to iffif fPf Sift i BE 8UBE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; THEISf GO AHEAD.-D Crockett TARBORO, N. C THURSDAY, MARCH ltf. 1909. OK. 8.7. NO. U. ESTABLISHED 1822 . I ii , ii ri i ii mi i i ii i n n i ii it lit 1 1 r ii ii n c ii r ii i wy I J I J L I rOU I I I I I I I ; ' M ill 'ill ill III III . - li m 11 H I B El .? i.4 ac i win saye the d;T.pcj!t:c fron. many v-'-.v " ...--, en j hi:n to eat whatever he wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and nour ish the body, give keen aj-petite. DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly sugar ceaieu. ! Teke No Substitute. Aa- 'Kiiglisb. 'company wb.teb. has .s:v.i $:u"0.'M)v.-ia tlie past ei&ht yean, in trying to mine gold iu the West India Island of Aruba, Tfca sold out for $4,000 to local capitalists. B-iratao -T...r.l 'iO. I'M i....' s--t-e ' .-ss&Ti'sr A month-old baby with. a. fuli set of perfectly developed teeth caus ed a sensation when exhi.;t;d si a recent mecfins of the Vienna Jietl-. i-.U So.ietv.' - ' Tor X:ati zxjI CKIiru. , The Rind You Han Aais Ecugu Bears the Srne tare I. . Alaska's in!a?ral output for 190S is estimated at SlTKf.OO.OOO, more than $1,000,000 less in value than in 190 The decreases were in gold and cop Pir, all other industries showing gain Bears lis ',? -J HSW "S 6 ucky Korner M'e Have Received The Acenc For RED BAND CELEBRATED CANDIES Call and sre our display of these goods. The, kind you have been payiug higher prices for A SIGN OF IMPROVEMENT. Propoeitions to Invest Money , Pa'. Seriously Have Significance. Recuvery' froia a financial panic or cjaimerciai UepTCSSlon U always i ow, so rau so that the wisest do ao: know when it beghi3 nor "with ..hit i; is moving. It is only ahaa indications begin to pila up -iit otfecan safely assert that the tarn ha3 been taken and has teen left behind. Wuea it was announced that an COUNTING MILLION PEAS. Unique Wager Between Two Maine Men Not Decided. To win a wager of $2.50,' Henry Par Ish," of J'.eddysbemp, has spent near ly a month, counting peas. Ills eye 3 are In such 'a condition that whether open or shut he sees peas and quart cans. W hen he .sleeps ' he dreams of peas and quaM cans, and he is well-nigh craxy. About Thanksgiving, Parish and a neighbor nameUiVainwrlght becam ic3 fart Dry' would be started here, it ensagoa m an argument. -alciiLtoJly a favorable sign, then ! "Bet you $2.50, I can count a million followed tia mattress factory. This P3as hetweaa now and the first of :e:p?d to s'rengthen the faith of January." said Parish. Ui2 optimists. Two mora euterprises T tae that bet," saldWainwrlght t be started here luiiiig the year, be "7'd count 'em, and put "em In glass gin to make the proof of tetter timea frult Jars" at hand, cumulative. Parish began and berore the week The test will coma with April. For 'aa out h hadpeas on the brain, oa the third day. thereof. Saturday. H t:wk his wlfes eir.p'.y fruit the Ejgacomte" Homestead and Jan and the I8" he cojld borrow loan Assoriation will open Its sub- anJ h? Saturday night be had count- scription books to a new series, its ed 100.0'JO. This gave Mm hopt?. and 2ist. -: ne hegan to boast to Walnwrtgiit. . T'u3 two new enterprises of which T1 teI1 youwhat HI do,- says the K wriLten, will have nothing latter- "lf Jou count "e peas with- o io with this subscription, , both Jt making a mistake, 111 eat 'em ci 3 financed oherwis?, sj the a11 ia two week; if jou overcount or f.yjS of stock will indicate both dercount, you eal 'em." luc ability of oar psople and their Parisn tooi thU and counted uopefulaess for the future. the first batch over again to be sur The u-o factories now almost ready he hat made no error- Finding that J aej i! and the two . v v. J 8PRING DESTRUCTION OF TERRA PIN BUGS. segia o;jeratioas enterprises that will be started this yer are not only harbingers of ', but should be iaspirers of con-fi-lence. Our people have put over three-ljirt?r-5 of amlliion dollere in indus--ri-.l enterprises in this town. A people who can do this can make t-ioir town what they please. A people who have done t his, can cojquer adversity and compel munic ipal growth and thrift. Tha same spirit which animated he began to get nervous. A couple of days ago, Parish finish1 ia a rush and took all of the cans over to the Wa In w right