! BE SURE YOU ARK R1 Q-HT : TJbdLKJ GO AHLAD.-D Crockett VOL. 877 NO 35 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, AUQUST IV 1909. ESTABLISHED 132 Tutfsf! ONE SEQUEL TO THE BILL. TARIFF stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthea the" digestive organs regulate the bowels, and are ua equaled as aa . ANTI-BIUOllStoCINlv In malarial districts their - lit ate . are widely recognized, as they pos sess peculiar properties ia freeiar the system from that poison. Ele gaatly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. . Producers, Consumers and Prices As Already Affected by the 'Much-Mooted "Cotton Schedule!" PREVALENCE OF CRAFT. Its Curs Seems to Lis in a Full Real izatlon of Citizenship. I Many causes coald be assigned for the universal prevalence of graft. But one of them Is the dlference many citizens act like the passengers of public affair. private affalra Cotton goods manufacturers of Now England, elated over the pas-' saga of the Aldrich-Payne tariff. bill, are preparing for an Immediate are being watched very closely, but boom in the demand for good, es- public affairs are Intrusted, very " Theodore Roosevelt, in working into the heart of British East Ai- r;ca soon will find an Irish gl" riling oer an estate of 175,000 acres. She ia tbe daughter of the Earl of Enniski.len, :and her marriage- to Lo-d Delamere " was a romance of hnntlnz "field. Dolame're was thrown from, his horee end the young woman nursed him In a farm house. Soon they wree married an-J Delamere took, his bride to East Africa. . - . . Uncle Sam's postage stamps are manufactured by the Bureau of Ln graving and Printing at Washington ; the stamped envelopes and news paper wrappers are made under de partment supervision, under con tract by a private corporation whose factory is located at Dayton, Ohio, while his postal cards are " made under similar conditions at Rum ford, Me. DIXIE ICE CREAM Can be made, and frozen in 10 miuaies at cost of One Cent a Plate. 8 Jsll-Q ICE MM Mill into a quart of milk and freeze. No cooHng, no heating, nothing else to add. Everything but the ice and milk in the package. Satisfaction guaranteed. This maVes 2 quarts of the most delicious ice cream you ever ate. Woe Kinds? Chocolate, Vmffi. Strmm berry, Lemo at J U flavored. 3 packages 25c. at your grocers, or by mail if he does net keep it. Illustrated Keel pa Book Tree. The 6enesee Pure Food Co Lb Roy, N. Y. neclalllv textiles of ths higher erade3. ' Trade has been somewhat quie during the past three weeks, but U was realised that buyers were waiting, holding off. in spite of the accepted certainty that there would be no change In the cotton schedule when the new tariff measure should finally be passed and signed by the President. --''"- often, to incompetent men. No one seems to care for how pubhe money is spent. Whose business U that,, ,, ' '"In regard to pubUc expenditures many cUlxens act like the passesge on. the sinking ship. He was clnuy enjoying a pipe on -deck, when some one came rushing . up to him and announced that the ship wa fining THE HOMELY POTATO. Its Origin, Development, and Near est Relatives In 'Vegetables. The origin of the potato was pro bably due to the fact that a part 1 of the stalk became bruised, thus causing a sort of stoppage to the flow of starch which the root were sending up Into the stalk. It became burl id in the earth, perhsps through the lulns beatlag upon It. and as the starch was deposited at the obstruction, an enlargement of tuber was formed. .The seed from ths knotty stalk naturally produced plants that tended to .have tubers upon them and so on until the well developed potato came Into existence. In this connection It might be stated tha the tomato plant, ana the tobacco plant ' are of the same Advices from various narta of the country satisfy the manufacturers wllh water would sink unieaa I family as the potato, showing plain- that the trade Is In need of goods. tae C0U . W vaaii, ne saia, wnai is inai i us; ii i Jut even while demand has luleeeet for