BE SURE YOXT ARK RlGFrt1 ; THKN GO AUKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 13 TARBORO . N. C. THURSDAY, MARCH 31. 110. Advice to the Aged. Age brines Infirmities, sue h as etar rish bowels, weak kidneys and blad der and TORPID LIVER. WsPills have a specific effect on these omns, stimulating the bowels, causing them to perform their natural functions as in youth and IMPARTING VIAAP to the kidneys, bladder and LIVER. They are adapted to old and young? FORTY ACRES IN JAPAN. 33 rflErS ts Ac same good, old-j'as'r cned mctlic;:-.c at saved the lives oi little c';.drea fcrthe past 60 years. It jsa mcvlicine made to cur . It ;,as uerer been kiKvwn ' fail, if yoar child u sicir ; rt a bott' sf FREY'S Vr.IFUbiE FIRE rOHIQ FOR CHILDREN Eo not tsie a substitute. II your does cot keep It. send twtuty-five cents in .o JES dks PRBl' Baltimore, aid. and & bottle will be mailed you. NOTICE. By vir ua of the power contained In a certain mortgage, executed to th onde: signed, and recorded in ta office of the Register of Deeds for e County, N. C. in T - u 112, page 490, I shall sell for .b a the Court House door in "ir or. , N. C, on Thursday, the 3:;. lay of March,, 1910, a certain pi c. or parcel -of land, lying and b ing in said County and State, and in arboro, adjoining the lands o d Hudson and others, describ ei .s follows: being a part of that numbered 8 in the division of certain lands a report of which is r cor .-a in sad office sa took 63 page . an-i beginning at the West e e rner of s'tid lot at the in c r-s eclon of Panola and Baker sir eis thence running in a south erlj . ir ec ion along said Panola s riot fifty fee; to Ned Hudson's corner, thence lu aa easterly ui an, perpendicular to Panola str - one hundred and fifty feat cornering thence in northerly direc tion in a line parallel with said F - la street, fifty feet to said Baker street, thence in a westerly direc ion along said Baker street one hun lr l tad fifty feet to the begin ning. Reference is hereby made to sa d mortgage for a particular de scription of said land. HENRY JOHNSTON, .March 1, 1910. Suports 192 Persons, 16 cows, Pigs and 16 Donkeys. Japan has in its main islands, ex clusive of Forme sa and Karafuto, a population of 48,542.736, and cite area of its cultivated fields is 21,321 square miles. This Is 2.277 people to the square mile. Three are also maintained 2,000,000 cattle and horses, nearly all of which, are laboring animals, giving a population of 142 people and seven horses and cattle to each forty acres of cultivated field. One old Japanese farmer told so American visitor that he owned and was cultivating f lite en mow of land, vbich is two and a half acres, and uuat besides his team a cow and. small donke he usually fed two pig ''Th,'4lMtes the Americas til Farm and Fireside, "is att be rate of 192 people, 16 cows, 16 donkeys and 32 pigs on a forty-acre farm, and a population density of 3,072 people, 256 cows, 256 donkeys, and 512 swine per square mile. "As early as 1872 she had establish ed an agricultural college. For sev eral years the soil survey of the main islands has been completed with large scale maps and is made the basis of vaiues for national prefectural and lo cal land taxes. She has an admirablai system of road maintenance in effec tive opera ion. "She has many agricultural experi ment stations, nine of which we visit ed, and the equipment at Toklo Tor aoil investigation is superior to any thing yet provided in this country We nave more p-eieutioui, buildings, but tbeir resources are more largely used ia providing appliances and men of riH, aecura e research work. '1 visi ed one of their dormitories at the agricultural coll ge connected with the Fukuoka experiment aca ion. u re young ni-n are provided with r jom and board at $4 gold per month. From the two col.eges of h. guest rani b graduated in 19,6, in o71 and dents; irom heir 1 ;9 A ana ii class; of agiucoiturl schools of second rank they had graduated in 1306 12 o71, ant from the still ioer grade of tiiirc r . k graduated in 1905, 2.456 from the supplemen ary agricultiral Sv.hoo 14,927. CO-OPERATION AT