4m totomttp South am.. SURE YQXJ ABE RIGHT; frtiK3 GO AHEAD-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 3 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1910. EST ABU S H EO 1422 Tuft'sPills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whet system, and produces sirx HEADACHE, Dyspepsia. Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TtTT'S LIVER PILLS, as a trial will Take No Substitute. VALUABLE LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Suner- ioi Court, of Edgecombe Cnuuhjl " otrcvmi ipiutwuuig iure- m pending, entitled C. P. Eouldln ' and Horace Bouldin Ex Parte, we will on tna I4th day of February, 191f at 11 a. ra.. in the town of Battlebor N. C. sell at public auction for cas tle f!loiviiig described two lots land, situated in Edgeor.ioe Co.id North Carolina: (a) ' Beginning at a stake C. P. an Annie Bouldin corner on side war" thence North 61 1-2 degrees, Ea 19$ yards to stake on ditch bank theace North 29 1-2 degrees, West 1 bout 30 yards to ditch, (dividing lin between this and lot of J. P. Stew art) thence South 16 ?. degree West and up center of said ditc IS 9yards to sidewalk, thence SOut 23 1-2 degrees. East about 30 yardt to the beginning containing one an. one fifth acros more or less, (b) Beginning at a stake B. B. Gulon's corner on sidewalk, thence North 6 1-2 degrees, East 98 "yards to a stak oa ditch bank, thence South 61 1-1 degrees, West 30 yards to a staki oa ditch bank, thnece South 61 1-1 degrees, West 198 yards to a stakt on side walk, thence South 2S 1-: degretv, East 30 yards to the begi ning containing one and one-fifth cres more or less. This January 12, 1910. E. B. GRANTHAM, T. T. Thorne. Commissioners. ra mi 11 CI Ml ill mm 01 m, m, 1 1 CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION Td Ait to Vhom These Presents May Com Greeting: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion that by duly authenticated rec- ori 0f the proceedings for tbe vol ii-t rv dis3?l:ri--n thereof bv the un animous consent of all the stockhold er;, deposited in my office, that the Peters Implement cot-'pany a corporation of this State, whose prlii-cb?-l office is si'uated in the town of Tarboro, County or Bdgocambe State of Nor'h arolina, JL B. Peters bein the agent therein and to charge thereof, upon whom process may be served, isas compiled wi-h the re quirements of Chapter 21, Revi.tl of 19)5. entitled "Corooratlors." nre- Uminary to the issuing of this Cer-t-iiiate ot Diisolution.' Now, Therefore, I J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 3rd doy of December, 1900, file ia my office a duly executed and at 1 33 ted consent in writing to the dissolution of said corporation execut b7 all the stockholder thereof which aid consent and the record of the piuireoingr aforesaid are now on file In my said office as provided by lavr T si .on;- WreOf, I have W i any hand and affixcrt my oi -al ea:, at Raleigh, thl3 3rd day ' cemr.er, A. D., 1909. J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State Guards' Inspection. Orders for the inspection of the Btat3 Guard have besn issued. The - ci. uLd.ce win oe iu prated March 2nd. The ompany -"V -Mount, February 22nd. 1 . HI TrnrnTrn iilHi COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS Their Usee, Their Value And How to Apply Them. Since the prime object to the use of all commercial fertilisers is " w "v w-i used ewier to supply plant food di- rectly or to so act upon the soil that a 1 nnn. nnaU at u. M..t4M r i oi -srv. elements will be at the disposal