" 7. 'WW i in i t i n rr s r in m BE SURE TOU, ABE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett . VOL. 87. NO. 21 Tti stlmulsts fhs TORPID LIVER, strengthen th digestive organs, regulate th bowels, and are aa "- equated as a - ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, - la ssalarisl districts the.br virtues - am watery recegwlzed.ssUey pes ' - mss pecwHer prepertlssia Xreeiug tk svstoai from that poUoa. Eim- gawtry sugar costsd. TeSe No Substitute. : eooDs Arriving Kvery Divs at Tbe F-'v VARIETY STORE W. T. Deans. Next C. J. Austin's. Summons by Publication. North Carolina In Superior Court, I Edgecombe Count y. Before the Clerk J. C. Klllebrew. AdmT, .of J. T Nobles deceased. vs. Fannie Nobles, Allen Nobles. Mary Nobles, and Mary G. Nobles, their guardian; J C. KUlebrew, J. D. Lancaster and wile. Susie. M. Lancaster. - C. L. Klllebrew and Mack "A: KWebrew and N. B. KUlebar(r 1. guardian, - The above, defendants, Fannie Noble Allen Nobles and Mary Nobles, and Mary O. Nobles, their guardian,- abov named will take notice that an act ion as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Edgecombe County to subject a fund, or a suf ficient amount thereof, in the hands of the Clerk of the Superior. " Court of said County to make assets to pay the debts of the said J. ; T. Nobles, deceased;, said .fund having been paid into said Clerk's hands by N. B. Klllebrew. Com'r from sale of land for said J. T. Nobles, de ceased, under order of court; it heinir &lleKed that the said J. T- Nobles was non compos mentis; that said fund Is realty and the said de- that they are required to appear be fore the undersigned Clerk of " the Court on the- 26th day of May, 1909, at the court house door of said County,' and answer or demur to the complaint in said action, or the Plm tut .n miv tn the court for ' thf relief demanded in said cOJapiaint. This April, 26th, 1909. A.T. WALSTO.N. Clerk Superior Court Summons By Fu-Mcation North Carolina, In the Superior court, Edeecombe County. Before the Cleric N J. Mavo. vs. New York, Pha- delnhia & Norfolk Railroad Co x Th New York. Philadelphia . & Norfolk Raikoad Company Take notice that the aboye entit led actian has iean instituted against you to recover the sum of Slow.-W" for breach ot contract, as cm.iun c rior. th fifa transportation oil , v. - - one horse to Bridgetown; Va, tn K.t .,M h-r wai.neaiigentiv in- . ui, . - - - . . , to the complaint filed In said action . ..,fo ., .nm at Tarboro. North Carolina.. at Term of the Runerlir , rourrt. tO ;wit: on the Zla fljy of May, 1909 " And you will farther vake not! that warrant of ataebment has been Issued la the above entitled' action tot the amount claimed as herelnbe for get forth, and that said warrant of attachment is returnable before the Superior Courrt for the County of Edgecombe, at Tarooro .on, me day of May. 1909. , Thla April 29th 1909. A. T. WALSTON. C. S. & awscssaawansMi. KILL ths COUCH & f uno CURE the LUfsCQf f WITH riorr BisGOUdn pairs A. a tn ns fit. rift Trial Bit ML. Fim AND ALL THROAT ANC LUNG TROUBLES. I QUARANTRED SATISFACXORxl OR. MOVXT REfUSDSB. lured while being unloaded at amcm- Qne thUig I know." Ttose who pave j oik uweu 7 an wKhout heVtanc7 suataned aU ponsa. vav and that you are realr" Christ have felt hU spirit, knew ; it . tne ,nnwwy o eo t annWeV'or demuH la. i 'h blind rrL whose clJen.'j wtk.brought it to ms. They.-. ...yuv,. r . THE PRESBYTERIAN A Vast Tlirona Witness The Ceremonies . Dsslsnsd For Tta Elcry r cl Eel Jlnj-TtaExlcnsIoa ct His Ooblnlaa - . THEhOTB UEK31SAI I.UTEL, STSUCTDRE - . B2ANCE AKSi E2NUS5EMI OF f Sunday was a red letter day wn tn tocat Presivarians. ibut It -.was mors thin, merely denominational. f or beside the deep concern of - the members- the entire community took a lively, deep interest in. the ceremon ies Incident to turnover, to the con- siitutad author Lies a stately edifice s aerated to the worship of Qod and a testimonial to the mother of the church here and its strongest pi lar, Mrs. Anna S. Howard and her dl'Jngufa.hed husband. Judge George Howard. .,. Former members of the local church were here in numbers and the church was packed with . people of every creed and sect to do honor to the occasion and join in