the past three weeks, the prlcse have been advanced on a wide range of lines, the Increase vary Ing from one-quarter to one-half cent a yard. The market Is firm at these Advanced prices, and the mill men declare there will be no let-jp in figures for those who have con tracts to place. The mills are pret ty well supplied with cotton, nearly all in this section and at Fall River having enough raw matreial to meet their needs until well Into October or later. The new cotton crop wllf be avail able next month, and even tlie high grade cotton required for fine goods which comes to market later will be at hand by the first of October. The manufacturers expect that those who must buy then will have to pay thirteen cents or more. They are fig uring future contracts on such a basis. Providence ft. L Dispatch to New York Evening Post S'ole Same Cow Twice. They have another queer case , at I the Frankfort Penitentiary. Sam Kirk, soon to be released. Is serv ing his second term. He stole the same cow twice, and there Is , a tradition here that he will make another try for the cow if that I animal Is still living when he gets his freedom; Kirk took the ; cow no, our ship." That U the question many' citizens' ask, mentally, regard ing the sinking ship of state. They do not realize that they s'.nk or float with It. There need to be a revival an awakening of public conscience to real zatlon of the duties and res- poos W.i'.ies of citizenship. AVben that . comes and the citizens sre prepared to assert their consll-u-ion-all t&ht to self-government thilr win be no graft In public offices. For the people speaking of the majority have no 'other desire than to do rlghL Wrongs'ara generally committed where small minorities ly tha at one time la the evolution of plant life there was but a single parent of. all three. Indeed. It would be possible. In' the course ol time, to develop any one of the plants from the other, and Luther -Jurbsnk has succeeded In blending the potato and the tomato until hs has produced a vegetable that is nM:hT the one nor the other, but having some of the qualities of each. Another thing about the potato that may appear curious to those who do not understand chemistry U that a potato which grows above the ground Is poisonous. You hate probably seen potatoes growing at the roots of a plant where the? MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP PAID MANCHESTER. HAS CITIES WHICH ADVERTISE. City Has Derived Profit of IZ.0O, 000 in Tweny-flye lctrc. MuaL-lpal ownership of the el'. gas plant has proved to be not onl) a profitable undertaking for iian Chester, England, but ecomnulcai tat the consumer as welL Ths city profits since the work were taken over 23 years sgo have been ,.T50J07. while the price o present is only S centa per thousand cuUIc feet, according to a report c ga In thse Manchester district at the bureau of manufacturer. Ia addition to furnishing gar cheaper, the Manchester corporattot has provided free of charge ga staves to all householders making requec'a for the same. A movement Is jBSf foot to reduce the prir ot f to ii cnets for sundry manufac turing pirpotes and a grad-.u'-ed re du.tloa for ordinary usee. Tj illustrate the growth of tb buslaesa. It la stated that U prod uc-111 various newspapers and mtIae LONG-RANGE ALLUREMENT. Spokane, f aft to, Rehester - and Other To arts Seek. Pvb !. Spokane tnaia'slns a pebPctty b reiu ths: s??ptl s the Bwpepre thiojghvut the coaotry wi'.b Interest ing l:rma. thjt keeping the asms ooosun'ly la the public eye. to:orsd Sprlags sad Sa Aatoaio IJ have publVrfy burr a us that )T along slatlsr lines. Dearer re lies for Is alvrrrtsleg alooet ea Urrly oa the brlsgieg of roaveattoas the el'y. Bo d-es Seattle, says the Sprtar r.eld I'nioa. the Ulw blc tla ilraegrs will carry bck wl them favorable tmpreesioaa and eocae of "-bm will either ret urn as prtsant c'X Zf as or infla'ace friends who ey coa-enip:at a change of idaet. t iDusxon has art lt!f to U tats or su.Cf many thousands to I pop'.Uka through the medium of