WW , SwWfatm BIS SURK YOU A. RK RIGHT: TH UN A.HEAD.-D Crockett TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 2 IW, ESTABLISHED 1822 VOL. 87. NO. 50 A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What is known as the "Blues' is seldom occasioned by actual exist ing external conditions, but in the great majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER m THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a course of SOUTHERN CHIVALRY. Tutt sPills A Movement Afoot To Memorialize Herolic Women Of Confederacy. I From the standpoint of '"chival ry" it is somewhat of a reproacn t the men ot the North that while the aid the women of that ssction gave .to the cause of the Union is as yet without public me niarial. the men of tie South are raising funds for a nuaua jnt com memorating the sjrvi.is and sacri fices of the women ot' ih South to tiie Confederacy. BACK TO THE FARM. A UNIQUE EXPERIMENT. Advice Which Successful Men But Never" Tike. Give Possibility of Bailing end Freealno Water at the 8me Time. which THE DIME NOVEL THEORY. an? la They control and regulate the LIVER . They bring hope and bouyar.cy to the mind. They bring health and elastic ity to the body. TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. When James J. Hill, whmo opln- The possibility of boiling im. hivf weieht in tli? unitec rreanna water at ut same States and Europe, said not long the laboratory u one of the ago that the chief region lor iu- inter-Jstlag developments of cieiaa cost of llvinz wr the diUt science. Tha temperature at from the country to tae .ty and water bolls depends simply on that prices would be higher If tne air preesure aoowe na n.iaw mo venn nt was not cnccxca mere w u . u mere i mu t - i -yi w w - 1 1 a chorus of approval. :.ir. Hill aa we water naa to oe mono a goon owot eayiajiag a goa many 7- u raesas to that a reverse movement oight to aouer to boll than at low prsure. aga as -wtt. L.:ng pMin aawaw-iTiAf u a'.c-r.U i t. t-H or,.) straight mv pv I On mount Una nhtrs i; air c res-1 a Mfcawaof novels aad tales of vS.. m 3 v ... . . . . . . AMA W J - - - I f, J ery holy else to aato an remain sure is goo at a; row ?r .u:d " Ka evarm ua co p r-Twa an sl yj onfjaaa isvsi water uoi.s eaai.y at tovcts. eacn cwpy "i s K i aiperaturr. la cooai-g vpijul,. a 10 rests. As v omasa of kuob Youtfc's Paworvt Reading C V.'aen a boy wrong aodr Is sra to aaexlo his to the samaoacu of is doubtful If offer about the fiction to so BUbly refer. in UBiaf mora f a WAijMlNOTON LETTER ("toss O.r Vi itdaajiiia. o. C. XT. IK1 la taeae f drs grew a Pr aidant T. tloa there la at ilaigra pt b -b rot oam Ij as ef iHlmi is aXley or la ht ih that require a certain degree of best bo t high aad where the water bcLs teforo that noA grm'. b:ag coaflsed to ROBERT'S TASTELESS CHILL " TONIC. The great Fever and Chill Reme-Jy. 38,347 Bottles sold last yearw There is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clean ses the blood. For sale by a t dealers. 9t2- R.pori of The Condition of l: PI.METO:-3 BANKING CO. -tops, in the Stats of North :ii.-sa, at the cicsa of business Nover.ter 15, 19-9. RESOURCES, s and discounts, $4C",61'J.22 rafti secures, ii cured SS0.77 tJ&t&Jo irnitare and Fix- : s. 2,LGC1. 3,213-Sii i.ig Houses, J3,04:.:.87 ?: ont Banks ard . .-. .3, 43:-7.