j i i fcamiauifl) ..iHES ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ANfcgetabte Preparation GrAs slmilating fteFoodaoIRKHte ting die Sumadts andfiowosof Infants/Children Promotes DigesKonflecrfu} ness and RestjContatasnetaf; Opiuni-Morphine norMiaaL Not Narcotic. JigpeafOidIkjS&MLIl2JU\jM • w tion, Sour Stomadi.Dtantae WormsCwwdsionsxcvcna ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. At b months old 35 Doses-33Ce!nt‘ Exact Copy of Wrapper. CASTORIA for Tnfanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Thirty Years ICASTORIA tub oin>»> »••«>«• yom* onr. Copyright 1907 The Houee^Kuppenhamel IT IS NOT THE FINE QUALITY OF MATERIALS ALONE THAT MAKE Kuppenheimer Clothes S UFErRIOR t»s the Fine Tailoring given them by MASTFR ! C R A F r S A N. J. ZANDER, TARBORO. N. C. THAD HUSSEY. HOWABD HUSSEY. IHE ENTERPRISE CARRIAGE COMPANY Manufacturers ot Light Buggies Harness Always Kept in Stoob. Tar"bcro, ibr c Insure Your Stock The Carolina Live Sleek Mutual Ins. Co Offers insurance to its members at a small cost, which enables every man to protect his live stock against loss by death. Every business man carries Insurance on his life and property. Why not remember he horse that pulls the plow t -Three Seed Reasons Why Yen Should Insure Yonr Stock: FIRST—Because it is a business proposition. SECOND—No man who has stock at the present value can afford to go unprotected. THIRD—The small cost puts this insurance within the reach Ox every man. . PENDER, Local Agent. L. R. & J. P. SUGG, MACHINISTS. -We Bepair Machinery of all Kinds._ Engines, Boilers, Gins, Threshing Machinery, Gasoline Engines, Wagons, Carts, etc. Shafting, Hangers, and Pnlleys Furnished on Short Notice. Give us a Trial. Phone 241, Near Coast Line depot. COCK OFTHE WALK I take Macnair's Chicken Pow ders and feed xny children on them too. Look at me and ob serve the Hawk Cock a doodle doo. “HAWK'7 The Barn Yard Robber Died after eating a chick of that oldRooster, which had been fed on Macnair’s Chick en Powders. Alas! Alas! 5-10-’06, Epwortb, N. 0. Dear Sir: Hawks visited my chickens every day. After using your Chicken Powder—they came.no more. Yours truly, ' J. B. Pittman. TSO-’Od, Massaponax, Va. Dear Sir: I have tested your Sample of Macnair’s Chicken Powders aud found it a safe and reliable tonic, as well as a sure cure for cholera. Very respectfully, Feed Nttrhv B Creat differ. The Southerner offers to its paid tip in advance subscribers Thj? Weekly Southeroer-asd^ The Progressive Farmer, $1.55. The Daily Southerner and The Progressive Farmer, $4.50. The Progressive Farmer is pub lished weekly, is equal to th best agricultural journal of the country, with its pages teeming with farm information for people ~of this State and section^ t The Republicans have agreed that the next Census shall cost $14,000,000, which is, at least double what if- shodld cost. What is the good of lumbering up the census with a lot of answers to questions that are useless Mr. Wm. H. Anderson, M. D., of Soda Springs, Ida., says that Bees Laxative Cough Syrup has relieved coughs and c>lds where all other remedies failed. Its gentle laxative effects especially recom mended for children. It is pleas ant to take. For coughs, colds, hoarseness, whooping cough. Mon ey refunded if not satisfied. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. In spite of the pacific assur ances of the new Japanese Am bassador, there is the question of the ‘*open door” in Manchuria, which may eventually cause I friction. Here comes the spring winas to chap, tan and freckle. Use Pine salve Carbolized, (acts like a poultice) for cuts, sires, burns, chapped lips, hands and face. It soothes and heals. Sold by Edge combe Drug Co. Seed potatoes, Maine grown, at Macnair’s drugstore. Some one calls Taft Roosevelt’s policy holder. That seems to be the case with nearly all of Roose velt’s office holders. Rings Little Liver Pills for biliousness and sick headache They clean the system and clear the skin. Price 25c. Try them. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. Speaker Cannon andbther Re publican leaders grin with de light as their followers vote against the President. ManZau Piie Remedy, price 50c is guaranteed. Put up ready to use. One application prompt relief to any form of Piles. Soothes and heals. Edgecombe Drug Co. These unfortunate conditious under the present tariff are forcing the republicans to promise to revise the tariff “after election,” but the promise has a string to it, for the latest platform provides that a maximum tariff is necessary which means a still higher tariff. A large lot of tobacco bed cloth. W. 8. Clark & Son. wtf 30 Days’ Trial $1 is the offer on Pineules. Relieve Backache, Weak Back, Lame Back, Rheumatic pains. Best on Sale for Kidneys, Bladder and Blood. - Good for young and old. Satisfaction guar anteed or money refunded. Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. For Sale.—1 set boiler grate bars at a bargain. Boberson Supply Co. The republican spellbinders will have a hard task to perform next Fall when they attempt to show that the panic was mostly imag inary, and that the ‘ ‘slight busi ness depression” Is due to the .Democrats disturbing business by persisting in talking about tariff reform. When a man writes as follows don’t you think he means it? Mr. S. G. Williams, Powderly, Texas, says, ‘ fI have suffei ed for years with Kidney and Bladder trouble using every preparation I came across and taking-many prescrip tions all without relief until my attention w is called to Pineules. After 30 days’ trial ($1.) I am feeling fine. Money refunded if not satisfied. EJgeeombe Drug Co. General Wookford of New York who is doubtless acquainted with the facts: “Everybody knows that the plain people of New York are for Hughes. Everybody known that Wall 8treet wants Taft, fear ing that if they don’t get Taft they may have the President for anoth er term.” It’s apparently impossi ble for the republican leaders to diyorce themveles from the Wall Street interests. ManZao Pile Remedy comes ready to use, put up in a collapsi ble tube with nozzle attached. One application proves its merit. Soothes and heals, reduces inflam mation and relieves- soreness and itching. For all forms of Piles. Price 60c. Guaranteed. Sdld by Edgecombe Prug Co. On the eve of her marriage ot James Lee, of Virginia, who was on his way to Asheville to claim his bride, Miss Evelyn Watkins, a social favorite of Asheville, changed her mind, and went away with Rex Bostic, a former sweet heart, and was married Saturday night at Marion. Miss Watkins was assisted away by several of Bostic's friends, who, with ladders and a carriage got Miss Watkins to the railway station. Agents Wanted.—16x20 crayon portraits 40c, frames 10c and up, sheet pictures lc each, You can make 400 per cent profit or $36 per week. Catalogue and Samples free. Frank W. Williams Co, 1208 W. Taylor St., Chicago, 111. After eluding the authorities for nearly seven years, W. J. Mills was arrested in Philadelphia Sundny for the. alleged embezzle ment of $2,600, which he is said to have secured from Miss Hattie W. Bryant, now Mrs. McLaughlin, of Laurinburg, The Federal office holders wil!\ cut a big swath in the Republican national convention, and those from the Southern and Western DOWNWARD COURSE Fast Being Bealized by Tarboro People. A little Backache-at first. Daily increasing till the back is lame and weak. Urinary disorders quickly fol low. Diabetes and Bright's disease. This is the downard course o£ Kidney ills. Mrs. E. B. Cuthrell, liviug at 209 Brown St., Washington, K. C., says: <*‘I have received great benefit from Doan’s Kidney Pills and am glad to recommend them. For some time I suffered from distressing pains through my kidney regions, accompanied by a dull nagging ache which extended into my shoulders. My kidne\s were very weak, the secretions highly colored and showed that these organs needed attention. At night I was restless and in the morning felt tired and languid. When l heard about Doan’s Kid ney Pills I procured a box and after a short use the pains and aches disappeared, my kidneys were strengthened and the secre tions from my kidneys became regular in action. I am feeling so much better and stronger that it gives my great pleasure to recom mend Doan’s Kidney Pills.” For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. * Foster-Milburn Co., Buffa o, N. Y., sole agents for the Unit, d States. Remember the name—Doan’s— and take no othe7. Stales seem to be able to*dominate the situation. This 'attenjpt to perpetuate power by using the government patronage is a danger to free institutions, and independ ent Republican voters are becom ing indignant. This is the great objection to government ownership of railroads and other public utili ties. “Were your private theatricals a success!” “Well, you might call them so. They have produced three scan dais so far, and another is brew ing.”