A P a aiU tied Eror y Thursday , 8ttbacriptionUatB$l,00peryear the u f rad at oetcfflce as second class matter Thmsday, April 28, 1910. The rising tide of Democracy is so high that we hope that the Peer less Williams Jennings Bryrn will be submerged. Senators Aldrich and Hale have announced their declination to be Senators again, on account of their I health. The public health would probably have been better had they never been Senators. It may be that the next political platform adopted by a National Convention may meao something that the voters really understand The next presidency is settled. Taft is to have Eoosevelt elected and then Eoosevelt is to appoint Talt Chief Justice of the Supreme court. The system it is said to ap prove. B eve ridge's First Speech. Indianians tell a story of Senator Beveridge's entrance in politics when he was little more than a boy. He won the liking of the governor of the State toy a quaint little speech he made during the preseatation pi a petition by a delegation. The spokts man wai insufferably long-winded and tedious. The man talked to the Governor nearlv an hour, during which everyone stood. To all it seem ed that it would never end. When however, it finally did, the governor asked wearily if the delegates wished to offer any further reasons for the granting of the petition. Whereupon Bevenidee remarked: 'If you don't grant it, governor, we'll have th speech repeated to you." Lrppin cott's. Universe Running Down. It .ds absolutely certain that the machinery of the solar system is runninz down. The earth, with its mass of 3.000 trillion tons moving through space a thousand times fast er than the the express trai goes, is being retarded by the fax tion of the atmosphere and tides to the extent t'aat it loses ebout a: hour in 16.000 years a very slow process, it would seem, but on that will inevitably bring the eart:. to a standstill ultimately. And wtuu is true of the earth is true of a) the worlds and suns. Sir Isaac New ton maintained taat "he motions o. all bodies in space suffer retarda tion, and that their velocity is stead i ly becoming less and will finally ceas Solar systems, like everything eist have their time to be born and theii time to die. Chicago Examiner. The Editor's Paradise. Frederick C. Beyer, a well-knowt Cleveland editor, told at a recent press banquet' a newspaper stsry- "A Medina editor died," he said 'and was o: course diiected to as cend to the abode of the just. But during the ascent the editor s jour nalistic curiosity asserted itself, and he said: "Is it permitted for one to h-ve look at the" er the other place. "Certainly," was the gracious re nlv. and accordingly a descent to the other place was made. Here tht editor found much to interest him. H scurried about, and was soon lost tc View. , "His angelic escort got wornec ait last and began a systematic searcl for his charge. He found him at lasr. seated before a furnace, fanning him self and gazing at the people in tht fire. On the door of the furnace wat a plate saying, "Delinquent Subscrib era.' " ' Come said the angel to the editor, " we must be going.' " 'You go on," the editor answered without lifting his eyes. 