halleluiahs. The church itself is an edifice 100 feet by 45 with a 95 foot tower ris ing from the middle front.' In archi tecture st is , pure Grecian, except" tha small., short steeple that sur mounts the tower. The exterior is of red brick, , with native white granite belt lines, pedes tals, window and door faSig3, end keystone. The flat Id nek columns- that appear between the windows are built up from granite pedestals -with terra cotta bases and capitals. The win dows are large with heavy brick cor nices. There is a heavy brick cornice running just above the windows and entirely around the church. A para pet wall completes the brick work- State covers the main roof and steep le. The cornices under the belfry proper are supported by eiit Corin thian columns and above these are two rows of Grecian oraes. ' Inside the same Grecian arcnltec tore appears On each side1 of the pulpit arises a Corinthian column. from whfch with the side waHs three arches are formed, the largest and centep one is just back of the pul- Pit and encloses the organ loft. On each side of the vestibule Is a cloak i room. I The ceiling is of wood. pieJn, but J massive, with , a heavy - corn tee con- j necOoe the' aide waHs. : I The pews are of dark, ak, with a broad able In the center and a small- er one on each side. A superb English Wil'oa carpet covers the entire floor, The whole church to fK.ted wKh stained glass windows of exquisite workmanship, and from within and the middle ground between U pa from without is a perfect gem. I pic and heresy. Has church dldnt ar- V. may not be amiss to etats that thii sanctuary cost $20,000 or more iy 0as right. It recognlxed all. be and that Ue children of Judge and lieved taat there were Christians Mrs. Howard paid for the building. how much they will not tell and Ue munioa. He be! laved that the Pres congregatkm for the furnishings. byterian church met the Eltllcai re- The servia after an organ pre- luie by Rott. Rawls began wKh tic a-nging the doxology, "Praise God from whom all blessings fjow etc." Then followed an earnest invocation by Re7. W. D. Morton. D- D- of Rock Ioant. A choir of 20 voices sang ue ahem, "Except the Lord build the Hymn- No. 19C. "All bU the power of Jesus' nam!' was then sicg. - Scripture reading Zixh taa Kkiss, 8:20-30. and "I Kings. 1-9 most" approprlateseiectkxns by Rev. I. N. H. Summernell, D. D, follow- 3l The prayer of Dedication ly Rev- t. w. Alexander, the pastor, was a c a3i: ia appropriateness and dic- tioa. After the Ofrertory, ; "How tollable ra thy courts," and hymn S'o. 6 1. "O day of rest end gladness yaj delivered the Dedicatory sermon. by Rev, E. L. Ser. of Hign roun. His delivery is easy end gracwul and J argument that he drew from t!s i tupie text . was strong and satii ring. From uuke iu-4z. ue iu" fhOM -one thine needfdl" res - i - " - w devotlon to" God as Mary chose " Martha? from John. 9-25. i - - ' g, ht 6e had reetore-d. "Whereas I -i h . : cam viu V (-.-- from Psaim, 27-4, -One thing hive I deir a Divld did.. to dwell In Ua house x thaXord aU the flay, of hi. life - vi. iMniti. f rftm una. enquire u " -"-- Mark. 10-21. "One tntog thou lack est as iiid the good young man wno ' - . had kent Ue commandxnents, but hd not riven to the Door. gMn ' Mmaelf j whc4iy Uy to God, and from Phliipplans. 3-13. -But thte oae thing I do," press - ing. "toward Ue mark. for the prxe of the high calling of Qod ia J" Christ,"- ' v - i . With this quintette of unUies he pointed out Ue Christian's duty with aa eloquence that moved his hearers. V ; " .Formal Dedication. The church' was then formally ded icated. While ths audience stood, the a words were said, the minister sajlig thoas In body type, the con gregation those In cI: Holy, Blessed and Glorious .Trini ty; three Persons la one God: TO THEB WB DEDICATE THIS HOUSE. ihr "rtf our IjOrd Jesus Cnrtot: Our' ather which art ia Heaven: CHURCH DEDICATED A TSIBUTE TO CBttBREK . IGOS tEKEtt- MPRECIaTIOH OF TWO K3SIES8UIS TO THEE DEDICATE,.' THI3 HOUSK. ' ) - . ' Son of God, the Only JX? gotten of th Father. Head of the Body, which U tis Church: Head over U things to the .Church: prophet. PrWt and King of Thy people: TO THEB WE DEDICATE THIS HOUSE. - Goi the Holy Ghost proceed fcg frxn the Father, and the