ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. : ANfcgetablelteparationicrAs sirailaling thcFoodamlRegida ting tlie Sramacte mdBowebof Infants /Children Promotes DigesttonJChedW ness and RestCon tains neitl«r Opiuni.Morphine norMnaaL Not Narcotic. Aperfect Remedy for Hon, Sour Stomkh.Dtanyet: Worms .CMTV’ulswnsJeven* jj ness and Loss OF SLEEP. ftc Simile Signature of /&0S3Z NEW YORK. Atb months old j5 Dosts-33CfNis Exact Copy o! Wrapper. CASTORIA For Tnfants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough! Thirty Years mm TMk CIKTAV* NMNIT. »l* »*•« Crr» AT COST 12 Wood Heaters. 3 Rifles. 3 Double Barrel Shot Guns. 3 Sets Double Wagon Harness. 100 Gallons of Mixed Paint A Lot of Window Blinds and Window Sashes. Please call and examine for yourself. Yours very truly, Peters Implement Company. Second Slory Lewis Building. |> Copyright 1907 '• The Haiiie_citJCuppeul>ciiDet IT IS NOT THE FINE QUALITY OF MATERIALS ALONE THAT MAKE Kuppenheimer Clothes I SUPERIOR t’s the Fine Tailoring given them by MASTER SC RAE rSMAN. I _ _; / J. ZAJHDErR, TARBORO, N.C. HOWARD HUSSEY. THAD HUSSEY. 1 HE ENTERPRISE CARRIAGE COMPANY Manufacturers oi Light Buggies Harness Always Kept in Stock. TaiTocro, - - - ITS Insure Your Stock The Carolina Live Sleek JHntnal Ins. Co _ 4“ ; Offers insurance to its members at a small cost, which enables every man to protect his live stock against loss by death. Every business man carries Insurance on his life and property. Why not remember he horse that pulls the plow ? -Three Good Reasons Why You Should Insure Your Stock: FIRST—Because it is a business proposition. ^ SECOND—No man who has stock at the present value can afford . to go unprotected. THIRD The small cost puts this insurance within the reach Oi every man. F. H. PENDER, Local Agent. Local Items and Otherwise The third termers want a chronic case of Roosevelt. But he is still young and it is enough to know that the attack probably will be intermittent after 1912. Here comes the Spring winds to chap, tan and freckle. Use Pine salve Carbolized, (acts like a poultice) for cuts, sores, burns, chapped lips, hand* and face. It soothes and heals. Sold by ‘Edge combe Drug Co. There is no truth in the report ci culated that the President has writer’s cramp from turning out special messages. He dictates them all to Loeb. Perhaps it is throat trouble. 8eed potatoes, Maine grown, at Macnair’s drugstore. That premature report that the tobacco war in Kentucky had been settled was probably just an effort to -knock the securities of the Undertakers’ Trust. Rings Little Liver Pills for biliousness and sick headache They clean the system and clear the skiD. Price 26c. Try them. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. William Randolph Hearst is making a great secret of whom the Independence League prefers as the presidential nominee. Now of course some ignorant person in the back row is going to giggle. ManZan Pi.e Remedy, price 60c is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any form of Piles. Soothes and heals. Edgecombe Drug Co. Sir Dyce Duckworth declares that gouty people are not disposed to consumption. But that is cer tainly giving suffering humanity the choice of two mighty serious evils. A large lot of tobacco bed cloth. W. $. Clark & Son. wtf It is reported that Attorney General Bonaparte has had to sell seven farms at a sacrifice owing to the shrinkage in values following the depression caused by the repeated attacks of the Department Justice on big corporations. 30 Days’ Trial $1 is the offer on Pineules. Believe Backache, Weak Back, Lame Back, Bhenmatic pains. Best on Sale for Kidneys, Bladder and -Blood. Good for young and old. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. An insurance journal declares that more people get hurt hanging pictures than in railroad collis sions. And if the walls of a good many homes are any evidence, the victims do not get any more than ; is coming to them. Mabrey Hart has returned from Philadelphia. - 9 —Ipgersoll dollai watches fc 75 cents, Roberson Supply Co. dw Frank D. Hackett, of Wilkes county will be a candidate for State Auditor. As a worker and counsellor of his party, Mr. Hackett has been most valuable to the Democracy. Charles Erhardt, of Atlanta, is installing the soda fountain in B. E. L* Cook’s new store. The fountain Is one of the finest. pro ducts of the American Soda Fountain Co. For Sale.