til mm ttrwr. BE 8URK YOU ABK RIGHT; THKN GO VOL. 88. NO. 1 1 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 17. 1910. 0 i So Tired it may be from overwork, but the chances are its from an in active LIVFP WM a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept In health ful action by. and only by Tutt'sPills TAKE MO SUBSTITUTE. FREY'S V PliFUGE is ' . ame ood, old-fashioned medic . .e t,at has saved the lives ot !.ttl children for the past fa years, it is a medicine lr.aus to cu It l,as ne.-er been kuowu , fail. If voor child is sic at a bottf- at FREY'S VE SNIFUGE FINE TOHIC FOB CHILDREN Ito not take a substitute. If you- i.rugj; -t does not keep it e k! t-uty-tive cents in E2. rtc S. Baltimore, Md. and a bottle will be mailed yon. ASTER AND SPRING IILUMY OPENING Wednesday and Thursday MARCH 16 AND 17 My Spring stock of Mer chandise will be display ed also Thanking the public lor past favors and soliciting jour continued support, I am Very respectfully, T. T. CHERRY AT THE HUB. "AT THE HUB. WHERE THE WHEEL TURKS YOOR WAY The Place Where You Get Something For Nothing. We are still giving away a ten dollai dinner set every week. 1 rade with us your may be lucky one. For cash we will sell cheaper than anyone. Give us your bnsi' ii ess and see your bills grow small er. Oar store is filled with all kinds ot good things to eat and drink. Cool drinks willbedeliv ered after April 1st. Our can iruit liue-js up to date ana our Coffee and Tea line can't be beat. A i buckle's coffee 15c, Campbell's soup 3 cans 25c, very best Sugar corn 3 cans 25c, heavy weight To matoes 3 cans 25c, very best lemon cliDg Peaches 25c. our 6c Herring Roe makes a nice breakfast. Just see our line. Yours to serve, The Hit Grocery Go P. A.. Lewis, Proprietor. St le and Fancv Groceries, Soda louutaiu Refreshments. The Pure Food People. Phone 155, OHICHESTER SPILLS DIAMOND BRAND 6Vs CO1 LADIES f Ask jour Dnnte for CHI-CHES-TKB.' r.oLD metallic bores, aealed witn Kihboa Tub no ctbes. Bo of ii...,-i.. a i. rmjmu.T 3'IMOND BRAND PILLS, for twentr-five years regarded as Best, Safest, Always Sellable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS uuBj) EVERYWHERE mTED OR. G. E. WEEKS, Dentist Office near Telegraph Office. FRANK A HAMPTON, Attorney At Law, Office Opposite Postoffice. Rocky Mount, N. C. Naturally it is the man up h gh. tree who does tall thinking. UUA Biuevayy THE OUTLAYS OF CITIES. Enormous Expenditures Shown the Census Bureau's Report. b wasning on, March 7 .-The Unttec States census bureau's special ai "uu report or the statistics of th KO . . . .mjji wuica nan m 1907 a pope - luua or over 30,000 each, is being. unweo. it is explained in the report that payments for land, new building new work on the streets, and othe. Improvements are defined by the bu reau as "outlays." Such payments cost Praad a much larger pereentag. of the total payments of the goven meats of 148 of the 158 largest cit les In 1907 than in 1902, being J4.. Per cent of such costs in the late, year as cmnsjjed. with 27.3 per cen, fit 1902. In 0her words, payments foi outlays increased 86.6 per oent 1l the interval, while payments for ex lenses and interest Increased only 35. 