WORK. the ta- Humble 8tart of Business Amount ing New to $500,00.000. About sixty years asp a few poor workmen to Rochdale, England form- si a little eo-oparatlre society started a s ore, which was op in evenings ty the members who took turns in serving as storekeep ers. Ttvey -were earnest hard headed, and practical idealists. Yet tt is doubt ful if the most sanguine of their number in those early days con ceived how great would be the movement that should materialise out of what was inaugurated In so humblt a way. From that little beginning has grown one of the most successful en terprises of its kind. Great whole- CTaJjp societies, enormous warehouses. stores factories, and shops 'and a fiest of ocean ateamers are but a few visible results and valuable assets of th's great fraternal federation of workers. In the presidential Inaugural ad dress delivered by V. R. Ran. at the last congrses of the Co-operative Union, the speaker afer rafeMag to the fact that the las, year had b en a very trying one throughout the realm, continued: "But even in the lac of the nat ural shrinkage in trade he figures for the year so far as cooperative T I 4 iHn La i-w n r o r '1 C . i v r- v f,vn- 1 mj mm w u v. u u . v. .w.v. sole. During the year I) 8 the bus iness done by our societies ex coeds that of 1907 by nearly 2.000.000 pjunda, having risen from 1U5.717.C99 pounds co 107,550.6 .4 pounds. ind eom J scions the fact that whs 1 the membership by nearly 100 . g dlstiice to one pen on will from 2.43.05 to 2.5lol94." abort to i iSflsl. tll.a I eta Mr. Rae ai o hid that the to- a ho 4 boy la Turo ro I ssed to t operators h-ve an ea"ry in o and wis a long wala from our .u j some In lu tee on tu Ha of B)ar ti th depo . Today I take aah ly 2.000,000 homes, or be ween one- walk in Richmond with 3. it fe. h. fourth an l o.-e-iuth th . wuole sags- th I aswt sx r.d mjc t. &tMa ai unity. Twne:ieh Cuury . .f os.t.. i Ttsrbor a.v become & BREMEN (By Rasaon Llsht eastern.) WhUs OS board the hvrtk Lloyd stsssMli ii iln ajsnio. duti&c the month of Jans ltit, I wrote a let er to the BaathsrafW. la which I both called attention terestlng details of the the at la at to sad. also. boot Itself. My looser si th? ate em eat that we had In the harbor for the Bight bat pro end to oar dasUaadkaa early neat morning, fca addition, was mads la Bis Qaal sea Bremen would be my ftrat place, whence I would go by easy stsnes to the North ditte goal of say How "easy' out to be. I shall give say opportaaAy to dot areata After ail strenwaest y is tatc Irt .Vhst. an may cons' air mm h. spa saw very email to sBJther. A tnilltonalre ta Edjrceombe Co is s person we boas to e e one of these days. According to pr sent v ahses. as would dominate fav aottre see' Ion and s' 111 bars aosse thiag t Invest slseebere. I do test mean to any that the wealth of the county U not eittai Uo lirt but I do state J eao cos ro. the present situ stion. On the oih r baxI. there are commjulUes la the UaUad Bta'SS where a mllttottaire has no er If as much, than an man with a huodr.O lars So we see a r'.ch mas ta oce place may be a mtn of me-ne In any o'her locatt'y. Toe e nee method of rcssnatag, Two of ties man. la amy stssfsav ers from Bt Lsojav The thted was a asasw fraaae of salad aad ha sLs. aarry an the utp. His Basaaasw was aasd so go to bed saaty. One assht ratlra. My at Loserrtesws for as sailed ap ta ths bafear ta ""laal sea, when Us tadlrMesi Ban lary aatr aad era seed eyes, ths see dam aristae from ths aavas at Mar phess will arse tea a laagtmn stctsr aBBjIsoal Oormsa espressos' skirl may ha fraaaMiad: -at R already taw to go UP Aaaaat imaedtstely altar isssbBaj No The Tst'gsasdTad7 Oahat Of fke a consaloat y sKastod la th BSI K'.r. r.1 sMBBBf ! Ko'... aad fwarth Oiaas I car lows. I taaaacted wo an RSTABUSMEO 182 -.rri?"' - nw Top Farm and ar Z fnS't'U Just ArrlTed thUsas mt'tm hZm aha d 8 K E COOK qaality Z- THE DRUGGIST beftirt' yon buy. II. s, lis SS53jj5Ma,to,,lr Ten,P,e BuiWiny rtTrr r TJT-J Tarboro, - - N.C. Ke;p Yo..r Chickens and From Being Sick. Your MacNair's Ch'.cken are all any could ask for. Turkeys Greatness. Wa u Urne I con the verse of Pops And Ind a taulty. ray oiuieea ui. I mu mar sof 1 : Alex's dope is m i L like mine. " I sen hi Haas of Avon's band; Frequent the grru ir faults atrl ay; Wa - eat 1 s-.ell nd say: Old pari War-.' m-.cb alL.e." ooasxi us be. 1 In R.ramaad. p-pi think s aandred ttUea b J Big dla an e to travel bat I ehai. lator on tel. bow the I '.rotas H a at. Uhw.i coc.twilro no trT l u oaaDos mile., la u c- WhJc oa the cam deck of Gn Is -a u th v. u U & re 1 t at Ur coerhavea. 