2 uwt. OO EAD. Orockott VOL.88. NO. 14 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, IL 7, 1910. mm h AN OLD A DACE SAYS- "A light purse U a heaw The LIVER is the seat of tenths of all TutfsPills go to the toot of the whole ter, thoroughly, quickly safelv and restore the action off the LIVER to normal condition. Give tone to the system and solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. Progressive Tea. To Form Local Ootion .except in attendance the progress- Editor Southerner: ve tea given by the William Dor- Doubtleas you have noticed the say Pender Chapter U. D. C. for crlttciama of the state nressa and lav the benefit of the Wyatt Fountain j dividual communications regardmg th i una was a pronounced success Thura Mass meet las in the interest of day evening. The homes of the host-! local option, that was head here on essss were beautifully decorated with the Xftth of February, which was ad an appropriate taste that was exoul- dr-assed by Hon. W. A. Self, of Hteh- EXPERIENCEB OF (By a Teesher.) Part II. Did you ever think that tt man etth e pood dgslioa hi Methodist preacher, and circuit rider. Of course h le stood site. ory. There wUl be s pother PREY'S VERMIFUGE to the same good, old-f ash'.oned medicine that has saved the lives of little children for the past 6o years. It is a medicine made to curs. Jt has never been known fail. If yoar child is sick get a bottl. of FRET'S VERMIFUGE A FWE TOXIC FM CHILOflEM Do not take a substitute. If yonr drupg'.st does not keep It. send twenty-five cents in ftamps to Baltimore, Kd. and a bottle will be mailed yoa. NOTICE. By virtue of the power contained la a certain mortgage, executed to th - undersigned, and recorded la the office of the Register o Deeds for Edgecombe County, N. C. in Book 112, page 490, I shall sell for cash at the Court House door In Tarboro, N. C, on Thursday, the 31st day of March,, 1910, a certain piece or parcel of land, lying and being in said County and State, and in Tarboro, adjoining the lands of Ned Hudson and others, describ ed as follows: being a part of that numbered 8 in the division of certain lands, a report of which la recorded In said office in Book 63 page 4, and beginning at the West ern comer of said lot at toe inter-section of Panola and Baker streets, thence running In a south erly direc-ion along said Panola s reet fifty feet to Ned Hudson's corner; thence in an easterly di anl perpendicular to said Panola street one hundred and fifty feet cornering thence hi northerly direc tion in a line parallel with Panola street, fifty feet to Baker street, thence in a westerly direclon along said Baker street one hundred and fifty feet to the begin ning. Reference is hereby made to said mortgage for a particular de scription of said land. HENRY JOHNSTON, -:areh 1, 1910. NOTICE. By virtue of the power of sale con tained in a certain deed of trust re corded in Book 146, Page 331, Edge combe County Registry and executed on the 13 h day of April, 1909, by Frank Battle and wife to the undersigned, I shall sell at public auction, for cash to f-he highest bid der, at the court house door in Tar- bo.