mm eater BE 8URE YOU ARE BIGHT; THKN OO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. as. No. 6 A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With Impure Mood there can not be food health. Wltha disordered LIVER there TisPills revivify the torpid UVER intrttlnae Its natural action. A healthy LIVER Health Take no Substitute. ansnaBnaaMBBsssnBaBaaanBBsaaiBBnBaBnBsai HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. From th time the rrw material rch onr f .ictnr they are handle.! cniir. lv by ma chinery, kept scrupulously clean. Na ci iee for Jeli-O IDE CHEsm mm to Vfvme eontamlnat.. It i: strictly pure and wholesome. Our factory is a clean as your kitchen. ICE CREAM is Easy to Make 1 qunrt miljr. 1 package J i-Xti-O ICE M Powder M t, auil frooi, witU'jui cxkkiu(. fct.uplo, isu '. it I Tttia make t"-. nrr-s . sunmri ?-t vet r-.tMnm. -i !.u . . . iui.u': at eoit t MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. Will take notice that I can be foun.i at my office. This is the cheapest in sutance in the country and absolute ly reliable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasure ROBERT'S TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. The greet Fever end Chill Remeov 38347 Bottlee sold last year There is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clear see the blood. For sale by all dealers. K8C NOTICE TO CREDITORS. This Is to notify all persons hav l"g Ja .ins against the former firo and partnership business of W. G Wfebb & Son, of Old Sparta, N. C. to exhibit same, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before the 21st lay of January 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery there on. Aj parsons indebted to said firm must make immediate settlement. This the 7th day of January, 1910. JEFF D. WEBB, Surviving Partner of W. G. Webb & Son. R. G. ALLSBROOK, Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of tho estate of J. F. Armstrong, late 01 Edgecombe county, notice is bsrt by given to all persons holding claims against my intestate to present them duly proven to me on or before Jec uary 13th, 1910, or this notice will be Plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to him must mate immediate paymnet This January 6, 1910. S. G. WHITFIEI.U. Admi . Enfield. N. fi Land Sale. By virtue of a trust deed to me executed and de'ivered on the 18th day of January 1909 by Edmond Hart aad wife, and upon the demand of Abrrham Wooten the cestj tue trust therein named, I will oa Tuesday the l'-th day of Fetruary, 1910 sell at public outcrr at the Court Ha3e door n Tarboro -own, Edgecombe C'-. ta the highest bidder for caa-;, two certain parcels of land: First: The land devised to Fran ce Hart by her father, Chesterfie'd Cart win nook, "f" at pige )9 for further description. Second: The tract in Princeviile conveyer" to Edmond Hart by B. J. Keech and wife, aee Edgecombe Regi trv. Book 82. oaue 334 for better de scription. Trust eed under which sale is to be made i3 rec;'ded hi K igeombe County Registry lr Book 1S6, at page 184. This Jinuar7 11. 1910. G. M. T. FOUNTAIN. . Trustee GIRLS AND BOTS WANTED We want Girls and Boys to work la the TARBORO KNITTING MILLS At Tarboro, N. C. and in the RUNNYMEDE MILLS. Near Tarboro, N. C. Tae work is light, no dust or dirt and Uin nxv la srood! We can fur- msh M, o j,. t t,0 town of Run r . . - 9 . nymcde or West Tarbprp. We have ko?j s haois i t Tarboip, and Rannyrl m jr. . A F,ee Education For Your S-n . Children We nave had steady work all the ir. Do not fear a shut down, we w t: ha-e work for y"u every day. Cor,e and See ths Work or Writs to r i .rceeeva TSTkr'u r. 'a..