'I'm no' corciine. This ii heaven enough fo me.' ". Louisville Times. THERE'S NO RISK. If This Medicine Does Not Benefit You Pay Nothing. A physician who made a special tv of stomach troubles, particularly dyspepsia after yeais cf study pe fected the formula from which Rexal Dyspepsia Tablets are made. Our experience with Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets leads us to believe thf io be the greatest remedy known fo the relief of acute .indigestion anc chronic dyspepsia. Their ingredient;. are soothing tend healing to the to flamed membranes of the stomach They are rich in pepsin, one of tht greatest digestive aids known to medi cane. The relief they afford is im mediate. Their use with persistency and regularity for a short time brings about a cessation of the pains axus ed by stomach disorders. Rexall Dyspepsia Tablets will in sure healthy appetite, aid digestion and promote nutrition. As evidence of our sincere faith in Rexall Dys pepsia Tablets, we ask you to try (them at our risk. If they do not give you entire satisfaction, we will return you the money you paid us for them, without question or formal ity. They come in three sizes, prices 25 cents, 50 cents and $1.00. Remem ber you can obtain them only at our btore, The Rexall Store, R. E. L Cook. Us: Allen's Foot Ease. The antiseptic powder to be shak an into the shoes. If you have tired, aching feet, try Allen's Foot-Ease It rests the feet and makes new or tight shoes easy. Cures aching, swol- Ine. hot, sweating feet, Relieves oorns and bunions of all pain anc gives rest and comfort. Always use It to Break in new shoes. Try it to day. Sold everywhere, 25 cents. Don't acopt any substitute. For free trial package, address Allen S. Olmsted, lis Roy, N. Y. Duality That Explaina the, Oppoel- tion ta the Ro-elaction of Present ayor. The Southerner has no dealre to the misrenreserw Mavor Jmua hn nn contrary to him jusBce. we have at all times aiven him credit for good intentions; but his promise fits so far short of performance that we have to record our opposition to him, and insist that he is not the man that Tarboro or any other town should have for Mayor, its executive officer. The following incident should make our meaning clear and give his sup ijn.-ns serious tnougnt. wnat we state is not hearsay, or street xe- port, but is from first hands In ha capacity as Superintendent of HeaJth, Dr. S. P. Bass inspeotec. the market house and reported con ditions to the mayor and to tlfe Southerner, which promptly publish ed them. When Mayor Jones was informed of th conditions he informed the health officer that the stenches anc o ner unsanitary conditions of the market house had caused him to rent an armory elsewhere for tht Sdgeeombe Guards, of which he was captain. Clothed with most ample authorit by tha common law, the statute law the ordinances of his town, whs comment could be more to the poin to illustrate his inefficiency aa th executive officer of the town than the reproduction of his admission. WASHINGTON LETTER. (From our Special Correspondent. Washington. D. C. April 23, 1910. The past week has furnished noth mg startling from a legislative o. an executive point of view at tht ap til of the t'ni ed States. Bu. hei3 is not the slightest abatemen. jc interest in the ponicai stua tK int res; in the political &itu& A-herever men of information and prom nence m political affairs com. lOgether. The election of Havens Oemocart in New York, to Bacceev r'ei'iins R pub lie an deceased and th- lection reversing a 10.000 RepubL can majority bv a o.OOO Democrat oiajority, practically changing la.OOt ves is regarded as extremely sign. fficant of general dissatisfaction wit. one naational parities! situation am pogrumme. As far as can he discern ed, Ihe dissatisfac ion is mainly wii en.1 tariff bill of the special sessi nd the Preisdent's persistent ag provaj. of it., It seems to be in vai. that Senator Aldrich and Repress. -ative Rayne and the President poin o the fact that the