....... I. . lit;' C?rTf! O NAA i pr V I BE 8URE YOXI ARE RIGHT ; THJbTNT GO A.BKAD.-D.Grockett t 4 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 1 1909. ESTABLISHED 1822 VOL. 87. NO. 26 1 f . I ! I : It' All II iiy ... v So Tired It may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an In- . active LIVER. . . " With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains' of laboe. ' - without fatigue. It adds a 'hundred per cent to ones earning capacity.' It can be kept In healthful action by. and only by 7 D Wills TAKE NO SOBSTITUTr . -fhe estimate of export of linseed this liscal year from kIMa ;U.- 1.3 V 00a ions, or 2M5o7tonsmore . than f.ie export of last, year. . r ; TEACHING A HORSE TO JUMP. tt Miy B Done by Caoxing, Lung inn or Driving. There are three methods of teach ins a horse to leap coaxing, lunging and driving In the coaxing method the yormg horse is turned into a snail paddack having a low hedge or hurdle across ths centre, in plain view of the" pupil a iider on a veter an jumper should take him over this hurdle several times. The drainer then goas to the op posite side with a measure of corn or oats and calls the horse, shaking up the grain and pouring it with I his hand back and forth In the recep tacle. The boundary will soon be cleared, and when a few mouthfuls have been eaten the staUon of the insrjictos should be at the other sld MOUNTAIN OF BORAX. A Deposit of 'Great Value in Heart of Death Valley. .With the exception of the Crane Canon there is probably no more fa moas locality in the West than" Deatl Vallay. known as the "vale below tt sea,- and although there are a sun ber of Mount Biancos In .the Great American Desert, the Mount Blanco of Death Valley Is the greatest ol its name. It rises, Uke an enormous white breast, against the terra cstta rldgt Of Funeral Range, close to Fumcl Crsek Canon, a great rent that cjeave the east rampart of Death ValUey. Around It Is a rolling waste or bald yellow hills, none . of whlct li a mere knoll, and it towers a good 1.000 feat above them. The lowland of the hurdle and the lesson rene'sted.-' of Death Valley; sinking for severs miiej westward. - is p room 17 zu)yj 1 f et lower." Is the same Rood, old-fashioned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 60 years. It M a taetlicind maile to cu.. It lias never been know t ' fail. If your child U sict st a botO FREY'S VE&SHF!ib , A FINE TOMSC FOR GH1L0REH . Do not take a substitute. Ii 1 your druggist does not keep ( it seud tweuty-five cents in ; .: stain p 10 ' 23. c? S. IFJEZJETSr Ualtimore, Md. ' . a id a bottle will De mailed yon. If this be done daily the hurdle may be gr4uHy fcetghtened.'w ; The hablt.of jumping n thus ac quired - without those' risks which attend a novel performance when' a heavy burden oppresses the strength and whip and "spur distract the atten tion. The horse's body, says Coun try Life in America, la not partially! disabled by the imposition of a heavy load before the power3 .are taxed t3 the utmost and his capa bilities are unfettered. The second method is termed lung- ins. A long rein or cord Is attach- 2d to the bit and theanlmai is. ex ercised in a circle in which a hurdle has been placed or a shallow dKch dag. A long lashed whip, used joniy to keep him in motion, or lightly ap plied at the proper moment, will keep him up to his work, soon the No one ledge or series of lea-ges anywhere in the world contains the i nine. is a mo ant of borate quarts shown in the surface of this mountalr. of ! Co:emanite. It is a body of ore msaauilnr 1 000 feet In width ana 5.000 fet in length, pitching into the mountain rcage at a thrVythree de gree angle. It's a borax kuarry whose lljokatlans cannot be even roughly conjectured, but It must exceed by thousands of tons any known borate deposit. Detroit News. JUNE'S LESSON. Nature's