I PnUatad Bvery Thursday. bJubacription "RatesSl.OOperyear u.fred at t'ostcflice as second class matter Thuisday, April 7, 1910. The people are waking up. A fact that the Democrats, as well as Republicans, should take notice of. It is anti privilege rising, anti graft. It probably never occured to the critics of Gov. Kitchen that the Prime Philosopher of ages has mod estly made the statement that "Blessed are the Merciful." If the President is as careful in nominating Supreme court Justices as ho is in selecting his Secretary of the Interior, the trusts will get all that they expected would be coming to them. Like Fairbanks, Teddy has been politicing with the Pope of Rome The Rough Rider over gentleman liness is bound to out do his late runing mate. Returning from Buenos Ayre?" South America, admiring friends wanted to give Mr. William Jen mines Bryan a reception. The man with the ever changing paramount hjfe telegraphed that he wants no reception by his countrymen on his return. Well, we doirt know so much about that; if it is to wel come his return to private life, let's give him a good one; if to boost a gain for president an emetic will be proper. SHEMWELL'S SENTENCE- The editor of this paper has nev er criticized a Governor in exercis ing the pardoning power, for he has always been satis 5ed that weie he charged with that clemency be stowing prerogative, more peop'e would get out of prison than here tofore. But the Xews and Observer' in its animosily towards Governor Kitchen is so deliberately unjust that a word or two is necessary. The court sentenced Shemwell to jail.for five months, for assaulting a conductor with a pistol. It devel ops thatShemwell s health is bad, heart trouble, so the Goxeruor changed the punishment from five mouths to five days in the count jail and $500. With an obliquity peculiar to Raleigh's morning paper, the hu mane ground on which the change was made is absolutely lost siaht of. We all believ e that a punishment should fit the crime. The time that Sherawell would serve in a prison, with his social standing, is a small matter. The mental punishment that he endures for being a jailbird is an hundred times greater than the imprisonment for years by one who regards not the disgrace. Shemwell went to iail. that is his punishment, the time figures' out nuie. mat the tiovernor mad the time less because of Shemwell's physical condition is to the credit of the Go ernoi , but Shemwell will still be confronted with the never dying fact, thrown up to him and his tamiJy. that he was a jailbird. Bill Kitchen displayed about as much courage iu ch;nging Shem well's sentence as did the men of Petigrew's brigade at Gettysburg, the English at Bal-iklava or the Russians at the assault on the Gri vitzka redoubt during the seige ot Plevna. Timers proving our Governor to be what all of us should be, a MAN Had we been the judge i hat tried him, Shomwell would have had one day on the roads and to be worked till his hands were blistered, and that punishment, the fact of going to the roads and not the work. would have been the penalty th. t HAMBURG. (By Gaston Llchteiiatein.y The ride from Bremen to Ham burg is pleasant. On account of the abort dia'ance be we en the two cit ies one does not have time to get tired. There to very little woodland. Some ot the 'patches' devoted J the raising of truck are tiny, accord ing to our conception of the land necessary for growing of produce Many of these 'patches' present a pleasing picture. One cannot fail to be Impressed with the regularity of the rows and the evidently great a- mount of care which has been be stowed upon the garden' as I shall term these miniature farms. The new German passenger coaches are larger and moro sensibly con structed than those formerly in gen eral use. I have ridden in these coupes, and can testify that the old style coaches are In reality series of more or less elegantly fur nished "coops." Six peope are shut up in a compartment