T;ttha mum BE SURE YOU ARK RIGHT ; TH KN GO A.HKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 2 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 1J. 1910. gggJJLlL . JSSSSSSBBBSS - ESTABLISHED 1822 AN OLD ADAGE "A light purse U a heavy curse' Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of Bine tenths of all GOVERNMENT GAMBLING. "PARSIFAL." Spain Much the Worse Off for Grant- The Significance of the Grail ing San Sebastian Coneeaaion. Tutt'sPills go to the root of the ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. It seems to be a fact that Spanish govrenmeot tars given co iceaaioa tor a great gambling tiblishment at San Sebastian, the Monte Carlo pattern. This, is understood, in opposition to wishes of King Alfonso, who his simmer residence there, It munity and the Grail. the I The Grail Community In parsua. a of which every member Is a knight es- and no only a declared supporter on of the Grail but a man who haa eub it matted himself to severe Inward th tastings that make hfcn worth Hy ei bt legible fsr membership li Wagner a be-' conception of the Ideal church. It la.j oi tho Bay of Btacay and close is ia every sense spimuai. in non to the main Pyrenees; it is but a ! material Its power, duty, reepona f miioB rwrni ttu Prsnrh frontier. bUiiy and conaclouaneas are all dlf- t rtiE HUB HH ROOM served Gillies' Best Coffee, the Best in town and the way it is served. .'he dining room is open till 12 at ni?ht. Ladies are especially invi te i. Polite waiters and good coke. Our midday lunch will please them ve think. filllCKEST a, heaj' Mil SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND LADIES I A- T" lrtrstat for Cm-CTTHS-TKH'S SIAMUN U UKANO FIl,Ld in RRI Gold metallic boxes, scaled with RlSbcn. TAXB WO OTHER. D IVo-lt sad ilk tar CHI-CII lUAUOHD BBAN PIT Lft, for twenty-Ste Tears regarded as Best, Safest, Always Reliable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS TTMK FUCRVWUCDC WORTH I.THH miLML I ESTHD BS-TKR'S A Rkd ndA irith Blue and ij a great watering place. The Kin j wanted a sea fasten hkh would bo impossible with the grand rush of the gambling fraternity; but the mtatetry wanted the money the eon cession would bring two mi lion dol lars a year and a share in the prof its of ths games. It la said that there is a genuine boom on in real estate at San Se oaatin ia consequence of the on cession, hotel men seeing a great fu ture for their business, and many mylng and building. The concession was granted to one M. Masquet, who iiaa a gambling resort at Ostend and ha 13 al30 interested In the Monte sri gambling palace. He Is not m ;xi oior, having introduced at Os tond end also at Monte Carlo feat- :roa considered unfair. Tha Spanish government Is crcat reed o! money. The war tha tribesmen of Morocco has hauated the treasury, and the ferent exprossions of the same word Its functions are to serve mankind by exercise of that sublime sense of duty, or generosity, which in every transaction of our dally Intercourse enables one to concede to tile other that difference which m kts hint j superior morally. The Ideal state or community wher In ts exercised the moral quality of conceding jiraee, the noblesse which always must serve before tt is noblesse, ia Wagner's Oral I. Be tween its membe.a there Is no re lationship that gives rise to the ex ercise of grs.ee, but, between them and the mystiruoos source of all. there is the symbolic act of the un covering of the Grail by Its head or king. ! The Gr'l! temple as tt will b in ACTUAL