BE 8URE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN OO AHEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 83. NO. 4 JU8T ONE WORD that word Is It refer to Dr. Tutt's Liver Pills and MEANS HEALTH. Are you Sick virtiro? Bilious? ANY of these symptom and nur Indicate inaction of the LIVER. mm T Need n-ii unsniis Take No Substitute. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1910. esTAfiumeo 1022 The Simple Word. It may be glorious to write, mougfata that shall glad the two Remedy Uniformity in State Laws three Washington. January 17 Pweteeet High eouis. Mke those far stars that Taft and Glfford Plnchot today apoke from the name platform In addrealng WEALTHY HAVE ADVANTAGE. LAST OF THE GOLDEN EAGLES- . . GROWING SOME. w art. I come in sight Once In a century But better tar it Is to speak One simple word which now then Shall waken their frse nature the weak And friendless sons of men; To write some earnest verse and in or the National Civil Federation. now In session here to discuss problems of uniform State legislation. Representatives of almost every branch of human activity met , to day at the conference to talk over ways and means for bringing about un forcnity of laws relating to chlHi co inlrv. 'he golden j labor, marriage and dlovrce, pure foot i murD Urgsr, more the thirty-firs years ago. Hp Bird. Once Numerous In Dakota Believed to be Extinct. When the Biack Hills gIJen eagles English sparrows at present. with the doath of Old Sentinel, ojcurred a few dsys ago. It Is llev3d that the tlrC have Uact. Un ke eagalca of tierce, swifter lino w,hi.-h onn . '"u ui - or mjnt ana or a LUiereei " acnaUlK JH 1 1 I IIS4 III . . . w , aral resources and laws relating to i or. The fasthers and MS Uheii - -i j. fc ' neaojtiebte Instrumen's. bills of lading tie be-k were aluou. u3, I ShaU make a clean-faith and manhood ander sr effecting tb, bus- tie name. J tnesa and social life of the nation- la the early days of "he Serious attention wr.s aocor .ed '"'Ithj birds were so nam fce Recnpt, HealVty GrwtK. This ttsse east have tree er tits mcatata wui Of $10. 00. far 1M7 , trwwth, eren tf act ss vis UMN or SllgbUy year ef fWw ps hen ft tt Stredy. Tmttt mi Urn lam t VALUABLE LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the S a Lor Court, of Edgecombe Co , made in the special proceeding tber ia pending, entitled C. P. Bouldi. and Horace Bouldin Ex Parte, we wl on the 14th day of February, 19K at 11 a. m., in che town of 3attleboi X. sell at public auctioa for c the following described two lots of land, situated In Edgecombe County North Carolina: 7. (a) Beginning at a stake C. P. sr. Aanie Couldin corner on side wail thence North 61 1-2 degrees, Eas 19S yards to stake on ditch bank, thence North 29 1-2 degrees, West a bout 30 yards to ditch, (dividing llii between this and lot of J. P. Ste art) thence South 16 12 degree West an I up canter of said diic 18 9yards to sidewalk, thence SOut: 2S 1-2 deg.ees, East about 30 yard to the beginning containing one an. one fifth acres more or less, (b) Beginning at a stake B. B. Guion e cirner on sidewalk, thence North 6? 1-2 degrees, East 98 yards to a stak on ditch bank, thence South 61 l-i degrees. West 30 yards to a stak On ditch bank, thnece South 61 s degrees, West 198 yards to a stake on side walk, thence South 28 degrees. East 30 yards to the begiL ning containing dne and one-fifth a cres more or less. This January 12, 1910. E. B. GRANTHAM, T. T. Thorne. ! Commissioners. Hi Mill Pi i 11 jih. im 1 J8 shlne In the untutored heart. James Russell Lowen. President throughout his speech whic taey were cocs:i-ra le of a va coi mn three years. H Meat?, -this is at thowtag. bet woe hire Bsc. kf we ail t li for t-st. HUls Don't trifle with Kidney and adder trouble. Take De Witt's Kid J and Bladder Pi Us as directed and ou will at once notice satisfactory suits. DeWitf s PKidney and Blad- ift PUIS are anltseptic, healing and jjothing. Be sure to get DeWltfs vldney and Bladder Pills when you isk for them. Refuse substitutes and mitatlons. Look for. the name on fle package. Sold by all druggists. Boy's Corn Clubs. Editor Southerner: a careful presentation ot -tie needs of uniformity upon the part ot the States in looking to an an.e Iijrution of existing conditions. In discussing the movements star' ed by the Civic Federation for uni formity ia SUte laws. President Taft said that it was the srowth of s demand on the part of the good clti- sens to brtoig about better conditions In the social fabric. The Pr-s.dect said that Un re should be uniformity in judicial pro cedure and he with err.phr Mia rViof if nnvtin In rhA BVKl.