Ma. X PaT ifefe KN GO AHKAD.-D Crockett TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY (,. I9I0 8STABUSMED 1022 - i 1 BJE SURE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; TH 58. NO. 1 TARBORO. N. C. THU i WrlgiRE WILL IT END? .... U iww. ataV. LYE 8TEWIO PIACHH. is Tutt's Pills This popols. remedy never falls to effectually v J-e Dyspepsia onstipatron, Sick Headache, Biliousness And ALL DISEASES aristae iM Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural resale is good aad solid flesh. Dose small; ty sugar coated aad easy to Take No Substitute. Notice to Creditors. Maying qua ifled as administratrix of Vv 0. Bulluck. deceassd, late of a.! County, this is to no t fy a!! persons holding claims a gainst said estate to present the sanse to me on or before November 1 1310, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery; and all p?rsocs indebted to ssid estate will make immediate payment to me. This the 13th day of November, 1909. MRS. BETTIE BULLUCK, Administratrix of W. O. Bulluck dee'd Bum & Spruiil, Attorneys, Ro:ky Mount, N. C. Er:e j Your Sows to Pure Blood Dur oc Boars. For small fee of $2.50 I offer to farmers of surrounding territory the uss of my three herd boars. (1) N C. Colonel, a line brid Colonel (2), N C. Coramodora and (3) Thigpen's Ohi Uhisf, grandson of Ohio Chief, a $.OOo boar and undefeated Champion of Western Fairs. Sows will bo tikes from R. R. Station and bred, t'aea reshipped. " Very truly, yours, W. A. THIGPEN. BEST HOTEL, in the city. Convenient to Business, Theatres, etc., and managed by Mr L. Eerry Dodson. LORRAINE HOTEL. GRANBY & TASEWELL STREETS, NORFOLK, VA. EUROPEAN PLAN, $1 PER DAY AND UP. 'The Piano With The Sweet Tone" Siicff iano jfer Christmas ideal gift, and will be all the family, every price A ioutr.ern product That Haw Kt, ceiweJ National Re;3pnition. Alitor Southerner. The old biack mammy of 'be south la an InaUiuion withaa herself, and la a f a national character. She waa la ertlecoe at the last saarrtage way ia high Ufa at the FraoitjCorta - j church sot many weeks ago. oft Attr all of the tovltod- gaeatt a rev were aeated aad Just lefou the American Intervention on Thia Continent to Become the Rule. If the admiolatratlon as reported Is Planning to take actual charge of Nicaragua to the name of the Unit. 04 States government, it te assuming a big Job. The first step will be the ueat . and the last a tone off- After the domestic affairs Nicaragua, as the sequel of uiution, nave been regulated by the bektol par-y entered, to cae t be authorities at Washington to suit old black mammy, dressed to whtt, themselves, how long will it b wear-tag a white cap upon bee enow berore they have to regulate tesn wiate loeka aad joto rim gjtissee, again? la every local uistcrbaa'ce to with two 11-tie tola, the ' grand o cm signal for armed torwventJHo vsTeM ..tsov re V oy the United States? The other She marched down the aasie. th cynosure of ail eyas, to her reserv ed seat close no to the altar rkk. waere she could see aad witness ihe marriage of her young mistress, the last and youngest of her ohi master and mlJUas' children. We have KIjs aad Queens and liinperors I and rosidt-ntj and Toddy to dark wUl Ml T ROUBLES Or TM1 JURYMAN That. What Ws Peod Discission. Ihe nose fool agUectoa wh ben prto-ipally ewer the a eooaat of soda hast aow Pwr. Oteeed for Use of Taking Htm Into The to shin on of J doaat-os ho uon. H to sail that to moat