or the plant, In actual practice most commercial fertilisers comttoe both e-fects. All the substances required 1 1 a. a. a.Uw 14 e- y panu except mree nurogen, phorfc acii end potash-are abundant The chief function in nitrogen I n most s. ia plants is to promote growth, but 1 .1.. . ian the perfection of frulL Nitrogen aters lsrgely into the cotoposiuon j jf plants, and it follows that very-j hing of vegetable origin is a valu-: 0I9 source of this substance. When gitibk? matter is burned, the nkro en la released from its oomulnatton . utt escapes into tne atmospnere ana i lost. Tine forms most Important 0 the farmer of the South in which trogen'a available are vegetable mat 1 r, the droppings or animals, co--j a ssed meal, bone meal, nitrate of; ... . 1 . ta. suipnate oz ammonia, ana uio aaucts or cae siaugnter pen w : hat 13 known as tankage. Next In importance as a plant food phosphoric acid. It Is largely re- i-rod by the plant for growth, but ; . absolutely essential in the por-3--tioa of seed and Is a great factor : u.cmuK uib Be . w he form of phosphoric acid most ac-' -ssible to the farmer is known as ac- id phosphaU. j Potash is more directly effective ia promoting fruitage, but It U rare- 7 very defkientt in soils, and es- ecially ia soils of the Gulf States. t is found in abundance la ashes. onmerJ.illy it is most cheaply .ined In the form of kalnjt. J What Fertilizer to Buy. ' Since the elements of plant food al- 83ed meal for cotton, ready mentioned are required in df- A mixture of one part of ejStJSs erent quantities by different plante ssed meal to two parts of high tad since the soils vary la their iacr?ase rh-; growing condition and ijpply, it is well for the farmer to wUl be bettc for medium soils, xaow what his soil and plants need Alr-slakej lime ia of valu fo fore investing his money ia ferti- we on stiff or gummy soils to '.one Uers The practical way for the en them up, permit the air to entei fiiroier to determine these facts is ad prevent s-i- cond'tion of eucl to ooserve the growth of the plants ""lis when too wet. n his land. If the plants grow rapid- On thin or iu.verlshed soils, eq- and make an abundance of leaf and ual iuaa itl 3 of cottoned meal 3talk. k is evidence of a good sup- oly of nitrogen. If there is not a roportionate amount of fruit, it is t sure iadication that the soil needs phosphoric acid. On the other hapn. if -he plant has not a good color and erds to drop Its fruit before I" reaches a fair alxe, it indicates that chs soil reouirs po'ah. Most of the soils of the So-a'h ;.re lofiiiect ia both nitrogen and phos oaoric acid and some in potash, so when we buy commercial fertilizers we bay tham for their content of th-se substances, if the farmer has saved all his manures and has jrown cowpoas abundanUy as he ihosld, he will rarely have to buy aitrogen. How to Buy Fertilizer. Commercial' plnt fJ-1 caHsd "fer- -iii'.er" is nevJr sold puie. jt in .loia.in iota wica o.her SU-stances, The sujslanccs with which it is cor-i- .ined are of uo value to the farmer. out simply add to the weight. The lavs of nearly every State now ?q tire that on each sack of com- aerclal frtlizer sfaail be stamper lust what Plant food it contains. This : impost len Is given in percentages in a hundred rrtttlssx there If m.. -rtiou- 'ui;h means that .to -:ads of -he fer are so rr.any pounds of t'ue partlcu r oa o r v . -ala forLilizer Is orrerea tor s-n on tne sacx or waicn w u- u 1 hranrled tha following: 'M-rog-ci. 3 pr cer.t. Soluble Phosphoric acid 6 per cent Averted