otti CtHCT. -.. VOL. 88. NO. 16 --mmmmm v, ... w. . . . rv i , nrniL i, IVIU. Ws Pills Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Biliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a Torpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural rood mmmm saswaot swallow. - - V rajill liTIi to lake wo 5uostitute. Notice to Creditors. Having Qualified as executrix of J M. H 3 well, late of this, Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against tke estate of my testator to present . them duly proven on or before March 17, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons in debted to the estate must make im mediate payment. March. IS, 1910. EMILY L. HOWELL, Executrix J. M. Howell W. O HOWARD. Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administratrix of Jh.g estate of Daniel Wimberly, late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against my intestate to pre sent them duly proven on or before March 17. 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the se ta e mus: mk? immediate payment. HARRIET WIMBERLY, Admr. Daniel Wimberly W. -o. Howard, Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executor of the lasi will and testament of W. S. Ctisp, late of Edgecombe county, notice Ls hereby given to all persons holding lainis against my testa tor to present them duly proven on or before March 10, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recov cry. AU persons indebted to the es tate must make immediate payment. A. M. WOOTEN, Executor. Fountain. N. C. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator or the estate of James R. S attar thwai e, lare of Edgecombe county, n tke is hereby given to all persons ao ding claims against my intestate tj present them duly proven on or before March" 24, 1911, or this notice wlil be plead in bar of recovery. AH persons indebted to the es tate must make immediate payment. This March 21, 1910. E. L. ROBERSON, Admr. W. 0. HOWARD, Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator o' the estate of P. S: Sugg, late of Edgecombe county, notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against my intestate to pre sent them duly proven on or before March 10, 191L or Jthis notice wiL be plead in bar of recovery. All persons Indebted to the es tate mus- make immediate payment. ROBERT SUGG, Admr. EST RAY. No ice is hereby given that Blos som Lawrence has taken no one red yearling steer, short horns, on Oak Sprine Farm. No. I Township, Edge combe County. Owner may reclaim same bv navine cost of keep and all expenses of advertising. , H. S. BUNN, Register of Deeds. March 19, 1$10. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE. By virus of a decree of the Su perior Court of Edgecombe Countv made in the Special Proceeding there in pending entitled H. M. Aveut et a's versus Frank Hitch et als, we will on Monday. May 2nd, 1910, at 11 o'clock A. M., in Ho'cgoid, Nor'i C r lna. ei: at public auction for cash, that certain tract of land, sit uated partly in Edgecombe and Mar ti , Chun ks, near Hol:good, conaia log six hundred acres, more or less, and adjoining the lands of R. H. Gitl'n, Baker Be'.l, Mrs. H. Rodgere and others, and is the same tract of land thst was conveyed by John L. B.-tdgers, trustee, to George E. Brown, and one-half interest later conveyed by said George E. Brown to Frank Hit h, all of which will fully appear as also a full description of sud lands by referencee to the said d eds in the Of ice of the Register of De ds of Edgcombe County. Ths March 2'h. 1910. T. T. THORNE. J. P. BUNN, Com m Is si on ers ROBERTS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. Ths great Ftver and Chill Remedy, 38347 Bottles sold last year. There is a reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clean ses the blood. For sals bv all dealers. 9t26 MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT A88COIATION. Win take notice ths 1 can bs found at my office. This is the cheapest in urance in ths country and absolnte- 'y reliable. F. H. PENDER Secretary and Treasurer BB 80ME 8TORIES TIME TELL. I TMP cniiTunuro.c ctn.Dn.v ewewai Lrth. h uw -h -I . I ' an government Could Have Bought Morse. Telegraph for $100,000. ts sixty-rave years since the Postmaster General, acting for the United States government inaugurated 8erv-C3 over the first commercially operated telegraph line in the coun try. between Washington and Balti more. ' On that date (April 1. 