of the a art of the coaratry ussLhs eei to red-tot oaaatie sada , to as, away the skins ana thereby ssv rc;dg,t th- cost of knife peellsg. tae 1 ferueoe to cost sionMag to a ahnt o-ntr.j American States Guatemala Costa Rica, Salvador, and Hondwus may call for similar treatment Will they also be oecnpied from time to time by American forces, one Presiueajor faction deprived of power and another President or faction estaolifched in control? Tkl. . xw may oe an engaging policy for est Africa, the terror of all i Secretary of State with a passion beasts of the forest, but it la for benevolent interference to the far the sunny Souh, the only apot a-fai s of other peoples not strong oa. God's greea earth, where Uoa enough to object forcibly, bat where aad fiounsha ihe old hlaok mammy, will it end? How wU It strike a She l3 distinctively a national pracUcil people like Americans who character, a SoatLern product. tc ara demanding more and more to- creatoa of slavery. She ia an lm- sistsntly every year that their own portAa personage ia the southern public affairs be Bet to order and housenold. She ia closely allied t kep: to order. j xjx white peop.e of the SOulh aavl u every time New York banking -ijjses tnat nave token over a Cen- of old KUaar and Miatr -Tai American loan, or American cap- jg transmitted to all of their itullsLs who have speculated in doub- s.enaiis. aad a haj or two oaato per caa. to rh? prxww vj tods v flsaasT. wrm. Atf the fU. r le ;-. caosU- soda It loft oa eerb ptw of fruit aa a menioto of Us trip thi-Mgh the cannery. Caostlc sod 3, strong ttaoogh to act away the ehto of an unripe peach must he anything but eoothtog to the toner man or cLljd. The fu'- un J' ' fan algal k ance of lh:.j kS test stood to coauectioj with that caustic soda iv nied la tog many ktoda of soap; to fact K Ib the dtrt eating part of the soap It !i ailj that toe groat aMjoru o tn ? caaaesles use the lye pro oeei ii place of the half e pasUag uei od. AtuKspta have been mauo f somoaae to gH th Department o: Agric allure to make a rjUrg oa (lieatiao which would compel t manners who cse this method t oooups a taodcr spot to the breast any so on the labeto of their go - which it loka now as if the question - de- ful coacessione, or American adven-, turers who seek excitement, feel dissatisfied with -conditions to Washington is to be called on to take charge and establish a new goveiameat, a mighty change has She, a3 a rule, was first her young mLV-rees" maid and after mar riage ta young mothers nurse. She was at the birth of all hsr u.k:ress cnUdran wiLh a r&adr hd and watchful eye to supply their be PM up to Cocgrras for spsclflc tow covering this of tie (.ire food agat'tioi The uae of eaoaUc soda to postl ile with rips fruit bcratso discolors a ripe peach Bo that win not pisj muster ..! the l i: pa suiaomy far it rests oa the oaf ; t-aw e, . n . mtt t wssm aag i KM nflR , M W LU 1 r -Lr"1. K I ffJssl .. -' HP os illy tus "Wiri puwi ryr m stsssaawsi wmm aSOslL fsTMssfl c r ! 