V., . rY. v. r Vv BE 8URB YOXJ ARE RI6HT; THEN GO ATTKAJS.-P Crockett TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE !7. 1909. VOL.87. NO. 24 ESTABLISHED 1322 . w A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUEST What is known as th MBlaes It seldom occasioned by actual exist Inf external conditions, but la the Srest majority of cases y a dis ordered LIVER THIS IS A PACT which may be demonstra ted by trying course of ADVICE TO CONSUMER. MAN VS STEAM. .NATIONAL EXTRAVAGANCE. tWEETEST OF TOWNS. Crasse, . . . a - I I A.aHk. rmmmmmmm W 111 nlil I l.r..a M Wmtm " L.itea mmm. o - Dirk.virH RarHn nrt A I mneasi in japan ana vore vnr t ovwi.7 nw i - " Reviv. the Backyart Garden And A- p.u Human MuSel.. of the Americas people. - U. weris. lt t nw in' h larger I Both la Core end la Japan he A long as the chantry 1. highly Tbe sweetest town la tbe world Is titles, bat 4ii ttbe smaller country rai.roada have US competition with PrtiP and U developing , la- uraese. to the folll bac k of Can- num an muscle. Frank U. carpenter i iwao jipmu, jiwhoci- ric wptj, ah up t the pr:ent Km-t- ma be I uwwcli the Jtv Craas U r tally oee endured; bat. In the first place tg bubbling cauldron where JUlT ORDINARY WATER. WOMAN-TWO elCTURtk. " - nnn fit aa Ls ai uv i rar Mae WmIi t aa Mystery Wae UHrd. Wma TKat CH Made. Culver Irw4 tau C IT .. .,-.) tonai lea. that Individual production Js in- k ..fat.l wrl.es that he has seen men. wome ory has, as rule, ceased to work uUn -reat loads In ae k once dll. and canned foods put caPt to town ' up to the yata of some-big menufac- They were harnessed op Hke horses try. and. perhaps. Impregnated with lad hfclr doble PuUled benzoaia of soda, are too often' tak- II nnfff A 1 Uln 11 Iff! Ple of the preserres and II III II II V I r II II II Pickles ana foods that -mother used Wl ll it C U 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 BJ 1 10 I Thn Ilia Wk.Tiri) 'vIMar K2 rapllly disappeared, while the house wHa sends to the corner erocerr for mlndTkybrtaghealthse lty tethebeely. In this way a tremendous agirregate TAKCN0SUDST1TUTC. of production which cut an important tiguN in the market some years back has suffered laps a. through neglect an l Indifference. . - , But, unquestionably, renewed atten Tksy centrolaad regulate the UVER. Xhey brlag hope aad bouyaiicy to the His Rainy ; Day. - 1 never wad uiucu wu c. i u When the V-ht aad the Ulies ere jain- All ' ' , , ' OL i tlaa to the beck-yard garden and the I think o the mortgagea comln' due Art n V.rvini rKlltero ttief i iui a I toelr Teh)cle3 onward- There were CMta drawns by bulls . or bullocks, and not a few of stocky ponies. Si ou S3ven hundred pounds Is aa arer ag) oartioad for two persons, acr? 12 miles Is a fair day's march. But loqk carta are usually drawn by' only oi ankaat, and horse carts ' like wise. In such cases the driver sbnpfr walks by the animal's head. Instead of sitting on the load as our people Jo. Tha freight bullocks and horses are shod with straw, sod la the iaAnioD these straw shoes cost i b3t one cent eptece. dladbM gallona, barrels, hogbads f peri am e. la' the apring vlotcts. roses a&d narcUao, form the pHac'pai lagredl . eoU. la the fall jaamlne aad taberoa. day. When the trvkigOut pressartl AU the ftOwere are grow a La the open extravagance threaten to go above the present limit. - and. la the sec ond place, the time may come when the county U less prosperuas. , at Heat for a season, than It is to uts diys Culver ciliasae sad cotUgers at ' aad the arrae of the wtoow. the van L a MatlakBcke have boo drtBitej brow of a VJj. aad Ue atas4er aacC w er that ruahad id from the. of a ewaa. im feLr&i& .iria I ildi i t'e atreet. k was said . trots the ocsaa eVptha. aad two comas a rotkoa will go to pieces Jut an lmprovldeot. bankrupt, lodMd- a! will. 