. ...... at I ,;-.v.- -.Ttf:. v., 1 7 - .'4 uu jju VU- WWW BJS 8UBE YOU AEE RIGHT ; GO A.RLlCyV O.-X) Crockett TARBORO, N. C THURSDAY. AUQUST 5 1909. ESTABLISHED 1822 VOL. 87. NO. 33 1 sv s-v - . j,. i Jc "Ii v WCm 1 - - i mk. n fi I 1 a rm w i FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whol system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, - Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is bo better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTTS ' LIVER PILLS, as a trial will prove. Take No Substitute. HIGHER WOOLEN Consumer to Be Mulcted on Account of tariff. That manufacturers of dotting do not intend to drop their fight on ha proposed wool schedule where the natter now ' stands, but will con- tlaue It until the , President final ly acta, , la indicated by a statement made by Davli Klrschbaum, of the firm of A. B. Klrschbaum & Co. Their plant at Broad and : canpenter streets is among the largest cloth ing manufactories of the country. : t Mr. Klrschbaum replies to- the statement of Theodore : Justice pub lished - in the North; Ameiian Wed- The controversy . - j. UA I I Ve 1 1 UIK7IICU Lf LI LUC Ul tV-VVU"! ;hiir Kinaness ,.io, me ana my ' 7 . , "..... ' 'At- day toy Mr. Klrschbaum. whodeclar- eftorts that - were put forth POLICE ACROSS THE WAVES. I AFRICAN SLAVERY PERSISTS. On Stormy Days The Parisian OffM ast Jteglon of Southern Congo is Overrun Traders :. Can't Say It Any Better. My dear Mr. Powell; , will von kindly nublish . in vOnr -na- Vr a note of thanks to the public : n asday . ' mornln by Slave ". I have recently returned from por tuguesa West Africa, wbcra- l.hav sent in all nearly two years ia :ae Islands of San Thome and Priu--,pe and trveilng oowthe coast 1 .he Interior Investigating the cxdr .laa of colored labor. The. portugs3 Islands of rhooM and Principe employ thi for ny recover;. I feel deeply gratified tor all that was aoni, and all. manifestaiins o; kindness and sympathy, . . -;vj. ';v Very truly,. .' '4T'-Pj MEREDITH. " ' For 'Drawing Pistol. Richard Hfntoa, cojored, will be Lera at the- .next term- f court to answer ta the charge of assaulting t ranees Bandy, colore, -with a pis tol. He did not shoo- her, but "he aimed at her threataaing t shoo sj thai she was thoroughly frighten- el Jd -hafc-duiy-.s . proposed .- will i-iusa consumers througnout the ;aatry ta pay 120,000,000 a year a are annually for their clothing than tasy should pay Air. JuJtice dec'ared that the cloth- reaching f the. knees, u usad eer Resembles a Cowled tfonic, London' police carry no cluba. At tached to the middle of the beK be hlad is a dark lantern. The cuffs at their coats have vertical stripes, blue and white, signifying ranks and dta tlngulhed service. During the fre quent..' showers and, raln3 they wear littlj waterproof capes. Their silent rezulatloa of street traffic by hand Valine u realisation of perfection! 10.000 -natives from Angola. Ti Parla tha ordinary patrolmen khough well cared for. have wear blaa ce'pa and coats, and in sum- taken there against their wl:l. and. mer whita duck trousers. They carry ith some few exceptions - remain h-,rt rhr an emblem of taera 'till doathTwenty years-ago authority. Iij". la extreme danger use the average .yearly expon 01 nauve tha flai s!d3 as a club. In a dwn- m.xm about 2.2 JO. In 1501 It reached pur of rain the Parl3 policeman haa I 1.752. and the orriclal figures foi- hU capon a hook in the back of hla att ' jiontha . la 'Wt pUUd S.9JI. belt and draws over his head the aelng at the rate of nearly 6.W na- hool of a short blue cpe of heavy Uvea year, lf .000 are acuU7 doJi Thla hooded cane Is called a landed la the Islands, how niuny capochnn and in its longer form, ire raided or betrayed In the Inter- Saa some who, been 7 ARE YOU c SURE That the ie cream 70a bay ia strictly PURE! Do von know th.it the makers' handi wererloan, tlif excluded from the factory, and f rwoen and other utensils kept in Sanitary Condition! Why take any chance where your health ia concerned I Why