revenues o tae governmen are increasing an . ha: the:e is fair prosperity unde. the present tarJf. The election i now York coming so quickly upon tht aeels of Foss's victory in Maaaacn.. izt'-a is regarded as indicative o a nation-wide movement which son. -y enly Rooseve:t can stem. Om-. -Ufc, "Will Roosevelt abie to sxtt. . . Will he not rather join L." Tin. lione can tell. It is certain that U. xunt j i following tha triu npa i. p.ojession of Roosevelt in .nore closely than the stand pat a. --ode of the President in Wist. iagton. During the week the episode die visit of the editor of the Ne. fork American, WLliam Rand alp. .tearst, to Washington, n!s lot -nterviaw with the President and b suhse.-juent eulogy of Taft give. JOt to the prs, has been muu --am men ted on. He was received . thj Cap-tol by members and Sea. tors w.ta it appears almost as muct ajhtusiasm as was Eryan a few da. oeTore. There are those who sa, -hat Mr. Hearst is playing for th presidential nomination in 1912. Much interest and significance i. attached to the announcement by Set. ors Aldrich and Hale that thei. i.-natorial terms will by their ow. oUtlon end on the 4th of March text. These Senators ai-2 the hesc ti tbe liutle coterie in the Senat hat has very completely ruled il hat highest legislative body for ; .-ag term of years. Mr. Hale, I h. iive, is seventyfour years old am. ir. Aldrich sixty-eight. They .belong ather to a past political era thaL i t of th 3 present. They are both .0 a degree provincial "down-East statesmen and are not in accor .ith the broader, more modern an& aiore progressive sentiment of th. Uibn. The oncoming younger clast j. s-atesmen as presented b. Jammiiis, Iieveridge", LaFollette anv Jolliver more nearly represent th-. el.ng ofv the nation with rater iace to domestic and fore'gn policieb There continues to be considers bit . iterest in the question of aa inter lational exposition to celebrate, th jmplotion of the lnteroceanic cana. at Pananut, New Orleans, San Diea 3 in Francisco Loa Angeles and WaL agon ari all reaching out for tht xposition. Considerable rivalry U t. ready apparent and these flvt i ties are looking toward Congress fo. noney. Congress has had much ex .oerience wi h expositions at Phila lelphla, Chicago, St. Louis Buffa o,, New Orleans and Seattle. Al: .hese were in a sense provincial ex .Kltions. It is time and meet tbatl ve should have a distinctively fief- Lonal exposition. The city of Washing ton has reached that degree of ex pans ion and prominence that even jf it were not the capital of the coun try, it would be entitled to celebrate tn event so emphatically national. It is time that the European and Asiat -c world, and I may say the Ameri can world also, should learn that there is a capital of the United States. The government at the capi -al should celebrate the most stupend ous accomplishment in the completion of the greatest work ever undertaken ay man. There Is but one logical place for such a celebration. It can oe held at Washington at one-ball -he expense, not only to the nation but to the hundreds of thousands that will visit It as compared with the other cities mentioned. The foreign countries that will send exhibita of art and manufactures to the Exposi Favor Cotillion. One of the iwolleat and moat ea- Tbe g,ven ,pa clous Ekfeeooanbe Club one Tuesday r a : favor oottllaoa by tke Jlab. CotUltoo. Oh. The hail was handsomely and tie- fully decorated. Messrs. OitmfcaU am Sam Clark led. Among those attending were: Miss Susie ZolHcoffer. of Waidon Spencer Hart. Miss Reto Dumay Of Washing ton; Dow