'When government comes -o be largely a game of grab It Is thae to rua up the denser signals The worst of ft Id that la Our ovs country the more extravagant .the man m poUtics has come to be the tnore the People have bea taught and led to depend qp)a hWn for appolitmen's. apecJai privileges, pen- stoas, aubaidW. and foKaaes of ypu! , ; ' . KigM out in-me2tin I'm free to say, t never was much fer a rainy day! I kfcep ampdn' around the place, . Waiehia the drops in the rainy race; Ths 'droppla, shiverin" trees they seem putting up of home supplies is one of the important remedies for - the high toll which necessities have come to take of earning power. This rsmedy lies largely with the Deoola themselves, and by their ef fort they can achieve .much in the djrectloa of reduced expenses, even though they may have little or nothing Line skeleton ghosts in; a misty drean to hope for from tijose who make tar- Art I get ty shiiveria too, ana say: "They ll raia the soul o' me clear a ,. way!" :; . Yet. the vainy day it falls-just right: It makes us know how we'd mbs the - : light, s'. l: it sail a l3us tind last good-hy. 'i'o the shadowy curtains of the sky. Still, oat .In meetln' I'm free , to . . say. . 1 never was much fer. a rainy day! Frank L. Stanton.. iff hiX and hlP the trusts levy tixes Atlanta Constltutjon. to In Cores, where the railroads are PuMle money. The extravagance and only a few years, old. the trans por tatlm methods are even more crude. For thousands of years theas people iiav- carried all their cOOds from place to place, on the packs of men t p:k animals, and they do so to day. There are buHOck crts B the city, but the country roads are lUtie jdjdre than bridle paths and about everything Li packed from one place - n ta io4BnM propmtm aaa' or Mae rroes aa at are sky; take t PyaicUcs prvscribed ll foe two crlaaaan rose vm from ram. dUe. aad two rows of pars seane. TREE PLANTING. GO TO THE RESCUE. Dan't low Late Fol-Tarboro Wait till It's Too the Example of a Citizen. Rescue the aching back. If it keeps on aching, trouble comes Backache is kidney ache. If you neglect the kidney's warn ing A New Method That induces Fres Root Formation. It "is an arttde of faith among Irui: growers tht a fruit tree must ba planted In properly prepared soiL a laxge. wide, shallow hole, the roots carefully spread out in all directions aad axvanged near the surface with a slight upward bearing at tfae ends. Small quantities of the flaer soil are first worked la among the roots. !iw!in nianea caused bv archg8 In the etoJier root are filled up , xne remainder-of the soil is put to trod den carefully down and the "wholt left to he compacting Influence of the rata. The tree to supported by stakes until it to firmly established. Speaoer U. Pickering, wUh . bis racent reeeairches, declares the proper tree slanting means a small I hole, roots doubled, up any now, to 4re stuck In, .the . soil- throw . 'and rammed down as for a gateposx. x anothexv The porters have a reg ular trade .and they have one of the stroasas guilds or unions la the country. They carry tbtr lds on a f.amework made of forked sticks wh'ch la fastened to the backs t sic'i way thet the burden sometime iwss) above, the head. This frame ks called "the iiggy" and ft is la com- n4 US9. . . Ths Jtsgy msn ret their JIgte oB -h3 groid, propping ach -with a forked sick while they, put on the load. They then kneel down . and thrust their arms through the two oadiTd. loons which fasten them to grabbery of K hare, la this way. actually found lodgment dD down la the character of the people. The cul'lrated tate or appete for spoils has come to them aa a re sult of thejr mU1ca-foa- In a few mors generatlocs H may be bnsd la the bone unless the example of ft Idaiit Tt li made more fercttt Sd anless thousaads of other ma n authority join la the timely work of eating a great people from the weakening curse of extravagance and d;pendsce. The enpototee with oonto:is raises la his salary or the publ-c efflctS with