not ; MAKE AND FREEZE YOUR OWX ICE CREAM In 10 MINUTES FOR lc. A PLATE with. jen-o ice caEija Powaet It ia ao easy. Simply stir contents of one 13c package into a quart of milk and freeze, without cooking, heating or the ad dition of anything else. This makes two quarts of iee cream, dean, pure and whole some. A good ice cream freexer can be bought for a doll.tr or two which wiU last for yean, and will soon saTe its cost. 2 packages JLLrO ICS CRKAU Pow derforS&e. - Flavors? Chocolate, Vanilla, Strove berry. Lemon and Unflavored. Sold by all good grocers. e The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, H T. -as which can be bought at S10 or .12.50 a suit In this cOunry can- in be bought for any lower price taywhere else In the world. Mr. . Klrschbaum in his reply says: "Notwithstanding what Mr. Justice " any other wool man may say to as coatrary, the prices of woolens ;r 1910 in America are from 20 to per cent more than for the spring 1 1303. As these prices have been .videly published by the Ameitcan .Voalen Company (the so-called trust civilians as well, ln v cold or rainy weather. . Accordingly, at such times the streets of Paris seem to be alW with cowled monks. 'Recently tb ior ia suddIv that number? S ire brought great distances. ai day after day. for months. 'toil ui- J3r a merciless sun toward the v l eary. thirsty, sick at heart. I h-3 has coaie lnt TOgue successfully on I acarred.- their bent kneea toiterlng un h Purl boulevards. The do Icemen I ler heavy loads. Many die and leave detiiei for urh dutv wear white th sir bones by the wS)sUle. COun glo-es. and signal with white clubs, h .hackles that once secured tclr Uermaa policemen wear hamlets and! omba at nlsht lie rotting in the grass. have & distinctly martial air. I Oa one occasion a whole caravan 01 a lv. namtiM tT imtll DOX On k4-c Musical At Pinetops. I road, in cisincis wncre - Uader the ausDlcea of the woman's I H:uli to oitila long marenss muw BUSINESS IN THE SOUTH. ) SAYINGS OF MRS. SOLOMON. I by Hete rcli4 Tw the WasMnetoi Herald. Trada- Bodies of Cities Should Learn Being ue Cefeesioa of to Seve to Pull Teo,"'. I Hundredth Wife aexl Translated In a letter to The Washington Herald. " which has beeo derating' a great deal of attention recent- Uholl ray daughter. iurh there V to the promoiloo of Ku!Orro Hfy-aeen varVUee of nea, yet eoterprUea, secretary K. S. S- thy coaie U but two brand tae aays: These bu'lnrss mnj bi-inj that talkeh and the brand that her trade and to use NsiHade 1 chirxntbee If a man It eta nucb g3oda. thus keeping home money at eMu and ni vce.b hU arms aoou home," Stversl efforta have bea made In Charleston wlthla the Ust yr look las to the combination of ail th' trades bodkw In this town la . oo effe?Uv ceral organisation, prefera bly under Che name of the chamber of comJnrc bcc thst U tie oUf eat'tf " oov commercial bodies, and loVa! ykra has bee nort flv"r In Us work fr the deveopa."3t of the trade and business Interests of this community. In the oli.o of th ai whi have favored thU ca re itrvaa of e'forl a great am more tl.ti: accomrl shed for Cbtrl.oo iv caacertad action than by the sslrmlsh firing In which ' e'i! bt 'ness associations of (h .Sv. nay! niy!" Cut lf Le ba- D"ta of piatolc frUodhip and ik e h at a grit clianc apart from ta?a ia the i-ooolgot; if k touc& f .i Utlae aim wlJ bt the lpa of bis flng-rs and they trtoW I ay ualj he, prepare thy weddlog uotr . roc U li aot a cold heart, bat d tr, that kpeth kins froea bto iMSins. , . tx: putaclc Trirndt!p U a aoys Mjus ihlnt. Yea, like onto a snak n?h. ; ctere'Ji a msWiad of aor P ?t. it co tie" h la many sid dUjaU-s. k b I great eav1l eacs. U the kind thst coacr a man's tfealre to kia a womaa and j kind that ocealeh Us dsre tiwa have been engaged from ;iml to es.ap) her. to time. Something ouKht to be I Tha kind 'hat reamble'Ji !v and a-ae fr more errecUve work o: ttuith, ii-s reeemblKh a . bam "lad U Charteaton. -United w siad:h. s kJ. divided we fall. We Co noli Tb, K.nl with fri:! nd the kt s-trrsj