Son; given to be our abiding Teacher. SicUfi ar ani Comforter; Lord and Giver of Life. TO THEE WE DEDICATE THIS HOUSE. Arlsj, o Lord Into Thy rest, Thou and the ark of Thy strength. Let Thy servants be clothed with right OX.A364. and lat Thy people shout 'or Joy. Put Thy Name in this pliC3. Let thine eyes be open toward it; and hearken unto the suPPlica ton? of Thy people when they pray in th'.s ptacs and hear Thou In Leav ei Thy dwelling place and when Thou hearest forgive". Amen. k was impressive ivs so was the charge of Rev. SUer to the trustees when he delivered them the keys to the church. The dedication anthem was follow ed by hymn No. 408, "From every stormy wind that blows." The sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered and Rr. - H. C- Nelon pronounced the hecedVkn. Just previous to Ue sermon nine- tsan persons were admitted to the church. x ' Some delightfully solo's were sung during the service. especUlly by alias Baugher and Root. Brown. She has a 'nil tuneful contralto . vce. Mr. Brown's 4s a deep, rich bass. Memorial and Histories U la" Us evening there was no set sarrooa, the occasion' being devoted more to Ue history of Us -churcn here. The song service was if anything beuter than In the morning. Certainly MJaj Baugher sang. "Lead kindly Ught" a well aa It ever was before. Rev. ATexander Introduced Rev. J N. H. Summerneil-to speak briefly on tha polity and worship of . the Presbyterian church. Hs was brief. bur. was so broad gauged in his views that ha charmed all. From his view pslct, the Pivsbyterian church was rdats to ltsejf Uat It . was Ue on- In all. as was evidenced by open coai- qu'-remenU ia form of worship. . F. S. RoTster, Shep. ts some of the old ones or us know him. gave a brie! hluory of the church from its organlraMoa In 1874 with 15 charter members and of whom only one was now living. Mrs. A. L. Macnair. He t;Id how il had grown, how faithful had been the work of the several SummerneiL Dr. . worujn, tara up uk. " I and brought it op-todte. The loot speaker was Hon. 11. C Connor, a member of another church, but a most sincere friend and admir er of Judge Howard. In pit Judge Connor sail: A very wise man writing of his riluiouj with a friend said, "Who ever sets a right value on Ue events of his We for good or evil will agree that, next In importance to Ue rec titude of his own course and far .-,., -.4 ... .u . ,v knnnn .M- 'l . mav reward his labors are the ! rrljndabrps which he . forms in his " - . " - : V ' " . ' ' frianrianiDi iis neon one o u ""7 ' i ,,. . v.j.u . v Aiui um ouuvu, jti v4i.,i ,u wow'-v of my me. i cuensn tn m7 nut end nrodntlv -diUStiDsr our wit mournful gratitude and 1 c i . . . ... .. ,i tAIo.. ars lnterwon into the wrar Af mv life Uat from-them- It wooc Ol my mv vua- hum -um T ' 1" " 'Z an w-e assocto ion with aaouer wno nr noutM to me tn oauvv mtw - .tHe ambition, which with varymg -o 1 - ... ... , v... ul aa. In.raaaliwa a - rsxi cess. ou w.u . t. . . ude, j have walked W W wga two score years, BoU rest to the sou ot this goodly town in wnicux n-v-v- ( found the wannest welcome and taosi loyal frlanda. If R" bs tn" accordance with God' ordering, or tne mu tton between those whom He hen called to Himself and those who yet ab ideal writing la faith and hope to Join the choir. Invisible, it would t loiea mv heart to know that' they. a, PJ,W-- y v A!, .gareMi- ble grotUude and lov Uelr memories u.m u, Jt are held toy ooe whose lite.tney o so much to bless and brighten. I wtoh to give expression to. my grate ful, apreciaikm of 'the privilege ex tamd ma of jtoing In the eervlca of the day fledlcattog- tbts Church to Ue dorr of God la loving memory of j judge 'and Mia. Howard. My prayer TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 27. 