fTadiormt n l react X W I M BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett I I WW bbbI laem U bbbi isaS VOL. 88. NO. 7 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17. 1910. I oPillo will save the dyspeptic! days of misery, and enable him to eat whatever be wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cause the food to assimilate and ish the body, rive keen appetite, DEVELOP FLESH and solid muscle. Elegantly coated. as Take No Substitute. Whan the oaoy is ciusi, j. it's time t- give Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea. Its the greatest baby medicine known to loving mothers; myites them eat, sleev and grow; and makes 'hem sweet and cheerful. Edg combe Drug Co. THE POISE OF THE SENATE. SHIPS GROWING LARGER, A Most Effective Way to Answer A Limit in Size ef Ocean Liners Is Be- Tuft jjgj Hill Fool. y0nd Conjecture. W WW I No mA tX.. .V. V " " y When the great Cunard liners, Lul- r'""? m senate or ta united tanU and Mauretanta, were put to ser Stae to show Uterf in its best lem two ago, U jock and, curiously enough, perhaps, such ed aa U they represented the limit opporcunety cornea usually in the crowtn wn4cn .hips were likely to ;kT relatively ummpori develop for yean to come, it wee not because there existed any physical or Neither the fate of empire nor the endearing problems ha tb,. way of mj oi man nung on toe senate s greater slae, but It was understood decision as to whether a few old vet- VtL tQe oomt Q. operating these enor- ms or vie late coniederacy snouia mou- sbjr was so great that It be permitted the use of a number of would not prove profitable to dupU "uy semis ana things during tue pro- or e3U;eed the m. s1 -ss or a rorthcotmng reunion in Mo reason for bclWlng thai oi. TOe -aroposKion aa aubmitt! BUle had been reached by Senator, Bankhead meant lit tie hi th ... the ereat Cunard itself. Unempbasteed by Senator Hey- . channela leadtnx tato New York burn'g foolishly bitter tirade against ar. wwe mt)Wt M heavy draft ahipe ' "" wearers or the gray ana tnei Harbor would accommodate. Tor a MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU- lovedo and cbJvalnlc leader, Gen. Root. UlQe k wag eyen Lhat theee TUAL BENEFIT AS3COIATION. E- Lee, the resolution would have ahlp. woald eater Nw Will ake notice that 1 can be found Phased quietly and in order on Moo- York Harbor at all. owing t at my office. This is the cheapest in- da? and nothing untoward would a -jc ample ion of the new Ambrose suranre in the country and absolute nave come of It whatever. The dead Oaaanel, watch b since teen sawn ly reliable. Past has long ago been permitted ed up to service. P. H. PENDER. bur7 s dead in the matter of secea- The new White Star ships wUI Secretary and Treasure: the civil war, and all that apper- havea displacement of 60.000 tone. ... tains to that fratricidal strife, and a compared with 32.000 tone of the ROBERT'S TASTELESS CHILL lt te 0017 here and tnere tnai a u- Cunarder. They will be S40 feet ione ator Heyourn cornea upon the scene m 3aat 762 feet of the Mauretania , t,u 'ctiw wwru wj our ix uy And her slater ship, although the great White Star liners wHl not The Senate rose superbly to the have such machinery as the fleet of demands of the crisis thrust upon it c ,nardera Doesess. they will be in all by Mr.. Heyburn's vociferous vehem- other res pec s as luxurious passenger ence. However, and voed to a man carriers as any ships afloat. They Mr. He J burn wil accommodations for 5.000 TONIC. Ths sreat Fewer snd Chill Remedy ; anew. 38,847 Bottles sold last year. There is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clean ses the blood. For sale by all dealers. 