1845) Prof. C . .wun,e ana ais associates offered to sell his telegraph invention, now seed in every clvikixed country to the gov erument for $100,000. Congress, following one of the most acrimonious debates in it history. appropriated $30,000 for the coo- 8 traction of the Washinajton-Batlanore line in order that the merits of the Invention might be tested and its value as a government perquisite determined should it ever be regard el as a desirable Federal purchase. Dismissing the proposition as of tx conjectural a value, the Post master General, to whose Judgment .resident Polk deferred, said of the lorae system: "Although the invention is an gent superior to any other e vised by the genius of man. yet tin operation between Washington an jaWimore has not satisfied me that under any rate of postage that can oe adopted its revenue can be made to cover its expenditures." Today in this country alone the Morse system Is capitalized for 220,000,000. Prof. Alexander Graham Bell to sell his telephone patents o the Western Union Telegraph Com any for $60,000. but the officers of the company said it was only a toy and bad no commercial value. Tbs same toy, according to the annual report of the American Tele phone and Telegraph Company. Just issued, earned $150,000,000 last year and has now more than 5.000,000 tel ephones in use throughout this coun try, i. Will Make Good. Sayg the Scotland Neck Common wealth: "Mr. Richard G. AUsbrook, of Thrboro, will deliver an address to the Buck Klthln Camp on Memorial Day. May 10th. The exercises' will be held In the Graded School audito rium. The public is invited to be The Buck K itch in Camp has been asking and getting, sons of the good county of Halifax to address them. Dick is one of the boys gone else where, but still to memory dear. He will buck that Buck Kitchln Camp with one of the best speeches that those old soldiers have heard since they were enthused and in spired by the "Rebel Yell." He is the candidate that Bdgecomb Is insisting upon for solicitor. The Demon of the Air is the germ of LaGripe. that, breathed in brings suffering to thou sands. Its after effects are weak ness, nervousness, lack of appetite, energy and ambition, with disorder ed liver and kidneys. The greatest need then is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach. Liver and cCldneys. Thousands have proved that they wonderfu ly strengthen the nerves, build up the system and re s ore health and good spirits after in attack of Grip. If suffering try them. Only 50c. Perfect satisfaction gnarantesd by W. H. Macnair. County Alliance Meeting. The Count v Alliance met with Hickory Fork Alliance at the peed Graded School building, Thurs - lay afternoon. The attendance wan good, delegates being present from very one of the sub-AlUances ox the -county. After a short private session the oors were thrown open, and ths P'jjtlliC lnvneu to euter uu ui ddpjss by Ms J. W. A. Graham, the - a a M. C. Commissioner of Agrocui- tare. Maj. Granam spoxe enieiv lagly for an hour, giving the origin ,nd history of the Farmers Alienee, and calling the attention of his au dience to the many benefits it has wrought for the agricultural inter- eats of the state. Among the chief of these he named the Railroad Com mission, the Six per cent Interest r tYia Oresnsboro Normal and In- iustiiai College, the great improve - meets made in the N. C. College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, be- sides many others. His speech was thoroughly enjoyed by his auoxors. and was frequently applauded. The Alliance then took a recess 4iiwur which consisted of bar- beeue in abundance, rianaeu ny ira- noerouB other toothsome delicacies fur nished bv the lady members and the nisnea oy iuo v patrons of tbe ocnooi. Arter - cess a oriei oumw wct-i, held. Nothing of the business was trans acted was given out for publication. Mrs. Henry Sehwenk writes: "I had eczema on my face for over four years. We tried shout a ha a doxen doctors, but never found any t novo hATi tataine HoUister's Rocky Mountain Tea for about three moffthW-and it has done me more goo tian all th3 doctors' medicine." or-V, rwtn C r ' M L " ' Croaaett Oxfords. Roberson Ruffln Co. -Dunbar butter, the beat made, al- T..