—1 set boiler grate bars at a bargain. Roberson Supply Co. Another TJ. S. Senator has passed away, the veneral William Pinckney White, of Maryland. —The dog tax is being paid at a lively rate. That five dollar penalty and the activity of the municipal authorities published in the South erner has made the possessors of canines sit up and take notice. When a man' writes as follows don’t you think he means itt Mr. S. G. Williams, Powderiy,. Texas, says, “I have suffeied for years with Kidney and'Bladder trouble using every preparation I dime across and taking many prescrip tions all without felief until my attention w *s called to Pinetiles After 30 days’ trial ($1.) I am feeling fine. Moneyvrefunded if not satisfied. Edgecombe Drug Co. . Bishop W. A. Candler is making an earnest and patriotic appeal to North Carolina to build a church in Cardenas, Cuba where the first North Carolinian was killed in the Spanish war. ManZan Pile Remedy comes rervdy to ose, put up in a collapsi ble tube with nozzle attached. One application proves its merit. Soothes and heals, reduces inflam mation and relieves soreness and itching. For all forms of Piles. Price 50c. Guaranteed. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. Governor Johnson of Minnesota has been endorsed by the Demo cratic committee of that state for the nomination for president The vote was 68 for Johnson to 23 for Bryan. Seed! Seed!! Seed!!! All kinds for the farmer and gardener "at Macnair’s drugstore. —Under'the new dog ordinance about IPO more dogs were found than ever before. With the pros pect of having cut off $5,000 in revenue and a raise in the tax rate, even a tax of one dollar each on 179 dogs will be welcome to the town. Pity the poor newspaper man, for another print paper trust is forming with a proposed capital of $50,000,000. The report of the organization says “little cash will be required,” but we doubt that, for experience teaches us that all the corporations want all the cash they can squeeze out of the Amer ican people. Don't cough your head off when you can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees Laxative Cough Syrup. It is especially recommended for children as its pleasant to to take, is a gentle laxative thus expelling the phlegm from the system. For coughs, calds, croup, whoop ng cough, hoarseness and all Bronchi! trouble. Guaranteed. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. Two Bill’s, perhaps three, will run for the presidency, but only one will he allowed the motto “In , whom the people trust.” Get DeWitt’s Carbolized Witch Hazel Salve—it is good for the piles. Sold by B E L Cook. Our old friend, Ben Ayeock, of Wayne is a candidate for Corpora tion Commissioner. The State has few better men than he nor the Democratic party. He is a man good and true, which alone would' make him a Democrat. Mrs. A J. Cotten continues to improve. She is much brighter and somewhat stronger. DeWitt’s Little Early Bisers, sm <11, safe, sure little liver pills. Sold by E E L Cook. The Independence League will not support Mr. Roosevelt Mr. Bryan, or Gov. Johuson, says *he New York American; but will dominate a candidate for presi dent. This shows that Mr. Hearst has entirely cut loose from his former affiliations with the Demo crats or republicans. Among the sick are the little son of J. M. Dixon, with pneu monia, and the baby of H. Sholar. Mr. Wm. H. Anderson, M. D., of Soda Springs, Ida., says that Bees Laxative Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and colds where all other remedies failed. Its gentle laxative effects especially recom mended for children. It is pleas ant to take. For coughs, colds, hoarsenesS^Svhooping cough. Mon ey refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. — The State fair will be held October x2th to 17th. Mr. John Biha, of Viniog, la., says “I have been selling DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever bo d. I have used them myself with fine results,” Sold by E E L Cook. —The two most important cases on appeal from this county before tne Supreme court, have not yet been decided, Staton vs Railroad and Wagner vs. Railroad. Nearly a month has elapsei since these were argued. The delay gives hopes to those who lost in the court below. “I’m saddest when I hate indi gestion,” say many with weak stomachs. Get rid of your stomach trouble by using Miooa Core guaranteed or money refunded. 