnished no end of amusement. GRACEFULLY ACQUIESCES. President Emerson of tbe C oast Line ha# written Governor Glenn: < ‘‘I have received a copy of the act of tliciycgislatnre passed attlip extra session covering the passen ger rate matter. I note from the same that yoa, were unable to rcurry out in full y mr recommen dation as con tain ed in your pro posal, notably that part whieh provided that the question of the reasonableness of the proposed rate bj remanded to the corporn at'on commission at tbe end of twelv i months’ trial. Nevertbej 1 ss it is our intention to give cur part of the agreement the twe ve mouths’ trial, under the coadit ons as provided for in our letter of Dumber 28th, 3907. I hive furnished the counsel for the complaining stockholders a copy of this letter. I do add that it is our intent O i t » readjust, inter rtate rates effective if possible on April 1st.” Bears tb* Signature of FEDERAL MEAT INSPECTION. The Federal meat inspection has been greatly extended and im pi'oved under the-new law of June 30, 1906, and is now on a higher plane than ever before. Public confidence, which was unsettled by the agitation of the previous year, has been restored. The im portant matters of sanitation of slaughtering and packing estab lishments, preparation of mea s aud products, use of chemicals, preservatives, etc.,1 and preven tion of fraudulent labeling are now controlled and regulated, whereas formerly the department had no authority over them, but was prac tically confined to an inspection before anchat the time of slaughter to determine the health of the animals. The interstate transpor tation of meats aud meat food pro ducts is also now under control. Naturally, a very marked in crease has occurred in this branch of the work as compared with the preceding year, inspection was conducted at 708 establishments in 185 cities and towns during the fiscal year 1907, whereas in 3#0ii the corresponding totals were 163 establishments* and 58 cities aud towns. The number of employes engaged on meat inspection July 1, 1906, was 881; on July 1, 1907, this force had been increased to 2,290. The meat inspect on covered 50,999,034 animals, practically all of which were inspected both be fore and after slaughter. Of these, 149,792 carcasses and 529,876 part^were condemned lor disease or other cause. The cost of this inspection was $2,159,471 12 —, Report of the Secretary of Agri culture. Cascasweet, the well known remedy for babies aud children, w 11 quiet the litttle one in a short time. The ingredients are printed on the bottle. Contains no opiates. Sold by R E L Cook. A FAVORABLE SIGN. Many plants of the Steel Corporation are starting up again. Within the week 4,<X'0 men alter a long layoff have gone to \work. The steel industry is often claimed to be the business baro meter. Mr. Carnegie said it was ‘•either a prince or a pauper,” re flecting in the extreme business conditions. Giving employment to additional labbr is an unerring sign of improved conditions. Let us hope tj^at the„ ac ion of the Steel Corporation is the forerunmr of other increased actively in indus trial enterprises. NEIGHBORHOOD FAVOR TE. Mrs. E. D. Charles, of Harbor/ Maine, speaking of Electric Bitters says: “It is a neighlrorhood favor ite here with us.” It deserves to be a favo^te everywhere. It gives quick^relief in dyspepsia, liver complaint, kidney derangement, mahiutritiour, nervousness, weak nesTand general debility. Its ac tion on the blood, as a thorough purifier makes it especially useful as a spring medicine. This grand alterative tonic is sold under guarantee by all drnggists. 50c. . '-T^" • •* [ Ashley Horne, of Clayton was here today looking over the politi i cal situation. Mr. Horne is a -candidate for Governor, and is anxious that a great agricultural county like Edgecombe will Ap preciate a son of another fine agri cultural county, Johnston. He is a very pleasant and genial gentle men, most afiable~and with no frills. He looks, just what he is, an unassuming, progressive farmer and business man. When he re^ marked to the Southerner man that he was no oratorical speaker, we felt that he had a great point in his favor. He was*only here between trains. He ,promises to make another visit toon. KEEPING OPEN HOUSE. Everybody is welcome when we feel good; and we feel that way only when our dim stive organs are working properly. Dr. KuuPs New Life Pills regulate the a ti *n of stomach, liver and bowels Sb perfectly one can’t he p feeling good when he uses these pills. 