School is Always Open, But Pupils Are Not Always Bright. Our wholesome Ussons are learned frwn adversl y or untoward conditions horse will enter into the spirit of j hla ig one 0f -the benefactions 01 the o2casion, and by unmistakable comDensations of nature. - AN INNOCENT VICTIM. CORPORATION TAX DEAD TAiAlOlH OPLH. x COMET t POLLS WEATHER. BritislvEoOfmlt .faints Owl Impertant Pacts. KvJn r the death duties. oe UhtrJUc .taxes, a British L - .jt'fl. i- . Story of How 8lnbun, a Boy, Would Threw a Great White L'gn' Got Into Trouble. - on Corporate Method. The following amusing story La re-; Although aslther an income ui to? lar4' nr ru n-wt Swlnhurn'a return anr kindred measnre was nromised w. tr - , - w 1 . " I . from Ion. when be was a little ths Republican platform, president I mist vii-oim-. miii i-er. - 1.4 .w. nr.4.1nr. knllrlsvs TllS Tart tnunA HfTL-nltv In nr-Ur.m I f WpaUh fV bear la Culaj fOtf fatnen Admiral-Swlnburn. went to Insuring LTovlsloa for a corporation lacU: ukt h wfcom. fronv his lodrtnss. and dividend tax when he made It clear to I Aboat 7W.ooi persves die the two entered a.trstn from Pad-1 Coagress that he wished socO a pro dmrton In which Dr. Coodtord. then '.vision. This measure, if enacted, will BrtecU head master, was seated reading the Times. . Isn't that Dr. Coodford?' asked the admiral. , -I believe it Is. the boy stammer- 3l reluctantly. , Then clearing his throat and rais in j his voice, ths admiral bent forwar and said. -Dr. Goodrord." I belteve. aaad master." Believe It U, went on the fatb- eP;JTyou mast surely kjuwr-your own ir.- Iucensel at being dUturbed. the doctor glared around the paper and said. testWy. "Yes. sir. at your ser-vice." -Well, sir." rejoined the admiral. Jerking his finger at Utile awra- bourn, "my boy has Just finished h first term at Eton, and I should very aiuch Uke to know what account you can give of hlmT Ths doctor probably did not even know of his existence, but. enraged at the interruption, be glared at the hapless boy. whom he perhaps re- " I a nMpi aa resoonslBie, and saio -Voir boy. sir your boy Is one the worst in the school." It was In vain that Swinbourn pro tested after his arrival home of not only secure a, go idly revenue, at once protecting the Treasury against an lncreis In (he deficit and prorln far the elimination of the defkU a ready existing, but It will also give I th gavernmeat a key by which to ge oa the lnelde of the corparate t ness. It Is believed Chat the lauer cn tlderotloa U regarded hy the Presi dent a aaadvsAtac of great import ance.Slr. Taft bs declard empwM rally and tepeatedlyjils determtoatJoi ta secure a strict regulstum or cr lo I the Vn'.led Kingdom every year. J. Oa!y 0.0m pcrsoas out of the ;01,M) possess nperty worth the ilteuba of thi goverameoL pewr I Freak ef June ArVtbwted te of CelesUsj Vulcx. AH the freaks of aalare Uch po- eno-1 pie have bea reaarktcg lately are doe. according to Ed via I. Naui'.y. to the new coael hkh he and Dr- Brook, of llooart .CUege. aaaosacea to. the world three weeks ago. This brbavlor three teas to ecotae wote naiU such tlsae as the cocnet shsU pass the earth and Us i'-ghl reachea by receasloei laslea4 of fl'IWUoe, MEUSEXt OF TMC PE0PLTS MU TUAL BENEFIT AltCOlATlON. Wia take aoUoe that 1 can he f oa&d at ay cdoe. Take Is the cheapest ta sarvsce 1a the coaairy a&4 try -ly reliable. Secretary aad Treaesxer 3. That 0.Wl persons Hive rrop- oow xtu. aeaas a at Jan 'J c .a b. a e AA wv a I en. agtr3iun? aou-. jiww... 1UIM u be e liUle Pke fcs Id sell 0OO. 4. as were the earlier saoaths of the Of the .lwOO.000.oo thus left al Bf Jttl, to U. full $1,000,000,000 U Kft by only 4 eaade and Jet Ue aeaiherselag hack prsoat. ' to the Aon&aL Ths Unltd KUxdcna has a total M4JlWBi M;a j.r. .VaaJty. wav ppu:atoi-coa.'deratly brer 0WO. oX tor isore martao daaaiTa. The