$mnn BK SURE YOU ARE RIGHT; T H KN OO A.HEAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 5 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY J. 1910. BSTABU8KBD tt22 Tutt'sPills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengxnea or aigestive or regulate the bowels, and an equaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their vi are widely recognized, as they sess peculiar properties in ine system from that pot gantry su gar coated. Take No Substitute. VALUABLE LAND SALE. By virtue of a decree of the Super ior Court, of Edecombo County made ia the special proceeding there in pending, entitled C P. Bouldin and Horace Bouldin Ex Parte, we will on the 14th day of "February, 1910, at 11 a. m in the town, of Battleboro, N. C. sell at public auction for cash the following described two lots of land, situated in Edgecombe Cojnty North Carolina: () Beginning at a stake C. P. and Aaaia Bouldin corner on side walk theace North 61 1-2 degrees, ILit." US yards to stake on ditcu bank thence A'orth 29 1-2 degrees, .as. ; bout 30 yards to ditch, (dividing liii between this and lot of J. F. Stdv art) thence South 15 1-2 degree Vest and up center of said di IS 9yr.rds to S3iwalk, theuve SOut 2J 1-2 degrees, Eest jo-: 30 yarc to tae beginning containing one a1 o.ie fifth acres more or less. b) Bog inning at a stake B. B. Guion's corner on sidewalk, thence North 61 1-2 degrees, East 9Syards to a etak oa diU.h bank, thence South 61 1-2 dagre-'s. West 30 yards to a st'ke on ditch bank, t-hnece SQuih 61 1-2 degrees, West 198 yards to a stake on side walk, thence South 28 1-2 degrees, East 30 yards to the begin ning containing one and one-fifth a cras more or less. This January 12, 1910. E. B. GRANTHAM, T. T. Thorne. Commissioners . Land Sale. By virtue of a deed of trust execut ed by C. J. H. Stancill and wife to John L. Bridgers, " Edgecombe County, Registry Book 141, page 530, 1 will offer for sale on Saturday, Feb. 12th, before the Court House door in Tar'coro, one lot in the town of Crfaetoe to-wit: Beginning at Corner next to church on Church street, then northeast ward 62 feet to a corner, then run ning southeast ,168 feet, then south west 62 feet, then northwest to the beginning and containing 1,144 square yards, being a part of the lot bought by N. B. Dawson from the Warren heirs. Deed from said Dawson and wife registered in Book 135, page , 83. Terms Cash. January 10, 1910. JNO L. BRDIGERS. Trustee. LOT FOR SALE. By virtue of the power contained in the deed of trust eecuted by W C. Battle and Haggle Battle, his wife tt0 the undersign said ded of trust being recorded in Book 146 page 234, in the office of Registry of Deeds of Edgecombe County, Norti Carolina, I will Monday, February 14 1910, at 2 p. m., at Griffin's corner in th cltv of Rocky Mount. Nortr. Carolina, sell at public auction, fo: cash the following described real ee tate: A residence lot in the town o HrxiVij Mount, situated on the side of Albemarle Avenue, irontin- on m Avph'k- 60 feet aud runmr.i back 153 feet and being lot No. 7 or Block "C" n the "-ur've of Hm real estateof J. H. iga, ti a3"-ee wh.ch eurvey is recor ido in Eoo; Vo, pages 570-571 of Edgecombe Reg tr, s;id lot being the same oa wh the parties of he flit part bow " a. .0.. ; lis 13th day: of J-uurr; Vv. T. L. vV'O it . aTOSU T. T. THORNS, At t Land Sale. . Bv viitiift of a trust deed to me executei and delivered on the 18tt day of January 190'J by Ed:rond Hart and wife, and upon tue demand Aoraham Wooten the ceatu que "WS therein named, I will on Tuesday th 1 th lav of Februarv. 