—Nashville American. —The warmer the weather grows the more the comfort of the cook would be aided by pas for cooking. Ifthemenhad to do the cooking in this town, a gas plant would be installed here before the dog days. “What’s in here!” asked the tourist. “Rtmains to be seen,” respoud edv/the guide, as he led the way int6 the morgue.—Jester.' —With October cotton futures approaching eight eents, the farm er is warned in time to make his crop cost as little as possible. “Sii, lam looking fora little succor.” “Do I look like one!”—Kansas City Journal. —Eight cent cotton will not bny as much corn as ten cent cot toa. Better plant enough corn to insure you against buying. Jack Oates is ill with diphthe ria. Don’t cough your head off when you can get a guaranteed Remedy in Bees Laxative Cougn Syrup. It is especially recommended for children as its pleasant to to take, is a gentle laxative thus expelling the phlegm from the system. For coughs, calds, croup, whoopng cough, hoarseness and all Bronchil trouble. Gua anteed.' Sold by Edgecombe Drug Co. Lord Lewson—Why, Pat,* there used to be two windmills there. Pat—Thrue for you, sir. Lord Lewson—Why is there but one now’ Pat— Bedad, they took one down to have more wind for t’other._ London Tit-Bits. “ that’s your timet” asked an old farmer of a brisk salesman. “Twenty minutes after five. What can I do for you!” “I want them pants,” said the old farmer, leading the way to the window and pointing at a ticket marked “Given away at 5.10.”— Judge. K. C. Spence, of Everett, has accepted a position in the office of the E. C. Railway. The following delegates will rep resent St. James Methodist church at the district conference, which convenes at Aurora, Wednesday, May 6th: G. T. DeBerry, S. R. AiJey, W. T. Deans and C. B. Keech. Mrs. E, E. Purvis has returned from a visit to friends in Wilson. —The “cold spell in May,” early but did little damage. Such another snap later on would injure cotton, which is now peeping out of the earth at a great rate. —The Edgecombe Guards1 is not one of the companies to take part in the Coast Defense Drill at Fort Caswell. George A. Wilkinson has ac cepted the local agency for the Oliver typewriter. Miss Sudie Powell has returned to her home near Battleboro,after a Stop That Cold J™?^eventla>lsBafer-hantolrtitJm wdlbS °kU«ed *g «“• it afterward*. To be sure, Pro * deepIy *»ted cold, but S*5Pthe sneeze stage—they break, or head off these early colds. That’s surely better fiat’s why they are called Prerentiat """* Prevent! cs are little Gaudy Cold Cures. Ho Quin. *®e. no physic, nothing sickening. Nice for the Children—and thoroughly gate too. If you fee? I$ivLH/«OUpS?e*eAr^on ache *u overAhinkof Preventles. Promptness may also save half yon - W don't forget your chll5!Mrt foverlthnes*. nlghtorday. Herein pro " 7 !Jcs Preyentics* greatest efficiency. Sold in oc boxes for the pocket, &lso in 25c boxes of 41 Prevents*. Insist on your druggists dying you Preventics EDGECOMB DRUG CO. DIEDr Thursday at the home, of her sister, Mrs\ W. T. Knight, Mrs. Margaret Gamtt. iwidow of the late Dr. J. J. Garrett, She had passed [her eightieth year. The interment will take place tomorrow in the family burying ground, 01 on the Redden Williams’ farm. Monday, in No. 13 township, Newsome Taylor, of pneumonia, aged 65. — visit to Miss Bettie Bunn. < Tarboro residents should, use Hyomeiat this season, and cure catarrhal troubles which are so prevalent. Scld by Macnair under a guarantee. Miss Yolande de Vignier/ofNew York City, is the guest of Miss Mary Irwin Bridgers. Believe indigestion in 5 minutes -—that’s the record of Miona stom ach tablets. 