1 per cent. Receipts from revenues mcreasad 35.5 per cent, so that h 1307 a much larger proportion ol -he outlays had to be paid frou . aus than in 1902. Many of the Western ci-les ' hat, au-iSUilly large outlay expenditures, aore than 70 per cent of the pa uen s for meeting governmental costs n Seattle fallinit In that classific -ion. Of the total outlays for the en' - re 158 cities of 1907, more thai O-ie-third were for highways and trior than one-fourth for public service er. tsrprises, chiefly watepsuply systems New York spent $9,629,117 in ex tins! an of Its water-supply system Philadelphia. $5,193,378, Chicago S3 ("94,195, Pittsburg $2,495,270 and New Orleans $2,085,730. The total payments for outlays in all the cities was $244,117,298 ant the increase in net debt was $120, 930,631. It will thus be seen that pracJcally one-half of the outlays were paid for without increasing the net debt. This is in marked con trast to the practice in English cit kes. Special to The Observer. - Our Bloody Code. It is not flattering to read thai the United States has the bloodiest code in existence, and that Japan ex cels us in a wise treatment of crime. In that heathen and flowery kingdom the prisons are made airy, light, and wholesome, and the prisoners are given the tools of their trade and assisted in their work. If they are mere laborers and have no trade they are taught one; the conceptioL of these poor heathens being that if society can transform a criminal in to a good citizen it Is a good work, and that not every one sentenced to prison for some one act is in herently vicious. To one not sitting in darkness this really seems not only a wiser, but a more Christian plan than ours of "once a criminal. always a criminal." We brutalize the Jailer and the jailed. Under our sys tern he who enters a prison gau leaves hope behind. C. E. S. Wood in Pacific Monthly. Credit Recorders' Court. That only two days were require. to dispose of the criminal docke of this county in the Superior Cour is by general consent credited t the recorder's court, so ably and sat isfactorily presidedVover by Jame- Pender. This court was establisb.ee November 15, and since that time it has had 45 cases before it, 4 of which were disposed of. Three-fourths and even more oi these cases would have been tried u the Superior Court, where a Solic tor who is paid by fees would ha made a tleast a dozen more cases ou of them. This is not said to the dis paragemeat of a solicitor, but o. the fee system. Had these cases been tried li the Superior Court, even an aer. working judge, like His Honor, Mr Guion, would find Saturday nigh crowding him to clear the docket. These 40 cases were disposed ol with an expense of only four June. in four months, a saving of no smai amount to the county. i vtvAa tru Southerner which so insistently urged the court much piea lira tn nnt thA JudKe GuiOU OX nraacArf eratif nation over the re suit of the Recorder's Court. It must be admitted that with the rifvkftr found here Monday, some judges, two the Southerner could men tion. would have taken at least three dave to disnose of; but even at this rate the county is the gainer oy hnndreds of dollars because of our Recorder's court. Saved a Soldier's Life Facing death from shot and shell la the civil war was more agreeable to J. A. Stone, of Kemp, Tea., than fmm whit doctors said was AV- Afo a. vMmm consumption. "I contracted a itub roid." he writes, "that develop ed a cough, that stuck to me spite of all remedies for years. My webrht ran down to 130 pounds. Then I began to use Dr. King's New uis covery, which completely cured me. I now weigh 178 pounds." For Coughs, rrolrla La Gilppe, Asthma, Hemor rhage, Hoarseness. Croup, Whooping Cough and lung trouble, it s supreme 50c. 100. Trial bottle free teed by W. H. Macnair. Guaran Last week of Simmons Anmver isary Sale. Now or never u good goods for small money. I CARVING Up"' CALIFORNIA. -ome Talk of Creating Another Pacit ic Coast State. The proposed carving of ndothe. state oat of Northern California oojthern Oregon has progressed far that a convention has been