1910 sell at P'J lie out ry at the Court House dor a Tarboro own, Edgecombe Co. to the highest bidder for cash. tA-o certain parcels o land: First: The land devised to Fran cos Hart by her father, Chesterfield Ciarlr gu win p.ook "T' at Pige 259 for further description. Second: The tract in PrincevUle conveyer1 to Edmond Hart by B. J Ke?.ch and wife, s?e Edgecombe Regl try. Book 82, page $!i for better de- ripon. Trust eed under which sala ia m v marie in recorded' in K lgeombo; County Registry In Book 1 16, at page 18 1 This January 11, 1910. 0. M. T. FOUNTAIN, Trustee. G. E. WEEKS, Dentist Office near Telegraph Office. FRANK A HAMPTON, Aforney At Law, Oifise Opp3Site postoffice. Rocky Mount N. C. MIDDLE WEST POLITICS Tha Section is Honeycombed Vith Insurgents Ready to . .v,v.wv ''Are there many insurgent Repub- Ucans in th3 Middle West?" the 8 out . enter asked James B. Lloyd, Editor of the Lincoln, Illinois, Daily Courier, A-ho is now here visiting relatives. " "Yes. the action of Speaker Cannon n ruling the house with an iron hand, and the failure of Congress to redeem the pledge made prior to the election, by Tan for an honest down- ward revision of the Tariff, has made the Middle West insurgent territory in short the Republican voters ere in revolt in that section of the coun- la Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas Nebree- ha and awttoaa the insurgent move- ment has already gained great head- way, due to the hostility to Cannon- I would be pleased to bear from eny lam and Aldrichism, which stand for ""e in Edgecombe who has land to control of the government by the Big interest. In the event of the defeat of an insurgent Republican Congress- man for renomioathn by a "stand- patter" it would mean the election of a Democrat." "How about "Uncle Joe' Cannon in his own District?" "The opposition to Speaker Cannon is confined to no particular -section of the country, and recent informal- ion which I have received from rhe Speaker's District is to the effect that he is uneasy about the situation. "One can not have any conception the hostility toward Speak- r Canron in. the Middle Weat. The Newspaper tliat have hitherto supported h'm are turiiiug against him. When sj.-h jading Reulican papers as the Chicago Tribun? and the Record . I alj. join tiie insnreen:.B.t!. full of politionl significance. The i:"Sti:cent the rank and fi-e of the IlopublUn party in the Middle west, and even though an insurgent should become backs. ider the voiers would dimply throw him overboard, and see new leaaers, nut in most cases tlicy would rote for an honest, cleac Demo crat in preference to a Cannonie. A Minister, who resides in Lin- ooln, told me recently the' on a trip through Iowa. Indiana. Kansas and Nebraska, he failed to find a single Repubican who endoised Cannon or r-he Tariff bill, and he said they are ready to vote for an honest Demo- crat in prefereiice to a follower and supporter of Cannon." What cuts the most political ice, tariff, trust or what? The excessive rates under the new Payne-Aid rich law. increasing the cos of living, and the grinding greed of the trust are the chief causes for the political revoK, that is now assuming gigantic proportions in the Middle West. The people of that sedotn feel that they have been '-buncoed" on the tariff law. and the trusts have not been checked in their depredations. Keep an eye on the Middle) West. and listen out for the results in the November elections." A Movable Feast, She has a biscuit-colored hat. With plumes of olive green. Beneath the mushroom crown so flat A bunob of cherries may be seen. Tie parched upon her chestnut hair A?ovo her sht'jnp-pink gown, And from her little neck so fsir A chain of oyster pearls hangs down. Her coat is made of Persian lamb, And frogs are all the style. 