1 noted ' Ions day. 1. was V ettth '4 a d aft r : Ice o' lock P M.J Powder 1 can !- . .v... . ,Aw 1 ICBU Mlshaj) H UJ tUU'UJI k BJBafBMl say it wii kill hawks or fix them . floor him In th's litr.ode. the day bad sot lel'isod. Norh t) r..a-.s so 'hy will not c it.h chickens, and keer off vermin and mi'es, keeps ohhsns heal'hy and clean. J. K. T.awT nce, Bat leloro, N. C. Dsc. L M09. 8t24. NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con t?ined in a certain deed of trust re corded in Book 146, Page 331, Edge combe County Registry and executed on the 13 h day of April, 1909, by Frank Ba tie and wife ta the unders gned. I shall sell at publif auction, for cash ro the Lignest bid der, at the court house door in Tar boro. North Carolina, on Tuesda; 12th day of April, 1910 at one o'clock P. M., the following piece, parcel or 1 o" of land lying and being in the C'jun'y o: Edgecombe, in tiie state of North Carolina and dascrited at: f Jllows: Being situatad in tlie to-vn of Whitakeis, N. C, and ly ing oa the South side of the roac lsaiing fron sAl town to the farm form.r'y owned Ly Wh-?y Dr.wi.y, de ca S3d, a d L 'ing t ie ilentlt . 1 last eoweyeJ t s id Frank P. Battl? by H. J. Wheiess ani coa ainlcg abeu oa ; acre, tae sail de a cf conveyaac from the said 'Vneless co sai i -ia.tle u-ins idly recorded in Book H5, Page 52, Edgecombe County Reg ii rv. to whi.fa deed reference is had: T.-.s the; 8t! uay cf March, 1D10. . E. iS. GRANTHAM, Tras: Husbands and Society. In America the vast majority of women get no social help from their husbands. The latter take the position that all the du ies pertaining to soc iety belong exclusively to the wife, little realising the burden laid upon ! her. Th3ir own duty they consider ful ly dlsccharged when taey supply ti e fiat. And then I think I'm not so bad; I'm just like that.' Lately I read "The Life of Poe" A dr.nk. B says, he never missed fm not what you would call s Pro Hib.tionist. Of Burn's conquests I bars Byron's affairs were multiplex. Of me It never can be said I hate the sex In me 'hose many tr I s combined Such ual .t-es ah raid meaa a lot. funds and present themsalves at the Ani yet, you know, 1're to VALUAjLl FOR SALE. B' Virtue Oil in powers and uirer: t oas contained in a judgment ren dered In the civil action enti led W. C. Proctor, et ais. j.endii.g ta , the Superior Court of ildgecomLe Coun ty wo will oa the 9 h day of April. loll), at 2 p. m., In the city o. Ro ! y Mount, N. C, sell at Public; Auction 'ha', certain tract of iacd. k:.oa as the LLzina i.-ulluck home Place, bounded by tile lands of John Blihi) on 'he Scttn 'A'-. R Cjxs steam mill farm on the West; Ease by the Minnis plate, and North by Tar river, containing 420 acres more or less. Terms of Sale One third cash and balance in two equal payments, one and two years irom aate oi uaie, wi h interest on deferred payments at i p r cent per annum. The deferred payments to be evidnced by notes of purchaser and secured by first lien on the land. . This March 8th, 1910. T. T. THORNE, . JACOB BATTLE, Commissioners. appointed hour, correctly dressed for . dinner or opera. Too often they fail to appreciate the wife's intense am- I bi ion t represent adeqnately theis. nams, their fo.tane- their standing in I the community. The fulfil. ment of social obligations by Hi means represents the whole of the duties of a society woman's ex istence. There is no end to the de aaands of church work, charities re forms and every kind offphilanthropy. Practically each wonan has one or ajf1 special objec s wi'h their call ior tfoard meetings and personal in ves g;t on and s rvi es. -itb modern i.'e h s core new demand for cei3e le. a" iatellec-tuil culture hrough lec tures on art music, scenkre and lit er .tar1. In recent years tiiis has beta supp eoitited y a.