50c a box at MacNair. Dr. C. A. Whitehead is the recipient of invitation to attend a dinner in the Hotel t&ennant, Baltimore, tendered by the pro fessional brethren to Dr. Matthew Whilldin Foster, dean of the Baltimore college of Dental Sur gery, th$ occasion being to ce’e brate Dr. Foster’s fiftieth year of professional practice. People you know here in Tar boro will tell yon • that Miona cures all forms of indigestion and stomach troupe. Ask MacNair to show you the strong guarantee given with every 50c box. Henry T. Bryan has returned from a two weeks’ trip through the New England States. He re ports business unusually doll. Now we will ha /e some base ball talk. F. J. Dozier is spending a lew days in Norfolk. When offensive breath is due to catarrh, the usual cause, breathe Hyomef Kills all catarrhal germs so that the breath becomes sweet as a babe’s. A Hyemei outfit costs $1 if it helps, nothing if it fails at MacNair’s. The honor of Iiaving the only State flag in the county belong^ to school No. 1, township No. 12, with Miss Susie Foxhall in charge. The flag floats proudly above the school house. W. H. MacNair wants everyou< suffering with catarrh to call anc let him explain how easy it is t( be cured by Hyomei. Complete outfit only $1, and he will refund the money if it does not cure. —It is said that all of the~8tate officers except* State Auditoi Dixon and State Sugerintendenl Joyner have opponents for theii positions. Kennedy’s Laxative Cough 8yi up acts gently yet promply on the bowels and allays all inflamma ation at the same time. It is pleas ant to take. Sold- by EE LCook. —The dullness of the season from a news viewpoint is evidenced by not a single announcement of a candidate for office being received today. We beg to assure all,*1 that nominations are still in order and any one can rise to a question of pergonal privilege. ' Kodol isteday the best known remedy for-all disorders of the stomach, such as dyspepsia, heart burn, sour stomach and belching of gas. Sold byEEL Cook. | You Carry Insurance on your life, on your prop Ierty. Why not insure your self against adversity in the future by investing your Surplus funds in a bankac I count! Allow it to accum. ulate until a time comes when you need it badly— that is when you will appre ciate its true worth. Just >• I I I as the value of ybm life insurance increase as you grow older, so will your bank account grow as you add to it weekly, monthly or yeaily. I fact, the possibilities of your bank account is limited only by your earning and saving capac ity. An Account with this Bank is Good Insurance. BEGIN! We Are Here to Help You. BANK OF TARBORO. Capital $25,000 Surplus 12,500 J. F. Shackelford, Pres. J. T. Howard. Y-Pres. L. Y. Hart, Cashier. E. B. Hussey, A-Cash. Safety lock boxes for rent. uasn. a J CAN’T BE SEPARATED. Some Tarboro People Have Learn ed* How to Get Eid of Both. Backache and kidney ache are tvfio brothers. You can’t separate them. And you can’t get .rid of the ^ackache until you cure the kidney ache. If the kidneys are well and strong, the rest of the system is pretty sure to be in vigorous health. Doan’s Kidney Pills make strong, healthy kidneys. Mrs. J. A. Arthur, Sr., living at 528 W. 2nd St., Washington, Iff. C., says: “For some time I suffered from dull, nagging backaches and such severe pains through my loins that I was hardly able to get around. There was a soreness afross my right kidney and the least movement caused sharp twinges to pass through my loins Which felt as if a knife were being thrust into me. My kidneys were very irregular in action and great Jy added to my distress. When I saw Doan’s Kidney Pills adver tised, I procure a box and in a t^ery few days found relief. I con tinued to improve until the pains through my back and the lameness across my kidneys had disappear ed, and it was a short time beiore the annoyance fr^m my kidneys ceased. Doan's Kidney Pills have proven very beneficial to me and I glad to give them my endorse ment.