-1- aus .ori inm mciA una 01 ways fresh at Huh Grocery CO. BUBE YOU ARK RIGHT ; THJEEN" GO -vw wjiiiui J or i unini Jlnuri i - ' w-v - - - l 9rm nnw ur A HIACNIH MM rtOM WhSM V tejBSat SOW I "Remember the Sabbath day keep it holy. Six days shall labour and do all thy work. ate seventh Is the Sabbath of we Lord thy God: la it thou short do no manner of work, thou, nor thy eon. nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger tat is within thy gates. Per In six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea and all that to them is, and rested the seventh day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the seventh day, and hallowed ft." EXODUS XX: S-11. (By Rev. Bertram E. Brows.) This Is the fourth of the ten com mandments given by Jehovah ha Me sea on Mt. Sinai. In two particulars this law hag; been amended by Christ and His Church. 1. When Jesus avowed bU Apos tles to gather grain for food on ths Sabbath day, and when Hs HbnaehT did works of healing on that day. He absolved us from the obligation to obey the strict letter of the law which forbade all manner of work. Bo Christian people, following the Mas ter's precept and example. hold themselves at liberty now to do works of necessity and mercy on the Lord's day. soch ss preparing food. selling and buying drugs, ttsndlmg to the sick, and also such things as m xl ra conditions render neceawan- running trains, distributing mails and the like. 2. The Christian Church. set mg under the authority of the Holy Spirk who inspired K. -Kjngsd the day from the seventh to the first. from Saturday to Sunday. In honor of the day upon which the Saviour rose from the dead. The OoosmanO' ment thus amended, is binding to all ChrisJan oeonLe as one of the laws of God. Before going Into the matter of keying the law as k applies to the Lord's day. let us consider a clause of the Commandment that has re- cefved far lees attention than it deserves that Is. the command "Sis days shalt thru labor." That direc tion Is quite as definite and posi th-e as the other concerning the Sabbath, "lu x thou shalt do no man ner of work." Yet we have all beard ten times a much about tbc sin of working ou the Sabbath as we have about the sin of NOT Monday aad Tuesday. R u notions so much better to talk a bout the doty of not working than the duty of working, but Gods law Is Just as sinfully broken and God Just as much offended If you spend s week-day in Idle, lazy worthless aeas. as if you spend a Sunday In plow ing or selling goods. Now. let us see about the proper obedience to God's law as to H holy day First, we certainly are com to rest on it from our worldly it ought to be enough tor us to obey this because God tells as to do so. but He Is always reasonable and teUs us why we ought to rest. He says we should rest beennaa He rests. We were made In His unngn. and our best life therefore consists In doing as nearly like He does as we can. In one sense God never rests, for all things exist by the ceaseless operation of His will. Bet In another sense He does rest af ter Has labour. For Instance, la His world of organic nature, we ana HJn aotr-vky of Spring and Summer and Autumn, when all things, throbbing with His energy, grow and bring forth fraft and ripen k. followed by the rest of Winter, when His or Mas dormant wasting tor She work 1 ., Sni4n. con, again. 1 K a certain sense, man can , neTer re0 for him bean namt and hie longs must urea the and nev er for one moment stop, nor do the thoughts of his mind even an another seaae man m from his labours, must cense has toil or break down and die. So God says 1st your rest-time come one day in seven, for you and your chx dren and our errant and ; cattle that between whiles too may do your labour wntt. The practical wisdom of the sev enth day as one of rest has been proven by actaal experience. The Government of France during the Revolution ordained every tenth day instead of every seventh .as a rest ,d ln three years a general pro- t3B. from the laboriag classes reread t&em to return to the old plan. Tea daya continuous