& tenia 7S2.ui I c oin. 175.00 r coin, including L i.iuar coin cur- bank nst s and . r. S. notes, . r..7. ? Jf" L"Tii -t accordingly. Aad no aaaaaw u mr Krerybody is ai-llng to ; and the Legislature has given ( , " s u s ? riilca his wife's rtlatUes and aid. No woman 1 flowed to .vtti-ttute to the South Carolina col- o.r...- a -Marte U rei.ch.-d tiu- i-u ,la wUl ao !l3ctkn. In other StaUs, however. 7T . wnn,em th t , o a M done. They cousuenllv bar dra. hee line has heretofore not been v.nllint.ftr whftn thl, rirtt co,irs. be nut la a closed boLer so that WhUs aay of the states L CJ strictly drawn, but in the future Kv-fha geaitrated steam wld cioaU a- U series were ut wild aavoaU tie South Carolina example Is HhO-J , , .Jnoa.s nnsiurn fr tkr. w.L. to nnasll af u WaaSirn eort arOh U ? wviu v. - r w iv r n sa in rno ii i-p it i' ' fi'esuma b3 erected s in santimeatall te Hue mond, notabl in "the ara already tij Southern Conf.dt racv." In Rich- S?u4 to the Confederacy while it battling for life, and of the biaat vessel. If the pumpaug ha coa-ltLUoa teat uaued l-ug cnougb and tbe onuiae touUaam Is cooleU below tae Ireeitcg powitlof do sa't he Quit railroading htm Sju aui take up with the simple lu mpatiiy their daul ters and grand- "' "fc-. l.-.rt,.rrM aT wmter th, t. r wilt continue tolia. tw i.ushters fe.l for fr lost cause m.i o.d mamaus who wvn Ull andbub ble till it is froxc to- scaeatsfle or xu, ...u u. m . farra .tT hv ij a aaowy mass of ice. I to much tio toureierate women were any- Usyo-a. dtors. ciorgy- This fact Is smo made use of by a a when au the nvu f-k wc.-- m ,r.Lsaors and others in taking a rough trot of the public at tae Et tae tront ana tne Btocxaae w. &j AriS,.0r U that they d3 nght of a mountain. Ordlaarlly at doubted II they i;.iwlne : s cons ti-n-.T. 13 uaue- .. i , ,u . ,. r . u.i u.. - - - at fjr tao s m.1 rr.o'ui u-1 iu? I J c u mo ti make noceis Iti -ss siUi.' Caatiai i irraed oa luxuries. The Confederate cioih, hand vrO- ei a.:iVdyd "With sic i '"olritS s cou.l La substituted for chctnl ci's; Lie rough dresses bearing ia.- L!AE!L!T!ES. le ! profits, lass rent cspeneso and s paid, nds unpaii, Certiiicates of De- 772.22 5,727.00 ?io3,yjo.2'. 13,000.00 n. 000.00 , ro,i-;i ed finery either of deftly :'.".3hioned remnrjils or of cOwfo su"st:t,tcs oa wnun reiK.emen I - 0 a3 appreaUccstlp in the lavuihed ingenuity-all these things howman of tt3m retui hrv -jilr o Ktj-.A of sier'p with tie " women of the besieged doing ti. - ;r utmost to help " the def ndrs and setting brave faces toward the en circling foe. Boston Transcript. d: n t s ar wb n ih' re. "i"s of mercary wiwr boils st writir In one of our magaslnea -12 degrees aan'nacJL Now II Ulpursulu. I l ' . ( . i I . . A t' is that a2 p?r oo it of oar hrs. im noucoa wt at a ceriaan ptc i ruse ig or I or tioif-. .41 J ar oi otr 'JJviTi i- ht u a f ! ;.. i - a f.rea with ua-f ul oeca nr cent of oar rl.ro ul preel I ths height of that place raa b 1 Uat tae dlsao novel of that d,n s and sj on. wer? from th iy ascertasaed oy coaayanssa i seems to asm .-ni-trv Ui.t ho tv manv of them l-h a table made out for the puMjt w no longer seam la st".-Ai dlrecclv fro.r, tie cOuntr. Ve la g moral for every i - Mr nodtions of eminence with-1 thi bol in3 taxes place under 21X. nooks seam la the kaada of city t I a in. or snout eo ieec is cuara. i oors an J. oiatn or weir aaan Of cojrao the; prlaclplto d" m. U Idle moments and to b) a n appl- to wat.