BB SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; Tii EN GO AO.-I Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 15 G rman Army Strength. ,: :u a;y caa assemble an army of then 1,000,000 soldfera, ready rally speaking, to the last button iv point along her border in less a week. Not drilling, courage atrioUsm, intelligence, and military t done give hte German army th uadaole strength it possesses, but o the painstaking labor that shirks j effort, and recognizee the value of smallest detail. And in this work general staff, the war department. an in fact, every officer is engaged After year, restlessly trying to oro what appears perfect, always lookout for the chance of sav Laif an hour of the time required t!i roliaatioa. of the army, and s following the maxim of the .woitke: "Only by striving for .mppossible may we obtain the ible." From the Century. -'Alien it comes to eeprng graf o i o politics, one nigh as we. to keep wyms out of chestnuts. 'eswmaibjy the laws do not i; the cen-us takers' wives fro t their figurae. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who insures his health is wise both for his family and himself. You may Insure health by guard ing it. It is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in innumerable ways TAKE Tutt'sPills And save your health. HUMAN HANDS DO NOT TOUCH IT. 1 Prom tha ti:n the rrw material, reach oax I factor; they are handled entirely by ma- fhinerj, kept scrupulously clean. No m ise esEQB Fowfler I to become - "itaminated. It Is strictly pure a:. : wholesome. Our factory la aa clean as your kivchen. ICE CREAM is Easy to Make. 1 qaart milk. 1 pMkaeeJJSLlrO ICE CREAM Powder. M - v and freeo Trithout eooking. Sia ; isn't it 1 This Trakes tT cur's of smooth, velvets- i cream, deliciouslr flavored, in 10 minutes at cost of abeat 1 cent a plate. Flat s: Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawy terry, ?rr.on and fjnflazorid. Sold by your grocer 2 packages for 25c. "Eno'ic i for a gallon." or by mail if he does m it keep it. , Is the same (rood, old-fash toned medicine t'.iat has saved the lives of little children for the pa't 6c years. It i-a medicine mai? to err?-. it has never been kvaowa : fail. It your child u tick ?et a bottf uf FREY'S VeBfirjjsE FIME TCMiC FOB CHILDREN Tta not tke a n.-rs itute. II ggt&t does cot ceep .t send twctity-hve rt. -jpj to :cn.ts in 13. Btiiiere, nd, W -BBGtJfKIKQ. April dud The Xew Plan Goes Into Lil'ect aud W i-1 Last iSuuic Time, Certainly Through The Month, at Tie End of Which Time ash Will BE tiiveifi Away sfe handbills I am distributing 1 taiis, or what is be'ter, call at store aud hav- it xploined W.T. Deans FREY'S VERMFUfiE Mil in iwuen Mr. St, ion was here recently, after discussing with the editor of Uiia paper the wonderful development going on and to soon come in the South, we urged him, a native of this county, who ceuld see the Southern trend of the coun try's growth, to not only tell the Southerner readers, very many of whom lifelong friend, of this develofamont, its causes but the duty of th citizens In respect there Co. It Is with pleasure that we chron icle hi compliance and give con tribution No. 5.) (V. The Landowner.) If anybody thinks he can make a great Improvement in cotton produc tion by working in all directions at uce he is mistaken. The motto of bis newspaper is "Be sure you are iSshi; tires, go ahead." Chooee the j apor direction and work steadily a long that line. Every Edgceombe landowner has Jne or more types of the soil describ id la last week's issue. Before he in know how to manage it he must no;- what type he has. He can as 2 :rtain ihis by classifying It from ils own examination. He should then rite to the State Department of VgricuJure', giving them the location af the farm and the physical cotr po rtion of He soil. It would be a mat Cir of small expense to send on to t laigh samples. The Department wil ell him the kind of soil, its pbys ical and chemical .composition and to what production it is adapted. It will ?o further. It will send him literature showing the result of expert ments al ready made with similar soil in Edgecombe county, it will toll him the standard soil for cotton in Edgo cambe couny. From tJiis information ae can readily ascertain the defects aad the unnecessary elements lack ing in his own. In February, 1909, the Department punish ad Bulletin Number 2. Vo'.nait 30. Ir- will be sent free to tiny Edge combe citizen upon application. It was written