. : ' - - V A I A A.A A mm I 1 BE SURE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 87. NO. 19 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY 11. 1909. ESTABLISHED 1822 ft Titfrn FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid Hver deranges the wfeok tytUm, and produces SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rbeu matisni. Sallow Skin and PUes. Then Is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TTJTPS LIVER PILLS, as a trie! will prove Take No Substitute. - MAKING LIVING HORRORS. . v How Chinese Convert . . Men Be.asfu. " j Into) Cotton Yard , Receipts, Daring April 1,327 bales of cotton wer,; weighed here, by the official weigheis, against 68 in "'" April V' tt;f year. Thess figureJatrengthen rth" claiai that more cotton has been held this year than last. - Some speculation is Indulged as to the line of policy Alderman Ruf fin will perserve, whether ha will b reactionary or progressive. He was supposed to be. afflicted with th reactionaires. Voting on the tariff bill is e pected to begin in the Senate aboa the 2tth. . , NEW &OODS Arriving' Every Fcv Days at The......... To transform a man into beast would at first seem to be impossible. It is accomplished, however, jby the Chinese, to whom nothing seems tc be unknown. The skin-is removed in small particles from the entire sur face of the body, and to the bleeding par bits of the hide of livipg ant mala, bears and dogs, are usually ap plied. The operation requires years for -its full accomplishment. After the person has had his skin completely changed and becomes a xnan-bar or a nian-dog, he is made mute to com plete the illusion and also deprive bin of the means of Informing the) public he Is intended to amuse of his long torture.' A. Chinese journal, the.Hupao prints a description of one of these human animals exhibited In the Klan Est Hi3 entire body was covered with dagsiin. He stood erect (although sometimes the feet are so mutilated that the beast isfoced to walk-on all fours), could utter articulate sounds, ri3a and sit down in short, makt tlie gestures of any human being. A mandarin who heard of this, mon strosity had him brought to his place, wnere his hairy skin and bestial ap pearance caused quite, as much terro as surprise. Upon being asked if he wa3 a man the creature replied with an affirmative nod. He also signified la the same manner that he could write. A pencil was given him, but he could not use it, his hands were so deformed. Ashes were then placed ox the ground in front of him, when the man-dog leaning over, traced on theai five characters, indicating his name and district. Investigation show ed that he had been stolen, imprison ed for years and subjected to long tortures. His master was apprehend ed and condemned to death- Spare Moments. THREE SOUTHERN PROBLEMS. Railroad, Farm, Wast Land Keys to Prosperity. So rapidly does the development of the South move that It allows those who are In the midst of it a little IN THE MIRACLE CITY. I Where 600.003 Pilgrims Congregate Each Year To Drink 8a eed Water. There exists on the continent of Europe, within a twenty-four hours time to philosophise on the nnderlyln I Journey of London, one of the most phases of Its progress. I astonishing places In the world, a Among the Immediate needs Is a (spot which Is revered as a sort 'of way of enabling railroads to measure I oiy of Holies' ty millions of Our up to the commercial and industrial I fellow creatures. Such Is Its msgne- requirements which they have help-1 tic Influence that every year half J ed to brlnn- about. To a certain extent I miuion pilgrims come to It from it- this Is a nroblam of cSnitai nut t8 1 "J corner oc the earth. It Is We no less an extent is It a, problem of labor and of the ability to manage la bor. Before the panic Southern rail roads had a comparatively low meas ure of efficiency In their operation This has Improved and there has beei a weeding out of Inefficient units. The problem wll be to maintain this stan dard with the rise of traffic demand hl-h comes with the revival of in dustry and trade. Another problem of Southern prog ress relates to its agriculture, it main product is still cotton. Hen U a crop valued In round numbers at about $600,000,000 a year, on which th3 world depends as on few othei Mecca of Europe, and Its name Is Lourdea. Lourdea is situated; In' a position af -great natural beauty, at the en trance to the huge mountain chain of the Pyrenees, which separates France from Spain. The town Is built at a height or 1.200 feet above sea level, in a valley between a brorf torrential river and hills which rise almost perpendicularly to over 3.00 -' t. Until 1853 the town was an in significant borough, which merely Attracted the attention of passing tourists by Its picturesque situation, surmounted ly an ancient Moorish to we.