fie j ctnct. BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett e s VOL. 88. NO. 17 AN OLD ADAGE SAYS "A light parse Is a heavy curse" Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER la the seat of nine tenths of all i TutfsPills so to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safety and restore the action of the Liv tK to normi Give tone to the system end solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. Kills Minks and Hawks. Th; Mscnalis Chicken Powder : ign of you sometime ago is some- thine fine, it is a dead shot on minks and hawks. I know this to be true: I saw a mink with one of my chick: and In a faw hours I found the mink d ad. J. B. Pankey, Minden, Miss. ' 11, 1909. 834 Those unsightly pimples anc Kotchra! External aplieations ma pa tia! y hide them, but Hoiltster't P. ky -fountain Tea removes then for keeps. Gets at the cause knpur-Wood.- Tea or nuggets (tablet form 3:c at druggists, Edeecombe rim: Co. Notice to Creditor. Having qualified as executrix of J M. Howell, late of this, Edgecombe coun-y, noMlce is hereby given to all persons holding claims against the estate of my testator to present them duly proven on or before March IT, 1911, or this notice will be pleac in bar of recovery. AU persons in debted to the estate must make in. med-ate payment. March, 1, 1910. EMILY L. HOWELL. Executrix J. M. Howell W. O. HOWARD. Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of Daniel Wimberly, late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against my Intestate to pre sent them duly proven on or before March 17, 1911, or this notice will' be piead In bar of recovery. All persona indebted to the se ta must make immediate payment HARRIET WIMBERLY, Admr. Daniel Wimberly. W. o. Howard, Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of W. 8. Crisp, late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons holding claims against my testa 'or to present them duly proven on or before March 10, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recov ry. (T Ail persons indebted to the en tat.3 must make immediate payment. A. M. WOOTEN, Executor. Fountain, N. C. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James R. Setter thwaice, la'e of Edgecombe county notice U hereby given to all person ao diijg claims against my Intestate t present them duly proven on oi b fore March 21, 1911, or this noce wll be plead in bar of recovery. .ii persons indebted to the ee tat-? muot make immediate payment, i ha March 21, 1910. E. L. ROBERSON, Admr W. O. HOWARD, Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrate of th PrtA of P. S. Sukk. late o: Edgecombe county, notice is here by given to all persons holding claims against my intestate to pre sent them duly proven, on or before March 10, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the es tate must make immediate payment. ROBERT SUGG. Admr. EST RAY. No Ice is hereby given that Blos som Lawrence has taken" up one red yearling steer, abort horns, on Oak Spring Farm, No. I Township, Edgs "combe County. Owner may reclaim same by paying cost of -.keep and all expenses of advertising. - s H. S. BUNN, Register of Deeds. March 19, ltlO. MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU- Win mTZ; . 7ond at . .u la th. cheaoest in urance in the country and absolute ly rsUable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Trsasnrer ROBERTS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. Ths grsst Fsvsf snd Chill Remedy. 38347 Bottles sold last year. There is s reason. It relieves chills, fevers, and clean- es the blood. For sals by all deslara. tt26 want. country corn and Held peas. Highest cash prices paid for thla. r. b. Peters Grocery tympany. W LUEBECK. (By Gaston Llchtntin.) ueoec, once upon a time the most important city in North Oer anany, is situated on the River Travt forty miles north-east of Hamburg w a long while after the intro duction of railroads Into the Father tsnd, oere was no direct connection between these two cities. This an lonamate condition may be trace. a uantsn influence. But, whet Sj hies wig -Holstein became Prussian. Lueoeeh profited by the withdraw. of the Danes from her neighborhood ana, in 1866, joined the North Ger man Union. The third class fana between Han. ajrg and Luebeck is aeventy-fivt jenta and the second class rate a uwuiuB