ad for March 15 to meet at Y -al., to discuss the scheme. California is so big and U is waaiuy, but Oregon is not. The firs could be cut In two, and each dlv ion would be one and a halt u an as huge as New York. Way Orwaw. oaoula be considered in the cervu. process Is not plain. We uueaUon . oiuornians would ever consent u. surrender the dletiactoia of bavin as second aVate to the- Union He lae, and for that, reason and U lew of the absence of any coi- aciug argument in favor of h. -U vidian, it is extremely doubtful i. -no movement goes mum beyond tu. : o.i ven ion stage, it is true that California sprawu -dong the cos t likesosne overgrow. ooy, having a length greater that -e widh of Texas. But It is ten ,reat area that helps to fat the re jents with pride. They are uawiUk -j see San Francisco, with lu ireat prom.se. or the southern pat. the Stae. with i-a unsurpassed cu oa-e take a out of the State, 'inert . jre, the talked of separation is ap. -o die a-boruiag. Oregon, which a wout twice as large as New York, -3 not Durueued wi-b area being tn -i.ntu in else among the States at-v. ferritorles. When the Yreks cc -en lion has adjourned, the taut O. new State will probably sunlde ji-ooklyu S aadard Union. TARBORO BOY A HERO. Cheshire Nash, son of S. S. Nasi.. of this good town, but lau . on business for the firm in Savanna, via., for which he is a trustee j -desman, is now in Europe aa Uu uiterest of that firm. Below we give the translation ot an incident taken from The Danxlgei N'ews Reporter, of Feb y 24th. An American Life Saver. A lucky life saving took -place yesterday on the Dadaune 1n Altsno . .and. While passing to a business uouse in Oansig, an Amerioanj air. J. Nash, from Savannah,. Oeorgia, jbo Iced from one of the pro ate qt iaune, in a swollen river a child who walks which pass all along the R.- wss drowning and only strength- iaft -o give a shriek, it was a rourte i. year old girl, who went too near th. oanks which were wet and ablp&re. ost her balance and fell in. The American quickly took off his over- oat and threw it to the child en deavoring to get her to take bole of it and to pull her in. but this he missed; he then broke off a larg Jmb of a tree hoping to pull bet to him, but seeing the child sink ing for the last time, quickly slip ped off his top clothes and jumped la. W.th a few long strokes, be swam and graUDeu the aireauy uu coascious child and brought her safe iy to land, in the mean time, peo ple had congregated and took the child to the nearest bouse, and after working on her, put her in a warm j. d when ishe came to. After the r.lT Li ml savidg, the brave American cegKed -to .come in and stay and dry aia i la hes in a warm room; but th clever life saver declined dhfl ' wept ilrectij to his hotel, tool a ' fcot oath, a drink of brandy; and without the least sign of having aught cold from the experience, was ajle.to continue his travel- i-a hild was the daughter of a saanafac arer of -harness. " Mr. -"Nash sent the above, cllp- n ne ttr hU mother and eharked her sp- ci.ically to say nothing a it, a bufdea too great for a mother to bear, too great for even father. if be loves bis child. She could keen allent. God bless the mother 1-nre that makes her glad over ojj s heroism! Good Luck to Ys. Our good friends, advertising ly . personally, socially, and as all round good ciaaena, W. L. d J. B. Sim mons today made an event of the ten h anniversary of their furniture business. Their stores were arranged to display- their many and attractive zioda most invitingly. Just whst was expected of Walter and Jim, two as clever, whole souled and all round clv.er gentlemen aa this