- desiie to keep n breas of curr-nt events, to 'oder staad the -1 rojlenes of the hour and th's is at a ned hrough uaaatiat t- i enuacce on claisrs tor tr-eir s ot.j a id casiile ration, io the culture of !in mind is adaed in these progres-s.v.- divs the sy teun. t'c development find That thy do not. -Life. No nine Bet er For Ch.ckene Turkeys. I think MacNair's Chicken Powder Is fine. I ha. -3 never had anything fed o 'h'eks In the way of powder or anythiag e ee that can come up to yur powdo-. I firmly believe your powder will do what you eay. Mrs. F. W. Jons. Flncastie, Va. Se?'. 20 19)3. ttli t th. J.. :. J ta as Branca very ti U uarkneas darlat th early sumiuer TwUlght Ut unti. shout ten or lot k and day breaas rs-y early, comasrsd wl : the boar North Ctroilniaas are ac custom- d to observe ths approach o dawn. We thaxk the saa Is "up- m :b I ron. around the twootr f:rwt of Jut e. bat the North O areas cons d-ra: ly more daylight than h n-eda. Coast qasatly lis sleeps through a part of it Bremenhaven, a city of twenty odd thousand Inhabitants. M tbe part for barge ocean aobax vessels. Bn man itssX bshg ektaated oa the riv er Wessr about forty -a U a ilea frou ths North Bee. gets the repletion of being a seaport because yt tt eosid be reached. The present part was built up through The energy of ths parent city and really owaa Ms life to ths old town. Bremerhav the name implies. Is so called being located oa Bremen s harbor. In this connection I want to an that a son of the Father land wlU not speak to you of the North 8a To htm this bar body of water to known as the O-rmaa Ocean thus it to wrJhm la German g The Ag;d Minuter's Prayer. (Can me not off In the Urns of oil age; for eke me not when my strens-th faileth. Now also when I - a .C)..,H o oorf for. a brtob: mjrnlng when tbe poaseagon Near the North German Lloyd plr to a llgh' house which corn-rend aa II nt vLw of the harbor, kt stk me not. PBa. 719.18.) Forsake me not whun I am old The daylgh. wanes, my work B done. My f :e draw near the srteet of gold. I wait the setting of the sun. Fors .ke me not when I am old. Wit -a vou hrul vigor Is no mors; of the boiy-woman entering the ficic When la the twilight grey and cold teinis, riding, shooiing driving s of a h i s as an ambitious competi tor of man, in what has heretofore been his own exe'usive domain. Golf inotr. have now absoroed any frag m n s of leisure -hat might have been 1 t ti women. From Harper's Weekly. Raise More Chickens and Turkeys. I Jon'r believe that I could praise Th I sit and wait the summuus o er. Forsake thee not when thou ar' old Thy Father hears thy trustful pray er. His arms of love shall thee enfold. BJM band thy taole shall prepare. Forsake thee not when thou art old. Wj hear the cail; the churches wake. h art that won us to tbe fold. UacNatrs Ch cken Powder too high ly I raised more chickens this vear than any two years for- be- Our gra ef ul love shall ne'er sake. The Southern Churchman that and bills fore. I firmly believe that your powd er will do all that you claim for . A. W. Atkins, Magnet, Va. Oat. 12, 1909. 8t24 uu r.nnii Newt Soreads. -r 7n old and travel most Ing out handsome pocket . ,u. r. v Tolion. in wh'.ch the William I can repose ex n nuzabe'htown, Ky. "Everywhere tendad V M T o A rt TI TT1 ATI fx Electric Bitters, JT iowe mJ excellent health come in and give us a bill that ws Up With the Time. The Bank of Tarboro knows we fellows are making money rather than see us crumple up aad sti.'k them in our pockets to gh- books Now et some delinquent subscriber rTHAN WILLIAMS, Tonsorlal Artift and Hireult Dec orator, Tarcoro, N- C Two doors from Bank of Tarboro and vitality to them. They affect a cure every time." They never fail to tone the stomach, regulate the may practice on placing It In flat kid- Are you frequently hoarse. Do In disembarked. While waldag to go aahop, so aa busied thomsotvos read bag mail which tbe carrier distributed through mi