11 i BE 8URE YOU AE'K RIGHT ; TH OO A. H -KAIX-T) Orockott TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9 W&. ESTABLISHED 1822 VOL.87. NO. 38 If II IN Wilmington In The Air. I Thr American Aeroplane Coaipany.! ITTIiMlnirUn TWVl1Ta n ftl&rtPT q; V) liuiiuwu, for the manufacture of machines for tia "navigation of the air or land." The authorized-capital- is t: $125,000, anl the incorporators are among thj most prominent business and professional men of Wilmington, tn cjsiing F. A. BiUinger, W.'B ( ooyt, C.;H. Dick. V PolvOgt, TS. Eissinger, E. Picard. R S Piatt, E P H Strunk, J H Drhr, Russ2ll Eel lay, Albert Schild, J. Lrkk aa. D.i'ii Palmgren. The company is to dsvoloo the. flying machine recent j7 invented in Wilmington," "the Model of which is said to promise gr31t things, it has been recently -1 saej that the . first flj machine of tnis . pat- t-a'-rUl he raady for public derisou s: a'un oa the occasion of President Taf 's visit to Wilmington -while raak iaj his Western and Southern tour ;hu fail. . ' ' ' A RECORD COTTON CROP. Pi HIGHEST TOWN THE WORLD." COTTON CROP SUMMARY.- A FACT ; ABOUT THE "BLUES' What is known as the Blues' Is seldom occasioned by actual exist Ins external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER, - THIS IS A FACT - which may be demonstra ted by trying a coarse of TiiWi They control and regulate the LIVER. They bringhopenndbouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE MO SUBSTITUTE., A new Swedish dirigible tor pedo, operated by electricity, has a range of 5,000 yards and a , speed of 30 knots an hour at any depth. MAKE !CE CREAM FROfnl WATER and a siriTl Quantity of condensed mill;, if l:esii mule cannot be had. i" RCCTPC. - ' J4 pir-: r.it.T; miik ots . . . J06e. Ad l - iou4?i cold water to aiake on w:.rt MO Chi lit. Tark2 JEl-L-O 1CK illUM. 1-vtr.lrr . ..... .IOC Totel . . . . ; .19c Mix all together thorocghly and freeze. I'on't heat or cook it ; don't a1i a-aythmj eke. This .trkstwo ouarts of delicious ice f crontr ia 10 minutes at very small : COS . ,- r.'jo you ffvcw rr's purs. Crrr-v, --- s an L iffraz-orta. 1 pacLao? 25c.. at all grocers. IVtut.tictl Ilr!pe Tiraok Frc. The South Broke all Records In A- mount of Cotton Consumed New Orleans, La., Aug. 31. Statis tics showing - that " more ctton was handled during th a' commercial yap ending at midnight tonight than ever before and that all records had bean broken in the amount of cot ton consumed by Southern I mills was the features of th annual crop statement of Secretary Hseter, of tha New Orleans Cotton Exchange. Tha document forms the prellmln y report of Secretary Heater's an nual review ot the commercial year. Tha couQ' of the commercial cro;? showed it to be the largest on re :ord, 13,825,437 baits. The previous .arg jst commercial crop was 13.56a, 8S5. marketed In 100 i-05.- Last sea son s trjtai was only 11,571,966.' The very large total for this year's crop was a' surprise to the trade lacluding bo-h, thev bulls aua the bears, and If the figures bad lean issued whila trading was go ing on it ia probable that they would have had a depressiag effect 'on prices. . -. - . , The most important feature in the crap the amount of cotton consumed by Southern mlllsv during the seaao which closed today. Here all re cords were again broken, the total being ; 2,539.873 bales. ' This point was regarded by the bulls as being even of more importance than the stte of the crop Itself I: was tak en as official confiraiation of the many stories of the great expansion o cotton manufacturing in the SOu'h. The figures compared with 2,1033. 