phosphoric acid 4 per cent. Ar-iBthie phosphoric acid 10 percent. Pot 3h 2 oor reT- Translated into terms of pounds, th s means tout iu a sack ftes 100 pouaas vuere arc Three pounds of ni rogen. Six counds of sble phosphoric acid. Faur pounds of reverted phosphor- b acid. lea paunas 01 f"1 ci'. T.va naun-'ls Of pOasn. ihi3 gives a tfltl of 15 pounds of P'an- fod la a l00-iound s-ck- When a ton of saeh fertilizer bought, the purchaser secures miro- gen, 60 pounds; aolubie pnospnonc ac- id. 120 pounds; reverted pnospaorR. acid, 80 pounds ;and potasn, 4 paunds. Notice that wont is caaieu "available' is the sum of the eolu- ble and the reverted acid. In this fer- tilizer we obtain three things that are of use 3 pounds ot mirugeu, 10 pounds of phosphoric acid, and Z poanda of potash to me nunureu ! D3uud3 If cotton-seed meal, acid pnospnae. "JZ ii'3er, ii wm "i- quantities for one ton of the mix- tare: . Cotton seed meal I Aj .Phosphate (15 ! available) Kainit r-uuuuo per ct J1V Total 2,(H Ammonia is nothing but nitrogen at la camfclaation with another sub atence of no value. iwTvnf ammonia In the formula Is apt to deceive one who does not know the disitnctlon. Remember that It e j the pounds of plant food that are wanted, and not Just a sack of tuff the rml. M Toning acid phosphates as an example, we find that there is peat varUtion to composition ' some run as low as 10 pounds of k,-v1(, nhonhoPio t 100 pound, oCher8 contain as much ' . nonnds a- nhosnho Mni m aimt 5 cents & former would be worth whereM C t -i 7c f. t K...m. IW?" 0 ' " - ' " averse samole of donees conUla3 e following percent- 4 food; Nitrogen 7.6 pr cnL pao8pnorio 2 6 cCat potaeb. L5 per cnt. A iopoynd wW therefore con- ta, fonowmjr aUanatia ol p'ant food: NKrogen 7.5 pounds 2.5 pounds Phosphoric acid potasil j 5 pounds Tre phosphoric acid may be coc- 8:der?d as available, as the fermen- tatlon renders t so How To Use Comnsrciai Fertilizers. If fertillzeiu are used, the follow ing general rule should govern: Ou rich lands use mainly fertilisers that wtl! stLmulnfs th. fruit .nH not the stolk growth. On lighter land. use m ore of the elements to growth, combined with oJiers forte rhlch Wlil the frult. Hlg grade H p?r cent acid phos phate mav te considered a baaja for increasing fruIt ud hastening ma turitj of cr0p8 jgven on ti:ieat lXDi lt been demonstrated the: a small percentage of nitrogen adde: tj the acid phosphate gives better result". Use three parts of acW ' phosphate and one part of cotor. paophtM and one part of a-i.t pnospove can oe usei w aavanage. In ease th foregoing car not b e.-taii gi feriilizcrs may be uit-'l. These hoa!?. contain ta toe fixture S to 0 per c Haf of available ; v 2 to S per cast of Bl-rogeiT, and 1 1-2 :o 2 per cnt of y;t.-n t eoaie lauds a hig.i phate. ll percent r:ay be ufci. 0a b!&ck waxj. leud , , ... prl y to have the cotton follew a cro ovpea cropplng more rerUiU hoalJ mea, d t!fth grade acid pLaiphate will greatl effect cf sjMMsettd CarOBsetS p?nds largely upon the presence of humus in the soil; henco the lm- portsnce of using stable manure and plowing under green crops, . apply inn- the foreaolnr lnstruc- tl3M the farmer mU8t consider ju3gaEent m0dlfy his pra.- tke where neceasary to fit local C3Qiui3as, tec:ng up lana is s precaution s i gUt a hea raJnfa! after plautirg. Ia a11011 where there is no dsn 8T fro;a cesaiv" motrre. fla plan iu- is prefoncd, B.,j in sent cisa it may oe necessary to plc' , . ' , v. ,v, BMtel " " " must have moisture, but tfcey must bo kapt out of standing water inl As soil. The fort'lllxer should be dUtrlbut- ed S3vorai duys before planting, at tor? is danger of injurtej the seel wi a st:o:ix fertiliser. A verr cre- f M ot the fertilizer with the 6;jj necr83iiry for the same reason. 