the ship. He bad boarded th vea l before voyagers were al Io d to go ashore. The uniformed ooe man brouaht tack memories of our own ca.rlers ta America, wht cm. g to anxkxwiy awaited in an of our Hrxe towns. How happy ws are when he brings us a lover bow dsa. poin ed whe bs paaese oar door! At tbe wharf to a combination cus tom house and railway station. We h d s long wak herela. First I had my dress suit case las parted aad thee took a seat la the waiting rones. Hav ing goo? on this trip as a tourist, I too along just enough for my Pe iple. who take trunks wf-h must esne t to out uo with soma la- conven.sncc. With me. It wae a au tor of BlnvniT o Denies my suit ease. In the waiting room I met Mrs and her two ublldun from Bailahery. North Carolina, with whom I had acquainted during the early of the outward passage. Ws until train time. Two boars' rids put us In Bre men. The train did not dto'tngatoB tt self for speed but there was no Ocular hat i j anyway. Our fellow aencera were aow taking leers of one another. Ws bad bad a pi' ant voyage. Only a fsw weeks before ib neva and bowels, stimulate the liv- h tkklln er, Invigorate the nerves and purify yQur throat. Does your cough annoy for re- FRANK A HAMPTON, Attorney At Law, Office Opposite Poetoifice. Rocky Mount, N. C. the blood. They work wonaera ' . wak run-down men and women storing strength, vigor and health ! that's a daily Joy. Try them. Only 1 50o. Satisfaction to positively guaran teed by W. H. Macaair. you at night, and do you raise mu cus In the morning. Do you want re lief. If so, take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and you will bs pleas ed. Pold by all Druggists to meas aayjdBaMtoM hat, era isatat ta Bases es. KT kMV I ia.i m - - t m. mama. 1 1 . I "ssain sssssssa ti asiaBiaty Lw.- .. . I - -I sW&BBaBaaawsSar Vsf WIW it etien acd tha eaaaa aad toTtol A f3 H fl H T-aw aa. sssubT ZTZZTLn ro- fat i. he imsa wst aaha 1DDC1D1MPL K f Later aa, dariag the day. 1 wasted I end estws whfie row stsssv. Thar. KriLA R A ll U L el with star. Yos may thlsk Uto . , I w,..w ik I not I was served the seme aa If t tas Layeaea a M" T n j Laagaal rnair T I sflBNjtoaa procredlsg that I aatarally iseilel )"-"'fc LsLj t I TTTUat tB Bjsjh JJ JtK Id-aught to 'be foileat. A erareUer I oa ''' JTt' I ' " , pjsssaBasaBaf I served la a wins ghaes sad wise amy I "nsesmry wan J w esasa. see I i mi. m hum cj iutt i """' "'. BUr r LrtnL fflLn BBmBl Mr ! aut. or Town Hall. Psder ho Rat I rwsnes. two awsn mseviag was ss seasi ' BM Bn7 !us to the Ratakoiur or Tows Cet la the Presbnertds cksreh. Bawl 1 BaBBst ! ler. where one may be serred wttk I toy April IB. Oingi ii iliea i Makes are tbe ajfl HV w wsssam er . wag si J aaeawaeer- proceed In that I naturally ei a tip was o sported. To I Bad to be Bad ao csass ass ta to be fallaat. A acoa learns that water may sTvrd la a wine bs erred la a Th bonding In th's old Hsaas city was the Hail Is tb itetekollar. or Isr. where new may ba served food aad drink. Is tbe Sta-es th'-re ecaMered are Town Cell ere ta all over tows go there to drtni to eat. bat they ere sot ri y Hallo as la th German Badameilerj are their Oirrnea psusetjss Bat I bv knows them ta ba Bat aaywhere th awaer, or leasee, thowght as bad at kollor of oar own land (the first pj IU betas hand like tbe plural of "rat") to h to (Oho firs syllable In broad I' ) Ths Ralhaas of the vessel called as I had tme of my departure from to a later date than I t nded to leave. I wee take a stateroom with three unless I wanU not regret my ber b wss s lower one aad my panloos were do My wU pay the esse of OBBJ BTUN I fiUNK i. CUXNaTT. paapaaoa. thto tht 4y - Dsasaabsr. J V i or aad the Prat i havBss beer whoa Chi l task ii awards the Wast d B two nitilai y we see the ooav of s it HI If I ta g J. ZANDER. MF.7 WOMEN' m 7 thJarttaLoirr lad ths Prat r'atayjaiT 4, CO. Tell Ii. O YFy c impasted la im. Whoa CBrtoaophrr Tahs BaJTs fBsPito Pfsto Bar ens- 0kMjjl H CORSETS CbsIbsIbJVbjVo staBBJBBalBal Wtf3t9t 8BsslBalaw B PRINCESS hrtatoB BpTTtdei VXJmm jW. Benjamin bV Soiih v.a I

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