-m A, has already been announced, the attack lt w djay. ioari of Agrkulutre at its December neeting appropriated f500 for prem iums to BQjs' Corn Club con stants. The contestants are to between the agrs of 12 and 17 years. Any boy booming 12 years by juue firt will be eligible, and my boy who fc) now 17 but will be 18 not later thanAuguat first will be a.igihle to enter the contest. The roles governing the contest will be about as they were last year, except that any boy will bepermltted to get my person to break his lana lor aim. 1 do this because the voanger boys are not heavy enough to handle a large two-bore plow In heavy land. but after the land is broken, e - e. J y mu3t do the remainder of the work, himself, if it ia knoW2 t i co did be secured by the wealthy un der judicial procedures and be advo cated some changes In the form of Federal Court procedure, which could be taken as an examplu by the States. He wanted court proced ure simplified along the lines ot Enellsh Dract.ce both in eauity and criminal law. Mr. Taft to'd of the movement for a uniform law relating to vhlu labor and ci ed the utterances of the Governor of Mass&chtuu-t s li behalf of a Federal law regulating chili labor because the power o: th-j Federal Government was grea er than the power of the 8Ute. .-pe king on suoject of conservstlsn the President "Md 'hat he thought ther. ir more to be done l,y 'he my boy permits another person to do sut4 ceryatism of re- tne work or to help in the work af ter the land Is broken until all cultlya tion Is finished, he will be ruled Out of the contest. Only $10 worth of commercial fertilisers may be used on each acre. The plat of. land must be a full acre. Less than an crs will not be considered. The pl&t of land must not be leas than a half a acre In width. Square plats are pre ferred. Only "'Mrs living on the farm an compete for these prizes. The plot of land must be a part of sorate regular field in the farm, said not a garden spot, a town lot, or - a plat belonging to some city or oth er corporation. The contestant may us 9 all the home raised manure he can g2t Cotton seed, cotton -seed meal city garbage, fish or fish scrap will be considered as commercial fertil- wruld iwojp d-wn into the ranch lota, pi k up a lamb or a assail pic and f ; away to some crag, wher they wouli devour the ciUh or rr; P t ta l.- yuong. Many torU st told of go. dea eagles having atUc ed sma'.i children. Old Sentinel had been one o the pioneer landmarks for more than s quarter of s entury. and during ail X his tine he oerspfeu cres: of one of the alsfceat ot (h paks of the Ragged Top Raar- 1'bere. upon a shelf of rock . (et above the valley below. SeaUael and bU mate made then home until several years ago, when the latter died and the male bird b came s wanderer. After the death of his mate Old Sentinel wOsld uake 'rips to the southern and wost- h'lls. saying sows times. far weeks. Many U js he was shot st. bat he seemed o. boar s char t life, for tb bullet was never '-hat was to end has career. Recently 1:. N. Nonasa. of thr Cnited states Land Office at Rap li City, went to Deadwood. 8. D determtnod. tf poss ts cptar. tfle gulden eagle alive. He rai.i that Old Sm'last was the last one of bis race in the tills, sad that u bis csptnre he would sonars a prli- well worth effort. Going out to Hi lagged Top Range wit ha amel p-wty of , friends, he was toad thai OJ Sea'tiel who had guarded lb. aaak for years, had not receipt, here for IbTT. 1 Wr. W efl WV r. heei-hy, LXMr1LiAi rapid ss sail lmTrwtM, Mm and JEL BtZLJL 1 JWSSSgisSs n ib sai lord that the 172-- "TJ . J . m . ft,,,!,,, NOT IB TO CREDlTORa. 