or any o bex town can furnish. In aTJdl ion to this, tsy rvtl about as dainty refections ss were aixjux as ed by the most exclusive ant 1 Both are boys to the .ynsmaer hpmr making their way ajsmoa.ope VThat jfhey are thriving. te SoUi erner with their many numtreos ot friends moat sincerely rejoices. A hundred anniversaries to you. young gentlemen, and may we" attend the last. Rev. R. W. Alexander, who recottt- ly resigned as pastor of the Tarboro Presbyterian church, has accepted we, learn, a call to the Independent Presbyterian church, of which Rev. Dr. J. G. Fair has been pastor sev eral years in Savannah, Oa. Presby terian Standard, March 9th. The new series. 23rd of the Eda-ecombe Homestead and lama - soclatlon will open on first Batur- tt day in April. Will you be there. ,-gn rlat m OLO. Ambitious Japanese Ruler l El.aa L botes Tim, Started the The trouble Japes as the uprising narrated dtapatcbog, goes bach a further than meat peopte sasv Tbe Boston Transcrim nousts that when the reiga of the gvaat aisabeth was drawing to a close. Ja pan was ruled by HidayohL a geoUe man with Imperial ambuions worthy of a Napoleon. Ue thongnt ha Ja an was too small forhua. so hi dc ded to tike Korea mis hat wing. That the Koreans esse Quite con cat Wteoa: his paternal cad ko dtftn saw i whiSi kaeso troops poured into Korea aad for several years bete was coattoe ous fighting, ut which Chma took be side of Korea. The cities ot vorea ware sacked aad the cowatry . iid waste, aad It was not uatU tte lea h of Hldeyoahi thai the Japaaea re urnei home, aavy with plaadar. K.er a lace U' tune r gaidi-d Japan with fevtiar -hit Fir.laad ass towards Rue sis. or Alsace-Lorraine towards Ger- aiaay. It ws prrlyt thu attempt ot to.-a to cniei iuto trnlepeodvnt d plomatl-: retal.ens wah the Kuropeso. towers that '.rKght Vroui l( war be ween Chma and j..m for whe- h) sitv;itc was being argued owt. .ua mamlned the aud a bettei r ah to luok a..er Korea than Ja o in had Etn th- er.d of Iba )t did not or.ufc Ka.e to Koiea. jpaa tr.eu to induce reforms, but a mutiny broki o it la which 'he queen was mur dred This led to the withdrawal o. m troops aad then had to o i. i iiatic than Letl j aao ti. IHmiaf'tifia. and the kieg Ded fwt prot ctlon 'o the Russlaa e a usasy. Ibis gave gres. ap-ua to Rt siaa Mfluence in Kora bags. the -It i.uipit'i. struggle (hat ondr. Ui Ihe ll-i-to Jjjncse war. Sn af Ur the Japaa-se had vr -.tn Ruaat. fro a Korea, the Korean nfrch das p.t hvd a seciet depe'ai to The Hague Peace Coadsreacs to pro as against the meaner la which Japan was laying down the law. A Growing Town. It may be that some poop the good town of vdlage but they thmuwlvea of that Idea. It Is a DesUlng. bustUag town with ban l-tie hurrah, but it at getH-bS tBere the same. rw people took little notice of aewapaper aotlcea that Mr. vVoody had boea eoaftrmsi as post Tbey probably regarded tee I in das eoan But not so. Till now the postofT.ca at whitakers has been s foum-clas 1 1 on . .now its receipts are i,sv ami 1 1 its postman er is now of each aa ua poriaace that the President aad am Fourth Postman -ex Geaerai ai the Incumbent. Sent to the young colored giving asms as Charlie Parker was t the. roads for St days by Sqotr war for vagrancy. About a wi fore be was found trying to recycle for five dollars. Tab escF- ed Hie aaaptcloas of aw notice He said was from 8 peed t tile. Vs., near folk aad gave tee asms of a i be worked for there. There Is SaeodviUe te Virginia, but a Bp ville te the Southwestern part this State, hundreds of mUea f Suffolk. Mr. Pwader wrote to the bat received no reply. The au botUlee believe that the bicycle la