-a-.r. Mood. -i: All Druggists. UNCLE SAM'8 PAY ROLL. Coming to Be an Enormous Burden Holds its Regular Monthly Meet- for Country to Bear. ing. it la well that the people of this "Snatch sally the Joys which the country should realise what a burden moments shall bring, their government Is coming to be. We Ad way every care and perplexity know what vast sums have been fltag." spent and ana being spent for army Such Indeed seamed the sen Unroots and navy and pensions but we do not reflected In each face, as the band or always realise how great has been young woman known as the Phi lath the Increase lu the ordinary expen- aao met together last evening at the d tures. home of Mrs. Frank Powell, there to It was pointed on4- during the lest spend a few hoars happily blended oa campaign that almost 100,000 names duty and pleasure, had beeen added to the nation's pay Miss Pauline Powell acting as hoe roll during the administration of Pre- t9ea,aeslst.d by Mies Lai lea Hasse. s-ldeat Roosevelt. This involved an ana hsw g seats, sand aahrrfl them lnt increase of salaries of $70,000,000. the parlor. The in employes was at the The President Miss Austin celled rate of 14,000 a Tear, and in salaries the class to order and the Lords pray of $10,000,000 a year. In the last fuU er was repeated in concert, all stand year of Mr. Roosevelt, this rate of in- ing. Altar redevlng reporte of the crease was exceded, the number of various committees, the President new employes being 22,000. And the inquired if further business was un figures are still climbing. We now dor discussion, or should be brought have 370,000 public servants, as a gainst 328,000 last year. These figures should give us pause We are now paying more than $4W, OOO.OOOin salaries. Each man, women, and child is being taxed (4.50 each year sunpty for the ordinary expenses of the government, a sum which used to bo almost enough to meet all ex- pensas, ordinary and extraodinary. No one doubts that the government could, if it were organised and eon- ducted on business principles as it Ponee was made, ten names being probably never will be be carried on immed'atrdy enroled as subecrioers for one-b- if the amount now used to Ky a uiatnioas vote Mrs. Chaitey maintain IL Cobb, who was elected temporary But even if we cannot srt oa a business basis, we ought to be able to make same retrenchment in our teacher lo.g ts ahe will servs. piy roll. The land Is filled with spec- Mm. Cpb gracefully accepted the ill aganti secret service men. luspeo -ejection. tore, end inspectors of inspectors. This position was recen'ly held by Special council have been hired to Mrs. L P. Harrol and the dass Is 1c do work which other men were paid deed to be congratulated Li s ftlothn for doiag and should havo done. of Mrs. Cobb ss successor to that Assistant attorneys have multiplied most estlmabl Lady, beyond all reason. And the result is Sever1 matters of ardant Import now before us. Nor have we reach- anco were dte ussed. afr wL'.?h de ed the end. It is not surprising that 11 s refreshments were eorved the President, should have a good deal Mow chairs were drawn eraser, and tj say about economy. It is an olu fashioned and almost forgo. tec vir tje. In these days of high prices aid mounting taxes It is well that wo should give some attention to saving money. Ail this money comes out of tha people, much of rt from those who cannot shift the I urden of t a-ion that Is the poorar poot", te much-ialkof ultimate const rues. From the Indianapolie Nena. X Cotton os an Investment. If Washington dispatches are cor- ret. several members of Congress are s- hed tiled to confer with prcsi- dent Taf t this week on ways to de- stroy the commercial mechanism by which raw cotton has been given a world-wide market to the great ad vantage of the grower, trader and manufacturer. Investments in cotton lands of the South total not less than $25.00o.uu. and in cotton textile mills in the United States fuUy$600,000,000. Ad led to this fully $150,000,000 more occu pied in carrying the cot'on crop com mercially. These three fields of In vestment have a combined investment of capital tt $1,000,000,000. ThLt country producing two-thirds of the world's cotton crop, and has thereby a partial monopoly of great value to the Southern grower. Ye the whole cotton growing world Is larger than ever before. The British Lnpcrial Trees, is subsidizing cot tm g owing in Africa and in the West Indies. Germany to doing Uke-w-;8e, and more liberally, In south west Africa, and japan 13 bent on making Formosa and Korea the uea.s of diliverane from ulter de- pjiience oa ousde supply, tu if which might at any tin.e imperil h -r exports of cotton goods, There arj 133,000iK0 spindles de peadent for their ea.