house. "There are the peas. Now you eat 'em," he commanded. ""Also fork ov er the $2.50 "But how do I know that you've counted correctly, protested Waln wright. You don't; bo count em yourself. chuckled Parish. "Well, I guesi 111 take It" for An Immense Annual Loss That Can Be Prevented. The annual loss caused by -terrapin bugs sucking the life out " V collards. cabbages, turnips and al lied plants Is difficult lb ettlma't accurately, but certainly amounts to thousands or dollars In N. Carolina. A large proportion of this loss ma be preented If farmers, gardeners, truckers will take the trouble 'r collect or In some way destroy the bugs that fhst appear la the kyil-s sur-h work may be made a paying In vestment. We cannot, however, con tlsue to wait, as is usually done, an til the bugs become so nuiusrous to causa very noticeable Injury It, gardens or fields, but on thicontrar they must be destroyed before Ihej commence to lay eggs; otherwise tho annual loss wl l remain the samf or will Increase. Ii November last this Station puY llihed a pre si bulletin urging faimcn to Immediately collect and kill the terrapin bugj, then In their Ileitis, to prevent their living fh suc'u numbers throughout the winter. Now It seems advisable to urge an etually Import an work or destroying those Individual that escaped last fall, and which k ill soon commence to tome out from their winter hiding t!d!.ig quarters. Only Adult Bugs Survive te Winter ihssa people when thev put their j franted," said Walnwright. afterthlnk "ione- In onternrlses ShoW h re, lnS lt OV6r a llt- " 111 pay you the $2.50 and call It square." "Oh, no you don't." gurgled Parish Tioaey ia enterprises, should be re- in building and loan stock takings in April. The bui'diug and loan Is the home juildei', the savings bank of Tarboro, the promoter of the community. All classes aad condi'.iona should strive to eitend its use.'uiness, . i'.s ability to build homes. A large subscription will be a cer taia indication that the people are alive to the material development of Tarboro from Pinehurst to Panola and from Runnymede to Riverside. Near Death in Big Pond. It was a thrilling experience to Mrs. Ida Soper to face death. "For years a severe lung, trouble gave me 1.15115111" "a bet's a bet, and you've got to coun 'em. Then Til bet yoa have to eat em. Wainwright is now counting peai to see whether he does or does not eat them. Dangor, Me., ubpitch to 'PI"!! VOA INSANITY IS INCREASING. New York State Hospitals Are Crovtd ed With Patients. At the recent annual meeting of th Medical Society of the State of New York Dr. Albert Warren Ferris of that city read a paper dealing with voluntary patients in State hospitals for the Insane, in which he declared atense suffering." she writes, "and eral times nearly caused my death that the subJect constituted a perplex remedies failed and doctors sam , Drobiem Qa October 1st. 1901 l Tvas incurable. Then Dr. King's New 1q tUlesn hospitals for the Insane Jucovery brought quick reuer ana a ,Q thU stale there wen3 26.123 pa- UrlO PnKi'" J& P.A ur-S3 Prmanent that I have not Uents For maQy tbe inclJCIlce jJJU-aUl I iU (X Uv I aean troubled in twelve years." Mrs. I . lrMtt..w hra lepn BUch . the Tne Pure For-tf S to rr. ! Phones oean troubled in twelve years." Mrs. If insanlt7 hlla lepa 8Uch ln the coper nves ia vi ruuu, r state, he said. Uiat more than 6.000 . n . A-. 1 rt-.w MM ' an1 17. L Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as - administrator of the estate of George S. Powell, late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereb given to all persons holding claims against said estate to present theai duly proven on or before February 18th, 1910, or this notice will be plead inl bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate must make immediate payment. HARVEY G. POWELL, Administrator. JNO. L. BRIDGERS & SOX, Attys. (Notice to Creditors. Ilavirg qnaified as adednistrator f the state of John T. Xo' les, iat' : ,r- i.l:iiM n n .i cOiiiH.i ns lv J io .l'ci bv given u mi pe.sons hp.uius ciai. "aKainst my" intestate to present taen ' duly proves oa or before January 1 iu bar of recovery. All persons 1 l 10 or this notice 'will te ploa' liebteJ to t&e estate i-i mediate settlement. Jan. 2;, 