1909. nat it may be o heir clhidrea and children's chUdren. even nn&o rnot generations, a spiritual home su whld bjr worship' and praise they, and lboe who shall join wtth thsm. may hold the faith of their pareoU , in unity of spirit, in the bond at peace and tn righteousness of lite, abound ing a good' works and loyal service to God and man. 1 have long desired to say something In the prtsenc of thoM with whom, and with whose fat era, "Judge Howard spent his long sad naeful Uf, touching Vis work ' and character things known only to those who lived tn close communion . with him. WhUs bis thoughts and opinions. regarding nun and events, and his re tatao to them were cipressed wn absolute i-f ranlcsssa sod aliaos 4urbg freedom. Judge Howard kept .wltV his own bosom and held lA.sared keepiag those experiences whi:h touch ed his'inner Irfe and his personal relia tkoshlpt.HU Joys he shared freely wii all his deeper eperieace of life iiis suffering and. like all strong, true men, he had them he sustained la silence and carrieo to the on Source in strength and comfort, lie gave his confidence fre?ly to those whom he trusted he kept far apart from those whom he did not trust. In referring to persons of the ist cIms. on a notable pub! I? occasion h) said: -He that is false once know kogty will evr be uncertain when mot ej by amMUui or Interest," Tr.is was a cardloal rule in his estimate of men, both in public and prita ii:e. Tobave and retain the cocfljeace of men of tbli standard b no suvalHhlo and njto be lightly valued. In the abort time and on this occasion, more than a few words are knpU'!. though the temptation cme to tiwtli long-r upon a subject so 'pleasant. Ue rootemplatlon of which has been. and will ever be. to me both pleas- inc and inspiring. I sometime thought and so tail to him. thM. he was too Indifferent to Ue duty which his tal ents. hU experience and wtedoa Im posed upon him to serve Ue State la pubU; stsUTn. Condition which r i0? removed and excluded hkn during the I middle years of his us. fiom such he. so strong, so fitted for tfc man servtce. it wss said of Mm when, at ly struggls of-l"e leaned -upon her the age of 30 years, he wes appoloted strong slr t, her nnquestlodcg fsllh. to the bench: "His fine presence, qultkness of spprehensWxi and legal a- bllUies. gave him large success on the Bench. wLLe hU personal Quaiv- U brought troops of friends where- ever h was known." Wba la 18(1 every man la the State was call 3d npon to take dcv I action kx Ue crUis to which events I had brought the Country, although I Judge Howard had strongly supported I Utrton Candidsts for no no fnation f ho hesitated not to cast his honor and hi fortunes with his own peo ple. When but IS years of age he tormulatsd a political creed In regard to has relations to ths State and Ue Nation wUh such clearness that when sUted to Judge Badger, at that Ume one of our foremost Statesmen. hs said: "We agree substantially.- It was. however, when defect brought the' State to the most difficult crista possible Uat Judge Howard rendered moat valuable service. It was then that men's souls werj put to the test and Uelr loyaHy o what wss true and wise moat severely tried This Is a phase of his life and. con duct Uat hht friends dwell upon with absolute satisfaction. It was a time when many gave way to the tempta tion of "ambition or interest.' others. t mistaken judgment, inspired by fear for Ue future. Looking back ward, in the light of experience Ithrouzfc which ths Sute has Dassed. k k ue r-n 9xOJ 7 BiiJJ sViU AUUas VsU the coarse pursued by Judge Howard mhA tsoaa arVtK.arhnm he aMcd u the truest and therefore the uUesU It was certainly In accord wVh the principles upon which he and the, peo- pie among whom he had ben reared had lived and acted. He said: l be- soosht no leniency but pursued the roursa which my judgment and coo- I l-lan. annMaail ' tlll, VMM latST I j j I Km ,v- .rM..M tn . Via attlt..te . " . "7. l m that tl mm tnwutla ina ftAar. LO Inreant aivd thm futur savin. "II " .- I stood for all things true to Ue honor : - I .v.h ..tr,, T".M ' ' ' . w vjv v-. v. - . xMfm jTrm ue war and thi abolition I ou u war of slavery." Referring to ,'Ue peo- pie of thia. and that portion of W- fc . i In , yM u-u " thU . . . - . , : . .imouie to tnom: am w taj msn. . Thev stood noblv by their nrtnclpiee - 1 .- tK(l k is the bekt guar- I - . ,v(r faJthfuiness in Us fu - . . . Ia nobie.t and most npKjh)lcma u -y brought Uemselvesby their soundness of head and heart to the position of the ban ner County of Ue State and - with every characteristic of true' conser vative republfcasJsm. U rough selt- T2 'Aaoe see k lag nekher posftloo nor Ptaoe-nor power -with no airs of au- Pertonty. no cringing to powsr. cner- lahmg always great veu-r-v,!