J. aad l: fa lo.a that 40.W.0OO peo- lwo fmmUkt4 atarUlag aw eAca year are li e poaiUca to otr Ara oo!y U( hlaaOag t ssrve a traza er to ntw owner of . hin eomnas-ea hate roo - - a I m r W aiWl rwl I I "n axownB w wroos- froca this evtt Inllsehce. Mr. SALE OF LAND. Nert Csreiias, gac "fre CutT. I the Swperier Cet. B. F. Peoay A Co, vs. J. e'mott-, By vtnoe of aa eieorUto glret4 to the aadeaiga,! frxxa the Sur or Coon of New lUavr Oanty. la the soots eflted ScOoe, I wtL on Moodsy. the Sth day of i&ly. at li o'clock, at the Osft Uoas door of C!georabe Coaaty. a-Ul to the Ucheet tedder foe cah, toaaUsfy aaki txecoUoa. all the nght. tK ead)Ura which the said J- C MorrhM, the deieadaot, has ha Ibe loiloelcg dcno4 real aerate. toV poratloDS.ia policy thu wU engage ach was Utl ly the aow Persons N aM CSI(, ih,u "One certahi lot la the town H laky, k . .1 JUI Tk. nf IKA Ita.l ... . ..IDnrtf f -4 - t . M . - A . his attention mors lrgiy when tn I umv w igauiee thai hSve aiesys fees tnew I , w i- bnilness of the extra seaston Is oot of a'a to ,he wor l,00,' mala reHaace maaUg lalo aa sorts la aail J. E. Morris, by J. 11. of errors, glace Wedseadsy last. I eBey aad U'e hy dd rorod la the way. But as a beginning la IV. &ko CURE the LUfdCS lew Discovery I Ull FOLDS Trial BeUle fee i AMD AIL THif-aT AW5 LUK6 TROUBLES. Ths excessiva rains of June were lectures on fertUUaUon. The crop since then by their condttioa are silanily telling the farmer not to do all his fertilising before planting, but ta divide up his guano Into two or three parts and make successlv appH cations. "This Is much -cheaper than sawing all before planting and then when leaching rains fall have to lor chas2 more. On light lands especially, another fertilltioa Is imperative if any- GUAI-AN'l ED SATISFAOTOB1 CUlGUESTEnSPILLO s A a i fX T iTITW t ' Ask twmr tnoW for CHI -CHITS-TEH'S A DIAMOND BRAND PILLS in Rrd andAA Goto metallic boxes, scaled with Blue4. Kibboo. Tau ko OTBrJ. Bt yr -m. a ..b r niJ'Ilk VTt.Ui V 9IAMOKD BKAKI PILLS, for twenty-SrC Mrs rmrded as Best. Safest. Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TTMH aaiKi) sign3 will manifest his enthusiastic enjoyment of the exercls. The third method driving, - Is ex actly what Its name implies. At first the obstruction should be sPgn. Any open space will answer the pur pose, an earth, or sod surface or tan- bark being preferable. Long reins. a straight bar or snaffle bit, a long whipand patience and perseverance are required- . ' All things considered, the driving method is the quickest and N purest way of teaching the horse to leap I approach Jig a fair dp is to be When he has become somewhat proIl-'ade Farmers who have practiced succes sive applications mske good crops and their crops today are In bettc condition than those who stllll ad- j here to a discredited antiquated metL oi. ciencv will depend on the care be-, . aaq toneht rotation and deep' stowed on his training ..and on his I j 0r the soil before pMnung general. characteristics of wind, limb wJth all tbe BQortags in ylelo and nerve. An ordinary cob or Mor- WA3 a blessing la disguise. If w gaq will attain the proficiency of an . . .. , tne farmer successive fer- . . . .V V ... n n.. knni. that ia ' . ? . ...scalun -in tns a uuuuji, uut , timauon. tne reccnti -.n - o. hi1 rUtt nnon thS w u yr-wf w " - - waters." ThtFurpessof ths McUer Loin Funtf And Its Value ss sn Aid tO( Wo man's Edocation. . Every Normal s'-udent should be In- Do vou think I am going to take tjrested ta -The Mclver Loan Fund." your word before your head ma aad we hope to Interest the c" ter-r replied the Admiral. ot Tapora and Edgecomb county In Swinbourn was sentenced to the t,-,, momement also. This n U dsprlvatlan of all pleasures and prlv- axie only through the Normal girl ilexes during the Cbrie'.mss hbltdsys. tne county which his frci the Individual stand aw.!. . . mlt--. m tllfla alflita!st dlrertloa he ouJtht to have w:a i rui cJa.