-r alone, but oreu. the observant oa news iiuct?rtsUc of all liquid. I is of wo & cenL not the dmse have s TOLD IN MOVING PICTURES. ' '""""I &mK a e , at a Toe Pin an i. i . - aaiaaaail sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb3 aawaVK. . ... . " iau. ik.nl . . f waww jakaaBBBj ! ic . ca QOtua. taamuMiaa tv TawJ: vl 1 "mmsi M to terete fur tt eissgn of I Oaf WwaVaaaV W M. fir or as: uo ckargrs tataM btml V N smtamtD no Hmc D h Oflaaaaasmmml 1 -.. u.Jvev, U ik eta b- pH iawsa7 ' M tr, vo nn- HUtnrra him H'.s si or oevona we reuwuwa taaaa- aut. taaiac on acuta sw 1 1 i , , . . ... I ih mm nnvil f -r. . r T i ajaajj My the monument will , ' . , .,, , , a- I perstore. La the e-nerlmuctal atoof I ususHv caf tka Wstru son. ultk I- L u-m-. to. a. -I kael ' aaal la Blchmoud, which Is w ,.,. rn- i. o. thU fact water la ssUeSm 1m a dealt with UStmllBIII aad woeaeeu. - . , mm V - - msmi to 1 -'waa- ui' iliuvu. - I ar I a WUwmUwBW Wt wBFSFw. SV BTWSWaSsaBBPawai . aww WS a y the cap-tai or , n. a vcwsri mJ tb ir exhauatl from ts aorl a wetw af Wild ttHtare.l . ,. . .. . I " his h.retofoi J not been v,.w, .K . h hB. fait, labave tha surface of the water. As tt I uu-rooa end nose aree of a W Lew.t- . wxen. 1 : r- 1 t . , viimiivw" " 1U11U smB w v aaaaa-w aay- wae v i - ' w wt asm wajaaj Via aSVW J ajj awag USSaw :u the museum ,v,. ,,, ;n aro.-e. of tnimnk oem on the 1 . lumbal tv.o. TV Style w-I . - - I wBaBaBBaBBBaaaBenawaweaBaawaaaBBBBta MM.MaaaaawaM awaakMMaaMaae. Confederate White House, 1 ,," v.i,i th.v s4av.Irair will vlo.ecuy boU the stwam not of blah liters rv order. L .t -U. I t. , Un ... . . ij(1wli t many visible evidences . .t ' ... vn. caaaeaUln, m th t- th .xL. unU.onilf wtJa mochl - . , II " 1 BAST C A BO LI 5 A d ' I " -w- . a. a. oksno tooav i e aw ' I '-iflM aawstlct mm smace skat I m vu a.aa. 47 a a. 11 iwaj 9 w 1 1 v v a- m pebdc.Uow.aad the lrn al Ro w .It m bo at da IX . S reJgtou. Ittoratuae N. UasuerelT. Ma km fWusrv POS- II ufco vk wkt. iify tAlfllral fcr mVk ill I I ever did aay T--tl1au 111, II i-fioi lit H r IT mtJBT. H. m BluifT, rlwasmwrnt . a rxally at tke st that I ad aa llat Uaa of air Insare Your Stock Ikhird PUTT lUgwl aBBBBBBBSBBBBSBUmBBBBBIBSBiw Ichard Purr istdrw"",,,,,,,,,,,,,i"" p1""'"""ll,,s l'i."HrJZ kc arlM Live Sleek litial Ce retiime-1 frot ar ) aai a lOicre fled? Tae city 1 tie v.av u fame and conspluous for ta:- far most D:s-:iS Ll Scnie. 11. rK-ty. tionately a affil coating t, attract and durgery. Agriculture, and Metallurgy Cert :s subject to hecks out- cka. tj rst in. ?:ea will r-t!re tron -i'v X.? rountry ts do tao work of( tie country when they must snd not suner. Meaavile tbev wlll coat.' ui to advise others to do what the: wi.l not do themselves. Suto Counts fNori.ii ' rollna. .: :i- combe, as: V. Cobb, Cashier of the a . b -r.'.;, do soiemnlv Bwoax a ove stotement is true to f : y knowledge and. belief. J. V. COBB, Cashier, ed and sworn to before me, Jay of November, 109, 1 E. L. PITT, J. P- Attest: VV-J. VVE3P. W. E. PHILLIPS, . . L. REASON, Directors. Sayings of Sages. 438.74! What is not necessary is dear at 42.00 a penny. Cato. No rrr.n becnr-s a viilian all at 21,244.22 j once. Juvenal. Tis the mind that make, the boUy 60,928.44 rich. Shakespeare. The beginning of exc41ence is to Reckleesa Shooting 1 a7 iq ho fr from err :r. Ouintiliian. j n Cotten Jr.. colored, was up S)70l There Is no grace In a bend.: hCor. 