1 - part of a aM X i7 m MTP , -a P, ttoto p. n, sw-to i ?HkhHmMMVWM ArZSZ SSawTlU till A.TCAOLI.A I the wt Vhremgh tdHTaaW II IKAl-MJ SCHOOL ratortasl as Drug Co, II pjrtliV " " iTsP- ' " I an lis am e The mw ftssJIkar aptHtea of fly II f- ajJT yN.,y X ajpatsaa of lag ,uh srw iiawapaa the insluilll Few Fu i m t toda. i T-rer ttlaoeaaaa. PVcsh emawr ssawsaw haw -w ,mma . X loeer ar, Itara. - 1 - f jilmspjij W1 -"a mrrl I. rnh Ptaaaesly awe II ' I basat fetvh- U- d itjmim thoas who earn -1 tr s of hl-h graJe ceased fr-Jl's. In coma over the spirit of the people of ery want she was always -js urutea suAes. There to no reas oo ye: to believe that they favor such a policy, however grateful It would be to certain interests. New York Wo. Id. present co-iseauoccc th s pro ess la possibi- H is the erovtd ty day. S) easy to buy. You 2e: th3 maaufacturar's aud eisy tersas if you wish. If not ia touch with one of ojt salesmen, write us today for partieu lais, you how easy to make it for yoSL We save you 100, and you get th? beat iastratoont. CHAS. M. STIEFF. L. C. Steti, i-'gr, lliGranby St , Norfolk; Va. mention this p per. f J Stole Wheel Third Time. Johnnie White, who Is black, baa been bound over to the Super ior Court for stealing Mr. Shulars wheel. Ttts Is the third time - he has taken this same wheel. The tost time be was let off upon bis mother promising to correct bka. and shi did give bin a sound thrash ing, but it had little effect for hoarding house from the dispatch e."8 office and left his wheel on the porch, Mrs. J. O. Oates saw him when he we: 'sneaking off wl:h the wheel. She hastened out and attomrted xo seise the lad Oat h? ran olf. leaving his cap. As soon aa Chief Pulley was ap prised of tLe occurrence he hunt- a ed np Johnnie and took him beore Mr3. Oates, who uoheeitatiEgly iden tified him. Johnnie then confessed Lai also admitted that he had tak- ea the same wheel twice before and Orthiai Piano, Jamestown Lxpositkw. i II PIS Nil' m 1 SHI. HI us m si 8 V Si' l alU bo a day and night. She rocked than, la their cHfei when babies and a caey grew older she tacked them to , nelr little trandle beda at nlg-t- j These little beda wero rolled under I the big bed of father and motaer k. 1 the day time and rolled out at nigit for lUUa to aieep to. This day gcne:ation, one of these trundle beds won be a curVaty. When all the little children were saojly tu.ked to their little bed at night, she then did other odds ant. end, prepared the lights, brought water and mended up the fixes to winter. Alter -eating her supper and a short talk with the other darkies she came In. took her seat to a kit tle chair on one side of the fire-place and commenced knitting bar f b locking for winter wear. At bed time she made ber pallet on th" floor by the side of the little trua- ale bed. ready for the first ciy ot any one of the children for water or any other distress. She was up with the dawn, made the fire, got hot water for old master and mis tress and the children, and 4ki oihr likli odd tob until the cMI w th unripe IrulL and fr.L is parpo'.y gatoart.l for slag. Owing to the siesccs of aav u rks oa the cans to tidtcMa th asi of caitt3 soil, tie oaly way too rastOTer ca teL If Le h s Parchc--a lye-;TOcca an of fruit to ty taf Ope i a can of peaches wash away the syrap from s piece of the fniU rhen t It. If It Is void of flavor, jroaiy and paipy.Vad has a ap? apoaranco. n la undoubtedly the lye-.e lod variety. doao aoipe toa.ViaUm r ga. w p qa.m t there li saocody to ems swawrsr. hw tho rf. H S u fas da'srsk aoUag ta ct n of Justce. t ty Uhaa away by t r be Is lata roo-a. aad 1 eke4 by ee tn of it -ts r. j bo aight ask hlaneetf w of fosataitBt a nrVUy dkt la on? way f aiavtatfaj oaer at too bar that La i-r tr al in New Vo it OKy. laau over the waa.e ci.lttosdl ch Ja-ar ris ?lw: as ha t epped xt thv fury aa bjfore tbo ho was kept a ctoso r jr.aaata aeotgk ot la a tor jt. UrMgaoat the wosks of that OlJi Tae f r d far tk s r-y Is th t. dtog-.l e It aa i ! wa that It u '-eat sotno Jaryspaa ba". It da nr. a-, a.le tor aa baa so: scan to ask way bi ahoald be aas. '-vtod of n 7-tr. t ha any raciry than the Jalge ot Ue wl U ci sit 'aj-v JuJges aad d . s baas hwa kaowa to Brl.ed. r brlhora. Uefo.