STARVATION. The R. E. L. Cook Drug Co.. Qlvaa Pasts Regarding Dyspepsia. Although indigestion and dyspepsia are so prevalent, most people do not thoroughly understand their cause and how to obtain relief. There is no reason why people shews not sat anything they desire if they win only chew It carefully and 'hoi oaghty. Many actually starve them of eating every good -look good sjieUUbg and good-tasOas food, b catsa it doaa not agree with hesa. Dieting cannot cure dyspepsia. if we refuse every article of food that disagrees with us. before hang we have aothing MCt, and Had our selves chronic dyspeptics. ' ere so comment ths. we can rurnlsh relief for ladigonion sad JWT'i that we promise to opr'.' tha medic use freo of all cost to every one who usee it according to directions who Is not psrfec '.y satis fied wUh the results. We exact no promises and put no one under any obligation whatever. Surely aothlnc could bo fairer. We are located right oere where you live, and oar repasta t on bhou 1 be suf f Iciest sasurance of b gaau.aeaeas of oar of.'tr. We want every one who to troah ed wtia Indigestion or d.prli 1 any form to come to our store ana; get a box of RexaU Dyspasia YUfc- f RIKD a m Pi i fill S i. ill represented on the stage of the opera witb 1 boise on 2iud, ia a nobis and beaut- lets. Take them home, and r e f il s en.c masterpiece. Managers Mar- them a reasonable trial, according t: r- tla and E-aaerv have succeeded in ere- directions. Tbey are cry r4c : w - - - . ai pi3 are s heavily taxed already that "as a Pnect rpc or me the imprsition of further taxation is sicred edifice as shown at the Bai ma Aat oharM c- re-Mh fjtahra'.s. The scene in the uutivuii, i uc sjsyasssssssssi uuiv tw done $70,000,000 a year, or almost tonspie la the final act, where Persl .54 pir capita on the population and ' heals the wounded King by Sp?ia is almost in extremity m its . touch of the Sacred Spear and holds fia-incos., To a ministry so pressed as aloft the holy vteacl; from which the Spansh mintsrty ia. the opening tiom hope anJ renewed spiritual vig or, forms a most solemn ana ltrtprej eve sug; spectacle. Pars fa! patrons should bear in miid the unusual hour or coaaarence prompUy at 7.46. MODERN POLITICAL METHODS. of presetted for financial relief to si luriis. They see that in Monte Car lo tae gambling operations pay ell the public expenses, there being no tax lerrlos. It to the same at Macas the mouth of the Canon river, where th- gamtTna: concession pays $1,000 a day and the lottery $10,000 a month and the whole place to kept UaeJ by Successful Candidates like a parlor. Present Time. It is no doubt true that the Span- PossiUy no political campaign i3h arvi PortuPTuese fail to have New York Chy in years has su h a supreme horror of gambling attended by a grester use for adver on moral grounds es we have in lag space of various kinds and de America, so that the wave of popular acrlotions than the one which ended resentment agains such a concession recently with the election of Judge may not be felt in Spain against Giynor to the Msyoralty and the de- this minis tertp1 move that we in take; tbey soothe thr Irritable atom ach, srengn and Isvigorwj tea aigjs .ve o.-gans, promote a heaitty od natural bowel atUoa. almost lm- age Iks e relive nans m and axssscl irrita Ion. produce healthy Clcation and asslmilailgn, and promote i.utrt- Uon A i -ce.v package of Rexall Dys p?pela Tablets furaisica 16 j-eitxenf. In or-1 wry cases this sufficient tj pro la e complete rw .14. Ia mire chraal- csca. a U&g traatmant, of eoasae. la aecseaary. an p n' upon tho savrrtty of 'he trauble. For sa h cases we hsve two lurger stoce. 