'Snuke Pender on a charr;. that sti?ks to the fingers. Seneca. 0; shaotins at W. R. Manning. Ti sw3aQ0 23! Tis not the whole of life to live, evidence was thst John did not . noT- ar of oJ".tvi to dl2. MonteOm- a'S-vo. , tlr Manntrte Lut tbAt r ery. .Many go out for v:ol and come a -caf ri le. The Justic hinie shorn themselves.- - erv antes. Qf. wtn the cost and s war... Vulgarity in u-nne.s defiles t C3S9 promiscuous fchoottag 1 fins garm. n"-s maie tiian.ti.nd. Plau- the future. uts, ..tan s chief wisdom consists in Opposite Viewpoints. b- . v,!, foilioa tl :"Onrr,.iiH l- .. 1 .. Hin that her hus a.u 1 .1 , . 1 ui.."". - ... . i y 1 v - - " . ...... New Taught By Them. snoot at Mr. Manning, dui mac 'fcB,n. Q. tt- Cfcartk was shooting about geneerally -tthj a "cat" rtl. The Justice M al tfc. '. o v kog uU-turee are now. or la th near futase will be. to the teaching of botany. utogy. the aclcnc of si:jtt). and thus do sway with ddcesslty of vivisection for teach 1 ....... .... r)i. h! ..oar 1 - - i . n 1 t I of we nalamial board of uiit pi tire censors, st one of the 1 r a.t ra.nlce socialistic arenas UUes oa we overs siv obviously I serosal only, but it aa doobUal tkoy are vaeaous aa J. FRA ., LILES, - r y and Counseitor at Law, .: js us i- ale i Fed.ral Courts ' V. MAC.AIfti tsrney a.id Counsellor at Law itizens Bank Euilding, Virgini PENDER y jr. Tcrloro, M. C. i-.e Cox Mo. Fifty-Four. . JE iKIKSi ;hyst;tau and Surgeon, N C. 'Phone No. Power and liberty are like heat oand d .etn't apareHate her 1 .i - -- , . n-e .. i 1 T-l . - I. i hnt H A 111 mi: ei sranr tliiag arosnefa; where thought la a bejatifal fiction. , th --1 . t". v : r- ilr3trac- Tt,., If la a wroat deal BwSSU I ' , ... w - - J " - - A i. .i '. .V - - i tire. 3a.i 1:. dl.'fica t to bo a wlfee than a bu If a. man do s not m-ke a new band. ! acquilataace aj he advances through That her husland Isn't ao polite life, he wLl aoa find hi-.s.if Lit h- WdS the day befare taey were a one A mn. sir, shouM kc3p Lis marrL'd. frl ndshin la coastrnt rap'ir. Join-. Tnat gae j, th? only wornan In m tiw.i whi knows how to Uke care o: a chill properly. o... n..:r., O. to other hand, every woman ' : knawa thrt he is T".- ''s' ventcie to arrive " - la. s. vnic.e rrtsrect thru he r c-ives taa A. C. L. Et.tion u3 l-ae sfcawrf- are hao- , ; -at III..'. iU. - eatltlcd to more ry-n m .... dvrn tarn 1 C n't you Fascm'-.sccr. (fc;; the help the public. Mr n u.usslns the immediate 1C6 .! h Gas red iq lion of t eth. Tarbor: Fass d The Fo; c. G. 13- Walton and Milton Daw a -n su-e ssfu' y p&ssid thc-r examl rantten Leforti the GUte Ptannacdu- m- rw-,i Th re was a iass v a aara awpe Mr Walton wll do the coaipound li with Mr. Nicholson at Staton &JZielsrs, while .r. Dawson a:ake good at Rockingham. rir thtn he Is. That he would give anything If hi! oi-. onlv loved him as niuoi. as she once did. That bii wife seta 1 value fo ta money aho apenda than other wife. ThU two Cfaraot pi -'l'y Uve ss ck--aply as one. especUUy If one of th Jin U a worn in. Life. f I aT us Jaw t!? kTaaJd irrml tor 111 o-ly a. I - f "WW asw luaaiai a tkJu UatllVIl I lell I I1VVIII Tarn mm lag ttmrn ask Ifcad W AT INrrOfA SswswSTg? ,'"!ram?ilM 'os ,"r " " a saSaa-TUoaw aad tko u TNT. -k T T t iT wATTO-fllT AA f- I. - 1 ii a la i a i w. amvraui so Ji for motlaa i Ltur-a iU that the gr 'Start, uie tmm .um wwc.u ww K I Plication of uiJvmz olljrie to edu I ' i , - w. Ma I to aaa .. . i 1 .. . - 4lMdMIW UU iwiM a-aa - aaaa jrjpaii -1 . . i.. i ....... akk-L ' UJ . v . u vajaSBKm waalwaKUk esafl wtrvata a i k. . v n-i... aaaa Maly taat ho wld have before la a process of growth. The - T. --T - same was true of biology, whereby l ."7 T" T .iTmera ag ao the use of the mlrosop. nd to. or ll akM aaorln. alctare machines, tko s-l oy wno aow wo er Ura hUtory of cellular Itfe cou.c be tbrown on the screen bf or the studenU. It was now possibii t, introduce the mo. log picture aa an educational appliance to the t-' rf msillrln,. mhlrh wOuld rOSIltl 1 paatfaSaw wreatly the smouct of 1- Officers Defied Aad One Painvwiiy sactim yrscUcd la usdosgradiibal Inju ... '. ... At Plaetops Tkursdsy JU Ula V aaai .. i , aa .11 ILal r-Ol . - I a gatberiae of 1 3ge woi-ia "'e w we w but once. Aay namber of fums ed c juIj be .j: ..ar -d f wrigktho bo as aaauu wiu otti iba5itJ .vtmvI? Pr; viiriESAD, inr. Tarbaro's White Way. Tirlwirn is to have a "White Way QUARANTINE NOTICE. Th neriod of Quarantine of diph theria patients in Edgecombe county hiii in all cases be tiso wwkal , froai the dl -i ?ear..nce of..tke men.- , ud other B.iac-.' ViLENOINEER JOHN J. WELLS :v Mount ..nst o it ! It shall be the duty of the attend fti ta In: paysiclin to not.fy the Superln- . . ta a - t . e II olhr in la I i L 1 11 K Cat. til JI JUH'W w - aa N. C. ..I. - - i i i ii iim U ,uSflIlllw i descant llgat3, tann : av. iDlred. r. 1,, tul-o ;s i.-Aicu cur- t J.e tae two " - - - Trll "5 :.k2 J!.;; knen fat, td find lnhfhereiic bacilli pr- tin. The lUumtaatoaii . i i no maro. ! rn:,, -,Vinn-. rr wo - ' sate: largely Into the cost. Tia new toadent ... a a. - lights wiu &u ue kaVaa t - a.g at lt Af AIM Q Of .. K.-cir, '. over, free from au cuu-cat e.--Fv - or not, men waa diphhterla for the required time ta thirds or more will be swucu . i t , . resiriontial It SO ail Bio u J fi ""I.: i tth, intended attending physician 1 owniiu Va 1 io-hts when it to run wio K-.i ... K . vnr LM AilH. U1J a. 1 ai it iirB-Baw iwaamau a wj a l., . . a tav . a .a a- - to nave a . onmi. w. Ter V. ... -ia. ly. bat Maia streot K to ue .i. i i than . . i w arnrt I iuaaaii , ., ,,HrI. bY arches 01 ie-sea irom q- prasemwaon or sne imp'j n... U-y Hall to bridge by arc caitures of , , . . . .vnA.nt Tuul sVdo ott 1 p. , Betwcen th"S" t . j p.3"'-" - - - - . . , -.h f iaran- tha bacteria taken after the dtsap- Uj w,tQ uaixproved one with IVli. Le ,i,.. .nil De- . . h-irnero. u 'i .uce ui me i a acini, cruj av i a. feUve means of c as -ruction the Wlscontln farmers. Has tam - m thwd w 1 1 bo various bianches of fa. m bag aad dalrj las- la whl h re.'o.-m - bo.cg u Am nt T: I II? DOOlCl .tr. he m b - - .