o snout one dollar ami teu sents in United States currency. M) readers, who are interested in rail 'oad tariffs, may now compare tht -orty nUe charge between thest. o German cities with those obtain air in our own country. Aa "one awai w does not make Spring." Just av ioes the reference to railway rate, -a this particular instance not in od to convey the meaning that i. im an infallible index for maktnt .Ltmparisons. Still, there may be some fho would like to include tne aoovv -formation with the;r already ge ared statistica. knowlede. Tc -aem, 1 wish to say that the firs ies fare may be approximated b. -daiog the difference between ht wo lower rates to the second clas charge. The Luebacker Bahnbof (depot.) ti Hamburg, is very unpretentious, -n tact, I would consider it a das race for the city on the Elbe to ai ow sjoh a structure to stand were it not that many millions have beei axpendt-i o build the magnificent Central Station, which will take front ank among the noted railway de KHs of the world. After purchasing s ound trip ticket, as Luebeck was aot ou my original line of advance, i took a seat in the waiting room wd tried to learn something about die people from close contact. The average American who tours Eu rope, fails to see the human side of :he nations through which he pseses. Of course, ignorance of language and -us.oms will nstoaaUy handicap one greatly. I do not apnea German fluently but nv knowledge of the language is suf ficient to carry on a matually ntelliglbie conversation and I am proud of mysetf for having been able 'hereby to help myself oat of a nom jer of what would - have been 3) harass i nc situations. Germans bav elliptical expressions. Just the same s ouraelves, and I shall later on -o wards the close of this chapter give an example that will most likely con vey to my readers the desired Im pression. Let us return to the depot. I noticed a small boy "hanging a round." He bad taken off his book jag and placed it on one of the jenchea. My mind wandered back io America where I could see the jnvnipreeent small boy. Not until my feet had touched Jerman soil, did the idea occur to me o visit Luebeck. While the pasaen fan from the Gueiseoau were being -xanaferred from Bremer haven to Bremen, I beard a young lady from Jiacinaatl say that she was going to time in the mediaeval I spend some iity on the Trave. Although my true was verv limited. I felt that k was worth while to lose a day isewuere tf I could Include one ef he most picturesque communities in .jrrmo in mv extended itinerary. I sea determined to get about as much a possible. The only additional ex yense would be my railroad far. for the round trip amounteo .j about a dollar and a half. One an readily see that it would cost nA no more to spend a day in Lue- ,ack than to remain a day longer it lamburg. Almost immediately after leaving Jie depot, which is close by the frave, the tourist sees before him xn immense relic of mediaeval days, aaraely, the Holeten-Thor, a fortified gateway completed in 1477 and re stored in 1871. Passing either through or around this gate (as there has & .tev-eiiln of whatever walla once surrounded the city,) the trav eler begins his walk along a narrow urved street. Luebeck has the iistinotion of being one of tne aw German citiea.-that clings to Its mediaeval streets and buildings There are some modern struct nnu Krth nnblic and private, but K .takes no stretch of the imaglna tion to realixe that the town gener ally speaking, belongs to an age long passed. Front the 12th to the 16th century . during the existence of the famous (tanuafV lAnnu Luebeck was not Only the-head but the most powerfui t7 H comoinawon. xue popu latiou, in its palmy days totaled eighty thousand, a number which has only within the last few yearn been reached for the second time. After the discovery of Amretoa and the consequent change of trade routes. the oiace lost Us importance and the n-mitLiLtlan dwindled to a remarknhlt degree Since Joining the North Ger- man Confederation and, a few years t5Z mmnire. the number of in - ,fthtt- has increased so rapidly , as ha Burorised to learn I VVUU1U IS- sr- - that Luebeck contains douW the number of people living there in jyg For the benefit of my readers, who nave never appreciated the ha port ant part played in history by the Hanseatic League, I shall ten