3he doesn't mind at all the "Jam," Because she's got 'em beat a miie And sea lops, points of every slie. Go floating wund ber feet. When sho kojs mlnOr.g down the street ihe look; just good enough to ea'! T. Purse In Hamper's Weekly. Cordially Received. Most of us no,v know Rev. W. A. .-itn:ury and his charrnlag and Jove- . irli-iy 2 -fir Eg the hassS - - a-.d eaasmodlsRi gad comfor ; - i- h ::..e of Caoi, v. TL pwwell irja 19011 for a re.apfloa ju ia hoior OS -hom. n tlie r-ceii;ig party were host and his charming n' sr.-. :o: a :; - . , Rev. and rs. . . A- Stan bur, Rev. and :irs. Carra-ay, Rev. a id Mrs. Ber-ram E. Brown, and Rev. R. W. Alexander. The gu s:s weri tret by W.H. Pow- ell Jr. Mra. A. '-t too parlor D. Fowlkes not tnem. end Intioduced taem ti t:e receiviag party. Mesdames Claud j Wilson and W. P. McCraw pia ed the way to the punch-towl presided over by ."liss Lena Simmons and Mian Marv Poweel! Mra. J. E. Morrisett, of Mt. OIlvs. and M1S3 Hannah GlUlaa did the boo- ore at itnlng room door. The room was decorated in red and green. In the centre of the table was a magnlf leant vaee of red carnal lone, while from the candelabra above lit by rod candlto, was defused a mellow comor ins- light. Mrs. J. H. Johnson poured coffee. The guest were serv- action at t challenge the admiration el by this bevy of comely maids; of all. Such. Is Holliater't Rocky Mou Mi-see Mary Twombty Johnson, O- la Tea, the world's regulator livla DeSerry, Lilian Pitt. Pauline Elgecombe Drug co. Powoli and Sue Bunn. with a satad A politician becomes a stateman af course, ices, and bonbons. tor he is elected. t. v-o ,Jn.r.i more lauehs and dried mor2 tears, wiped away more ga-tas and driven away more fears 'than anv o h-r medicine. Its Hciiist- ! e-s Roiy Mountiio Tea, thirty year ' . v - wWhovit an equal, that's enougn. kq coaibs Drug Co man tdwa of reform U fix things to so himself. DESIRABLE I M t G RANTS A Chance To Make the County Editor Southerner: As North Caro Rna Is an agricultural State sad as it has many acres that can be made much more productive than they are at present, I would like to he instru mental in improving the soli of the Commonwealth In general and Mr In particular, State needs desirable 1mm I- grants, those who will till the soil ajln cense the land to enhance in value. There ere many parts of our county that could be cat up into small frms end new rural communities es tablishd. Being in touch with ea Assocaatton, the object of which to scatter Jewish farmers throughout the country, either singly or in group er for sale. It Is probably not snown to the majority of my readers tha: mors than five thousand Jewish farmers are scattered throughout he United States. They bare a nation or Bnira ijn of their own and can show Burpamg r suits. The two Jewish Frm Schools, -one a. Doylestcwn. Pa., and the other at Woorti.toe, N. J-.