Pender. Miss McCullen. Greensboro wni Royater. Miss Catena Newell. Rooky Mo sot Richard Dunn. Miss &le Peele. W1UU run; Harry Biggs. WllUamatoa. Miss Margaret Wilson. Cape 1 Char lea, Va.; Sam Clark. Miss Maude Manger. New Bern. B'.scoe Howell. Miss Lee Moye Brown. OreegvMle; Ernest Leggett. Scotland Nck M S3 Henke. of Norfolk, Va.; Ma brey Hart. Miss Sue Baker. Prank Poweg Miss Isabel Ciark. P. B. Walker. Miss Hannah Gilliam. H. Grtmbll Miss Mary Keehln. J. B. Simmons Miss Mary Powell. Geo. Fountain. Mia Laura Powell. Henry Cltrk- Miss Pauline Powell. L. J. Boagoa. Miss Mary Davis. J. P. Mal. Miss Bessie Gasktll. Thad Huaaay. Miss Margaret Davis. Abe Aroheiin Miss Mary Bourne. J. T. Johnswn. mIm Mute Penntnaton. liowarc liuBsey. Miss Bessie Hellen. Lee Hargrove. Mr. and Mm. W. D. Leggett. Mr. and Mrs Stamps Howard. Mr. anl Mrs. George Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Jo3 Pennington. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark. Mr. and Mrs. Aim on Hart Mr and Mrs. T. W. Thrash. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Williams. Nor oik. Mrs W. T. Clark, of Wllsoo; Rot Rawls. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith. Mabrey Bats. Arthur De Berry ; Ar chie Clark. Mr. KUchln. Mr. Duot and Mr Gray, of Scotland Neok. d: ported themselves aa stags. The chap-irones were Mrs. J. M Saker, Mis. J. R. Penders Mrs. J W. Ash' urn Mrs. W. S. Hark. Mrs C. M. Parks, Mrs. Geo. Howara. .Mrs W. A. Hart The mulsc. which was most de Ightful was furnished by H. F daxim's band of Norfolk At the punch bowl. Miss Hattu Daylor and Mi-s Aldine Roienttoon presided. HANDICAPPED. Th s is the Cass W.th h'.any Tarfcorr People. Too many Tarboro citizens handicapped with a bad hack. ar Th anc easing pain causes coratant mi ry. malting work a bund a and atooj ing or llf lag. an impoaalhUky. Th jack aches at sight, preventing re freshing rest and in the mornini a stiff and tame. Plasters and lis! menta may give relief bat cannot reach the cause. To eliminate th pa' is and actus you most core th cidneys. Doan's Kidney Pills core slcl tldneys and cure them permanent! "in you doj'ot Tarboro evileoce. J. Frank PowaH.. West Tarboro N. c. says: "List scrlag 1 had ar ttack of La Gripe and after that tattered from backache aad pains a arose my Io ns. If I stooped or lifted 3harp pains darted through my bod? rinsing me great m aery. Doan's KU ney Pills were finally recommneded to me and I procured a box at Cook Drug St ire. I can say that they gav me more r lief than any other rerr edy I had e.er tried. The conteati of one box removed all symptoxs o' ny trou' le and I have not had a re turn a t-.ck. Doan's Kidney Pllla hiv :ertainly done me a great deal of ?o d and I mph ased to recommsot them." For sale by all Sealers. Price V :enta. Poster-Mllburn Co, Buffalo ntt York, sole agents for the UaX M States. Remember the name- -Doau ake no other. CARDS OF CANDIDATES. Candidate for Mayor. I hereby announce myself as e ar amate for tne office of Mayor of Tarboro. subject to the Democratic Primaries. PAUL JONES. Chief of Police. Subject to the approval of tb Demorat'c primcry. 