000 last season and 2,439,000 two seasons ago. Ia the point o' port 73ceip's an other record was broken Net re all ports . of fa Mining Station Run by Americans Far Up in The Andes Cerro de Pasco Is the highest town In the world. The remarkable broad gauge railway by which it is reached passes over a higher alti tude about that of Mont Blanc and there are mining , camps and Indian', villages at greater eleva tions. It Is also trua that thero are higher railway stations, for on the Arequipa-Puno lins the sta tion of Crucero Alto attains he Supeadous elevation of 11.660 feet; but at " 14,200 feet above the sea. lavel there is no oUicr real town of 8.0)0 laaacltants, with a railway station, telegraph, telephones, clubs, churches, sohps, hospitals and vice consuls. It is a wOnderCul example of American enterprise. , Thj section of ths railway wntco rjas from Oroja to this town be loagj ti tha Ccrro de Pasco Min ing Conpany, and is extreiaely com fortables, smooth luaiiEj; and fast. consuming tie grides. It passj through Ine Brassy valley t" graze. by countless herds of llacaAa. un. tii) bias sky, the sparkling streams. A Survey and Conclusion ef One Who Has Traveled Over the Belt. A number of Southerner readers doubtless remember a middle aged RECORD IN GRANDMOTHERS. C9Un-in3 One Grvat-Creat sd Cm CHINESE CEREMONY. Creat Th e Li tis Ctrl Mm N'. MUs Dorothy rreemaa. 1 . yeai o!d. 2S04 Gale s'ract. boasta c: many living rela'ls as acy Ut'-lt n la IndaaapoUs. Ehe hxs caclct gentleman who was here last July, I to tha sixth gen&ra'laa. U.rce greats talking cotton, and saying that he was traveiliDC over tae belt, ob- semn- the l:aa4oa en I reporting his conclusions. Ills nixt is J C. Diets, of Eeulih. iiUs. bslns required to d.rUe the a:t position la the line of Jacob B'- op, e greit-grsat-great-crtai ncl still Uflag. Dorothy represents the iirbt g J. p Shackltford was ose who sub-lra.loa of a lla of women all report, next to the sire of tne J taj P18. coablae with tu Itself was the statement on sro?a Pastures to give c dHsitfu. vh'.ch offJia o tne u-iX-ru-tarren Caileaa ceipts at I were put at 10,062,845 bales against only 8,579,84? last yoar ad 9.913.- !55.two years ago. t Lurerpool will have the very first chance to trade on th ersport. To night the trade is about equally di vided In opinion over the effect of the total, bulls claiming tho bear- variUy of colors strlvicg . contract brown huo of tha And3S. To gat a fair - visw of Cciro Co Pasco It is necessary to go to the -op o: a high rock nvar the run way tta'-ioa. The town, with lis lit tia thatched . houses . and narrow s raets, Iks is a lirge uaJalating basin In wti;h tha talef features arj tha tzl; chimneys and o her OaUJiags be.ongizg to tha xnes. Ia the distance a large lake can hi sj-jn, and a.i arou-ni Cie oriiou 13 stufidid wl-h snowcapped heights. -Si2S03 - VVfc . - " Uae.ui uiuin li cii j vatic uwn uriviog herds V Uoaa&s. the univer sal mountain carrier, now riding mil33 or driving, small carriages over the undulating rods and all his bu3iae3s is a part of the grat wor o- "extracting copper and silver icon tha deep shifts. The rosy cheats 0; the Lilian ca'.Mrea. whose lsllllftia nf tha rrnn it nion thsnl rita v. iiuhn. , via ay color shines tbtocgh thelr consumption . In spite of the claims of the bears, and it is a decidedly bearish document. OUR WATER WAGON. I May Not Prove Expensive The End. in brorn skLo. li tn tnu?ul alght in sajow Sou-h Amarica. ior the ca matj is heal;ty and .av?gorati r. Ia the winter thera U a gr 4 deal or rain and sleet, but the sum mer is bright and crisp end a!. tno year round the te.npera'-ure equable one of moderate cold wbKh tha tupoiometer seldom falls much i Th3 street sprinklar which the below freezing point. town has Just acquired is regarded; Everything at Cerro de Pasco Is v- n .marina annisitkoa "r-.ri- hv h American. T litre u uj 7 . . fmm V.Mf .'