130). J. C. KILLE3REW, Admr. V. O. HOWARD, - -Aity. . Administrator's' Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as admijtetraUK wi.h tlie wi.l annexed, of Hr.ttie L : Barahiil, decsissd,' late . of Edge r-o'nba . county. . North' Caroliaa, thi: is t notiry til p-'isons having claiirs amidst the estate of the said dece pr-js ant them to the undevsii. ei d.iiy va il i?il oa or LeZora tho 2 dy or re.ivt.i;y or tlii3- notkt vi.l L3 p'.eaui i i i,s.r of pr.yiiiS.; All' persons iude'-tsd 'to'said 'de'eeden- m J3t make imraetiiate settlement. This February 18 19 )'). R. G. ALLSlinCOK, Admi . C. T. A woauers in Coughs, Colds, Sore Lung Hemorrhages LaGrippe, Asthma Croa Whooping Cough and all Bronchial affections 50c. and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by W. H. Mac-aair. new cases were received annually in to tha State hospitals. , " According to the Medical Record's report of Dr. Ferris paper, about 2. 030 of these patients have died annu ally and many have been discharged. recovered or improved, while the av A Fatal Prayer. I er:gs net increase has been iio Men t rfannir'a veamine French snln-1 year. On October 1st, 1907. th? net jter wrote out this prayer to several increase was 750. and on October 1st. saints of the calendar: St. Mary, let me marry. -St Privat, let him be a soldier SU Augustine, or a doctor. St. Aaaioie, or a schoolmaster. ' St." Romain or his assistant St. Blaise, I shall be pleased St. Nicholas, don't forget me. St. Irenaeus, 1 am the eldest, bt. Colette, don't let my younger iiser marry first, -ct ?i;nn.i i should liiie him to be fair. St. Amateur, I will take him what ever hi3 complexion. . St. Fabian, let him have a tit of money. ot. Vrat'. status let him have" a good position. St. Angela, le him be faithful. St. Leander, let him be tender. St. Appollinarlua; let him be good tempered. St. Gregory, don't let him smoke. SL Thomas, don't let him drink. t PLi.ijmena let 'me be the mas;or. Sf Madeline, don't put It off till next year. St. FerdinanJ, I have waitel rto oag. 1908, at the close of the fiscal year, they found their net Increase had a- mounted to 1,247. To meet thli condition, enlargement to existing hospitals had been made year by year, as fast as money could h tilnal for the purnoss. New York Times. It Saved His Leg. ",Mi:thouBht I'd l03e my leg. writes J. A. Sweffsoa. Watertown. Wis., "Tc year3 of eczema, that 15 doctors coul not cure had at last laid me up. The -3u?'-tlens Arnica Salve cured J GIRLS BEWARE. The SuEtlve 8oft Drink is Danger- y to Body and a1i-i. The dangers of the "sofl drirV hiblf the Innocence with wlkl gtrlf tjone addicted to It. wr cat phaslzej by Dr. Ilirvey Y. WUc;. the fbrrnraenl'a pure folex??rt la a Utture before one hcnJrsd g IrM. tudenti of the Holy Cro Aca:emj ta-.Was'jingtoa City. "It yU only knew what I know a bout. f at those aofi dritks contalr Tot wld abstain from th?m," . stld. wti surprise yoj t kno thlt" mit of them contain more crl fin 3 th.j coffee and a drug which l more ijidly. So beware o' the so', drink, jit U more harmful than cof fee, a4f I advise all yoj. u pjo-l' agalnsttihe use of thU sla.uli-rit . f - ... SOME ROYAL SUPERSTITIONS. 3-jtcr O.a.-mc and Omens Ttut Ap-I pe:l to Rulers. Many mniinhi are supersUUoaa. oxe scsuelaily so. King Peter of rvla refutes to tegla or carry oa ? lT.p?rnot butloets oa a Friday r la; i:th of the month. Oa the hand, the rriace aad Prince . h ."sic are rather partial to the number U. and te prtacess Is e- pcUIty fond of the Bomber X. Tnely tpra.s to he King Ed v rJs ftt ful dry. Oa Tu.sJays he as Lore, baptised and married; oa a Ta.Jay he socceedM to the throne; i tha Tuesday that preceded the day i rioted for LU coroaatloa he oader- veat Lis last serious operaUoa. The KaUer H always cartful that hea a birth takes place la Lb faml- Perhapt!you would be lnt?r-"tcl Icily the ancestral craJle of the Hohen- know 'tare collected mor? thia om I to leros shall be uard. This celebrat hundral! simples of soft drinks sjU I si cradle Is ovr 209 ycara old. aad at sodirjfo-jnUlns and esc!: coaUIr I U suppotel to protect the babfrota cainnena many or men a ucauiy i in sons or cn:au& ai;mBt. Anoth er of his pt sufrs.:tlocs Is con ietei l:h a ring that he always wears. Kenders the fopd more wholesome and su perior in lightness and flavor. Thm cmly bakinx powder ai hm Royml Crap Crcsua ci Tartar. drug.