50c box at Macnair’s. Mrs. John L. Bridgers is in Norfolk. 8. R. Alley is now again the sole proprieter of the photograph gallery, his partner, O. W. Turner having disposed of his interest and, located in Wilson. Mr. Alley, although not an old man, is the I landmark in local photography. His work is * qnal to the best and Sid Alley and pictures are almost synonymous. Believe indigestion in 5 minutes— that’s the record of Miona stomach tablets. 50c a box at Macnair’s. Mrs. Louis M. iBourne and little son have returned to Asheville after several weeks’ visit to rela tives here. Tarboro residents should use Hyomeia at this season, and cure catarrhal troubles which are so -prevalent. Sold Ljl Macnair under a guarantee. Milton W. Haynes returned Thursday evening from New York, where he attended the annual convention of National Sportsmen. —“Health Coffee” is really the closest Coffee Imitation ever yet produced. This clever Coffee Sub stitute was recently produced by Dr. Shoop of Racine, Wis. Not a grain of real Coffee in it either. Dr. Shoop’s Health Coffee is made from pure toasted grains, with malt, nuts, etc. Really it would fool an expert—who might drink it for Coffee. No 20 or 30 minutes tedious boiiing. “Made in a min ute” says the doctor. Sold by D. Lichtenstein Co. —The first Saturday in May and June, are regarded by the merchants as the red letter days of the town. f Insist upon DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. It is especially good for Piles. Sold by R. R. L. Cook. Mayor Pender dismised Harry Hendersoh and Harvey Pittman, charged with fast driving. —With only two weeks to actively present their claims for Chills! Chills! . Chills! ROBERTS’ CHILL TONIC The best 2oc remedy ou the market for chills. A most excellent tonic and blood purifier. A large bottle 25c. For sale by all dealers. TRY IT. Manufactured by SUFFOLK DRUG & EXTUACT CO. INC., Suffolk, Va. 5>o you IHave B Bank Bccunt? The possession of a bank account is a[mat ter that must be made of interest to every man, woman and child in any prosperous com munity. Many people without stopping to give it consideration, are inclined to delay in making a start along this line. When you stop to think about it there is really no good reason why you shouldn't have a growing bank account. This bank is ready and willing to help you to save. One Dol lar is all that Is needed to open an account. You have the privilege of withdrawing your funds whenwer you want to. <Still, with all these inducements and incentives to be - come a saver there are hundreds of people in our county who do not deposit their money in a bank. If your are 'among this number, do not wait any longer bring your first bepos it to this bank and get a bank book. We Are Here to Help You. BANK OF TAEBOEO. Capital 125,000 Surplus 12,500 J. F. Shackelford, Pres. J.T. Howard. V-Pres. L. V. Hart, Cashier. E. B. Hussey, A-Cash. Safety lock boxes for rent. I Safet <jasn. a •ent. ■ «l KILL the COUCH and cure the LUNGS WITH Dr. King’s New Discovery m_CW* . PBICE 80c A ».< AND ALLTHROAT AND LUN6 TROUBLE** GUARANTEED SATISFAOTOBY OB MONEY BEPT7NDED. il forbes-Eobb. Miss Fannie Cobb, daughter of County Treasurer John B Cobb, and William Britton Forbes, of Wilson, were quietly married Wed nesday night at the home of the bride, Pinetops. The bride has many friends in the county. The groom is a brother of J. W. Forbes, of this place and is engaged in business in Wilson. county preferment, candidates for county officers will have to work double tides, if they would get over the county. Mr. John Biha, of Yining, la., says: “I have been selling De Witt’s Kidney and Bladder Pills for about a year and they give better satisfaction than any pill I ever sold. ” Sold by B E L Cook. The president’s plans for four new battleships was defeated in the Senate and the two ships appropriated for in the House bill was retained. —DeWittTs Little Early Eisers are small, safe, sure aud gentle little pills. Sold by E. E. L. Cook. —Colored schools in the county closed yesterday. —Cascasweet is for babies and children, and is especially good foi the ills so common in eold