.1. look, sni SBfO trAt re to remain soaclois ciia wocre aov;u i:v - . scribed for his r;por.t . Soon aTf r leaving here, he made one which was decidedly bearish. Indicating a crop of about 13.000.000 bales. Upon reaching the Mississippi, he made another, which was practically X the same tenor. On August 30, after he had vlsVed the trans MUsUs!pj4 S'ate and corn Pitted his tour of the cotton belt h made his final report which Is pub lished below. When hero he stated that he serving no particular Interests, h3 was neither bull nor bear, but a tfala Mississippi farmer reporting ci tli ions as he saw them. Tha report Is written J-oat a he talked without any great regard tot grammar. The following is his Interesting ! port: "I enclose ray report oa the co- toa crop to date. Wl bout going lao Li'-Ui or explanations, sufficient to ay tha crop is crtaln:y short a bout six anl tirM-aairer toUUor baiM east of the Mississippi river, anj four and one half wes'.wl'.h tut lit 1 hope or chance of much luprove ment. I have been over a large part of tho Texas crop. Very llUle good co' tin and lots ot poor. I came throu a hot drying wind all day yesterday I ttut State. All reports of dtr before the first week la Aoxuit wer premature and nothing sure, but hot dry wlads covered twebt million of acres the like wts never sfea be fore. Instead of plenty of rain la Auk which seldom faLs. Bat with rains we had without the hot weather we would have mail i a: d oaehail million bales. It li oc: a c-cjtlon of cron any more, and alt "dope" ea It can stop. It In certainly short. The world s-aod for 12 ces: cottoa? It has not done It for over a curr of a c-tory. It Is a mistaken Wea. ht mill hare to have It. If they cant sil the goo is. to coaie oit. wb; should they ran at a loss? They hve boj;h. no cotton yet or sold , r.o goo Is. and thrd Is sot gilar a sar ply to last all the year. They cat bifcla :o cut c5 jo aaa i a- - short Un?. Clo'-hes are mostly worn of whom are alive. Mrs. Catherine R lis, ber gregTea grandotiei. I vjs a: 30$ Nor h New Jcrny street, and is U: :ira. Mary E. Sc-t. aged J, 3-i9 Norht East street, 1 grat-grandmohter; Mrs. John 0Mar 41. i3i North East street. graadmoUi er. anl Mrs. llaxel rreKiio. H- QiUsLeoVts Dorothy's moiar. Coun ing th great-great gra3moth e sad the rreat-t-raodaso-a r. Dorony has else grandroo.bis, sac w I (hereby believed to bold 13 r'd t'oatlh. hi t rrand.'athcrs . Join v w e e 0 Mara. 339 North East s'ra anc Edward Freeman. 2SJS ht auiwood a.enue. She has eUvea great great aunts on her fathers slie, sloe Sria'-grfat nnclss. foar grtat-aaci to gTtst aunU. Oa her mothers sos ass nf-eea greatgretl naclft. aai niaa great oftclee. IadaaapJito bUr. Vu2-t l-ons Sptnt lis Cetebrating the Birth ef a Chit. VKh all thJ poap sad ,t ce o? a Crlat. tit i i u I) Woog Ton. Ia4 Nlag Taaj Comsey, atd DIVELOPINQ A FORClT. The number of rural free de livery postal routes In this State has now reached 1,500, showing "n snail gain during the year. Among the carriers who covered the route are about six women. Fumi'ure manufacturers of High Toijit have placed orders with ' the railways for 400 cars for furniture - jsaitJBents within the next thirty days. Tniry-one cars of furniture wero shipped Saturday. These facts epeak eloquently of the . revival of jbuslnesj. - i ' - If our sandv and soft, so much water will piayei nightly, and ia the hollow be reaufc-ed to lay the dust that below there li a has: jail ground. Eorinklinir with it win be slow and Both these games : are char-icteristl- exnensive. But efforts are being In- cally American, they sro played at t-MitrTiti mnAn to convert it hisrh Drcssure tho whole tima, the least Main street into s; nara, i56-it Diwa ca 63 v ju u - htehway and If this succeeas, tie . boat Dae and a half hours, and the oantn-r of water for-1 dust laying niaye.-s ara nes reduced 66 to 80 per cent. ta ors to hear Objection Is raised to the cost . coarajing or o'herwlse. that arc ov operation. If the street improve ioerjU bestowed. Ths hospility lr . . . e V n J A .1 . . 