- U 13 PBRTIN li ii ENT QUESTIONS. A GIGANTIC UNDERTAKING Plan to Reclaim the Dry Meeta mia Has Vast Poaaibil.tite, The once Hourtahlng arra biwea the Ttrrts aad CaphraUa rivers la Many EJi'or I It la said that. one niht. far back. I Turkey la-Asia. coasUtlBg of about J. aa enormous load cppsrl la the I X.00 acres, which once eoported a room or Elector Joha of Bradnburg. I population of from tea to ftfa mil- la'd a smaU atoje oa his bed and dl- uoas. now contalas less lhaa lOO.OOO pard. Th- ioa. otherwise vsl- nl has become almost a desert wsate ul-is. bai always been regarded wit wt!a here aad there a hamkt mark- ptlal vaera'loa by the llohensol t aa oaU preserved from destrac- lras. Frederick the Great's father I Hon. The engagement of Sir William had It mounted in a ring, and alnce I WUlcocka. by the Turtuh . govern- hen It has always teen worn by the I ment, to sapervUe the rontempUted beid of the family. I IrrlgaUoa and casalltatloa works la There are two rooms la the royal I MesopoUmla aad eiaeahero, therefore pilace at Rone that are never seed. I nas Important bearing upon the deter- vlve bv finding favorable hibernal-1 tJi j-arp a:nj u n:vo a conipf- inry are tae two rooms lost were I wruon or mis lemiory ng quarters under rubbish around ent arit tt Craw up a pi'n ror a I mosiiy uej cy two d-id kings, one I r viuiiam rorecaaia a great ra- the Kardeos under stone In fcnc I propT1- i-eaiej, venaiaica r-.u in ana ice oioer dj i ancivm t7 inroQcn corners and similar places whtre tbej Duiug mua proper ear s wn.s in i ir.r. it is o'unra ia :aiy i mujiuw.ioa w vae oia irnga ara protected from the weather. Asra ofjhr and with the absa'ute I hn saai- l enisle misfortune would I Ua works oa modern slnlfle prla- thia has been a mild wlntrr they ire My n?eJ(J sewerage appurt :.cos indl'-ciai tu relrniag it.'it!in If the iciwea. The tew constitutional gov liibl ta annear in areater numbers la'end i place thU on a o. owned I room of a dead kla Is laterfere I ernmeni of Turkey has given him the 1 . f . . t. i - . I ..11. m than usual ln the spring. I 7 Vh.n Fm I ivlno I Of coult not conslstcnf.v urae may hatr to get others to vote for One of the rooms at Windsor Cas-1 Yong Tark party la control mr-ers Desire SIt-IIt Infor- matlon. lor jr.nerner: a oi5 paper lhrre Is ar. ajrtl."-e menk oijan election for a .t-.orlty tt I'feua soo' bonds, wblrh l.i . ret.t tr. as a i'VJCi. tax-paver aad cltixea. Would be to much for ttoec l: Eggs and young bugs do not lUe pharg lt the public krrv cxactlj through the winter ln this State; uat or a buuaing in-y are go- hence It U onlv full grown, strong, a- '"S to ct and where tt. j are go- dult males and females whkh sur j'"'K to ice It? RAPIDLY GROWING. ArgtnUna Preparing te Ce'-ebrate Its Centenntst. There Is a etory of Cariyle la tie old age having takea the foUowlac farewell, la his broad Scotch. X a young rna4 who had him la, la charge for waka. a&4 who. wk'.J almon always adapt lag hima:f to Cartyle"a mood, had oa a ltg4e or- rasioa vee'ared to disagree with t!rr "I would have yoa to know, yoncg taaa. that yoa hare the capaiy of be lag the greatest bore la Chrttea dom "A rgo&a ut. Frmh Cartfenere Sell Tter Eatra SeiL Seppae that a gardener kaa a pCo. of "raw" ground to he pat adr ttl- j llTatioa. How does be go aboet Pt Lraest Poole, wrttltg la 'Sacreas Magaxiae, decrribea u t,rocs aa folio-a: Firs', the entire surface la covered wUh arable manor tnlxed. the alhool. I am heartily In favor wlh before at let two general lone I opportoxHy he has long sought and'ol4 uJ ntw ,a Tca fc It aifl will use any Inf.ujnce. 1 pasael. I his pUns have beea acepted, by the Lj,. mb'ea prrd doa U iv hav to get others to vote for One of the rooms at Windsor Cas-1 Young Tark party la control with I. v. . . . . . a lf they commneced to lay oa the fjwn Commons and b illd with lag on their first appearance. Car OJt- vmr regards to he.'.lh. etc, ar; ervatlon has shown that at which employment of a skll eu ro": . . a ... ar - a. , elapsa arter the bugs ar:hlt j:taIone wri guarantc? asainsi ni was carri?o into it me pnnce ea-ici m e first ggs are depos- I shall JeerUlnly vote agr!:.t the claimed: "This Is whre George IV I lrrtgble u neriod thev are bonds aril cs what Inl.aenco 1 an 1 William IV died! Ilbe eip hs task o? destroying the overwinter Ing bu eggs upon ful observation least two weeks appear before the itej. During this period they are very a-tlvely "feeding and mating and the majority will congregate on the few old plants left fro a aat season's crop. . Wild mustard turnips art favorite food P".'