-, in 188. however. It became which "is still marketed I suddenly famous owing to certain el- crops, but ander the greatest disadvantages botb physical and financial, of any of - th great American crops. The Improvt ment of the method of marketing col :on is sJll oae of the great unsoivet problems of the Southern States. A third problem Is that of the re iemptlon of Its waste lands. No por 4oa of the country is better water ed than that which drains the Lowei Atlantic Slope south of the potoraai and into the Gulf of Mexico east oi the Mississippi. Within these drain- he waist. leged miraculous occurrences. An Ignorant little shepherdess, aimed Bernsdetts Soubrious. sged 14. al'.egei that one day, while she was. rl'h her sister and another llttl gl.L picking up pieces of wood neat the Massabielle Rock, she auddenO j-iw a vision. The vision appeared I nr fiom a niche In the rock over the neighboring grotLo It was that t a beautiful young woman, dresse-. all In white, with a blue sash sroun. PATENTS AND MONOPLlES. VARIETY STORE Law Should Work Forfeiture of Un used Patents. In 1507 the Liberal government In Great Britain succeeded in passing into law a very important act deal ing with "foreign patents. In effect. it made it necessary that an article oatenUtd fn Great Britain by a for- tmr .hmiirtv he manufactured In age areas are vast districts of low lands still to be redeemed for farm ing purposes. The lumberman is no cleaning some of Its richest bottoms With the rise in the value of farn. lands these must come under the pIo and be made contributors to th food supply "of the country. As su. plus capital Increases engineering tal ent will betake itself to these lnc' to be reclaimed for habitation. Wal Street Journal Tha vision wss surrounded with luminoji halo, and on seeing It Ber- aalette felt on her knees and remain ed, ia a state of ecstasy until tje vision disappeared. This wss oa Feb ruary ii, and when the child related what she had seen she was treated as ons who suffered from haiUclna ions.' On the llth and the ISth the vis oi agela appeared. BernadeUe saw the vlstoo for the Us time on March 23. when It sail to have revealed Its Identity as the virgin Mary. The story of the apparition spread with extraordinary rapidity, and pious folks b?gn to arrive in thous- W. T. Deans. Next C. J. Austiu's. Lived 152 Years. Wm. parr England's oldest married the third time at 120. work- mA in thA. fiMm till 122 and lived 20 years longer. People should be youth ands at Lourdea to tlaw the apot. fi .t sn luiMi wrirht: of Sourlock. Thea, suddenly, like a trail of fire. Great Britain. If It is not 'so mannfac-1 K showm how to remain young. -I I the- report spread that cures of a su- urea anyooay can appiy w lfeel Juat llka a 16-year-old boy. ne the patent and can proceed to man- writes, -after taking six bottles ol run-dOwn r, o'd . people. Try them. Kidney trouble made life a burden, but ' the first bottle of this won derful medicine convinced me X bad ufactttre the article forthwith. Justice Parker, one of the strong est lawyers of the King's bench, has nn iiitnriAd down a decision on tne Notice to Creditors. . Havlngauallfled as executor of the last will and testament of Ellsha Hales, late of Edgecombe iounty, no tice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against my testator to present them duly proven ou o: before March 25th, 1910, or this no tice will be plead in bar of recov They're a godsend to weak, sicu rundown orr old people. Try them. 50c. at W. H. Nacnair's. first foreign patent holder's appeal n I fouQd cure oa esrth.' dep the terms of tnis law, in wm. ha r.nP the natent. In doing sc he has laid down