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, Iff. Y., sole agents for the United States. Bememberthe name—Doan’s— and take no other. The similarity in the sounds of Taft and graft is assigned as one of the causes that for the republi cans turning po easily to the heir of the White House. Just a little Cascasweet is all that is necessary to give give yonr baby when it is cross and peevish. Cascasweet contains no opiates nor harmful drugs and is highly ree ommendedby mothers everywhere. Sold by E E L Cook. E. Miller and Miss Pearle Eowe, have returned from the Baltimore and New York markets. Mi*s Eowe made a specialty of millinery while Mr. Miller looked after the other departments of the Cyclone store. He found trade in these centers quiet, but the merihants hopeful in the belief that conditions were Bteadily improving. In mil linery, Miss Eowe says that her selections will excell all previous ones in fabrication, finish and general excellence. It yow^rould like to tool some wise Coffee Critic, who 4‘knows find Coffee on taste and flavor,” quietly make for him a batch of Dr. Shoop’s “Health Coffee” and serve it piping hot. It deceived Mrs. Shoop, and will I believe deceive any one. And there is not a grain of real Coffee in it. Health Coffte is made from pure toasted grains, malt, nuts, etc. Made^in a Minute—no 20 to 30 minutes ted ious boiling, 1$ pound 25c. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. CASTOR IA Por Infants and Children. Till Hud You Han Always BougH Bears the Signature of j. Price One Cent THE SUN Baltimore, .714, Now Sells for latent, and can be Had of Every Dealer, Agent or Newsboy at That Price. All Subscribers in District of Co lumbia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, . pennsyl fia, Delawaie and Throughout the U. S. can get The Sun by mail at 1 cent a copy. THE SUN AT ONE CENT le The Cbeapeat Uigb.Class paper la Tbe tailed Slates, The Sun’s special correspondents throughout the United States, as well as in ’Europe, Chiba, South Africa, the Philippines, Porto Bico, Cuba, and in every other part of the world, make it the greatest newspaper that can be printed. Its Washington and New York bureaus are among the best in the United States, and gives The Sun’s readers the earliest information upon all important events in the legislative and finan cial centers of the country. THE FAEMEB’S PAPES The Sun’s market reports and commercial columns are complete and reliable, and put the farmer, the merchant and the broker in touch with tbe markets of Balti more, Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and all other important points in the U. S. and other countries. All of which the reader gets for 1 cent. THE WOMAN’S PAPEE The Sun is the best type of a newspaper morally and intellectu ally. In additions to the news of the day, it publshee the best features that can be presented, such as fashion articles and mis cellaneous writings from men and women of note' and prominence. It is an educator of the highest character, constantly stimulating to noble ideals in individual and national life. The Sun is published on Sunday as well as every other day of the week. . By mall (he Daily Sun, «3 a year. Including tbe Sunday Sun, 44! Tbe Sunday Sun alone *1 a year. Address A. S. ABELL COW PA NY, Publisher* and Proprietor*, Baltimore, Maryland. CONVICT CONCRETE BLOCKS. Jaffies E. Gaskill just from Hal ifax town is enthusiastic over the wall or fence around the court yard at thqt place. It is built of concrete blocks and besides being durable is quite ornamental. This, Heart Strength Heart Strength, or Heart Weakness. mean* Hem Strength, or Serve W^eM-nothlng more. Poa ttively, not one weak heart to a hmidredto. to » letf, actually diseased. It Is almost always a hidden tiny little nerve that reaUy: This obscure nerve—theCardiae. ^ Heart N«ve -simply needs, and must have, more Power, more stability, more