enjarramsnts ct requisl'lons of phlW3 mnay, fre quently made by htoeelf. or h lucky receiver, or the fortunate com mlMloner la ohr words, the favoJ'J one j can get along nicely and laugh about th lzv:rcsd cost of iWiag. These 4e - T1 fO? l9 condi the case of the nan wim liy are rtkig the revtnoe brmg aaunai who ver receives aa appointment. their houieia, and rise, carrying the I or office, or appropriatton. or slne- weihts with the. Tb ar1!? por Hr can ger. up with 200 or 100 peusdl oa hU back and he ca carry 00 pjuads at pinch. The average load for a long Journey la 100 pounds, and a porter will take feat weight thirty Look out for urinary troubles dia- toetes. . ; ' - This Tarboro cltlxen will show you bow to go to the rescue. - Joseph Savage.. Church, St Jar; Loro, v. c.. says: "I can recommend Doan s Kidney Pills higniy. My w j WJJl xtDajTe sxperiments 59 pe neys were very weak and the secre-. - faTOr of BJmpie tions were Irregular, scanty and Pto meUhol, 27 show no differenc and 14 ful la passage. I had sharp pains a- gjuw gg the. new way- cross my loins, and a dull, dragging wwvftP criterion the trees ache in my back. If Lbent over Qck-j eua&ed the new method is said ly, a stitch would catch me in my t giye oetter results than the ortho back and I would hardly be able ' Although an antagonistic cry has to straighten. After using, several rem J bea T&ifse)d against the revoiutleu the edie3 and getttog no renei, j P orv no practical man has been able I ... . ttV to give any reason for the oia iavu cure, or windfall of any sort, but who earns every dollar he gets aad mast diacever for fctmejr uje QppruD7 to earn x. Tha "forgottea man." who Is valued for his taxes and his vote, just aa a mllaj day and. not ktck-A great deal mink as valued for if hWje, to ah of produce la c&fi4 by ponies ready feeling sxulbly and coot liuasy and not a JKtJe oa the becks of the ourdea of the tremendous ha which are trained fer the pur- tmvagaaee Wlch rt " H , c-.v Suit, .m uvf wih bon. I l:ica "have thrust uptn . him even aad they are a common alght ererywt and they are a common alght every where. whe they were depriving bub of t poor privilege of buying where be can buvcheaneat and setilng ba the sun. except the vtoteta, whVh. re qulriag a hade, are bidden betweea roira of oive trees. " The flower pkhrs cf Grasse aad U)e clowrs. tlr aad Qewr womee o tae" -Jea de Datloa.- says Tfc Lady's pictorial, form a fir more picaresque Umeat than the per fame makers of the factories where 1 (fragrance is dialed- CUed wKh gnsat, (Ut. uaaaake bale of pUR ed straw the fhower pakers cannot iu to impress one. Vnh them are their helpers with square flower ld eo baekau oa thir beaks aad a enl 'he tradlUoaal sot'le of aothra Bir?e oa theln faces. As for the process by which the p laaery of commerce n'd, v. U ks varVil ea the fiewers which make up the Insr&dVmts, prima t y the eweat'al el or otto of a flwer Is OiUlK.1 jy by d!tuiaia. The realdus Is then mixed with clarified or r flied i.ork fat by bo,tag la grxxt co.-per k'tiea. aad being atlr rad cooatiaCy via I wooden peatie dJ lig the operailoo. U li h boi IflK dwn wU ra thu aithers th prfume o taelt. Th) Impermeatei gree U then char. el up wt h reined alcohol la anoth er caaidraa until all the perfame ass paated ioto the splr. Tbe fat remeinlog. wKh a a aligh ka?reotl9a atllj lef V fV ll W4 bxt smb. a by-predeot which is so la oonlerU;e factor to the tar&over of ha estaMlahment, though oftea enough this left over produrt U skn- p y so!d to another concurs whose bus laaia It Is to work it up into toilet sap aad aeli H uldef bvww ir laa poetic names, A more primitive method of mak ing perfuse Is that which wtsla use at the begtnnlag of the toduatry at Oraaae. This method prescrttM that coarse Uuea or cotoa coth be first laiBvM wV& b fe ellve oil. Vhea stretched on a gasre wtoe rrame. Uson thto cioa are placed aia lay ers of flowers, the layers bc cbaag t- i.