that any one will erKruiy I wii thrills. on. end that mu h more cOula not I r, tor is to: the cream always Podagra. tas of peKagr are aU to b iocrwaeiag la SoU Cartaa. The ae baa anared a-ax Newport Teea, aad la U Urpaaa act at NaahtUVa. aad sporadic c have beea reporte4 eJeewkere la this SU'. It la Bceary therefore that the mdkJ prof eaeioa a4 the bal:a aathorit of Teaeaaaea aad the Soot ahaU grape ca R. reuagr haa tea kbova la riy ad vaxiaa Medsierraaeaa poaatm f two kaadred years. It was ae4 la this country ooly a few yar axj. Dortors who bate elodfed fb i are cavtaee4 that X rewTa trta eaUcs bad corn. oce of thwsa tlxim to bat provea Uia. TKe fUifn. Tia. ralcjaa tor Jmir m 7 CoL 2oif wag 7 lacVw avemgw for Jl? u ii l Aajraet kaa abol tae aaax areraxe " oegiacieg aue w. j l boars two lab fe.l. ajy are easilv obtainable. On the Uader the auspices or the omau 1 n:uu 10 ojuu iwa ' ! -- .... I - jt .it... . 1nitrr hi! I ilhir hanH th nrlces or SDrinK 1 lioma Missionary Sioc.t an enter 1 mauc. iuu - -- Aoa.ena In Euroae 6h0w an increase , uuamem, on EtJraay, August. i-u. wu uunn " 1 ... .1 . . i uiiin. f only 5 to 10 per cent from the c insisting; of recitations and piano isn to psmn as a waro..g to ric-s far the spring of 1903, and solos will be given at Pine tops. 1 gerers. ii graat difference in the ratio) The music wUf be given by Mlas Avast reglonof the soumern toa f increase is due to the outrage- Shearin. of Rocky Mount. Milga U overrua iy me eT.-ru u--nntmt wool an woolen tari-f Shearin Is" a graduate of the B. U- W aoldlers of the Congo Frea SUts ihat ir?ffi rtisr-rimkiatM aealnst'w. in niano and Dlpeorgan. Her I who. armed t accaaip!J-hed by united action taa by ladivldual taltlaUve. or th dU riiotlaa of our piomouo woik among four or five ortia, tioai supposedly with the sam wor thy" object la view, but oftea di-P-tUng th?ir s'rength and usefui&e by Inaependent actions. The al of these observations, of s that we can do more by wnkmg 01 ta? of b".e Jjjc. an! the faent -wat, oq top of the g!a and tha lc lag 01 tap of th c? Ia not handsomest part of a hotel th eatrance there'o. and the swett part of a als the mot., -nt Jj before tthleg. aad the bet, pan of mOr-tavt tn bfginolo thereof. ovn tourse.l p:aiomc fnsaishtD s-'isn 1 personalltv an-1 musical skLl delignt I ammunition, purs .... . . , i t - Ml.- .inAar an aw Srire&nt tha masses. 1 "The annual output of th9 ciom- j all whol hear her, li.-.o. iniiwfn la tnr)rOYma.telv SGUU.-' The recitations . -t, --' 1 " 1 - 1 .... .! H T...H r:i,. Mt TVinmrf r wiiaon. miss riirieri tnirt'en vu.e-.b uia - ITK moln.i rlfla anO I ue their occupation tuau we c-n ao oy i- .-s will be renderet. I aamed Yambayamba. In one day they apart, or i-ather by beiig In other's way. Charleston. News Courier. each and OJO.OOa. If Mr. daubt the statement that -there will' Eagles, of St. Lewii and J increise of f;om 20 and Mrs. H. E. Lance. Jenkins I miles of a Belgian fort at KayOyO. 1 m e me 1 V,j let a.tnt m average aU JOU Ul S.'-raaa s." I KUa .a a i. i. -- "-"-a w w- - to 25 per cent in clothing at retail!. This entertainment promises to sUve they had aold. when asked why Ifnr the n 1910 he need only call be one of the best of Its' kind ever they had not eawn mm. rxi.- on reoresantative. well-informed retau hell la llnetops. I that they a;rat;hed ths trai of hlm- ciothJers In this city. New York. anl elsewhere. 1 'The statement made that any of Tnel self and j tasting the In Memoriam. Of C. G. peele, who departed thla I hla companion acompanloa. and af'-er blood sold him and ale $10 or $15 suit in! America is bet- life July 26th i9. He waa a a- inouga wtj -k-" ter than, that which can te bought vated husband and a good father. tuan rormeriy. u is S' T of Zinh in -.abroad for the same price is the, He wti taken ill on Thursday wit aaiy by deceit ana 1 ore- c year laid 247 eggs, of which 10 wen t fram their nleasant homes a dSUlL Ol M" pasVrtlaJO aXUlM UV ovaa-j V UiCUlugCao, eaVaaaA tuwl f a wf I - - r deliberate mlssUtement of facts, o! untold suffering, ao passed away I 1 the' Interior ana eeni 10 for- .'