1 aient L o be mainained ana - or tae Americans ia unuuani uu m.,at no or ojn streets will be eooa : tho hd is one of ths ulnost good be what they were before Alder- f jell ag and good fellowship. The on man mnerrv took active charge of i7 drawback to th vlaitor's eajoy- Gascony PreJuces an Esan-p! of le tsrest to Our Count -y. Wrllng In ErjboJis. Joha L Mat'hews eats: "1 wish .that tioo who have ruined the sciloird fla' o.' Fisrlla. C-rila acd a t"ar liaas couM be iraatportM to Gas coay enl mads to uadtruaJ what woaaeig caa be wr-j5hl by the fro er coa-itrtlag of a turpca'lao forvst O) the e-a face of the sis 1 tMl h!ch cxtead tn unbroken wMp for 75 to 100 miles, bu-ch grsss U pi n"e a regaltr res. to hold the sind from drlf lag. Oa tie tot of the flret tldje U a low welUe fence and a firs brisk, sal tick of Ibis a narrow belt of dwarfed ani stttteJ rt. ct off foir oi five fe.'t from the giund r their branches spread vsr w14 areas. After 1M yards of this, ote comes to a more opea f or.'st of crook el sal s'uUM marl Its pi&e so oeyoal this sgala to the great, free for?'. f t 9f big trees ripe f:r cut tlag, sol of iaailef f'uff rtady etlh er for bleeJ.ng or for e.'praiuctaf tue blj tlnbcr. -AU of Ih'-M forest Is woriei cre falty on a scientific aai dar.n the very years whea oai clrcum tUta of or tse prottty the wsj -n:'. acd ecW. l&r;ottiJ v'ala t tter h tat ta the Car-e4 it.t-s. has bea ceitorsTed a the CalaslovTi of Oakland aad Ran rraa tisro dar.lf the pest week. So far a uaa eacedicg ISt) has been esperded by tke t;ry fath er la baaqueU to his friends., aad the iRtle heir has be a the retp l ot of gtf s valued tsaay thovaanda of dolors. Ani the e&i Is apt 7L for when be feu ncUh4 a-t.-ralnisg m nuraros rrieads Vo(h ar rj sad la San rraatJsco. Woag V"a wll vUlt other cities of (he State and gle ea era !c meat. Over M p.TJOia tiTt bea the Ca-ists of Woag To-j as J t'- wife lsrt-g the past weak. Three baa Qats have beta gives a Oakland, two to the &Je f.-ltaJs of th faxlly and ose by. Mrs. Wocg to L 2iJ of hvr feaale Trtai. To oaaioets have also beea giva I aaa Francises to the smq frleads of hi fan.liy. asi the Wjoktrgi there will exclude wi'h a Urge baanet Vtzn by Mrs. Wos.g T4 to ttt Saa r aa 4s : 9 ac sal aui res. All weel loag soavis of rtT:r7 ani 'eas lag. lege her ss the ipiola.of iryrlas of fuerars anl th-j str las of Chinese tss: aa L:a pocctdlag from Eaa r.-aaclsco's sal 0kia&a s to most etc'.ailvt Chlaest rest at ants, where tct f 4e wrt i'riJ wl a f try latry t eve4 y te Orjeet! piisle. sal coan t '. to ll Ml eoa's health have beta' rsk an accooapaalaat to the good Uhcs for hli e".fan. Th youngster was bora alo?t a TARORO-a IMKJRTAKT day. The First lUrtfy in Octer I First ef All first aUtwrtfSs f Ueetdsre, 7 If say flrm!sd4 person anQatat 4 wlJh this eocasDaany were ta bjmi t&e 4ay thai is of greateet tatsrt ance to tale vlrfatty dartac tae he W9M eT-er ookla tck for a saber of years aai w1thet cI fVstloa dcUre k was the dy tot atarttag a new rWs ta betli-sg sad la assoctatioca. lie wowXd be eorreot. for frota DV k Parker's lo ftras-a Hay-g froes the Maoel teaspte to Ra&syssee m!:u he would r.ad toea with hooes aad' even ts4sut4 e lerprtss) list o their wassV to the ba'.-diag sad loan. Now that both AseocUtioas opa aew erts oa the sauae the flnrt Satordsy ta OctoW. aaost Important of days, for this tew a U be iris owe. Imcmm on 'he taktags Of e'-ock ta these Assoc W.X decade h'Xae owt.lt g. tih asne good. eeervaUve trtseasa'y. ssv tag, U rt.t. M lag leg:ti&at eatrpnse. there Is a p&eootteeM refrs. oayr its pr ces-t ctBpsa4 tatereet. ta which every stock holler eraey aaarew aordUg a hU botdinga. I Le tshes ct coe share ge Pe a qaarner a wk, which the A sociilja leads ewU Tbe wek!y py aest and the ta'-ere-st thereoa caahee the share la a If.tVe c-rr sis rs. wor.h per. la other words avovt 13 Qar'-er are ma4r the safe aad wise taaaateaeat of Tr acUt.x.a. developed lao i, I, Jxa 4e Verraw ssoeey fra the AJsrxUVxi to 4 a kocse. yor s'ck oi'.t la tie sasm Ux a4 the debt etil be caareied. if ys drs oa. aoae. jtn u recelte at raV.v ty 1 1 J la the bel of cl Mere. At last l,f1 rAaree shoAl be sV xoa h o, but. arcortl-g to