- pail lalt. Tboe who draak were gat lag fat ,aod two ctUe&s made ptaaa t orgialae a company to hot. U the water sad place it oa the market, j Th to a cOoocU steppe la and la el thb: the rll tMionged to the Uy. as U was ta the middle of ae circle of Be aoriaoe, the velvet th of the waroMMt for. a sheaf of sbUlng gold, two soft carvaaee; take iheae wkh some e4ght aad the soft rlppte of the rrroiet. aad the sparkle aad reQactloa of dtrtae iatreee aa grace, aad mu laeca wU to- the m.o e ret. It leiorsaed ;-thegothev wkh the pfe aad sovectfeod. wavr CQwarprocsoters to keep the lead la. tkAt mysuttous Trebi Maker, OwM. t1ea a eaftarar from steaea to ble takes Dr. aUag'. Kew Uu pr.;. has mighty gU4 to see kls DyP- ny. bet saorVhe. lkkU4 els aew. re s. oag nrves. hary v. a wort rigkc ver aad kldaye a C W. uu Macaair-a. MCNItAg OF TWK. fEOrtXt MU TUA4. UlHtm AtSCOlATiO. ru take asOos that I t &y sCSce, Tkia la ike w la the coaatrr mm ly reaUe. - F. XL rcxDEB, . Beeretary aad rreeearar he roaai ta- haafa Xf, anl a'coatract for a V 4U4 1 Ratroid task to the atie of a botej that borsej several years a- go. by rwhrkaoaa. raeomaa! v jWv . . . artnOtr fouetUa was catered kof But take I ,.ZTLSZ ' ca7 To4y. It was doorered that the a a&eier. a atsmltcieCa flovw J C. iCIIUbrew. Joka laetr aad "fVjlx we 4" was a lk froxa an gardaa U blcoa t oa strew, a dash tr lAacaaUr. and C Lee old water mala tha runs from the of darkaeaa. veraUaJoa blood. and rUrv sal Kck A. Ktlhrew. Ue some enamel from a thret bo, J saor by iW Oaartaa, K. IL thread spue, by worms, some sliver p1f. a. raaaie NoUes. Afiea aad gold, the akia of de4 aaimau. a NoU Mary Nob;a. the last daoble porUoa of aahtee atUacUoea. tv ailaors. aad thrtr Cra, Mary and of the tost of ponamlnii aad l- - Notl'- Play; take three, mix well together. adax above aaaad vQ aod Vx a woman aa the mUsaer and Uk aolce Oat aa actio aCd aa laahioa aad vaaKy bare saade hr ahova has here cosasad ta the Look oa this picare aad oa that. 8Prtor Comrt of Egcambe Chesty Toaag womea thai are deceived by tor u ak! of ILfrMjM. . pro ths gaady dash of the mtUtoer and :e of land, ue by Ue ale maamade wotaaa are mia;ed. lndd. 3ot T.'NoUre. aa4 sow U Ue csTk For what the tre ma waaia today t the Ctrk of the 8tertor 0rt a woasa as GX has made kr. with Coaaty. r;iatrr drayUg that Ue it and partly of divine bWy dfU r ua4 aay part on her brow aad all grauaas 4a thereof; ttliog from her l!p- Chriauaa Ea- the sail deftadaxte wia lsr davor World. I soace taat uey are re- eelred to appear at Ue Ue term of Ue la lew Ue Jul Law Preaclbee That Alt Aeebiee HaJl be Rt3itred With the lecreury of tuie. AU owners of atomeVie North Carotin are repaired by to retr thear cr with Secretary of State begiaalag. 1. aad all cars occupying pebUc high ways are mulred to carry aad dis play at all Umes the rgtrwzioa tag uadeo peaaKy of a tO floe or lm prUonmeat of Xi days or both. AU oouare are laciuded, except New Hanojr aad Ue'sped lo:t designat ed Is eight mUae for clotty sttM coAmuakis; 12 mljea for reaideatUl sect oas and Zi mits for coactry high ways, ll also prescribes Uat aU motor cars shall co down wbea paaelaf a rauroad sad othor croaslaga. raooing over bridges, etc. Upon compliance wh Uis. the Secretary of State wlil laaee a eer UfkaU of regletratloo, together with a seal to be aached to t Thlcl. aad UV seal l to be dtxy4 to a cooaplcoous place oa the vhkie. The ceiciricau will remain la force for one year, la addkloa to the seal Ue owaer must at all times d'-pi7 upoa Ue front and rear of tbe teUeie Ue camber aae'raed t by Ue 8ee r of fivVe. Three dollars of the regJsratJeB fee shall be paVl to the treasarer of the cowaiy U wbk Ue eaaer of the maoklae reeldaa. Sectioa t of Ue law ears: "No UERU1FU8E lri 1 I mi 1 mm m 9 mm mm ftm mit atm It hmmm mmmrmm ( fU. If i mm u4 M f 1HSI rstrrt eTBjrrruac A rai Ttrs res emui tm 1st mt utiiH. ff m&9ajmM mm