a boosters club aad advertlstg Of log capacity of the works U X6.00. OW cualc feet per 24 hours, against 13 000.0 0 la 1SSS. Aa laves meat ol fl3.3S2.S75 capital Is represented. Manchester has a population o: aboil 600.000. Cltri lb Hiv.n to VTwk as4 ewlla y kkiarr are r lUtforsntjiKiMwiMitStnir. IWwon, if kaiawy XromUm at I 1 XVut sails are awoat Lkcty lelaCee. YeatcOe J 8MW4 W tary 4 '. e4 eware ef Uie AeVertjeer Wfce fera te De Tea UvcK. Pay bo mooy to aa aakaow-a tr- i soa for aa usknowa aKWK If a toaa who doaY kaw yo r.r yow a oo throagh the saaSe a&4 aaks aaooey f rota joe. VAi wt wtat the jo u rvt. aad ttea da"l pay the zaoaey. Good ab doml ha at taea by sna3. They doaY have to If It's a salary ha otters row. he's a setar. ttoeevt feuslaeae caea sot pay sUrje to aoaeea asrtWaata. tf he "guaraateea so taach pr day or . or ZBocvh to row. he's a "- J i mm aw. earalag powers wnhowt kaowttg who SUaWa A trui w-LJobsv or what row are. If he cKe tempJi-. rt "?f m" U 1 wwwKf wa W UaAtrr Tvwaniv. ha soea na.iaiA. tt tsg C-rmt, mmSg to eavroa aaocg t's ttau a&4 Mas yo for a dpoc:t o a aaa;la ankU. ahaa klsx. Y wroulial py taoaey for aa ert3ci ya had er ea to a aaaa you caac4 to et oa the er hcaaae ho prweshd ya aa agency. Why tba. py U, o arvC Therviare. kn kklarve are wwk er earl A anW. i - ywa caa a4evAa wow ewackjy pea ea Ure bniy as aS ect4 aal horn every errwa to iu to oo ea esrv. U roa are sack or -feai tatfty.- Vrrla Froca rtuffato romi the news that ia Dua:a's mea or that city pur pose to spend Se.ooo la the aat f ve years to put bf ore the peopie I aa aakaowa who caSs frees afar to of ths Vattd Stairs the a4ts&Ur I ya tbrovth a aewspaper or aa succeed, in usurping the power that wree partly exposed to the Cght. rightfully belongs to the majority. Deaeret Evening Post. MEXICAN ROMANCE. Hermann . Bernstein,, jusi uvfeome from & tour of European capitals-in thee interests of Zionism, reports .the interesting fact that the deposed Sul tan s promise to Dr. Herzi of . sym- pahty win the Zionist desire to come Reared Amid Riches, Girl Seeks Peas ant Mother. A remarkable story of the restor ation . of a beautiful young girl to her Jnoher afUer a separation of many years comes from Matehuaie, S-ate of San Lois" Potosl. Sixteen years ago a young Ameri can woman who came to Matehuala to visit the family of an American If you have, you have noticed, no doubt, that they were green, and If you have tested the part of the pota to la the light, you have also dis covered the taste of green tobacco.- unUke the taae of green obacco. Dayton News. Names of European Rulers (Today.) Tut leailcg nil-rs of Europe are: Grai Drl-ala. El ward VII; France. Ar-noad FaXeres; Germany and Prus sia, William II; Delgiam. Leopold .11. Austria . Francis Joarph; Lu'gsrla. Ferdlaand: Dtnmark, Fredetl k VtU. Greece. George; luly. Vkor Emman uel t:i; Monaco. Albert; NV&naau WUhelmlna; Norway, Haakon VII: tugal. Manuel II; ROumanla. Charlrs; Rjaal. Nicholas II; Servla. Pe ter; Spain. Alphoaso XIII; Sweden. Guslar V; Turkey. Mebamrd V; per ela, Ahmed Mlrza. PhUadelphU Preaa. i RUSSIAN GIRL'S TROUBLES. Crosses Ocean Three Times Before Finally LWIk;. After having crossed the Atlantic ocean three times slace June 16. Marie Drosloakl. the 11-year old Rus- mlalng man was ardently wooed byj.Un t,r, wno WM deported a short a well-educated Mexican named Anu. mhm hAA -.rf.-a nio Ugalde. During that time the yoong woman made the acquaintance and was cauzht and convinced. He i was aent to the penitentiary t for of Mrs. Marta Gonzalez, a poor Mx- one year. He announced mat. ; us . jean working woman, wno naa a soon as he got out he would go , beautiful baby girl, a little more back home and get that cow. It Is j than a year old. The American girt 1 though tha he felt ho had earned : was devoted to this Mexican baby. into, control of Palestine, is now prov-l tbe cow by reason of having served! and when she and Ugalde were mar lng one of the most serious obsta-Jone year in the penitentiary for thelrlel the bride obtained the