-ning pQsser on an adc-qn-te supply of raw co-tort. Oottoa mills in Ji United EtUce pay in. diviiends not lew uan J120.00O,C0O a year. So far from a crusade lu which commercial revo- lution is t? be inaugurated the cry ing need now is more cOtt n and more encouragement to cultivation. Trade disturbances teid to depress -pri es to producers, to discourage ia- veetments in manufacturing, and 10 increase the cost of distribution- Mids ear-not hope to run fuH time as it is, because every year they consume more than tnis year's pro- du-Jttqi- Why no'- let well eaougn ala?. Wa'I Street Jijrna.'.. The total area under cot'on in In dia, including both the early and all the Jaite crop sown up to the end of September, amounted to 18,722.oou acres. For the same period teat sa- eon the area waa an increase of 10 par cent., as shown by the figures of til 3 present seaeun. Lost a Cropper. Julius Dupree, colooed. on a war- 1 rant from Nash County Las been ar- rastail and sent to Nash for trial. Dupree's offence la gct-ing ad- - varies from W. U. JOyner on a pi mlje to work and pay ror tite Mrs Mate Tlall says; "I have kept hou2 15 yeafa, anj a mother of four children, and I would not keep bouse ' w- war - - ' - - m without Hol'.tatei'g Rocky Mountain Tea," Wise worxen, why Drives a- way aJcknes., brings health and hap- pt-,e, t0 the who' family. Its the .14.. Ka-vts Braasrvar. Edgcombe ZZTZ THE FIRST PHILATHtA CLA38. to the notice of the class, wteoupon Mies Mary Rowe rose and resd a ver. beautiful and entausl-etlc ra ter from Miss Flossie Byrd. State Secy of the PhlU'-heas, la which Mies Byd asked for Jdias ROwes eaaneat PPrt in ojCaini-.g subSK-rtlons to tQe 1 leraJJ published at Raleigh. In eddiiioa to h letter Miss Roe made a few remarks, requesting the cooperatloa of the class. A hearty re-. teacher for the class a few weeks a o, was chosen to be our perms aant . a casual observer would have seen, that ench Pbalr.thea was thoroughly e jap ns the delightful repeat t-" ei for them )j Vises Powe.l and Hiareey. Alter all evidence of the feast we e removed h 7 bad a hip- py Utt e in for, a. 1 hjt a.osx tn'm el os, -J so in eretod ad the l9eae th j w . ain.i' aour sraro appiocchiug, weu each aad all bae the young todi a a aos cordial If r lucuant, good alrht aa earaat wA re-echoing among tr j- that V e oieaa would soon meet aia wi h laultoe and Lali'h. Ire deeply regret, throug. various cvojos me memvjis of sMM class were una. o enjo Uxte gra - ckU3 hospittllty, al'bough the elase wa well re r-v.-ntod. Previoua me .:ga were held at th? homes of . llsses Allen aad Aus tin where the class was rns' ieiight fully erttertal-.ed. SLcerel trust that th'se meetings may give us "The wit u dtocOver what to true, and the fortitude f practice what to good, also enabling us to mar? ctanrW see the virtues of our Sisters. Reporter. M . L R It expels all poisons, stimulates the internal orzans. cleanse he system end purifies the blood. Such Is Ho'.l - rater's Rocky Mountain Tea, tne atom effective preventative and en of bd blood, constipation and sluggish II. er. Edgecocibe Drug Co. Thriftless Farming It ought to be a dtograce for a far mer in any one of at toast 85 States to grow less than 10 bushels of com on an a re orsround. The sverago yild of corn la teas then 26 bushels the acre The versge of wheat to 16 buehea whereas it ought to be $ bushels. There are enough apple trees la bearing in thl co-iutry to apply this; people if the uemand were twice wha it is. and leave an enormous surplus for export, if the average tanner did hfaik his orchard was f aaHaeo when he set out the trees. Thousands of orchards are left to the insect pea's that, ravage thorn, leaving the tiees so weakened that a slight frost', in April or a drought in July dee troys the crop. Indeed, the farmer who gives the proper attention to hto orchard to a rare exception. There are enough colonies of bees th United States to cnrloe the honey we need gWes u if the pro- per tt ention were given them. Then there are sheep Thoueund of farmers think a gheep need no cara. They turn their flocks loose to shift for themselves, and that to tne chief rea- son why the pHcee Of mutton to so high. There sre enough hens in America ti more than double the quantity eggs, if given proper attention, and there are enough cows to more than double the supply of butter If men anew how to farm and bad the raoO-1 Won't Need a Crete- nation, the energy, and the diligence' Whea Bdltor J. P- f-fr. off Oar to do IL Indeed, the chief bne of neltus. N. C. brutoM hto toe badly. our coun ry today Is the waste that cornea from t': i Vees and trlflkng - rramrag. rom ine wMaK3ion a ruuaniy. 