- law and order, an earnest dvOttoa conclude that, la Ue mala, so far aa you. For BroachlMa. Asthma. Ileoamot this point affordisg the most mag-jth hasdopet sdac to Tide fundamental crincloies were involved. I hace. Croun. LaGTiPos. Sors Throat, I nlfkent view anywhere of B:ck I watar, Va-glnU. The lots apoawblc the Constitution of our fathers " and I elally good for piles. Refuse subeUt a faKhfol adherence to what ' they t sold by all druggists. believed to be the true Interest Uelr Country . Amid the wreck of their property and the desolation of their homes. I, wDeWltTs LiUls Early Risers. the burg and Charleston, which will be atajvd readv to bury , U pagtl f amoUa little liver . alns. amalUI ' . and devote their energies td rtnui f - log the waste pUcs and t9 'dve)op lag ths new clUioj by wblr they are surrounded." Although the pstriotlc ciUxsa and wise 'sUtestnaa was, wUh thousands like him. exclud ed from.tha servtcs of tSJr Cou try, he ever felt a lively iaeresl it and thought deeply opoa all that pertsiaed to her welfare. At times. Ilk all of us, hetws depressed by las apparent triumph of the two forces which he always regarded th deadliest fosa to the welfare of tb peosle and the perpetuity of our lnsUWlons the damsgagu and the ncsAUed wesith of the land. To the first he was almost tnt!rani and the last , he regarded as 4 con e-ant and ever growing menace, to wfcose power the first -wts eei Sontijputiag. Hi. faith a-d palicophy .of itte Is thus stated sa letter: "Man bt?r yet, planned and executed sad reap ed the reward as he expected, lit always fails la execution of ll to Joymeot hoped for. la fact I bt!le nearly every success eXhr oulde Ue ptun or la spits of it. You see. of the wisdom of man. ocll of simple trust and present raithfulBesi to, duty, I have a very poor opinion. S3 follow simple trust la Goj at! be faithful and all wUl be for the beat whether so regarded or not-" 1 ones st him an aKk-le wirh I thauthl would accord wUh his view lis wrote me: "I a much aurprts el at the article in Ue ChaMi Stan dard.,! had no Idea Uat try church tusjj in Us most coeprehenalre easi) paper would make such broad declarations.' 1 believe thrn to he ru, but I had supposed ecclesUsil eu coaservctlsni would fwblj thlr ptt-'rante. It is wonderful how the wo 11 U HberaiUlnc. bow chrtallsc c4vUUa:i. especially Its cfcW char ao'ers'.ic. altruism. Is pervading all societies. It may become sufMciently potent to counteract Ue 7prelve ass of coaceotrated wealth. Speakleg of VI rs. Howard, hs said. of hr. who la Ue goi mlaWrtrv of bis -home, ail pervadiog infissrs tn 'f"8' Jl'e. I may not speak as I feeL That her loyal devoUoa O every doty and every go?d Impulse, Is Us strongest possible tribute to her siogh of character and her true and PrHy faah. That she always weicocssd ene to Uetr home, permlMsd n is Urge measure to come as a friend of her husband and faerseif. Ured to toy ta sasars and cWort, was no less an booor than pias I uM. I bars never knows a f'-ar type of " Chrirrlao womanhood. wWshosd. motherhood. Uaa lira. Howard. I saw many Uluetratlons of her qeWt. aUent power to Ue life of her baa- band, whom ahe so much honored and loved and those who dwelt an- dep her roof or vWKd to her home. This memorial which Uetr children have erected as a testimonial of their love and honor attests and III-1 uat rates Ue strength and beauty of their lives, their prscept and thu y and theirs find example, ilay Uey to K, abundant reward. Wsn't glilht A Good Frlesd. U ever X need a cougtr mejlclas caln I know what to get. declares xtrm a i. ana- f Real. is form ewtaga along ue catawoa mer. artee u.lnr ten hotUes tl Dr. Klag S w u u sasw - - e --w v.. mwr tta excstrlaa to coorte ao Uat a bridge Is lent results In my ewa faintly and oUfrs I am convinced It la the best medicine made for Coufba. Colds and lung trouble." Every one who tries it fsei. luat that war. Relief la fell I ... -iw I Shk VUVV TMiluTi A-v V W I pala to chest or lungs lu supreme. tv ml HJM. Trial hotils free. Onar - antsed by W. IL Macnair. uperior Court next week. I w BtTB pitted, pianaed and Cgu ed. working from morning till bighL seeking for a medicine the will take me place of Ho!lwtrs Rock