Ch"- n-r.bl mx mvzlX. for eery cTteS ese cr'03. a tse&lh m-t e;p j of tVe vklAlty U bh direct! sag la tore chd ! ls aee, ep-1 directly uursd. oa vat a ewcstUa ii art (reeHiSt- el to the UtUe one and curuie are exchsaged be weea tke pereats aai their frteads. It Is very eldo, tosrver. ht c Chiaese call aaJer (he reck o. a prlact re've as tay and as .otij pr as d'.i Vie VX'U saa of Woag Yo t tea be teeve4 his aaae of NVUie. Ireenu by th hundred. ex'. of theta la lrgla gold, teiored by the Cblae. aai axos&'Jag la valee to asaay laoasvads of dUra. hate beea shower oa the forsaale V'.'ie fejlow from a! par's of u coua'rj. aa lYaacUea Chroil le. BOUNDARY g arOvAILg, CrsAde tats Amf Baa Near Otd feet Beeww. Aatosio. Tea, a. St-Xh tawrk Use work reveatiy tutuxm ly fe redersi goverasMftt im prm t ti-e two Oboe frew Urowag a t$g sie of tar-4 S-He terrv lor over to MesK has sk y bea reapfetde, that irtver le atahfeg w ansh x a jit ie ta O- Port Brewa. SeveraJ acre cf tai4 aae a:ra4y Wa a awsy ty ue crreat, a4 srork mm a larw orale ia Ckarukea u Ue a-esr f a- ane tX al fruca re. ect ts4.k'4o4 the fTt-t b's oa oii fart axj tu Ks-iexsJ CetstUry are locati wd titii nws ate - ;. ie a;?ro;rUU4 aseoey aew ave4- ate hi eatlrelr Us4t. .. aew oa CXits. Sl&ce Ue bo&darvw UCve Che eofttrke Is Ck4 y the . tata- d of U-e ssaU rhaset ef th efreaa. Vaxi-o wot4 hsre a perlecl rtclX lo cULa th ewocj Use a4S4 L I s oncssla. aad acrdtsg to re et roftcepcjaa of laWexstjocsl lsew beaked ty assay prce4ats lrao call be dote ly tbe Vsted f'-t. Ta keep the ttver pavaaeaVy ta prweeat b4 m'l of leieet, ' re e&foet4 by a 4ae g-ww.h cs? Os tre-ra. are rcoeusaed. The cocstai wwsvnegs cf Ue r.ver are OeraO over Us ecu re reer ssey. aid far thi rasa st aM a ore thaa oskw bea hK.&t, a- r ta the bosrv ewea te two coas'rVe ty tae &hr a-. trferi.l UUtede. fch a 4 re tXe bosriary stress fc?-gain- cat, hat where B U erf tsporVaace t aatat or broths. wiVh kaa bM s- tapnnaae. ta Ue sa. tt'O rcaSTrte are e-iy ta-twe4- B-a Ur at ejthe yaVy coarse the etresa (o eV-al Cat"-. oe aaU gala at esywiee c4 U-e ther. . ... - a his ir.-c.lrsi aai iraoraat me-unis nv aa a i . u as. s.u w m a wve vw wardroba and not lajjre b!s health. Tnj po,-ile living In tUe s'.ort cror s?ctioa will have to cut oa- three fourths. They wtU be glad to gt tonethlsg to ea and shoes to wear. In the dry belt, people hrve ttae r enough to the apec-1 Ptwr crops of all things. Farmera had the comments, en- o go to town to get tu v-g Ererybody lives oat of a paper sscav, or a tla cao. Oa top of the he; weather. . ahJ pts o? poo? wat?r for xaan and bra'-. thesj short crops Is a naaonaj ci- lamry. and a serious thing to tla. about. Louisiana looks like it Is c,-i- besa destroying our southeast coast th?a forraters of France have beet dnrilropinj .a profj'aUe aad usefa. forest 0r ifc'j saw a mtrttloae plae ou of nothing. HYp.'iCTISM 10 AID COURT. A ei:s. Wl I A'.tt-npt ta Refeem Bey Into Ns-row Path. 60UNO OVER TO COURT. I W. C BUke Held en tUn Ttsteney. Mayor Jones his re,V.r4 W. C Olsks to aive boad to appear at co an oa 13th. to aaserer to - the csargi of gamtlleg. He is the oae. who was Implicated by HsU. 1wVi and others wars, they were gWea a preliminary trtal for the aaae of ten s. Lswls aai D"a bKh rpated- Killed 8 LlgitMKa. A cofrpo4et.t frota Roeesarj wTtttg the 86".5rer the f'-ow- lag erro-ASi of te ejVVal s'ora. wa-ch Ua. wevk U;ld Mrs. &ttoo. trVf aaaoasceavrat of w-k isttsg heretofore beea asde: Sa4y Aacaet tHh aVHt Pve 'clack, there e a lremeows electrical s'ora kr. wkW V1 a of dasasgt. Tt tgitsfc tse- ag struct tie tse of a P. Joha- eao. an4 Kie4 Mrs. W. S. IToa elaoel tasuatty and srck sis trees ta Lis yard sad eeerhy. Mrs. tketiow lre a, kesvaad, Urv ia aai Um-e dssgV-er I a aera her loes aai very &asy wra frteada V es'.eeaed ty aH who kaew her aad was Uad to a3 thai Uitd aroead ber. Ehe csae Inak Tar bora here aboot t- years ago. Sae wtu be grtairy aWd