labour proved in intolerable burden for man beast. Secondly, we are commanded and only to rest on the Sabbath day. bat kep u a holj eoasecrat to rjod. ' ( Here we find much less resdl- nM(J to than in the other ottsx Men are willing to take a day rest, bat unwilling to gsvs s k even to Ood or their fellowmeo. so much -more easy to man's selfishness is a law that says Taks, than a law tost says Give! "May I not take my rest at borne with my wife end children." says "My I BtoBi It in Pines - ant communion with Nature out In the woods, says amxoer. I work: hard six dsys in the week." nays .mother, "and I am tired. Why may - - i not sleep and rest all Sunday long " 'J ... ."" Ttohton i -w ' - TiDRADO M r THI TDCniV i 1 1 1 1 1 1 " WelL there truth In all these when Ood sand Test" Hs eat We may be sure that Bs Intended to T"-t us by a day It dsy toll. Bs wants as to rest deed, but Hs wants it to be no selfish rest, worthless to Hwa 1 Hs asks yon. kg order to ho y yowr day of rest, to ntes two hours of K to In company wath j s saghc-nearted man. aired of the long week of worldly cares and sor did tdai. onrntsgj should ho so truly reeafol as for aim and his loved ones, his friends, hi reverectty at pases with and nil the ootid, to go House to hetr His Has 1)1 1 is If that saw the spirit that ponrible anywhere, the love and peace at absent from your I. A moment's la doing nothing. Tan hardest work in the world Is to do absnSstoiy soth rest Is only toend Is and pnrposa. Ton nrr gattlng and saone tired of money i lading, of worldly care change. You what pars of your nature that have lying ktle, and yon want nan aggti of your aneure that have bees taxed to cwttae U r That Is the ktod of rest and seed. Now. think a there say change so to torn jour thoughts heaven. Is there any otter as to leave nil Deh'ad. aad go Into a r-at breath The only reason why any ' sans f-mds It hard to keep holy God's day by that sot moot deer to Ood. wot aMpplng H e Id sweet tort and goosV ness to company with his break ren. Is beeanse he will ant leave the element of unrest, greed and ojtntde end cease to Bis Holy war ship la the agerf of torn and pone J ant try k In that sprrlt and nan ft your most restful Sunday Is not A thousand voles eat to tired man offering ban what hs long far. hat there Is none so true as that one. full of eternal ptty, ssnndkeg oaa tell. "Coses unto Ms. all '"""ye thai are weary and heavy ladea. and I will give yon rest ' ALLSSROOK FOR sOLICITO. (Bdroria to WW of date, rrtday April Mb ) The aawioan iai of Che ment of C. C. Danish front t flee of eol cktor of the Fuonah Inl D 'strict, hi peopte of that of Rl hard Alkahrook. of County. Mr. Altohrook Is a set Hal tea C-mnty and enjoys the i spent has earlier dare. sums yearn he has saad his to Tarboro. uenttfylag hlmsikf ben: along nil lines county. As a the Bast. He has gt freely and gtodto to vnnce the cause of la every way worthy o that the party can place We desire to see Mr. nominee of the party- feettag State ago tost those who vtol laws. The office of aoncbhw h no easy one a man must ho hogi 0 s:teoHans nod fearless, and we lleve that Mr oery Alberts Controls the of a atttlty la the owner ! for . ' ' -t B expected that . . TanM wUj to ,n franco hy the end of this 1 A amid I at M of fish In tos a . . . . n 1 aetoonded explorers to the of the tost century. Is one j - - i.S I of ML tt- try nay skat say as I to Mi as of hat trip I natal for awn verjbsdy IL hot I no Ides Ike, looks I too se a been ran nmt and fifty: sod the two way en tsej for. as the did Bl way oately y ik try eg ago to ton B tort g a AHKAD.-D Orookett an. We gnu to run at TMSOW OUT TN "Tngssg Oa the Th--y re 7 - a at nay. ay. Crop Farm anil lian- oenMeed .lust Arrived 8 K E COOK THE DRUGGIST beir' you buy. II. svlln the kind that IuMnir Temple Kuildins; Tarboro, EDGECOMBE AUTOMOBILE CO. Mm. AUm Ibb BBfi I GMHf SbSbTSmT 9mm nwTta-i J tMTSm tT Tn BtwO hi any y . Benjamin AN CPPORTUNE TIME of n Xew THE BANK WHITE MOUNTAIN Edgecombe WE al Til Pulia wnck SHUSHED 182 bring; results. - . If.C. LB. tLgwMgi LtJaMHatt flft flat v.a Tnmr OF TARBORO FREEZERS Hardware Co R A Y I N Q WA talh 1 1 wvwvw - CASHIER : -sVVVVVSVVV s

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