weather. Look for the ingredients on the bottle. Contains no harmful I drugs. Sold by E. E. L. Cook. USE ALLEN’S FOOT EASE. A powder to be shaken into the shoes. Yoar feet feel swollen, ner voas and damp, and get tired easily. If you have aching feet try Allen’s Foot Ease. It rests the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching, swollen, sweat ing feet, blisters and callous spots. Believes Chilblains, corns and bunions of all pain and gives rest and comfort. Try it today. Sold by all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 26c. Don’t accept any substitute. Trial package Free. Address, Allen S. Olmsted, Le Boy, N. Y. A GOOD “AD.” Lillian BraythwaUe Hill, writer of humorous advertisements, spoke at a business men’s dinner in Chicago- on “Fun in the Ad.” Miss Hilbbegan in this way: “Does it pay to advertise! Well/ I should say so. A man came to an editor in the town of Shelbyville one day and asked that question. “ ‘Does it pay,’ said the man, to advertise in your paper!” “ ‘Does it pay to advertise in my paper! You bet it does,’ the editor replied. ‘Look at Sands, the cash grocer, for instance. Sands advertised for a boy last week, and the very next day Mrs. Sands had twins—both boys.’ ” Price One Cent THE SUN Baltimore, aid. Now Sells for 1 Cent, and can be Had of Every Dealer, Agent or Newsboy at That Price. All Subscribers in District of Co lumbia, Virginia, North and South Carolina, Pennsyl via, Delaware and Throughout the U. S. can get The Sun by mail at 1 cent a copy. THE SUN AT ONE CENT ■h Toe Cheapest High-Clan Paper In The Untied Stales. The Sun’s special correspondents . throughout the United States, as well as in Europe, China, South 1 Africa, the Philippines, Porto Rico, Cuba, and in every other part of the world, make it the greatest newspaper that can be printed. Its Washington and New I York bureaus are among the best [ in the United States, and givgs The Sun’s readers the earliest information upon all important events in the legislative and finan* cial centers of the country. THE FARMER’S PAPER The Sun’s market reports and commercial columns are complete and reliable, and put the farmer, the merchant and the broker in touch with the markets of Balti more, Norfolk, Charleston, New York, Chicago, Philadelphia and all other important points in the U. S. and other countries. All of which the reader gets for 1 cent. THE WOMAN’S PAPER The Sun is the best type of a newspaper morally and intellectu ally. In additions to the news of the day, it publshes the best features that can be presented, such as fashion articles and mis cellanetjus writings from men and women of note and prominence. It is an educator of the highest character, constantly stimulating to noble ideals in individual and national life. i-ujiaufl is puDiisnea on Sanaaj as well as every, other day of the week. . Br lh* Snn, *3 a year, including- the Sunday Sun, 14. The Sunday Sun alone tl a year. Address A. S. ABELL COMPANY, Publishers and Proprietors, _ Baltimore, Maryland. FREY’S VERMIFUGE oUl-fashtoned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 6° years. It is a inedicine made to cure. It has never been known to fail. If your chad is sick get a bottle of FREY'S VERMIFU8E A FINE TONIC FOB CHILDREN D° not take a substitute. If your druggist does not keep J^send^wenty-fivc cent. iS l S3, cfo S Baltimore, aid. and a bottle will be mailed you. “MERRY WIDOWER" WALTZ. Wilson Bell, who hasVomposed a number of musical selections, has completed the the composition of a new waltz, which he has named the “Merry Widower”, in contrast to the “Merry Widow” waltz. This latest addition to popular music is complete in hormony and wilt appeal to every lover of music. WHAT SHALL WE HAVE FOR DESSERT? Try JELL-O, the dainty, appe tizing, economical dessert. Can be prepared instantly—simply add boiling water and serve when cool, Flavored just right; sweetened just right; perfect in every way. A 10c package makes enough dessert for a large family. All grocers sell it. Don’t accept sub stitutes. JELL O complies with all Pore Food Laws. 7 flavors:— Lemon, Orange, Raspberry, Straw berry, Chocolate, Cherry, Peach. t- - '■ tm Kodol