without being able to communicate with anyone in the adjoining compartment. On a long journey my readers can imagine the uapleasent situation of being com pelled to remain in a limited aisak. It your companions are not agree able, the discomfort will be doublv marked. Many of the coaches now have a passageway, running along the side of the car, and the tourist can take the exercise he somet4mes ne?ds during the course of an ex tended journey. The fast trains ar well appointed and, in calling at t:nion to the discomforts of the old style coaches, some of which are still In use, 1 want also to impress the fact that I have ridden on G&runan express, made up of nico'j furnished day coaches, with dine attached. These coaches are stil built with compartments, but they possess a means of coairusnicatior. back and forth throughout the trait so that a passenger can pass easil; from one car to ano-her just as he would on our solidlv vestlbul?d Fliers My trip to Hamburg was made o a bright day when everything aeem ed to combine to make the ride pleasaxt one. I arrived at one ot tne stations and stepped out upon the street to get my searings wanted to go to a certain hole!. How t ge there was beyond my power, ai I had neglected to supply mysell with a plan of the city. I could have engaged a hack to take me tc my destination but I did no- propos to pay an exorbitant sum. so a no tion suddenly struck me. There was a large dray, drawn bv two horse s aniing near the depot. The drive was evidently expecting to pick up something from the passengers in the wav of hauiinz baeeacp Know ing that nobody was aware of n. identi'y, I approached the man an asked him to take me near my hote for a certain sum. He agreed and I jumped UDoh the seat beside him Taus was my entry into Hamburg marked wi h the unusual experin of an . American traveller rU iag through the streets of a big Eu ropean city on the seat of a bag gage wagon. Before I left the town. I had r1'" chased both a map and a guide boo The result of my wanderings Is that 'oJay I would make a fairly goo, pilot for the stranger. At the tim of my visit the city had a number o small railway s ations but an - im inense Depot was in the course o construction. The new Central Rai mu Biaion is estimatea to cos torty miluon Marks. When on takes in o considera'ion that a ?!arr is e jual to abou" twentv-four cent la American money, the magnificent-, of the coas ru tion may be imagined .Think of ten million dollars expc:.,. ed on a single depot!- Hamlurg has more than three-juar ters of a million people. It is bigger than Bremen and Luebeck comUceu with a number of o her respectabh cit'es thrown in. It is therefore, tht most prominent of the Hansen! nrau id the turbo la C If Hal. thsy Mi a '- t specially saattaa th ill cc rt he tog iag. wtl think It worthy wan I U ftaam that ih as tf mm a a Mtwt aa accaaaaa g hmmim dr aa to: as eft tornanJ coarse af in wnl uslctoe artU Utl jom that K out of the arl ay to Isrtoa t Osr.are fros aaalala aputu. atom Tall Mh played far a body of ansa', la os of th tufa af to-pa he would pay, just as is that five i sroup of Frej Towns. The children o; Hays in jail. That Governor Kitch en could rise to the occasion is that which pleasea us in these days of subserviency aad hypocritical talk. Superior Court. In R. B. Lwis vs. O. . Gav tie jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendant. A compromise judgment was en tered in Odom & Avera Co., vs Ben Cutchin. The jury under instruction t.Vl a rmirt- . t . , . . I 4 . '.. r. . . i wm . Hwujitmn veraict in fa-j""1'12111 rumnip i ompany. ar vur oi .no ta at co., against J. A. "-00 U1B come up the river to the Iavis. s, city itself and special trains have to Sam Bust in failed to make good j 02 r,un to the town of Cuxhaven, Just against me Oaughtridge Supply Co. I a? the North German Uoyd at Bre E ig combe will recall that this fjor man center is one of the world's greatest pors. Hamburg Is situate! sixty