especially about E'oge cocnfce cjuaty. E-dgecom. results are used as standards of compa' son with the rest of the State. It woud be an insult to the Intelligence of Edge combe people if I attempted to make a digest of the information contain ed in that com pact,. -condensed BuUe tdn. They can read It for themselves. I shall make, however, a list of its subdivisions merely to show how fully it answers the variety of ques tions that every farmer has aaked h'imseJf many times. They read like the glowing headlines hatt news papers put over their best news stories. What is a variety of seed: Early maturing varieties. Varieties adapted to Eastern North Carolina. Selection of seed of corn in Edge combe. Distance tests for corn in Edge combe. Earliness, value, yield, size of bo. Is seed and stalks of varieties of cotton in Edgecombe. Varieties of cotton adapted to Sdgecombe. Buying cotton seed. Proper place to select seed seed. Fertilization and cultivation of corn and cotton in Edgecombe, giv ing expariments, actual amount used and results. Composts and compost ing. Use of cotton seed meal. Doubleday. Page & Company in Xew York Ci-y publish a book on the su'.j ct. It contains 33V pages. They advertise i: extensively and they 5et 3.50 for it. If a good book sales n canve e . Edgecombe Le would ol! the book to three-fourths of the iiiiown-rs in the covrrty He could ;huw everv farmer that ir answered I -s" ons he w.nied answered. The ( .'orth C rolina man is wiling to pay for what he want and wauM i3ot Edgecombe men have already pail. They have paid in taxes to the j Sate. I assure you and I have rad t them bo'-h, that the Bulletin issued fra by the State to any citizen who will write for Lt con'airsi more direct r?al information condensed in its 75 pr.g. s than the 331 pages of any I o h ir book published at any price. It is Issued free, The State for the good of its peo ple anl thereby for iis own good ' wants to show its people what to do , with ta land tbat God and the State h :vp eivin ttvem. JUvery ianaowner owes it to his God and to has State to make the best of what is given t3 im. But God and the 6tate help only those that help themselves. Senator Overman writes that North Caro linians are a Christian people. R is their Christian drity as well as their civic duty to itudy and put intfl prac tee the infoxmauion n duw tin, The Sate of North Carolina has now at Raleigh an Agricultural Col lege. The sons reap advantages that were never offered their fathers But the fathers, who could not go to this college in their youth, be ca-use It did not exist, are now hav ing the college brought to them by issuance of this monthly Bulle tin free to anyone requesting it, R is not an expensive matter to put into practice these ideas learn ed from the ac-ual experiments of From te at of heft eeeo f General Development Edgecombe. BY HBNKY STATON. Tm. farmer can select one or more. Five thousand seed will be turtle lent to Plant a seed riot of a quarter of an acre or mo-e. This would produce at least IS bushels of seed, sufficient to plant 15 acres next year. One hundred of the choicest boils from the beat plants should be selected for maintaining a- permanent plot or experiments and Improvement The seed plot should be made large enough to permit of rotation in crops upon its different parts with cot ton upon some part of it each year while the other parts are planted in cow peas, oats, wheat, clover or al falfa. Cowneas clover and alfalfa fur nish nitrogen and humus to the soil. They are the best legumes known and al3o prevent the fertility of the soil from being washed away. The many advantages of alfalfa arj fully set forth in an arUcla in tha Saturday Even! nit Post of Feb ruary 26th, 1910 entitled "Farnrr Ojat in tea n.s. a mill imam .Vvt been planter in Kansas and so miv money made from it that Its richnea. bus given Kansas farmers "financial gout." There is nothing stingy a- bout aiatfa. It does not exact tn. Pound of flesh from the farmers land just because it brings him liberal terms. It rjvit.lisea worn our lai.u. U is a perfect rout cure. Its rout p n -r te he soil to a depth of 8 u 2 f -e: drawing moisture from be- n a.h th :u .sod and supply .xig nitro gen to the soil In return. And not only that but it draws to the uppe: soil minora! and other plant foo. f r m below where lt becomes avail able to surface feeding crops. As a feed for stock it has no equal. Thou iamLs of years ago the Persians brought it ln o Greece, where h gh pore n age of protein made it so valuable aa a cattle feed in let ton (feat th- Greeks nan.ou i i h n. Tj Ar.'