NEXT COTTON CROP. PFRSGNAL tNTD L'GcNCE. - - i i r-alrl. I I Th:B yWt Sriert Yuld rolOMd by Bunptr My Ba Planting. 19 0M.MO talk S-bscriptioo Rates 31.00 perycar or.' 'a; j -xil at, cfaatrStee a? -c matter Thursday. Jan 6, 1910. We love 1009. but Oh you Teu. MaAe ytur resolutions so strouc: that you help not with one stone in improving the Sheolic Speed, way. A happy New Year to you and youis and may you try to make the year happy one lor others. maans of comfcintlion, tn reaping an unlue praflt. The number of green grDcerj In city, town and tr.cge. It -Us e:IJ, b out of all p.-o?3rtt-a ta S i'thi pjpuiatlon' and U is argued that Uia g.'.t &il ln:ret.alrg lits otj s tbcs? mlidl?mcn b?tweea the purchfts Or and ti ccisuair tnuteats tie gteit-j e vtnt of rich pi kings. Combinations ani trait ar und;r liaca suspicion nowaday.; ajid tho foodstuffs trust 4 . 1 V 1 i t, , ... - - all. it is propcs d to organize J- . . l ho aiath hl;h prices .... . Mnj. J. M JJJ.Jin vi vi iucg nr mother. Mr: A C. rool cs-r Cat Ha aan i- i v. ii.,t rv hi,, re- Ooa of lehor. spread of lb tnrnLi w l h w U. attention to otuer croja ami l WI:tP !. .V frn-n a visit' th 9 BVlUjr Of ThU UlUf Miss Emraa Ftalajaoa. of more is rsitinc MUa Sno Dakar Mis3 Qretchen Parker of K etoa vUlUng Mini Rata Daweoa. Miss Anulj CirUaa, of Clariaa. is spending a few day wfci tivea. Mias Jure KaeaaOc. cf la the cu'3- if to S-srj PlJt. - LET US PRAY. That ith 1910 the knocker wi 1 stop knocking, and the kick era ouit kicking against their town. That fictional differences will be blotted out by each remember ing and practicing the forbearance instead of being the surly bear. That good feeling b.1 established between every citizeu byeaeh re membering thaj; there are two sides to every proposition aud e tv,al!v to erferv contention, and j i in recognition of tlas fact, act ac cbrdingiy. Taatlaw and order will prevail by each one of us observing the one aud respecting the other. That we m3y make our county and i own create in wealth, lata) ligent progress and growth along I all healthy h:es by cacn ar.d every one of us doing bis or her part. That each one of us maj o act, and so do thit that world in which we live shrill hi the teller for our being here. That 1910 will show greater ef forts ou oar part individually and colie. tively to measure up to the foil duty of a citizen. . That each and evuy one of us fully realize aud properly appro ciat-i the prime tact, the basis of 'all gen nine progress. That, ' -Honor jior shame from no coudi tions rise; Act well your part, there the ho- or lies." That no one preys upon another. asuo to flsrht tho hi;h prtces the n;3ss.:i:irs of life which have batia increasing from year to year an na. e no.v reached abnormal races Dr. Schaif a well known ojoaonsw hit auggasted the fjrmattca cf t laague similar to an organiiation forn:; el la Germany yeara ago foi tao sappre.sjn of the exhorbitantly higi-1 pdtoa of coffee. The members of this league abstained from buying c.of fa fir a tint all over the -German Baiplre with the rvseult that the price fell to a normal pojat, competltioa wis resuiacd end the trust brokoa. A number of disti:iguished men In Wash l:gcon, lnciudlvg members of OWi rrrass were present when a preUmlnar o.'janiztiou was ef rajaa -v iovil propaganda li proposed and wo noa as well as men will be enliotea. The