Xl-tTIi POWELL, Elltoi. Piqued ETory Ihvxt&ij, fjaoscription liates$l,00 peryear i j.?red av.'o8tc3ce as second class matter Thursday. Jan. 13, 1910. More Tax Talk. If $100 lent at interest should pay the fax rate on f 100 what should laud and personal property pay?. The Southerner is publishing now and then the tax problem, not with a view to reflect on anv one, bul with the hope that the public con science, which means of course the individual recognition of account ability, may be so awakened that every dollar may bear its just bur den in paying the expense of carry ing out the coustisutioual guaran tee otthe protection of life, liberty, and property. We submit that it is unquestionably unfair, absolute ly unjust, to make one pay tax on 1,000, which, if invested in laud would be assessed at $250 or 500 and on which the tax would be paid. That there have been solvent credit dodgers we have never doubted; that is to thtir shame; that laud and all realty and pel son at property have been valued f-.ir below their woith not a sensible - ajV man in the county will deny. We can name lauds that are assessed at three dollars au acre for which the owner would not take thirty whieh price would be giveu aud more. Such inequalities in tax valuation brood no good, they savor of that which-is so much dishonest, timt the weak, to ba- aught of the miser is tempted to take advantage. It should be plaij to the intelle geut that vale;s there is au equal appraisement of property, money must be ruu out of the community. It can not pay full lax and other property one fourth or one thud. This proposition must be grappled with. If the state would fiud its revenue from some other than pro perty and solvent credits, the prob lem would then be up to the coun ties and we beleive that the people thereof would see that justice is done. " Lee-Jackson Day. The following are the cOJimi'.tees to serve at the celebration of Lee Jackson Day, jan. 19. The exercises will be helcF in the court house and mn:heon will be served in the Brid get' building: Dinner Committee. Itrs. Woolen, Chairman, Mrs. Cur r-.ei Mrs. w. II. Powell. Mrs. Mc- Craw, Miss Saliie Porter. Mrs. G- T. DeBerry, Mrs. R. B. Hyatt, Miss Sarah Hyman, Mrs. S. P. BeaUy. Hall Committee. Mrs. L. V. Hart, Chairman; Mrs Clayton, Mrs. Franli Hcrt, Mk Jones Dozicr, Mrs. Almon Hart. Mrs. Clarence Johnson, Mrs. Cob.,, fea. Wiili-mson, Mrs. J. W. Jones. MugIc Committee. Miss Mary AusKn, Chairman; tits. L. L. Staton, Mrs. A. Williamson, Vis S. N. Harreil, Mrs. Whintey Britt gers, Mrs. Brooks Peters. Mrs M--t: Whltehuist, Miss Lucy Ear low. Luncheon Committee. Mrs. Jno. L. Eri.lgors. QhainhaH: Mrs, J. W. Wiggins, Mrs. Nora Jenkins, Mrs. T. W.-TbMsh, Miss Rah Bridgers. There v.ill bo a call meeting of the Daughters a' Mrs.JBon Wttttama Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 3 o'clock. MRS S J SUGG, president PREDICTS SMALL CROP OF TON. COT- Boll Weevil One of the Causes Ex pert Declares. Washington, January 8. The cot ton crop for the year 1S09 is going -to be the smallest since 1S09 accordin to a statement of W. D. Hunter, oi i)allas. Texas, expert of the dsnart- ment of agriculture. "It is due,' he said, in addressing the House com mittee on Agriculture, ' to the wee vil in Louisiana and in portions of Arkansas and Mississippi and to the extreme dry weather in Texas." The boll weevil, he declared, -jun-doubtedly would cause a remarkable redistribution cf the production of cotton first in large areas. Wha were large centers of production for merly were going to fall down and more than that there would be a re distribution in the small plantations. Married. "N Yesterday at the residence of her brother-in-law, P. A. Lewis, oi: Last Granville street, Misp Margaret K. Carr and W. Asa Williams Jr., by -iaer f. D. uoid. Tne ceremony was simple, plain, but impressive. That evening a reception was given them at tthe home, near here, t.i groom's brother, Latham