-, North Carolina, on Tuesday 12tn day of April, 1910 at one o'clock P. M., the following piece, parcel or lx of land lying and being in the Coun y of Edgecombe, in the state of North Carolina and described as follows: Bene situated in the town of Whitakers, N. C, and ly ing on the South side of the road leading from said town to the farm formerly owned by Wiley Bradley, de ceased, and being the identical land conveyed to said Frank P. Battle by H. J. Wheless and containing abou on 3 acre, the said deed of convey anco from the eaid Wheless to said Ba -le being duly recorded in Book 135, Page 52, Edgecombe County Reg is ry, to which deed reference is had: ' This the 8th day of March, 1910. E. B. GRANTHAM, Trustee. The refreshments served, were all caHed In April to organise 'that an epicure could ask and the I government or local option music and recitations were in keep-1 in all the townshlos of V ng wi h the occasion and the charm- a committee of three will he appotat 4ng women who planned them. ei in each to secure the assess of But there was no great turnout all voters who favor the repeal of or the people, whether due to want the prohlbt Ion law, (now on of civic pride for the memorial foun-1 statute books of North Carol la.) tain is to be given to the city and I which will give the people the right nflnnrv na V u. n n ... I . . . . ... . . . . v ' iwiuc ueri) uec.ae waetaer liquors usu om looked the occasion, one cannot nay, I manufactured, sold or prohibited la out u was probably the latter. Butlthair raspecive. counties. This is anyway the Fountain Fund is $27.90 I self government, to deprive them of larger than it was before and this is I this right Is contrary to the prtn sme progress and some more. Iciplee f a Democratic so v rumen t. Those behind the movement are SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES I not soaks or sobs, neither are they Allen's Foot-Ease, the antiseptic powd I demagogues seeking office at the er. It cures painful, smarting, ner- hands of the people, but are sober. rous feet, and instantly takes the I thoughtful and conservative, but sting out of corns and bunions. It's t&ey do contend that prohibition has the greatest comfort discovery of created more unrest and lawlessness the age. Allen's Foot Base makes la the State than any law ever en tisuL or new 8 noes ieei easy, it is a I acted, and it is a fraud and farce certain cure for sweating, callous, I up ml '-he people. tired, aching feet Always use It u Break in New shoes. Try it to-1 deceived by demagogues of both dm day. Sold everywhere. By mail ferities who posinx as moralists midt 25 cents in stamps. Don't accept I prohibition their slogan, on which any substitutes. For FREE trial to rids into office, thus there were package, address Allen S. Olmsted. Lei more pontics than morals or religion Roy, N. Y. I The people of Vance Intend flaht ing prohibition throughout the com- :. as . i I i nai movea. i ing campaign and sslll vot for no After trying aU day Friday to I man as candidate for the Legislature obtain a Jury and securing only two I unless he pledges himself to vote to try E. E. Powell for the killing I for the repeal of the ononaas lew. Re ar fonceman Dunn, judge ward n-1 publicans and democrats are a unit Hyjjjf dehctopslw" me I w averag isisasaj mwtmtt-m. you are the kind of a you ought to he. you at least, take oas meal wtth during the year. And la things. 1' isn't i mockery of our raenl of the beat. homes, some of the purest as. ojr land are four.d in the ut a preacher very soon dl people, who would here Deaeetcted by a cooking aohoi three leasoos la as Idea of On one occasion la the mouth August mj father west to a I to vtsH one of Us sick the lady of the The people realise they have been I feat h(M. m. nally granted the motion of Powell's I on tfia question ; they've ignored pol .. . . counsel to move tne case to another itlce and are working harmonious county and made Warren the county. I ly together. Let others do as they choose, the people of Vance will Sam Tayloe Killed. I carry the county by several hundred Washington, March 31. Samuel G. I votes