miles from the mouth of the Elbe but It possess s. nevertheless, a magnificent harbor. Vessels, draw ing twen;y three feet of water can "Jeup" at its docks. The tide nswt twice daily and boats from all ovsi the globe may be seen making their way to their respective wharves. Both banks are lined with docks. Th of newer ocean liners, of the Hambui-s IfoxJ aai efawa. U V mm m m o l U me ti. c. undgers vs. W. W. mond, occupied the court nearly "the day. The First Balloons. The chyniical philosophers have dis Or- men is compelled to transfer lto ill Pa'sengers by rail t" nremerhaven. The Rathaus, or Town Hall, is mora than a m ra municipal build ing. It may be termed a Parliament House, since the city is free and covered a body (which I have forgot j sends its own reprcsstatlves to ten, but will inquirej which, ciissolv- j the Imperial body at Berlin. Not ed by an acid, emits a vapor light- nly is it entitled to three dele er tiian the atmospherical air. This gates In the Reichstag but the Ha nee vapor is caught, among other means, towns of Bremen, Luebeck ana Ham by trying a bladder compressed up- burg have a joint diplomatic repre on -the botte in which the dissolu- i stmta jon m Berlin by a Hanseatic tion is performed; the vapor, rising, j Beakfaat Minister. The Government swells the bladder and fills it. The ; Hamlurg cons sts of two bo i bladder is then tied-and icmoved and tfl3 Senate and the Couutil of Lui another aplied till as much of this Ssrs. light air is collected as is wanted. When I began in earnest to "take Then a large spherical case Is made, u" the sights of the city, I used the and very large it must be, of the j Rathaus as a central point from d.gntes matter that can be found, se- which to extend my operations. anything nar that flgare. Artists ara i ' ataada" o th aiarnaanta, watch oa more numerovt m Jburope thaa in w re ladka'4 by aioaaic mark tax ?i America; besides, i do not ioaht'aai the niiiahnnaa of tha atttaia. eUr to that the natives took a peraoaai pride When the hoar of wnlfai drew near, by 9tm af tha in tn; erection of a atrucare 'that I as aoded to h Qaltary. rtaa to mlxmm. I vlaSai woukl he the talk of any and every visitor with a grJln of artistic aaaaa. so to speak. More than two millions and a haif In American dilaia aiaet msan something. You may form aa Idea of what It does mean from what 1 shall now relate. The trave ler beholds a ruct ire. built In the German Ren aissan e style, crowned by about one huadr.d and eleven minarets. the whole said to have been the combined effort of nine Hamburg Architects. I counted on the exterior twenty-two s atu e. There may hare been more. One gu de to k tells us that twen ty of the o.d German emperors ara reproduce! among these statues. 1 saw some of the emperors and saw also piece o.' work that were not Intense J to represent Imperial per sonages. TbxMe, who cannot grasp the full foe of what I mean to convey, w. l recah the amount ol talk oa? r.apectahle statue caai in an Ame.l -aa city. Suppose sno'hsr is add?d. and then another. Ten- Latatues plv d Vi different parU of an Amerl an city would receive wUl spreal no tc. I n', we can hang our heads In siiirac for here Is a Ger man municipality with more than twenty s r'uei adorning the exter ior or I i Cltv Hall and. to make oar progres ive communities more sshsr ed of t :us- iv s the building was b gun anl o n. let d wi hln the present gen.T.t. ).v There Is a ui r.l-, ot Hammonia. over th? main eitrance. under which is a Lat n in cr ption that may be trarslael ;s follows: ".iay ihe free dom so dearly won by our fore- fa he: m be e cr chrisLed and pre- s;rvi by th Ir d ec-ndants.. I. las t :r i i ;h th enr:r.,e lato the cou.t . i ., may eta ho llygef K ua a n. a w-Tk of axt p!i -d wKh li th enter of 'he enciosuiM. Tb i.i-erior geral.y is magnifioent an? If we are to believe my guide booh he Council Chamber Is one of th mo u b aut f ui par. lament chambers 1 th world. The Ra'akel er. under the nagnlf icei.ee jus r r u to. tost ran. c pable of seating nine bunJr and twenty perrons. 