Williams. Both are citizens of Edgecombe and both are liked and esteemed by all who know them, and these are many. A More Descriptive Name. - Beginning with the year, the Rob erson Supply Co., was suceeded by toe Itoaersoii-Ruffm, Co. There has been no change in personnel, stocK holders, or clerical force. The ac tive and directing miaiis Li thi: corporation are Messrs. Roberson and Raffia. The change is -made 10 indi cate and accentuate this fact. Two better business men and clev er gentlemen have soldom jointly di rected a large and steadily growing 'business. - A, T. Waleton left today to at tend the Odd Fellows' District Meet ing ia ML Olive. SITE OF SODOM AND GOMORRAH Alfo the Volcano That Destroyed Them Cave Where Lot Stayed. - . Ellis worth Huntington, head of the recent Yale expedition to Pales tine declares that he has verified the BiJl3 story of Sodom and Gomor rah. "Hundreds of pages," he says in The cnot. Harper's Magazine have been written tr urove that the the etorv la a myth, or that the ancient towns were hPlnchot's Immediate asltanU fo destroyed by the bdrsting forth of oil wells like thosa of Texas or Baku, which sometimes are ignited and burr for days. Other hundreds of pages have bean devoted to proving that So lorn and Gomonah were or were no at the north end of the Dead sea, and that they were or were not buried under the saline deposits at either end of the lake. S "Among recent writers there seems to be a tendency to believe that So dom and its sister town were prob ablv located at the south end of the lake, where the name Usdum is thought to represent Sodom and where Arab tradition now locates the m fated cities. The means of thei destruction are believed to have been the oil wells mentioned above. Tv.is rather . unsatisfactory conclus ion has been auop:ea largny Be cause it has been supposed that no volcano is located in such a position that it ould have borne any part in tho story. "According to 'he story in Gene sis, Lot and Abraham were at Beth el, ten miles norch of Jerusalem when their herdsmen quarreled aud they decided to separate. 'And Lot lifted np hb eyes, and beheld ail the plain of the Jordan, that it was well wat ered everywhere, before Jehovah de stroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. Bke tha garden of Jehovah, like the land of Egypi, as thou gost ii'o Zoar. So Lo: cLose him all the Plain of lordan.' "Then the Story goes on to the t:me when "Jehovah rained upon so- dom aud upon Gomorrah brims Mae and fire froai Jehovah out of hvtn' while Lot fled to the near town of Zoar. He did not stay there long. bU went out of Zoar and dwelt In the mountain in a cave." "Having freshly read the story a.id having looked over the atron? arguments for locating the towns south of tho Dead sea and for be lieving them to have been dost "; ea in thw nature of bituminous out bursts, I was taken by 6uprise when 1 visited the little ruin of Saweimet and picked up bits of genuine scortac- eoa.3 lava, while the sheikh lo acted as guide told the story of So dom as the story of Suweimeh or suweim. The name mav be a corrup tion of Solom. "I went into the mountains a once from Suweim In order to see where the lava came from. As we cllnijed the lower hills the sheikh no ticed that I picked up black pieces of lava and l.roke them open. "Don"; bother wi.h those,' he saii '. .1 here, po-nting southeast, "ttierc is a whole mountain of black rocl pke thaL' -"Ot -,vo mil s from Smreim. a long the line of the great w wai.h separates the Ghor from tilt p.ateau cf Moab, we found the mountain,- a g?nn:n It tie voV o:" very recent date geologically. Fror i flowed a sheet of lava w iich mi l the small headlan-i alr'dy iront'T ei between Suweim and Ghuweir. Th aime Ghuweir is belicvei :j man students to be a corruption of 7.r M b urh it niay also be an Arabic word, the dim native of Gaor. mean ir.g 'U-.tle Valley.- "A . late erujaion of ashes from the volcano r.