by a tost ef friends here. piMeCeye sd Vc--V. k. u waters aai W. -re rearaed froa tvCseaa North, Mias Nits tsgjg Is at her U the Ptat- taih. aTe a t:a aat vacAthxh. Mu Kathena Bpragtxa, of .Tr- epesst last week Itk Vai gaj- I Cot a. Mlea LtV-e Dav' ei,m Mrs. J. R. &. Ms ITX was the gvewt ef Mes lULte CotAi t or a few gsya. There was a warts gmaae of tee ba Wre oa th nrtrt. Vee. tho Me aad tail-. The UVr. pT-e thefcr bJa&'Jla rjst. wa. Xt Mias MsUis as vkTUg Mr. C f rtt. . Johaxs Ja aal w"e are th Hfm' & Mrs, Wa. Jech's. AJ-os. ccAi eaocsih f ar'fspat. J. f . D. CASTOR IA' Tor Infanta and Ciuiaren. Kind Yea Have Alwajs BangM Bears tho fiigna ur of ' A wl'-d fox was unsucceaqfuiiy 4eb?,s5d through the streets , of New fiwn the o'her day. i The largest electric transmission '.line U the world is that from .Niasur Falls to Syracuse and Au ibarn, x, Y. - . ' CrSHr.- Cry - TOR FLETCHER'S O AgtOR A ; INSUSE fiCB NST HAIL . W Protect Yoar Crop Against Tlnuf rnfifn or Damage by" Ha I. liiskrtTakfii Only in Edg-co.iyUf County. Every Year Maiy is - -id oat to Farmers to "ovei 'kage Kom Hail. The Piu -nt Tana, is wiil Not Neglect this Op .oorlun.tv. lbe Voilowinff Au Biualfkateiurnt Givs our Finao o,tjftfA"t fK - enlie A rv eee mncf bTO Tfl Ti fc th e stSrOrHi OP over "tne street, after every rain, si.kaess, which 1. al-ao;t reftala for froa tha ; weevil. W" ,, , K6w totfov nQ.tmer unless he as- ArkansJs f?!3Was tult; OkIL0.ai au.a,tw-ii. ,nr . lain. t. r' fa'Ict). la riCCtll'll. T6- this team will not re neeucu 4" -suai oj vc.y 6.,(.-6... -.. - r . wh thP di-a-r la dan Rotator. ' - ' I as looks i;ra ef fry ythe f .a tfc ' : a rtl.ure. 7e AtUac Slt W Lf fit TlKFMI . nur WW s-U,J O I ' . .1,0 .rrat, rB diu-l - twenty mlUloa acres or uaaei- Kalb avsoe. Tht ?0JX pmonei n sero w . - , or w . Tlrglo Uaa.. u u , tfzVb7 eounUJ wl, a:caJ.4 o( un,-of a ,srg . -..j-- J. vo.fT,- 1 the - land fine water and I hrt tea an M taJ hU ea and rob- ane wiwiirai J""1""""' . . w.,hv , v .n a..v tSm . " .. I.' - W,U Larger cemmur.ii-.es nc n -; cr jyi nia.' ga ia:u w 1 Dd Amo:i WIS tr, OI 2i OUya this i . Bial in Country Towns. . . 1 I country the fl;st year. I t rett at K9:c!jVo atr.C aad LeU .1 -The woavll Is not dua tr avenue give v i.ua ujuuuvj -- 4 . . wl h h' rhiuta-jctia aaiUnce when -- r r--tr w r. r be dilated upo.a tha fvlis of cltks n tVi onaona iri caril to the da le aald Virtue their YrUl hVort R (arxa loa o c4aLa:!y lacllaed uu fc tp ai4 be lehea too. aai were beard to ta quire. -hy doot yo take ap ua?" meaning. K Is supposed. IUke. Oa the sstreets Lewis eta'ed th Dike bai ba ta bt gaxt. L?r a rcsc'x-d rev-are r a practl.a of tmo'.itra'ea courts a ;r.fi. Ma$Urat Fnoag es'ab ."ihcj u ia the OVa avtaao court rauradsy. lt turatl over to Df- l cfrUi I I 1 . aileaUt end hypto .isi cj:"; J 3 a.eSI. IVniaw Iete Wears A Cteea et-A." I know that INacw he greea g-e kee. AM ate baa trta&ed ft white aad red; nre sea the pIow where ae s:ej ' Wl b. aoeey baag'.ags to her bed. The sT5.a gorae bfoe h r H8xs wVA tVe aa dreab'd eot J bees; a watrsai was iui l-r Ua4,r ttt vlae aad aacleat tr.ee vre pre iainry ai.-icg. tat re was iKtls ev4a im?Jlct.tg CUke I While thorwee hide her woodad wy ll's tee'lmeay we ea'Irety d f I The gVaat beeho ga-'d, ir flse; f'rent from tla eta "me ate, while j Tet she Las welcoe, aVftt aad y. itreat sprinkler, or tha reveiae. be mora asy of demoMtratioa time aert year than now. In tho meantime, let &1 iir; Decerry credit for what 'ully desreves,. the jery best latentions. ' ' be ati i ATHtiov the old metnoa n.liting the ashes from tne ou ers to the decks above "and dump- in them overboard;, oers the. ashes wCh water and P"iP thorn up:-buLJboth methods are oo- iar- tinablA tn . Da3Sengers. especially there tiovernor uu-n, oi .orm 1 fo vexn ana no sacn imng ss 1 tJ... ,M v,- - nnotiS .na aaubtlosa struck a popular chord I fa.j3ri mlt)l tU modern style of cul- Uo oa ti 341:0.. that yots tlvatlon Is known. Why not those 1 tJrr. t hTpno'.'