- are graduating a class of men who are making tb h nv rs In the r;cuRural world. Both of taern have te.hnicai dopirta.enu whku r: theal Tte nau.ee of th -embers rf the on par wi'h colieges 'Ue the Agrt Rdgecom e Cooarll are as follows: c Jural aad Mechanical CbUeRe, at Jamea P. Ksech. W. H. P' E H- iouh, nd the V.r I Jsakl ( B. Hsessy. H. T. Latham. H. I WUi burg Va. Before placing . aiija'A am, Z. B. Cummlagj. a. U ia a new Re Id. or establishing a col K. f. Qptewail. A. C. Arehoi ony of Old Watld fariore who bring W. f,nrttB If, J. Sagg. " ' Con tbcm s-sinU'l; me'bocs of cul t . : stott Las -r P.. R. ! 3 the so:i -for Irs;'. In Enrore j Duoc .a. L. T. CVtoe. J .. 0 la uot iH-nif.:l at l lm in the sOntt ! s a p .ca W. C. fJWOlloa. f . t aad es - th V..o. ...:o uva tosli, .V. T. Deans. A. T Aj mm tho eheravtsr c. the . 'urry ! w re wmw w v1-1 v. viiv v - 4 . -a. . a . t. vs lethsg it U h':y cr Krtl. the prWel'.nd. W f. Thu-psa. R. L. lud. the kin ', cf crops h i -; R. a Pr-t--r. j.. r. H i! wh or be aiised. how nuar M 'mem arcj to a marker and anything ata that ou.d at ri. p ' 3 .L destriou and thrifty. T'.io 'e. who wlh to see idgecunbe p-, have chance to a v-aUiU'.ng Set of men. and 1 trust thr-t farmers -'d thos who have ranos to offr Wli cooperate 'rlth r. in maklrg Aaaoiatior w ' : h U -;eU c a ji'D. U. CarW. W. I- fc-w ao,e enterprise. Oas'.ou Ll.hU: is"-o. a AaaoU Le Editor of the Jewish Record. Richmond, Va. Where Our Money Goes. hundred dollars of prop- rt7 ha the Uetted States were made to W boutS1.70 a year In taxes, the reenue so der. .d would meet all xpenses of go vermeot Federal. State and looai. There would be no need of customs dutW or of Internal revenue tXe support the FWal govern ment or of the great sums which States ead cities saise by Bee see fees franchise taxes and th 1 lias. This statement Is based upon the latest fig ures of governmental disbursements supplied by the statistical bureau of the treasury. According to the same authority, each hundred dollars of property that Is directly taxed at all pays $2.05 a year, and that doesn't half meet the bill. It produces only $725,000,000 while the governments federal, State and local spend $1. 700.000,000. The farmer or small bows holder pays his $2.05 on each hun dred, and then has to chip hi his share of the additional $1 000,000.000 mage up of ens oms duties, internal 1 r'v-nun taxes. l'xenee fees which the! governments spend. Total cost of! ran Jog the governments Federal " c MU a head year, or $100 for a family ur-e. n n . 1 fM,.rtfa a ka w it o: fi.e. A totali; th tftMSS person, may sac pe hia share ? d an excosd hrly thrifty pereon nay escape lis. Bat we surr. le that g'.t body sf rsasonably thrifty heeds of families Pay mor? than th- lr shere. Esowpi se regards th tariff, voi Utt'e. it hoard of .a s subjtfot ui poiiUjs . 1 U o vtoaa') a b g -u je-L S:Ud ai experienced uten '. er of an Illinois tax'ug body tho other day. Tndy?r the laws cow on our statute books R is ate Mutely Impose h le to make an "! J table 'Sa-j-smen"." Faturduy cv-.-aiis i'os- If You Are s Trifle Sensitive About the size of your shoes, it's some satisfaction to know that many people can weir shoes s small er ty shaking Allen's Foot-Ease t e antiseptic powder into them. Just the tbiag for Dancing Partis e. patent L .th ?r Shoes, and for Breaking in New Shoes When rubbers or orer- 7 BWSf 8h P"ch. Allen'. i FooLEase gives lusiant relief, sow arvarywnere, joe- Sample FREE. Address Allen 8. OHn - ated Le Roy. N. T. Don't accept any substitute. It's equal as a curative tonic not exist. So perfect Is it's medicinal Tnere Ij an usurgent in neary ev ery home, and Intimate association dl therewith should make -ou sympath. Ue a HUla with Mr. TafL We hate the tariff so much that s s-nuggler never seem. Ilka