1 could no ford to miss my op port unt y to dlat herein. Having given a meat order. I na urul y exp ected that bread woa -aompiny It. Imglae my mrpr s when the wsl er brouga In n.y d. n r w thout bread. My previous ex p rienc In German restaurants wa. suffclcat for me to take ta the it ual:n before I had made a "break. If I haJ aaked the waiter why kt Jid nx bring ma any bread, he woul . i. r rii-i taarT did no. order an.. YVb ch clrcum-tancc causes mm U. reku an incdent of my stay In the J.y on the Elbe, to cailgnn fa iurj t av lu-is who may be uaawar of 'he dis ov 1 s s ed myself la .ae r staurant oa tha Aisterdaa.. . ikTi my oaAar. kju tao ufer:tt to ol a I aa iced as. M cd cakes ptot.su teuptinstr before the pioictlve ca tomr.s. v.hn I rsked bow mack I owed, the woit?r wanted to know aow man. cakes 1 h. autea. U I m m .or r.ghUy ta? prxe was five Tei. . e (c n and a . for acl wiie. A m a m; self with a aaa.. VJ Itc ma. ft cf. IU.it ly. but I oi tho .g eat.r. Ttia tj one c-Si h-.s .t ;:a. s o oc a soiajl man una a c rr.ap ndlniy am ti ea -. Th? ea.ran..- b.l to the itstsxv. . r oas.aict a s-atue of Bacchus, res v.ed from s eel rattu o.u tut aat'-at" in timucck. 1 kjuJ j.-.o. this statue for qu.'.e a white aa i. was an i ge i oni- and was wo.th soct ituuy. The face tapc.ialiy Ck.m-. j u... a tention. My rcade.a sao ma ti c cam was the God of v. Id. antuu tae anc. n Ro-n.tai. Th" atakpaat ..a. .tinu:ui.Q ua a uy exprvacuon ot a pra- u we l u -dcr the taituvuca a aaj in oxa-ant. I. was ao true to lift l sni i ask those muo road (hie -J.r ci my e.p ricnces not to lorgu th- sUUne of Bacchus who- ta"y vsi- Hamburg. i'asaing from he Rathaus. wt walk only a few sb-pa aad entft tae Exchang . . u u. center of toe ....... .i- aama... cu r-ue cam. a ul f Hunturg. Four, perhaps as ma;. as five, thousand brokers and mer chants mee here every day between . . l and 2.1a p. m. to talk buslnem rhe d.iy that 1 v. sited the bdildiog. wnich is an old one in the 'ItaTU- H .a s-a:i -e style snJ oaj of .he few bu Id nga sa.- d la tae greut f'ire o. 18 12. i wen. eariy so aa o be able t see what couul te seen to bel ter adva. ag betorehard. The build ing ha be -a greatly ealarged during the pas. half ca ury and kt pra-'Si has th ee lare Halls, nxed. .'.:e. cand se, Moaey and Cora. As 1 bid for.ooatoiy roaclted Ji: Place before the arr al of a s.ngle Ip dividual. 1 walkdd over too floor oi the Ho us." and o served ue various F rlalt.rs bat caught myself la as 1 was ahaat to ghra aa aaeeei firm aad ti aary tip. I hag taken say atoad la a had al aady certa'a pace whea aa official told pi me to stop take another locatlaa. Ha did K wi b such a gsapiay of aotKa- a a'f i ty n aa that I could fal soaastokag with- iw.oas Ha asayd In mi ict aj ' kt wants a ttp." Thara j Ovor i was a duple close by aad I ttagk'Maatc trass tha sJkyne tot g-ntl.maa did give the taaa off I Ul ajnai.y. 1 see no necessity lor pajnag that I hd man to toll ma to "move oa." o aa a Tha bag empty Hail haiaw gradually assumed a dlffereat aspect. At Drat the men wafted la slagiy. thaa "they aaaaa la grow; Utl tha pace was ap paren ly packed That bum af kaotsa y moved ahaa ta orderly fash to. and tss asset d bua.nrss Ingly thaa w ar? acrasUad.s Of in other betu-r rh re waa a eoadauai bowtac aa scjuaox an ran passes earn aaaar. i had ample opportunity to alfcaast a Oarmin cuatosn that would took; odi la North Csnotlaa. la tha a.c Norvh State aaea ara alsaoat unifonat; poUto to htffjsj bat the would never think af is V log o. r thair kaua ta aacfc oh. r in G-r.isey gaassaaaaa ragw larly aal Xe each other la passing by rumavtoi thair hats. They do mors thaa motvly tip. Their hats ara. la many ins an s. comntatat; raaaoved fr in A sir h udi. I b causae assd tt. tha casaoan la the abort while I waa la O rauaaj aid wash that tha habl coali be traaspaatoJ la Aaaertca for tt avaali