MOutt la.i. . . . ... . . ... wg in. DW w C"J i iwu iv. .r ..... ... v. rv. Iul u'"- cvuv- -a' w vuawai . t - - w tiha tol I - .nohues. Th slower Uev are xomg . . I me more notes tnev are msamg. . I rf .n ,k. .. v ! m-m I. ik, int --TV T . ' . i i ntt stv w on dusu or r. 1 wbuld give up Ue choicest ones For Rocky Mountain Tea. -Edgecombe Drug Company. Nowadays most of ths rungs la ths aldier of fame are composed of prM, axent.. I Ev-Tv r ffinemeBt rV 1, t beautiful com Ms ------ - - - a a a a . .a. Sas-Ji a m chni.,lnn .to .n -" I wlWi.r'a nockv MOuntaato T-a t.. t,kw. -t. uhm 1 r,,-. n . oM now and Uen about toU bul cosily lit the neighbor who ha the poor stand Many men who start towards suo csas never get Uere because the; atop on the road to accept too many coagTWtolafions. If J4Q expect to get th or!ga 4 Carbollxsd Witch Haael salve yos mat b. Iur. ,t U Dewrtf. CrboiU witch Haael Salve. It U good to I catA bums and bruises, and Is sspe - oil a side walk somewhat elevated' of waterfront at Charleston, next to by a tree root, 1 far preferable I un even walk way In th glaring auo. - l geatlsSjnd sure, fiojd by all druggists. North and &ouU blsd. so to Ue new t ? i 1 1 i S THE RMOOOOtNOROM ROUTf. He Caretiaa, CtKfrfld A OKe RtUrsai Just Opssed thrswgH tKa -Blue ajida- A Crest Csflis. neering peat. WsAtferfef 8ceery. i Qt KSJHga corrsspoadtsft of . the Norfolk Virginian pu. ha W ovr tnat portioa of Ue Orotlaa QHkI- km Ohio Railroad, which Is to up Ue coal fields of West Virginia, crous diagonally Ue motJaa of taia Stat and hsve ka d9 water Is oilsos st Chanestoo. The Southerner makes the foUew Ing xT Acts from his l id desert ta: . . : Wild asd Rsmsle. Ruglew. . The psopls oa Us three thovaaad B3at kf ISi (UiSnaM Aim llu - ltm accM Urosgh tralaa O UU WadsnandC this Land of the Sky, and to a reglo of fct w-ld and heretofore so reacts as to ea iu a virgin fit;d- The Carolina. CUachfleld A Ohio Railwsy. wkh Us Ulrty tasis. tfs dartag cUab of (he Blue lUdgs at Ue best of all the pusses and one 7 "- ex-enaf Ua. furthes souU-ard from Do.tJc. owiru icidiioM, uusri CaSrloCl Is ikm a.t.l. ,JVI". I U Us saouataU foothUs. to Spartanburg, La South Oroii&a. Ojs of Us rsacures of Uis new sec Uou wui be a trU IT! lest U Delgat, another being aa tmasase ej bridge scroas Ue uroad river. Tas whols of Us in is laid with 4 pound rLs, Is bailasted from end u enU. and ths coas'-rocOoa is ea "re'y of eul ssd conme. Wsu U U stated Uat upon the Wne frocs Danes to UosCc Ue toapasy has atnt tweoiyoae mlUloes of do;as sines It touk over hs road from Ue South A Western, some idea easy be of Ue cost of Uis great work Tha average cost per mils from Sprue Doe to LUc as tlj.ow. The roatWel mUs of coastructlom. at Clinch saounlais, wss half a sail- loa doners and at varos other PBt ue coat raa as much as le. w ,: . ru euUg nowhere else except oa half of on ber r-eel rtDMiutM. ol.. . w - last Ue very eye la dctred when oae Is going up it see&s to be downwards. Thus It bevoaes a company's mites through EUbora to Dante. Uere being X'.UbW sr of coal land and at Dent n mites bo lag open. The Joegest tan oa Ue Un is Ue ClVh moqCUIa. on Ue Tennesse ditUoa. 4. 10 1 feet la . TM couapasy s coaj seems to cwwa two ii4jaas c too as tn U It. cOrlng to the sooth -etrs I Ut. Jt la abis to operate road at a coat of 4S prta. SS I Scenery is Maafceot, But these are dwells which majl. or may not Interest Us traveler, w desires so saach to gt Uto psatres sew and to rece first tapresalons.l From Us moment the train reaches the splendid brtdgs across Ue Cataw-I. oa rter U North Carotins, a few from Xlsrioa, going northward. I trt4 kptt0c4t4 vUa moualasa world aprtags into ,ttruo XM u Caaomia or and the range of Black, dominated by Mount Mitchell. Us loftWt peak east wra a-l1'711 le. This range M I i--o "7 - rw-7 iot m. i ' one fork or wa-ra gas been oage voided, aad Uea Ue entry lato tn - I net uao,- oegiAa. me roe nmg a three terraces nma K racns ai- I nxt the mounUla's itn&U and at 1 the uem a Bbow ssings for Ksinsjatga svea. aa a ho for vr lis eharn Iota ths niaa RVr. at " " ' I mooatala. Uea paaslag through BleejU resld-fico U be rcd were I tucgs tunneL Lion feel la leag'a aa4rt0"y arowa rrom r- r turning down Ue mountela. Ue water from ooe