'Jl i. .E, -- 7y ' t t notify all persona l ".'!! fj tt,sy bed fem-T 1 kssrssTevereassee tawTuaeasaaaTsZ Vr.n . .aelaese - S. ' " ' I Si ifl 1 1 V C 4 dan of Oli bpana. jr g T. aajs o jt a aaearv telt sane, duly vafW4 Tadlbfc sji "fj sss'iiVl . . AtedeeSlgjaeeJ aa or before 'be sses) lesfssad. It etasttshlSssi be si January 191.. or this wm rsssi afetsiajubibta , SW 4. he ptaad ta bar of issjomy the artec HT'aS Hfl psTsoas to aet st to said fir ksatTtSSy3 This the Tth day ef Jan wary. Ibtt Sm 'son tag Portaer of W. O. Webb bsmiria. PLjr. ni'slli jjjg? SsaS R. Q. AlXeWBftOOK. A ty tTt 1 1 Ml l"tMi I Have l ou Made Tkat New Tear ResolulioBf Why Wot Resolve This Tear to Buy all Your Drags Fr Dm COOK THE DRUGGI8T Make This Resolution To Dny and be Iflannv all The Year. Twanaw sour f3 even than by the Fedei al Government. Speaking of trust, president Taft for more than a month sa d: I Mr. Norman concluded that a trio "I am Inclined to think that "tt the lofty home of the eagle was ill mi nr. row. 1 1 CERTIFICATE Or CI330LUT10: '.lay Ta AU to Whom Thesa Presents Coot 1 Greetlrg: Whereas, it appears to my satisfac tion tthat by duly au henticated rec ori of tha proceedings fcr tfce vol untary dis3lu"ion therjof bythe un anirnous consent of all the s'Ocko! er?. deposited in my office. that he Peters tapleaeJrt-"fcouzp,fly corporation of ails" "Slate," -whse prii cip 1 offi e la si'uated in the ttw or Tar 0:0 County or aigjae Stats of Norh arolina, R. B. Peters bring the pgent therein and in. charge thsrejf, upon whom process may be served, baa complied with the re quiraments of Chapter 21, Revl3al of 1905, entttled "Corporations," pre liminary to the issuing of this Cer tificate of Dissolution. Now, Therefore, I J. Bryan Grimes, secretary 0f stRte of the State of th Carolina, do hereby certify that s id corporation did, on the 3ri dv of December, 1909, file in my of.ia a duly execated and tX ttstcd consent ia writitig to the l ss Mutton of said corporation execut hf ail tha slQckholden thereof which 8 il consent and the record pf the P'3c"e(iii:f aforesaid are nov on The State has been divided in to ten districts, as per below, and Prizes aggregating $50 will be giv en to the winners in each district First prize, $25; second prize, $15; third prize, $10. I shall ask the Coun ty Superintendents of F to m srtuctlon to co-operate with ma P this work, eo as to get the most boys pos;lble-to entar the coat The average yield made by the boys In thi3 State last year was 57 bushels per acre. With a record like that ev?ry enterprising citizen should encourage the movement. The boy who sacoeods la a large rop of corn stands a good show of 1 a V 1 n-V no- I itt a man uhi will ! ? f- nter the contest. Application blanks ani other 11 eratrj will be raady iu i few wee.s, tut the boys can be Sla work now and send in their ap plications later. Blanks, etc., will b: sent to the Superintendent of Public Insrtuction la each ocunty, or direct to boys apply for them. Mr. L O. Schaub, of the A. A ML Col lege, is co-operating with me in the 3oys" Corn Cluts and between us, we lags in quite a number of counties In hope to visit Boys' Corn TTiub meet the State. Letters of Inquiry or for application blank's should be sd dr?s3d to the undersigned. T. B. PARKER, Demonstrator, Raleigh, N. C. will be founu wise after a time to recognise those grea'-er org.vnlaationa. concentrations of wealth and plant and antral that do a country wide business going into every State whoex business la nmoet wholly Inter state, to recoenlz3 them ns 'nstmmec ta tties of Interstate com meres an to incorporate them la order that ' may get them more dlre tly under the ontrul of the national govern ment. "I admit there Is ground for dU pute .and I have only recommeadec this as a means of saving to the Dubll- which Is valuable: and there is a great deal that is valuable la thoej trusts, and eliminating perma nently that which Is vicious and con trary ta nubile nolicv. But vou are not Congress, and I did not come here to convince you on that subject I only mention U la passing. LOT FOR SALS. By vtrtas af the power coataiasd ta Us dead of trust eecabad by W C. Battle and MagxU itattla, his wife 'to the aaderatgay said dad at - u-t besag rounded la Book 14a. As pat. ta the office of Rsgtatrj o Deeds af dpetasahs Ooaacy. Neru. Carolina, I will Moadsy. February It MM, at X p. , at OrJffla's . la the city af Rocky Mount, Kertt. 