926 saving and excepting HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. From the tine the raw materials roach oar factory they ara handled entirely by ma chinery, kept eempuloaalj eleaa. No eirjtee for JGI1-0 16E CBEHID Powder to become contaminated. It Is strictly pure and wholesome. Oar factory is as clean as your kitchen. ICE CREAM Is Easy to Make. 1 quart milk. 1 package J ICE CREAM Powder. Mix, and freeze without cooking. Simple, isn't lt I This makes twe quart of smooth. Tel. vety Icecream, deliriously flavored. In 10 minutes at east of abeut 1 cent a plate. Flavors: Chocolate, Vanilla, Straw terry. Lemon and Unflavorod. Sold by' your grocer 2 packages for 25c "Enough for a gallon." or by mail if he djes not keep It. The Genesee Pure Food Co., Le Roy, N. V. ABOlT BANKING, NEW OINNING PROCESS. Interesting Paper Read by L. V. Mart- to the "Thlrtse Club-" Before ft v tag my ieogn for y lng the Bute Banks of today are eopertar to all other Bank lag rssUt utiona, permit me to gWe yu is say UggRsd way soma little btatory of Banks snd Banking. That Banks ex tied in the earliest period of world ta evidenced b holy writ. Vrta haws it ta the Had Chapter of do dos where God gave the trawsnsstf a gainst usury, and again Oar Savior ta toe parable of the talents aald t . unfaithful servant why did you so pat my money ta the bank that J might have had sitae own with uwj or toeerest. Historians tell us Banking ed a high stisto of development the Ancients, the Bankers of and ta Reveiwt.oeiss tas in ed and ks capiuUUee at l.flf.t4w John Hayes Hammond ta Hi id el J. BoUy is vte. Bsipb folk Baei is ssrrggsry. wtiurd H. Doremss ta the isvestor of Cke til Hi . WwcKtaet er aeSsssss?ta , exercised nearly the sesse r. sUy del a. those of the pre day. - ag a except they do sot seem to have iseu I fkl intm or purrwnrv but thew OVSTS I ' sax aceouns with the Dgnkkfi at A Lb-1 . VPs vu suu v ggrwi -ws The Bank of Venice Is reported the The eraTaanlLmg!' 1 TJaTJtrfTi WbR very much ta need of mosey and s " nd the by these bange Annuities or an very levy was collections who bexring tatorest. bat the origin Modern Banking may the money lenders of far back as the 13th century History tolls us the money 1 of Kkorence practiced the art of Bank of Banking was The is ta the or steel reds si a tsars the list frees the tao wan ef 11 la li ner cent. BS? 4 HUSHED 1822 Pfew op Farm and ;ar den Need Jut Arrived & mm COOK THE DRUGGIST bet ire yon buy. He selb. Ihe kind that lrinr rehtilta. Maooir Temple Huildiiig i nriMiro, - . . r. 1A81 CAIOLIIA - TEACHERS' TRAIN i NQ SCHOOL by tbs mmseu-to grant the pewion as or- persons and cany a crew of $00 men i&iuaiiy filed by Mr. Bankhead ; and each. mia rawe ec -ae taano oemwur a The buUding of these ships so larrmg solo of protest. The quk dig- macn lxrsaT vessels considered Th j proagia of size two years ago ladi tatrodosed into ,iarked the undoiag of Mr. Hey turn clearlv that the srowth of ships 17tfc , u ... .vas taspiriag. and could hardly have deTeioitag; more rapid!y than ever. ' b Goldsmiths of :.iicirv tn Q rOti - o a faoHno et rl ("li vfl i1 aa . - m aa s a i . I o r na taat t wouia oe loouan bowj ; eeems to have kwiossd at '" LU oeuBie eVen an me place U7 UrMt beyond which ma bosom of the most hardened scoffer. PMle architecta may not go. provided "Ayer- said New York, and Wash- mari engineers cSQ construct en--ngton. and Kaunas, and Wisconsin, and hollers powerful enough to and Indiana, and Minnesota, and proy moUve power. From the Man Utah, and California, and Vermont Orleans Picayune. I -ad Ohio, and Michigan, snd Maine. . lnd so on throughout the entire U- A wretihed Mistake. iki of course including the south. . . 4. . t, AIM. , , , , to endure the Itching, painful dis Liaho s voice alone was raised ta opposition and only half of that, in- tre" 01 PUes- o Hl to. ioed, since Senator Borah voted ' aye. LUten : "I suffered much from Piles. We think it worth while to note, writes WUI A. Marsh, of Slier City. a panning, the splendid courtesy and N c -tin I got a box of Bucklen s t-ae boutnern Senators in refraining I -La .kd gessj '4 mmrm wbo m V, till the w1 Os, fa Care to NOTICE TO CREDITORS. This is to notify all persons hav tag claims against the former firn and partnership business of W. G Webb & Son, of Old Sparta, N. C. to exhibit same, dulv verified, to Arnica Salve, and was soon cored. Ilumi Holla TTLrr Vn-cr SOTCS provocation Wa admittedly greaL but Ch from a reply to