.ss htm isuo keeping paooie living la th?se uncertain c I to the aVraliht, and narrow ath. tiona go there If th?y Iat?nd . .lo tha maglsrae saix Then, tarninf make a Jiving raising cutton? i yojag" Scharff, 'th iuag'itrate 13 TThere la room for two trillion 01 qa IT4: -D yo co'ss-nt to betog hard-worklag toeople and th"y would tJFno:iad. thai oa mcr tcOJe a . . - . J V 1-.4 If tl I . . t should choose p 21 I Bwharff said he did. aad tha T. T" . ' itioa. CerUlnly everything M concea- , How Ships Dispose of tra.- , la Ue center,, of yop-alatlon. a rr.i manv of. tne steamships rw.a -ks or evU aai good.. l?ut tyea Chicago a nd New York ara cot as yet ja -Solom and Go-norr-h cU.i. Jt may b true to a degrea that the mraVlty of cl I-'t governs that of the coun- try. " !' - " There are lol of people, however .who VrUln. thA. Pinion tha for all- Dealt decllaed to tea I? y, Hliae had wl'.oeasa to tu:y thai be was sot la the g.e aad hat Baatht to do w'.y (he geabltsg. t'oris the town cn rspply at eoart nach atroeger testlmoay iaa It bad at the mayors court. BUke e eae wlU pcohafciy get ao trf than the grand Jury roaa. The 8oaUcer hope that CUhe U1 be ab'.e ta estaMUa clearly its tnaocenc. But It would sai ttkt tke mayor leg Vckrtk:4 aomeal tA. wa be felled to e.t the 'SlaVjy (hat Lwia aaa And love. fr thosw who seek Le I know: for oec yoa 14 c wtre Ptsce ta the gre4i gww take bet NigM O Bsi aeewteM. Oa a looeiy ata;kt Ai toeaVm of Fort Edward. M. T rlahed tit MUaa to the boss cs a tetgh bor. Urtare ty ia'das, bat ea cri h'-a with Dr. aT&Ca New Recovery, that had carM hkxaetf of aews. This wwadecfsi - geedkta aa rerved aad ejraickilf rsred llo ret?r: Law It cred kla wtfe of sever la&g IrocUe. hl ttoC4 bave t' th s-wewt Lcxc aod Throat rare oa IVsrth. exacts. Cotta. CrKp, Hc4rrtAgv aad sVsew Leaaxs are iriy erd by It aeA tor Hay Fever. Crip aad Wboojtxx aad lie. Trtal fZm free, taraai'ed by W. 1L Victor OullUU L SUPPLIES At wa t cfpi Va g at berg Rie caaxhl te Ua her lorly Iresst. -Msyaa Lladaay. la CUenre' JoH FENCIL rJOXI2 wt pw. cti. ts-i, tv Lock. a4 nl CXIXCXT COatJC . . av k when the wind is blowing ia -u ro(1.eoi.rornothi3Kness and moral I of tn " 4V. voung mn have nothing to i but thd works of he. deil and he yoan women spend 'hair time In wroag direction. The newes, of tne trners get rid of their ashes by Hw- las them through the bot o-n of the 1 mMni of compressed air. The asae ar? .- tha wlIe3 of serpent ot - 1 ri.- nt r4.i hit per along .with the cMavri ire grind ti-ht catlag is &a revolving n as it tarn3 liis- to along .witn cne ch,,, ...rr t-J(Jarden of Edea hive the d'-ica passed along to a crusher W elif "giclasi-d, Upon a basis of fls them up tosether, ia yjPjl.ijiofl jha crjaia of statistics of the tl13 coann town? far surpass tao& of the ci les. Ia clts the appalling "irthe AtlanMc SUt.'f vera '' he desired tube good. He wa sm !?!d ?7L:ir anlH ths -P-i? 3.Jt a their aster wW v safer- tay hav plenty o. water por to h3J u rre loo O-flcer McCanor31 spin 1. au. .. , . . -t . I am going boas, ara aoae ii this year. Write me to Beulah,.Mt I dont think there U anything ia this boldla j talk. 1hi people who hare maia gooa crois wl'-l aril, and th people who L-vo nialo poor crops an tot alii lo Lil. " I . . . I A - n -nr' tx tt a r r A TPMFKT FDGK- dUcnargiag pie o-vw. , cr;me T9 uually not of men hr SScE CO OF TAEBO- squire Inch. Is applied toe rum nj ,utl So r March ! 3 J209.V Just' before T Penlc0mM6 assume a brutal-and unqaallfled u liO, C, Marcn 3, iw. di82narge piPe,'and the ashes are . 3Iar. 2, 'OS, J3al ou had, $2W.5 Iato tne sea with such fore. V". v . , fW Dt erniums reed in 'OS- 634.25 J5y iut apct, t0.00 Sept. 3, 'fiieish pd ad areertUicestaie t n To J etc . 