-av easilv have wrought havoc in a town lo at 'd near Suwein Oa the o'her hand Ghuweir lie 1 1 such a position that it would fcf protected by intervening Mils. i.ne present ruins of Ghuweir. doahtless date from a tir.e many hun dred or even one or two thousrnf. years after the days of Abrah".n anl Lo". Th"r is one work of mi " ' - ver. Which may go back to the Prioi of the Patriarchs a:id wWcL may ha-e played a part in the Bib lical narrative. ".Near the hQad cf 'he valley whicV ' : Is eastward from Ghuweir up to wirJs the plater.u of Moab we '. s covered a carefully excavated cave among the mountains at a p!3c' caUod Ei Ghuttar, between tA B Hassan and Beth Peor. It is about tv.enty feH long and fifteen -fee; v.-Ile, carefu'ly hewed out of the lime stone above a spring. Two window. loot down the wadi toward Zpr ind a door with a rock cut throug! to lead off the water of rains hos boea so located that it can be reach ed only by climbine a precipice by mea.s of six or eight little niches "ut in the rock or by climbing down aver some difficult steps in the rock above. "Nowhere else In this region i there known to be an artificial cave anon which any such care has been bestowed as upon this. The discovery of the cave, together with the vol cano and the tradition of Suweimeh, supplied all the element of the story of So-Jom and Gomorrah in exactly the location where the Bib lical account would lead one to e p3ct them. "The supposition that the cUmatc o; past time was different from that or today disposes of the difficulty which has arisen from the Scriptural reference to the fertility of the laJ. On the whole, the result of a strictly geographic study of the reg ion tends to show that the Biblical account Ls correct almost exactly as it stands. The fact that students o; the highest ability have been In much doubt as to the location of Souom and Gomorrah shows how imp Tfectly tha Ghor and the shores of tho Dead Sea have been explored. New York Sun. R. E. L. Cook has closad his Drug Store near the Pamlico Bank and is Consolidating his alnlr In hlo Tftm. P!e Pharmacy th liehtes' n.i in many ways the most attractive drug store in fory-sleven counties. The many friaads of Mrs. James wui oe gmu to iearn sne is! improving, but still confined to her bed' I GRAFT V8 THE PEOPLE. Administration Helping Preda- tory Wealth. 7 Washington, Jan. 7 Oxford Pln- cm r tor.'sier ana wu"" friend of Thoodore Roosevelt tonight was dismiss? J from tne service or the United State hy President Taft ter for in 3 j-oruinauon. Associate For ester Overton W. Price, and Askrt ant Law Officer Alexander 8hfw. lowed their chief out gov eminent employ. Thorough' v Indignant over the ac tion of Mr.. Plnchot Inducing Sen ator Dolllver to read letter from him in the Senate yesterday, presi dent Taft would listen to no ad vice that the Forester's violation of executive orders be overlooked pend ing th inquiry soon 'o be under taken by Congress. He declared the dignity of the office he had been chosen bv the people to fill being attacked and he w-'uld be un faithful to his trust If he submitted longer. Mr. Taft undoubtedly realizes ful lv what the dismissal of Forester Plnchot means in a politic! w7 He has been convlned for some Hmo tha. the so-called " Insurgent" and o.hcr c: Ui s of his administration had entitled the services of Mr Plnchot and practically were defy Ing i) separate Plnchot from hW of lice. The lattar le'ter of yester day. few hece doubt, was, written with the dlrcc purpose of '"putting It itfMtob up to the PrldenL The Preeident ought to votd the threatened war as long a he could, but declared today that p t-ence h id ceased to be a virtue He pkked up the gage of battle tbrown down by Mr. Plnchot by the hand of Senator Dolllver la the Senate and with -the administration sipoor.ers, is ready for the Jray whl h U cert .iu to co-n. Pel ileal observer In Washing tin declare that VJe itutl3n c-at ei by today's developments Ls tin mo; tense for