end of Uis aal running lato ths AUaatl ocean and from ths .other sad Into ths Gulf of Mexico: v on point there are Ure tu aels In a rw and aU la .view from the rear of Us train. Oa Uis mou- , lato division there are 19 tuaam. a soms 'cases ruUog tn tare tWra. ah noat dlrscUy above each other. F i. ... . . Is ooe of the most wonderful liab to the world from a aceaic as w3 as aa engineering point of view aad the aagtaeei who planned Us fine peat 3 years la -Ues loaoty a Uias dtvoUag himsetf to Ula task. . Afl along the way Urs ar roar ing and elssr streams. waUrfsils. ror g . vast cut and nils, oas of Ue ft wst canroos to Us KasL that of :he To river, dfsr.tj the bosadary of Teasessee. and Us fHw Is oa - . lIlQfl IB IA1I af II a bxuia. tvail kJ the North and ths South. Jost aa 1 I eaateru. North CaroJaa at Cpe "atrras. Ue flah and game of Ue I or id between the Blck sad ihelDorsey Pender. Mrs. pvdrr ts a ais- i Grandfather. ther sre certala forms ,5t found anywhere els to th Ca - I sutja. Thus North Carolina present - l " to rletls of clmas from Flor Maine ana ail xac vnrs or j'oUage, .1 Rssd ts 8s CaJe-ged. - j lattrestlng to know Uat Ue I highest point la th lino Is at Art psus. N. C. and CkAora's svto fort a&ov, tM level Is 7(0 efei. 1c wlU be of further Interest to people I th Soa'h to know that this road thd C. C. A O. has acquired L00 ftet to Ue eutvy yard, and farther that Its I survey of th Ua btwa Spartaa- i .a -) trads only tta fM ia ta. t 1 tve as lda of the vast fore of mea which pa Us work oa Uis ad may Vs said Uat 1&-600 mew were eapioyed st oao Us, hsjf of this great army bstwuea gprare piee and hfarioa. Crrthie i imaks ths Use prfc!j f e as4 oa Us ooasUl. dLUlos mZZ wui b keat ax or fa . ' The operation of Us C C A O- wy to sot by tlsrapa. but by Ulephone. gad Ue systsa hi foud to be adelraUs ta every respect. Al tho point whers Ue road Psssts from NorA Carojaal iat Taaaeasee there U a high watrrfeu. Ue gorge bctaa of grest depth, a tras caayoa la fact, and Uus piclsrss.) tttu tatsosi has been gttea Ue name of Teaaoiiaa. Rhodendrun stssg. The Ure of ths taoua'U coos apoa aa Uose who (rart over UU road, us eotamerctat poas2!yuu, of It to Us south bstsg beyoad etprssy loa. there beiag waJtalud fjaaaUUcs of coaL and so oas caa see sty Us "s direc4 Us work to go through and ao sxpenss to be sparA Dordend 1lh rhododendross aa U ay. Us road has ba aptly termed the Rhododadrcn Road." Uis I lB tamjUk la !1 fm MrWlA. r M . l-mm . a 1. . I . . 0- . . . cooo Into bloom. At ooe pctat ' Us road hs wlUla C s&krs of LLavUe ra and to Uis faU. tho nt to ths N. OsroOaa ssoaU(&s, a Has roadway is to be contracted. Una g'tlag teas to ooe of the aaost pktrsawt pouts la us country. There are Ure moatstm gorges Is SorU Csxoilaa. Uat of Ue LU- vU. river; UM of aaJ that of lm Illfkarr K.1 . Ctfw ' . v. am . . - . . . . . . . . Tas rir ruma nvrtit 1a (Ma Klsts Li u . ,rv ... . - . v !aX Uarin aia;wtl m a tr4f4 tmm Mt1 w . f.. v!.. .w ... ths flaest trout stream La aU the cpW(la ft K,v rwkl to Ue fishermen, much of 11 bet&g pre- rainbow trout. A PALATIAL RltlOtHCC ratee-t-L IMeed ss Well ai Is Name. The foiiowug ts fioea Us Nor- UA LsdgerDbpatch liaary IIeie. B'-uma:re rit-- 1st. orvnaaay cf Texas, wvi ereot at I (he comer of Storkjey Gsrdess and I LJovd WBWlmL his soa-ta taw. oa of ' " " aadwtfs. and Mr.Heske Is at hr to persooAlly look after tao work of eovavtrwrtion. Th coat of . the aew reAra a radatscsiaats. To gvS aa Visa, now of what Us eoastroctloa wUl amount to, the pUttag aioao. aavou&ts to ll.. aad It U estssatsd tha Uo fooadata ss -a who befara a brick of U ssporetractevrs Is br wd cost cpwards of 4.C4. The rt- denco is to be pajnUai troca top o bottom, fioea dosaa or sors rooaos ar ptaaasd wkh a stats dkrtag roocn sotswUlag. Cks twenty for. f staar, aad prtvaco usx&s xcr svvry bd chaaoar aa Us house. Tt exter ior wU b of stoo aad brkk, and - l r-HshWcs v os aaajsocs. pota 1 lau aid oat. i I The plan for th fouAdaC were o5y abmltxd to Bidtag: inpc- Ior nouaad. who aal uey ec-s-w anTaaiax of th kind evor sa I Nok- ... .. . ,. I r- now ue gie-u th horn to Cheat of Mr. and Mrs. er of Dr. Uoyd Wiaam. Us raav uy ostag a prom uses ,wi Uaa ooe. The Ilenke aad Dr.