h. will ! ae 3H. Uttur.. Kt, bfst markets of the world. HU com-1 tkaM qqOI the oil Impregnatl tor vehWle ahalj be d or operated THEY MAKE NO . MISTAKES. . PU began that is hi htm beyond the fact that cured a box of Doan's Kidney from Cook's drug store and their use. They removed aches and aanctioned by esablisned pains in my sen- ana n;sm.ou w-j kidney, secretions, am very gla Examination Drove that rmmng 40 ten of mv experience with Doans niwnw deveionment oi r - . I uus) iya v v jy w - - - Bama Doan'S and Ki lney Pills." Remember the take ao other. or sale by all dealers. Pr?? cents. Foster-Milburn Co, BuCfV' New York, sole sgents for the United States. What's the have a li tla asksd Mrs. Grampus. I am," snarled Grampus E.iprej. ' T Seagulls, Frogs, Spiders, Owls, and Snails Foretell the Coming of Rain. Those wni live by t&e coast do not want a better weather sign than Ue seaeulls. which in the various winds cus-1 that will bring the rain collect In big flocks and gather to Ue field or cir cle high over the land, wheeling and screaang uneasfiy, ays om o-i pUtot of Ue cost of Uvmg aooqaw to avjakthiuf. HQ a 19 rbeittves or frlwds wVh power to mhe up for extraordinary exactions by taking m of Ue money of his Beighbors and generously banding over Ue crisp bills to him. i . The copjafnt of he "Pr?"" man is now neara ne w v" but apparently dHregardd everywhree. President Taft td cloth has Absorbed a gatralfd so lution of oil and feerruma. This coU aad g-s precious burden are afterward treated with an alcohol bath., which to torn separate Ue perfume from ue cel. Another method for eitrac11! tbe t mattke flower ta that of tM Ue public highway after Inly Ltrto. which shall bat display Uere- oa a regtotratoa kt aad on Ue rr of eald motor vehicle a a?er as provldad la Sevtioq UWA or whhdi shall d?ty Ueaoar a fVr Utlous seal or namber belonging to aay other vehicle." Aay parson vkHUeg aay of U lUnlucky Korner; We Ilave Bwwirtd Tbe Ajrjtncy For enneorxge. By thta means the mom almost I deUcaL, of essences are yielded IndH prov U ions of Ue act thlil be raHty o bar I rocuy k being allowed to fktar slow- a misdemeanor and upoa coaictx fibrous roots. Iu planting th impOrU thtos is to induce fresh root forma tioa and ramming does this more and than the oil way Chicago Tr?unef mei3!y turned a toe in Ue right I ly fra:a crushed blossoms througn I Ull be puniahsd by a fine n excee direcUoa. A more dejperate army ot I a auartrr Inch layer c cqld fat la ah ah lag teaty days or both, ror the - - I. . . I 9mmlA V M nk I . m . 1 A ...B I mm. 1 J r, . m m,m mmm ftttbftftnn40t they wUU malts a tnisUk, Could Net Be Better. Voa ar mSia a. S3l . . l na . van www. " . reason we a"J; ointmeat. lotion or balm to compar oiiUog this sa-taraajT J Backian's Arnica salve, fto tht ja perfect hearer of Cuts. Corns iJu-.ns. Bruises. Sores, Scalds, mjoi. L'lcS-S Ecaejaa, Salt Rheum. o jori Eyei. Co.a sorss. . -uvv" Hands IU supreme. Infallible foi Pllej. Only 25c at WVH. Mgcaalrs -Buffalo pnirTTvrw.M TO HIRE OR HAR- i W 1 w- W w tor Ail persons are forbidden to hire or haitor my soa, Allen petway. He is under ag and afUr helping me start a crop, has now a&andgned me. Those vho do will suffer tb.e peaaliiej of the law, Sapah Petway. &OODS Arriving Every Fer Days at The. . . . . . As Ions as frogs remain rvilOw in color no'-hlng but fine weather, may be expacted. Should, however, their coats begla to assume a brown hue jt il a sign that bad wea-mer wm shortly arive. A trog barome ter may be made by keeping tJ 0 them la a large giasp wru nv with water and furnished with amu wooden ladders. As Kng as the frogs keep at the bottom of Ue vs sal sunny days wlil continue, bbut If they cHmb up to tha top of the. lad- qr tnre js a g ijm v tvwo over aeUi oa a s VxbUy smaller scale, rieurage. depending uoaa Ue vartetiea jo 1.9 sod ths cU of Ue pcosectt- wirt be founj to almoat every tl'jLi blossoms and the season of Ueltloo or by Imprisoameat for not of the wintry, la many ple it t I year. ' I exceeding Ulrty days, or both, fx growing wo as all the time. Exj By calcaUted experiment aad by ac I the third off ease the certificate of U.vagance actually threatens taelj- u wtU many crtous truth J owner ahil be aoci4 tor Ue ll.