a broader princi pie and one which ought to be good law In this country just as much as in. England, while It may be called sound equity anywhere. In effect the English Judge says that letters' patent create monopolies and are. therefore, contrary to the spirit of : the common law as oeing restraints on trade. They are onij Dernatural character were takw plao at the spring In the grotto. This caused an extraordinary sen sation among Roman Catholics la all countries. Crowds of nfortunate peo ple, stricken with some of the most awful'-and loathsome diseases bU affilct humanity, began to arrive Lourdea to pay their respects tc ths Virgin of the Grotto, and Im plore ber Intercession. Alas! the vast major.ty were destined to go ack as they came uncurej. SUU. it Is acknowledged that extra- THERE'S A DIFFERENCE. Popular Elections and Their Effect i Upon Congress. - Speaking of the people nomlnatloi United States Senators, have you no tlced, during hte tariff discussion, ttu difference In the attitudes of Sen ators responsible to the people an Seaators responsible to the Interests. And. la a larger way. have you notle el Oe" different tone that pretaUi In the V House of Repine ;ntatlves. which ts reepooslbie to the people am the Senate, which aa a body Is - not respoaslMto the.peopleT Well there Is" a" roasa for this difference, it the Houss' there Is a sentiment fo real tariff revision that Is. "revlsloi downward; In the Senate there 1 every anxiety to keep he taxes . the shoulders of the consumer, whlit the owners of great fortunes and o. tariff-created monopolies are relieve of their burden. Here's the reason: The people cat use their ax on a Congressmaa whei he coaies up for re-election; there f-ro he is somewhat amenable tw their will. In moat of the Slates, lh People have nothing to say, for goot or 1IL about the Senator when b cjuaj up for re-election; consequent ly he listens to the corporations wh do have something to say about hL re-election, for they cootiol the legislature that elects him. In Con gretsienai districts here tl;e ma chine ru.e. the Congressman pleasef the machine.' But there are In th Senate a handful of Senators who ar i dlrect.y reponslole for the peo p'.a. That is. the people of their State have, by reason of direct nomination law, taken the legislature out of tht bands of the corporations, have re served the right to nominate for tht legislature's action the candidate fo. the United States Senate; that ttL people-made Senaor, If you have no ticed It. Is very anxious to nave th uIft revised In the way demanded b; the people. - It Is the voice of the people the'. Is drawing the sharp line of deatarca 'lia now, noticed between groups o. publl: officials. The peoPl are se oi owning their legislatures and ows lag their United Statse Senators. I Use they will own the United stale Congreaa. both - houses. To prevent the coaalag of that time, all the pol l lcUns. all the corporations' and spec 11 Interest, and all the newspapeie catering to these classes are wbcfep ing er up agatnst primsry reform. Detroit News. COOPERATION TELEPHONY. The Telephone And Its RetaUe Te " The Country Doctor. " The role of Country Doctor has a! wsys been aa interesting one, bat It has always been an exceedingly dlf fcn.t oae. with many - hardships tad few rewards OotsLde of the friend ship of the families attended. As coo JIUjo in the coentry hV improved, howtrer, jUxe country doctor's Labors are bean lessened even though hl .-e wards may not have locreaeed la Je Tatlo. A few years igo the couatry doc or settled la n small town where a practlre was .assured because then "as no oae else to aid the afflicted dually there were a few famtiiee 'bo cauld afford to pay for snedlcal atteatln. but there were many more 'be had little money or property and who could pay small fees only by den) lag themselves the necessaries 'of life. Into such a community came the oung physicUa. and his life-work be- Makes delicioiis hot bbcuit, ' ' griddle cakes, rolls and muffins. Thm only fUlang Powder LImAo from Royal Crapa Cram oi Tartar come sloaly at great expense to the community, and enl t ' msia iaa In earnesL CalU came slowly atlarterWs ere first ou&l iea.tng milee of side roads la as bad eoaV- ' .,-mf shoe Ail