25-5C on prerj4aDMjt, JL26.85 I'ostatie. " au that, they sweep clear of the sel's aimipar. -x Postmaster OnerM Hftcbcock has informed the Pioalflent that bi would bt hypnotUed by th war ; raa,t for hit ur:.t Dr. Clock ,.wct -o t!:e -n t plead thst he bo be t-j'nil over tc 1 him so be mltht rrfora bun by by pooUc eug;loa. Ue la the. Clf c'.a: allecls; for ";; cbidrsa't car Retrtsottt. Thsre.ls. a pleas ere la t b.ltwrd drtf O; medlta."g aad: Ti iraw the vU o! years ad thrjuch th rut Bfhol! thi it i teVvV " he Progress of Indention. TV. . n... Am. nf the twCntlath . . ' . I lag that the key. wis arrested fo conturyhas n9t beea rounq out, I yat nyeativ genius has ptl released la he chlldrea court wit. Ilje submarine boat, which can tjar: a eijvpended e?a?r. thai tlas el uaief water like a fish; d.lcr- &U C41 raed over to tr. irsles, eelsraohy. bv wb ch iwc ior .-tv-. Ml sio lir the ccrt of so.vi- ssasloas. Ttt doctor ' skid he taUirrr at I bt -,aad ebe Usg-ed no doabt he coutd do Scr-.artf gi I asm It was brought out t t belr I Of revflted y-e' a, J..-ain,J 0-4 urvs . eud avs,i gu Aai traveled ollea ways. jng to - the u -rt-r exLiblt startling evidences peat Office Depanmem wui snow b ftVerar9 U. ce- a dariit'fyr e mcal 7, cemlily m nI Ia U .ua3 3 iat, ' - towns, Baltimore Amtrlcan. -000. , This 1 the i,t fjeficit tne ' ' , - 4 postal sarvlce ever has 1taw4 ' William H. Reynolds. S nuiiwHf No; the denominational missionary 1 message msy bo sent to eMels societies are now engaged in erroris v . 3,0- an.j B3w tho dream of reclaim the imall towns from moral c5turles. to be a-U to f'y decay . and to re-establUh depleted . ... . Q t ' M jj. churches are on the right track. The a;nj9VCInent ef the Frenchman who OI 1 . t rri n, . rp.rlin.l SrrOS 2J -mir of water, almost duo one's hair stand up. people have be- ,Tak ear of your t'axarh- t' Kolo digest all the food yoa eat for that la what Kodol does. Every taespooofl of KoUol dlgesU 2 I I pound of food. Try It today. It Is guaranteed to relieve you or your mon?y back. Sold by an DruggtaU. Aad ah. (he thlasa Uat were stdl are m taore Ar fairer, looktag back; Aai mxory giveth to the' d7 of yor What tata hey eaed to Uck. gr n C3 A 1 Eaarr Tkree Eij ! LftU3IIdpYOC Balvw Tne Protk-m. Oar Llaoej CsnnrJ Goods Is . . Uusr rs.wol Ja Vaakty awl Quality. ValsoKep 00 HaxvJ a Fmh Supply - of Fruits an 4 Vrji tables. ' Yoori to amrr, LILES-RDFF1H & GO. 10c So com . 4f acuVtwmi things that tbv ars the American Bank-'prlsid at anyth'Bj, but h"s, achieve- T,..r7 "oilJ -wuuam . ttoyuo.ua. . T'.t k. it. annual ment marks the beginning -V a jj.u. vr s . . grooKiyn. has gone xo r-o- ra . -,,!r tae? i" 0 . .m..ti rtiii-affO Messrs. J. new era. It s said that the machine ' .-?, - . ... n.iAtvK r. ' F Ttmton from Wll- lesi'thsn a. creat many pT ior aa- for. lila eater-ajnjBUrfa. f i -BU uia . -" - e se - a a tt.s uaniaMrM innri' im mv sinii'ri iEa;T. OJf V Ae nUUS IsTVlU VV' wa. wM.rrw-.. - " f - C $2,1134.40 . J.,o. . tekeford,1 Sec'y .a.Tj8S. t, wkMMllWllKf IJj lAJiiiyt; . ' aaire a Teats cr avray 01 - - : D. E. EYEJl tTT Drar a. the rose that ot (he deas breast This mora bath cued ta wake. Bat dealer ta t withered rt?e wj Ana ktDt for old time's sake; ' 1 i Wmtam r. McCoraack. ta . Nw York 8aa - e , The Pure F00J Store. Key. scAer, 1 LXJUULK LOOK HTEAra. 21 iMtfilr. DOC LLC LOUK 43 lnrhes locf. LOOK 8TEAT3, 43 lacnesi Icog. SI5GLK BOOK. 8THAIS, (wid.)4SLacbeatotr, eciiWL BAGS, (rood otkrs.1 It; and Sic LUSCTI BASKI.18 A 2f D EOXIS. TAllUhTH, boat ' 5 to TALI l.TU, for iVecil aod lak. b r 1: c I a LtTjnnraroxD. -KSVZ TABLLT ftf Good I Paprr, ctrap at 10 ccsta, KTHOOLIIOSU SCHOOL LOOKS. bCHCOL LLAMOi for Lx- tcr-ov'Ucn PISTILS. ' C&AYONH. " . P13II0UiCL3w - lila eatertainjaurfi. t si while touring t G?S$$ffy etylUhKIg and rrompt Tir llh, coUeet hoar - of eeh tweatyt- Order oxn jjlone. ; . v ! it l o'clock to the aoraoag, . li li PANOLA-DAIRY imt raro IIS aad Cresua 'ctJ v ions ho. S tJ. i i i la Ft Otspirte ?artr icr Hchoei Vam at . - THE VARIETY STORE ar. , . -. .t

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