-'-. and collards. with their broad leaves, ofte harbor a large number of thesu. The"" prime object of this rrtlcle Is ta emphasise the fact that t"-e farm er or gardener who watchei clwly for tho first terrapin bugs ta appear has aoout two weeks' time f kill them and still prevent the majority from laying egga for the flrat gener- atioa. Rate of Increase. ' Have you ever considered the act- aa Kaa4 aaavaa ft aa a. avawta a. a but they Intend to have it tl has strange superstition attach I tathosUsra. "Tho fatare of Tarkey j au . . aa-otL L ig lo it. When Prince Albert wsslHes la Asia.- has become the motto ... trt. . ' . ej with his fatal Illness, a bed-1 of the day. The magariode of Sir Wll- -M .... . 1. ro-m was burrlMIy preparwd. Whea Uama schemes may be gaaged by the rTOaB. ... . fact that rough estimates place the' ... . . . . m, . aa aAa . A - " " w w- e vat a aw eg bV A m area at aearly 1.000.000 acres ... . . ... mM M pendllare of 1 1 05.000.000 and Xn. . have td'-f t othera f do so. And the prince himself died there. I the capital vaioe of the land whea raim I. i t at. Year ago a yourg Rusalaa Ilea-1 Irrigated at IJ10.oO0.000. The poal-' , ... ... I amirtaln the board of trustees are me we can trust to Co whatlteaant waa presented with a ring by I SU'Ues are vast. I off the top layer, reolaclag tt wt'-h rnd 'hey thjuk la righL but so far, no th lat Io XIII. The Pope told him I la the days of the Aasyrlaa aad w 9M aod'maaare. and the oil oaa hs;pcen able o ten ne exactly aoi i? psn wua ii ski aoy acrwii. awgnoma iae w w rtck m u tl,ttf B44jec wc'i iuicuu io uu, mi. I " " " r ( Dcv jj, bU 0va gtrdea or else to vote Intelligently. blm out of danger. Some lime paaaed. ry of the world. Thia aDovtal plala. u m kJ . I read la one 1 V i If Res pecf ally. Tu E. NORFLSET. TMla the most daegcrojs tDr.' if the yvTr to caUh cold, ar.1 , It I: '. " . a. .a. . the hard st time to cire u. .1 yo and tbe lieutenant became aide de camp to the Grand Duke Cyril dar Ing the Ruso-Jspancse wsr. Forgetful of the Pop?'s warning. extending 400 miles Inland from the present snores of the Persian galf. waa celebrated for Its fertility. This productiveness waa mainly doe to lr ual ber.ef t that rtsulU fro.n killing t t Q , (of . bowe's. Chlldrea esptc he presented , the ring to the grand I rig a Hon, The great Narlwaa canal duke, telling blm how he had got It-1 look off from the Tigris oa the left ih u!j iko a told, a few loecs cf I A1mst Immediately afterwards camel bank and supplied whole pleiaa of veandj iJilatUe Cough f rup wll. I ne ternaie auasier tome wars&ip on I ranaje ana irT-.gatea aa immniH are ict veryp.ompt!y. its laxative prln I which they were smtng. The Ilea-J before It rejoined the'rlTer a H'tle iDies cures the told by drhlr.g It fro I tenant was killed, ahd the grand dukel delow BadraL Oa the eaatera aide th3 s. stem by a genlle bl natura I attributes bis own escape solely to The Dljall canal, over 100 kilometer one female terrapin when the flrt aptears li the spring? OLaerve the aumber of eggs by each bug varies from eighty-four to n'nety-slx- that Is ssvea or eUht masses of twelve egss each, deposited over a period of from four to eight weeks. There are three full generations each year. Suppose we kill a single terra- pla bug and thu3 prevent ninety-six young for the first generation of which one-hair rrlsht be females. If these forty-eight fematea royrojuced n the same rate, the second genera tion would number 4.60S Individuals. Counting one hall aa females, each capable of producing nlncty-slx young tha third generation would reach the enormous number of 221. 1SI. the pro geny of one female In a slng'.e year. We can divide this number by 1 hun drel and still have over 2.200 as the number or buss prevented by kl'.l lg oas Individual when sho flit appears. Dtiring the warm summer months. a minute parasite In the form of a ially 11"? 