Recerds. As an' all round laxative tonic and I re l but even faster aa kli sktti be came known, and where one horse am 'Ofcy had been more than enough U aake his calls, two were necessary, especially a the winter and spring jfhej the roads were heavy. Communicstloa was difficult and ben there was an accident or some jus was taken -suddenly III. the only ray of summmoniag aid was by har aesslng a horse, and driving or rid ing miles, perhaps, for a doctor wbo might be at home or who might be .aoa:ly far away la another direction. When be was found. It mattered tot bow tired he was. wnsi time of night, how bad the weather, he must lump into his buggy and hurry to the aedslde. sometimes reaching h too isle to te of service. This Is a phase of country life, which has kept many people living la dues when they woiid here preferred life on a small farm. la these days a factor has bn introduced Into country life, which has done a great de to mievt this Isolation, and to bring - the dwellers la the opea country lato closer touch, not only with the doc tor, but alsa wi'b his neigbbors and with the people with whom he does business. That factor la the Tele phone, and the first people to readte Its posslbUlles were the country loctors. All over the Souh there aro doctor's offices, with from oae to tea telephone Usee radiating from them, with any number of telephones from one to twenty-five connected to each. In many cases these tele phone lines oocnftct with no exchaage ar long distance lines, the oaly pur pose they serve being to afford their owners taw privilege of talking wUh oae aaother or to summon aid I emergencies. ' When several such Usee ceater Uon as ever. Rural free dl!veri. that bring him cloeer to Ue great centers Hf and industry, and to those with whoa he comes In con tact la a profeesionsi way, also cornea s'owty. and extend along the highways., leaving Ue by-wsys al most as far off as before. The junc tion of several roads with aa R. F D. route, with a score of mail bom perched oa poets with only one or two houses with la view. Is a com bos sight these days, and Indicates that the owners of the boxea hare to come several mUre for their maU- The telephone Is the agaL which most tends to Increase his practice and his Income, to make his call, and to save bis Uae and the wear and tear on himself and tie tease. How much simpler ft Is for htm to call up ala paUate tea or Hfteea mua awsy and learn whether a change la their cocdltlou taakea a visit necessary, than to drive that far to learn the same thing? Even If there -la not a telephone la the home of every oae of thea, there ts one la the vicinity of eh from which the doctor can he aotin4 of sts ooadUlon and called If a Oa&ge makea it necessary. . Unlike good roads It costs 1-Ue money to bd rural tekphene Usee when the fanners build them, and. unlike rural free dUrie. they may be extended along alfawafs and brwarm. along road. . across Oelda. over hUls and ifaae. They MEMSERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT AtlCOtATlON, - WU take notice) that I can he feand at my etneo. This U the cheapest In surance la the country and afeeolsie 1 reliable. r. IL PENDER. Secretary and Treasurer Sale of L4 For parttwe. ' By vlrtae oi the aa'XOrUy con''ed la a decree of the Superior Ourt U Edgecombe Count. La the proceed Ltg eatlUed J. D. Brown, at si. va. iota Brown, et aL the underlined will seJ at pb;l aacUoa to the kigh- eet hUder at the Cn llowae Door, on Uosdy.Jas 7th, the toi- sowing piec or parcel of land an aaid Coaaly. vU; la Ne. 11 TownaUp. oa the eoa side of the road from W. J. Lanae ter's store to KnoCy'a. adotaUgUe Undo of W. C Moore, W. X. ltUUa and others. Beginning at a ataha on the Coaaty Road, thence aiaag ed road N. it M degvows W. II poe to a suae oa the road. Jessee LUntoan corner; ihe&cn siacg Jss LUnion's Uae g. IS 14 potea to a s'-k; thence along aaU Uae 1U M Lit poles to a IXghtwood scaho U loahaa & lech's una, uenca a:ocg said X. 13 poise Ao the Hrst sUtton, coa tal&tsg if acres, more er fees; being the tte&Ucaj tract of land conveyed to Dalla Ann Brown If Deaeo Brown by deed deled March lV-h. 11 10. recorded U Ue ofTw of the RegUUr of Deeds of said Ouaty la Dock U. page Ut. from which this deecrtptiaai te tahtn. I