ten: ta make aa mora caa aid raa. We often aaas asch olhea art k scare ly a la ft. Foil aaaaa aa b d fr cuU far same people ta ar quire h.t U la a highly eaelrable aaal Uy for man o A el.t a ar tr p II mourg wl I give a ja Lif-c ary taaa of tha unurmo a -noun; of rammarca carrtad aa h Ui a t Uy with the world Taaa as na lllo s af dollars nave it b.U lac modern dorss. liulb bnk of the rffer Elba are Unsd for al h ston qaars. I eatomd a o t. at am propelled aad took son o." the sigh a. Thara avers i j oc mm a ir aui lasw sua n tj ic 1 im I l i p un sm It eT h nn t-k. ' ' w,rr 9 P was mm mm- u m m9U of th- sass Is ban If but my readers may easily cue uias ue general spr-auaasuat o i g, p, j I " - r oniaiag. ereia upon wn Sjh mtm Mtil. . a.i up" to U. se to ss h two taa eaaaiag Wa. lul' there o P.lac c I or I d spa. a-t far frasa Uaaca:g i ad aUa r I waaaed ta vast as aha k laaaa a. the Prtara la laaa'ag i by. hat aay ah art ataj la tha ttklag tha trip A; the r.var aad af thia ae af par to la tha geamaa a taaa avh ta yaaag ax a ra a v ast aa. la sU braack s fa cat t-tg. eras the pto e by aa ahJgtsag affaual aw tha tt waa ares! aagpaastad Tha laatreitlaa (a 1 ar- C4D I 1 Ity ta th a her. ATs ta tar ag aky ta tblsaatg II af aar aid slat, tti mmi paaata. ft as Praaaat a tat ft reilir af hi the aaraehsee af aefcicawg taat Civil war. jPaJ a gay and moOey rowd wraaa ats way ta toe play troaaad ef gC Pauat 1 cas tt a play troaoJ baa im r-mJit, t h) a aaaa -a-o-. af Ysrta j fteatr-. tftar 3ardeaa. aad all klads af aftaaa l known ss ihm the Urget of Ua kind I nave ae-a aal 1 donat mrkstoai y struc area af aay on toe gtuae that takes up to h a of space. From the river, lartaaw u.s e thslr washes -iaUy by obeera i; th; lime ball oa a high toe ar. ThU ball falls promptly at I 1 J. I delayed takuaa mv trto abos k harbor aaul 1 saw tha irop. U Is raised every day ftarttj b-f jra oaa o'caock. liaybe i U n thlakuig why la tots bo caa o Greeamlck Unas sbrb andsri, la on I hoar dlfferoa- Iron aaliLuo ean tmr. go U a clock ao a la Oreeaarlch a oaa P. U. ta If. . Sa tiaaaau g. r avro.e wan toa aaa. I , m Aim tl - - - -,i ik - - - I .tall At na Th . li -m. -r.... I . or a to.i aa hate aha tagltsb lto I aaavmessaat that stmsaaa ta tksaar v . u nauiJU rri uti an avsm I ru m. I . mwi m. eas i u- r tut. ueca aa far aa u I sa rrar v rn m m . - i. ... ." T I . : " I Josa aa. mm to ha pars of the T,. ...a . I ... v., rtrv oa asaz isswsn mmi I 8l aw-j, m, lca tmm nju s snu a-naroysu urn I ch arch of St baal teer. hi..r d a-d for, boaMM TbU a!taat d lt. rr s tri . mm east their eyas owa-ja M f-w ow o, u- an. :oag Maaae laa. -a . . JT "TLmT' ft asd of th aaylag halag . -a nuwcr mrw m ti i-Wa aft!! mjm m tmm Berg. thIBi . i vxim. u v vo sivai imm sou rase a pie-1 ch . rata'llir saaraae w tare of toe qaauat iro of abe d.yal 0 g. Paa." Is hmi aa mmm mmm m BSM Ut SaaSaSBBamakf L..f mmm vac a;u,T oi iis glory. Tbere are I bag had a lasts U the The Imperi al i ii mp mi) Quick Ship ments. T iMXkfe to tru mp to aha rail -o Vary tral, JAS. H. JOHNSTON, toti Agrat lantvr aj 'The Piano With The Sweet Tone" THE STIEFF is the queen of ail it atrameufe of its class. In it you have not only the artistic to be trying to curad by some method like that of doing so. I was always enabled with- 8TTEFF oarng silk, against all passage of air. out difficulty to find my way back I upright piano, bat it is fitted Into fcfe are emptied all the blad- to my ho e!. Tho tall tower can be W.th the finest sell playei oo oerg of light air, and if there is light eaen quite a distance off. My read- Ihe market, and any iDteliiKt air enough it mounts into the ers ought to know something about membci of the him can islawsuaw ftowaa, upon the same principle as a Hamburg's new Parliament " House, pit-ce of music huWfivet ,lni.n.lt l0mA- .uwj wan water will sink Tie o!J one was destroyed In the; Sold from i..:ikci ta hr-r. a4aarad boss b an water, but a bottle filled with Greet Fire of -1S42. full Euaraiite-'-H a " 11 rises tm at comes la 1886 the foundation stone of payments if you wish. 1 4 toelr beat da axi o. eiuai tenntty With its tae new building was laid. The! You save oue profit ahtu yoo aou ng opoa w.uu or water noes not spoil rrame-work was completed In 1892 buy a S ; I KKK piauu. ' " oo laataaraa. the , , Waj- llch' mdain. is an and the o?amlag occurred In 1897. An CHA8. M. STIEFF mere ban U hoaasea. tt . u,uUU.