in favor of Local Option. Tayloe, a member of a prominent fam I COLON MACNAIR. Uy here was shot and killed in a I Henderson March 29th. resort on the outskirts of this piace last mgn. Three shots were I The Cell of the Bleed. fired by Carl Kelly, all Into the I fior purification, finds voice la hodv ctf Tavlnn Tuvlne on Vwlnw ahnt I iWl. kl 1 . n . o-o--j i w . I . - . . I eno. wss s a tan ex ones m uimm: uis w7 uu a iiii-1 jaunakceo loos motn patenss aaa i , . . " uixru irtxwix; icaiumj iiutoucies on tne sain, are mil imam i . .. . . w. . Wit I 1 1., A. ku i vv tr i - vr. I WWKT , n i T r I I I I I wmW I 1 1 LU M . n UK m 1 . .1 mm Kelly left the scene of the shoot- Life Pills make rich red blood; give M" ir mm I, m V n n J h .l,..l I I - .w . mm I ""W &M.m-m. vuu wu L-uaoCTu tcr IIU, rOT WSBSj lue OUHlm oy a posse with dogs. Automobiles I ion. health. Try them. 25 cents st also Joined in the pursuit. Kelly I w. H. Macnairs made bis escape, but later telephoned the sheriff from his residence m this city. A strong guard was placed about ing being very warm, he decided to e supper with them borers refers - ing horns. But alas, he could n. last m he trend of affaire. The evening pases! vary steasari ly and kt wasn't long before supper announced. The dining room ant kitchen proved to be one room o Jest ordinary size, with a tempera the words of my fs'ber. "The tabU was indeed a lassslsilna Cross whleb to ran. a feast tor the Oods et sssnsdoss." There were eight who eat down to partake of that supper. served from ""f sat oticsoth end four laches la dmmetrr-dSwtrlb u'ed over the table le fear pastes with squash, that smell ed strongly of burnt grease, and st the eher Cesh ee hnl Si. ltet. ss per met re- paM ia os la part ToUl Inptjj My any sqossh. sees whes decided that hh of tried meat and gravy, btstucta and coffee; so ho sst to work not setting, bet ohnhiaa It with ssthmg to ssssst la the procssa. tor bhs first sip of coffee bed tfold him that rt therein, as excitement was intense But no attempt was made on the Jail. been ascertained, but it is said that a woman was at the bottom of It Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely dtroy the sense of smell and completely de range the whole system when en tering it through the mucous sur faces. Such articles should never be used exepet on prsecription from reputable physicians, as the damage Toal VALUABLE FARM FOR SALE. By virtue of the powers and direc- t ons contained in a judgment ren dered in the civil action entitled W. C. Proctor, et als. pending in the Superior Court of Edgecombe Coun ty, we will on the 9th 'day of April 1'JIO, at 2 p. m., in the city of Rocky MounL N. C. sell at Public Auction that certain tract of land known as the Lizzjna Bulluck home Place, bounded by the lands of John BishD on the South; by W. R C x s steam mill farm on the West kas. by the Minnia place, and North by Tar rivpsr rantaintnsr 420 acres in on- or less. Terms of Sale One third cash and baiance in two equal payments, o:ie and two years from date of sale. vi h interest on deferred payments at North Carolina Patsata. Granted this week. Repeated by C. A Snow Co.. Patent AStoraeye. the Jail after Kelly had been ladged Washington. D. C Wamce B. Davis. U bUck. But be was geWeg Aaheviile, window lock; Benjamin r I on ak:ely now h. wxa baif th rough Mass yj, Charlotte, extension car-1 irfj p mtm mm UscolL step: Arohdbald MoGllchrist, Oraph-1 fv, ... kM . Tho K11IU rt tYtmm VilthlV koi TmTwt I .. ... . . . mm I r . Konertson, cnartowe. Fountain- urm on boas mw and th farm In pen filler; Ess E. Shore and W. T I general. Bat st s pause la