very rA..tn - e.. -ier. e don't accomplish much, but try to to keep ahead of '-he spsclsi sessions fa that resps.t. COS4MEN VATIONS Corn Congest tor BOjrs Approval. Meetira The Sovtherner la eahtog for ceo- UiboUons for prises to offer for the best yields on oae acre calibrated by a boy. batesea 13 aad IT years has met with e hearty isapnsas. JBach of these geatlemea hare rwepeeded wR encouraging words aad tea dollars be- ilea J.M. Bake. W. B. PoweR, O A. Holder ocas. J. P. ShschJeford. Job Cobb. C. A. Johnson, for Roystor Guano Co.. Rebersoa Raff in Co, A. V. Warstoe. H. S. Been. Oeorae How- and, C. M. Parks. H. A. OUIlam. R O. KlUreU. To this list we hers the amOfke - tion of adding W.A Fart far tea I Mam a few next? Edgecombe Council No. S11. On Nor. 1. 19SS, the abes aemetf Council was organised with twenty eight members. Oa Jan. 1. Just two moitfhs later there w-re sixty emb ers em the roil. Nmh Carolina has the largest membership of ear stats In tho aui -a and ao doubt sVlgecombe Court u will bake ee active 1- '-Test la aL stats sesi -a. The junior Order Is a patriotic order aad tauis as Its eardinsi priacipies. vlr jr. lib erty end patriotism, aad shoO-i her? fire .-ppeal to all ywaR AmerJssw Q Ccisi-. S N. :litcRO. Howard. J. R. fender. J v Haft, J. J. Lewis. C rj'l- U. Fryer. Da .."il.Unrs. J. W. B. Battv, M. iieVbroner. R. B rvtets. W. L. S .ear In. U. D. S'ellkiga. J. B. penatagtse a C. Kn gbt Jr . D. C Crcjwoi; w. p. McCiww. w si ir aslis. r. a. Wa'k.r A. T. :-ho:n. U H. Tajlor. D.D. Taylor. - johujoa. ens R. C Urowr. Hary SmRh. L McCsbe. J. E. dlumoas. E. B. Mortis. .J. K. Tbvgpwn. E. H. Ward. V . C. Pigs. H. C 4AYINGS OR MRS. SOLOMON. Being the Ceafsestoee of Ue tews Hundredth Wife snd Translates by Helen Roland For the Washington M era Id Consi!er matrimon. . oh. my daogb tor. for it is owe long sweet song. Twa. R is as a musie box having mh one tunc which t piaywth today, yes terday, sad forever, it Is as aachocg log M the spaghetu of the FaRaa able d'hote. Behold bow a married woman a riseth in the morning at the sRi log of the alarm clock. She raoetb her husband's vuwa socks: she lay eh out his bath towels. She duste:h the pUno aad wter eth the rubber stoat. She goeth toto the kitchen and conaulteth wRa Ute cook; she rocelreto the batcher the baker, and the milkmen. She trackrth lost ankles unto tlelr law; ahe seadeth her lords sui' u-to the tailor s, end gather th up the Una j atte f4.th the eat. torth ud rotjrasth t exaitw half-past Ave that she easy & Cur. her pompadour to cner ine or She pot eth on a fresh drops yet a s-etb If not, Sbs tlleta hLn a new joke -juwertta "llamm." She ktose h blm upon the an J he bruihcth her n es s fly th.t hah aUhted upon him. Ste go eth to bed a bait-past tins. An J thU sbs doetb for JCS I ;ys la Uw yevr. The a I a, ty us o th . .-ocderca not any wife beauec the pr:kcth s quarrel for excite emsoC Lo! s family row hi th great marital amuscmeeC Aad wh s ah ys MStarfere la the is ioiss of maa and For a row Is a rousing argaaaset Icttoth o.'f aai prolnceth exhltaratloa It Ste mi t t ! Aai if they can find ataght tj die gre aboiL a b .