-erty of Uo American people. D4-K T- JeB brought to lht concern-1 apace of eU rfth. lag CHI art of Ue ptrfumer. Whue All or yUces of ue bloseoavs have been found U jkri U peace aoaJl have yarbtditloa to hear ixawt fraT. Uoee of yellow I try and pass sentence for vkHOoas end orange tlau at Ut l of the provlsvons of Us act- the lktL A strong light dcreees the olor of perfumes, though Uis may be I Te Uwplre, mmm for by Ue th ins I Who Is lU reckleae of sis rame las New. The eu"" tiai. Half Us world s to sadnM. Other half U gay Be-ter take the sunny side. That's the aaf st way. RED BAND CELEBRATED GAUDIES Gall aad are ordlrpUjcf them gootU The kla4 joa have brwo pa jis tlfheT prirtw for lO, lie and 20c raxiellra. ULES-RDFFIH & GO. The Pare Food Store. Phones M s-s 47. Ssperlor Court of aaVl Coaxy to be kaU Ue Hm hloedy aTar Ue first Ueaiay U September. 1K1. at Ua Court lloe of saJd Oaaty U Tarboro. K. C, aad aaswer or de mur to Ue cosiptalat la said aUoa, or Ue Jaiatr?e wU aty to Ut Coen for Ue rr-f dtavaad4 ta aU CrgsUTsl. This May 4U. IK-t. A. T. V ALSTON. Cvrk Sspertor CWrt. BUXX A CT&CILU Attys. for ruiaurr. SALE Or LANS. Narth Cereilas, K4le Cawr- la ifm Importer CwL B F. rasay A Co, vs. J. X MOrr. By vans of aa exarefkm H-i to Ue a Qar-etg-ead from the See or Ooart of .Sew lUaerm O;. a " Ue abova escfd Sciaa. I tU. em Kowday. Us UX day of JZj, at 12 s cinch, at Ue Con Uosaw door of &gwcoahe Ckaay. to ths haiiar low oa. to awuary aa us .rb. v- waloh hs said i- C Uorrwat, Ue daeadaec. hos sa tb followasg derOja4 re4 eotats. eo & "Oos certaha lot hi ths sown of Rocky htom. bomg the Had convey ed to ali J. S. Karrto, by J. IL Karsey aod wife by d4 rcord ha Uook IL page L eacpt that par aoa of asms to Lewis uVAateath by da4 rvoordad U Bosk 117. at J-4T 4T2. aad Ua twtm at I aOoUad aaU I. C. Morrts, wbkh is rcnd la Douk lis. at pe 2. the booae sst at4 spoa wkkh hat kaw ea 0d Catoatoa Itotag. TUs th say of Jaae, iVt!. B. F. DAVlON. IhertfT. Sermons Beied Down. Resources for tomorrow depend on reserves miSS today. It U always safe to Jdeaiixe tne real if you raallze the Ideal. Piety adopted because It Py cw-- more than it is worth. ah th t.lffnes in a man's nee h taken out of hli back. The best proof of a great rexgu Is Its-uas on mail occasions- A Ufa la hol1? tne nisaaur? vj live really happy. goou What's the use to worry, Doesat pay at all: A spider spinning i-l ! 'ten I Oa yoir feead the paUr rtm Amn if in the moratuR, day's excursion may be taken without fear of summer costumes-, becoming spoied by the wet; and.tf to the eranlag. then at least the whole of the Bight -aad the fojjowtog morning wUl be fine. . . ' I ' If it la ralniog and owl screech- es a change for the better in tne weather wil shortly ensue, but should the peacock screech, bad weather is t conve or continue. SnU.s ire alaovai9ahe weaUeTpro T: nM u, goMeq rainbow phets. As long as they are xo o Fiooitog all the y: josgmg a;oug ia iuo weaUer may oe The bnlr way to digest a aiPiasu U to do what it suggests m .miat Aiwsva outs his best I sen iMt-i. -; ,niwy fine coois forward in a crowu, I ...j Ar..M try. If there I - . v . .v- .nU ii rata lq at) auawi""" " Of the rala must falL r, LaJih away the shidows, (Touds ars only mist; 8om they'll swiftly vanUh. By Ue sunbeama klat. WotM )s full of beauty- Brlxht and treoH-"i! God. the wonder worker. Made IT all for us. Keep oa going, going. Certain, by and by. you. Unmoved by glory or by shame. Hauls dowa decision on tbe game? His Unipa. Vbo calmly sUads where splaatog speres. Fronted by the hand that steers Some folks try to ge rid of mn's faullts by adverg "r ' ' to .eek shertfr VP he - tree, and shrub..