50 coa's asd $1.00 R- jm-ct- j on can. obt ia steaxll Real" i m in Tarboro only at oar store- The Rixsll Store. R. K. L. P TMEATtRg PAY RIO RfNT Msssas Pay Fro te fTtXCOO s Year. TMt ROARO OF CHARITY. d losses made h'n the thaatsT U asBsj ska factor, and Us rental X tfcsds sr oaaalty very ey The re for U.OOt are old s o; n 'wsjt aiwftva see a big advance, m Isaix th Hrotdway lb eater, whiei hi tt rorty -first street, m Koa York, .was leased for tsa years at rental $4jsst. Tato year the nov Iceaat ar - pa; leg $70,000 a year. The r . .. .r theater, which to tn:t'rroaa the stree. f r IHw03$ on L T.cea4v wJtat l reotsi woo Jcwapsd to ft.) a yaar The New York theaater rests for ).eo ad the Crttorioa i v both haksg bat cadw dMfsiest C-'tUr 3.060.09Q was refasad for the skta, so account being taken of bull Knar which cos: racaUerably thia a mi. I loo doUars. Tbcra i9 first etssa ustsra to Now York ebUr-aUJ rest for os U Jle as $$. but and r old 1 . -jo ar.-ordlor th Colmt 1 theat r rU for as tt Forres; theat -r la del oh 1 1 ra sd ta: sj la Co) on the ntgo to boa fMJOt to $4&.0. ! CiochansU. Deuort ts wUi lal tt Loito frm $M.sag to .OSO ? a yraro end so U gaa. New York 8na- raawall-WinataS 1 as Ttlt morel g at 7 olock la Mo uU: church here. Mr. Fred W, ar eil of Tar on r 1 Utoo Ruth Instesd. "haf titer of air. and also. MvOth Risfca For Oispets.n) CamHay asm A PVeptsr Appeal. gadst The Board of CwStosty hswaag chart ed tho Boo. Bertram K. fcWwwu. gesp sria'aadoai. Row. V. R Carroway. as see iiiassn. Tisim. wpm to saafeo swbifec tho rales which ehaO fjaw era tatr dtotrtoa'ton of messy absolutely awwdy eoly. aet So tbes. who, howwwr peer, are eUh aaos I '-a g- oi altbiat uhortti. B - . stsstms to the above via ho issjotr d from ike physwun to ortsein j comal ti to 5c K EEP YOU R EYES ctUteo, of hy opiytog elb the fi IN THIS MACE IT BELONGS TO COOK THE DRUGGIST J Masomr Temple Building '"SLTJ Tarboro, - - N.C. . P. Wtastad. o: thU city. wasted n mnrg. Rev. O. F. b- t or of th- Wlaa M-.h-v i-t caurch of Keating. Immediately at r the tsiamcay i.f an! Mrs. Draswelt took the A V C I. trala far Norfom. from wu they leave for Wash ag'oa hy tbU sTerwoon. r. Cras cl! to a popular . his Loess ansa of Tarboro add won for his bride oa attractive yomag eoo.---e ssyose I a oa are able D a. g:re aiy oo.--yl jroa. s ; f . br. glee tan yoa are sal t i a i t t it pa p i? tbrnagh the . J fm a t mn to -a I- o th i-ri ossae will I) i i t r Kr Best thas ikotr j is ikies In toaa t would fel in like case. Pubfle lotteries are a recognised means of roJeong reve nue in these countries. But auch schemes are vast evils from an eco noT.tr etamdnoint. .and in the end 1 HULLS (1 1 IKfillfi MM M . 1 7 IP. 1 5. feat Of the remainder of the lw many ticket. Flarures as to the to tal amount of money expended are not available, but it to safe to say that total aonoant spent for paid pu L'city for tho numerous candidates lu. to certain that Spain will be much . was ttt3 worse for grantins; this gamblteg A con-reasion. Salt Lake Tribune. A Wild Blizxard Raging. brines danger, suffering often death to thousands, who take colds, cough and lagrippe that tarror of Winter and SprLng. Its danger slgnala are "stuffed u?" nostri's, lower part of noae sore, chills and fever. pain in back of head, and a throat grip pior; cough. When Grip attacks as you value your life, dopt de lay "getting Dr. King's New Discovery. 