-rrom ur. JOhnapn'ia e.-:am:natiJn of the mulUtude of ar Letter, September 22, 1783, to Mrs. tisttc erfetti wiU naturally cause Thrale. i ty, ' . . . I tne tourist to wonder how a com- ! inuaity passesoing even the wealth ! ana size of Hamburg, could afford to build such a structure. The total soma blocks so thickly lahahstog tost thto dasutot ar!H siaaopa totok of tha she psapae tr. not oUy to hoosaa ssdasatrd acoao. eartod sfthdy la facias the atreat bat thy also live toe pi y groarad f Haaaakaarg. whoa mi ua i e diock ijaeu in noussv. I over k s salad. Mi 1 k. - Ili' & -m -a. I iwt upoaa aao ceaaar ar taeitveerti oka v. aut in ciwm.t ou.ii coiiec:ian of dwelllags. I lisa cJ y f pass a irom be atrtxt taroagh a narrow allcv. to nks :nr In taat nritr . Kirw-h -- " aaw win aar tha Inner raw of knisas auch I A tmir a i;rt a of crowdlrg is oa karatl Vaivasafh b -here bat It stoats aevartoeioaa I Otcheaatra b a da lass, (acag inner aaaaa anl raa haj by pasaage vii of wha ara got mors baa fa bl;h anl twacty lackja ala. I Pa ami, saats saara ta ara dUaparmg ta make way furl ht, Mr. Ray. I. has no aaauara but a.nga aad the aamaroaal'A Sag Affavr a.r Ma iuii.ru imaa arm art baiag fore o . t cd a- b : n -Aloij tae Csaas of tha Laravaarlto moaat ska mM. i. m uy. u msoiaeaal bousea oaghi I ilark toa to be par s.d hy an AeeoctoUool KJg ag f. th - Pr acTvailon of An Inul toa. I 3agisat Card:naa 1 1 V t to I vsw w r no oaa. eeveral storlasl Sboutios N. C. B a gn. r se from tba wat-r s edge w4lk I Mall to to vauii va.ying mmy daarrias from Clear la tor - . a w p pooicuiar. Not only la Ham-1 Caroilaa. oaxi hut arherv lac toe. I nta -M t - - w" ym . Km lomm, vaniaa ear iag my trip to Europe la ltff. aad aha aaa. to any mind's eye, the oror which aftmtaa avails snmaa a-h frsatto t toaash I or Paahhna Crash, ta aa is Itokast Tfc-. In the aid ftaya. r was poaaible to oaraara af SPECIAL rub aLiiiighiji' house Special For Tobacco Ctah aad o f aaa ghat atM 0m9m t- Hart if. (o it For talld Recvivs aU pratom th'se Auto O.nitor asag Praalla. Haary Clark Brtagere has hatased a of to Just roceived an up-to-date line i iau.es i.niiron Panama, Chiffon Cloth, Voile and many other latest cost "ftahajad to over ten million pattern skir s. Come arnl iv Marks but in this conn'.rv tna um them vver. w. Benjamin Sons. building could not be duplicated for M. STIEFF. -vtou u ; aar eg aaat I am aow talklaa L. C. Steele, L'jrr, toe whotoaala merchaats. Tha re- talejH oc a pled b m s bere and th Uach aaraar nqhsw ed to have as they hare out- hla vftsah) sftaaaaaaad wlto whMo sjag a Those wauo- brae hamtiag. ta carry two Asps a a. the crania ware boot II laehea laag oa tha gaah ha hack pan af board, tha right flag ta ha of rag, t moot ha resnecn- aad tha toft whtta. rfaai tflspiil or lor the crops aim l if your nier- riTtoi' liont can't PIiy you CARD OF CANOlOATgg. Chtef of to tha for Cal f of aw aaa . - take a wa ai ag the JuagferaaUog gV - ' T and the AftUrdaaa. too Oaa streets f. p. ami ymy 114 Graoby St., Nonolk, Va. Z lT JoiZ aal lifnntinn tlaisi . vA mmm a viuii HUIO f 't-l . I fQ rHJ Anyoae who wtohea to aaa ai Oflkial Piano, Jameftwrn Lxpesitior.. HI K todatj Hamhars at Its beat, should ' aa w m .VIS: 'J.II. John OB W HlfrS TUB I ViPaaoUAL 0U.. XOBFUIK, ft. ft At WATNC IMOPtWfshJ aTaa ar fcs a to I . 4SM . s Mi w tha eta day cop 4 ' r i t hy w . ft. BELL THE JEWEL HAT M la aay 1- U ti of C" got am atgaa 'l-l krrp tae Br a -tr L L THE JEWELER Yoo Ihftav I. Usaa TO ( It A VISIT WILL BE APPRECIATED ffl HI)