1 r-j 1 a, aau at pa Bale a actios, for ash the fotlowtag ssaribed real aa Ule: A resldears lot la the tows ttorky da of Aibeeaarto A aa said Avesae feet sad sefc 15P fast and being lot Ke. T X Block -C" a the sarvey af the real rSUU af J. H Logs, sbtcb survey to rrosrPH la '. pages 5.0-lTl of try. edi lot being 1 tho parties of 'be first part sow re Ids. The 13th day af January IP1P. . T. L. WOKSUfT. GENUINE OLD Cook's Temple Pharmacy Masonic Temple lluilding Tarboro, - - N.C. Mount. sKasied aa the Bpto reams. tro-i.A a8T CAIOLTK4 TEACHERS TRA1NINQ SCHOOL PERUVIAN ClJUtt T. T. THORNS. 1 Pinchot Also Delivers Add Glf ford Plnchot, former Chief For down and brojght to ester said that subjects such as for the skta will be est preservation had been advoc a tec hy Am?ricans for more than a bun dred years, but that the control of water power monopoly ta the common interest was younger than the pre ent century. "All of them today,-1 he said, "are in the valley of decision. We have come at list to the point of And we must either go forward o fail back. sorth the trau'le. sad climbed to the top of too mounts!.'. There, rev ering a space of more than twen'j feet ecur. wire the aetata lag about ia heaps Net far sw s, the shall of an tnfaat. skaak1 ei and polished by the storms of rears. Bones that were taken for those A the Ivga ani aruta were al so fuJon. Icdk-stian 'hat perhaps the sortes of O.d Sentinel end bis mate carrying away children at. ehl' untrue. Hi a la 'he cr rl e of tht rockt I ctaarv for the imbiw- at Old -m.- t vevit:- feet t'.0w. 3 C :a-raenbe Ccmatv. M. C tJae 1 bjjy of the eigl. Ropes were 9r I lgncj will oa Tuesday, the around one of tbo men and he w I day of Fwbraary. IP10. at 12 e lOWrrd SOd Sall-.d back. briuctOf 1 tn Old Sti4iU N f at'.-r with him the prUa. no a live, but s I sa the fOOowtag art! .-lea of p dead eigVe. Maktag aa exasaiaation I allty. tswtt: Mr. Norman became coavtaced thai I The satire stock of dry poos the eagi- muU have been fully 1 Uoii. g-oerai mrcsanosee, et ars of age and that hie death was I go; her with all stare fl stare d je ti oil agr. The body was taken I loewjaw so the late firm as eaer t l One I lata cf Vstaable atacb af Cede CM nery and Flaatrsa. Uair sutbortty ef law. as the saiwuktg partaer ef the firm ef W. Q. Webb A Son. lately data a gee ooat. otioa there wlb 09a rating s 1st F YOU have never used Peruvian GUANO vou have never real izcd the great est posible yield from your soil. l BOOT. BL WiUCiHT. Iulpsy t Insure Your Stock Ibf Carolina LbfSUfli flutoil liv ft It lea vmlee b) aa probably becocne the property of the Historical Society of South Da kota. Th? measurements ef Old Bean ni prove that he was oae of the targ's of the birds of America -De- luth News Tribune. all two ras wagon. Said stock of You'll f-el oetter after taktnr D - Witt's UtUe Earlv Risers, the safe. sure, pleasant gentle little U er pli:s. If you would be sure o.' erooi rasnlta Insist on DeWltt's Car- bolUed Witch Haeal Salve, the or- Igloal. It U good for big cuts or l:tu oa3, small scratches or bruises or big oof a, but Is especially good or pllea. Sold by all druggists. How". Thief We offer One Hundred Dollars Re- contained a smsll piece of ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure, P. J. CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O. m th undnralzned have known F t ph'onpw tnr th leat IK vears tian geman. will he please w ItAtiArShlA V J VUH IVJl'UWtUK OMU'twe, V, . 