consent rlPc tn. Tanrlsh hnwu nt nIH fmm UtMltnv nf thn linlmL Tm tr T1L8 rT Mm ConzSiez la LSKR IH blcj the Young Turks. CASTOR IA Tor Infants and Children. . . TUB lied Yea Hate AIwajs BcsgM promise, as woon as ne way released he went back home and Again stole ithe cow. He was convlcAl and sent up for double his first; term. It Is re corded that v be never did anything wrong except steal that cow. Louis ville Courler-Jouiual. Bears the ginaureo l The rainfall of- the continent, af ter long collecting of records', has been established to average 30 in ches a year. Ocean measurerrents difficult, but after considering: U .known facts, Fritsche has ex cluded that the entire earth's sui face has a mean annual rainfall of 35 Inches. This means a total of 883,000.000 metric tons , of water every minute. u ... I A ll.u . O M M Via. 0 I virwMwny -"-7 "M " 7 T7cUcU4 Da you want to know the i ..... . . i . . . or tne nappmess ox ine: Taste the nectar that 1 flowing this word of toll and strife? ' ani Q have her suddenly reappear Would you learn to smile at trouble jUs: blossoming into womanhood, and to keep your temper sweet? fashionably attired, with all the with her oa a trip to the United States, pomlsing to return the child in a lew weeks. All this happened 13 years ago. Mrs. Gonzales never heard of her child from thatday until recently, when a vision of loveliness darkened the door of- her humble lodgings Street., announced that she was theong secret lost daughter of the poor Mexican woman. Mrs. Gonzales has mourned ln her daughter as dead for many years Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA INSURE RGB i NST HBIlT Then move out of Grouchy Alley and reside on Sunny Street. You can laugh at every trial, an your Ills will flow away; You can revel In your gladness every hour In the day , And your heart will eoh3 snatches of the songs your Hps rspeat. If you'll move from Grouchy Alley out on happy Sunny street. Why be lingering ia shadowa, when the sunshine ever fair. Bids you come out where the blos soms and the bird songs greet the air? beauty of face of th hign-caaie sp Ua senorlta and the pretty man nerisms of the Amet lean lady of ed ucation and culture was almost too much for the poor Mexican mother, and It was some time before she could be made to realize the true sit uation. Tha yo-ng woman knows very little Spanish, and as her mo-her caa talk no English, tt is necesssry for them to carry on their conversa tions through an interpreter. It was an interesting story the new-fojnd daughter told. She says tha steamer Kalserln Augusta Vic toria at Elite Island, arrtted in LojUvLIe at 7:20 of clock yester day morning at the Seventh Street d?pot. She made th e trip to Lou's vlilj over the Baltimore and Ohio railroad. She came from Rum la to maka her hoeme with the family of her cousin. J. L. Seidenaisn, of 2 East MaJIson street. Mlsi Drotlnskl pissed through aa ezperlence which aeldom comes t3 one of her age. About six months ago her mo her died and ar rangements were made for the girt to come to America. She arrived ia New York on June 26 from Wllna. Russia, wlh but 50 cents In her pock t nwinM of the new ruling c4 William Williams. Commissioner Immigrants, an immigrant is renui ed to have a, least 23 la his or hei pots Ion. A ti.gnm wss sen. t the girl's couein. Mr. 8eldenmaa. who Immediately telegraphed the nc--sary money to allow her to e.i-- the part and come to Loulsttie. Through aome mistake vr. select man aaya oa the part of th U'e mrti onmoanv the monev ws Bji wru f " w m delivered until after the g'rl ' been deported on June 1 to Ilatrlnrg The girt la unable to speak Eng lish, but related her ezpenence to of the Lake City. It la also propoead to create a pa-lU-l y 0.j ladufttrtsl bsreaa which hall have charge of p'otttg 1.