. . innt r rverfert oeace on hll ia! CH on the latand the name 01 Walter Broadbelt of Wlinston. Pa., claims to have- a hen - that last double-yolked. - C We Ask You to take Carduf. for your female troobles. because ve are sure it wiU belp you. Remember that this great female remedy Th value of he cloth In the eigo garment w much .,oeuer, ar-f ace. - . , -."..' '.: though we admit that, in our llna He bore hla aufferiags with p!- aa in many others. American sam eaC9 aaa with SJime soiatere car and ingenuity make it possible to age. produce garments with more style Thers !s a placoleft vacant ia .otf fir ani finish. However, hnm that never can be niiea Bjllil uvj.w n w a hlch has been a terror jo-itaem rrom chlldhod. Although on th oraeck of the s'eamera one " sees mero'.y & crowd of Quiet, well dressed naUvea. 1. It iTspssilhle to conceit 9 the sum of human nlsery thc- rv Grading Progressing. The work of grs!l g pift Main street g?s actively on. exjta taken from the block that la to be treated wl'-h sand and cVy Is ong hauled to tha next block, eui house to raise its surface. Some lime next week, sand aad ctar wUl be hauled when the t!n far tola arrives. Mr. DeDerry will need scores of carta. Those L- have Uld by" their crops c turn their t?am to god arcOimt by seeag our atreet fmprovta aidr th3 domestic-cloth is far inferior n la hearU of thosa who loved J port. repr;s?ns. Oae cannot think Will tmlroCight TeBef to thousands of ether sV: women, so why not to you? For headache, backache., periodical pains, female weak ness, many have said it is "the best medicine to take." Try it I to that used in the foreign meats' at the same price. ' 'A very ssrlous matter for th public to be concern! about is the wool and woolens could be manipuia ed threa months agoo, while hun- drels or thousands of people were still unemployed, what can the puh lla exp3ct whsn our? country reaches prosperity ana ear- him. He dwellet In Heaven: Never more on earth Shall his voice swell the cadence ot music and mirth. Never mora s'aall hli form that ao manfu'ly moved. E'en gladien our hearta In the home that he loved. in thousand; bat I recaU the ease of a young fir I named NeyambL Liquor Still Cap tyred. Keveauj Offkrer M. I d. puty. Sheriffs Frank Dwon and J T. Moore. Tharaday made a hun fr i:i;clt aCHs la No. 7 towaap n?ar Dunbar. After a long aearcn- To Form a Golf Club. several of the young of the tjan ara durualng the feaalhUay of organU!ng a Co;r Club and have gj't'n t3g'her a most attractive p.-opaiuoa. I bey propose to organise a Clt Hai and build a very flaa t cf Uiks la the paatore ia the rear of Col. Job a L Badgers restdco. Several years ago, OL linage rs ail a prltats cure fcrre that t oae of ths b?at la the SUaU aM vii very ajorty. He haa gracioua- oaa intel to g've tao use - f i'l graunJa free of charge 00 some 'at Mr cond'.aoas. Any man or woman la Tarboro, who wUl .ba lau rested la Ore rgeo wwar aad frmJ; -of -til-claw. atfl please writ II. P. roxn. adv-amg hlra of their d'slre to bcoma memoer. Thr wUl be a smaU laltlaUoa fee anl a amau moataty doe to ma- tata the ground. - Neti of gaje. aad by elrtwe of aa order of the taper'acr Coan of flgcsb Oa&iy saada la Ue pcl Prat?4 lag. ea'J'Jd Uawaa Klag a Law reao. KUg aad oaers, u.e aa&a tl No ajoa the S?ctl pro cead'g Docket of said Cout, Ue aaders'4 OossaUaaaaer w"J , oa Xoadar day of alt laoa. sx wtu j twejve o'tfcxk. - at Ue Osrt l!oe defect la corn the die door ta Tarworx North. Carotiiaa of. dwal mm t batw bea Jearaal po- fee far aa: to tk i!ctat lArr tIy. Ciora Is sbjct t r, .far cask Aha I cerUla tmea tX aa4 dew, enould aa4 other pn. a oflUtag aad e!