-under JV? Mor and. Vact. anywhere they cau be VARIETY STORE W. T. Deaus. Kext C. Jt Austin's. Yoi can never express the o" man n terms ot w -r. Aar one can undertswia divine lore when it is m verm human kindness. Chicago i""' U of uf.lr nut of the wet. Winy wnen . iamedlabe danger of a recurrence of rain is over wtU uey emeie -a Dumb Animals- Whea misfortune meets Bear st like a man; Face 1L fight It. ,het ft, . D the best you can. Anyway, be bont With you is h and bide v'i.'ww ar no ahadows Sometimes you may be told that there are other things Just as good Dickering Legislation. -Jk here. id the rural mem- K ILL THE COUGH M0 CURE TrB bvUvwi -VITH '8 Dr. EUng lk! Discovery! a rif... irMnPT and Bladder Pttis. I K - M TrVsiature, "Fm wUl That isn't so. Nothing' made as good p fc wltlk yew, HI y0 Dewitt' Kidney and Bl"4- tom , t, arab byi ef yeVU rote ..vm!i- .n, ailments of the , . oervldln. fer thW flepu- uvi eg- as avs- -y a a.cji aw - ar . - bUno. KmAAr. which alwaye re- in mv county. Qo aiuuv j vi aT sb " . sy rvwiw w w suit in weak back, wcx. ruvu yew tm nono rhenmausm -i ana ui" 1 disorders, A trial of DeWltt's Kid ney and Bladder Pis is sucient v convio-S3 you bow good they are. Send youtje to B. C "-De Witt A CO Cnlcago. for a free trli bo. , They are sold here by all drugglsU. But -k.t on earth do you wan wh third deputy recoiderr ask ed the cy gtatesman. Well, ni teu yew, Ue sease of smell U strongest whea Uat I Aa4 eaf o yts of praise or blame. i of sight to enfeebled, . It li a curious HA Uat the etaer I sal ektraxt of any flower resembles I ue perfume of that flower very .. tie. The odor peculiar to 1 and jonquil la a eomWnatioo of euer eal essences which is only arrived at by a song aod tadious process. Nearly every dor requires o- ftrM MOcees to bring out Ra full value. LUe strange enough., v out aa dor resembitog that of the rose, while the rose aad the rang flower loeroM) each rlaid different terfume frota tht P'' 1. ik tear and the scent of any and all blTsioma except. ne j can be fabricated by the acieniiflc convbtoatlon of Ue ottos of many c- f ereot flowers. vcan tcHET.t!Il?fcanSi::is!:lio by PwhikaUea, KorU CarotUa tigecoabe Co'y- rrvs Cvaas v. r. 1L tTvaaa. The dsfeadaat above gamed otl i y Botko that aa acttoa eaUCrd a ahove baa heea cnrH ta Ue 8s- parlor Court of Ii!gcorbe coxJy. to oUala a dlrorts a vUc3o mar- wjeJl- m.A tia aaii dfvadzA wQ The Bute's ecliryw for rocatiocal rarUer Uks notice Ut he Is m'- tralnlojr. Coorsca ia Arrirultare to apoar at U term of ue and liortlcttltare; la OtiI, laectrt- gspertor Court of said csy V t eal and llcchaaical Eaclocerlxir. kii cadtkl htoaday a!Ur ttrvt Th low or high. curvM. alrslgkt, or I la (jta imii.r ajd lyei8z; U I Moaday ta Sept, tK at Us c ataeere. I InilniiHil CTirtnutrT. fit rT k ni r 1 t t Taraoao. WbU past his body. fsce. aad ears. I fi. oortelf for life by Uhlsr aec aad aaswer on gtscr to US And calls them balla or strikes. whje I 0r tro COUlhrst Addma I pUat U U acUoo. or the ptCxUTt cheers I D. II. HILL. Frr-, I wia ay?y to ths cocri far the re- rrom grandstaad throng, or ai-c 1 j .jj West Itoiclgh, U. Where there ars no shadow On Ue sunny side; Baltimore Sun. gsafness C"ot be Cured, by local applications, as Uey can not teach the diseased portion ol Ue ear. There Is only one way to cure deafness, and Uat Is by cusu . . .JU. TshArShelM 111 C0 .s a . 