1 am a tfkndl late for Chi T of Peace of Tarboro I have end a cred to do my duty ma wl.l continue to strive tc do. F. P. PULLET. In order to make the beat crops you must have 'he beat Seed. We sell them LandrethV W. H. Mac Dru Co. SU4 The Demon of the Air la the germ of LaOrlpa. breathed In brings suffering to sands. Its after effects are that thou weak appetite, disorder ness, nervousness, lack of energy and ambition, with ad liver and kidneys. The greatest need then Is Electric Bitters, the splendid tonic, blood purifier and regulator of Stomach. Liver and Kidneya. Thousands have proved that they wonderfully strengthen the nerves, build up tke system and re s ore health and good spirit after an attack of Grip. If goffering try tham. Only 50c. Perfect aatlefactlon guaranteed by W. H. Macnalr. tion can do it more effectively and economically by landing tham at Washington than by sending them a cross the continent to San Francis co or Los Angeles, or by the Gulf to New Orleans. Daley. hHli look over oa the South And sow h ward with the a hood. Game I there On the turf anl Hut tk Was the Daisy flower that day Her bsao y smootnad earth s farrow cd She gave me tokaae three A kk. a word of her And a wUd tospherry A berry red. a A And yet they heart Fly down to her little taLj'ag Aad eaadad aa the She to -k U hrrrl-s w J h r Aad the Wee wish Ipsa Ifei f t ThsOr acent aurvlvaa their Bag the rose's aoaat la To him Last loved Che She locked a little wtotfu j. Th.m w:..: b.T rhe sea s eye had a aaat oa tt. And tbe leaves feH Croaa the day She wei her aa She wea ard left la m : The paats of all the ptrUaga yet o aa. She left mm marveling way try Was aad th aba was gmd At a I the aadoeaa In the The awaataesa la the Still. aUll I Look ap wtth And tike th berries with her And the love with her lovely eye PUNSTER THE "ULO MASTERS You can do it easily S1IEFF PLATER PIANO Hot satisfactory to do this sitbouta "muaical rd a cat KM. How pleasing to own aa loatm meat thai any intelligent membrt of tbe family ran play. No matter how "classical" or 'aimcuit" the amasc. t easily master it, cqualibg lb brat performers. For full particular, write CH AS. M. STIEFF 114 G ran by St., Norfolk, Vg Mention this papa. SUMMONS BV PUBLICATION. No- a GLroUaa. Edsoosate Coaat la tk Saperter Coart. Defore tbe Clack. of J. W. Day and J R Hedge, part -ists aader tbe firm aaase af Day a riaJe vs. Chesapeake a Ohio Rai. way Co. and Atktnttc Coast Railroad Co. TO THB CHBBATBAKJI OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY Take notice that the shove satirise Ac .oa us btM-n las tutted L th asm of liM.t for breach a von'ra.-t aa come: on carrlrr far tb safe tranaporatfea and deflvary of a earlMj of borae aad a carload of male from MsyevUle u Tarboro N. C ta that 4 said stock was negligently taat ind o ha-s aegtlgeixiy tajsrsd aa to recover H7C.ee excaa aad over -harg of freight, aad fsd d aa iSd ib pxrot of s'ook aad that ye re required to appear aad ana -re or demur, to the compiatat filed U. ld artoa at the neit fvn of ths Superior Cowt for tmoty. North Carolina, to at Tartoro on Bj gtg day of Juaa 1910. - And yoa will tab no Ire that warrant at attachment hai Pgai la the sbor atKld the amou.it claimed as eat forth, aad tbs said attachment to ret ar sable before She Superior Chart for tk COaagj Kdrecombe. g Tarboro. N. C. aa tk h day of Jane. li A. T. WALBTON. Clerk gapsrloc Ooart NOTICE. North Carolina la tbs Sapralor Coart. L R. Hughe vs. Margaret Haghss Tke defendant above mig wtU That aa action has Court of aobst dlvoroe by the plalaUff sgalaat tb gefaadaat apaa tbe aduKery as sat oat In t duly filed la the clerk's office to accordance with section lSgl sos- sectloa S Retoal: said abfeodaat wUl farther notice that she to Ciurt of said County to he beat oa te lSth Maaday after the first Moa- day in March, ltll. R betag joa 1 1110. at tbs coart beaae la Tar demur ta tk iinsaagali ta tb aad ac'loo or the ptalacttf will ap ply to tbe court for tbe reJtof g mdd la th complaint. rWBBBBrtng s - HK k a . of etM f- aeaaaa to as