& ta No. 1 immI! owertoraxioa. Hows aad mmi X "ataba CWaty.' NorO Carwjaa, og bea kaowa U safTtr frota eat-1 adjotalag n, aa4a of Trr Ukne- Icg tad com. partWn:ariy. K has I h4 as4 ot&era. a&4 taore parJcOar boea b:ivd. cOra affected wrtkll aa foOows: Oaa Wowaa aad lot la black mat. Thtir oUae ad to be I tie Towa of PrtacevUe, kwa raXad Ulad atajcxera aad ha ayap-1 the bocaa $Ue akaie4 oa tae so'vh toss were aol taVke tboaa cf iaa:de of tha cabUc road leafag fraas rnaa patWi'i saffefUg wtu p::arw I Tarbora ta O-l Sparta. adjotsia at la Italy aad other cowatrUe ofllaada of Harry SaUta, tie A. t L. oot&era Europe penagra Is a d-1 aad otlera, a oae lot aXaca4 aa of th poor who eat great e,?aat I foows : CoaasU at WLU&ea4-a -"-e or poiata. or rorw saeaj mass. 1 pir oa aa aad rata: la a aor Dr. Walter Leaa&aa, Ctwaaoja. I Uierty dwctkaa II yards t&or or la sail by the Jaaat OuBtylle to a drkk , thtaca ap Haws l be the oaly dVr la I 14 yard oor or We to lenoeaiaeo bo baa expert ace t:a I s'-ake oa aald dCca, Wooiea a Coraer. P.JaXna. He la cKd aa aayieg tba I lhace la a aorUerty dlrwcUos ajocg U la eep-cUlly comma aata chick-1 Wooteaa Uaa to a aak oa eas. aad to favor the fcypebeeU thatUa at CxCy Joaea Coraer. Ueac dsa may have beea corot4 1 la a aortktrty d'.mCoa afoag Joaa la oo ca that cama A2tr Latlaad Wlicehaad'a to a aUk aaad observa'ioa by toochleg th bod-.e I a2ey. Whitehead's Ooraer to lb b of dead chkkeaa. la haoaa. Dr. L-1 Ctatl&g, rwc.;ala?rg oa art taorw or ahaa la Q'jad aa say tag, th d'-a-eaa appears r.rst la th utaaa. next atUcka th feet and f"J&i!y spreads over th wboi body la form of a red or copper colored rata, la Pa naal stages, wtkA ar tmfei la saffertag, th atrvea are attack Th eres lo their laetr aad the ThJla Jaa 29. 1 L - PAUL JONES. Cosasuakaaer. NOTICC ILatlag wal-'Ud aa adaiaSotra'sr of tk eatat cf Draw Dgh'-ry do- body lu elasUvKy, th aholders bcead, Uta of E-lgcOcsVe 0:y. come stooped, th patlest forgMNorta Carojtaa. ZM It to aoC'y aU bow to laugh. )oaa Ceah. aad waa I peraoa tavltg ciars agal&st tie -h ahomiag gait, progreastv d-lealax of aaat dVead to xlitn tertorauoa of th body la followed by thea tha aadraa4 at Baftae exaaaauoa aad dath Koiv3 8'A-lboro, N. C oa or bafor XXm S&4 tiaeL I dav of Jaae llta car liii catV wta be pUwd4 la bar of their recovery. Legal No. I Ail peraoaa tadtt4 Co aaid aeiaia The cowrta of aeveml State kv mZl claaaa taak l3J-3a".e peytaeai. This Sad day of Jcaa. ll. M. C EHA3WCU, AdiVTkfor of Draw Dai-trj- wit AT THE HUB aold by fraud abo: -he tlv I U,T fame oa of iemouao a mTimum stlta Of ti mirh es ex- -Ha dwell-th In Heavsn: e; uH at Bltle. The mother taough anly an I ugly. wU?ned oil -t"r9 wowaii. was iimntt h-art-bro!cvn ihat her free- born diuga'M i'f'l a sTe llusbanis ars se.a:a:cd Irom then wles. ch..;r n r.!U 'h lr Hrvn"a. A I H - :i LouJor -Vc'ator. el sJIls about 300 yards back of th coloil Baptist church, be' ween wan-oar aad Wrendl. Sigas wer plentiful of rece& anl hurrlad abaadomanL Slgne of t.- mim mil aucb. a ouaotltT of Shs oa th beach tt y thbk of my new ba'.htnj ttH, Mr. Prudent? He Well, 1 r. think ice VoU i tri.! to far a tore set level. She So many mea marry aowSdSye Vp to 1879 no other methods were used for plates in fine art illustration than line engraving and tor blocks than wood" engraving. . INSURE AGfl BSI HfilL "We Protect Y nr Crop Ajrairjpt Destruction or Damage by Ha'l. Kisk& Taken Only in Etig' combe County Kvery Year Money is Paid out to Farmers . 1.0 lover Dimaw Wiom Hait. The Pi u lent Farmers will XotVK'elect this Op portunity. The Following An nual Statement Gives our Fiuao cialStaodiing:. WVHAL ' S TATEMRNT EDG'? COMKB' MUTUAL 'HAIL IX- 5U BANCE CO . OF TAEUO ll), X. C, Mari ii J, 1909. V Mar. 2, 08, Balou hf.', ?i,210 15 - llyipiniiuns rw-d h 'O"1. 634.25 thj normal demand Uted ia 1906, when men s garments mvie to r tall at ?10, $H and $2 wars male' out of cloths that con tained a very laie proportion of ca.tan, woil. sholdy, and mercerized cottoa? "Tha cla'-hlng manufacturers do no: ask for free woal or woolens, but tdey want tha 'snakes," or the hld- in our hearts, His laiaja is graven, and never de parts, Anl while we yet linger, we watch anl wa wal:, TUl deiht, who parted, again ahail unit?. HlJ lvlng daughter, JESSIE. Painters About The Forehead. A high forehead to be very good shoull ba well developed about theiter was pumped ty yebrows. for mooey. Yoa wouMai oiarry m rvr n ..1 t rocu-i.xdvelv show that! tor moaty. would you. daraat? ..i iob of oeach braca? lie (atsciu, No aariwg. 