- plly c u le can quarrel for bojrs whether tt U worsw to pet the ma tage brush In the Ink or the pen the mucltoga. For before m arrises s has band cUmalJult Dat pevometo a sedative j verily vwrflv. stale cheese to aa abomination asU awaio beer Is ftot; I bat whet to so stale as a stale hes- I band? Setah! Don't be a atowch. stop that grnatS. Oet well aad yea win saw More Joy i 1? snd less of Try Rocky Mountain Tea. Edgecombe Drag CO. If a wesaaa hasn't anv faith In a oko. tt is good evidence that at time aha had too much. The spilWog drag was aot wasd oa e street oxxay as u smew Oar city fathers seem to SO obfuecatod about the tttrnye siRce is, n In tVi art Baa)sSsSaTvAilLWsfll ' Why don't the mt tola try flattery and of Oreat Bri - th, chis on this, .affraget s? THl EASIEST WAV. Tae seal at lag lays saawj cestset way eat awset eseera Take gen-'a" t era few XUwm uiars. " 1 bar ! oat Uo' few era. as a I "Hew 1 JcsstF la R be that the way ft R lb 01 h'tn . fa S4ca.lt mTi being ro'-l id Iron ''ijria tbs 1 "-as upwtg the v. Uattee States a. the o tne moa-y pow-r J. essai nself nq slde the pair cf an 1- -k.- Til r.N "sraiaa ary prof abet taw "toe are the Detro. ThlnV Hiaiy of the Microse Op-se aet the bstsble 1 last Its ways as ro estop: of r good ned bad rses. s. too ar are sre good bacteria as wstl es he sea, to tae aaRsoaooaicsl world ther tost tbit the pitO Us ber the b aad that sely to aaswpUsawl eawo ' to targe stake Oa "u a bu artity Prof L'oiverlt v k Is bacterto which beep oar bi t sad make bottom! R aad d Tbew era mUlloas of he saya. saraiag boasot R to everv win at the advice; This tbe try ! s oa '--ox el Many di Dai to to be tost take Hous Tea, astwre'a sores Take a ssBgagaagaBpnBawnawsanwnawawswwwnaaaa T.! A Good Example aw I ssi s good exstspst," writes Mrs Rl"L" Best's myt muMCSicr, UkW., us wiai vaiw wsai w pot avawesaeap arar II woriKrs. . "I suffered with my head sad use, sar over stx rests, and although 1 tried rvcrylhir. I never could rt any- thins to do roe any good, until Ibegas to take Cardut II Cardui has safChr helped roc sod baft! $se op sad I rc good. I fed so sates stroager sad bsatsr taan T rvavs In a long tirne." It is well to abates ap roar mind before yoa are sick what medidas you will take waea yoa are adL TakefARDUI I " The Woman's Teak Yni win r c i. In la Ire it u. ersblc and when life seems a weary grind. It wih put I new inuugnis iniu yusw exau, wtaai uwwewsop wssw juws wawsow If not sick sow. st least tssra CarduT on lo fae pates h 01 your memory, so max wasa yoa are srsk yoa wai ass I in m la - . I i, aa lor 11 veHDuaf in 1 n a 1 r . If tick or eak. get s bottle today. At si drugfjsts. I aaaf wflawawf swWaa'WsfaSaV Mai wAaVa feaMsas "HlaM TeswaHawl tmW wWggJBss Ml IMbV lire bU-i I'tOie al lira SaRd L leeestfsen awRlst tt NOTICE Tbb Is to TO CRCOlTORS s2 test ISto .H v I. u Alto. Is Son Tals ft C SALS Of 8TUOK OF OOOD8 Oa Tosodsy. Fwwtwsry L Itio. el 2 o, sa., e will sell at PaJbilc aotka. ia t oasSws. Jf C. tae re sbsoR of toads mm of HarrwM, Da-e 41 Oa, fS.lSS.wS. of about S400 la asoso, tlSSsa bats, tsso to clothing, aad tae rwlaocw rwiog part el aaassaj lass of wcSaadtot. via bsnl 1II0 laeea tory can be seea by all J I I HorviviBg O. L. idm'r J II. W. O. Howard, AtSstaay SPILLS Raaa aw swaoa i a eas Kiiiintrnu.. aa aw sen soiy if Til 0RU667ST$ EVERYWHERE hwestacbsstTswMbwaa CHICHtSTER fRAbaosaO taacasi -V HABIT. What Is Itf Some are fcood, others are had and indifferent. W II V not form the od habit of oing to COOK THE URIGKIST C ook's Temple Pharmacy Ufasonic Temple Bailtlini Tarboro, iiitcnoiin TEACHERS' TRUNINQ SCHOOL Insure Your lieCarohnaLhrSlM-k tliiiinl Bv to its: st s tibial I II. X - dr ' iSb I i Jto FOR VERY ROOM lav sssrtt mSmmitH m Vafl EXPRESS Corn Whlwkey. sums, com larioMRn. Corn I. J. CUDDIII V A CO, j XO.SS& .OTCOC - - . C. ' aao tm ik. Mock PENDER IMti:illl Whiskey. XI r sfl