plan of procedure will be that waen any article or rcoa is irc too bigh in price, the members will be not'.fisd secretly that on a certain day all will discontinue buyiag that r-xucle. It is b'cllved that this would ooa biing the tr-us to tTsns, U for iistmc several miiliaas cf mnria aViaU ui3 -OUtJ-v'i for 3 WOO'l tue use of beef, there la no doubt that It woull nave a very Mampala. Jan. i Tha b.le o taa cr af J0J of rul g factlltioa f tho i;.Vtf.0C0 txli trop of Iha GraiaB.'yj-w troiw atl records, it la jroy ojt It li aoiic cito. t.'rj taa !os m pr o) ttrl tod praai talk of a cotton faaakM. G i rU.v ao- aklna. It at aafa to prjdet a rccrcd ; 3iUUi will to placed by the feet upon the market. The miters of the league belleTO no trrt couli long survive d-astlc Uetic3. pro that such to home p orl. Mrs. Geo. J. Htlcs. after pndlng several dayj al-h A. WUIUm- 8on. has rttj:n?a mw m SIr. Marie.: i White announces tio mar.-'.agj of nor Jjar.le'Lyna Ferre 1 to 1 Mr. LiRay Faircblld Bell Nineteen hundred Acd nine Wi:?oa, Nartli Ciroiaa The rear. I g: waa solan--.'wd ia Wllaon. Tae brU3 it well known cere and kla rr.i y frionoa. The gfooa la on j o: he uUhi. eje.'ietlc young men of th? lowB. They wl I no at home alto J naty tb. , A.'r. and .-In. lio. ton lawoa c Coneto- Ectta cf Vis. m. Man, C M Par! -a aed wife afe bccli from iia.iitnore. Mies La y Tb"mis a-aa returaed t' Ro:ky Mount, afiir a risk to aN Mamie Fly. , Ben Bn DJ cad wLe. of Tlocky Vt. apoat Saturday end Sunday .i I relatives here. uatod aa da kwM by the reword. afaaaia kai aaL Ufa I that there wee aaaay aaraoaa Itafcea was aaatnartad ta rare for .letea tax aaiar ackedn: maa k4 aui akatUf rai aaa at ita arm nil am olA a a f tio nakea aa4 aCaa 1 I In J Dara'i B) XaW I I tlM la oa that neeia coneawfaaagei and axae of Aa wU) cottao arj aot atrxlcdfal of the darker Uke- It u b larurrd through the prloes aw belrg xkl for tae aeranaol to ayn K. Sboul ! there coaa a eprlog whoa ptastlog would hare to toe doae al t.m a and a i b aaaaona are arj Bead ren d ta a t factor U a alas acreige. Hi-h coat of antes, sreabi aad oJl r foolata'fs bava added I" t the arcaeat for drertlfld fa kag. aad make a Hhely a rery grjjt lacreete ta acreage 'The Central States are i the greater pan of i cr ju?. The Atlcn;!- States ha .a saai: lc.rcaao for ye.ra. f yJ Pt J aaal akaaa rka hai aaa H a- (jllllf! IS ' W or rii mtm af r ti wrx I aad '1b, aaffaVlrax. I a nil r I. DC p-cnl ) ATTENTION n CM !RS YOU CHRISTMAS BUYERS M Eojrsd Over to Court. Ro3;oe Roll has been bound ov?r t tb? Superior Court in the acai of ?100, on tie. cbargi of sicJling i pifc- of breech:s from Hatt Rawli Uesd wsa-wearing the trousers whe arresied. Hoj: Entered. Th dwcltr of W. J. Liac e: in No. 1 1 to.vnsv.l. wee entered Boo- id'.r r.l hf. anJ ro Vd of several au : o' cloth a an. I a hinloxo dreea aalt era TO MY a called burg r boot Mount ti K 1909. The year, just closed, will be not ed, more for t e great&trnie6 made in navigating tiie air." than proia bly any qtjier h df adozeu achieve ments. Next will be psobably the discovery of the Xorth 1'ole by Ptary and the colossal imposition of Cook. The year has been one of great activity, aud so much progress ha been Brade" on tba Panama Cm tnat it seems quite reasonable that the big diu h should be completed by January tirst, 1915. But the year will be lemernberajl