them Uiag the word HANSA means aaeocla- L on or guild. Ae the merchants their guud, peshaps an up-to worn UNION would present the oase more forcibly, the leaders rightly thought that an association of cities for commercial purposes mean an Increase of trade for all of them. Thus, the rlanaeatlc L came into being. Km influence spread and German traders established th selves far and wide. Luebeck, being ten miles from the BaKic, was in a position to 0 us shlppina acaiast d Irate- -rw Place grow on account of Ks excel lent location, and, within a cen tury after its foundation the ofly had obtained wealth and power. What sver a Germany community be came located, first alone the hanks of the Baltic and then further away the ststuses of Luebeck were almost invariably adopted The city on the rrave finally reached the proud posi tion of being the acknowledged court of appeal for German settlement even as distant as Novgorod in Rus When Gusts vus Vase, himself eel b rated and grandfather of the re- Jwned Swedish king Casta vus Adoi- phue escaped from the Castle of valo where he had been hnorisoc i by the Danish tyrant. Christian L he made his way to Luebeck and threw himself upon the protection ol the burgomaster and the council. The King of Denmark seat messengers to the head cRy of the Hanseatic Loathe md demanded that the Swede shoal be handed over to him but the sbrewt merchant refused to comply with his request. They saw here aa op portunity to gain the friendship of Sweden. That the city on the Trave was sufficiently powerful to oppose the man who succeeded to obtain ing three Scandinavian crowns Is evidenced by Chris Han's reply to his councilors when they ooagratuisi ad bun on his successes. Said the cruel ruler, who had executed wi'b out cause ninety Swedish nobles and then boasted of his deed: "So long as Luebeck is not hi my power. 1 cannot be happy in my kkigdoxns Of the many cMes and towns that claimed membership In the Hanseatic League before changing caused decline In its quent dismemberment, only three m unities in North Germany retain any connection therewith. Luebeck. aburg and Bremen, although form ng part of the modern Get man Em pire, still are known ae Free cUles and have independent representation st Berlin I distinctly remember the words "Haaaa Stadt (Hanse city)- on one of the coin in nry possession during my Journey through this sec tion of the Fatherland. I walked from the depot towards the heart of the city, having no idea where to find a good hotel. I knew less about Luebeck than I did about Hamburg. Before leaving the train at the latter named city. 1 knew st least the name of the hotel which was to be my stopping place. Pedestrian directed me to proceed along a certain street run ning parallel with the Trave. I followed instructions and found a hostel ry upon which waa conspicuous ly inscribed the fa Hnt1ng on that Bmperor WHllam the Oreai had slept there for one night. My mind was then made up. If Kaiser vVUhelm der Grosse bed honored th place, it must be good enough for me. Americans may laugh at the idea of publicly displaying a sign to this effect upon the front of a German hotel, the particular one now being sailed the Ksdserhof, but we. with all our independence posse th same weakness. Bmpror William lived dur ing a glorious period of German his tory. He was beloved by his peo ple and his personality will be re membered for many a day. Cities have honored hie memory by the erect oq of magnificent equestrian statues. It should not. therefore, be strange . te us that German con spicuously Inscribe a memorial apot the wall of a bafkirD Wber their former ruler pssd single night of hi existence, when we recall at numerous Instances hi our own coun Cirv. even in Tarboro, to mark the multitude of headquarters in which George Washington slept If the Father of His Country could come beak uDon earth, he might be delighted with the thousand one memorials in his honor but. tee. all. Is this exaggerated "to hero worship strictly democratic dmd you. I am not finding fault Far from it There is not any harm in mv feUoar countryman proudly ex churning: " I have seen Theodore Roosevett." The writer himself posse theprevsikng siknsan Where fore,' he ask ail voters in thee United States, who feel Inclined to talk of therr experiences with the great, and the near