0a a:i except Tlch waxy lanca. u wi'i pay to use commercial fertu'.s era ,-,v!,.- H .eraiiT. xVhsre aa much as 400 nOund. of u aBe for rn we rec- o nmend two appllcatione, one in e farrow be:ore planting and an application of from ISt to 200 ponndel whn th corn It aha it ann foot hLrh. vVtere lime b used scatter it brtadcasi whn the land Is plowed. about 4 barrels of slreiaked llnje per or apPiT eg the row about 2 barrels per acre a hort time before planting, mixing lt thorough 1t wJth the soU.. Bureau of Pjant industry. Criap Item. Fate ghelton has moved from Old Sparta near crisp. Walter Powers will leave In f3w days for Raleigh to attend business cortege. ria,, Annie Webb returned home uaay persons g-ve uegun for New Year, work J.aha Taylor has moved into our neighborhood. 69U A. W. , O'sn-'s death? That Married. 202 In the Farrar ward Wed nee- day, January 12th, at the home the bride's father. Gray Whltaker. F H Pen(ieri j. P Mt gasle - whiuker and A. O. Davis, both me mis county. MINISTER INSULTED Quit White House Reception Wh.ie Angry. Washington. anJoary 10. Taft's first recepUoa at the Wh it- Mouse has resulted In a diplomatic ia ldent which may prove decidedly ean- barasslng to representatives of the United Stats abroad Marquis de Vlllaiobar. the Spanish Mlaiater. has notified thai gov ment that he has communicated to Madrid a statement of the he suffered at the reception. and " . " 1. ' - Alfonso. From reports which have If u.atl i f ot io rtag ta roer-jOn tr Is diplomaLc corp on Tes'.y right -t. l ap.x-i:, the I'rEtdu' r 4 a new pi of aratiug tis a sat -h-8 from the .alsters. Divided by Rope. The fonnsr were t r l to oste ssl iocloeure la the Bias Room, ladl ic 1 by a vel Ml covered Top 4 1 MS i ardeti -y an o.'flrlal of ' h te Hous -. Tbo ambaasidora 1 1 .i.e : to enter ''his apace. v hy chitted .vith mocUera of t. --jla t and occraionailj with m the receiving line. hen toe Minister from Spal im paid bis rcapecta to the r-esi JenL he started to join the ambaraa dors. He was halted and told be cojlt. ! " T r T" the White House official sppeaied t another officer for njport. The latter listened to the represent tlona ot the Spanish ilalcter. nv then said, according to the report, iir would lay the mh tr before t!. t'realdenL the Secretary of SUte not le'ng preaoL "1. ; ft is alJ to ;ae r.elinei to p ruit the rale to b- broken fo' the benefit of !crqu:s de VTililobar oeyond auto-iz ag his to apeak to the Ambaaaicior with wbam be de rod to csoivr, snJ th-u to retire. ihls cou.:i aalcatloo i.ecoruiag to re ports, further lacensNl the mlnisu -He Is reported to have tlvlare he would communl-ate the fscts o the indignity to his govern went e: rrqnos; that It dpt the aasse r't; tude toward the Am-nan diploma i r ;.i :.i t v. POO MAN 8 BUTTER. o'fl'es AsWed to Remave T5 1-1 tat an Article. ". ,-. srnaii - Pule-oa his tr -i.rttd a bit. repeeuttg tL tex o sbosxnenjgssrlBS. The; hi ciu ' la lies of tje tav oa t!e prodo Uariesoa woulY IciPo-'e a as o its iia -uf -rt oe sad sale J S -aaa-'m ti ir- paid ... o.iniif.' era. is ) by wholesale deaPrr. u :S y rs ailete Ihe packages . b p-; ap In .l nrlata. su. ul -Ttnargartnr.