-o naps oa the roeorJ jait aa O a jaryaaaa. Why not leek up Jaig) aad di.trl-t hh th Jsry u prwvoot tho ty. or raached? ia 8 -rliaor a eat. lauorsae.-s are lanj "a asirtl lJ-s Crrgh ar d lapalau r o c nsaaa, t Htot. KPJ ot Jk tbwt ca4 a a Is buI ruled ca a t -'. Ural sai log pj d l.a. I at .t DMx AmU jaaao: laaaj j t raaLa Ahaaa thf saatTag vaalw far a si a avii ta fJ a tui a aa o I am azaiiME.'a oH kt was d y a gl re JSppaa hi aafoat ST d Insure Your Stork I hr Carolina l.he Muck Mutual !. ( I Hints for Stac 0neva. Never fern1 earn aloie ta is false eeonoasy. Caretoaaaen to handling pigs la bad h-ibj. to acaaira. "Eren oa coal daya boga should have plenty of good fneh air. The Idea that anything la ?aaga for apag Is a Bsistakeo Same coraetoks may U fed U the pork-va every day. They are sweet aa d the boga good. eosnw farmers sll thefcr la the ear. bat was" era fanners find h-illd an! others dlooee of It He hang the hlls to cU.'ts li tittsra n 1 at U -d toe itoer Ood had Tho Messed son. our He e ion, to bO a A fcth whosa ho played at had al3o been guilty of Cher miaor 4woke t0 get tolr morning taU: tt mos: prf toUi u " It la tat taefis. , aad be dressed for the dsy. Sne i tfvOr loads ot trouble and care . off Dwelling Afire. ' th WQ,, fr.n,e of the mother. Tht Thursday sparks from the chtomey went w her for most ' act fire to the roof of the a wen- ,hp, ,. Aad oosstblo. ah'- Izs on Mack Brown's farm, near aipnti them. Dr. Ben Brown, ocapied by Artbar tr, iov her It, Nowaa.,. draft homes most ho thooe. for the traadtog mar a a l.d color. dark hay. block orlTh biUag KtHotC A timely discoery and prompt Xyn saved the building, but J chkdnood, to iesiect her la the, boy and girlhood, and to revere her not . , beiore a large hole tad been burn- thought old Master and Ml ed in the roof. ircs3 (In her vernacular) were : ton of the pot, UiS very cream Coldest Weather. ao.lety and the blue blood of The entJ-eSoath has been ex- land and elT cblldrctn wore pjrtenclcg thee coldest weather ' he their guardtoa his la many years. Teezing wc peci l p. Do you wonder at the k:ttle whit n Vdmn, nil lne her black mammy, af Florida, the the UttK and extended beiow Tampa in aad a3 low down as JuHeL Here Col. ZocLlor- treated us 15 deir2e3 Thurcday and two greis cooler the next day. Th0 weather srss cool enough to f reei 3 the water la the alack waters of the ilver aad cakes of ice, of ta-e.n quite irge, wi e w s en floating down. C (IIS IK I to de- be then Sev n Sent:nc; Sermons. ?vo great deed is done by fauer ers v.'iio ask for- certainty. George El iot. -Then w ainpm e each rebuff That tzrns eartVs smoothness rough. Bach stfog that bWa nor sit nor stand hut go; Be oar Joy three times pain, lit ive and bold chaap tbe strata. Loaro, nor ac count tne p"B- ne.'tr gr-auga ' ter she had kept vigil over for all of these long years? Old Master and xitotress cArer to;, hor as long ra they lived, an of tea left her a bequ"3t to aupplr her wants; but she inherited some thing more valuable to her than a more bequest, the love and respoc' of ait of oil Master's children for