completely digests all clashes of food. It will get right at the trouble and do the very work it- ell for the stomach. It is' pleas ant to take. Sold by R ELCqok. DESIRES EDGECOMBE TO BE REPRE SENTED. • Oapt. Paul Jones received a communication from Miss Margar et Etheridge, of Selma, secretary of the Henry Wyatt Monument Fuud of Horth Carolina, desiring Edgecombe to be represented at the Veteran Convention to be held in Birmingham, Ala., when an appeal will be made for financial aid for the monument fund. Gen. Julian S. Can is using his influence in this matter and it is very ap propriate Edgecombe should be represented. ii iinimniMi m Dragging Down Pains are a symptom of tne most serious trouble which can attack a woman, viz: falling of the womb. With this, generally, comes irregular and painful periods, weakening drains, backache, headache, nervousness, dizziness, Ir ritability, tired feeling, etc. The cure is The Female Regulator that wonderful, curative, vegetable ex tract, which exerts such a marvelous, strengthening influence, on all female organs. Cardui relieves pain and regulates the menses. It is a sure and permanent cure for all female complaints. At all druggists and dealers In Si .00 bottles. “I SUFFERED AWFUL FAIN In my womb and ovaries/’ writes Mrs. Naomi Bake, of Webster Grove, Mo.t “also in my right and left sides, and my menses were very painful and irreg ular. Since taking Cardui I feel like a new woman and do not suffer as I did. It Is the best medicine I ever took.” MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of the powers of sale contained in amortgage deed exe- 1 cnted by John Ricks and Della - Ricks, his wife to F. M. Rawlings, i deceased, and which mortage will oe iouuu recoruea in tne on ice oi 1 the Register of Deeds oi ^dge 3 combe County in Book 104 page [ 250, I will on Monday, May 11th l 1908, at 11 a. m, in front of the ' court house door in the town ot f Tar boro, Edgecombe County, North Carolina, sell at public , auction for cash the following L described piece or parcel of land, ] lying and being in Edgecombe county, No. 7 township and des cribed as follows: Beginning on the North by the lands of R. H. Gor ham; on the East by the lands of i Cartor Pope; on the South by county road leading from Battle boro to W. H. Pow ell’s; on the West by the lands of J. M. Cutch in. Said track of land known as the Rose Tract, it being the West ern half of said Rose Tract, or that part of said tract convey 3d in deed by Elizabeth A. Johnston to Isaac Pope, containing forty one acres (41) more or less. '$* Mbs. Kate T. Rawlings, Admr. of F. M. Rawlings, Deed. T. T. Thorne, Atty. Seres of land FORSALE —IN THE COUNTIES OF— MARTIN. HALIFAX, AND EDGECOMBE Lviner between the Weldon Xr Kinston and the Norfolk & Caro lina Kail roads. Experts estimates 120,000 cords of wood on this land. 1,070 acres adjoin the town, of Hobgood. On this tract there is the Very Best Clay For Brick in Eastern Carolina. 250 acres of this land in cultivation, balance 6750 acres in woods. Fine Tobacco, Corn, and Cotton Land. 45 bush els corn per acre were made last year on land recently cleared. For sale on easy terms. B. E. GATLIN AG.ENT. — _ M H. JAMES, Contractor and Builder Tarboro, N 0 Plana an<* snec ideations careful! and promptly preoared D. D. WAGNEK, Contractor and Bnilder. Briok and Heavy Work Solicited Estimates Promptly Furnished. JEFF D. JENKINS, Physician and Surgeon, Tarboro, N, 0. ’Phone No. 166 ] Women as WeH as Meo Are Hade ' miserable by Kidney and Bladder Trouble. Kidney trouble preys upon the mind,” discourages and lessens ambition; beauty, vigor ana cneeriui ness 9X>n disappear when the kidneys are out of order or dis _ eased. Kidney trouble has become so prevalent / that it is not unconi—1 i* mon for a child to be * born afflicted with weak kidneys. If the child urinates toootten, n uie urine scaius the flesh, or if, when the child reaches an age when it should be able to control the passage, it is yet afflicted with bed-wet ting, depend upon it, the Cause of the diffi culty is kidney trouble, and the first step' should be towards the treatment of these-important organs. This unpleasant trouble is