- togwler - wit the narie of 'he maauiactarer. Vh- aiy tax at all? auittr t one of the uawestaries snd oiorai g'rine, ltj cheml?sj equivalent. I an less so Indeed U n. r" fb n nj cf the ''poor man's 'jjt or. sl.i e i can be produced whoiaaosnei: and sold much cheaper than the pto duct of the dairy. Tha h t of the manufacture asr ile of this innocat product ha boon that of continual fraud aad l gal evasion. Oct the greatest frsi of sli Is the tax laid upon II tbere enabling the butttermaklng Ir t-ro-'s to obtain s monopoly of th market. R u more than a fraud. Jt U a th-ft, to exact a tax of It cewte 4 pound upon oleomargarine that has tn :reated w(Jl butter color, abe. the law perm! s butUr to be sttlfl' I ,llv col ir d ui hat u u Va tlnk ..T .r Z me wut-Ji.aui.uta! repesu taxes upon the substitute for ou t-r and toe rLftd enfo. , -aent o: I th- tirovtio9s renuirlne tt.it I be s'.impd ' Ol-- nargsrine" 01 - " ' ptckige wo il l do away oa.e gat fo ever with most of Dm h I abrg tat bsj becom? aso l ul h Its oamc Nw York Tiaioca Le in th Hj of Fame 1S8i 1113 ,4tler f -T'ritl7 and trib-atea of eetom be received from I men of all par" tea snd of orery creed dire alike ao affected lila tSat In -Mesnolis ho testa his belief that the srtr was finally or- r sad that "we are on the eve of a new era when 'here o io he greet harmony between Federal aad CvaM er-t - Tot a aoartsr of s century inter. when a new generation Is on the atage, when the North and the South I are united in common interests not alma, when the issues for which men fought and diet have rococ into the dim past, the proposal to a I place a statute of the Confederacy e a great soldier in the Washington Hnl! of Fame creates a riot in a Chicago Grand Army post, provokea kisses aa cries of -traitor for s former Union o'flrer who urges this action not i prc'pttates a new quarrel botoo the survivors of the great coaflk-t. Is this the progress mats ta fra j terolty la the twenty-frr years t but magnanimous victor would bore ter. the first to approve of the of ftumous honors to his rtmt by inence as s soldier aod greats ass as & citiicn no one now dlsoatss and of whose renown grows with the yeors. New Tork world. SPANISH MALLEVI COMET IN MISTOHY. Startling Event Have AKrays AS. tended iU Appea Italleys great cosset, which will be eeea tn the spring of this year with we naked eye. sad Is already Mates tsi the o jeervatortes of ot la. has ia the at log and tmlfyteg awful events Htatory records de ream of Hal- lay a. comet tweo'.y-eight ttssea dar ing the past l.frae years. The for loving eeeols occarred dmrtssj sjr eloseiy following the apparition el the cosset: B. C. 1 10 Defeat ot the Carthaginians by End of the first I'ud. ltt Mas Mi ssMJjMi Jerusalem n.i. :. r. ttk a -.a- .ot- tea. di- cl 1 Of.. j . Jet Druus. A. D. Vespasian began the war which ended te the dcetrn.-'loa of Jeru salem by TI us. I Britain, racovcrel by Coo stantlas. Jr& lUIV invaded hv ftnna A2 Oaul and Italy Invaded by Ab U.S. MI fifty yeara of pUgoe began te Persia. It Mohammed begin to preach ta Mecca. MM Norman lavas ion of 1X21 Conquest o.' Kno. rsrsm oy imongis Kaia. 13 8 -Oemeu VII anti-Tape at AwJ aoa; forty years Sealant te lb Cbnrcb of Rome bacon. 1 eras, navtog taken Coaotsn- tlaopie. tbrtoaod fBmrope h-nmed 11 d'f-st-d st Deit. :c by Joan Haantades. IMl tesndatioa of HoUaeo. r t lUoke a UsaesL iw; Spnnuh fleet destro e j 1. th Dacch at Gibraltar Met Prus.ls o.orrca by Bear a. Ulrth of Nelsoo, lS3j PoUtlral rrti i ta London Dolly Mall. Maying Ufs tafer. Cve.