the children took up where old Master left off and would care tor her the rent of her life. Not oie would over suffer the old black mammy to want. 8be Is always rc membered at Chi-stmas aa on o; the family. She hung up her stocking to old Master's room and chrotnuL I -i countri s where eoUs run out :hn mr aio ind tbe mat jrsr hor sas htvj ma h stroageT tog. Horoes off color and wka pecolUr markings nrver sail so wall a ahoas or solid colors: hosVloa thy are more dirflcolt ta match. Look oat tor bad habits In your colt. It is so much easier to kep nut than U la to cet rid . Of Oheaa s? they once get a the young horse. ah good farmers watch tho dttloo of their colts wben put Into Mi t-r outrt i A co:t allowed to colt, fl'ah and tecoaa this wUl aeejr .make th horie ho worfd if kM proving from tie eurt. The heat feeds are d vcr ' a ra x tare of oats. whet b'. saed meal aal rooti. The sheep barn moet ta Cry an well ventilated. Fo-1 ojars and too much heat trltg oa pecuaaoato. Al. straw, atika. cto aped for Utter la the sheep bara tbould be rua thraugb a cuttjr ta tocreaa the aovjp of absorp la. a Vi'pt (i htta M to a cob Santa dry place will provide cneice ftM aaaaAsBasa I 1 ssnBawi nfBs4sP JsfcaJ 9sj1sbMsjb t inter ljtn a ajpsMMT MMpt MJM t I wW9J 9m Ml . aSS :yjr:Tmr v. h pi?i.e i LW5 .poelja JJJ. Aaady Aaaorwa hiatal mm JfESfr Aad tossrht th wtod this ktod af n ,r,u"M at J. S JS!'Jl ooon- k te Tbi Canst of Mtiny . - wL7 Aad why the hoard-boa ahaodd ho. """ a I r y TbrrpLi th -stoat riw mn rwrnw fA A II U Ummf s bro-a Ksaiiwfrw ii - ' " 3mMJk aTSTsJI lu 1 VII 1. I kill IIVVIII WaamWllka. sw oZZl on. tha wtod wcmld 3ll ?ie- For otrr C4 ,-Ihi.k oi it, r ) m laa kjS3ka atawa, aaaa oaly ule laaxhtar of to craw stisaC cwatosj caaarrh at SssTbi patsk lpVsajlp TysaTwSTa?aiA garfBtoSt tohaJtogaault WTaoa. to lUr-( ISyPifppaja Casa la ladaj aad look at laws the loceJjy ' ill T f a i ' i r il mmimmmmmnmmmomm. ImmTTmtr- EX' Wt nuuhr I aaeapae Wottto aad a has, that Maaaaaahly al to PI, Hi, 1. 6. PREY'S ! VERMIFUGE ! CHua. always fill k. She was V1TS kind, oatlent and faithful the end. In her was developed some of th3 noblest traits of character eve upon few Browning. Tats happiness of yoa" life depends implanted In tbo human breast. .-mii. rvf voiir thouanw, a slavery la aau.i mioq, in a J ' - .,, Marcos Aural i,us. more years the oia o;aca mauimy w-.. . loan her identity ana oe no bsuii, Tn artrt tnat cobjb u" - - - - . . nothing back to character. - is th? -3mc good, old faihi&ned mtdicine t'lat lia3 saved the h -s -ji l.tUe cJiiUlrc.i for the p.Ast 6o a:s. ltia medicine ir.n-te t cur.-. It has never c-tru tuufj ! laii. if yoar child is git aiboui- af FREY'S ric'iMIUC t FIMS TOHiO m f HiLDREH jo iso. t:te a (v tt itnte. Ii youi u .. usjirist doe not keep '.t se-. i twenty -&ve cents la stamp, i ks O. TPttJETZ. Iialtitnoee, Md. ur. a bo- Ut will be Bailed yoa. I Some hae meat that canna ee.L And some would eat that want it; But we hae meat, and we can eat, ( Sae let the Lord be thanket, Burns. The history of the nations la not a record of the clash and conflict of faroea, but of the stately steppinge of a holy Gol working out hla most wise outdo 503. Anoa. Ood will fairly flood your We wi'h all the power he can trust yn tj uae wholly for him. S. D. Gordon. The only value of a gift to be coaaidered oa Christmas day Is the love it represents. Th. writer once had an old black mammy, whose kindness and devo