byf most people louge1sJaW Yhe great adyauee-iatrie" cost of liv Mr. Sorry e Coga. Mr. S-r y aatl hii dogs a for. t) :nJ-av;r ti tr. II the who o:.erjd A oudey n'.g'ut phogripn gciler' n Rocky o c hua .rel d-1 ais In moaey a totem. Haaakrj his d-S3 wire called for nea Hanllt a to ti Jl x so;vS'i i-i- tbe barn on Arrlagtoc onvia f.nn. The co,a trail for a nil:- an! tka nst V.. COUNTY OOM'IISS:ONgRS Many M t'.ui Cj-.j rc t) aaal li portant A:tla Taken. Th eoonty eommbM:oaera Monday le i wUh thj not lletera ar o. Vint rr llta A3 1 ailfr null They ordeuJ a pcnalry of A per-1 1-1 on ail who had Tailed V- Ikrf tie r ixoperty. The roiioa. to Oavjcore ta aacet U3 bxirl aad cletk aad esaaala their appareat failure to Hat. was sat re apoaded to b.- all. The dark area ordeiel to OwikTy ttcae falihag t a; voir tafore Ike board oa the Iftk. or the board vaala order property To Hake II. i. U i wm w for falber, ton. aaMbrr rr daogktrr, and we lite chain that are both ful an, THE aV ssm. J b tM)iag at i laa at tv. 'OUOCOLO CI F BlTlOa, traa't, fiV, ta ti m. ' rVH H'.OLlII M ovi hat rtn, oiiD QOLU t AKF. F. af. s. g BIG bTOKt rItl I LB. ruro.iure Drain a. I - 1 I mm a w m m i INSURANCE Ha am n to P'fl ocedtery t.t l I Ki cbin'a C titJ r.ta th- trail I Wish to Extend to Yon MY BEST VClSHES FOR A and prosperous Add ti Thank You For Your XT TIIK Ut'C "sk 9K3T vT TUB H CDfc M kXKM S19.00 that protect t yoor come only. Gowaa'al'rrparaitMM in the hoaae iaaarea agaiaa pea- colda. cruap. aurearea in anil 1 heaal by drtroTir: aad careataa. mi prartratuaa. All LOU. 60c ,2c. In today. WE THANK Ih- J All it rot vi u hum i Oft D f I LVti :: vt r.N . t a y d Allgra f pistai CAT tawih f I : . Ut i h II.M, Ym W tt 2 11 1 1 dhra' at Mr a, ateht riili aatk Hh la fay alara a lU aa cadi it aara- i 7 13 Er L L. TKE JEWE L R lt -.fiv- A we hirr rem red rajajr faro a U'4 rcaanaollv in the war of good will da ktf, Ibrpaatteelvesaoathaae badfrre it dttttuc a ihi- araH. t.. irrrwa owr appreoalioo. hfa to aaerit a rw.tiawaaee af oar p ilinaaaja W aall wa d aror dartag ikaeoaaing jwar ta aatwa jroa ati-l ta-ttaa if p lUlr.. end shall neglect ao earac that gatjre 4rihv ote to thai end. To All Kir Friend aad Kuttoua oa K trad It. at W for a ad H-pl l-'io. lv ( i en Avr.'v Miso'ute "i kkkk to .). r Caiat era. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our Regular Corrasponder.i Washington, D. C. Jan. 1, 10'-'9-Tbe famidar play called ' Tire Of ficial New Years' Reception' was again enacted af the White Houe on January' ist, 1910. If it could be introduced iuto tbe moving picutre s'ao'.vs. it v.ouid donbt attract good bouses. At a fixed hour the President and hi; wii'e receive first the Diplomatic Corps, coasisiatg of the ambassa dors, ministers ad attaches frox foreign count, its. These are quite numerous now, the- more important powers being represented bv six or S3ven p isons. They all co.naH in the uniforms of their several countries with go d and decora-. tio3, composing a belizene-J rega lia th.t Jua- r.rmy and cur naval at f leers cannot atttir?. The smallest Souin anJ Cen.ral America republici display an area cf gold laco and . dicoraaon thit outshines the uni forms o; tiio ropraseBUitives of Gennaay, Austrii and Ru3sia, al though those countries aii anything but slmple in tdieir full dress officii clothes. After the diplomatic ?orps