'One bottle car :d mo.' writes A. Li. Dma. Of Pi .3 Va.-tj, Miss., "after being 'ild up' tLiee weeks wiji Grip"' For s-re latg, Hemor rhagss. Coughs, Colds, Waooping C.u Bronctaifs, Asthnia, it's su- - - . .. TMT preme. 50 c. i.oo uaaranteea Dy H. Macnair. many thousands of dollars marked feature of this years t elect ion Je ring through the oidJnary channels of advertisle.3 w-s the 0 j of newspapcTB. hundreds of eo'.umn of s iace la which were utilised for d'srtay ads and reading notices, aet Uag forth the promises and virtue? of the leading aspirants to of lice and '-nzs. Ths s Aco varied from a few for call Ir g attention tn mj- me?i Aactaea to the fell page, used in the concluulne hours of the coatest by tb3 mancgers of the Baanard car. Piign la a list of leading morning and Saved at Death's .The door of doc Hi tamed ready to Pn for Murray W. Aycrs. of T. l Biidsre. N. Y. when bw He was mderfull; saved. "I was in a dre-xi ul condition.- he writes, -my akin vas yellow; eyes sunken; tongs coated; emarlated from losing 4 rjuoda, growing weaker dally. V ru nt liver trouble pulled me down to eUta in spite of dottors. Then tnsi .1 i nif-a menicine. uscinc d,v- gOa rre. I regained the 40 pounds st and sow aa strong and wcii. r all stomach. Mvor and kiiae; Wsbm they're sspreme. 60c. at W I. Macnair. reanlya Laxsttve axvea tto bowels freely yet goat' a d th reby dr va tho cold from I ate .-. t s:ps the cough. CtL.ii lle It rJe-aaat to tabs. 4teU by 1 dr -t is IS. ; -r U3 a csmsa ssjaa snwau t j If, I kaa, i.c trasotwor. sad m atja 1 . Oa y so k pro it s ska re e 1 f i g i a-aoait 00 tt swsdsd wu J b3 sat.-d from fOm a I at pf w:r a etothes. boodisr .falsi, otahooa aowsptat'' -ioay . i' Bttm opocp of VMi yoa kaow u j t tho sapwtaacoa-. with a wri I tea at.fmsst of-Bhat row koptowo to 'bo kj una etrras.sraat.as of the EA8T f ABOLI.U j TEACHERS TRAIN I NO SCHOOL I 1 IBgPBB KlillT. II. WRIGHT. OrwssjTtUr, X. C WOMAN 3 INiTITUTE. Jomtn as Wall as Psr.nera -.st-u:--ea. to at Only five sad oas half per eeat of thi total area of the omj 1. a: a ie of U lige. Last Certrf kestrs. Nt(t?e to hjroby given that sppil oa a ill te sssd for tho reus as a cortlfic.tes of five shares of the Edtwcoaj' p vca latlm. sOi as: rr dee nyed. Im: 2 shares. No. 13 li .Otb series. 1 share No. US I rlit swi?o sod 2 a haras la Utk V No. II. SARAH ALSTON. Dsmbar 13 iPtl. the s Di snvo- thy. to t t rM of BtoBaescBsp that the o gi s a seedy sees m t i do. If to h I tdjarryl iDMire Your Stck be Carol na l.hr M rk ! tl g. Co to itoaassajksro at a aapmfl oosR, wMoR BBSS fysalm tho pkrw t WU im l u a Yoa l 19 (he a -si b. hp aw. lag Hell tour's Rocky oacs a wssfc. too how 01 keep yos atrsoag sad wotL nigh -(isvomhe Drag Co. to otoaa sad parrBy r psaH esotty eoasl lay rwill UKXNIU Xo asaa wfco Bam stosR at Imp asroapppt ralao rms aRtord to go noisrotorted. ronUh TBstmail cost pssto t km isoaraacw .U the rwatk to I . H. PENDER evening papers. This one ad aione BIRD CON3ERVATI3M. la raid ti have coat nearly SZS.OtO. Ona ol the largcat Items of adver tsins expecse to both Tammany anc pahltobiog and aaading out througi th- maili cnor oa3 ouautitiea o' th i.1 of Icia! oampalsn booklets. Tsm many and the Barmird managasrs sent 1 cooin or their booklets to most o: j taa volers in the greater eKy. Print jr3 Ink. DISSOLUTION ERTIFIATE OF ... . .... r' t Dwu.Anf3 'f-lT a A.l to wnora :ujjc rmcuw Co a 5 'Jrsti: g: Wif.r.