-,w . .... - 1 . . a a. s. t . fa a .taarbA advantage as the dividend tax wool M p.b m glvslm-the power of thi gOvera- that 1.000.000.tMO la property aaaai meat to esamlnrthe nature cf cor 7 Xe. trom dead yeas to . ...,. at th. ..t.rrf rd s many or more Uving oaes mho did ,h,, f! -w-.n.i. r-Kv stir. to tnt whatever to eam the l.- - r" I a vi ivui The Engllah are being rapidly edu cated In these views of taxation by the Increasing eipenses Of their gavernmenLr-Sprtcgfieid Republican. OF INTEREST TO NORMAL STUDENTS. clent, having thoroughly learned what I is required of him. the saddle may h MiTerl into reauisition and the -Senator Aldrich enrisvea as a ivr.ici.ioai lessona ocguu Drivate in the Civil War,. out was mul Almost any young horse can be tere nut before his regimen, gukiiaugni, to iap. ui course l"'- to the front is used for a saddler will be of far great er value to his owner If he can be tak ei occasionally for a cross county ride and put over ditches and low obstructions -New ""York Sun. NOISELESS CAR WHEELS. r How to Make a Coed Town. Grit. Vim. push. Snap, Energy, v Schooie. Morality. Churches. -- Harmony. Cordiality. - Advertising. Talk -about it. Write about K, Cheap property, Speak well of U, ' ; HeaUhy Locattoo. f Help to Improve U. Advertise In Its papers. Patronize Its merchants. Goad country tributary. Elect good men to of(lc. Han eat compettlon la prices. Faith exhlbUad by good works. Make the atmosphere ne-iy. Eelow Is a very condse statement oy R. D. W. Connor, of ahat the Mc iver Loan Fund Is: -There are two things about the Mclver Loan Fund that of tbeuv s?les are sufficient endorsements ol the movement: the name and t&t porpose. -The purpose of the movement U t. Hu, m furul that mar be to aWl young women of amaU means. wo would not otherwise be able to do so, to complete their educ.-aa. It Is not Intended ths the fund shall be a charity, for those who -recede as sistance from It wlll.be expod to repay but the loans will be made r 1 Mit (arms aO that those who re ceive them, can, by earnest endeav or. reiav them without great eacrt- f xe- If. to not lateDded that the banefka shall go primarily to th otace Normal CoUeg; whatever ben efits the college receives -a 111 be Indirect: the direct oeneiaa wm g" Beauty Patches. The revival of Louis SCV faehioos (bis spring naturally rertved the Loels .V beauty patch the' mouche. or fly L?arnel lidee may. If thy wXl. er :h.lr beauty patches In various clisaic ways. La moicbe asaaaeloe. the moat all lie tatch. was picd Kw dwa at the l,j.t aide of the bosom. La mo tclie dancereoae.- was worn oy the Udl m of Versalus upon the hau:d?r tlid. ---La mouche des baleer." the ks lat ptch. a as a tiny star set In the loe-tr comer of th under lip. Ihs mors daAhmc ladles of the co art of Luls Quints wore bizarre miaheA. They went so far. la f that the clergy had to laterfere at last; there Is a sermon, on the abu of the moocbe which throws tun oas light upon the morals of YcraJr ls. Philadelphia BuHeUa. whLe the moralag is have warned neople to carry amhretlsa, and fog am mist have often lua lifted the warn log, the local barotoeters have held adUy fair. The faoit has not bean with the barometers hat wKh the cocnet, which has so suffused the atmoe(here as to maka people think It cloudy whea ovTThead appearance was dae merely the shaT.S of cMae lghL The doubt that has beset the mass es ot late and kept winter cKhteg and camphor apart beyood their per lod of habitual coojuacUlon has o ca ft. pag Jil. mUftyt that put- two of aaas to LesU WsxAamiiUi ly deed rvoorded la book 117.. at page 472. and the home stead aljoaed said J. E. Vlorrta. which Is ronid U houk. 114. at page SIX. the house oated apoa whhh helg kaoa as the "Old