25c by all diuggists. —The Kinston cotton mills did a “land office” business last year, It enabled them to declare a stock dividend of 100 per cent and a ca*h ope of 8. AVith many mills and some of them net afar off,stocks do not know their own par. Soup Stomach No appetite, loss of strength, nervotMH ness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour risings, and catarrh of the stomach are all due to Indigestion. Kodol relieves indigestion. This new discov ery represents the natural Juices of dige» tion as they exist Ifi a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonio and reconstructive properties. Kodol foi dyspepsia does not only relieve indigestion ^nd dyspepsia, but this famous remedj helps all stomach troubles by cleansing, puritying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Mr S S. Ball, of RArenswohd, W, Va., says:— “ I was troubled with sour stomach for twwjtfirwrs. Kodol cured ny and we are now using tt to mi* ^Foll B4CKACHE--WEAK KIDNEYS TRY DeWITT’S KIDNEY and BLADDER PtLLS-Sen ui M Prepared be E-'O. DeWITT AOO..OAlMflB Ii. K, l. Cook, Leading Druggist URGENT CALL FOR VOLUNTEERS. The anmial inspection of the Edgecombe Guards wiil lane pia<*t here on the 16t»* day of March, 1908. This inspection wil be made by the Inspector (icnetal oi the State* accompanied by one oi more officers of the regular army. The report of the best inspection spoke well an 1 in comnl’inf ntary terms of the Armory, the c ondition of the uniforms as well'kept and provided for, the guns well cleaned the lockeis neat and free from dust aud the very good appearance of the men in uniforms. In a word, everything connected with the company proved to be in a satis factory condition, but the military training of the men. *^This may well be accounted for from the fact that there are in the Company only two men from Tarbo o The rest of the Guards live outside the town, and it is hard to get these men~toge*her to drill more than once or twice a month. To require these men to be present once a week during every momh in the year is a hardship, as it i requires more than they are able and will ing to give to the Company. Iu the way of furnishing men for the Company, the town is doing prac ticaliy nothing. This should not be so, aud if it continues, the Com pany cannot be kept up. This is a serious matter, and should ap peal to the citizens of Tarboro. The Company is now iu need of ten good men. Who will come forward and eulist? With a pull altogether the Company can be placed where it belongs. with the i est in the brigade. Weekly drills, will be had from now till the inspection. Capt. Paul Jones, 2nd Infantry Commanding Co. A., K. C. N. G. Ivodo! is a scientific preparation of vegetable acids' with natural Migestatrts and and contains the same juices found in a healthy stomach. Each dose wpl digest more than1 3,000 grains of j.ood food. 8old by RE L Cook. DIED. At Shilob, near here, on the night of February 12th, Alzaro Madra, aged 23, son of the Jate A J. Madra. The youth was not very bright. About a month ago, he drank a solution of sulphuric acid that he lound in a bottle that had been prepared for an electric battery. This so corroded his stomach that he could not eat. For a time he imposed, but it was brief, » YE OLD IYME flDDLERS. Goldsboro had the fiddlers’ con vention on the 11th, ,when it was a profound success. The Argus of the following day says of it: •Ye Old Tyme Fiddlers’ Con vention that was ‘pulled ofF in the Messenger Opera House in this city last night was simply ‘great’—nothing comparable to it ftfr real old time fiddlin’ and hilarious enjoyment has ever been experienced in Goldsboro. “And so many fiddlers!and such fiddling! ‘Where did they all come from!’ was the marveling question on every hand among the large audience that thronged the spa cious opera house to standing room add cheered and applauded and fairly yelled with delight while the contestants drew their spirited bows and made their old violins ‘talk to it. ’ w “It beat any ‘quilting party,' ‘corn shucking,’ ‘log roiling’ or ‘riding out the wheat’ of ‘ye old tynie,’ before the modern inven tions and modern music, and everyone enjoyed it with keenest zet that had to be given frequent Vent in screams of delight to pre vent c mbuslion. “There w.n fiddl- rs there who ha 1 never before been even sus pected of fiddling-and from all< sections of this bounty and adjoin ing counties.” Similar piizes that were offered theie will le offered and given here on next Friday, 21st. First Best Fiddl r $10.00 "Second Best hiddb r 5.00 Third Best Fiddler 2.50 Booby prize 1.00 First Best Banjo 5.00 Second Best Banjo 2.50 First Best Dancer 4.00 DeWitt’s Carbolized With Hji zel Salve is especially good for, piles. Sold by R E L Cook. A VALENTINE. Wouldst thou on this happy morn ing Send someone a valentine— Some small gift, so sweet and dair^ty Symbol of that love of thine? Listen, then, a precious token Thou maysttoeach dear one send Fairer than the fairest treasure Ever sent from friend to friend. Bear Avithin thy hekrt the blossoms Blossoms with their perfumes rare Purity’8 sweit; fragrant lilies, | Charity’s red roses fair: ; All the violet’s calm beauty— Bear within that heart of thine, And to each and every dear one Be a beauteous valentine! • A. E. O. February 19 J 8. LOVE LIGHT. Som-times upon thp Sum <r hills | A flooding tet derne.s- i-s she' j The low greeu interv tu ^ t fids J As fills the si I very st n*. <;u it-> bed ; One moment past, ii w«vs nbttloi , Or were mine ey.s iPr»t v t awai t t » That Light — it comes with flick" ; eriu morn, j At harvest noon on sun et plains j