Terma oc Sale: 1UM oa dy of give gooo er.". s vj - a!m haZantw DMaUf l- infra. wsm reWy day or algkt, to perform . cnma. Uelr duty. Once connect L. . ' ery. . . . . All persons indebted to his estate I t encouragement of trade, must make immediate seuiemeni. tontlona to trade and it is This iiarcn Z4in, isv. JEFF D. WEBB, Executor JNO. L. BRIDGERS & SON, , Attys. . ' ' '' Lucky Numbers. From time Immemorial superstition i .H.Ahiui iripk-or ill luck to cer tain numbers and there are but few ordinary cases of sudden teajlng do mea who are entirely free from th accural the grolVo. oia. , .a haUuclnaUon. For n long time eren greit boik oa Lourdea. speaks f the numbers were considered Unlucky. V mys e;lus -unknown V0"'- m k-i -a ,. thir dlvisabllltJ tern of the crowd! poselbly, the .TmboUcallT. an omen of death, hypnotic Influence of a great mass of all thst. othr hand, odd numbers wer people, wrought up to n high pUcn Punch. f3tt to be Intolerable that they shouia cdn.ldered i-v- because they are no of religion fervor ana exc". visUor So that's haalth-ballder no other pUs can com pare with Dr. King's New Life Pins They tone and regulate stomach, liv er and kidneys, purify the blood. strearnen the nerves; cure t u a doctor's resldenca. he nsnally paun. Dyspepsia. Bunousnets. J 1 momm kind of n swlUbboerd. so aice, iiesascne. cuius ana wai-r-. connect anv of the lines they require no further nltenUoa save to renew the batteries once or twice a year, aad to kep the V lm order. Thttr coatrwUoa U so slmpte that any group of farmer can buHd them. IMe. partlcuJany In the South, can nsoaHy be cut on the farms, and can he dsrTbu-a Try them. 25c at . II. Nacnair's. 1 ;pf t.her u bHsglng all Ue people 1 4a4 lau, a. nd at sfght ex oa me venous nnes ibio w Autocrat I a&iurw voa madam, tht I lo jrh. The Uaes are operated la effect Ii charminr most absurd and I two wars. One Is where the doctor ----- . grotesque. Victim Oh. welL If you're sere It's TO decide on this once. MUs Summons by .Publication. North Carolina In Superior Court, Edgecombe County. Before the Clerk J. c. Killebrew, Adm'r of J. T Nobles deceased, vs. Fannie Nobles Nobles, deceased, vs. Fannie oNbles Allen Nobles, Mary Noblc-s, ant Mary G: Nobles, their guardian; v CV Killebrew, J. D. Lancaster r.nt wite Susie M. Lancaster,. C. -L. Killebrew andMack A. Killebrew am N. B. Killebrew, his guardian. The above, defendants. Fannie Nobl Allen Nobles and 'Mary Nobles, an. Marv G. Nobles, their guardian, abov I Umpiated or Intended. It fails be used exclusively to prevent the de velopment of new industries or to fet ter existing Industries. He refers here to all patents, and not merely to those affected by the law of 1907. He proceeds on the broad principle tnai intent which, in effect la a monopo ly. " granted not for the sole profit of individuals, but for tne Denein oi . Oar legislatures may very properly levot3 their time in preference to nsky experimental legislation to ex f.nrnia, nmuit natents and fran-S -0 WW ST divisible. The old Romans were es nci&lTV ottarhed to the number ' 3. 1 as It Is the smallest Indivisible num ber. Their faith In this number manifested Itself even In their relig- msy prjduce extraordinary and toen-roa't you think ahe carries her sge eflclal ef recta in certain "Q" i remarkably well? Artist No I dont. She has drop pel several years of It to my per aoaal knowledge. Illustrated Bts. cisjs susceptible to hypnotic or mes meric lnfluence.Call It what you wlU autosuggestion, falth-heailng, hys ion. Jupiter wielded triple thunder- t3rta or hypnotum-it is Deyvu- boV. Neptune carried a three-procg- aouot ai -- - thoa,snd of prieet, who anno- ed irldent, Pluto had a three-headed concerning wbkh medical "Lly come to Lorde. to say a mas. doz. and there were three fates, three but so rar a vry - nroHts must be furies and three grace.. They also tain knowledge have in many c neli that any number that - couia oeen marreious.y curv. ... .. .... w . i.wkT conneed with the spring and rot- . ..... mriKi nn- ii .r itirdes there e1etaa medcai Tne mosi pr-i-uv i - .v mrtnr, himself bullde the lnee and fsr ntshes the telephones, resting them to hie patrons, oa the same princi ple aa a city exchange la operated- Overton. I T1 Ua fraoeeatly reeult. ts the ooctore rmauy operauag a exchange with eeverel hundred sta tions, necessitating be employmest of operators and n men to take care pease. The wire, brackets aad ta sstators for a mile of meeic t?