nr. i-i , soft rapttaa. certificate OP MBBOUITYON BfaeayjassfjasafaBffapaeaejaB Whereas. It appear to ay satis- Piaae Wim Tke Sweat Teat" raotgoa. by aaly ataeatWt.i rae- ord of tbe 1 1 in nils ftr the vaf watary gtesnltksa tkeraaf by tbs L. C. Stocks, I'sr, I casdkaaa aiursaafi pre aaw aa fawl Tb' S3 day of April. ii A T. WAUTON. C. B.C. I APPLICATION rOm PA BOOM 01 MUNCH OUNTgR. All lac of auU4 tarmmr n T the Urd day of Van Madia a I TrtOJh w4 9& . Jab c Oaacy by Tow Lot. St J for lPgf. Bf M. H TO Fred dip, t Baal aad Beaver tlt.lS Oaata. .. Teal tn Tl O. BaraaaL Agt wBa: 1 la. ttttw 8C Aa Straat; T Oaata tl so. Total 17 u Nebtoa Brows. 1 Tows Let. UeyJ field aad I Vacs at Lag la Lteyc r out Teas, taj. Oaata tt-em, Tatai fTJa. Joraaa H. Daacy. 1 Tows Lag la uydBadd; Taxes flat. Co BUB) Total li ;o. Taw a Lot. g BLtd. Oaata, lit. r, 1 cv Field 1 1 aw, tMa, Total R J. Ssltobayy. 1 Tow Lat Nell. 1 Ta tTJt O D. UJS. flJt. Total U It, J. C. Lot Cor list sad St David Bt a lit at. Casts llg Tatai tltSt. JNO w I Apci. me VALUABLE LANOPOB ALE - I ate 'Lmm TmZkWUm at ! Taat -They Caral oa. sJ! at paaiw sawaaw ewi I aad others, aad a the same tract af I laakTlaa s by istat sates ta tke aatdl Tfca arak-!? k!" ! Hiig tafltH la gay atftea. tbatl of Nrtb CarolUm W. B. FlBbjl b ' lag the agwat tberata aad hi cbarge aervadl baa u piked wtsh the ra gqliisaaafs of Chapter 11. Rkaal af IPs, aafbsad -X9rparaucaa.- pra Bmksary to the krnatag af thai Cee Now. Tbarafore. I J. Bryaa Oibast Nor b Oarrlsaa. do baraby earttfy aba St day af AaeU. lle. fBa hi af said tusgasattaa. eseraCed by all tbe son tbeHirs tbaraaf. wbsrb as 4 IiTtmi iimj Wbaieaf. I have bate I as sa as haad aad araUed ar at I nnai seal at Ralsegh. this K day of AprlL A. D- M. f Tarboro. I wdH aa Mia gay. May lth. ltie. hsejtaasag at 11 M. is rreat af tke t oart Haaaa aba. aB levy aale aad ear . for year IPPP: I Taw Lata. Deaaa. Varaat. Tas rxviziz:. ztrJ IP caaa 1 1 PI. Taial Jordan M Daacy. Aga. Jordaa M. Ltoac Jr . l Tama Las, llayatlsaa aaaat; Taasa .ta. Case tip. Tags. tun. Awtbar B Hwdeoa I Tama Lag Trade gre-. Taasa tTJJa, rtoatatl Bk TJtal t.4S. JgBL V. Ii hi I a. II Lat. Oot 11.5. Toaal II g) Ca. J. ToaT!4M Rdsaoad Jay a. 1 Twer Lag, Uoydfletd. Taasa tl 71. Oaata. tl U. Tocal tg ta. Rtrbard " l i iib.muu Trad. hVraat; ft J. Owse jg. Te Ovamono CA tAAafi Tcaai IT 7t J . A . JT II M. Total U.4. PCfTCL -r T9 DO T O White White kg White White tb White White III I n VV, L. & J. t. d I M m u N: e Proprietors of The People . Iomi. lar Price Furniture More. PHONE 31 FURIOSI BrslBBJlBk Friday, April lat, IOIO. ami lusting; lO dnj8 only, ne will hold our. flrsi Seiel-anuuai PouiteFurnibliiii&tN. It U ou to holil tu o in ine sprins;. nnd one in Ihe fall. -erjlliins; iu our Nttire al greallv rc duced prieea, and we cur save 3011 Irom S5 to 50 per rent 011 ea h ;n- mr w m - ticie. coining olda evervthin TO DA l i; AMU Man ti 118 Ktig, Uaoleumse a il Floor Covering of all 11s IB JOJ. satBal s )d thsars rait Maura BTerbthlttf; Figures. and be 1""ti'' M. SOLD BfTLLtuTwm tf Ebt WHEiE sas haj Z?m n mlTi 1 tDWniLLon JTOUMD A SMALA, MJkBOPXIC c naiatifdfiVi'ia U R 0 W Mountain Freezer Mountain Mountain Mountain MbBw M Ma Mdato Mb 9 Mountain Fretzer Mountain P A I of thewc sale I marked Come (limn to :e the eoiivine tl Nule I a h A S. l t.V4KUJ tna $1600. SITS THT I 4mj tsflt. It ta B&taBi W. Benjamin & THAI Freezr .;k Freezer Freezer Freezer mm aa . . U R ale of ohji el n ye r, o c AltTlsTi Jawt Cs leMaw aw BBll v . awa awatb wBatBj BP la rw tl Owftk tO oM if 001! 111 A VAUV D4Y IB WBTH !. W40ll S r Tas