Mr. Heybuxn. The The si 4 mats the older and ISO H. Ma:nair. Much Ado About Nothing. Some weeks ago a man deed w- ,r I. tknllHn. W th- ., - r, ' o .1. vunUV, hafn it 9S. at j tamaion was reiusea. it was a tate ' compliment the Southern senators : paid their Northern colleagues if we may use an expression ta differ- the undersigned on or before the 21at entiatmg Senators that is, we think. day of January 1911, or this notice all but obsolete at lasL praise be Runnymede. The mill people gave bin will be plead in bar of recovery there- when the Sonthemers elected merely lot ta Greenwood Cemetery ta which on. : to pass the resolution to a vote, ae- to boxy him, and bought a coff ta from Au persons indebted to said firm 1 cure fa thew faith that their friends the Messers. Carlisle. Neighbors sent must make immediate settlement. I of the North would meet the issue in for tola tost house and buried him. This the 7th day of January, 1910. a manly and patriotic manner, and The State law makes it s mlsdemes JEFF D. WEBB, that without one word of argument nor to bury one without a certificate Surviving Partner of W. G. Webb & from the defense! i Usually the undertaker looks after Son. Mr. Thomas Nelson Page, in hat "och details, but of course when he R. G. ALLSBROOK. Atty. I "IJ of Rnhprt K Lee." relates the does not officiate nor expected to do t following tacidecL occurrine after , more than put a coffin ta a wagon Notice to Creditors. the close of the civil war: I when driven up, hie duty and even Having qualified as administrator "0n occasion, Gen. Lee ws ' reasonable acton his part ceases. of the estate of J. F. Armstrong, late approached with a tender of the The cemetery people leave, as we of Edgecombe county, notice is here- oreakiencv of a. iif insurance com- have said, details to the undertaker, i given to all persons holding claims pany, at a salary of $50,000 per an- did not occur to them that they nao against my Intestate to present them j num. He declined it on the ground anything to do. duly proven to me on or before Jan- tnt u w. .nrv suh whLh he was Clerk Weddell ta sending in Jan. ua.ry i3th, 1910, or this notice will be not familiar. 'But, general.' said the mortuary statistics reported this bur- Plead in bar of recovery. I gentleman who represented the tasur-, lai and the facts. The Registrar of All persons indebted to him must I ajice company, 'you will not be ex- the State Board of Health writes ham maiie immediate paymneL I pec ted to do any work; what we neat to prosecute the cemetery Sathorittos. This January 6, 1910. y the use of your name.' Do you not Mr. Weddell does not feel called upon S. G. WHITFIELD, think ' said Gen. Lee. 'that if my ; under the circumstances to do so and Admr. I name is worth $50,000 a year, I ought will probably refer the matter to 8o- Enfield, N. C. I to be very careful about taking care ( licitor Daniels and let him determine zts u u f " wnat snouid be done when the isw It is perhaps, that feature of Gen. has been unintentionally violated or Lee's character that Senator Heyburn unobseTved finds it difficult to understand. From KATHAN WILLIAMS, Tonsorial Artist snd Hirsult Dec orator, Tarboro, N. C Two doors from Bank of Tarboro. the Washington Herald. H Won't Need a Crutch. The Legend of St. Valentine. Perhaps you have heard the legend of St. Valentine, but if you have not H. PHILIPS Att'y and Counsellor at Law 2nd Floor : : Bridgets Building Tarboro, North Carolina. GIRLS AND BOYS WANTED We want Girls and Boys ' to work in the TARBORO KNITTING MILLS. At Tarboro, N. C. and in the RUNNYMEDE MILLS. Near Tarboro, N. C. The work is light, no dust or dirt i ad the- pay is good; We can iur lAt. , a brill u. i: the town of Run- i7m d.v,- w Tarboro. We haveUrtni.ini Unnroieaftnt in Tar young people that Claud . . ... iarhn Hnnv I u i- tifuiA for las was not in their affections at all 3 j j i t uv-.m Lt i v, . i oiui r iViiii avaj iu-is, auu w , w If, fto I tmnrrwamnttis mo Install 8Ilr A of FISil a p , i.at,n Fnr vou. Small Mjlr ThM nnronriatin la need- Qlf 9un favoriter' you aUll query Children. ed now" for the creek, for eear now mdaed? Ho 'on up" .e nave nad steady work all th J maath a huge fallen gum tree spans Pfse? How does any man or woman Vfcar. Do not fear a shut down, we the stream - 'making It impossible will have work for y'm every day Come and See the Work or Writs to C. W. JEFFREYS. Tarboro N. C. Gen'l Manager. wnen Editor J. f - hossman, or sjvr- toe it hi in aa small a nutshell as n . . . n . . - w t i v. a n i w . . , . 