11 g io p'"P' The famous little liver puis sre Dewltt's Litf.e Eartv Risers. They are safe, sure, gentle and easy to ta! When you ask for Uewue ( polled WAch llatl Salve, refuse to . aacept a substitute or tml ation. Da. J. aader to make cnaago la wttt's Carbollsed Wteh Hssel Salve busiaess-eaUre stock and natures I to good for anything when yog acid sale. Apply Am.rlcan Special Bales a aalvn and tt ki espScUllj good for Ua, iprse-cunv at J. Eav PUto. 80W at ail drgfat.. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 10. 1910. LAW OF SUPPLY AND DEMAND. Is This Sat, .factory Phrase s Hiding Place for Greed sad tajestieet Very few atop to analyse the sag of the phrase, "the law s fty sad decease." when It Is ad as aa aaeasi Cor rapacity the law of supply sad desaand." It the caa to he satis tie K. Tat the situation of which yOe noenpialj may he am artificial, not a aiiatmi. condition a tale Um of the supply art which the an 8Uuld. then, tha gtlj sxpbjMttor. "the saw of !vl allowed to be a atone wast for greed or ei.iMjce u hide behind? If a aioa ooodWeon produces Mas of a of living than a becter would produce, 'hen the change off ooodetaoa should be made, even If It In vol vet, very radical departures from toe existing tod ust rial or political or der. And If by artificial rneaas tho sa ply M contracted or coruansd. to be doled out at the highest Pie wail stand, the fuse to "stand eat aU. la all unusual aad critical tim the pe-ypes act sensibly and forcefully coaoarUng such matters. Baa Fran otseo did not think of petsnKt'ns the bakers and botchers to charge aay thing thoy could got for their bread and saeat hi the (Una of tho earth uqake.and fire. The bakers and be chars dU aot even thlnh of attsmp las extoruou thee and of pleading the Mw of supply nod demand" os cuee. Tet It Is just as dlatraa-al not to have enough toaet when then ox been s fire. Indeed, psisose find it easier-to get stent oa net erog whan the major y of o hers are n th9 oasae plight than when most of the rh"ie are gorg'.ng. Can rax thhj country. wFhoot any vl dent soei-J speseu. rsaCIa that a "IsMeea fatre" doctriw which will not do tor en emergency to aot good fw aay ame? Will It rot see that for o e specific ill net ration the snonssn c law of supply aad demand the taw that one quart of water wflt aot f a two earty quar caps to "Uag tw-totsd oat of all as stni tegaaty by o d . mads a taw unto greed and hy T-F'om the Kaneas C y St n ALU IS DARKNESS FAR A-OVE ERTM Weather Bureau Balloons Oeyeisp Remarkable D so eery to. -"oa bs been obseTva ions takes it ti ' 'Mlloor ny- sag staff of the vVnt'ter Bursas and by n-intaf aoroad. professor Moor. . culef of the Weather who to head of the National l-3ty as ersfL has adr OnsmsaJI tea on Agriculture that dating te test suiumer months "we found warm pat-hs of air far eaish." "We h re fan ad." said eor Moore, "aa a teustt of these baLooue. our verl.'led abroad one of V c I fat thtags la meteorology. AU pb, e have g.a! Wy dot- es With t: to OJ th-ry to no tee&pvr- turn, we up baoaa from above the tuna, which a six mile jand taLlag with th" arm stratum there to as entirely dlf ferent atmospbere floating upon th storm element like oil on aa easterly velocity of only half the lower air From the storm rat um up through this there to a alight rise tempera tore. We call It equally ! asnt air ooaa there are no me mm u" est rays or ' J 1 1 . . . a a . Uht are aneorbed. We are living in a tha akin of air u: all th r,i bel - 8t Elmo, For fifty years or so 8t Augusta J. Evens' novel , oae of the moat popular books by , naMve writer carded sa a particularly . aaance of the south, the of a southern author, with her sub jot t paracutorly effective. Th narrated in tte pages bar 3 tasaptad the dramatist more than odea and now oomss the aaaouneesaem that a new version has been pot before tha ; public. This latest to the work of Nell Twoney. an author of experience a aCan director of ability, who -. cordlas to the management of th play has prepared a drama that will appeal to tha fasUdtoea thMtrogOer. The ptoy to aimounosd at the Oora House. Thursday, 1T0. shorty the preasaf term hers of St . attracon wUl go to New York for a of neasou's run. Augus'a J. Bvns' henar , ttfui booh has boon akiUfully man Into play form by Neil h started an ugly sore. Many salves and ointments proce worthless. Then B-ackb.