1 tut innai nmfutw - Lower Tibacee FW - ' condition of tb There ia'an attemflt to Ihe W ett M 7 " J KliatachUa Tube a . mfm 1 aaas"" SeUa,SB) to broaden the are. tobacco P'; a tab !anmd you h.v ductlon this yar H w W Jry D Man4 o Imperfect be, likely prove succeasful. New Interest a ru lttfUm,aatloa ct Missouri, especwy ------ ' .. to k. rnadeine - - .. int a large crop to that 6te. wWch for years has rn ts area . . w u.,rmm ThU large in- AF frVIsacrju liub'vw - likely prove a awakened to and a strong attempt will to Its normal coadlOon. hearing wUl he bine cases oui. Jeers Do not afact hie hop or rssrsT His Uaop. Who faces thousands every day Ranged 'round the grounds to fierce array. All wt h a bjf d'r to ily A he be dclie a Q-tk. ctoao ptoy Nat la acco.ocw wf.b their way. So matter wbt Uy wast and say f HU Vp. .Vbo wears the dUmood l:te a ktof 1 Vno has Ue players oa Us string? Who carries peananta ta a s.mgT Who simply runs thing? ills Uape P LIS. Our Dill Fid Irs hare just arrived. They are floe, so are oar 8WKET anSEOUUPICK Don't forrtt to try oar tUC demad4 to said eom;yiml. This IXh day of htsy. l- A. T. WALSTOX. & ft. C. Wreodsl hen eel Hese. Beatod hkis tor aaax Wissiiils wU JM IX. ot ISodocX. liooa is. a- ItxlUU I; cross BaroUoa ce- iim el eotraao eeatiosj; aa wj- Cdwln J. OllllC't & CO. and oeerhoU e4; Pb CtUM ft. Ooetract via ho 1st ty ie w rinrvfTM. Lswlles: At some of the whole dera I yonr Fife O'Cioek Tea ws would be plcmseU to smre free ci caarx some of tha coTee. that iu ezen lenc may be appreciated. Uer Ws do aot hnow of aay Dill Uat w as good aa Dew 1 lua Early Risers, Ue famous Ivef nti:s small, gentle, pteaaaat sad ser 1 itii- w v . MOntatios. Sold by ail 1 seaasf simi --" ' - iraggUu- sad aacrwtary of Board of Fan ataos aad sscincouoas can ao Karad from B O, KCra. Tsrbore, N. a K. ELITE TOP DBXSJINQ JTOa Oouoa aad Cora. Jtothtog beUer. haa martarad by tt ScoU4 ck O"' Voars to eerrr. Co, replied esaa- a w m4 M member from the alfalfa reerratio Th reglar recorder is a couato uv ho-, dfl-f and dumb; Ue i arothsrdajaw- prices elgh ri psaj neuukv a m est w - . i-w--- At the strawberry shortcake eatfe-t- .,RTetoo & bta confined to southera Tobacco Joumi tea are caused by Catarrh, which to . . 1.M1.M rontK.ko o . 1 roL&ini Dui - crease- in ihs mucous surfaces. have IU effect on common- u Qm HuaJrad Dot grown in Virginia and NcChwUaa rWae.. (cB.et next falL The fanner cannot une eanaot be cure oreeeat prices as an Index of V; catarrh Cne. send for cr Loaaty. notice U hereby gva to ail they will be next year, except that t I parson, holding datom agatast my tf they index anyUtog at ai J.CTIENCT A Co. . tow. v menus heac' Fnp. roucHs I ' Bl a njoa. FOLDS Trial Battle F-eal I AND ALL THROAT AND LUNQTaWsLE-i. I Qur chunk ha4 a ri strawberry in d or yeaxs; the second deputy j - ...... . 1 . nn..1v ' .v thiVvK..! nd 1 Nsucs te Creditors. Hsvtog ooaliftod sa exocutor of Us last wUl and tatama. ot U Edvard late of Ut. Iilgcmo Ttie.HDb Grocery Co.l P. A, Lewis, Proprietor. Phoso 155, aalW as s4--rsior miM 1 trrw TJaaghtry lawtatrts Co present them to me d7 proves or before Jane 19. Ill- i an v. nraxrlsts. 7 So. I IhU notice wlU ba prM aa ar ot re-. Take Halls family P'Q for consU I covery. m uA-ttad to Us ma tinu s.v m, j , t m vna 11 na vw a w a . & v a m ssasse 1 a ' ' .. . ...rnAarlv w T ' -nr-m Ruchwhesc and 1 toha Graham ox " I ,,, UM sort nm ip ' between ins rw. a. a. reiauvw . 1 v. . p""- 1 ... TrrvrrN Tloe enough to eaL We got Ue berry " r y joon. So wv g- who died a few 07 -a- 7 ' - vLor X :Ih Z cake was named for, but f.'!- do th' work. Beer 103. worked at manual labor reg - u oagagsmen pre . , Exscwtor. J that the cake . was ,n T a,im?. ' . ! lartv until wKhln a week of his death. I I accaneti, N. C. S PANOLA DAIRT Purs yCk aid Croaa Patrons will pWe Lheli brdsrs to pho&s No. 341a. i hOTICE. lUvleg of th eetato of EJ-cOB&e wrta rarcaaa. this Is to aavssg claims sg4i r ki dod to Um to Ue aaderg4 a w p u ar bxore Ue day of'iase. Ills, or this aot! wa be to bar of their ta Aa psrsoas Udbt4 to seid estate ,3 atae make tmisue j-;- Tito Sad say of J, . bL C- BnJLSw Coaty. s exhltJt rftje-2nd Adjtrotor of Drew psg-- t v t e t m t - k f 1 ' it 1 GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY we always w Chicago few- - - - - - 'Bivertoo (Coi ) News. ( . ' OR MONEY REFTJNIX. 1 7