due to a diseased condition of the kidneys and bladder and not. to a habit as most people suppose. Women as well as men are made miser able with kidnev and bladder trouble, and both need the same great remedy The mild and the immediate effect of Swamo-Root is soon realized. It is sold by druggists, in mty cent and one-dollar ■ size bottles. You may t have a sample bottle K,. -mail frpp. also a Home of Swamp-Boot. pamphlet telling all about Swamp-Root, including many of the thousands of testi monial letters received from sufferers cured. In writing Dr. Kilmer & Co., Binghamton, N. Y„ be sure and mention this paper. Don’t make any mistake, but rein ember the name, Swamp-Root, Dr. Kilmer’s Swamp-Root, and the ad dress, Binghamton, N. Y„ on every bottle._•__ NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor on the estate of P. B. Pittman late of Edgecombe, notice is hereby give* all persons having claims against said deceased’s e-date to present them to me for approval and payment on or before the 30th day of April, 1909, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their re covery. Those indebted to said estate will please make immediate payment. This 28th day of April 1908. J. J. Pittman, Admr. FREE to snffereis from Kidney FREE Liverand Bladder Trouble, FREE Other manufacturers say “buy a bottle and if it does not cure we will refund your money.” We say “takea full $1 size FREE bot tie of UVA SOL and if it benefit* you, then use it until cured.” This advertisement entitles you to a bottle of UVA SOL at W. H. MACNAIR’S. . Only a limited number of bottles given away. Don’t miss this oportunity to test UVA SOL. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as executrix ofthe last will and testament of James I. Barnhill late of this county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against my testator to present them duly proven to me or my attorney on or before April I 1909 or this notice will be plead in bar of their re covery. All persons indebted to the estate must make immediate payment. This April 1st 1908. (Mbs.) Hattie L. Barnaul, Executrix. R. G. Allsbrook, Atty. Notice of Administration. Having qualified as administra trix of the late (Mrs.) Lucinda 3org, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate to present them on or before April 2nd, 1909, or this notice vill be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the estate oust make immediate payment. (Mrs.) Columbia F. Edwards, Gilliam & Gilliams, Att’ys. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. Having qualified as administra tor of tfie estate of Ransom Lloyd, late of Edgecombe county7, notice is hereby given to all peisons holding claims against the estate to present them duly proven on or before April 13, 1909, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the-eetate must make immediate payment This, 13 of April, ’08. * D. E. Cobb, Admr. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION! Having qualified as administra tor of the estate of Robert Walston late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate to presenttthem duly proven to me or my attorney on or before April 9th 1909 or this uotie-s will be plead in bar of recovering. All persons indebted to the estate must make immediate payment. This 9th day of April 1908. W. B. Walston, Admr. ' James Pender, Atty. MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE’S MUTUAL BENEFIT ASSO CIATION will take notice that I can be found under Hotel Farrat. This is the cheapest insurancein the country and a bsolutely reliable. F. H. PEN DEB, Sec’y anc Trees. DR. C. A. WHITEHEAD, Surgeon Dentist, TARBOBO, N. 0. Ucnos hours « to 1 and 2 to 6. —a U A.ZOELLER, Ota Gasoline and Steam Engine Expert, Adjusting of Gasolme Ed arnes a specialty. dfltwtf NATHAN WILLIAMS, Tonsorial Artist and Hirsuit Dec orator. Tarboro N. C. Two door from Bank of Tarboro J. FRANK LILES, Afct’y and Counsellor at Law, Practices in State and Federal Cts. Offiee front room Mr. J. R. Gas kill's office. DR. DON WILLIAMS Surgeon Dent ist, Nitrous Oxide and Oxygeh Gas administered in the extraction of teeth. Tarboro.

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