. s. i. a rj d r f i d h e i : acfacah. "the best kind of fodder. Soain named it alfalfa. From St it wen to the .Moors -nd throug thjm U rrance. Then by way of tht L . vant It went to Kaostis wTrc It h so popula: that every poiltica! si ox devotes half his speech U its merits. Kanaus is a good example for Edgecombe to fol-ow. It doos things The whole seed plot sbou.d be high ly cuitlva ed by the methods and with the fertilizers used In the-Agricultural Depar men ' experiments. At the end of the year the soil should be again anal, z -d. This would detennin what alemcnt necessary to cotton was still lacking, it could be applied naxt year on one of the parts till the seaa dard was neached. The planters own observa ions of results and his own experience would teach an Im provement on the standard. A stock breeder succeeds because be works towards an Ideal. He stud ies his types and improves his strain by natural selection. In the same way the cotton planter moat be guided by the types he produces. Hit ideal is an abundance of boils, a boil of targe site, a heavy yield of Hnt. a fine fibre of good strength, long and of uniform Inegth. He can examine from year to year the bolls selected and keep a record or score card of each plant. The following is a form of score card kept by a Louisiana man. Number of boila. Large Medium, Small 1S noints. 15 potato. 10 noin a 5 polnU. Size of Boll Large Mtdiom Small Lint, 15 po.nte 15 noin s 10 poiats w- - 5 nowrts 15 - i C. Yi' Id of Heavy Medium Light of Ft re IS points io noliiv 5 points D, Le-gth 15 noints 2 Inches 1 3 4 Inches 1 L2 Inches 1 14 inches Percentage of Lint 35 per cent. 30 per cent. 25 per cent. Fineness of Lint Fine Medium Coarse. Strength of Fibre Strong Medium Weak Uniformity In Length Good Medium Poor, 15 points 12 polL' j S poinu 5 points E. 15 points 15 points 10 points 5 points 10 noln.a 10 poiats a. ii. 1 point k is just as easy to put down and keep that record as it Is to form S general uncer ain opinion of re - Baits. The planter would know bis own cotton. Each boll would hire 4a pedignae. The planter would know its record and breed to kt "B7 their fruits ye shall knew hem" is aa true a truism today as it hMi sfaMaae four thousand veara an One Idea properly, thoroughly aad , " studiously worked out is worth an i president. Dr. R H. Speight, finitely more than a superficial know! Vice President. J. L. Braaas. edge of a thousand. Secretary and Treasarer, R Hart. Tke primary obiect. the main pur pose, the specialty of tho kVlgecombe Directors. J. A. Davis aad Dr. planter is to get the cotton. The Kttlebrow. way to get k a first to make a good s3leotVon. Next, s study of It and every detail of every method of mak- ing M prodnce. This cannot be accom- pished by any other method than a systematic beginning and a systematk execution of some welj devised asas The day of generaUsatioa baa paaa- ed. It never existed. Today everybody TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, APRIL 14. 1910. who accoznpl tabes groat things. miises. Ho stodieo his oao saMi ho knows It thornory Is no suf off thoroughly lag any subject oiaopt by at the beginntag. A seed pax offers a The speed with which the mi atom i Mm aobjoot will baV0' Pfse own application and ability two QuaUatos are afaaoaatsry In the success of any proposition At toast, Mr. Wilkin son told mo so nearly thirty roan ago when 1 told hiss that 1 could not learn trigonometry. If producers produced the cot ton thy can aooa bscomo tadopoaoV ont. Iattepoadonoa briaga paw or hot unV4 planters produco anffVtawt cot ton to booomo lodopoadoat off proas log aaada aad wseossottw they will never have suffkiaat Saog as organisation of lateroaar otroog enough to aboUsh 4ho oStaUr) v!u off tHr-arbMito coC ton speculation upon excaaagoo. IT coCton manlpaUtora caa by otortnc actual or fictitious cootoa la at. rage warchouseo end broker's of fl.