Carohna Uotet-' This th day of Jane, lfr. ' a. r. Dawson, sttnrr. Wrendale Scneol Hewse. Sealed bids for a phllc school ' house near Wreadais will he oyaed Jaae 12. at 1 o'clock, lioase lo he been dae to the same bakfal laflaeace Ui3.nl2 feet; cross partlUoa cat- la swishing around the arctic rvg'Ois I tU off France eeaUbale; all.walU aaa oeerhaad ceea; yoxc tXLxg ri. , Contract tU he let sy the Chalrmaa aad. Secretary of Board ot Edacsuoa. FuU plana and spciceJos can he secured from B. G. KtUreX Tarboro, n. a . wXt It has driven- P;r air southward. causing periods of abaorsaal cold New Torfc World. Pronunclstion. Queer The note on af Los Angel remlnda a correspon dent ot a few of the places U Eog laad that puxtlle the stranger, llap pUburgb, In Norfolk, for Instance. Is pronounced llateboro. Abergavenny Publication ef So""". North Carol iaa, Edgecombe County la The Superior Cert Joe Cherry and wife. Georgia Che-j ry; A. IL Savage and wife, De aoe Ravage: A. L. Savage aad wife Jennie While; W. A. Savage and wife. GaUl' Savage; Lillian F Savage aad OpheUa Savage, vs.' S B. Savage and wife. Lory Savage; and Auatla Savage. To S. B. Savage and wife. Lory Savage: Tow will take notice that aa action entOJed as above has been commence la the Superior Crt of Edgecombe w m n ids' iwa - lag In No. X Township, said County and State, among his heirs at lsw; and the said defendants wQl far leer take notice that they are re- proaooocea V""' Qalred to appear at the office of ri'TV the Clerk of Oie Superior Court for piirnwumrDC wortk EV cn l mntnu TESTED 2 t v S3 e4a ,pr"' aytiafcv. Fo- hi, sweet odor w It live. i i : ViC r n a C J e o N o c s r e n d s o ' 1 9- i'mwi Jirfrtv.Uk Wjtkimgto sne nomry an. I oj.eituefazeni. Pztnf nd !nfrinrmnt Practice Excla&ivtiy. Wnti'.ir .-i.rii tt ;l-i Kt tu Hioth Stit. on Ttaltrt States ?ata.t Oaca.1 WaSHlNGTO.'". P. c. the fr4 Nutf stei Variety Has a Life Ser vice of 140.000 Miles. The order for 30.000 steel car- wheels nlaced with the Carnegie steel Conoav at Pittsburg by the C nica go v'oarra have full as deep City Railway Company and the CWc- j ' & ai Railway Company hag a double rri,.ed tincture of 8isnifi:anC3. It Is further evidence tha 1 roais; tha railroads o? the United Staes are j oa'8i-.h thorns, and play as rsiching their lumi as to me wanonlly holding for financial reasons of or-1 ,ummer's breath their mask- d3rs for equipment, and it is aiso grai ed buls discloses; ifyir, aaiuncce that for Chlcagoansi xiriiie onlv Is their , a I aJUb. AVE a,iava lPiat the "fiat- street car KSIJ U.Tbewo o.rvenny. U .1. alleged JU. 1 men who are pushing th. nemeu. -eots sounc. . - ,k- iL-e b..t I earthing else. Clrencaer see The Udy .nfl Crac. rrTIf er. and dead- ' " throughout rary from- Shot to n-, ,rtr much more aeiu uu.- - ...,lfoik Waldrmx:isld is wobuw h..., t vour ooieci o9 vu in- Suite, l ne moemco, - v.,. beauteous seem. Vrtwlh and promotion of your wor th endorMment and hell Cheimoodlanon -CtlmMU" wrhlla Jh Ey Chats weet ornament whl.h truth Ure growth and P U worthyt t11 . fr' but fairer we U ST public spJd men. d manhood and the womanhood - VlZwyU 4U them .ouraftir. ue none w orta Carolina regaraies. oi " -v-ror - oeeai ,-hlch dothls yojr felloe-man. Winchester Han- etar.l. .v. et.ts I sery. an l cornwooa iv"o lo'-erest tney may a-v i- . . . . v. dorses L. It la nseiess to sps a r-. -T. ' Jl-a- .... . i - wam tamT. mi suwim w :i among ut , " 7. . muh road and askd the Memphis today, and Is. the taiicac D McIver. This service oi it irv- r7 ''7 bre k wouM th, thouaanca'of old soldiers wblthe yoang women who. duHn, HellW Ub. LTZ The Tallest 8oldler. r. T(.nNfnn of Mount Vernon. th rtMBtv of Edrscotnbe on the 26th day of July. 1. and answer or demur to the pethMoa of the plaintiffs In said action, or the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for the relief demanded la said peti tion. This Jane ltb, l." A. T. W ALSTON. C. s. c Unlucky Korner lBJ " . He " eivta of take hkn. ari living over cne o-7. v - --- i,am.Q-r.a. wrc r- -- wiotaa his hrow. U 7 feet. 7 toche. ia height, w.g Tthe State Normal coig. I T, .v - . L .lr.