And when tho fidds look old and loin, And on the bough no leaf remo ns And it can reach and overflow The cruel spirit of the snow. Sometimes it soothes the aching sphere / Of that white planet dead in eld; Thd’Hu.yriad eyes of Night austere From their keen wounding have been held, All betokened is that Kay Whose dawn may be midst dark or day. There is an ambient World of Love, Wherein our little wbrld is rocked; An arm beneath, an arm above, Around ouV slumber warmly locked And Love Light thence, in mo ments blest, Goes trembling through some dreamer’s breast. --New York Sun. Use DeWitt’s Little Early Ris ers, pleasgDt little pills. They are easy to take. Sold bj EE L Cook. | DYING WORDS OF GREAT PHYSICAINS. Nothnagel, who died alone in his room, noted bis own symptons to the last. A letter to his assistant is said to have ended aS follows: * ‘Written late on theevenihgof Tuly 6, just after experiencing these severe attacks * * * died of calci fication of the arteries.” Traube also made observations on hirasejf to the very end. Locock expressed a wish to be present at the post mortem/ examination on himself, and among Cuyler’s last recorded words is a remark, as his fingers twitched involuntarily, “Charlas TBell isright; ‘Ce sont les norfs de la .voloute qui sont maladifs.’ ” Do\ ce David?orr, professor at Ab erdeen, died immediately after sayiDg to his class, speaking of the ! next meeting which was never to take place, “Four o’clock on Mon day, gentleman; 4 o’clock.” Several doctors have taken their leave with a blessing to those around them. Astley Cooper’s last recoreed words are: “God bless you and goodby to you all.” He bad previously said to his physi cians, Bright and Chun be rs, “God’s will be done; God bless you both.” adding, “You must ex cuse me bat 1 shall,take no more medicine.” Benjamin Brodie was heard to mutter: “After all, God is very good.” The snidest of all recorded last words are probably those of Oliver Goldsmith, whor when asked by his plnsicians if his mind was at ease, said: “No, it is not.” On the other hand, William Hunter’s mind se ins to have boen full of bright thoughts at the moment of his death, f r he said: “Ifl could hold a peu what a book I coufcTwrite.” Pasteur and Darwin, though not belonging to the medical ^>rofessi n a-e venerated by his vs teachers. Darwin’s last word were: “I am not the lea5t afraid to die.” Pas beur was oneieu a cup oimiiK, aou being unable to swallow it, mur mured: “I c innot.” He passed away with one baud in his wife’s. Lhe other grasping a crucifix. Lastly are mentioned the last words of Mirabeau, which are said to have been addressed to a doc tor. He wrote on a slip of paper which he gave to his physician, the philosophe?\:abanis, the single word “Dormir.’’ Another account which may be an expanded version of this , is that after begging for an anodyne, ^e said reproachfully to the doc or: ‘Were you not my physi'iaa and my friend1? Lid you not prom ise to spare'hpe tee suffering of such a death? Must 1 g * away carrying >with ' me the regret of having confided' in, you?” This is rather a long and rhetorical speech for a dying m .n. —British Medical Journal./ Secretary Bonaparte is sure that the ouly way to reach the trusts is \to fine them. Most other people think that cutting off their tarifl protection would make them more miserable and moreover help those who ccnstime trust products. Cough Caution cough—even irom a wiu'w1/ **r~i v™T always heal, soothe, and ease the Irritated bron chial tubes. Don’t blindly suppress It trith ». cjnai tunes, jjou l uiuruj -- -- - stupe fylng poison. It's sfrange how soine,tbin finally come about For twenty yearsDr- Shoo] linscStly wa^ed peoplenotto tokecougfi mixtures or prescriptions containing <>P™g» Chloroform, or similar poisons And late though-Congress says Very good H HereafterforSisveryreasouinother^ and others, should Insist on having Dr. Shoop s filiu OUierS, BIJUUIU iiiaiav v. -* *»«• » ***** Cough Cure. No poison marks on Dr. Snoop • labels—and nono in the medicine. else it mmit by la w be on the label. And it a not tmly safe, but it re ien. hi w be on tne taoei. *nu it > Is said to be by those that know it best, atruly markable cough remedy. Take no chwice tho^ pp.rtieularly with yonr children. k wgaarSs £ sssre Dr. Shoop’s Cough 'Cure EDGECOMB DRUG CO. STAT NEWS IN BRIEF. The number of rural freelibraries in the State i now approaches the 2,000 ma*k and almost every day applications for new ones go in. The weather bnreau in Raleigh has put in a complete plant for making the daily maps which are issued. The equipment is one of the best south of Washington. This _ bureau does corsideral le work for that at C arleston and has done this for several years. The J<.nturj report of the North Carolina department of agricul ture o • the sales of leaf tobaceO in the various markets of the State shows that during January the total sales amounted to 10,031,692 pound**, of which 9,144,262 was first handled by the warehouses. Winston Salem leads with 1,763, 787 pounds, Wilson is second, 1,309,207} Greenville third, with 857,861. » The report on jtobacco sales in the warehouses for the State shows how this business has moved from the west towards th3 eas\ Some vears ago it was reiy important in the mounta'n ivgion, but the early frost rut a st> p t>< i; and uow there are no markets in the ex trem west. The months cf Sep tember, October and November showed total sales of 64 million pounds on the warehouse floorsp the months of August, December and Jauuary of this year showing total sales of 31 millions, so that m the six months since the season opened well on towards 100 mil lion pounds have be< n li mdled. Up in the far west a lot of the former tobacco warehouses ai e now used by men who grow cabbages notably in such places as Hender sonville. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough Syr-\ up acts gently but promptly on the bowels. It stops the cough by soothing the throat and lung irri tation. Sold by R E L Cook. DEMOCRATIC PROGRAMME. John Sharp Williams, the Dem ocratic leader in Congress has con structed a legislative programme, which should be in harmony with Democratic opinion in Congress, and in the county at large. The more radical may claim that it does not go far enough, while the conservative may hold an opposite opinion. This may be said of it, that it is progressive, without be ing radical, that it seeks to im prove conditions without resorting to untried experiments. In substance it is as follows: Currency—Require national banks to guarantee their deposits and to keep all their reserves lin their own vaults. Authorize the issue of emergency government notes secured by interconvertible bonds composed of government and Sta e issues, such interconvert ible bonds to constitute 60 per cent of the bank reserve. Labor— Require five diys’ no tice and a hearing in alb injunc tion, cases, save those involving jeopardy of lire, limb and prop erty. In constructive contempt cases permit hearing before an im partial judge and a trial by jury. Tariff—Pass a minimum tariff law, with duties 20 per cent lower ti aw at present for purposes of birter with all nations. Enact into law the French reciprocity treaty pigeonholed by the Senate. Re move the duty on coal permanent ly. Provide that wherever the existing duty is over 100 per cent it may be reduced to 100 per cent. Ask for a reconvention of the joint high commission on reciprocal re lations with Canada. Reduction of duty on hides and leather and on watches. Put antitoxin on the free list. Free trade in such products as are admitted free into the ports of other nations on the American hemisphere. Free trade with the Phillipines. General tariff revis ion later. Trusts—Provide against the over capitalization of combinations. Forbid interstate corporations to make sales of products conditioned on ^exclusive trading ^ith the seller. Investigate the paper trust. Shipping—Admit free of duty materials used in the constiuction of ships. Free ships for trade be tween the Uuited States and its insul »r nossessions. Itiilroads—Require railroads to submit proposed i> creases in rates to the Interstate Commerce Corn miss on, before putting them into effect, so that shippers may be heard in opposition. Colonial pol cy— Independence and ueurtraliz tion of the Philli i ‘ICS rnconip t x—Try it over again, or amend the Constitution so as to makean income tax possible. Elec ion of United States Sena tors by vote of the people, and publicity of the names of contrib utors to campaign funds. SUFFERING & D0LLAR3 SAVED. E. S. Loper, of Marilla, N. Y., says: “I am a carpeoter and have had many severe cuts healed by Bucklen’s Arnica Salve. It is by far the best healing salve I have ever fouud.,> Heals burns, sores, ulcers, fever soree, eczema and piles. 26c by all druggists. ROYAL Baking Powder The only Baking Powder madelppsH witn Royal Grape Cream of Tartar —made ffom grapes— Insures healthful and delicious food for every L home—every day WEDNESDAY’S CONCERT. The Schubert Symphony Club and Lady Quartette made good Wednesday evening. It was de cidedly the best of its kind ever, heard here. The r o tations and readings were far above the aver-1 age. The same may be said of the singing, jn which there were some splendid voices. The star of the evening was young Thomas Pur cey. He is an artist of the first class. His performances oa the mandolin and violin, were that of a master. If one'could not see him and his instruments, the ear would convince that he was playing on two insti uments, the 1 air with one, and the accompani- j ment with the other. The audience was large and ap-,| preciative, repeated encores greeted many numbers. Not only did the performers' mhke good, but better and more gratifying to relate, the Daughters j of the Confederacy under whose j auspices the concert was given, I were placed on the favorable side of the ledger for more than $35. That the concert was a com bined financial and artistic success makes the pleasure twofold. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. Mexico is to spend $5,876,000 gold to improve the haiJaor ot at Topolobampo. In England, Scotland, and Ire land in th# first six months df1907 1,149,825 work people got a net wage increase of $524,81y per week, and 204 a net decrease of $122 per week. The" governor of practically every State in his annual message the last year has spoken of the need of modern methods of agri culture and modern agricultural machinery. American success in agiicnlture and manufacturs ap peals to Brazilians almost as suc cess in another State of their own country, so strongly do they feel the similarity* of American and Brazilian conditions. “ Chilean government official re port shows there have been 7,854 copper claims worked in Chile at different times, of which only 784 were worked during jfche last year. Many of these mines are rich in copper, but with the high price of labor and the poor transportation facilities few, if any, can De made to nay at the present low price of jopper. —• The importation into Italy of petroleum from April 1, 1907, to September 30, 1907 (that isr from the day on which went into effect the reduction in the import 'duty from $p.26 per quintal of 220.46 pounds to $4.63 per quintal) amounted to 73,449,200 pounds. For the similar period of 1906 the amount imported under the higher duty was only 47,771,689 pounds. An icemaking machine has been invented at Grasse, France. The important feature is a cylinder in which the chemicals are sealed (the latter not requiring renewal j and lasting as long as the machine itself,) and which, revolving in water, produces the ice. It can al so produce cold air. It has no point piece, no pressure 'gauge, no suction or regulating valve, and no pipe tap or circulating pump. It requires neither steam nor fuel, and will work in water reaching even 113 degrees Fahrenheit; it saves 90 per cent of cooling water and 70 per cent of motive power"as compared with any other freezing system known. It does not require to be fed with chemicals. The latest statistics on French postal savings banks only come down to 1904. Then there were 7,883 banks, with 4,345,446 de posito s, and deposits, includ ng interest due December 31, ot $229,158,290. The interest is 2 12 per cent, compounded. -The MONEY FOR THE SOUTH. About f i-O,COO may be secured from the government by people of the South if a bill reported unanimously by the House com mittee on war claims becomes a, law. The bill gives to the court of claims jurisdiction of the claims for captured and abandoned prop erty which was sold during the civil war and the proceeds turned into the United States treasury. During the war the government authorized the seizure of aban doned property, to be sold and the net proceeds placed in the United States treasury. There was a provision that if any one shoul^ bring suits within two years after the close of the war and prove that the property sold belonged to him the money re ceived for it should be paid over, but to do this the citizen bringing the suit had to -prove loyalty to theUniou. This disqualified most Southerners until the [amnesty proclamation was declared in 1866 which came too late t> take the claims to court, the two yean* grace having expired. The obj ct of this bill is to enable the original owners of the confiscated property l to get the money it brought when | sold. THE JUMPING OFF PLACE “Consumption hid me in its grasp; and I had almost reached the jumping off place when I was advised to try Dr. King’s New Discovery; and I want to say right now, it saved my life. Improve ment began with the first bottle, and after taking one dozen bottles I was a well and happy man again” says George Moore, of Grimes land, N. C. As a remedy for cooghs and colds and healer of weak, sore lungs and for preventing pneumo nia New Discovery is supreme. 60c and $1.00 by all druggists. Trial bottle free. v - GENUINE DEMOCRACY. Democracy means the least, amount of government the people can get along with consistent with the fullest enjoyment of the rights of life, liberty and £he pursuit of happiness, while Republicanism means the greatest amount of government the people will stand —and he, (Roosevelt) of all men, is the apostle of the maximum quantity of government.—Champ Clark. . v Grippe is sweeping the country. Stop it with Preventics, before it gets deeply seated. To check early colds with these little Oandy Cold Cure Tablets is surely sensible and safe. Preventies contain no quin me, no laxative, nothing harsh or sickening. Pneumonia would nev er appear if early colds were promptly broken. Also good for feverish children. Large box, 48 tablets, 25c. Vest pocket pocket boxes 5c. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. _ OA.STOlf.XA. Bears the ^The Kind Yon haw Always BaajH ■nr amount of each cash deposit accouht is limited to 9289.50. When the account exceeds that amount the bank will purchase “rentes,” or national 3 per cent bouds. with the surplus, keep them on deposit, collect the cou pons when they fall due, and credit the interest so received to the account of the depositor.

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