- wiri ircurt. which l3 Kie the beet servtc. coets approxlmatety oa Iv IISjso pr mUe. while the beet telrphoee taetrmmeale with aa the maiettal neceeaary for laetaoaisoei coea approximately only 111" each and frelghu . JAMES PENDEH. HeUce ef DiseeiwUe-. Notice Is hereby glen that the of the accounts, swHcbboard. and so I flna 4 WttB & Mctl:K Jn..M .nrnorni the I bureau known as the "Bureau ersution. wunoui wuN v , 1 - - . , . . .m .. . lu not alt I Coastatatlona, wbkh is open to aa numoer x. - -.- - . 1 ,i. a nntant whlrh is eranted but j tin of which is re- . ..... ,v., .M is mesU. I medical men who come to wveau avt uwu, - at a iJie wu-'o vut.-B " 1 . , ... nhv-r oraes reca am cained purely, to restrict fair compe-, that ,upr- eit,. The object of the ' of ,u rtoown ,Ml r ;ltion is a monopoly In restrami u. j j nag been hanaed d0Wn to u sician, o cnei-. '""-' " ' jk,u ear mhtn OTtr 600.000 pllgTtmi 1 - liA.a MArshs msTi ' vwJ I IIa a eewtl eet t flrl thdft If. I e rade. It confers a pnvu v" from the Last Supper 01 uur ' 7 . t .'amit rlaited the grotto. U the month : remembered, carmuo their Tn August alone 0.000 pilgrims, dr forth. The bet ur plan, however, to for the farmers In each community to lata together with Ue doctor and there. Still, the profits must be fcad nam ( try fsrmer-a hoea. reat, tor ,1,, tte phones, and coane.4 Scores of shopkeepers have made lh MMetl excharge and la fortunes out of the sale of candies. wmy t j, tb eatry medals, atatuest secred pictures, ro- Km ... ihemsele w.-lajlag saries, or besds. crucinxes. etc fcreu un d0C.M9f oul cre the lol TUC CatlSC Of Many hotels sell triaketa and -caarme.- 1 itrtlc M ,v ,11 f r the niaaJ Lourdes reached the Wgn-wwaver . , . u ia advance year the Ju- ts. cot of switching. was dissolved Jsanary 1st, by mV al cooseat, Essex Webo retlrtsg from Ue bwaineea and Barney Webb sMn lag an obligations. BARNET WEBB. . ESSEX WEBB. April . lXr. Sudden- Deaths. There is a dues ie prevailiag ia this to drawn m. . a. AaMsnen nnrrn a aii io. in 1 unn wacuw sa w j . .Mary u. ivoDies, - i ismiiu w wnn it wm ne r" -1 - - - 49 I August named will take notice that an ac- come wlthln Justice parsers u?- , h!s twejTe Disclples. was sea a9 extr-u.u.-r, . 7 - - M tUe, aoduv. were con- . nn..on -.a . 1 . , . .v K.n.nr nr an. ... , mm. I . w . u a m ins ...... ion as above has Deen c""--v- t;on or a gram ir w , at the table ana tne aesm i 1 i " - - I veyed to Lourde In 1J0 special trains Failure to manufacture unaer p-- self and Judas followed ahortiy after- cures. v the from all parts Of Europe. 80 great within a reasonable time snoum ' ard. Tne n umber. 3 and 7 appM Tne legal c.erg7 ft on cn occasion. " . . a V 1 the superior Court of Edgecomot . f ctuhtPof q fund, or a suf- fit ient amount thereoi, in me 1 auwmaucauy iouowcu .- with surprising frequency m uic 1 e. E Hon. Henry White. Anervcsr " ing of that patent, with tree . reoa many people prosperous o... v- --. - gador ta P.rs vainly offered of the Clerk 01 tne &uyri of said County to make assets pav the debts of the Iing 01 "-"- . , . . ana ror tnai ressou - 1 - , ... some said J. T. I nnted nrnness of orincipie v-y iuc utuw - 1 i" " m - -wall Nobles, deceased; said :fund having I protec-ed process or principle wail beea paid Into said Clerk s' nanus 03 1 3treet journal. N. B. Killebrew, Com r from si take a more recent fllustralon. ot land for said J. T. Nobles, fle ceased, under order of- court; it being alleged that the said J. T Nobte. was non compos mentis; that said fund Is realty and the said de that they are required to appear be fore the undersigned Clerk of th Court on the 26th day ot May, 1909, at the court house door of said County, and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Plain ti). 111 n tha -OUrt fOr tht relief demanded in said complaint. This April. 26th 1909. A.T. WAtSTON. Clerk Superior COurL Stolen Smiles. th- writers to make approximate esUm nTmber 23 ha. been considered todlca of Ue rerenue denve Uve of what might be . described x grotto. The priest, have "J 10 in out- or -Skiddoo.