- The cour- We Ilhre Bccir ed ah Pound, and 1. 77 year, of age uta hU character. hU.erv. 1 " t went on, and found Tbe AcyFor FORBIDDEN TO HIRE OR HAR-1 bor- All persons are forbidden" to Mm nr han'jor mv son'. Allen peiway. age n 1 . n wl:h its poundmg annoyuc i b3coJie a t'ing of the past. Tii irhee:s which have been adopts! for Chicago are known as the noi3eles wheels, because they will last ihree and a half times as ong as the old style cast wheels, ana : ...j i . n-oa fist Thfl Tin r as and alter neii5 ine start a crop, has now abandoned J ll:nlt 0f endurance of a solid ma Tnose who do will suffer penalties of the law. Sarah pet way steel the forcori wheel Is 140.000 mues, wun tha maximum limit of usefulness of j tha wt steel wheel is less mau rh iip. The new wheels i ar But. nhrttr aw Tt,w live nnwoo'd. and unrespect- he en'- cd fade; Dla to themselves. Sweet roses do not so; -Of their sweat d:aths are sweeties- odors mad?: And so of yoi. beauteous and love ly yoath. V.Tieo that shall ,. .s.,fn was born in SOuta i h, women 'are Carolitva. reared In Missouri, where Jttdgea of characUr; isted In Company L c women who knew Dr. Mciver ... n.irSrM ' reelment Of rnana w - " . ,.uke brie:ide. of MUsourt cavalry, serving as a private, wai wounded In one engagement the rUbt side and how wear. crois of honor. The lengthy veteran U a widower ..r I - A.i'm his aee Is stui in Iue, i - - H In th the mi kin most. Nothing in history of North Cnrouoa cao compared to their love for ana w alt to hta memory except tne w and loyalty of the .luJenis oi iniiftraitv for the memory oc -"" U Swain. To honor the memory such men la a amy we w thelElsworth. which 1 pronouncd -EUer beat. I Manchester Goardlaa. the NOTICE. Having qualified aa admlaletraior of the estate of Drew Daughtry de ceased, utt of EdgecOfBhe C&u7. Norh Carolina, thai Is to notify all persons having claims agslast the eaCele of said deceased to eahttt them t the anderatgnad al Batt)e horo, N. C, on r before the nd day of Jooe, 1919. or this notice wU be ptoaded la bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to said aetata vCl please make ImaedsUa payment. This :&4 day of Jaae, 1. - -3. C ERASWEU- WU Notice ef Sale. Under and by virtue of aa order of the Superior court ot Edgecombe rai ty. made on a special proceeding en titled T T. Thome, adnUaletrator of H, 8. Heame, deced. vs. J. O Hearse et all, 1 wlU on the 1 dsy of July, yy at 11 a. m, si tti court bouse dooc la Tarboro, North Carolina, offer for sale to the h'-gh est Udder for ck the oae-thlrd b- dl Tided Interest owned y 1L 8 Heame la that certaU lot or parcel of land attaate la the town of Wh!'--kers..oa the East aid of East RaU- road street: oppoaUa the Railroad rot ton platform, aad lot btag goijoe aad a 01 be found fully dcbd la deed recorded la Book 134 page 27 la the ce of the Register of Deeds of Edgecombe County. This Jane ltth mt. T. T. THORNE at ' coaaiasloner 4 Odorless Refrlgeratrs hi. E. Simons. at W. L-l- RED.BAND of to distils your truth. mat.imoival market, iim them but to ourseiv. i TrlSnum Shskeapare. ia 6 fe. 5 1-2 Inche. taU and from . CM we prs this honor than By WUUam sn a ? 1,,. lna!catlons hla grandson wUl u the rtudenu of the Stale as the grandiainer. 