tion to his young life can never be forgotten. Ood bless the old black mammy of the South as long as there is left to tbla sunny land of ours ctn bat for th tu. t until it Is wS"U up. Dan't forget ta have ra .shed tap a Pi sad bator with it. That nice swe Is jaat oa ale tor yo ta keep as she ta for taw man wb Ukia the looks of ber to lajr. U i... overstocked. ko ber: and if you a. bettor aeU other sheep. A stood rack for feeding ahp caa h. mAo hv almost aav sensible far i v. .it that ia unit It SB a euaport for the hay so that it not fall ot the ground aad ha was aim ad aad also be bandy for tbo aheap to get at. That Hotel P L. W. llaaaphJ-ejr Is attU oat hU hotal propoaltloa to wkh hU sHck or les. If tr a ted orsrar. Rs to aa sain aad to aa bl man his o-t tas boat aotol peoJf or aav towa la thee parts Aad why Is should It Mtr Where to alt Land la there a town af MtS) a . tti s wt h jt aa js jUaS Tarboto. ihc? yoa are Th) town an 1 u h a ptoce. it wwsdd aasaa th eaapsoimeal act ksa than a aad a ne:t o pcopto. wage earners tost that to loahhaw ta th towa's bsaOfK while wo ara trying to Pjow that with to wa of Tarbarsf which la shu d be a Mr. Humour, y Is in th) sea oral scc9tac or mm mumwmm AND HIDES an am alaiisisaasjT H. C. B. Caa: Diami Joa Burgess was before '8QlU Fender Frtdsy, charged with sailing mortsaged property, belonging to J. H. Plttman, After hearing the evW .e, the Justice dlamUaed the cos3 at toe cost of the prosecutor, i &Mai EXPRES PREPAID. a.SShT.SSCa t orn IVhiskftv. u vvwewa ewy HtrataTt V. O. Hproii Old Bye, Cera Whtofcsw. Xorth taaroiiam Corn What key. mm I a S a U.U. -vavawwry. Prom rheumatism, achi s and paias, Your system will be free, t. h k., tair a n abtlv drtok Of HottlateyB Rocky Mountain Tea, lii it-pleasaat to take. SoU by all Edgecombe Drag Co. druggists. ripst for couxhs end cQICs Is Kennedy's Laxaitve Cough Syrup It moves the bowels freely yet geaUj a ?d thereby dr.ves the cold from the a stem. It atona the couxh. Children a " Bk pi ppapjappl v u tt,.-, .ou word, tar a sad hie fnaada ar -- . t v ta t L f lam p aa a -v&raaarsah a ta (iks put to the actaai .IIHT T" " " ' vwwid I to vrylu aiu asrsaiaat aa isaa AaTtoaT te Jll tkaral JCgItJ 1 s sUpasjga flgf sj L I at mm sow wvwawa uw w ployed aisaiaj. jaaaaay Plat. 1PPP. twi aa -Have yoa a weak throat? If wraaaat WSh ate tafc astac shall 30 loot aegda Uaatiasst boo arly ' mtm4 ra said astJoa wa the 1 Back cold makes joa saor ttabto to Dewsaaev IPS. a '""B!"" at you wall h saved much traaast ;tf ,aa asad pen show is tin I Wr U i aav ins stars nsr . wsamisi aa aasassw fast 1 tocbos aad A A T WALsTTOK. n 00 PJ 1 1 i as to Bat we rather ay toader asaoh ta ha th era hxi bar. is O I. Tsrboro will have an ap-to-date ton. whether all oa petal Is local or whether Mr Hoaapkrey Is Goro Whiskejw j : A tamper under control as Invaluable asset to In handling cow. Waioath U half the fed tor rowi, and remember that foul air doe wot kop an animal warm. Evsry cow should be brushed thor- oosrhiv each day. K a spina the cl-an and active la health. Make ap your mind that yoo wi not let th calves got stunted winter. Keep them growing. They will be better cows aad bettor cOws are what w are all working for. to three Thta country baa POO trad yowr- lata grows s j n 4s. . willow t tost S CUDDIHV CO. rtaV, flav BALTIMORE LLT ATTmaOBTB SVT btTST s kcsiapc'akeleaincHtennieTei ' W.' w!cmvSrtoM. T. F. Sat talk. Taj KL T. LAM OaaarsJ ApaaA