1 ,M ukea had been going on. They found two! not tairry you fr all the mooey lnlu oppoait dXska gWea. sever pump, driven Into th ground- vn-ih woria. 1 al coanxuag proceoea them Into l I h Oa. voa borrvj. borrvi wre. 1 estabUahed la S'-ate courts, aad dealt wUa aa odd owtaoa. aoo of I theo agreeing oa a amtUr aaawer. Whea U U aily t,XK nr laaH sac potkle eijlr at aooa aad the I word la admr.Ud to aaeaa iaUy 12 o'clock mid lay. Bat ataadard ipse haa aot bee a adopted La Aa aoaaV Ue. Many amaH towns cUag to a time, which may b from a few eta atra to nearly aa hovr ar!!er thaa saalard. la ooe But a fir oc curred at two talaatea pat aooa. ta Ham aad the lasuraare roasaay held that the polVcy bad expire! bfor I A. OT InavJ ef HAY. the fir. 8aa Uaa la wd ta C towa, but th tared,d k cocapaay, holing lhat aocal eaa-i rickftw DOte that we caa fcrd borwr tocas dkl aot ral th policy aadthaiM well u dxiteTf cow- as well b waa niKid to ais srcw. Th Stat cort satalad kim. ta s.a-her Siaz a atmllar coet eaUoa i to th courts aad yat It U pay to jtt pricr Lf poiec to bay. m milker, and fire All The Xkmt that the markets azora ijreaam 01 ina I k- . earc dn rrohitl le leaiures 01 waal or woalen schedule eliminated Improving. tha tariff! and while, the A hiU a dozen arc lls&ta rhanno, nn, somewhat arainst our baon 1 .a a led on the .treeta of the lc or palntlns. a II V 9 mt relief at this time, Farrir ward, and same sireei su caaois whenca U was taken to th tkmoa Transcript. MUs. The pumps aad canoes were! r four coacUv a'-ghU OrOXan nn Then becSB a earcaK. , .... at.rv1 hta fair vorable. It la distinctly cOanecia M, .... h ,earch a v.. ih-, .h. I- e I w w 1 a aswa y - au-gaiioa U11 was found, sot far from I r-ooitr. th seen, this waa destroyed. Bul -Madam." be said oa th a polite temperament, a fondness fori v- - tETJn'Ka' u have I the arts and a talent for either mus- It Is sail that tha qaaaUoa ca oaiy be u decWJed for good aad all wbea a e timid water beaa arrted laba tha Uaitd Statea court and pa4 apoa by th i Supreme Court. flfta tbt By int. acct, U0 00 saciiiin? anv tha inius'ryfr will s3."to it that the wm be put on the streets of the e 2.ib -3 pusiicais uji"suv i-iu"uv u. uu outrsgsous fes-iure 01 scne- ia a snort lime nwn u-uv..- Th3 educatiinal campaign ias expect to have light wires tr- oa.th:3' dala K. that wni be waged .'wM surely make versing every seclon of the town a f!acldel change in the Congi-s- After thess will Of course a troad for.'head may be part of a weak face, and a wk chin and mouth wtl naturatly git a truer impression of cbsracer than evn a comblaatln of a narrow forehead wita an otherwlae strong fac. If thera is a quite a p?rcpttbr Tb DstU. Brit. A Datch brVSe ssaal bare her top ply of cVXhea yes bat ac t7 ar IradKioaaily irpe4 t l1 five veoxa. aaa&! rather thaa taahioaabte or Bght atUr Bast $2,934.40 Sept. S. '0-V'lV cib pd 1 ' .verfisitg suite . men $ 7.50 Apr. 1, 'US, To taxw. efC V- 25- Cai mission-' 011 pftMniains: 126.85 be followed water I . . . v i.a J .ia. signal coiexjon in Washington af- and sewerage extension As ,00 . . .-J -1 tt. "-7"- m. -. wmai 1 a 11111 Till II if null I a aa ku a-i ucwua u s th- town the aldermen ahould eoac1 calm. caol. deliberate thinker, aa' oi llnaace requiring every build" If w.th these eyebrows Is com lag resilence ot business place" 10 blnel a forehead that slope grad--nnniieii with a waterUD and ually back, a aensIUve. poetic tem- wlta 33weage connection. J perament v tmm t.!the rcenlar meet-1 they are - a wj a . - u ' Ii" will recoimead to the alder- aay was evidently the prgeat. th.T j wolJ h done for you.' never wer abi to find. Ia short nal wbPN n, ir asked th all that they found, except rel- ed abov waa a Jug of com whlakej. J0 u beetle your bed.' r-whl.-h .hal eilealr eB rKeO'17 ...nt.j I -r.t K.M.