- 0 a year aad shall interne lt:f la hriaglag conventions to DufTajo. No; to be oa'daae by ttfTso. Rochester hse tka ap this qo U3q of advert lalag, aad oae of the la:esi ciU-s to edpt tie lira Is Sp-iagMeUl. Mara. Kaaaae CTty la said to be the piaaevr la this n nl.ipal advcrcialat. New York Sa- alae? Let. hua. U he bo hoove. a4 hie aajapte oa approvaL AU. above alL wha yow hare Wa swl&d Ul tr i fake advertlawr. UU tie publtaber of the t4isa la wlkh yoa fowad the edverUeeaeet. O he's hooeet. hell be gtad to ksow R. tf he's dUboaeet. hell ho comfortaUe. Two to oae, he took that adverUeesaeat w Vh aa ey feieg aay way. Aad tf 19 pr rt of the vktlas protwtd with lit m'ii thu Is la theai agslawt ih wladUa, per coal of the p-y The beet reaedy we know cf I Urreaiats who thrive oa pr1a"-arr I la art casea of Kidaey aad lliadlrlak woald either take to hoaeet la-1 or or to the woods-omwrs week ataaAt the ttWWoaw fetn an i taKo atraXh mtat-ag iainnt haw tore prorra la thocaaaca cJ Lb tag caara. u oa awwa a tboaU hwre lie toaC. 6--4 h-v trrna ia t-ftyvwt aa4 ce dal f lax eaaaw. Voe eaav hew a aar hxtie br sa4 trem. alao a tmja;Jst tvisg yoa , m-rm to lad J m hw haiawy OV t.dfcUrr IroaUe. Kfla Uj fmj w&ea wvu o iv. a.uwrr ax t-attaaw.iow. . Y. roai i Ulf, tt trwraf ll Koec. as4 CamX art a 4ar a 3 a ... Eternity. Man think oa countless ages gone And left but din. uncertain trace Oa shifting soil thai too hss passed And U new lands resigned the race. O think of days when earth wa but An lnfsat la life's waking throes. Then turj to present days and see Earth older grown aad clad wPa wo. rouble aod the oae we aiaye caa recoaaead. U DeWIU'a KVl aey and Dladder puu. They are a'iejic gad at ace aut e aijaeys to prforta thvlr laponaa: work, fiat whea you ak for these atUa be positive that yoo get D Kt Kidaey and n:dr pi. here are Ixl'-atloos p;cd poa le to deceive yu. Ot DWJtta lauat epoo them, aad If your d- caa not supply yoo rrfuae aaythta else la pi see of tha. Jtold by al Across the mind let tlaloos fly. Of nature la its opening page. Gr.at twisted roos unhelp crud . trees. "Earths primal br.tes la strife engsg'd. Let thouzht r it urn to present scene AnJ f.l.am of Uny bloeeoa near. Rebuke the searching after clews That baffle atlll the, wisest seer. For dainty tracings oa the fold Of gold p-'tal edged with brown Rrveal the Hand that holds tie key. E'-ernlty with Qod U found. Thi II sre-ly Ireith that made the :iw;r To pass III fe'i.g time oa earth Uv.s e'er, aad a l l U many blooms Ia other sp-ijgtlmes gives new birth. iMh EJlkolt Poe. Cenetoe Owt Pys Lefjet. Coo'toe woa fro- Ltrrti FTliat to th tea of nar to threw. th featarts of the game befeg ke p'tchlcc of Weeks fr VttM aid Dr. Creea for Cooetoe. reader we robWl of hu. fcy DUre eareSeat catch of hla ki drive to rttU nl4 whch rUrd the svi wtih three a oa bpa. Oe'o cored two raas ha acoa4 laa'&c ff lowed by ooe to third. Leczwta aa4 1 3 4 ty ooe ta third. Ltzt aside , two ruas ta the fourth aad oae la the r.rth. tWc be score. Mir was made by enher aide V-U the Ul hallf of the alah UaUg wt Csoetoe west to the bat, wh two a'.tUe aad aa reror T-4 the base aad att zaa to bat got a hit whld scored the wlsala raa. Tlaae oae hoar aad tS".j zta"s foptre. Jack Je&klea who gave ea- C ia ttefW b yoa do TvW w-ui tw daaf7ira,rtoL TARtORO MALE ACACEMr. The tld, yea wader re prvat pr.ictai a ca htofcisy, the of SvMzber. 1M, with' a 7 frocg croi of tacU ha bo' a it ataie a&l rvzaae iMpf-ts-iiJL. Te wwa of tsotracUoa: TJt4L M Uea'V.a, aa4 CaaJbaea. Fss parwd for aa'.raawe lata aay eMe of the U. t, far U aCiady of tXe prottVica, for teach u la'Oo psbSe St.ooMe, ao4 aao for Das'ftaoa. A esatay cw&rse la SJee, aar pU2y d.'