controlling, more governing strength! Without that the fi»rt must continue to fail, and the stomach and kidneys also hay* these same controlling nerves. _ This clearly explains why. as a medicine, nr. Shoop’s Restorative has to the MSt done so much for weak and ailing Hearts. Ur. Shoop first sought the cause of all this painful, palpitating, sufloret. tog heart distress. Dr. Shoop S popular prescription—Is alone directed to these weak and wasting nerve centers. It buildsi it strengthens; It offers real, genuine hearthelp If you would have strong Hearts, strongd! gestion, strengthen these nerves- raestobUsb them as needed, with Dr. Shoop’s Restorativ© EDGECOMB DRUG CO. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of Mary F. Hyman, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against my testatrix to present them to me for payment on or bf fore March 5, J 909, -or this notice wii plead in bar of recovery. ATI persons indebted to the estate must make immediate payment. F. L. Thigpen. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of M. B. A tlrinson late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons hold ing claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or before February 20th 1909 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to the estate must make immediiate payment. J. L. D. Corbett, Admr. ' Macclesfield, N. C. GIlljam & Gji.Li.VM, Attys. .. ■ I II 11.1. ..— U.l. I Notice. Pursuant to the power of sal< contained in a certain mortgagt deed from Jerry Drake to th< undersigned, bearing date Nov. 19 1904, and duly reoorded in Boot 127, page 97 in the office of th< register of deeds of Edgecomtx county, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door in Tarboro, N. C., on Mon day, the 30 day of M^rcb, 1908, between the hours of 12 m. and 1 p. m. the following described real estate, to-wit: A certain tract ol land lying and being in the countj of Edgecombe, adjoining the lands of Johnnie Williams, J. W. John ston, Silas Lucas, Nancy Tayloi and others containing 100 acres, more or less, and being the same land which was conveyed unto Jerry Drake by Silas Lucas, sub ject to the exceptions and reserva tions therein set forth, reference being made to the said deed for a more accurate setting forth there of. This, Feb. 29,1908. Silas'Xncas, Mortgagee. Connor & Connor, attorneys, Wilson, N. C. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Having-qualified as administra trix of the estate of Jonathan B. Barnes, deceased, before the Clerk Superior court j of Edgecombe country, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to present them to the undersigned for payment on or before the 24th day of January, 1909, or this no tice will be pleaded in bai of their recovery, and rll persons indebted to said estate will pleased- make immediate payment. ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE. Having qualified as Adminis tsator of the estate of Peter H. Phillips, deceased, late of Edge combe County, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Macclesfield, N. C. on or before the 15th, day of February, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recov ery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This the 16th, day of Feb., 1908. Admr. P. H. Phillips, dec’d. R. (J. Alisbbook, Atty. This, January 94,1908. Mrs. M.R Barnes, Admit. J. D. Bardin, Atty. * 6tw J. W. Phillips. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of George W. Bullock, late of Edgecombe coun ty, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or before February 13, 1909, or this notice will be .plead in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to the estate must make immedi3te payment. This, 13 of Feb’y, 1908. A. B. Calhoun, Admr. Rocky Mt, N. C. Bunn & Spruill, Attys. NOTICE. Having this day qualified as administrator upon the estate of John O, Oates, deceased, late of Edgecombe county, notice is here, by given all persons indebted ta said estate to make immediate pay ment, and to those holding claimq against said estate to present them to me, properly verified, for^ pay ment on or before the 6th day of February, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of