-. just them.Blve. U. sol. rig- : m Ug Summons By Pwblkatlofi. . ii" Knwltk. .t in eases, and of fuirUliag I v' ,v r, tn ths Snnerlor court. for this reason it is su-a. - ; ' ... th -'- Z7 ' ,v. r-i.rt. . 1 , tha'nast veav have nes-ioraers uj pu. 1 twagecomow v.vuu v li sword has ben sheaUed. I many men in the past ye hear, la that contentious -household- .Jtated 'rv"; nth and howl Last year it Is stated that not If" delPhla A Norfolk Railroad Co. -What caused UT . " " . bered. Hkel Uan 600.030 cases were put on - The New York, "Ths wife was sbeatnea. iw " -d .th-I vallwar. Each case Is esUmatea I jl Norfolk Railroad Company: Mtssaesiiee mraBuai w i.inias 1 on xfnnltnr. ' . 7 .ear nwtii- . 'net uroflt Of mo suui-s- Tav- -olt, that the above enuv --, AAnraar Twaiiimss a,u " a" 1 t x inina in an i iiukcs w - . mwi . m a m vw -My . sympahies are with the ud numl)er 23. Besidea aa other count -7 lines are addei they secure this service, too. without additional cosu ThU pl has been Inaugurated by Ue Galaea- bore Telephone Compaay U con nection with Ue Cnrroltoa exchange since Ue first of January, and now Ua farmers have taken hold of It with such enUuslasa that we har ramarw Uae with IS tele phones Installed, each subeenner datIdk M ceaU a month and rowwtry 1 Philadelphia dog." "Mine are with the ope-, But whyf if in a stoo The Fiend. . 1 w - nrat foe for 12 "He's ue one who iisnally has to GUdwin, Mlc jar th rin nd coaU." Cleveiann ,, u. .id doctc The. priests also sen -blessed- can-1 kU(jb hM ben InsUtated sgsn.t die. to Ue pUgTims at prices y0tf rec0ver Ue sum of iw Ing from threepence 10 sordine 10 me shU- for 00 for breach of contract as common ear rier, for the safe trans ponauon n. kAni to Bridgetown. 'e. lng .ln Ue grotto day and night by 1 44 bor WM negligently . ...... nw a,1n th OlieSlS I , . . ,. . i l- 1r4A at VI : : . mo I ii... w A.a v w enara ana " ' - - " -' - - - The worst iow if - i- -- I ,v....nj. candle, are kept I. vSrM nridxetown. Va wtna sn a 11 - i uiuunwssuw uw, i waews isvi - w ww 1 tv a Vi wr mil! IL i L L ii - y i Val death are ceasrd ey Kan hrwrt fsre I the rrtw el hid I ar d-s. U avowed taadvwace the k W sey -fsce I kvinev trcwUe at t .nnaW reOTICE OF SALK. By vlrtaa ec the powea of a ig- taeai of the Sseeior Con of Edc cosaho Coanty u a crte spcia proceediag therein peattag eaUUwd Aaaie Lew Uarper et aL axparU, t shaa oa Monday Ue TUk dy oC isae, lKr ad U eciock M, oCr for sale far cash, la Ue L' gleet Ud der at Crura s drag store coaec U the cU of Rochy atoat a certata ' lot or parcel of land aiteaie la the city of Rocky Meant aad owa4d aa foCews: Begiaaiag ax a stake aa the Waetem Una of Branch St, 1 L Popan'a corner. IX feel frosa Ue latereectMa to aaU SVen wSh Red Cas aveaae, thrace West U laet to a stake; Uaoe ft, from aaU suae Id teet to anoUat au; Uatc East IZ4 feet to Braaoh SL, lhnce Xort aloag the Weatern l'-ae of Branch St, 14 feet to Ue k-sg'aixg aad hetag owe of Ua rs dsdd ky George Edwards and wife to Ue Rocky Mount laeara&ce and Rsary Cempany oa AfrQ lUa, 1 and betsg the aaase Kt wLich' ws ca- veytd by Ua Rocky Meant Umraae A ReaXy Compaxy to A. P. Thorpe. Septejaher 1st. 1H and by A. P Thorpe est day of Noraer. IKi to Annie Lee liarper, George B, lUr. per and J aha W. liarper. The sioreaaU ot Is a vain!: VaSd lag lot and Is belag sold ly aa order of court for Ua retaveataneat ef Ue raada U a raldace. This ! day of AyttL IK. BELLS C BARXES, Trnstee. E. . Craathaa, Rant AVy. Ung communication with more than I dixiao, el ISO telephones and reaching about I or Ue kkdm . . . - . . -i ... tack taw TtLal orrwaa. caasiag nunl ee w. kiaAAcr. brvekwst or eccisorst w the wrtwe. head ache, tack acne NOTICE. By vlrtaa of a Mortgage W.U pow er of sale exaewted to J. P. Shaana and a W. Ooghia by f nee Mri and recorded U Book ill. page ? i - a a a 450 telephones and recning wm or Ue kidarye fj.ime.irre oreaa 17 mUe. across 'LlU rWl f Ue Pnh Regwtry of EdgWh- nameroos side I'nee. Other Uee i f .i the kidaeve aad coaaty. NorU CroCaa, we 3 awil ur. planned. The development I bdtrr health to Uat organ to oUind at peblla aactn to Ue hlgttet lid- lm beginning. IKfore Ue lar U qwkkewi by s t'vntaweut of tne aa en Ue first day of out there ooxht to be sevvrw a , orrw. - ' w dred more rami pboaee oa Uis I lbrt cnt awcewxty exchtsge. The Coeeriy Docors i Wi-f oftra ihrwwih caa kreatly faci.l'ai 'LS movemeat I (Se day. aad to grt wp ry uwe dl and nVue same .Ure add to U. the night. The mU and f. in In roavenienca and Incase. Where a system ex'sfs Ue bB fi:lai al.ecc no, oo'y ep Ue com- s KILL THE COUCH axd CUREthi Luncoi ppav the fine and coaU.