-Vy as tkd to agrV cartsra. a few boys T-ad boart tU Ue pr-ji ::!. oris c V rod tooMa U prteale Us-.W hT ti echooL For caAaorwe a&d tTAr Uaorsva Uoa rat er ta the pr:?,. F. S. W1LKLN40.N. Sign Of The Timee, Every time we pWk up a aewtpa- pr or taagaxlae wo Cad oae ot t&ore articles regarding the wOaoerfal adtaaeea made ta promoting saeaaa of cocnmualcsUoa. ta the cOua'ry ah;re the roads sre practically la- passable for months ta the year. "Good Roads" w he slogan. la those aecUnu alreajy enyoylag good roads, the faraera are bsjtcx aa- I tire aatUfacUoa to ba svse. moblies. la the larger ciUee where I The axt game of bH wSl be p:r tber are both g-d roads aad toe.l4 bcre betweea httred aad O dirigible bal'aea aad aersptaae arelaetoe. Tuesday. Asx- It lb. ThW wt3 being ezperlmeaied with, t ttelho a gaU day for Ctoaetoa, a Varbe; del!ht ot the crowds who nHk oaMcoe at twelve, a ba gaaso every time they hear a r4mor of aa 1 three, flowed by a daaco that aigtt. "The rm Via Tat FOR NEXT CHRISTMAS. Not Coo earty to prepare for R. aad Ue o&a f lsg above t3 oO. rre that woald add cooat te yor hoeae e&4 Its h-r'aa la a 4 STIEFF FLAYERelAXO. that greouo I of that taakee every fasZy a i aU iastraaX Sbetaber of tXe CHILDREN WHO ARE SICKLY. Mothers who value their owa ;3xafort an.! t e welfare of their children, stc'-ld never be without bo of Mother Gray's Sweet Tow- ders for CUldrea. for use throjgh- her cousin after her arrival in LO"1 jout the season. They Break p Colds. viUe. She told him ahe was H . . Teethlcr Dlaor uiau wa-aatav ea w a made arrangements through lhe ders Never FalL Sold by all drugs .v.. ... k.v .s. ki. remem-1 ' " " " -.latoia. lie Doot accept any su We Protect Your Crop AgainBt Yo,a walk pan. of pleasur-. "? .7. lived in Chlcaso. and M'""!, "1,," ,k. ..Rut.. A trial package will be seat . T-k u. l I . -- - . luraiaa oia r-- . . a escrncuon or uma6t: w . with expectant earr feet, wat Uught to believe that Ulgafle Jtilw Taken Only lis E Igcombe Ir youll banlsh GrouChy alley for her utber and Hoty.- Lvery ear Money IS the Joys of Sunny streeL mnrr Thev treated her well Paid aliuaifire From Hail. The Piu 4ent Farmers will Not Neglect this Op portunity. The Following An- ijua,l Statement Gives our Fioaa rial btiiudiing ANNUAL 8ATEMKNT EDGF- COMBE MUTUAL HAIL IN STTTtANCE CJi . OF TAEBO- U . N. C. Man-h J. 1909. - - j - - - j Oh you'll learn the peaca of loving and as she grew up she wss gvcu ths best educational anu t as you never did before. And you'll strike a mine of treasure from life's overflowing store; And success will ever guide you. and you'H never know defeat. If youll Just leave Grouchy alley for delightful Sunny street. So look up and face your trials with a confidence supreme! vantages taat the means of her suir pjsed parents would allow. She was n.rr.. u,n When 11 VCdLII Old aa eucu a a mm j Mary was placed in a convent, where sha remained until a few weess g, when she returned to the home of the Ugaldeaiu Chicago. 'She found .ttt dameatls trouble had arlaen. ti furnleh hU rrlau ceasary funds to permit her to enter . t t. ths United SUies. juss urownaa. left Hamburg a few days later on the steamer Cleveland, which land si h.r in New York on July 28. In Nsw York she wss met by a filnd of hlr. Seldenman. who saw her safe ly aboard a train bound for Kentuc ky. Friends met the girl at the station yesterday momtng and the I Seldenman, family were overjoyed at her arrival. Louisville Poet. free to any mother who will address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. T. JMar. 2, 'OS, Bal ou hti ', f 2,240.15 1 Happiness will be your portion not a By premiums recti in By iut acct, 634.25 60.00 Apr. 1, $2,9-M.10 -iiaiLg state meal 7.50 0S. To tax.e. etc., 25.50 T Caoi mission 4 oa premium, 126.85 Postage, -90 Bal oa tiaxid 2,773 61 ' $2,934.40 J o. F. Shackelford, Sec'y and TreaF. J?, 0. Fender, Agent, vague and misty dwam; You'll experience the fullness the happy life complete Just by leaving Grouchy allley the jays gt Sunny street. ...... Los Angeles Express of for . . - Lie and that Ugalde had acsei'a wife, i was then that Mrs. Ugalde t3id Mary the secret of her life. The young woman Insisted upon returning tJ her Mexican mother In Matehuia, and her wish was gratiflJd. it 1) s ild that soma of the Ameri can mining men in MatehuU have investigate! the girl's story and find It o be true ln every respect. Bus On . . . v a n..n wAmlfi' nsg Deu piacea u - college at that place to learn op Haulsd . a nkt, Charlie Latham, who woi-ia Jones Dozler's farm .will bt ft 1 tie mora particular ia handling oats lf9 tn) nnl.hlng touches to give his horse. He came u . mAueMlloa Phnadelphla Re- Friday, and after taking out Ms horse, took out the oats which he. ' ; ' a.l VtieirT . had placel la me rear oi u T Weeks. lllet:.