3' Kennedy's Laxative Cougl Syrup, as It tastes sj goM. nearly Ike nmpio, sugar, it la sold lj It. E f Coo'j. j the posaessloa of tbe lucky ring. I long and SO meters wide. Irrigated For some years past there has beea I the lands above flood level as far a series or magicians and spiritualists south as Bagdad. Ia the neighborhood and prophets In attendance oa the of IUgdad these labyrinthine canals Cxar. A little while back It wa "PhD- converted the plala into one vat llppe. a notorious "doctor of Lyons, garden.' whom the ruler of all the Russian d But the preservation of titanic by lighted to honor, and In whom he draullc works argues the existence of report . a three acre plot where more thaa two hundred and fifty ca ble yards of old loam was sold each year. With each treatment, the primi tive condition of old Mother Earth la practically of ao arcoa&L la the gar teas which I vUlted. thread! eg my way along aln4nch paths, the gar den rose almost to any knee on eith er side quite artificial beds of earth. With a very alight prore 1 coald force my cane dowa a foot or more, aad thea tt struck as though against a rock. fay For Attending Cr. s. TV. h mlil.arv law ma.k-a avcll able 11000 t pay enlisted men for I Placed implicit confidence. So great la atrong central government. The Jrlils trot tie for battajloj of coast a nis raila. inaeea. mat ne ineu cramming sassaniaa aioaaooi irtlller, and for two addhloial dl- to Induce the French government to rtvea by th Arebee and th deaer- rUlon.'r'or Naval Militia. Th- total make his favorite a doctor of the Uoorof It anclat bd eeby the mala amou.-H authorized to be expended fnlverslty of France, and their re- stream of the Tigris eat off the r. th national ctiard bv the State fusal caused much astonishment at supply of the mighty canals aad left i ,imu. .rt 137000 4 Mho Rala court. Now It la the! them high and dry. The Persian ao- " V Imi. i ... .. . . . . . ft. I . . ... . t M . . .. m I A Iio:y Micja. a spinuisi irum io dips ana oivrua wn " Prim.. B-tin I .. ImMrlil I Moilf I V. tKa main KOTtloa a a aa w j'' m a W " ar of the canal system became obllter- Caurt en 29th. Another tarm of the Superior court 'or. will b hel.l here beginning Monday 23th. U'wl'l be for the trial of clrll raaeaonly. though criminal cas.s could be trie! by consent. No grand Jiry U-drawn for Ih'a trrr. Tbe on i imti.icallon for trjiig criminal Living and Dead. Caesar's dead and turned to clsy. Alexanders drifting dust; Let us hope King Arthur may ated and the smiling garden aocewm- i bed to the conquering desert. Nevertheless, all The conditions I whkh made ancient Chaidea a laugh lag cornland remain, except thehumat directing force. The Tlgrta and Eoph sound and well." Infallible for Ski Eruptions, Eczema, Salt Rheum, Bolls tiny black fly destroys a Urge per Pevr sores. Burns. Scalds. Cuta snt centase of the eggs, but as a general Be at present with the Just; r:::: I M They were great and they were graad rate, carry to th. sea enough water - s w M .. . . ... ... . ... a . . a It a H . . la r ame i nev esinea wairn wui noc aieiui maae am ymi vivMvua Splendld'y they wrought and planned. land to float the ladea argosle. to the ocean. The soli need only water to resume It traditional fertility. Even now the traveler caa not fall to be Jail delivery .1 UKIli: AXD CX)MINQ FRESH FRUITS Florida Orargwi and Tao-Tinr-t Lrpt Sweet Arr' and Lucioa Grrc-. A Fine Line National Biscuit Co t ASSOimiD CAKIS AKD CRACKER IIKIKZ PICK LIU ia lolUc and .rg. Tbe Ilrst ImporW Oltt e. The Hub (Jroccry Co. iDlmd to carry the Lest liae of irroctriea. Try and are if it doe doL rroffli deliverx. Use Allen's Fcot Ease. Piles. 25 cents at W. H. Macnair's. Serving in Mexico. The order of meals in Mexico Is murh the same as in other Latin countries where the . "little break- ts;" or corfee and rolls, which I a ..lexico is called 'desayuno." begins th? day. Oa' th-s haciendas or great farms a heavy breakrast, called "1- maerzo.n U servad at 9 o clock end thing these parasites do not become a'juadart until the first generation Is well developed; sa that the destruc Uj or the bugs th-t produce the first gzneratlon 1 more essential thai tb death of bugs later in -the year. Another point In favor of early d: stmctlon!. Arj not the atova f:cts soff iciest t3 farmers with the Import- Still we praise them, yoa and I; In... a. .1 .! . a. a a iZ.dbr lo be shaken into the ""i ono.a yon nacamen pws: shoes, if yoi have tird. aching feet, e may never win applause try AVen a Foot Ease. It rtats the Yet he lives, while they, alas! fe;t and make new or tight sho . Are but part of all that wa. easy. (ures arhlng swollen, hot swat Galileo Is do more; Ing feH- Relieves corn and bunlona Ferdinand and Isabel. or all r-aln and give rest ndcomfot" On aome far celestial shore. Try It today. Sold by all Druggists Msy wkh sainted Colon dwell; and Sljoe Stores. 