1, such s saint could be well condens- ir stirte.l an uel v sore. Many salves and ointment proce worthless. Vslaottae lived long ago. An Then Bujkien's Arnica Salve healed emperor ruled him. and the emperor it thoroughly. Nothing is so prompt wnose name was jtuuus. Dcme and sure for Ulcers, Boils, Burns, very jealous of St. Vatowwe or rr Bra see, Cuts, Corns, sores, Pimples Valentine as he was then called. And Helenas or Piles. 25c. at W. H. Mac- one day Claudius cut Fr. vaienune s - i . , head off and banished has remains, so . that nobody should know that be bad River And Creek Improvement j been beheaded Tha Houa. oommitt. on Rivers "Now why did Claudius do that? i to the attar, is traalessnen of Holland. 1 tv. u.-w k.i. ... eoellLrrBWla, but to ta 1691 by Willism PaUersoo, a J? ftrj a' Scotchman, s trader of sowaf shUVy. asjsmhsr of grades. It lsctaggej who realised the necessity of bsaklug lattao wiU work ow great faclUlica and La sail th --jjaaamiSS SI ase ggeaWBClur of j aa were bv the first Qover ner. hod rood tn-dav sore to stands I Mr. 8uily said the . k. k..,4 nankin. k0.titu.ioaiahw,'u03 cooteejplato the of issue of tke worio. The oth-r a- aavshli. . ..et of the sew kw. mm . lmm al. I Process tS patterned after the Bank of England. M.m dursK the rear 177s. CBS Houa maa MLahlkaked fori'" e a ULa noBtar.lauv of taa Laadan iank- . -t i. i - in i 1 iii. t. I oeeefto of the asy what amount of money to passed annually through It, many billions I veoture. and but for this Clearing I Hundreds of House of which 1 know you are si! aelpau by the iaeidsst of the Isdus famUUr. how could th baaktag world lrti sad Orphan s Horns at Matoato. move today? Before ths CWU War Ge. who wrttss: "W have ssed kV It had been uniform custom or yrsc-1 Metric Bitter lb tie of th different States of the I nlae years. It ha Onion to allow banks to be astat ilsh-1 ceLeat mdatae (or Stossach. Urr all ed for the issue of note payable ta and Kidney trouble. W regard It Ptito 1 specie on demand. Under this system las one of the best family gaedlclsssj ta the amount and value of I on earth. It Mvisjorst all vital or; wto currency ta the United State cas. ssrlftas the blood, aids Sagas (he hi were greater than in any coun'ry. sod tan crsst-s appetite To ragUa A produced onpreceedented bankrupUr and build ap pale. this, weak child than bad task and ruin. I r rusdowa eopi tt has so If yos ksi Between 1811 and U20 Its banks O-dy s4to. at W. H. MecMsJrg, wtu keep rfcght. In the different parts of the country aasssse bankrupt. The rport,af th Secretary of ths Treasury of ths f nlted States dated May 12. ISM avs thst the failures which mostly happen d ta 1814 and 1819 produced s stats of distress so general and severe that few examples of the like had ever oc-cured. In 1842 various measures were tak en In nearly all the states, but prin cipally la New York to restrict the free action of the banks, sod to pre vent s repetition of the hove mentioned. The Civil War found the U Treasury very low. the g i as had to borrow money and to do this bad to issue demand note, the Act of Feb. 25th IMS established Nsoo sl Banks of to-day. So we find at the present tame, the National Bank, the Private Bank, the Trust Company and the State Bank. receiving money and paying It out. to AbvoIateJy Now let ss see the scops of each ad draw our own deduction, the Na tonal Bank to under ths supervision of the United States' Oovernasnt, 81 cannot loan It money on real estate of. say to BOOT. B. WBIOBT. Qwatowtlftp, v. a D c of thto Insure Your Mock K-irol na ' hr M v tiulu il g.. Cr to taken sUrecOy apes the to itssMBB :.te.U--l en hta Uto ' aw, that pa He the plow f t Jlft -Itarnaasw it mi I IN SU gftnjl wtso nj aSawSl M IsW UI:I TW -!MtTens'uto I kirn V II. PKXDER ' e ev m - 8w sY anSa( u snsejse te neu ft seek penrsn i laalnn nnn sank at i hera tooll EXPRESS PREP4IIK Corn Whiskey. latrafcrt V. O. Osrn SpeOUO i m and Harbors have reported in their you asa. wen. ne am K asasasm - .nM,ri,t tsftOA for '11Bnune ocme so grog a r-- ill either for that matter, become solid ... will taiiiw nortnto? Wbv hr iwlnins: to pass except wKh very high ww . ' i aia si s7 nf ir iiivh saw aaswss is rm a i ' AT THE HUB DINING ROOM Women of Letter. They gathered. W.O.T.U.'s, OfD.A.R. s w 1 tea; C.D.'s with flae colcm'al airs And pedigrees wa; back; And M-D.'s, B.A.s, Ph.D.s, With LL.D. s a few. But none, not even Su'fnigotles. Could claiai an Es-q! Woman'- Home Companion. is served Gillies' Beat Coffey, the Lest in town and the way it is served. and by giving them every opportunity to be alone and talk It over. Now. Fr. Valentine was a- born match mafier. an be was always busy making matches If he saw two young people looking at each other with sheepish eyes, he cast Ms togo over hi head and sst stlu, never stirring for five mtantas And Fr. Valentine gat himself dis liked by the Emperor Claudius snd af tor Claudius had eat his head off the young people canonised him, and. upo crops, what good to It ta or midst? Ths Trust Company other band can lend all tt I crop and land sad over 4 all hat own and depositors money to I bay up s railroad, bet th staid oM State Bank being ths happy median. 1 can loan what It thinks whstevsr security It Old Kjr. Corn Whiskey. Daily Valentlnea Took All His Money. Just s little word of cheer To some lonely heart. Just a little deed of torn As ths tear-drops a 'art; Trick of sye or tons of voice May clear up ths way. And make sunshine where but gloom I Else had filled the day. Write your message as you will. It can never be Like the spoken word and look Fraught with sympathy love's talesman ah road Over sen and land. to home friends give th clasp Of are the good old saint's birthday, would km- .il . n Mnu eoe to dOc- exexuaoge isue awve wwis, juw i j tors or for medicines, to cure Stom- aeep nia memory green, i oe p-"J', s oh T.lver or Kidney trouble that who had known St Vslentine when on To dor near snd desr ones The dining room is open till 12 at ! Dr kings New Life Pill would quick- earth told their children about him ta rtostom , thtaj. to give :ht:. Ladies are peeiHlly invi - ly cure at aUktot cost. Best for Dy afr years, and their cblidren Uke tii Ja tk. Im., n,.v:. J a Z xuionna Hon their children s children and so it has They inake f rash sad awe. cooks. Our midday lanch will stlpetion, Jsundice, Malaria snd Be- come down to us Jirough msny chll- To their In Bad Fix 1 basl a mishap at the aja of 41. whadi IttsM hi bad fix," wntes Mrs. Georgia Usher, of Conyers, Osv "I was lUKoascfcoiis for three days, and after ffeat I would have fainting spells, rlliilimi, triomi, afcfc headache, heart palpttaaoa and saaay atrange feeJtthjsV 1 suffered greatly with ailments due to Sst CMBft of life and had 3 doctors, but they did ao food, so I rratoiaicd to try laraui. Since taking Cardui, 1 an so much better and can do aU my jnjajaaauik.' te CARDUI J 41 The Woman's Tonic Do not allow yourself to get fado a bad fix. Yon caighf get in so bad yon would find ft hard to get out Better take Cardui while there ta ftaf white yon are still in akoderatety good health, hist to coaaarti yoar iiiiiiggi and keep yoa In tip top iiadMioa. In this way your troubles, wbafever fhey are. wfg grad ually grow smaller instead of latgu uai wW be oa ttae up-grade instead of tne down and try and Dye yoa will nee! njasnsn. today. i so 3 :s J. J. CtJDDIHV it ) Ka. Ma OaaaafM. 1 Mnll atdaaa aarfsaaapj al AN CPPORTUNE TIME at a Sew Taar to a pd tteaa ta atart THE BANK OF TARBORO oaavrax. . . arrive at the north pole of Oct a bottle tt yoar lHaa.. J.T. r, I H II ii (i.,. mu,n k:j, i mm. oc w h MacaNaira. dren of children. - mciu c nuiua, i iwi, w. ... - - -