- A ,v. k,m mariM The Tarboro Cotton FSctOry clos ABlUlUiug i,t a,uv wwaet S 1 ueUm P CaDa aajvL awl 1 CaaUloupe PatcH Cobbers, B F. Shelton had and has patch- of very fine csateloupes. As the melons wou'd iliea. they would d'asppear at night. So general and Stolen Sm.les. Psilal t Shall I tell your tuat4 sir?. Brokelv Tea. Tell It to up. Puck. Blobbs The girl to marry U girl who be'Uvea la kv la a tag). Blobbs Yes. !' a girl bcUevts that, yoa could stuff br with aay o:d thins. for- hurry the ct- Fa'hei Ye. sir. I bntan ss office boy. and b-.re I am at top of ths tree. And what ! . . . . ji,nriiilnii tKatl,ww"raJ " nui f-vu 'iuuuu. . ci . wuv r i . fc m . , i. I win d ue ii "" t . . he gathered nont tor nimseu. , next a: th r- U town. He set steel traps, and ne The Prodigal (calmly) Yes Hr morning found Ma melon thieves In But not, till jou die! Tit Li:s. the shspe of a number of opossums.,. to his surprisa at finding colled under ed down Monday 9th tor twoweeas. you wUl ju W ... ..i. ... .. .nm sola or ill araititU. the seat a large popiar-ieai mocc-"-. The hosiery muis sei -n . 1 1 w a a r am Kilt the snlnnlnc hnd Take Kodol at the times when you feel what you haT eaten U not dig rating. Kodol digests what you eat so you can eat sufnc401! 1 That no reforming han4 caa rMh of any good, wholesome food, if it. Some ooe has glvea the world Pretty gsod thing, says a welter the Richmond News Leader: I am thankful that the Sun aad M :o: Are both bung up so high etimpel lUjbt. tli la machiaea. astoaobtlea aad gol roads may la time reach all part of this country. mou&teJa aad valley, alii aad tvtap. but some of ua do ast waat to wait for thtta. Life is u3 earertala aad abort at ask. . beaL Tha a. loo.Thre la ooa caag which la surer thaa aa alrwhfp, re- Qulriog fair weather, or automotive dependent apoa good roada. It ry not be Quite so rom antic but U is wl hia the mva&a of eery ooe of a. aad it Is evaUable at aay ua. The rural la;hoae. U farmers best haad aad ata wUes bat fruad. has come, aad coae to stay. No maur how many deliver tha R- F. I), maa kva. aor hww tralod or smooth the road, there always cocoes a time whea yo waat aome ooe or some'hiag """ it now." aal the rural Uiepboae la the thtcg whl h Is going to eotve the prohiess The Caralina Tlrhoae grath Company, baa b this particular branch aes receatly. and U mewtiag market aocca. All throvch "htr terrtlory llaes are bla bum la to their etcbanse. The arrvlce g'va over tht Uaee are cooataal source of wonder to many of the oJ4 e- Uers who were not raauiar w.- tht magic of te -voice 1 the boa. Oae reeaoa fr this gnel a'jfac- tiia U that the Dcr Den graae til-p'oies. rvcOftt-d as the b .e hat a-?irau l ta world. Rj-al ttlrpael l!ae caa be bulH a. sxh sa.ht eapoe. aad thy a )li f r ta the ltv.:oatat cf to:) the baeiaeea aad sj.lii Ife of a coaauaOy. that we jk forward t the time wbea ev jt farm will hate Its telephone, A jtaa aad a mule are a good cwa- i'.Io i la a cottoa or a corn r.-4-t as a oeass of svcuMag" taforaa tla or aaaUtaace uekkly, they jus-, gite way t newer and better tae'hods. Mask by Tarboro Ortwara, CONCTOE. Out of a total of W Soh Fts eipditoea. aloe hate bea firjsisaa. The deadly g-aage of Nroe draak eues was a Havly wrought IsUgtto rteg. iWa he coald aot see the rwrsrew oa K he kaew he ww Arek- Weetera Cserope ts heguatag to ship frv'tl to the far CaM the S.berUa raUway wbWh fmerty wvt by water Va lUaVwrg. ei5are!y a a !.rriu td oaaoaarvr traiTic to Japaa aad d'Aa by way ci Td voatok U aiao ao-lae. the proofcaa. tr.rbnii y w bs mrettag w5Lh VT 1 I 4 mm HER LIFE TO Lydia E. PInkham's Vegetable Compound W. Va -I fl that I ewe tho lut tea years of my UTa to Iila K. Itair sw s f- eupyrUiit. IN ALL CCUTft'B; .,.. r.flm IL talent. Pttint and lntr)ngmet Praew !" VrK T HrtlD-i to IKK i Kiuti. KcrMt, n ValM BtatM Vaa mmw, WASHINOVON, D. C. Very Rapid Qrowth. Fj.