23 c. Don t accept j Never shall their glory rade. any st'-bstl'ute. For FRHE trial pack ! Never can the mighty debt age. atso Frel Sample of Foot Ess Whl Saultay Corn-Pad. a new Invention. Impressed by th evidence of amaa-l lag agricultural wealth revealed by the close-packed date grove, oa the j flood laads of the Bhatt-el Arab and at Basra the ceaao!g liners car rw caraoea of arrala la balk. Nothing is needed bat money, brain . The Hub Grocery Co. P. A. Levis, Proprietor. PhODC IZS. ILII. Fill UPS Alt'y and Councilor at La and Ubor to make th TUroEph- tad Floor : : P.ridra BaUdict anco of spiiij dss ruction or rr- Eddrc$ A,.en s oimstel. Ie Roy, pin fcugai l v v f Ho ta Destroy Them. Hand Picking. This Ii probably the sametimes takes the place or desay- . .., i,t hnv-e Mm this I ninnr or "comlda." Is the 1m- - I . . i . .v. nn in wi.ite- I ponanr. meai vi iu , Th, remarkable thing is that this s9rved frora i to 2 o tiocic as v' most vuuao.e auaua w. ....... 1iin.i:toa. colored, on !!lke written prayer, which by the way is tically all buslneis in Mexico U sus- vU bu-s ct y.asa-. EJwaiUaa Harper farm Fillry v,s rhymed In the original, but no more pended at 1 o'clock In the af-er- The work can bo dons lhrow ou. ot a wagoa drawn by a poetic for thatrTvas produced in a fit- noon and not resumen uul, o urcu. , uuS. " - t run.w.y mule. The wheels . i .... j o , iim. Aven for clerks and I o i cod. ulndy or dark days; so that ? vi. w.. . vorce court. Alter naviug wu " i ia y.uv "l - - - .. K. .Pjrted "v venicie rona r n.-. : Jaw Broken. Eoaty lUmlHon. colored. . n i .. , a.-!, i niiuo'a in sk i uiu w r t ii ii ii v iia ( n auvuiia w . . . loig the despairing spinster, wno w otner eaio.u, v e.- - - 1 T. . . . badly-fracturing nu jaw, w.PnM, d.d marry at last a flute fortably long dinner hour ana a sielc. Ior mis tasa. c Dr.,W. J. Thlgpen attended . . l. .... . , .1 . - ..a l !.. - nlaver with the appropriate name of or after-dinner nap. nut in. una w . uuf3 ; , . the w,und and now has the man Pan Three days after the wedding, M Gf this custom is atoned for by tne a majority or tnem. A gvu " -- tha h,.plUl for treatment. Mr. and Mme. Pan got into the divorce lengthening of ; the , buslnes. .day to 7 be to ""J"Mim that he" 1. the best courts. She, at any rate, might have or 9 o'clock tne eve-ua. w V.r" he buK, ar anV-tba place. : it .-j trial. fha An'o-HaXOn DUSiucas I wiwuia a cw - Knen liih marrieu state aw"&- - . . o Notice. - liy virtue of a decree of the Su j rior Coirt of EJgecombe county, in n i arrjon wherein J. m. snerroa la ! piaintiff, and Lo'lie Fountain "defen dant. I will onM onday, 5th day of April, 1909, at' the Court House j . 1 - : m.VAw-. .hiMtt 1 v ri n m " ...... " i .. . .. importune providence for a second late as. 10, S 311 to tne mgnebi oiuuei- lur caau, - . - .. . ... .. r3oi f ih husband who will suit her better. L1.1L 1 L Jli 11 liawb Ul 4-. w. ii No. township, about four mile3 to In Ed- work- ' after praylne thus fervently to en ter it. The court dissolved the marriage and the former Mme. Pan is free to . Vo-.Mn Thus I fl-. niwiin Thev mar be killed by employe wo -c - 7"" 'bT , ' ln a ,;uie ker P.ask. or other vessel, made of T n a till TTIlr ur Laaaav. mtm - I -a-a- .--a - I ... a-al . ' . f iad .allies msv be neatea. wnue dw Th. TrD. tnra twovided one oirvofl verv late usuauy ""' osene. i . . - . ovi-twand in the rural districts a spray with Pure Kerosene- and plunged Into water without be- more legal holiday, this being April and ia often as puncui-1 When bug are aounaant oa ww. . 