1 NorinAl college hss mamei HOW GOODS not psr onlv stronger, but they are llgnv 4an the old wheels by 800 pounds car. out-a and prea . iftMiuit. I be ca tall . unusual i . - . .i I .,, .ill. arw wa. filed In court ph cornnwre- ifc- way taai w.u iuii n incnexae wl-h use." ot Comm WM wu. Future Warfare and invention.. . af bM. ta. Fuid Secretary -ioo- this deponent. " i r'' ... v . i, t .wh f r. nn Arriving at the boose u a rewd observation vu- of the Alumnae 7 oi 831 ;tt' 8f.r the . pur- ' T,.. conscience l. real W within th. n.U Un daya.' and wB o: tne sm v,m ...j, r' f " ,A-m wv.t took, So far moiling of the chcus isoncuy serv.a - w l a ins " .ftmt)iste L. a iM-rest Ihem Arriving-Kvpry Fer l.iVS"at riie . . . . r-h adoDUon of the solid steel foreed and rolled car wheels by the . .! pMm8 fore3nadowi ,, vim wl-hl.. .1 nocket too. o hav. a n-v " . liwu of DeiSOnBltyse. 1 - iu ' . ..-.mnlate -a n,ml .'neral adoption of the more au.-.---- - . deponent, knoca-. rtMOa ov fanCy cn c cne town wau v. w -s-r-'-Chnei hv city traction corpora- t,- . tbe outer, com- warfare as afreca oy in thl. impor-axn-. - 10 pn cnr.e u . i . - -- - ., . aw tions and by railroads generally. door. but cou.u Uentloa of the zeppenn - ..aa t . tha """"J L ' ..v.Mniwo . . - nrnmise that rn j ha economy m - . .i . admittance: wu ah.ln. tnere r " . wi . a .1 1 L. 1 Wa. - new wheel, its adopUon wm oe c -& de-3aent was proceeding to knoc. palled, as . Patter of course; but th. d ft man t0 this If it were merely safer and 1 aniaown. holding In his no:3v. if would be used without re- nsB-et or blunderbuss joaa zard for economy. .... vwoii. or slues, as. this depon- Wtil3 a wheei tnw can u . . heard ami vny MATT TTI T lniKU CELEBRATED CAHDIES OPERATION PREVENTED Call tnd a curJaplayof these rood The kind yoo have bewn paying higher priws for By LydiaEPinkham'sVeg- ctable Compound VAR1ETV STORE n.l4of 140.000 mues ob ---- - . ut one of the upi' -"- . . a IlV4 1UU1V - . . -.-...a. toTnre euro as nv . v..o ani nm- or an .xmw-"- . - windows of the saw uu bia Adopted by the pennBjrlvu- -j- - t of bluMerDu- tern ien severe test, travel viU . g thIterved that safer on railroads generally, especial! I dkl not instantly je- -na, the wtoter months. when . . . u (tbe depon- e-- ,t- severe strain upon brit-1 ure. hlcQ th de- t aTwhlch, when subjected to . - - ,7" he would hav ' . u. uaoie !" - nre- " :;T.,H,at momenU.-Milwaul done " r,,bUeo N ... . . . imA .a nt-ver oo-ketbooi will oe coi ; rules of war save tne a- - thlTterrtMe evolution of the f's .... m -t lilies men h logentiKi nd war " Of the paaLPorla . - ' to snap at erltlcal momenU.- ee wmcoim V. T. Deans. Isext C. J. Austiu's. cipi: tately escaped.--Chicgo News. flth gram. One First Cotton Bloom. . oomDared w weea on in him T D TT A M1 M closely curved. W . JhL eh eat UXDERTAKEB AfD FUNERAJj directob Picturi I r a m in g PHOXE O. FIFTY The Finest Cabbage, " . .Kohw Bi-own the '3. U. uuiies iim " - . th honor largest cabbage in thU couitr this the eaiCleet record, the honor year. It weighed 15 pound, and - jong. Of . V. " T,r were no leave, atand-,- ir-rd'a janktof farm . .rfjdrie ones were I r nulled (al . k rajinat be admitted there l.nir mil.. yeu . i T. , 1 townsuv. - ! - -- - o i j. Chopped sDewn Corn Fer Cr.M Israel M err lit. colored, was arr ur . -U1..UV destroying ed charged wiui - wo, cuwe. - ,o..- farm. COrQ " rrTtO Chop g. hut . . . v,V .VtlvkLtes intocuaing CffAusea down-the youns c0"1- . v, i town. Dr. When orvua , .nred examined: him. ana . - icsi insane. m -rr "a .tnar him. he w so m- v. . 1V)me ordered sen o " - . the. asylum at coiauov - . isaJ thai Whom ths r.iifts Benefitted. 1 1 the old saying that U Is an 1:1 . .i ' IK winl tha'. blows no one gwu. word wind, tala year couW he ic placel with th nia. rain, and all.. rMrj tha ua Zeroing tm'h. f- the June downpours bav forcd man) to refer'.iiiie their cropi. ad r"-- equenUy are keeling th ierv.. faotones busy. IM the farmers planned at mt bea-lonloc of the year for successive applications of fertl.ixlsg matcnai u feKUIier hill wwld hxve d reduced and the crop much more enc i v but not having dane so I . - - .ijHlnilll ill be economical m" lnveatmenta. Chirarrv 111. "I want to tell yon what Lydia E. mnkliam s egetaow Compound did for me. 1 waieo sick that two of the best doctors ta Chicago said 1 would die II i tuu no l ore ration.