1 U" A few days ago one our cKlaans cat into s pound of butter which bt had pur haged at a grocery whose proprietor does net advertise, and found therein a small tin boa, which paper bea ing the following, written In a niat, feminine band: "I am a fir' or ebrh'een. good looking, and excellent housekeeper. Should this be found by some uamarrlde Cbri rite and believe him perfectly ia all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN ft MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. H all's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blooi and mucous surfaces of the sys tem. Testh onials sent free. Price finder being a bachelor, decided to unravel the affair, and succeeded only to destroy the romance. The girl who had written the note had died many years ago, leaving an aged husband and a grownup family. Te Cut Th2re was aa informal sting oi the fwn commissioners lest eves ln. to consider the town's flnan elal condition. Nothing official wee dens, but it was agree i o est ex peases. One emp oyes st the llgt pient will be dispensed with. The efTVe o; sanitary Inspector win be abol ished, aad the dn't s of th u. efftocr Imposed upon one of the r gulsr po licemen. There will also be a redac tion 'n the a e for-e To m ilea whUb the town had keesj rsa'lig. will be rUrnaed. It was be. Ilevei that retrea-hmect to tat ta ten; of nearly fl :3 prr ostb. could be effect sd. It was shrwa that ti.Of. prop erly charged t the bonds bad beea spont. abo-j. half far eat ending the lights over the annexed districts and Ike other for water pipes. The taxes dee the town approil mate si7.oet; this with ft.oe caab In bank wtll enable tae town to meet the debt for which the bonds have beea placed ss collateral scer Uy. When this to does, the beede will then be sold sad the proceeds ap plied as was In leaded sad easy be C We keee aa Hto I . H. PENDER , This is YOt eeaMstaeeseeaa Peruvian Hand Book FaEtl 9 i c to do eo. tpi. of W O. AULBBROOK. Atty. P. O fl mm Usiek ef tl eras ttto PerTjyian GuaM OaBfiimiC tncBERsoM sumy co. K. K. HAlM. AitKT Died, January 'tie ia my srki office as provided by hoe of his daughter :Robbtns, of Rocky M- Chimberuans cougn Kerned y nv er disappoints those who uSe it 75 cents per bottle- Sold by all drug- for obstinate coughs, cOlds and lr gists. ' rltations of tha throat aad lungs, it Take HairB Family Pi. Is for con- stands unrivalled as remedy for stt ration. -rl' throat and lung dU.ja. sold by ' ' . aa druggists. f. - Tueiday, No peteace. We need not worry Inheri'ed money, tt isn't as read, tt Is soon spent, aad doesn't eepfet But real gotsg ahead etoeaeda a man'gewn efforts aad bis tenacity of purpose. Let to follow evwy golden Is- luatqn tbH ke se. ead he will mount to about as mack ae th a-.-tago losler who works only ee sao . But IS'- Mgt III bis fetkk to it no r alter bow ltth. at ; tke at af J. C. Battle, popularly Mrs. George M jm "Crust'." BaVta. Mount John T. Two children. W. E. White la Testimony Whereof, I have here-' White. p0r many years he lived here Mrs, Bobbins survive him. o ay my htfid and affixed my of- ani wai bom in this county and All who ca remember the store; seem the opportunities for 11 al seal, at Raleigh, this 3rd day moft pleasantly remombered. He of too lata Dvld Pcndcr, will re-1 and he will live a Ufa that t December, A. D., 1909. was a Confederate vetaran, meaiDei call the obliging and ever accommoda fal an i J. BRYAN GRIMES, of the Sixth North Oro'lna. Hto lag head salesman. John White ws the world better bee ess ke Secretary of State, wife wag Miss Fannie Battle, daugst- the man. U U I The Secret of Youth I Do yw t?r wonder bow yoa can mata 90a. , cr I why other women older than you, look yoaagw fjpagjra dot Tbtwcral cm bepuf in a tew wortk: nWrre 'By'h' medjTlM I Wtxnrn axe nenroas wreck. But ejatfJpu you are watt iPkjfdCda'p or ueivuuali, yon need a tonic, aad faa beat toafc lor yon ta CardnL law 1 1 aWe ab - d eMaejkean eeeesaaeaeaei It DOl KB tUUfUi 10r nl IMJW i 1 Take CARDUI Tbe Womaii'f Took I "My taofJier , wrHea Jart, Z. L Adcock, af SaaMb. Tflle, Term., "to 44 yean cad tad It pattfcg froajb fat chanae of life. ' M "She was brecular and Wonted aad tattered twrMv. sePs EXPRESS PREPAID. Corn Vliiskey. tne Corn Whiskeji t.7t Corn Wbaiaew. YJ .1. J. CVDDIHV & CO., Ke. tea a a i