all recov ering. This February 5th 1908. L. V. Hart, Admr. G. M. T. Fountain, Atty. DR. DON WILLIAMS Burgeon Dent ist, Nitrous Oxide and Oxygeh Gas administered in me extraction of teetU. Tarbqro. I /' rf course would please one with the artistic taste of Mr. Gaskill, but he was charmed for another reason, which we respectivelywub mit to both town and eonnty au thorities. This work, the blocks' as well as the fencing were' made by the convict squad of Halifax county, under the supervision of Clerk of the Court Gregory. Those who will go to Halifax will perceive as did Mr. Gaskill, that convicts can be made very nsefnl to the publip in Winter. The town heeds paving blocks, the eonnty needs blocks for ditches and culverts for small streams if these crossings are to be permanent By utilizing the road force in Winter, these can be made at a minimum of cost. Mortgage Sale. Under and by virtue of 2 certain mortgage deeds, made by Jas. L Spragins and wife, Nannie B. Spragins, to the Edgecombe Home stead & Loan Association, 1 dated the 21 of Dec. 1904, and registered in book 85, page 201, Edgecombe registry, and the other dated the 30 day of Aug. 1906, and registered in book 85, page 266, the under signed will, on Monday, April 13, 1908, oiler for sale to the highest bidder for rash, at the court house door in Tarboro, N. C., the fol lowing described property; 1. Th »t identical piece or parcel of land conveyed to Jas. L. Sprag ins by M S. Whitehurst and wife, Janet E. Whitehurst, by deed da ted the 29 day of Dec. 1903, and duly recorded iu b*>ok 114, page 234, Edgecombe registry, to which deed reference is her* by made. .2. That identical tract of land conveyed to Nannie R. -pragins by W. C. Fields and wife, Maggie E. Fields,by deed dated the 10 of Jan. 1891, and recorded in book 70, page 302, Edgecombe registry, to which deed reference >s made. 3. Also all right, title and inter est of the said Spragins and wife in and to the stables located upon the property of Jno, F. Shackelford, under lease. ) 4. 20 shares of stock of the Edgecombe Homestead & Loan Association in the 16th series, represented by certificate No. 137, and 4 shares io the 17th series of said Association represented by certificate No. 80, and 4 shares of stock in the 17th series of said As sociation represented by certificate No. 167. M. A, Cubtis, See. and Treas. Gilliam & Gilliam, attys. FREE tovsnffereis from Kidney TREE Liver and Bladder trouble, FREE Other manufacturers say “buy a bottle and if it does not cure we will refund yonr money.” We say “take a fall f 1 size FREE bot tie of UVA 80L and if it benefits you, then nse it until cured.” Tbit advertisement entitles you to a bottle of UVA SOL at W. H. MACNAIR’S. Only a limited number of bottles given away. Don’t miss this oportunity to test UVA SOL. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Buckner Davis, late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons. holding claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or before February 20, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate rajjst make immediate payment. This, 13 of Feb’y, ’08. J. P. Bunn, Admr. Rooky Mt, N. C. Bunn & Spruill, Attys. Bcres of Xartd FOR SALE _—IN THE COUNTIES OF-^ MARTIN.HALIFAX, AND EDGECOMBE * Lying between the Weldon & Kinston and the Norfolk & Caro lina Railroads. Experts estimates 120,000 cords of wood on 1,070 acres adjoin* the town of Hobgood. On this tract there is the Very Best Clay For Brick in Eastf rn Carolina, 250 acres of tnis land in cultivation, balance 5750 acres in woods. Fine Tobacco, Corn, and Cotton Land. 45 bush els corn per acre were made last year on land recently cleared. For sale On easy terms. R. H GATLIN AGENT. M3MBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S? MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSO CIATION will take notice that I can be found under Hotel Farrar. Thisis tne cheapest insuranoein the country and a bsolutely reliable. F. H. PEN DEB, Seo’y anc Trees. M H. JAMES, CoDtw.tor and Builder Tarboro, N 0 Plans am* inw'cifi cations carefuil> and piomptl? preoared DB. C. A. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBORO, N. O. Ojutiok hours V to 1 and 2 to 6. H A. ZOELLER, % Gasoline and Steam Engine Expert, Adjusting of Gasoline En gnes a specialty. d6twti JEFF D. JENKINS, Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro, NT. O. ’Phone No. 16h NATHAN WILLIAMS, Tonsorial Artist and Hirsuit Dec orator. Tarboro N. C. Two door from Bank of Tarboro D. D. WAGNER, Contractor and Builder. Brick and Heavy Work Solicited Estimates Promptly Fnrnished. J. ifofcANK LILES, Att’y and Counsellor at Law, Practices in Stat^and Federal Cts. Offiee front room Mr. J. R. Gas kill's office, .DO YOU GET UP WITH A EAME BACK? I Kidney Trouble Makes You Miserable. I Almost everybody who reads the n papers is sure to know of the cures made by j)r Kilmer’s Swam,,' Root, the great ; ■!> ney, liver and Uad der 1 emedy. . It is the great sued ical triumph of -he nineteenth centur. discovered after v of scientific rest.. \ by Dr. Kilmer, ' tn' eminent kidne- t | bladder specialist, and is wonde:: ;, successful in promptly curing lam.-‘ uric acid, catarrh of the bladder j Bright’s Disease, which is the- v .J form of kidney trouble. JDr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root is ommended for everything but i* Kidney, liver or bladder trouble 'it \ . i „ fonnd just the remedy you need, p I been tested in so many ways, in lu - work and in private practice, m: : : s proved so successful in every c;. . , special arrangement has been r which all readers of this paper, vho; not already tried it, may- have a - bottle sent free by mail, also a book ■ j 1 iug moire about Swamp-Root, and h' ;, film out if youhave kidney or bladder t ble. When writing mention reading* generous offer in this paper and semi ,, r address to Dr. Kinner I & Co., Binghamton, i ! K. Y. The regular | i fifty-cen if and one dollar size bottles are Home of Swamp.Root. sola dv all gooa uruggisis. uoirt j:;. Ke any mistake, hut remember the : ; i,. Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-R , and the address, Binghamton, N. Y.,’oa every bottle. H ©reat ©ffer. The Southerner offers to its paid up in advance subscribes The Weekly Southerner am! The, Progressive Farmer, The Daily Southerner and Ti e Progressive Farmer, £!.:>(>. The Progressive Farmer i< ;;ll ,. lished weekly, is equal to ih „ .t agricultural journal of t,he i mintr with its pages teeming with i u :u information for people ol' this State and section. is the same good, eld- fash! one 1 medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It is a medicine tnadtf to cure. It has never been known to fail. \f your child U sick get a bottle of FREY'S VERMIFUGE k FINE TONIC FOR CHILDREN Do not take a substitute- 1! vour druggist does not keep It. send twenty-hve cents .is stamps to 3EL <*> S. PXUETCr Baltimore, Sid. and a bottle will be mailed you, j First Class Farm Implements at reasonable prices. You save Labor, Time and Money when you buy Implements that wear well and work well. The kind that we sell. We issue one df the best and most complete of Farm Implement Cat alogues. It gives prices, descrip tions and much interesting infor mation. Mailed free upon request. ' . Write for it. The Implement Co., 1302 East Main SL, RICHMOND, - VIRGINIA. We are headquarters for V. Crimp and other Roofing, Wire Fencing, Barb Wire, Poultry Netting, otc. Write for prices on any supplies or Farm Implements you require. KILL the COUCH ahd CURE TH« LUNCSE with Dr. King’s New Discovery FOR CouSP® AND ALL THROAT AND LUNG TROUBLES. GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY: OB MONEY REFUNDED. j Plant Wood’s Garden Seeds FOR SUPERIOR VEGE TABLES & FLOWERS. Our business, both in Garden and Farm Seeds, is one of the largest in this country, a result doe to the fact that Quality is always our first consideration. We are headquarters for Grass and Clover Seeds, Seed Oats, Seed Potatoes, Cow Peas, Soja Beans and other Farm Seeds. Wood’s Descriptive Catalogue U the heat and most practical of seed catalogues. An np-to-date and re cognized authority on all Garden and Farm crops. Catalogue mailed free on request. Write for it T. W. WOOD t SOUS, SEEDSMEN. - Richmond, V«

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