- I had as full Masons Observe St. John's Day. .... .v.. 4not ooen 23rd. and was www Plucked on the aame day. but re . . . mu was one T 1 W vj. dalmed poeese!on nicUlJg with no-schools, a magUtrate both cllJ7,. ! ... wnrk M il who appeared before -inatltute For Colored Teachers. Aua-ust -20 has been designated for holding here an Institute for the color ,.K.r. r hl eountr. The dates may he changed If those who nnnrluct U cannot he here then, up as the teachers are concerned, the date will probably,, do very well, con- run rn UIVLLO Don't foTRt to try oar already had two trTauona. and thv wanted me to sotbroujrh a third Lia one- 1 sucerro oay and cljrht from In. flammatlon and a small tumor, and I " ar thAUffht Of 1 , Net ka, . Under the power coettJasd la a deed of treat, executed April S'-A. lrH by J. B. Baraea and M. R- Bms h' wife to J. C Bras we a. Trawtee. which U recorded la Book 11 J. it page 1 Egwcoraha Coaaty Bsgtslry. the an deratgnad wia offer for sale, foe cash at putlie eextJoa to the highest ted der, before OrlCVas Drag Store U the csty of Rocky MooM. o 8atrday Jely 17th, 1M) at 13 a'clock aa, i second tract of land eec"!b4 la said treat deed as fopows towtt: One lot thla day bought froo B. B. Watford and hat wife aad which was cosreyed to lreae E. WUford hy dd wUc is recorded la Book 79 at page 377 Edgecombe Registry, and la therein described aa beginning at fourth com er of lot sold to Wm. Sodea N. 4 g, s. 2-49 chaioa to A stake; theace N. No. W. li chaiaa to a stake; Our Dill Pickles 8. it deg, W. X9 ehaias to a stake have just MTived. I oo. rroot street; thence wk said They are cne, so i street which to now n-x aut a- are oar SWtLT 41 deg. E. -10 caias to the negw- anJBOUBriCK I slag coatalalag J 1&0 acres. 10c, 15c and 20c varieties. LILES-RDFp & CO The Pare Food Storey Phone 47. told me how L v rink ham tsr- e table Compound badUljr. and I tried It, wawTiB.uu---. TAir ' At torn of ? .CS 2L XoicaaVilL Toor Five O Clock Teas we would . 7 air . .a. AW AW .V-e-s gww jt A Mt afiraw m irrriaT si i rww ri BBB7aii txi sarw f i irr. ui caoj IT Ou ftlV ft ia uv "-a we w aw ' - - - - - v home or In yonr place ot employment I cf thU coffee, thtt its excel- p .nMl lc maj f .pprrL move the cauvs oi i -J.iT v aches and rains by taking Lydia 1- " m ill So and at of amUron. The tnagi-ratolve d th Tbe Mesons of Concord Idge in- JJJ-- H, by giving th. too. i tj rrmally. but most enjoyablyobserveo -'777 MoQm ODned on the of them, a Uundress. -r - r Mrerna ar ma uas w- . 1 the other wih a) heaer tck. tlma when all work Is light. - Hammock. Simmons'. at the same Pl?e. nnkhanv. WubU Compound, made from roou ata ceros. Por thirty yrars it has been the Un a j7772itnr female lUa. and has ptaiuirretoTed the health cf then. rrV:-dr have been troubled I with ditplacernenta. InfUnornatlorc uL ceratlon,nbnld tumors, IrrerularlUes. . . . i. .v rwarlns-down l0nTvr.tion: dlrxL ' T.rAr nervous prostration. i hy , don't jotttrjUT Tours to serve, J. C. BRAS WELL, Trwetee. Jaae. l "TIIe"xOBTH CAEOL1XA State. Normal and Indus trial College Maintained hj tbe State lor the Womeo of ortL Oarolioa, t our regular coarse leading to ie grrrs. Sperial Courrea for Trach- m, riUNcuoD tgid.ivept. 1909. Thoee diricg to enter should apply s early aa powJtlr. For catalogue and other inlonca tioo Addrraa J. I. X)UST, Pre., wM ttfteotboro, X. C The Hub Grocery Co. P. A. Lewis, Proprietor. Phxoe IWf WHEXIXCONETOE Hire a Tram or Dray of D. E. EVERETT Stylish Rfgi and -Prompt 8erTir Order otct phone. dw V St. John. Day with a barbecue. 22nd, Tuesday.

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