-i it smears to my satisfac tion that b; July aoaemicutod rec ord oi tho praccoeiint-s, for tbe vcl; itary di3 3 3laioa thsrecf by tha t Pli-c fo." National AuuLon Universi-i anioaous consent of all the s'ock'-ield- er-, deposited in my office. that I13 Peters Irci-lerrent comp-1'; .arporatioa of this State, waose prin '.in l offi e is sTuated in tae town ? T.r-oo- Coanty of BlgBaOTibe Stat3 of Nor'h arolina. R. B. Jetars baia? die Fgent therMn and ia ciirse thereof, uron whom process may be rvpd has complied win the re- , ... v.irRin. nf Chanter 21, Keviiai i!i-- unt'.tioA "corcoraeions, imlnry to the issuing 01 mis t:Mcita of DKOO.uuon. Now, Therefore, I J. Eryan Grlmeo aaeretsra of State of the State oi North Cajotlna- do horeby certify that the paid" corpo.lon did. on the 3rd doy Of December, 1909, file in h,u a tniv executed and at- UXjf w " 4 t .ct ronaent in writing to pre-Ler- t With 1,O0O.OC0. "vil-h the deoiga o. saving ta Ve F3rle of thi country at loiat 0)3,0")0 each yezr. ptanp for a Nat laaai Aalu'on Ucivcrs ty. to be en do Tver!, with 51,000,000, have been an nounced ia this city, iiascd on the kaown annual crop 103a of $1.000 000 fljie to th3 spreading pests that t'ao insect eating birds uestroy, uie c cjptiuns of chj National Aasoclatlon of Audulon Societies, whitb Is back, o! this pcajact, shov tht the taajh-i iin nt MpjI ainc froaa s-ach an ia- at.tutton m-ost result la wiping oat at least 1 per cent o- tha huge natjon al p:nalty for popular lack of knowl e on thU sabject. vhen $1,000,000 o n bs ratood for tha nor ual varsity 1. ii purpowd at once t5 start its wo k which promises eventually to coacrt-uta milllana ta American pro3 parity. Every man, woman and chi;d tarooirhout the United States may be included as a student in the pro posed AuIuNm UaiveTcity- Through hundreds of lecturers and teachsrs Making Life Safer. Eva.-ywhera life Is being made mor S'fa throaeh the work of Dr. King New Life Pills In Constipation. BU toamas, Dyspepa4a, Indigestion. Liv er troubles Ki luey Diseeses sxd Eow el D:3oriars. They're easy, but sare a.n1 TKrfH-tIv hni'd utj the health 23c. at W. H. Macna'rs. FIRST TRAIN OVER BIG BRIDGE the Receivers Drivs Laat Spikes in RaiS on Irrmansa Stesl Structure. Eaa.era Noith Carolma'a blgg tlaae saver was declared a soccee laat Saturday evening when the receivers and offl jras cf the N flk and 80 a them Railway caule the first train acrosj too new brll. ovar Albemarlo Somd. The last connec' ing rail was laid 01 the brilg3 at 6.20 Saturday even ing, and a soi'taa make It fast m dr.ven ly erch memler of the oi ficltl paty. lue triige Is nearly flv and a haV miles, the lonajest In the wo.id over navigable water. Th nartv that took across the ' trial train wera Reclvero H In co.ncc.lan a-l'k tho rsrmers ostluitsi which are bring h id odei Jia direction of the State Agruui ur D jrartrr en', there will nleo h "HJ at Cij same time anJ pt a lait- for t-03Ba. cOC'i J'.ted b rs. Sue Viio lowell. The objects of thrte last: 1 v ar - hrlag to;cther the womea froi- j farm boat a that they may bcon etCT. a quo In ted and talk over aon; th wase'.ves subjects t mdtng to a? be tjrmont cf conations oral hamea, such ss hot or 1 re eoonomlcal foods anl hsi '.--ho e of p om l-e tem; kooso . .lat'oa: b .- t IM r i vegetable girloning. farm dairying. pouary rw 4 the te u'lfylng of the M al h m ai rmadl gs. etc. Tw lrj. rates wUl be bcJJ W ths caaity. Ob3 here. Tuesdsy. Ire.rsuy m Thj oth-r a' Co t V . Ke rorry gal. C oh v.. trgla at 10 o'clock. There shoa d ba t '.-rge atund anco at bata h ..;'U aa of hocb the fame.