many years. Wbat the oj . ome will be. no one I wiling- to prophecy. Cannon Spiked. Ia the House of Representatives tjday Speaker Cannon loat his flr?t 1 1 h t 10 the "Insurgent.' who bining with the Democrats, caused to be aiop ed an amendmnet to the- Baliiager-Pl'ichot Inquiry resolu'lon as to taie rro.n the pt-akei tne power to appoint the House men: bers of the Joint special commt t of Investigntlon. Ih margli, of vl tory was a narrow one of tkea votes, bu the InsuigenU and Denio- lneurgents. but who profeA tieti friendship for Plnchot. voted wit: the Insurgents and the Democrat for th amendment whltb calls foi the selection of the House tnvestigi tors by election from the floor Tbese two lacldenxis at Cap) to! and White House, kept '.V iagton la a pollJcal ferment all dr The v : .n wrs ia spel.il uurtns practi ally the entire aft- uoo3. fol.olag the regular session of thi moral g. Se. reury 9lllnger - 1 :. cf (Hi ac l)n Ihar was t oout to be taken remained away-f ro" -a aft rnooa session, it was at s e..U cf this special sewion to night that th? Presllent gsvo on' tha letter he haj written to Mr. Pl2hot noil ylng hla that hi ns fu nees as a pu ;Le servant under the pres.nt admlalsti tion was at ai end. io:'i: faej letter after taklar DtVltt's Llt;l Karly Raters. the safe, sare pleasiat gentle little liv er pll.s. If pea would be sure of eood reiulta laalst on D?V.'ltts Cur- &o!ized Witch Ilaezl Salve, the or tffiial. It i good for big cots or I r-li oaa. S3', scratches or braises or bi : oa s but is especially gooc H PUes. Cold by all druggists. NOT. By estop of the power and author i'y ooataluod in a certain mortgage executed to the undersigned by Jor din H. Dj .ct. and recorded in tne afAee o! the Register of Deed of EJgeeoml3 County. X. C.. in Book U?. paa-e MS, l sb-ll soli for ch at fhe Coar; Hons? door in Tarboro. B. C'., a ceruin lot or parcel of 1-ind lying a-:d being in said count and Stato. and la the town of Tar boro, adjoining the vacant lot of Dr. 8. ftarnfl and others and be ing the ktWaTleal land convey?d to Jordan H. -.;. in th dsd recorded in said office ln Book 128. page SIS to whlrh deid. reference is hereby made lor a pir.Lu.ar description of said and, the di reeskan s of sill lot being ii. xy rea- TTrt. one hindred ftfty feet deep nnd fronting' on red SL John s :-ieL eatnded Jnury J2. HENRY JOHNSTON, Ctw SuTimons by Publication. North Carolina. Edgecombe countv. In the Superior Court. Clark Lewis vs. Effie Anne Lewis. Notice The defendant above named wUl take notice: That an action entitled as abje his boen com -us need In the Superior Cojrt of Edgceombe Connty t dissolve the bond of matrimony subsisting between the plaintiff aed the defendant: and the said defends will rurther take notice that she Is required to tppesr at the Term of the Superior Court of said County, to be held oa 1st Monday In March. 1910, at the- Court House, of said County in Tarboro. N. C. and ans wer or dsmur to the complaint la salt Action, or the plaintiff will apply to tha Cour for the relief demanded In aid complalnL This' 8th day of January, 1910. A. T. W ALSTON. Clerk Suprelor Court. Ton have go: to clean end purify tne stomach now or you'll easily cate l"2 uiscasca around. Guard pSgf u ' 'na coamyed 'o P.eorge Walk health, keep away disease bv Uk-i ad Leooa Walker bv T Hlkaaaaii ; ,n Hol'lgier's Rocky Mountain Tea ! 3ce a week- 8ee how twin i ep foa "trong and well. Begin to- j nat- Edgecombe Drug CO. a ibji ua of crowett Shoes. Au numbers, man and boy. Robr. Supply Oo. HIDOEN DANGERS. Nature Gives Timely Warnings That No Tarboro Cltiten Can Affsrd to I danger signal so 1 warn WDea the kidney axe wji kidneys excrete a dear Jt Hold. Sick kidney seed thin, pale and foamy, or a Chick. rat IU molllaa urtn. full of !