- t.uinM I a ia by lha BaaASa Th. r3ilaea of a maa named -wh. ,K. telA .hat waa I A Dw'xh brtde, by lh way. aa tanell- Tavlor. who U reputea l. ,nA (vK. , .aaoT lot1 fartsak her boose aad provWe to b engaged In Ulklt d'JUjliag 0jcXl .. accOut--Scc Mc ,U Ka' lCB W J were thoroughly searched, but noia- asm. I 7 mama w tr tie next election. fnusmfcii-ui Norh- American. ' t Some State Banking Figures. That State, private and savings banks of North Carolina have an ins- iiwrlmlnallna- was found. l& still that was found was thoroughly crushel. and cut lnt a sbspel- mass aggregate of S50.38i.B2..&7, a gam of $5 023 120 over the reported to- mea an ordinance prohlbtjlng privies tal rssaurce on? year ago. is the s'aowing made by the report cf th3 Corporation Commission, bas ei on reports from these bnka at ihi lose of business June 23. Thar are -311. of the three classes of banks subject to the suparvlsioa of the Corpbratlon" Commission, as com- ia the business section or tfta iqw, PuoirO sentUhent should enthnslM tic bshnd aach en ' ordinance. The lo:s back of many itores In the tarn ara dlasracefuUy fUthy and the soon er s-.i:h unsan:tary condUlons are abal shed the better will It be for our general bValth and comfort. is . disclosed. If, again, combined with a short. qarrow forehead, ths sut jeci wm be successful la bualneas and In everything connected with worldl mit ers, but us will be Incapable of appreciating to any extent pr of creating anything connected with the arts. . . ' j)ared with 29 1 banks one year ago. ! qycik(i-i3";,ftN iHaaxj does riot' include, of hkofcd - cW tWnatlanar.. -banking !nter- J .0. F. Shackelford, ' fck'c'y and Treas F. B. Pender, Agent, The Soafa Flight. (Ada Foster Mniray.M tirh.t It'thar awpr-t aa bv es of tav . Slate, some no,aD. hreahUng space ago. - features of tha asie- of these State! AQ1 fa gonewe. know wny banks are S35.6U3l- m To what region who may not The production of c9Xpr in Rus-' aisoounrs etz.uj in ft ! knowl ' Vt Ji mioft 14,554 -and i 651 In United? States bonds, 1166, amounted to 10.30&, m m , ' tTuu. ct.t. ha never rustle of a wine. in 1906. 1907 ana. W8. re j m - Not -' mnrmnr nt I .,,h. ai fi,yas,su xn au ouier sc .- bonds and martgages. Banking house Never sight or aerhtly tj)ln?. are yajued at $1,023,208. The aggre-j Nor a whisper frm the sky. gate of the several classes of depos- Yei. though spirit fine and frail its. Including savings, certificates, de mand, subject to check and others, 9 537.061,790. sia 16,592 tons pectively showing a steady increase. fa 'tin n tend mo-id, Sjl trads niarka. lor.uirD AND DCrENO.f k . .......... ... Tl nnuuu ")nii B, im A LI- COUBTBim. - "W'fanJrftrmt&fvitnt. and nfriBemMlftcc twiusirwj. , i CU Htatb ttmt, V VaKea StaVasas OOos, WMUINGTDK, a. 2-rs iav ti w ia swa m m m a 1 - Ice Cream Supper. On Wednesday, August 6h tthere .wli bo given at Ebenezer Baptist Strong Death stood uncrowned ghast, And tije ta.nche,t men grw Pl Wb'je the sbadow fJuttered past. New York Sunday gun. What Wealth Caor.ot Buy. . . r'ond youth, who bream'st that hoard ed gold is needful.- not alaae to pv. For all thy various Items sold To serve the wants of evry day; Bread, vinegar, and oil. and meat, Vor savory vlanda seasoned high; But somewhat more Important yi I tell thee w&at u 'cannot ouy. N treasure, hadst thou mora am a aed Than famo to Tantalus assigned, vyould save thee from a comb at laat. But thou must leave It all behind. i give thee, therefore, counsel wl; UonfVd aot vainly la thy atore. However large much less despite Others comparatively poor. known But this Is only a small part of 1. The Chapel ,of th Bones. Not far from th Cathedral of St. Jahn. la 'a:i?a on the Ilnd of Maria, is sir ex-julte I'.l'l churca balK la ths farm of a.Mtteae croe. called Vxi chapel of tha Monks, be longing to oa of the ttho;lc on ders. Connx-t?d al'h it li a xiil uadergroind chipe', a moat weird grueaoaie plac. caU?d th chap-i of Bones. Here rows upon rows of hum-iQ hone r arrag4 a;i over the wal