has wished the President and Mrs. Taft a happy new year r.nd re?e v el their greeting in kiad, tbe aasfla berj of the Cabfnet followd 'by the Justice's of the Supreme Cou:c in tba dark silk robes In whlo they sit in court and the Sonaotra arci Representatives in CongJss or thoss wb.0 happen to be in Washing ton tiuring tbe holidays, pass ti e Poeident and bis wife and exebang greeiL-g3. Then come those in the Civil, chiefs of bureaus aad( the offi iUs of the District o Columbia, followed finally by private citizens who have formed a long writing 1 'ao. This 3?ene hes been ear.eted for f ul y a bundred years, every Pretfi-j dent of the United States taking part j in It it was Mrs. Cleveland who. in the midst of the reception stated that she wanted to rest a moment and change her smile end many a President and bfo wife has had a swollen hand and a stiff arm for a week after tbe ordeal. Congress wll! resume its sessions in a few days and it is expejt.a that then the political -situation wiH be iit3rcstias, for wcth the deter minatiin of the insurgents to make thon:selve3 heard and felt and tvith with the inmdacnt breach between ta? Speaker of the House and the President, there is pron?i?e of dis c osure and matter or much iatereat d a the coming months. The question of the increased coat o! everything ths man snd woman uied internally, externally and eter nally u being investigated by the venerable Secresry cf Agriculture the qu s ion is viM and widespread. It 4j generally conceded that the orlsinal producer does not get more for Li3 products than he is entitled to I and there is a strong suspicion that ths list retailer bee succeeded by Xibcral gatronage - - I Wiah to Say 1 hat The iKl PERiAL COMPANY Have Enlarged Th-ir Plant and we Have iVERY FACILITY To Expedite Otr Hositujis and ( an Assure You 10 61 Will be Kept up Their Tiigh Btaodard. 6.lsct inj; your Future Kind 1 avors. 1 am Y'ours tiulj', JUS. H. J Agent Imperial "ompany. A Larg? fliar, whit h H on ghi iMtihtt at mil tu r, attl l woj .d up thr f -d' l if ih !.)rVi in cov eted and H w:l! be all-ard tu raj duun and s'op. With 1'v iv Tun haar H a rcr'ai i:nou:it ne vill a cinl-tbi t-ard will be atunpeaj it'i a c lime af i'av. The c tiJ nl-o . . . . : stesu ce tun ln? a hen ou in to nrea- !! it at ur storr. n ih t;meap- cttb! a'l p-r- us h d!i:ig . ard!( f r dta aKl pirnt! Iknir etida st the ti ne Indirnttei, j thi rlo k will In thru nnrvvt r d, tid the ron holding a card ! whkA tlaaa li ih t it-at of i lie time a hen lb . I n k attfa gets a Iteautiftil ounp't'tc set Abr Intel) Free. Ileniemt f r, Vi.i M t Uo Tn The ?tnrc In ii tbe c!tM i or-orered aa the dii-iici R't will ie gien to the person preaeiil with the near Cat t.ine crd. . We WiH fiive Any I gr-at many dinner k'-. so if jmir ar.l dtira not a in i i t .ie nrst uncotct iuk o clock-, do i ' iliu.w b uwuv; ave it. inu ga time, or' t future lira-- Our Pii.. ai I rrroaiu aa h-r t i f. rr, tbf l.ata' our quality as alarafk ail be the Nat Tn pnrpnsj nf ihisuionrr s I diatri initi n will ba t ! our o-d tmd'and rtl ;cwill rraahla to haT :.J:n-.' af OU who nrr !c;!t a"it;i ns ti gle uh a tria'. kla simply i i- tit sburmg i lew that' a Wi.l you eall atouratmc and i; UaC dishes aad gat fur. h-r . ai L nhtnk. You: s to scrte. The Bub Gfowj Cc. OiRLS AND BOYS WANTED We waat OtrU aad Boy a to waih ta tae