- moot and irregular of pas ago. DA.NOBR SIGNAL NO. 1 ci from the back. Back pain. dull and heavy, or sharp and scat, tell you of sick kidneys and warts fom of the approach of dropsy. dkbts and Blight's disease. Dots' Kid ney Pills cure sick kidneys sad cura thm permanently. Here I proof Ln the statement of nearby resident. Mrs. Charles J. Jackson. Its Tel fair St, Washington. N. C says: "I suffered from kidney trouble tor some time, the kidney secretions be ing so frequent In passage cause me great annoyaace. My back ached almost constantly and at times I bad such sharp, shoot fcM pains through my loins that I could hardly perform my household du ties. 1 finally heard about Kidney PUk sad begin their WM 1 ieu me w iass w His . mtmmtm ha. nor had . twn 1 in my back. I ... of kidney trouble sine using Doaa Kidney Pills nd can recommend them a being far superior to other kidney remedy 1 bsve tried.' For sal by til dealers. Price W by .;i di.r. prtc is, cents. FosUr-Mllbura Co, Rurtaio j Ne- York, eel agsnu for the Uau d State. I Remember the n-ms-Oo -aa4 te no other. VALUABLE LAND SLt By virtue of a decree of the 8per lor Court, of Edgvowb I county mad la the special proceeding taerw ta pending. oatlUed C. P. Bouldia and Mot ice Bouldtn Bx Parte, we will oa the nth day of February. ISIS, at u a. aa.. is the tows r osttlseero. N C. sell at public auction for cash the follovta described two tots of Und. situated la Edge or.be Coiat - North CaroBaa: . (a) Beginning st a Make C. P Aaalj Bouldln comer oe lde I awd walk. thenre North 1 IS ilSTlse. 18 yard to stake oa ditch thence North IS 1-2 dear raws. Wast a bout St yards to ditch, (dividing lla md lot of J. P. gtew art) thence South 1 Wet aad up ceeter 18 yards to sidewalk degroes "it oia 88 1-8 a ears. Bast about SS yardo t j the beginning -coataiaing oa aad one fifth acros swore er lea. fkj BegMBlng st stake B. corner on sidewalk, fheeai "4TS 1-8 dag reus. East SS yards to Stake on ditch bank, thence teeth Sf ' I derrees. West SS yards to a tah on ditch bnk. theee South l 14 "st. West its yarw to a stake ea site walk, these south 8S t-t degree. East 30 rare to the bgia nlag containing one aad eee-ftfth -ere more or lees. This January IS. 11S. A B. OR AST it AM . T. T. There. Coamts loner By virtu of deed of tr ed by C. J. H. Btearill to John L. Bri lger. Couaty. Regl. , Book HI. peg US I will offer for sale oa suerday. pee 12th. before the Court House deer m Tarboro. one lot la the town of CVnetie to-wit: Beginning at Corner next to church oa cnur.h tree, the north st ward SS feet to a comer. tVa r ii:itiuuu tea t- .it. won-. SS feet. Iken eortkwest to the I beginning and coatalatag 1.1 square TArdj. being part of the let bought by X B. Dawwoo frooi th Warren heirs. Deed from said Day see aad wire registered ia Bo V la:. page 82. Terms Cash. January IS. ISIS. JNO L BROIOBBS. Trustee. Land Sale. By virtue of a treat deed to aws oxeceted aad dsUvered oo the 1SU Say Of January 1909 by end wife, sad upon the ASriham Woolen the ceatu que ruer therein named. I wUl oa Tee day the 'tli day of February. 1910 soil at Pu .ll- out xy at the Court H ae t door 'a Tarboro 'own. CO. to the highest bidder for cash, two certain parcels of lead: First: The lead devised e FraS oe Hart Sy her father. CaeaterfleM Ciark, e wui Book, -r- at Pge S8S for farther description Second: The tract ia PricvtUe convey ta Ed mood Hn by B. J. Keech and wife. se Blgecombe Reg I. try. Book 82. peg 284 for eettdVde srrtptieaa. Trust deed wader which Mle La to be awade is recorded Si Edgsomb County Registry a Booh 1M. at yes 181. This Jsawary 11. 191ft. O. M. T. FOUNTAIN. True. Land Set. By virtue of the power aad Sw thority contained hi a treat deed sw eated by Godfrey Walker aad hie "If, to me. registered 1 Book US. page MS of Use Bdgeombe Registry. I wttl oa Mondsy. January IT. 191ft. t me court hoees door la all all the right, ti I aj st or soch raghL title, aad later- oat as they may here "odCrer Walker aad hk. wlfs la ad to a trct of lead ia No. s town 'P. kl county aed state, adjoin- ng Arnold WOiaiey. L. W White- Surst, B, X. Taylor aad , tainlag 100 acre, rnore Worsley by S. page See of id regwiry. This Dee. II. lo. W. O. HOWARD. Trustee Marion Ouerard SSd wtteof vlUe are here rialUng her j. b. OaakiU. 