-es de.Toss or inf:ato tho prlc of c tton. the otorvge of actoai cot ton by th j producers theaasoivas i. factor es and warehouses the South under valid wmld aoon regulate Ms price upon a bislo o actual supply and demand lt a a noceavky of life. But to prxlu t on of tho planters aiaat bo u'tcl-nt above tbo'r neos to oa able thorn to pool or store tbHi surplus or profk. cation until sac time as the demand Ujg It affords a laoojoable price. N-wsstty know, ao law, moral or statutory. Fo: that reason no farmers' aaoorlotiono g'Bvlaseas aremeats or attanpt ed pxls have resulted la real con cerd action. Those a so bad to s.M aHi. Ujt once l Gh- Southern plant. produ e tho ful clrpacOty of Soatl. SCM lands sad action la concert by the bkiJ rky of to owners Of tbas land, w.ll wield s pover o r one of Uf 's g-otoot necessities that wil mak the pra t Rockefeller mnep. oly of etl ai-.k 'nto laoBtalcaare. For that reason 1 say tftat th Edgecombe landowner ao well a jvery o-her m the orfk owes a dutv to his State and to hm Hoatn to pridoor frooi Is Ijb4 Mo fullest capacity aad tbereby stasia aa m depeaAaaKe that w.ll give to U pojpi j power to detaaad froaa tha North aad the World the Booths full deserts Thus may the goofe come Into her own aot by way of H tal atioa or by way of revenge, bat th r,- wil at least be some Ifctkt oatiofoc Wjo la the tbought that the South has ftnally benrfltted by ho ulvLto law of roributioa. Wongaetol Paoaiae la a UtUs Br toj communltr la whkh mar ridge are celebrated but twice a year, oa the d-y of the Ktage aad "the day of the indulgences." Oa Janoarv 11, 23 couples wearing Mm costumes of their ancestors were married at a single ceremony by a vuneraOlo prieot. The Land of Nod." There M always a "big abow" each n or when overyoooy wane. aad that show this year Is the moai- oU eitruvaganaa. "Ths Land or Nod," which cornea to tho house. April 21st. It U d Iff 1 cult to talk of "The Land of Nod" I In term uaxl oftne o Uons that play under caavas. Toe prod act! sx. which was built aspect J ly f t th rc at engagement in New York, cat 1100.000. aad caa be boca 'ad only in th lrg"U thaatroo. The ooma-nv. .ac aalna the oaaeort.e s,taff mm cl .ns. aad s-age mechcaM ' numbers abou' SO and Is or.e of tae la.gest on fur at toe present lime Two CO f-3t baggage cam are re aired to traneport tho aoeaorr I off icra. A g ant switchboard operated i to produce the beutful lighting at I fe te. Th. am of I tomes Is la charge of a a ans fa w wardreb duli of tbeperiormaaco U sapor. I vised by a stag maaiger and ao I polnU oral assistants, quit like the sun 5 points agemeol of the modern c-rrus. Wiia 10 po'.: an enonaou salsr llat aad bills 10 pomts f t ratlToafllog that would obagpar 7 points th avefego oaterpriae. The Lead 5 points, of Noi" Bvcr4' 'am ahrivaf aad 5 point pros-era- lu an c-saa to easy to ua- putots j d'Tstad after yon haws witnessed a 3 points , p?rormanc. aa It an that Is worth while to the average aeftl- co nedy sad cgough more to ciaaa V- Ja-t thpea tMass aa food agta Ml- 1 . Farm are Fire lneran TV itoat & :-io-s i m Mu:ua Fire Inauranos Assoc taMoa of Bdgeeojabe oooaty mat at Mm MayorM office on Tbnrodev at 12 octoek PL, nd reelected the following The report of MM of mUtee tadleteJ a beojtby affairs. This aesoclaltoo carries I anrante to the amount of ItSSJftf aa la a County enterprise exchaslveiy. . tao at 01 oaooi Maujwaaie a ana j oat jo Jaoe oa joj oaaoa 1 iw n,N the sotmoMors mummy hmom.thi k Now Coremi Uato Yow; ao I Hsvo Loved Yea, Ys Aloe. Lowe Oao Aaaaaor. TMe ball All Men Kaew Ye Are My Diecipiaa, Vo is XIII: HI (Br tht Lord Jeoaa aa Lore their Klag. you hoard at farth by aa wrmot'tia a tort au fry, If h does not to lUx sly You His Law of Love a thy r. .ts in rrt Loo t-yaaa, tba a Oreo His yaa saa CMraaa aa, toHag all tfTiaa a carry aba they have aa 2vf t die for ITI MMTUOD: Bel aa He Meoa aa alak dted to Qmsb waaa baagry aad aaaa tar Skaaj akaa sack. Mat )w tff ba ajta Mas W ste aaa pnaat oat rrmANoia ZrJT-aZrU Oa ha aATTLIBORO 04VN0. .nr'ozsrr tlbef ftr1 you rISsrJ Ts of MM Ate Uver Oat? saa, pevfert ay w ii a. ft. Tha s taaaMate at ar. O. f-H lard as f Maw Ceil of M yea are a TV ( "S- 3 To ataafli Quaker Oats is the world's food Eatesi in every country; eaten by infants, athletes, young and old. aa Recognized at the great strength builder, Delicious tati IfH Crop Farm and Gar- den!!e Jst Arrived 8 COO THE DRUGGIST (he kind that aaonir Temple Building Tarboro, AN ( PPORTUNE TIME laHLSlf THE BANK UaJmaX. t0A2 EDGECOMBE AUT0M0B Bicycle RapelHae; Mr. Ailaa Ba MaiSUi T Edgecombe Hill I MP 1 MM. IS. IK HIl K i HH Mil. IS. US WE ALB XFORD TIME ill tti " W. BenJaaaiMi Spring Flowering Bu I hs 1 SOc a int ears i 10 nd c ubaroao 25c Oladlolus. Sill i lU BSTABUSHEO 182 G buy. He seiu brinr result. - - Lfs C. rtta tana Isaaa UI aa 0F TARBORO J.T. Hardware t 0 DRAVINO "a Son w.a doKn. 5 and ICc 15c bunch. a doin. MCb. m :: Mlj

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