TAR30RO KNiTTlKi MILL V At T arbor. N. C. and la the RUNNYMCOE MILLS. Near Tarneea. N. C The work la Ugkt. an duat or dirt aad Ih piy U good; Wa ca far niab yoi a kanae la tae towa of Un iaied or West Tartero. We goa: a.hoo:a i.t Tarboro. aad aa ao. A Frea Eieatan Far Year S"Sil Children. We atvj had ataady work all tbe year. Do aot fear a ah at dear wa nil. havo a-rk for r"u erety day. j Co aa and See tKa Wcrk Cr Writa tn C. W. .JCFfIYS. farna a H. C. Cen'i 11 1 mi : Comer Oppmitc lou:l mm 25a. Famr Two. WW WW WV. a WW V. ir-" Ka aaat eap. rtaaat a ilk wnr haali taa aas mkb liff ere rot tawgiaaaa 1 i the f mrf tnj 1 ih davtin- tn H twa nat ejanVM ii a." 1 MVrvapra that If. I ie'.f .1 ej an w witae alraaagtk n-d ciiitaanw. nad aejikaaank, natal itt'i si ti nsnmt trad oar allralaaej U twnr India tdaad aat. CHICHESTER S PILLS AN ( PPORTUNE TIME The bratnninc af a Xew Thy at a good nthr to atart yaaa haalaaa aa a yiwaaaala hnnna. wnoantaaaai r i ibu .n d-poati tuor aaaary with thaa laaak i j" t torhe k. Dr pinnall oarb4laaand atdt 4 ran -na N cheha on will he rne'Ord to kvef) nw t i fMttf VOOR nla .1 rc id nf a i j oar a rk ta nai l THE BANK OF I ov Mlk) fr.d TARBORO BUSINESS I tl r r-Ly x I MA I tBfal sv l S B " " -" n " g-v V mm" w ii . M A A CF TARBORO VrV. VnrV.fwi ' (.mm r - cmc-:r-i.Tna-e a i kus u mumd rxt'-. la a mm. kaa WA Ooaa aaaiallle am. aula ua BwriJOl airaa asot rn i . i t iea yaaaaiagaidiiaeaiai.aaaaii. aiaiaya aaaaaata SOLO BY ALL DRUGGISTS FVc RYaVHCRE TSTi r:nr 'mm iliu.w ii uwuv; a tti on t A. 4, li the urxt .'. G . or M mr , c-rdw. WE ARE Hecri id ? dailr good Ihinga to nat wh'ch n.akrs Xataa an rojojable c-anicn A full slock nf Faney tii. t i us, I hi la. Nut, etc.. lor holiday trade V ,-. t our ac rr or phour oa for g-Td Ibing to Vat, KaafrBnatlr. t n, that ar cirrj a Full Line nt a I I m-f fiota nor wn lakry. We will drdvrr tbe giaida juat nhrn ou a ant Ihrro. (be ii'Rh nl d'au n point Uient give us jour i row. lake L We or ai. bavt t o pb ne-, rail 21 P. A. Lewh, fpi Biiole and Fanrv Gr;cM 3HNST0N t4r. Sod a l'ouuiat!) KtHiantaai.i4 inc I'uro 1 Md I roi c. rbene 1.' 6. Lilies Huff no'l i ) The Tur Fnol Store. The Ul lurky forne-. Phnr .l. aaagggaaatoir im-ti '- . i-t aaaSaaal i Mux -riTau nn.aae najnrn o - i f jLmm I efrtt lack bnaro for root J gF njfnatf;h tt anfahhnn . -aLaaaanaaaaar w-i - . -. m I Failed in Health 1 4 aaaaaaaa a saaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaavw w 3 . aaaaaaam aaa imam. at' 1 v ! a-.:iaafl aW.-k.aV ai A mm m f l Bha I I ZiSr SS-i-S SySJ.Tffl JS ywkcyi tor the men Boom I 1 "Aw!Lto' ?!? !4 Cat), b II a . P"J mmf mhmtm mmmrn, m 3 n .hOT c. "Jcifoolt I coasasml Uoill M - " " 1 "tara-5a Cg infTtrnnwvalr n a rfT?c 1 ; w4"uyjayw m la aaa inn rvnww I . M It I i H YViriLSKOV BBea . m , . . . . m. a a wf FUU. QUARTS Sc 'Si ' "" I Tie Woam't T 2Kita pains are retired or rerer ted aad . aa -Ml? n&A " bBl COtoBBBBCB to BBS n tl ohlc cverwrony ci ocuy; c.y ids yoa Don t wait (hen. but Bse. no maSeF arefy do you good Ba ar to talcs CanJol today, for Ms If lO We will continue business at the same stand during the year 1910 and will be glad to have your patronage for Ca&h or on Time. Thanking you for past favors and hoping you a Joyous ( hristmas and Happy New Year, CRANK HART, J. K, NEWTOM, Sao y and Tvaaa. Man - gee Yours truiv, THE TARBORO SUPPLY CO v