-a and th.i. a-lvsa sad daaghters. No man kaa.v3 a.. -J-t .xarmxaa B u a m. sal no woman is p--r.e t tn an sss La required of a ga ho js wife. A" 1 at ypr. barge of vlcaa and ei4je:lcccea ia always ben fl ISJ. Even a wiaa man can lec:n from t foil. d ssolutlon of ssld corporation execut by all the stockholders thereof which s.'i consent and the record of the Aim .fnrxaU are now oa &cvur - ifh. in my said office as .provided by s. Ia TesUmony Whereof, I have hare sat mv hand and affixed my of- ial seal, ac BAleigh, thl3 3rd day 0! December, A. D., 1903. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. K Wai who are ta be eiucateo in ui Cott and Hugh M. Kerr; Marsdeen J of natures eneexs xo tne York, bead of the of the country's crops and woods, too Aad S3Uthem reiwaniaatlon economic principles or otru P neral Managr E. T. Lamb tion will be taught In every commun- afjjr p u Nlchoiwon Ity. By means of nyy Tho Norfo:k ud southern expecU aian and corresponaence ewursos traens rruUrly oyer the .m 19 1 S .. yn sr savin? effect ox tne witu ui" agriculture in every section will be presented to the workers on the 6.000 000 farms of the country. Each phase of the science of economic ornitholo gy wi'l be studied end presented to tho people - Now York Tribune. The only bakiiiR powtlt-r mRld am B tram Royal Grape Cream of Tartar to 10 roar hi. CBsao to iBatoTaam Imk at' kea. fUrn 1 to taps, fla 10 today and took st il mmm supply co. Rant to tap 1 A Wretched f Utaie. to endure the itching, psnuui tress of Piles. There's no need Lteten: "I suffered much from 1 writes Will A. Marsh, of Slier N r -till I aot a box of BseMesrs Arnica Salve, and was so Barns, Boils, Ulcers, Eesens ('' Chaooed Hands. Chlbl- asas vaednh before tt U c at W H. Macnair. IOSERT 3 TASTELES8 CHILL TONiC. The oeat Fever end Chill Remedy. 33,347 Bottles sold last year. There is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clean ses th blood. For salt by all dealers. Pt2f It tone3 snd viaUlses ths en tire system j, makes life worth liv ing no matter what your station. Hollister's Rocky Mountain Eea a the surest preventative for and cure of dlaeaa-a. Prove H Edgscombo Drug Co. trestle by January 17. The saving ia time and the general Increase in the efficiency of the railroad so s cacrior of pa3engers and freight wii! mean big things for the Norfolk and j Southern, for Norfolk and for East ern North Carolina. The cooapany will ealarao bo ths its nassenarers sou freight sarvice snd among Its conp?t- i-ors will be mare formidatle thau, heratofore. Have You Tried It? There to s bottle of CanJui waittog for ye drw store. Hare pop tried it? If not, we urge you to do to, bctof have obtained sadi R hold oa yos. that i lav be nrarty too late. an bdp yoa. Csroai wflL Why tiwaid tt not Go ICARDUi h EXPRESS PREPAID, for 11 Hhiskeyo 13 teas Wkaakry, ritrsigt R. C. CVori i.l Old Kyr. j m si Rf Horn Whiskey. The Woman'i Tack Lm stress1 Ootdoo Cent Wkmkoy North orn V 1 40 1 to X.TS Rtt in the lnngs. Oowsn's Prep- gives q trick rebrf by oV I inflsmmattos asd coo- aitiorL Acta atss ssaam sar crowp and coughs- Bxttrwal sad wrttes Mrs. Lsor Uwreace. of DrennoB Sprmsya, Ky. "Nnthino 1 tried beiocd nry JlSRSml. BPam she Red hiM rarduT I had seal for ttw doctor, when I j. J. :riiiiiY ,v o.. JsckssmviUe. Fhv RoxSSR of your medicine and taken four doses the Cardtri to sry friends.1 Yonr dnajRist sefi oa the bottte. I I a $1 A full line of Cros.ett by yoarsolf. AU numbers, men s.ia boy, on Supply CO. Shoes. Rober- ROW Joe So 5 W 10L' I

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