- W0- lanms hav beeallvtag la lower Cal ifornia. They wU make Uetr pna- eJaeatlMMn U Norfolk. The' Cernvin arma a sabers eoaM aea. ... NeUco f flwliA. Votlc is hereby given tfist Ue firm of Webb A Webb of MarclesflrK was dissolved January 1st, fey a a te al consent. Essex Webo retiring from Us business and Baraey Wtbb sea tag an obllgatioas. BARNTT WEBB. ESSEX WEBB. r -J'.r- 1 ' I " " mm j 1 April 24 W9 ESTABLISHED 1822 t I VI I The jaaeg-.xaott Usttfal astd ' wholesoae biscuit, c&le and tMi. try are xaade with Roytl liai. iaff Powder, anxj. cot ctienrisc, RoTml U the ed j Baling Powder Royal Crapo CreaxaDl Tartar MCMSCM Of TMt RIQRLirs HU- TUAJ. LHL IT AsACOlATlOK. WU Uhs asOos Uat I can be tound at say UHs, This la Us Tt-t-ij-tst la raaca la Ue ooaauy and ft i-rtr-( reahla. r. U. mVLLS, Secretary a4 Trsascrvr tsi 94 Lam Fsr Rsrbvesv Hj virta of us aaAet4 cu4 la a decrws of Us Sstnor Co&n U ageuMa Coua,:. to UeiJ tog eAtiLsd J. LK iuows, u ai. vs. Joan tewi, st si, u iuaara4d 14 sea S4 trl a.atlko to Ue gsgh t Liwdsr at the U -iue Lwor n Moacay, js. TUk. UK I. Us tff Uwltd p4o or prct u l-d to aAd Costu. via: U Ko. U Twtu?. oa ue eVA og th ro4 Cross W. J. Laaa trs ukw ia hjuo a, adjAaaagus W. ML. Mouru. W. A. Ua aad oUsrsw lxt'ttg at a ataks oa tb'Coa:j jXaad, Us aaag ttl 4 ro4 N. it X-4 gegruss W. It po.es U a staks oa Us rod. Jastss Uiuo s coraer; Uaac aaag Jasawa Un;m u 8-11 U pMis to a sag; Usa ntg sail Ui L U it L II povs U a Ugtlwoud seeks to Joa its tact's Has, uaos sioag said ti-f X. M 1 1 poes to Us Cm tus, voa liaig If acres, saor or 1; ig Us Us&Uca. tract of laxj cwveysd to D:Ua Axa iuwwa by laaa Brown ty s4 td March Xjva, I, coosreed U U nCTlcs st U RegVatsr of ! U said Couxtr La Book IK page Ul. frua wtkh this dssttUas) a Ukaa. Tsm of ;: tlij& oa t of aals aad Ulaaos Dcaur 1st. 1st. wru. ta'irest Cross gay of cbr&n uc of sss. Apra aid. ic.. JAhtrj reNDrs. owinusioher. hotica or aAUL Cy Ttrtao of tXs powst of a jadg- arutag of Us Saparlar Court of rcge- coc&ho Coaaiy. to a ertalg sptal Ptc&t UeraU peafg enured iai Loo liarpar et ai, expert. I ebaa oa Monday Us TTA gay Jaas, IKI at U o'clock M. oCsr for sals for th to Us highest Ud der at CrTCa'a drag store coraec la tho cry of Rocky Mosst, a crtaui lot or parcel of toad afloat la Ue ti-'y of Rocky Moau aid boaadH a CoUows: Bsgtaalag at a ataks to Ue Wester ge of Braah St, I L. popaa'a coraar, im fen rrom Ua UlsrsscUoa to sail trn wtLh Rd Gis areas. Uas Weal UM leeg to a stake; uesos S. troca said etaa U fast ts aeUst- stage; ua) Cast 1U test to Braaca tL, Ue&c Norta aioag u Westerm lias of Braach tt. U feat to Ua iogtaaJxg aaA betog oas of U lou ddd y George Sdwarda aad wife to Us Rock Moal Ussraiis and RTy Compaay oa Apr4 Itu. l:-t ai4 helig Us gas lot uUch was roa eyi fey Ua Rocky Moaag taaraa A KsaSy Coeapacy to A. P. Therps, Sptsaher 1st. 1K4 aad fey A. P. Taorpo oa day of Kovesaher. 1H ; to Aaafs Lso liarp-r, George B. Ua. &ec aad Jala W. lUrper. The afarwaaid ot Is a vaHahi waSS lag tot aad Is be tag soU by aa order of court far the rartjsnt of Us fsads to a rAda. Txis 1 BtLXJB & BARXCS, Trasts. E. . CrasUaat, Esat Atty . HOTlCC. By virtu of a Mortgag wtu pow er of ai xecatsd to J. P. &hla aad C. W. CogAUl by Sasea MarUa and recorded to Book IU, Pag 2t of U PshU Registry of Edgoab I county. North Carotin, w wd m'A st psV.is aacxjoa to Us highest tid dec for caa on Us Erst day of jsso. Wl. at aM ociock. p. ta, at Flvw Potato Drug store roraer. Roc By Mount.' N. C, a certala lot or parcel of UaJ lyiag to Rocky MoanCEdge combe rossiy, aad BUte sforesstd aad described as foQowsr Bgtastog at a stake oa U North aid of fllghlaad street aad at U. Southeast corcev of Was. BraswvU lot. these to a ortkaraty g:rcUoa, aad along said Braaweira Use Ur) oa hundred aad tu-csty fet to a lea foot aZry. Ueac ajosg said a Uy la aa Esrty directioa l r.ty fevt to a auae. Ueac to a SWVrty dlrectlua parsed Uh ! Wat. fjrawrs Cae. irv oa hssdrsd aad tuea'y rest to lUc Uad street, the ace aloag sail H'-ga- laad street to a westerly srrurOaa (14 fifty feet to U feg!aair.g. This :t:h day of April. 1K. A. T. SHXARLV, Adsr sf J. P. Shearts. C W. Cochm. Mortgagee. Joa. B. Ba&ssey. AUy. RsBswasawswawswaasasjBBes - . i i i -. . "

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