-rt Arc lea salve hatost and sure for Ulcere, stoma, Brutosn. Cuta, Corns. Bores Bcaema or Piles. 88c. at W. H. V.c- Nirs. dtTs .tor, bcirrs Oct. deep, rising . Above th A CONVICTg ADv ENT uac Hie Leaf Wsls He "m m not trt-Py hart Dirt-is; the r- Mader of the alght he ehsffUd s U to tho dark, and at any break U aea the railroad U the HUM tto to Mid to walk to a ara!tM !Uv from It which he dM far several days naal wMh hto feetah tolled. fHy after and aagtot after alffht he rubbed hto Irene with the sharpen. rack he could and. eh si ha wen ablo to throw has nu d'w sold- Aftr hto CvoawV went a wUh grsat s'raV throagh the an- m ooaotry M wat b he aaf. h sot ohtac: hetag to wbl'a satMesuena. warts aTrr bis rfal peace eff la a hat anaarently betoeaing to so del not sanitate to v vVRb ta gaa he a to tol sehrss aad other MtaatW. s wv s rererved la Loadoa e 11 TitTia. haanly. OF Saturday of the death Of J Cros- e-ieJaV J " when if!Lh0" vhto trtm J M. . ). jifl Jian aaTldmSC eantog from be g rardn as hto tw 'j1' J.1!.1; ,yrf7M demand.'' bTavM a -il. a a "assL eassssdsssHa a. tnAAsrr- aA jt jr.-r:-,--: teachers- scooc ,a henmo exhajetod. aad he had f land. etaid m Oniijinsks Ctosaty . . . rely .pea fratt far hto nSan Marts Ciraltaa: -fl Bmi Mlliniiil by the Bicdn far tan yeaam BMm jaet whCTeswteh wen etoaton, u atahec I I "ITl ' JS.? tJM hw rnnnddroand. Sh- n I, 0 sa ah was! J HM rBBB OK. hi tth, ItBO UiK auch progresa he ffaB to whn Jhmee Korth 1 1 1 iegrnea. Bant , Tfmmm4 larmgkm, altto dL-e ttoaa as to how-to fmd "a very theaei xrth tt 14) dnaeana. Waal a OtBmtwtnmV M. CI ' Itosj water." which Cresnlck taasial ht S yards t data, till lama seasaaaa. i d mast saean fan Biror Cong, and ena tats sai tot ef J r jtu ,1,f11J S ex4 j'iT'ma 'Mre l our Mori A srrayod a all th gaory of ,5 . Enot tt yards to a atoan timt aajhj lEO rarer t r of cTwOst ftobtto and a innfr yy "nu raan9mmmm'1 m"m 'Hll YlV which he worked hto nmassi toASSV JJJJJ m jf MWmi'' lVPBS? lSn.r ' F. H. PEIfDER Yard, who arresutd kha on the charge E 8 utAXThAll. LeOOml A srasyif of sssapiaE tram lawful lattaij. T T- 15JJJBJ ' dreia a a fugitive offender, sad far " "snaw a. aci ha gaa mm atml ,rJ Vo-'' e atae tw fil'na'mnba 4-"rm JJtojgMal aw ef 8884 I offer to Tew, a to Corn C Mi. a OilMitf a line toad OH net (. M Ravtns naearod Has to offer la C maiHn, sad (Si Th ton ana Onl ir!inna km ''sf1 ft 'mmmJmU C tarn tto rcen 'clttaeoaof each u ""ary trnty. yearn, P o offer aa aaiaiitp prtoes $18 w a Tiucro fit and 88 for Ue torgast ytoed to the townstolp by nWMiy . lfLuM to 11 that the 888 tar mtt; tiirTBsrT mTJT?'?!mSLT m. m. wilim Thrash aad R G Altohroen Lnt a AW Bl hear from other losanhlps Whhjh.- 1 Ul he the fLet to reanaadT Trr C"IM' 50 Per "I have used lets than one bottle of Cavtml.' Mrs. Gertrude Ward, of Ruahvilfe. Net, "Bad aa fifty per cent better than when I begm Liking It Before taking Cardni, trouble, tor eight yaaxt. My laxity. I also suffered wtQl but aow I Era gii atjrf dui to all mi Take The Woman's Tonic The rare medicinal herbs of Cardtri are the dtrrct found in medicine are as a female medkiaa and trade, ovi For over 50 years Cardui has I an's medicine, fat ladies like It, to fake, so thev fure faith the thousands of other ladies It iwanVL ahat with lias 11 end loanmv trwahrn. !?17"!T. tW p 1 1 1 J f Tl nTTl Stalfi h djnUm. to dfra. saT cent an ey"sneW Tg-g Ca. ZZifuSt- 1 VALUABLE ay rtotan of a 03 hi lit aa e it 11 a a Cent Better I ha totonahe, atilsacr CARDUI Europe what give H rt EO HABIT. htit Ib It? Some are aTood, others are bad and inditTereot. WHY not form the good naoii 01 COOK THE DRUGGIST ( ook's Temple Pharmacy imaiwiiir aempie Kuihlintr Tarboro, Oagen ta tmmV : aeasaa.- 1 FOMM mWHjalSlIrTllCO. hj EXPRESS Corn ff hidkey. Corn TlSiJ. J. ttUDDIHY & CO., RING 222 Beep 1 hwtltr. i. a arrre all EM 0 PORK BSTABUSMED B22 going t - - .c aad aa Hi PREPAID. Whiskey. S.fa I of Anything In SU5A0E with Eta, VA0I M ANDREWS

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