the see 10 i - s ti.m T ; . W eV I tv.bkju, nunu . i i vareat'oa He bad Mai to oar more hay. Thomas A Weston. Ardea. fr;. a'teotoc to ha oiaui and to Si I Freight and tion ciutch. For copy of any of a- aorror dssi oisisd that Ida most was I Fee oa bove patents send ten cents In post- I Maa0nAi . ;D.ra what ahould I Paid JsaBasr age stamps with date ofhis paper he a ahuld he excuse klmseif from I edttlag to C. O. 8 now 4 Co., Washington, D the ta la He atndted for a C. and then slrlv acraasst all aktaars I Total Dtafcnr to one s.d at the ptate. placed a Bat, Justice Brewer's Death. piece of t Is -ait la hts gravy. k la inevitable that the death of IsssSSm. ,-,a i.im rh,. As la ran r lha trnArl I ... . . . I ""-v w - 1 Justice Brewer sbousl resnrasen ois- agaiu -m k ng sure to reserve the you can possibly derive from them. I ouaaloll q the Saprmee Court's aOU- li tt,- n. -a- k- r-w-ao Hallo Catarrh cure, manufactured oy tude m ttte AnU-Truat csaes. This terrihiv -rousht an over the cotton LBWVe v" I is so for the reason that Justice Brew qo-aton. and sty father la trying to wt.us no lucre,, w ia I s s was the cas-mg vets in the Ueelde the matter for hhmv taannllw sa t4 BmsnS ASttlw lltVtfl f Vl A I .... . mm BsBv I lclUQf J 1 " I Lourt m its important ornern se- the skippers for s moment sad when blood and mucous surfaces of the j curitleB decision, in 1904. Is s bench hta .saiosliiii was asain called to his .J l. uujiu . nlne tour oaocea rsad round ror i -fmXtt he bad let bta last piece of cure De sure you get ukj u. comoanv In that appeal case and w.rnA: to n.r th. it is taken internally and maae in four g justice Brewer add .t jp. mbtvU had them m Tl A Kw T rninnnv A- I . - a . I iVicuu. v.w, j . I ad his voice to tne rormai uecaion mouv .a-in, mwmT oa thssn. This Co. Testimonials free. I rr- th isnoltition of the mercer but -- ' boil by Druggists, rnce, ,oc. P I oia opinioo mn upon Unas so dif kaatirv took an his hot coffee. uu.ue. I Tnn-m- fmm thAx ctt the Other four I i. a - ki. . i.t,l. u rase naii s ramuy rum tor 1 luatices whose conriusson wss similar. . m wtML oed pa. kntf. and for pa- ion . I tnat it was welcomed even by Wall I m ki. ni. utWImI .nH tank un she reet He dissented from many of sirraad of the conversation once mere Town Topics. I the more sweeping conclusions of ,vH w m th. rnk we are asaeo is your town a una these four aeoctates. oooteoding ,-nerlence vou aak l - !.. !,... ' ..n I.. " ThAra q ro I ... ... . I u. a. cuncviiuu w uuiu.. i that Congress did not intend v I my father when be returned that over 5.000 units. Dut so rar ney t ii.i ITS nasi act to reach andUi-Kt k ta a.. ,s- ,k. nave not oeen coitecvu. 1 1 .1 rMsralrw at trade which the k- j-. t. k 1 he value or a visitor is saia to destroy those minor contracts kt par- Dk4. m. mother ssaaS asdstra cast ta . M! Jll J . Q I .... . 1" - T ye worm live uvjuain - lonsr course erf decisions at com- an nod SnM tmmm thsst tkar txwn. -ot unje6 ne gws I mem aw affirmed were reaaonaOie , h., k. a.. WI a "u u l'v " land ought, U be upbeHl." But he con- doctor brought hue a our nia are uih. vi a.- v L-.c.w... i rinuftri Mrn an admission mads be- . ,k- a-, .k.. ..j. .n I. thai .... w " r aion wuu t:-uii ' 1 fore the Court by counsel lor we tc2km -u-nactad ssav j i . Innm I . .. .. . I - ' u-eveioyuieuv ui wucu ivwuo 1 mrrrrn v that " IX the Derues inter- i.