stolen and that the of his svssive aad to questions la not what be should be. For instant that be only cross it teg here from BnJToUL No Prosecution of Tax Padgsra. It was currently sBjMeved that tb grand jury more dots na faUhsg to list all their property far ttiattea. Rat this will pot be don owing mainly to Cb airman -wasoa. He wrote tee Sol citor that tho county era had wrttxea le 'ers te of citlsews to appear before thst body and make n full atatsm t or schedule of their property. Tbnt they were Informed that th'a was to set the tax. not to secure tester mants. that those so notified ly responded sad made fall factory stetesaeats; that ages may have purposely evaded be law there were others who free from aav such in teat- The grand Jury mads time but beacons of the tests stated te Mr. -Wilson's le-ter, tho Botteitor nol nrasaed them and attached this letter as his Thu may have course to pursue, bat aot n few lsens th nk oherwlae. Bat the mlnsloaors should let tt be ha thst s) leniency Is to be next time; that tevesUpatlows will he made after each tax list te compiled, aad the maa who to fowad evading the tew win be prosecuted fearlessly and without favor to say one. Come! Come! Cam a. taw hast chance to Aa week!. Perhsps your test H ods at j KOREAN HATRED viiWM ir moianc i January Jt. he Agr' wasssass 4 unwary . oa i at Ctreaoaster and at o Jaawaiy 24. at 1 1 a. 1) U Tburada. ii. at Mr WsJa er riehmm he covered UU miles by train sj my -(It a.ljo by . by motor la twelve diOoroat a. I We have or Sfgwf sre aaUtted to i. W. and W. W. WsX l ed to fatty votes bet oay f.v la a term. ISS scrv I ttl Jlr. wdB fa Oa.. March . The la the ratted Btav aor of the Wt asp was aavet priactpu aidresa G aera Te Oauble Rh ooeapany to fotwai to ioabli I tm Btiy. ma blaery far thin ban uaery par mm mm ewsa I It te etpectod te aa l"4 ii.TjUr'VliT gwtegwr Sli est weTv tee tboamtetom cwaaty lUCtesa. be i ii i ii i I vprti. From owe city He I am 7t yearn wad t I of the than.' writes Ensae blown. Ky. becawa 1 owe sty sad vttalary to (bos the based. Twsy I that's a datty lay Try Wc. ttesd by W. If. I At I to age intpninlia fate rho tsctt and oh sr I for thw at the Bates award of Into the river, tbe tmra Of HUB, betas a of as. be at oeer U n Job . or of Bto The town hat tb Bta'e Board Is Bo has Rocky vine. tha the Oh. lmton to tho Bees Ami to tew sows "Gle ua. Oh. give as. ot HoUattarg Hm THI Kino roaiiM. soy ot a frwMW U - ham. sea lau. wMB JfT'sBsaW wMft 4ssMawV was ssswaBSBjj MtttttK too ro i of the -i.e. - . - , 'l std oat to a am Tby "SJZ S H .-4aro mm $t- imm m a emw te tee I mums I juwrta, dwrteg waanb tt map aasteel M Ottete hsft a I '.To pawadte XJt0m U II OTITf rrssws rrndpawa 'LmrmM awa atel- to tee tedy I Bswssi 9 bT: terwwTamMsX r mwXljOawscii L Wilson i - -'SaTiS.r.iiTRY III lattr FULL Bits Umt IffwMl iN Re? w BmwVw FwaS O bbtW MssssMsV tff &BWtmWVJ ret Cm, I 1 jftesami ttbs awdteg Sfn--Sj5eS m2F bhbsw IVsfW 4 'Bears am IVa V,VF wrm itiiti liar- den Seed Just Arrived K E 0 COOK THE DRI7GOIHT dbclitrr Mm Inn. IIY uie kiimi unit Masonir Temple Building Tarboro, ANNOUNCEMENT P J. ZANDER BB I Mb I tt a J . Z A N II Hnrtag-towert Bulb. 50C m ittafsHi. BUpbmnx Cars 5 EHihttat 10 and m 25c a Its. IHE FARMERS' FRIEIO ItwgtlS) tms teal LINE OF HARDWARE IN STOCK WE CAM iectDibe - W E ALSO i5 IsW PHlrC? ItwVBBwt aawl Cwflpaar aBB BSBBssBasBal Is) IbJs BB assasjaea Satts BBBssslas InB V- s Casts, a L awBaV, a, a iflaaaasawa, $ te. A. CURTIS CASHIER S B air? brnia: rt-MiltN. - N.C E R and ICS: iSc bunch. GET IT Hardware '. YtNt BIS m MstwJ sA V aaW slBTsrsmBa .

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