--Cieveianu ria ld doctor, over in, .in ' ests .BO7 ' . " . " ' . ! mm.n.lT at Urge U 'poa the coa Lender. wSobwanflJ - ' .. ,. tn raise ;.., killed U. ulcer and enrea raceue oraer, 9j XVr ' ..V " V--r preased. N'. maiur hw vaiiie iuliuu ib - v ww.. uf.iiiki. v. vMaf and ttiubc. www - l to amu woa u.wr vm chickens ta Arkansas Here U ons. eii S m im endow- 1. Lourdea. The lowest es- WITH r.im tmi D1SGOVC717 uii marii rift tiyiittiFiN LA!3 ALL THROAT AND LUMP WOBBLES. I UUARANTKED SATISFACT0&1 I OR KONXT BJUrUNOXS. igttmttft prey.for her hatcheL-Char- Wm. cures WJ"' leston. (S. C.) Post. for Plle3. Burns. Scald. Cuts, com He-But I tell you what it is. Mnde 25c. at w. . if your father is at all unreasonable. 1 1 shall put my back to the wall and er er " - " " - I She And keen It there. That would be the safest position. An3- wen. ardly be ex- far 'fiosn: ponga, va, aad that you are requtr-hnr ed to appear ana so.-r . , fn " -.7,;;. k, sVL ItnrOrVi va w.w, . It u. ik.a 11 IiVm Ia AddV d .,. total annual revi-.. - ,v. anrHor Courrt. to- le umaie pvs i ,u w . . . ..ia T.Aurdes water. . Va eiai Amw n tav. ISOe. enue rrom uw v - ivi. H.n r masses, the ... .m fs.rtK. taks notice,1 u candies, ui . i " . selling of biesaed bead, na etc. and ths interest oa -Tour baby crieti a great desl--v h IsnX well." wC tv. aliment?" I . aim ooo and I5' " - " " . mnniTi a.1. Miwn - thing i . " -I dont know. The only '.m . nf la Uat it Isn't : sleeping slckness.--Vashinjton SUr, the I pounds Chlfd rer Cry; : FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA vi sxTjenset . how-vn ine '"' . , v a via foe there Is the rv a rnnnmci auiv. - j horse, urue b caa pvcnbe ror Ms oaUen- mevleg Itsv-eiX a t.t. And yoa wiu rurvnr e a ' etM & accident, ca issuea in- . av. '" IU mM wUi kav. lor Ue amoani ci v. v. Ker. Heated I of Swwsrp. Root, the great kklaey rrssedf rreiUM. It etaaas am r jsnt of iu rewwukaUe heaSh rrstorteg tua. A trial wOl ewarvxsce aayeoe- f...a.t4 La rlMMt t UkC Sad If sold tr eH drwtTst a iity-cewt ed asaa bottle. VOW MT bwwe S aaaaL. hdlW Sl a tOk that UV U sbowtK.boUstfr-byeasuL Addrews, Dr. ilartBL Cow. lUsxaa-.toa. 1. Wkra vmttag tamiom rwsdxag Uie gvw crwwa oder U Uis paper. Ia sav esistsJte, PWV TTWwt mm Ja .n axl dowt let a deaWe sell wo soswrttueg l r-r s"r If voa do row UU cUjisrPosaid. FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A 1 . .. .. - . ..1. tost, naa svw lore set lonn. ana n icklv of attachment is reamaoie dw- , ' - ths flurjerior Courrt for Ue County of electric UgbUng. a inrgw v. -,0ajr o men watchmen, nnd oUers, the' wine. This April th 10 wafer, and Hen supplied free to so ; A. T. "WALSTON, C. ft. C st . a) Good roads make ue prwecw o country phylla ,r7 BJWr0 m to eiteae ix . - - a ll.a Sh. to Ue more remote pane o - trlct in which he lr. but they ROStHT-S TASTtLCtS CM ILL TONIC The nrest fever aad ChOT K 1LM7 Bettlee eod Urt rear. There to a raaeeaA H reiirree cnuie, frvers, and eieaa- seo the bleed. Pee asto bv a'l dealera, tCS J sa. at ZM clack, p, B. at rtre Petal Drag seore cornr. R 7 atoont. N. n certain lot or parrel of-teal IjUg to Rocky Moe.Cde- combe coaaty. aad 9le afoeve-at aad deecrrvtd as foaewe: Begtaalag at a s'ake oa Ue NorU sUe of HU-Uad etrewt and at Sowthwaat com-r of Was, Rreswwtl lot, Uacw la a SorUemly gJrwcOoa, and along said Brswe7s Uae irl one kasdrvd aad twwaty fert to a to foot nSry. Ueacw aoa sail al ley In an Eas'erty dSrarfloa ti fifty frri to a s'ake. Uvace to a SNterty dlrwctioe trs;d wt- said Wss. Itraewvere Car, tll haasr-d aad twea'y fee to H'w- Uad strwet, tbeace aioeg eai lt'V- ld etreet ta a ww'.rly CtVk(1 tM) TJf feet to the bgaelg. TkU rt'-h day of AprtL A. T. S1HU1UX. Adavr. ef i BLeartn. C W. CoChO. Mortgde. Joa. B- Baataey. Aty. P. 4 . , 3 t . 4 . t ; W a - - . 4 I 4 -. v r t . . 4 I v

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