great, to he charitable to foreigners who boast of having ' shaken hands with a lord." Whether due to my Mxineas or be cause I have a mean beard (as the avlnar ia I never acquired the habit of shaving myeelf. Somstanw this dopendence upon a hnrber pute 1 the in an awkward nx. Bat, my ex 1 periences wh Buropean tonsorial ar- tats have been sufficiently varied to offer the compensating of reooUecttons more or 1st The man who shaved me heck was an excellent i pi ha Lue ielder of TARBORO, N. C ' THURSDAY, APRIL 2Mf 1910. the esaor. Be eould give a shave hat, to us a slang t he waa sot there when K oasj waahing my face. Often the 4 Is literally not there when the jeet perform his whiskers hare customer, acquainted with the ttae, will wash km face hlmeei out say has nation bat a graaa Th German Manorial artist the old school upon which to ttou of lather and beardetlppiags the rasor nana th back mixture antfl his Is finished. As often as I hav this thing done, I exaaot to I lsfc Germany. Many aa oerbee would he unable to lather hi wfth a brash. B has seen teaght tto nsb his band over a cm at oap sod then apply hi dig ks toward softening the sum sirs whiskers. la thai coansctioo. 1 avast pay a tribute to JaJJaa wmiams of old Bail nasni i, Ba knows h soaeor sat and his facial irgi after a shave ia one long to be fosssssber- ad by those who enjoyed th lasury of dontac con tented! v hamaath hb expert avanlpnlstlon. As Nathan, his father, onesi ssssrked to sss: "Jaliaa a a GOOD workman ." The Kathaaa la a Gothic brick ouilding. easbciUahed Is the Baaa corner of the sss it si Bless. Ml visit to Lantech would not have If satisfy teg tf I had net tak n s meal In the aWbaraaae Rx shafler. Anyone, wsnaaa the decor The Admiral Table Is admiral's ship of Trave. a aaeii i Chimney Piece Gemach' has b mm Many a man sings they bring him ht brid. anew what tbry might watt wef. Just a gaeac at the Market PUc. large open the traveler a varHty think If they Tat, I meat oonfen canfecttonary store myth ng of the kind en oar t bou evsrd. Late la the 1 The water, rare enjoying ices and ssabtr concoctions just as we see merle se c ties The United may be ahead of Oerssnay when it to ice cream soda bet the Fatherland offers aacBerous con pen Mi ttaa thstspf for the IsntsaiuD of wh 1 on my way like myself, had boarded the trala Luebeck. wo were aru stand to each other frees the fact mat one at th shassnsan edi tion of the New York Herald happy I waa to find aa be able totslk English. If any Of my reads rs think I am IX htm or her be separated for s few day from people who Bngtiah and be to a foreign tongue. For my part. I poured oat my felt the aasaa relief experienced by an indoor worker who has been ahat up all day In an ped oat Info the fresh air My com pan toe was a New Fagtsae er. He said task ae cones saw seem any foreign mnguaae ana yet tee list he showed me larks d that th world waa hta tewrMary. It must have been Taahee grit rrli1 htm throuan He kd whsth er I aaa seen canst ana tat i ww 1 Jostles. I ferred to the dock of the Ch arch St. Marv This tbme-tseee has ay the sight. BXTTE (pronounced bitty) U Oerman word for "please.1 It to th whim of person In the United he will approach the oae afa him with "What do yon waa similar phrase, Th the Fatherland wig simply si twoeyllebled BMte m as rogatory tone. If he M aake the Oertnsn wtth a Bstts the single a visit lea. The heat of th seared and ths lau raadsrs must not let 1 oy ... . i airy feat lag at the ftaa a In It warn H ia hs aglaed Greece. or large part of 1 Ms Cardan, the i travelled wtry aeJare me. I hav i slllows Hear tb Onty SOc retfert eaatefact by w H AMBCaOaig TRtAILRl Pantrs Fact see Fsecy. d i Mat and they llgkaed I and She arov ha sing the ft H 1M Is s tt hard to U so aorrthls wl off a. en as hat by h aa y u a I her tf he or V as tssa see hi e Irs. hy saw at hag f a tag by aa wU MOM riy 'Kmwi - waa Drag Oh Bfew Crop Farm anil iar- deoSeefl SEE COOK THE DRUGGIST before you buy. He sella the kind that MaMuiir Tciiinlr Itiiililinir Tarboro, - EDGECOMBE AUTOMOBILE CO. Mm. I Baa hsai ham Sju T 15 15 tri Sill i in 8ECOI L BERING SLIPPERS IN SUH, PATCHT ULATrtES. AH000N METAL JUST RECEIVED. ComNrui tyU OUitb , S. Clark Ton TAIN LZ jEdgecooibe VE ALSO ESTABaHSHEO IS? Arrived bring results. pie lot of: ncc Chat Cm FREEZERS Hardware Co. DO ORAYINQ 1 Hi I A