-jebcre 1-' U beleo maee BSOr I Sate through the work of Dr Kln No life Plio to CeosUaat-oB. tit oj3si, Drspero s. Ind ratago. lis- - t oujIos KJUnea Morasso . su Row- I B oriers. Ihey're easy, hot eore. vOd t-wfect'; ld.il up lk bCUU- t&o t W H MarnsJft S.na. p-x ,n hp. c. Dr. 8. P. 4-aso r' porta at least a :.' cre" of smollsox r No. oacab'p. Tbo const, be says, hero 4--. ot s very mum ;yne. anal sa . .an. m jhak.J aLvd lr. This was reportod sad ten M the hove:y of the prevalence of ie rtlsosse. Dr Uaai i! oer of a -tool cbUdroa rad a ' .a day or two go ttere kad - all atbo shoa.d be. Tib Royal kw; Makes n The Secret of Youth Do von ever woader whv other women older thB The secret can be put your heajth, tna you win By "health" we mr- nerve health, as sornetirne, women are nervous wrecks. But whether you are need tonic, and the you It builds strengfk for flat It help put fletk ttik oa your boat) aad vitality teto: Ms CARDUI Ja The Woman's Took "My nsofher," wrttea Mrs. Z. L Adcock, of SaaHV vHle, Tenn.. "k 44 yeara okl and la paailnf fteoaajk aja chanfe of IHe. mLm She waa trreauter and bteated tod BBflgred ItiiMili. My father sterned over to the store and got ber a JbotJte of Caxdui, whkBab took according to dirtjettoo and bow the Is up, sble to do ber uoaauuifc and says she feels t newjaroaaaah" tJtfJkS, Howard Haaeey . bora, which he es drtvtag to has hesVgy SSesday and raa sway. Mr. Hsssij ken tried -sse and agsta to etecslp taw kesaa noa hs asje. YawIyrejyTtMswngei to get heyosst his aed ho wee wrowe from the boggy nod brwsneo oa the hip The to be atacttraliy The cMy pa ' boast hi bed he feey With the boudsd Later he ssQ. To teeno bWd Oe? fries Tm Biacb Hsnj HI UrU Norti U. a wU colore 1 mnm of this place clvej aa aooaymoas I stem. wUa peach ss , bmes. ft H arrl ia te Us '.S lae Cl. t. n coffla hao mat' for In. bo fhe rum aagaed fo tl e t rtvs I - rd The aree ttoory Is that tbo let nr was -st y tb wtTe of n sua ia a t tj. ;,n bare rat: trr.s; far e- lag A Wrtt - -vduie the R bl-. I "so of POso Thrt-e as i-tee " I eeJf'i. j much wYBjag WBI Mareb, of I M C. tui I go, s son of Vrnana Asleex aod woo em iwrss, sWJSsa, UWrs, ttoojo. Cgag, C rcaab bofore B, e. iL 't'- ot v la tare aUatea of Braai w ij.i.w -a tie ore OJ at larbet beef. All tbo malerUl for the wal s of the sen ft f ont tbr wbic the of Tartar Finest, Purest Foot A Cershst WiiMUiSi. There have bao ssaay sUgost re puoas to bridal rasnyeso. sot tH Is yet to he cbroolcleeL that v ea Wednesday eveasng by I Tkssn Wottaaaa aatf Ms eswtassbU tr. as ttelr bwtbor. W. Aon WWUasa. aag bride bos bees nnlil Betwosss I iss t o'clock, ketnias ltt sad at perisssi west fen th'tr basso ae r by to wlsb Use newly woo- The isfieshuiso'o serves woes a ao well serve end so Hassle that achietssssto. sod the bosWtbTTaod treeiooo eiitini! of tbotr boot and BaKirto- Absolutory Pure bow vott von. look te lew wordt preserve your yuan. weak phyvtctDy or MiiiiatsTj, best tonic tor you ks CarduL pBytacal aan fstrvc HMBaa Have Too Made That N tear Resolulion? Why Not Resolve This l car to Bay all Your Drugs Fr dm COOK THE DRXGGIH'1 Make This RcAolnlion To Day and be llaiiuy all I he Year. Cook's Temple Pharmacy Masonic Temple Boililing; Tarboro. BAST CAROLINA TEACHERS' TRAINING SCHOOL oltrorh.ag Baiklisajre osad eqolpeseot stow aesel Fur Insure Your ihe Carolina Live I . II. FOREiYiMll tbiok of it. ever Co. mxfm. sitplt co. Hat to tfM KVI IIKSS Corn Whiskey. mrobjt O. Oati ISfaaelU OU Bye, Corn Oar Whiskey. t ore Wbtskey. J. J. CVDDIHV & CO., - - N.C. Atk. 1MB. KOBT. H. WIUGHT, Slock SHrk litml n. io I ta PENDER f ' e PREPAID. Whiskey. S.IS fl,uli Wkw ",IB iaPslJIiatesJ eflilLlb)