1 . r : -lu. ",u " " 1 Ilk t ' ? m S .a ass. . a.a a . v. number of It ia-. r.lnts they mav be miea 1 t resoiu.ion. 1 sis wiu give hlch we owe them be repaid Bat JlmJone a Is living yet; ' You have never heard of James? He Is ho-nble; be It so; SUM he ens ani drinks and claims Joys whkh dead ones cannot know. I) tat hkeip.eare. Tenoyeon. All have goae the commoa way; Cuh w 11 lUlDg. co'j'y won Fa-ae that shall endure ror aye; At their grave, men humbly bow Prats to them w gladly give Ah. but do they know It now? Who would not prefer to live As an Alfred A est In. e'en. Thaa to be a Shakespeare dead? Luckier thaa a lifeless queen I a housewife baking bread. Another Legal Holiday. frjoi Whitakers, N. C, whereon the Coff ie!d Fountain resic time of his death, being I. rate vaCey Jast such a watlag wheat field as the Cheaab aad Jhel.a caa- al coloalc. Thia 14 the task to whkh Sir WEllaaa WCkock. baa beat all hi eoergte. SUte of Ohio. Oty of Toledo. 1 Lacs County . Frank J. Cheney makes oath that be 1 senior partner of tne era 01 F. J. Cheney V Co, doing bos la ess la the City of Toledo. County ana win tay the sum of ONE lU.fiiuii DOLLARS for each aad every caae of Catarrh that cannot be eared by the use of HalT Catarrh Car. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aad abcrtb ed ta my presence, this fib y of December. A. D. lMt. (Seal ) , A. W. CLXASON. Notary PaKa-. Tarboro- 'orth Carolira, U the City of Toledo, coaaty foc 8ul. muS County. I 1 State aforesaid, aad that MM I , t fwlBC . , lous as dHnner In courses. As la the case of dinner, n , pure kerosene. With the aid of a HalT. Catarrh Car U takea later- Msso. . aaily. aad acta directly oa ike wooa . (. , Ut. 4 ly We. say .v J is usually accompanied by at least BmM ,pray pump a large number of without hesitation that " , s constitutes buns may be killed In a few hours. tlML . . 1. in . J tM . nntirs. ' ;. ,A nr wine. SOUD cooinui BU)tl Baj oe nwu m . EjuU late Coffield Fountain resided at DeWitt's Kidney and Bladder vuis 1 f both these meals. Arsenical poisons are. not eiiecu. .a :r. V STOItlili I "r4m ia v-w -1 anA nticoaa sarrace Of lae ijum. lUliiJT rail l-iJTirC3 ute. Rend for teatlmoaUJ free. ' jtvT" . I - . I r. 1. aixNET co. &CCAUA I Wby wuile winced Teacaer row Netce ef Taa Pwrcasa. North Carotins. . Edgecombe Cowaty. To C W. lU'.Ue. Take Notice: Thai, at a la 1 made by B. F. issoo. Sheriff of Edgecombe Coaaty. 00 tbe it, day of lXt. aald aal being aaad to collect the Use lev 1-4 for the yr pure baa- parrei of land, to-wlt: Near the tow a of Bai tleboro. aad I'tag ta said toaaty. aad bosiaded oa the Sow, by tt Coanty road, oa the East by the laads of J. .W. Maaoa. oa tbe North by the lands of VI. C Braawe'.L aad oa the West by the laads of II. B. Marriott aad M. C. BrasaeJl. srpoa which Lee Yoerg bow resides; te lega lot of about aa acre boiUEM sale Ike 4 r the time of his death. Being tne are unequaied for weak kianeys, dbc. j , . ... vaeazln. land allotted to ssii Coffield Foan- ache. Inflammation of the bladder an I the uivisiin of his father's all urinary disorders. They are anti- children, nam. some ef the Impart- taia, in 01 ssptlc and act promptly ln all cases -The best known pill and j'of weak back, backache. rheumaUsm ! best "pUla mada are DeWltt'a Little cent lauds containing 23 acres mors le:s y G. M. T. FOUNTAIN, ' stituta. We sell and recommend take, gentle and certain, i Commissioner of Court. R. E. L. Cook.- "old by R. E. I Cook. this Insect, which feeds by.i 'sacking the plant Julc. jbovethe young bugs will not be- ties of the lr we breath. tartlg I as..). A -. s'ama in ltrl r rt 1 but whenever snray- with Willie Jones-Taller. v. Kerosene emulsion oi -w --"t - aald Masoa roaveyed to U sail C Sw. Bailie; that said Uad waa Its' -4 o. the Ui list of Coa 1 1. r- iw. l7 la tLa it of Take HalT. raaUy PCU for o".c v ruui aad taxed la bis aam patioa. Toledo. Ohio. Is used with success for kill- ing joe become necessary kerosene He What I your favorite game? ..... i. ill. h.t ramflf fn DM.' I Sha Ouall An tout A nA vOnr? w nw. w . . .11 ni iniwn uu.s. r I--. ,i, rutins. Accent no sub-1 Early Risers. They are smau. easy "' ti . IL L SMITH 1 He- . - I ... ..-i.m rnnA are treatment will noi nu , i By following the suggestion made a- I j for said year;; aad that, tbe ties , SEED PEANLTS- A.N IMPROVE Of rvaeapxioa wu I . . I t n.t .Mr Kecaaae day of Jaly. Vt. t O l rTl I I II. X-..1. a. tA mnlA hUmm t-rtla aaiacibO.. JmH 1VW -"" - . v ..t. si . r r ddil ltaw. Entomologist. Chicago Dally New. 1L a WAJUUOTT. r x 9 I -5 1! I 4 4 t 1 4 1'. t , I I 4 4 .j

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