- i tv . as others do tne wars ana pu- up eated in these two railroad com- bxsn again, though he uie muoflj, are u I panles can. through the matrumentai-1 for fooT years tacs. os i i"-""1 I Hv nf a holdlnsr oomnanv. Dtace DOtn in to. m. .v,n i.ids With the mossDack dear wno " nr cxnxrol.'' then tArooah I v , , hear Opportunity knock and tne wsaari Bame machinery. couM the I .Jned other two 1 viit, J -thyt nan novor I I uing couiiuvw uuu w-w. i control of all the rullroad companies i foJnass and seaf eontroi sad I see the dust Oportunity raises mi. oountrv be Disced in a single M k. ..miw. ,h..t -wii race tor live uowna, is u. au; mrnoraikn." and the conceivable re- An-. mnnA f.itki , .1 . ....V n Wo xt 1vt ma. I . .... a 1 aer wai uu " - i sl)Bt might be that a single corpora- he 11 " ir sod ) lar :a. I tion whose stock was owned by three or four parties, would be In practical Saved From the Grave. I norktmi nf the whole ShNUAL STATaMSNT. - "-- 2 New Crop Farm and (.nr. urr-'LTrr - o8eed Just Arrived c. Heavy A. st. T. Wft. Tsr. here, N. c. MANAQtMINT. H. T. ties was ass 8 K E u u of year COOK THE DRUOGIHT year HrfSS -sri kelPC ya by "e eiih toe sal no mat Oniia- rt-Milte. To he .3 tat Uie-esl of U it I Lgft 77lss of TiatimlO. ttjntjtj asLit Muonir Temple Building Tarfcoro, - x.C. IBePiimj April 1st, And For Eight Day Only W WILL Uti les OlSBURttMCNTB. on ilortgagea. col raid sa Paid an WttaatraweJe ee i ed by J W. Benjamin A Sons 3 Edgecombe Hardw are 4 ANNOUNCE: ISO :-.": :miiiii i amni. m. un cfa. fitsgmfi m.sgr.fT tl.tM 1 J. A !! R i (OR til. m IB " a. U. WE ALSO DO D aTJ N Q fWeal q mi.ese.fT Dae LIABILITIES. ssid r!!rerr:lEDGEC0MBE automobile co. it.it Surpiua Total State of Morth Oaroi'.aa. eeys "I had about given up hope, 8vtem of Vhe counry." For this nearly four years of suffering from I refmon Ju:tce Brewer found a severe lung trouble, writes snavj company. New York Evening M. L. TXx, of Luarasvuie, i enn. vs ten the pain in my chest would be oitnna1- un.haanal.le and I could not do '"" "rZ v4 T'm I Worse Than Bullets. covery has made me feel like a BaUee have often caused no Tta the beat medicine I suffering to soldiers than the madeVor the throat and lungs." Oh- W. H.rrtman. Burilngotn. Ms- got s inxte coughs, stubborn colds, hay e .y saiw wiaa. ir.j nun. oacueo Arnica saive The Demon of the Air the germ of LeOrlps, In brings suffer! ras; to ha after effects ass energy and ambition, ad User and kidneys a that a uayuieuia " I .. , i wars m l 1 aafliTma rmiin brOn-1 Jare. 6 per cent per annum. The deferred TV, - -I s me when all else saiied,- he payments to be evidnced by notes i B1 , . ' writes. Greatest healer for ana wnuuinu& tuuju j iww; w this wonderful medicine. Try It 50c. und 1100. Trial bottle free. Guar- first of purch ser and secured by Uen on the land. This March 8th, 1910. T. T. THORNE, JACOB BATTLE, Commissioners. antecd by W. H. Macnalr. Dunbar butter, the best made, al ways fresh at Hub Grocery Co. Ulcers, Boils, Burns, Cuts Bruises and Piles. 25 cents at H. MacNalffs. regelshit of 8tomaoh. User Iris i ye. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up (he aore health and Bores, an attack of Grip. If Wounds, them. Onlr 50c. PaStsat by W. H. Macnalr W. it ascelved complete Una of Cross att Oxfords. Roberson-auffln Co. A Prstt t Cost Co. X all ti were the Lie of N. C eel for at they are the officers of at oa the XI day of the said Assarts- Ml Premk J. trEr-ESore Muscles to, are a fall sad hlhit of all me sseea an aTJaris of the sat i the said Slat day ef and far the year ostites os dgo east S jg wepTTi N 1 1 ly w m Va? March A. D 1 1 10 F. L. DAWCT J P . To la a SaavBKaaagM m. c, mad BicyxU RaoorHtig. rieihdeeg rnsj Mgsj. AN OPPORTUNE TIME ! S r sheNtry with tsti SL w I THE BANK OF TARBORO 1 pASLaTSTSTsTsTsT a aTaTsis tstr sTrar, IN PiKn taravt mt laitlsj CNNi S 'HsrSfS A C4I,IT, ' OAM,j no . m m