- raplirj of growth. John. F. Shackelford has a stalk of cotton on hs S-rabane fann that U probably wlihout a rival. It had turned red di tnm the excessive rains, 'drownded ouW as locally expressed, ft was givsn a sJcotJd ferUlixatlon. gndi Jen days grew 33 Inches. i - ago. weaving mills did not follow suit till this year. Now they are doing so. No doubt the slack demand for yarns prompted thla, but It Is one that ahould be observed every yer. if the operatives desire It. gives all a vacation and at same, time permits over-hauling A 4hi Pure ai Ijakjihy. WOd machinery nd nia being put It the of ln Raise Mere Chlcksna and Turkeys. Day light, Tena. August Slat. 110 J. W. H. Macnalr. Tarboro, N. a Dear Sir: Tour CAIcken Powuenn cava great satisfaction It carts gape and keeps them ta a thrift trow ing: condition caa t ralsa poultry suc cessfully without It. Very respectfully. 12tS MRS. Q. S. MCKNIGHT. To take them from the sky. For If the werenX I have no dubt That oois presumptions aaa Would mova t take them from their plaoe Aad Urht the world with gas. UeWltis Utile Early Rre. Btats Wife Aad tk.pa. C. A. Ilymss, near peony H2L beat ha wL'e aad ba fearfal of lie cooseaaeeeace has dtparted thee parts. The bea'-ta occurred about T- LaU Cota&eaad. Lma years ago i was a walking tho. lbadbewa uxwr Ue doctor's rrab-3 frtnrsi:rf. My hatband pr. evaded ao to try I.rdieE. I"talha s Veeetable Com. MSaadnworava eeca-arua. arw Uew4 all ay TaisJ aod auavry. 1 uuie au women to take Lyi-a t Ili-aa s Vcvtable Cottpouid-"" . tatata WMUTnt.l6t,-a Ltiii H llakt-aa s Vrrttalie Ca- nouad. KAie from taUve rocu aial ierta, crotalns no tarrotlrt or Larta- for ue larreat saer of act aal curve ef fetiale dirars of ax v similar LK as sgrvt a (Caa far jn,titg oea ta your boeae at laaot by tt CHRISTMAS. - V aot Vefore, We avake K ery for yoa to Ivy oae froa sx-akef to hocae, Wrtto far jVaiars. CTIAB. M. fiTTETF Ill Graaby gL, XotioZL, Vs. He&Uoa tlia p a per. OVai faae, laaukwia Lihaa, Netco e Ova nor, flats- mwacrv4 aa a&Uraor of Ue eavtaie af htary Aaa Z Ute of kVgvooxs.be cty. aro hereby gtwa ta aS ti-wefj tf iti cUlaa aa-a.'ae. ay U' a- to fwoaeas. OMr cZaas daJy pr' oa or before Aarvt Ua li.s or '3- wUct d bt ial U bar ef rrr- ery. Xll rereoos sada4 to bet be ramrod to stake tscaa.oi rr CCO&CO T. DAWES. Anvr. lUkapaoowrg. N. C AdwlVlons NeUce. ttsu waiod as AetaUJafrster of Ue eU!e of Ja R- Carrey. 4Vv cwaoaia. Lata f a-S-ca.Ve Coy. North Car7aa. tlua to V aaufy a3 pvreoas ksttag laieaa a"-- tbo eo tale f aaM 4x4 to seVK Ueaa, dsUy wfOd. to the aadeAg4 at has oCVw U Taaoeo. N. C oa or be fore the h day of A-, lll. ua aoOo wU be CwJd u br c tVr rwovery. A3 troe tot- L ai4 e"a;e oil iOeoe ak U saedse pj-sal. ThU Ue A day of Aaravt. IrJ. R. G. ALLSUJtQOlC A4r I rota 1 ut -I j.- . vv-fw4an4at lfn t ir:a lie I r-m in t rnnirr. arid Uoaaa&ts of voiuxtary iaw3Ji- -r -Ua Iinkhaa UboraUry at Lpa. M iu froa wonara who Lava baw-n th pleasant, safe, sure, easy liver puis. Aaalveyou aay alw aye came here where he trd, drew he waslhiaaa r- in .n .karai o aome Boaey. admr tiai t. rwawttt-a rrtotued f blame and wro his wife a - - eM w w. mmJ - - Witch Haiel Sal v a especially for Piles. Sold by all druggleU. good tetter which he said was aakleg br forglveaeas, but ipect. ihich he old not cared from almost a very ito female c;UlU. liaasa'oa. cernUmd);a4eatAtbrU tuskers. trrvrttaea,TerWd rtf IttrreUoo at aerrecs jroa -ration. Every rweh eert oeavaa w-ya a ftrwlf to tire LvCla X- Plakhaa t U yo wroabl LkasparUl ajfvlrej about your caa wnrtte a coafldea tlal letter ta PJJffZ Lrna, taas. U Iroe ADwiiTUTO"rS KOTiCC tULg a:vn4 aa aaia.Jrtr of ie eocste of C C Pe. . iMm of i'ora.be Cir, N" Caroia, Ule la to fjfy all t'" aj haUe: c'stwi atot U 've ef aal V4 to eakn. U'n (0 Ue a4rVg-4 at Tsrvora, a or bfw te tu f A lit, or Uta tjofVe wU be jid ta bar of Ub rcovry. A3 (4 t&dvod to aaVj b UU 'J teaae at Uaadite pay avat. Tla Ue tta tJ ef Avrv. - J. L. TtXLK. AdsU.laSraV of C C R O ALIJMUUAJJC. AUy. aa4 always