and ctUlng la gomerlc de signs. Theaj ara the bnes of l.C people who perished la two of 1V ta 's many atsges. In a r'l ouUU 80.000 more wer burned, and th art but a tUh of counties thou sands whoa Itfo blood haa lavea thla rocky Isle of th sea all dwn the centuries. For so lng a time that history is lost la dim it baa been th center of audi conflict and woeful caruag aa no other kow pot on th earth sunac caa ra- rorinl uniaia it be Sicllv w&ica ua lust nrth ot It. For two aM half centurfe it waa th hardly held home of medieval chivalry. fin Tpa. H. K. Ltac aad wtf ar p4 lag the week near jooea ChapeU WUa MlanU Frtc of Wb.sr, U Ultlag lira. WVlUsa Wblley. Mrs. G. T TretBaa. of KV Moant. la vU'.tlng Mrs. S'altings. " Li wootea. o." Norra;k. la hre vli tlag reiUvee, Fresh and Wholesoae. Oar 8 lock UCoaplcle aa Any I a Tha State. Fresbr CocilnoraU aue Iaily KiTetl. Trr us Your verdict. Frtah F.rrad Taiirv. days and Fridaja, It U The IWL Yoors to acrre. The Hob Grocery Co. aad flower aad coaaratn;atta& rctvd. aad that of her wadd'Xf. wbkh often d aot take pic Cor years, ah mast kaeo busy her a4, a writer la Harper Daaar. A pUla stk blouws for' pteaeaat weather, a velvwt or wdaroy oae fr wiater. a dark akirt or . reform drea. ar saitahl alike foa daaer. or theatra. Th wfcvl 1W whirl th wladmUs also whirl bata. and ao tl ladle of .Jlof;aad wr saa2 cap and locg cap aTef P. A. Lewis, Proprietor. Phone IIS, X.rs. Fraah rrcj and chr4 who atva bejn'vUtlog iin- 3. T. lUrr:i I a ghtfaiL Aa for frtg dreaata, I n ra :o"4 tr thj kp la or-lavr aaw oM.ttilt U?r, aad tt o.x. 1 wua go laax ua urm uwn,- a Mlsi lle:a no'luck Is v'sltlag Mr. I they caU her, klay gv aT-eraooa V.n. jeacm. . I special audleaca to th dugt(ra of 1 -h.rV rol. from I Bh oiTVaal who Ueaa of Aatro a Cre?k wrr out hay rUPr" w ox 'I a, a Uselfa - S . a . . Us', a'hi aad hU.i a Jly I 1 lime. hU low cut bodice of eTc.:c nta. fed. near this pta. jujy :Sh. atargarrt. beloved daughter ot Wm. vawey aad wife, Henry Everett left this laoralaa; for Kiaatoo , Wt ixx Unlucky Eorner We Have Rrceired The Agrncy P RED BAND CELEBRATED CANDIES I Several European maBofacarcr of any good, wholeeoa food. Charles Siegler, better church an ice croam supper for the a "aher" Siegler. and famuw-nyi a Jaat and eni 1 .-..- aaow. benefit! of Whitakers Baptist church, referrsd ta as 'lhe best man in I 'mat all who sea thee rl;n and groat ' a niviiai invitation- to the nubile is Nashville. HU" 'has retired from May deem thee worthy to be so. J extended ta refresh themselves for active serlce as a lockasmltA after Translated from ' th Greek of j wagueourg la,'ocnpuiaory adoption of safety d- Sold and gaaraatecd ty W good cause. 50 yeara application at thU trad. - Menander by WW lain Cow pr. loffk since Fbruary 1. vc and systema. fca- hav 4tablShe4 branch factortea la Uioveraviue. n. Y, aad a n amber of giovemakera bare already emlgraten to th United Bute,' thirty' mem bers of this trad having purchased Twee a C'rw Victory. Taer' rejoicing U F"4or, Teaa A taaa'a Uf haa ba aard. ad now Dr. KUg's New Dcery as th taik of th towa for crisg. C. V. Pepper of dtad-'y lag barr Take Kodol at th timea when - you feet what you haT eat a . a. I a n. vaw not dtcw-lnf. KVlot dbrra'-a whatldW ma ao good, bet, aT-r a you ai ao you. caA eat u:iicmj i tr. Klaa'a New D'-'cOrerv ttiw Uweeka. 1 feel I He a .Mr' aaaa. aM 'aa do good work acsia,' rr weak. or or d'-e4 Uaga.. Coca aad CbTSda. Heaorrhacea. lry Frer l you will Jut let Kodot digest Ho'd by all druggteta. Call and oar display of tbeae) col The kind yon tare Uva rjicf b!(brr jrricra for 10c, 15aid 20c varietire. LILES-RDFFIH & CO. The Pure Food Store WIIES IX COXCTUB Ilire t Traaa or Iry of D. . EYEKLTT The death rat records of thelCrtppe. Aetaava of aay IUaaan railroads have ba leead maier I affertioa K a'-aada oa rrvel laUy racantly aa a rult of lb1, aVi 104. TrJ IX tie fr.! 64jlaiJa K!jr ml Ptoacpt Scrrirw 1L jik- urccr or cr p&o&t. .1 5i A -: ' 0

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