--as----- ,; v.. . , , 15- t i exDiratlon Ol t"d u"" U th m. or tola twinuauauon w u U '11s .hlncc wieks that the patient has een , l3 lndla to make known the Improved ! lag Dusiaess uju.o, iinii Bvmntoms of "D w I w-h. . aw. hi. end tko two a totogtusu tkaa a letter It at fawsu 6 t taken, ao that s single vlvlaoctaon Ba g.. able akal at aa earty dry oi ! ona paru ul r object would U- aj- tJw itaa-wais ky allralMi lustrate thit aabjevt for all the modi- " . . fr ainign; . sack aase. CJmgiaai cal acboiU This wuld greaUy de- . " . -r ought to eakibst U. oscwst as OWB cro-ae ih- numbr of animals kill-1 . Z traits aad lasTUSStii by lbs OOrerav Mr. Webb was atrtrfcao e isartuii blow la ska fuse, just between the Tma fight begwawa the bHurgiM erimce oetw.n av . . - - - -- ed. whUe It would enUrely do sway with the danger of a vlvlcUoa b a. lnl""H r urns nave owwa aw . .... - rviLi . .... I.. wwww lg? snowing IU pa.raji.-i I u- . ,. th oetweca ao"".i 1 . La . . a nmpaa ami I Ior wu4-- 7 Uiifnajiwww in iiiana. if AND HIDE8 I BkaTal - - - - .1 - taol la thha out ran ska oineoiu. Tsanr wore I ary to agl a. ru : la dxVboeag klaeseif gke a of tko iatk Ughvs. out K as od that be to oa th. stutade The trip of Mr. At HAVE RBCD A CAB OF HORSES AND MULES i- the nrtdU -rood, otd-fa1i'-cacd it. 1. I ta.f1' t- c-:...lrv.-a fcr tlie .... 1 M a t stdiclce , t'-.i. if y? s a ftottr if . ... , ,t'Aat'tae. 4 rot fctsrp L-i. i-ttv-Sve tti'J ia of the to notify the is Sunertntendent of Health of an ' jinhhaiHa scarlet fever. : i-r. n ino a iks iia ui uuwivi 1 dark, not wh'la the smiU not. tvnhu. fever snd cholera. u.. u rtiilrrr.Ptita OI .luai ov. " ' - a." uui. " . . H,v,tH which may develop on preunsea necessitated the use of such lights, v' u w v when not needed off Main. nr th Sanlatrr Board. ,r-..- v,n will also eiioct . ' . methoda of farming in the famtao dlstrtcba. It la asserted Chat oys tematlaed agriculture would do a great deal toward preventing the In dian famines New York Times. donas otbers. Every saving, it is predicted, ana dawn the actual cost of operation, although, giving Mali street dur-la- bus'n-ss hours au illumination ea :h as it hs naver known. CHILDREN WHO ARC SICKLY. Mothers Who value their own comfort and the welfare of their children, should never bo without a box of Mother Gray's Sweet Pow ders for Children, for use through S. P. BASS, M. D Secretory. November 4th 1909. - - mm n... Euak m. OnlSai . atrt V asm " ' v,eW Cure ConsUpsdloa. Teathlag Dlsor- .dilier. Z ders, Haadachs and Stomach TToa t n. ipfi today for las. snd Fwssriskness. These rw Si, ZSJSST Tt - Raanymed -a, -JJJ d.r's tore, before Oct. tn. w AndreW fro. to any mother who will addroas .r Zandsr to maks a change in bus'n-ss sntira stock aha futures fo aad win bo irtsdlaad i wTbta real scTuC 5 DlWiOll wVlliOXl Ths Women Heme. jtst aad ajtisarTkia klaasosf wttk L. mmi secwrawi .a.,, rtJI ban two naUltoa Amorteasir " Ps beautiful ftnlah aad last I , J 4 gallons of L. dt M. pakst woSa-pm fUtoeor mlxed with S gaUoaa of L TV faWi VM U... Caw. 4 I when mixed Oil at 7 tual cost shoot sue par gallon. old by Howard Hard war Co A full lias ot An sombers. saen CO- Nice Cat oysters al -Uagrowur adjX-awl CHtlotraurt Cry FOR FLETCHER'S I -De Witts Little amity attseso II as safe. sure, gaatas. away tatoa lav-1 ass raiwps vvsbiusbsu aa or stUa. Bo aura to got Do watts Car- , M gboea laaL Always refuso aaturilisa assij Bator waWs.lnua. The orlgtaal DoWUts Car II ,,, ,,,,.,,, , ,,,,u L-B. (I wBtHHLMsv MsmsmMW 4-j Children Cry FLETCHER'S I 1 I 1 4 J nta. , ;'.!- Ton TI , 4- nrflftTH ill. " Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy, N. Y. C ASTORIA C ASTORIA Market. Market. r aaTaW nift aaa lit IAfaJaataA., - - - .

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