1 2 of said 'The Pise WE Th Teas' 11 s BARQAINB WK ofTVr ossd, or it . "7" j ! ,WT "1" 1 ood eoodlUo- f inrv work Yoo talks 00 risk, for every pi ano 1 avbargaio, sod, If wilbio three jeer, yoo wish to oiehsnjre for new 8TIKKF r 8BA.W pi no, we will allow 30a the FULL I KK B PAID for one of three ie tramssts lo psyment lor the new pi 4 no. No. 1 -MARSH AI LA WD DELL I'prigbt, Mbogaoy ease. Bpleodid coodiiioo, and good bamaie, 75 No, 2.-BADLE Ptsoa Lerfe nie, mahogany Uprlfht; well worth rifiO, f2O0 No. 8. WEB KB UpHgbl. Boss wood ease. New st ring.; refitted. ' and a great bsrgain t. Si 0 w .,u. nouuA a rpnght 0, Msbocaoy esae. Traded in oa a a in iiuu. saw ease nsraiv aa to a irom or w ooe. Oole - m - J, FJ50 I JH!il- i sotavea, Uoo, and a SO. O. - IIBPtlB Only 0 bul ,n "PdkK rwndlUon Swouin bargain for a bead lendl'y HO aiyl o A-KJABE Upright. Val uu cwaaa. arwoea ie oo s riaytr I Piano. Bern oaeu very little, aed ' ia in Ami 1 ' m ,- r-:.:.::r. y. " " --- IS ' Wtxuk v -. . , ... ?m'r" . " for roocwrt purpoeea, aid ea It wd at oew, Msvt BTIKPF I'LAY EU II AXO. Heautifel Ileen oaed ooly for u tm sw jwai at new, mi) , wSBa No. 10. K N ABK Kquarv Base woradosas. N. waning. Case re botkeri. B7g Na 11 AUTO PIANO (Play er piaoo.) OoadiUoe good aa icew A teal traigaie at BtTI W lite at ei.ee ard state sad SECOND cBomw, as there ere ver, few of iaass ioetrweaeeta, sad CM A A 18. STIESW. L. C. Sssalr, KTgr, lMGiaeb 1, Norfolk, Vl , ... - A W irS lo I Who Hare Mae Mr. sL ily clone D partmeut Store We are wow Opt tVar Bui 00 a firrat Btdo SS Sine we-fcare been ie Ike Mn hew, sad elway ill be Goad Watrk thi space f r tkr Yours for Bi njaniio & Sons. WE THANK YOU we her rewiwcd many lai 1 mwwoity H taw waj t u ia.- be ,Mst l--ive msetke wr be acre it stt.og t e aaee So . aprass aar apprecistioo. We hope es taetiia rvH.tiuognei of ywer patrooge. We hsll aa d avur uunug tike eelng pwar to serre row still be tea If l-awd de, and shall neglect aa eaewo thai may o air.'. . t bo bat rod. To U 4Jar Friewda ad Fwfsaaw w 1 x eud uhe for a rpatoas sad Happy lSlo. OppOsdteOrjajtl Ieessseseeeeeeessssese9eeeees. AN C PP0RTUNE TIME The begUoleg of a New Tsar Is a good Usee t Beat thai too deposit yeeur wrssj witA Skds sabje t to chrk By peyia smtloo by cktaka you wiU aJjooluta record of ail your THE BANK UAPITAX.. J. F.SaWdMf, Flos., J.T.tRowejfL V. Pre L V. Hart, CkaJkler, B. B, BskWr. Aaet Caekiar lock bazas fbr rsas. I4 ' DB. DOS WILLIAMS H. JAMEB. DB C A. WHITEHEAD. Dewttss, TABBOBO, W. C SVISS boors V IO) I est t W CIV I. L ENGINEER JOHN J. WCLL5 Rocky Mcait - N C BB wa tt. of 1. r. siVjwwei, iTsaw mmmmi k Uw wtB b u ffj Au f miUii u hhw wawt BARGAINS Ceetoe Doubt aed 81 wJkleg esai Cultivator. DnaaNe ird Pin Ceasina Flaw Base Tare dig ad liters fcseaal DU 10 sad 13 1 1 U addle Bea Hsr eea Qeat Kewap 1faM TSert SiU Useb I Flea BwiiSSwA t alach.oea. afaat reretted l Wkile Hpnag Hr load Korufaifi I 'no s and Utsaa itrkl OaJI aaaal I H The Public: la a Few Dapa wa will paaS of that Lot .re HUB. YaJws of Ike rarws lYsea tke of sord will aad Phone No OF TARRORfl Sa JasSs A CO.. n AI A TT E N T I ON YOU CHRISTMAS BUYERS sry by BOUD GOLD CUFF BrTTOlCi, SOLID GOLD CUFF FIBS. BOLTO OOLP RATDBOw hat ram, BOUD GOLD BEAT BCAJcr. BOUD BILVEB SOLID BILVEB vasts wartk AH la my efor so saU st rlB I 1 y i Not au I xpcrioiei t. Tkaaepii I "Use ac w teat etage " I5 kaeV tllSl tf.il. wikratSJ FANT YOUR T1E PIRST NATIONAL BANK OF TARBORO mLBJBrSj BkeuBhaesssssssL bssssssssss1m S, eSlT5 awawaaWewaHsstflswe B wwlilawtif j tor the Slcii Romjbj M f ""'Iwawaatawa aa 1 I SuiiiW Ii "n WJRtroOO I I Whiskey I eBwailaw m fal THE BIO St. Q. CaVBLIFLeL t II BtJB) Sar BtJi I ptat v e BUN s, ,s y TeaaT aitl CHAIR STORfc ei E s DssksA

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