he oarhiinmuli iSviittlnmirr BE SURE YOU ARK RIGHT ; THEN OO AHEAD.-D Orookett VOL. 88. NO. 18 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 5t 1910. MkimiUU Tiitt'sPills FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole system, and produces SICK HEADACHE, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases than DR. TUTT'S LIVER PILLS, a trtalrUe: Take No Substitute. Kill3 Minks and Hawks. Th- Macnair's Chicken Powder igh of you sometime ago is some thm3 fine, it is a dead shot on minks anl hawks. I know this to be true; I saw a mink with one of my chicks ana m a few hours Tfound the mink dad. J. B. Pankey, Minden, Ittsa 3 P . 11, 190D. 8t24 aeroplane for the fac Ci was too heavy ior ma!' .' .:s How were tile i yesterday; is -Good onl . th t.r ; P3eo ds ,i s V, hat do you mean. ?i s -They were pulled off ov s u g you know. Puck a oat do you call your new baby. Oh. I Isn't cll liim anvthing bu so far. your h" to tell you. id Toledt V Notice to Creditors, i'i .qualified? .s exeoar-iix of J 1, Irt of his. Edgecomb io ice is hereby given tt ns holding claims aga;nst Date of my testator to present . duly proven on or before -lard: . . or this notice will be plead ir of recovery. All persons to ad to the estate must make iin ate pa. ruent. irch, 16, 1310. EMILY I, HOWELL, Executrix J. ;:. Howell O. HOWARD, Attv. Notice to Creditors. Having quali.;ed as adrnLiistratrLx of the estate or" Daniel Wimberly, lat" of Edgecombe county, notice is herebj given to all persons holding claims against my intestate to pre sent them duly proven on or before March 17. 1911, or this notice wiii i pi i in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the es ta'e must make immediate payment. HARRIET WLMBE5RLT, Admr. Daniel Wimberly. W. O. Howard, Attv. Ha the S. C hoiui not; ery. Notice to Creditors. Lag qualified as executor of 1st will and testament of W. sp, late of Edgecombe county, is hereby given to all persons S claims against my testa- present them duly proven on J ed or, General Development in Edgecombe. BY HKNKY STATON. fXXTl.. mm . w,uca air. staton was here recently, after discussing with the sartor of this paper the wonderful development going on and to soon come in the South, we urged him - w we county, who ceuld see the Southern trend of the coun frv'a I X. to not only tell the Southerner readers, very many of wnom lifelong friends of this s causes but the duty of the citizens in respect there-t- It is with pleasure that we chron icle hfa compliance and give con- trxDution No. 6.) VI. The Community Spirit. One of North Carolina's fore most citizens has auid that North Car a. iwwouiBa a sample of every known species in the mineral, vege table and animal kingdom. All of us know that many good men are born and die in North Carolina; a caim of representation also in the Kingdom of Heaven was therefore un necessary. Could one of Edgecombe's good citizens of a generation ago. who has forever laid aside all earthly cares ;give us some dispassio ite and impersonal criticism; many men of oday would pay some atten tion to his views upon the futility af permitting one's personal feel ings of envy, jealousy rasentcaent a id seifj&hness to piny such an iinportaLt part in our quest for hap i-ness and a means of liviihood up -.i this enr-h. Nobody on earth or in Heaven ever condemned honest, healthy competi tion and fair rivalry in business. Tnese stimulate human effort, eater prise and energy which, in turn, re wound most to the benefit of the in dividual, who blindly follows the par tial truism "The good of the individ ual is to the benefit of the communi ty'' to the utter exclusion of the ab solute truism "The stood of tne com- nunity is to the benfit of every In dividual in Ji ' very soon awakens to the fact that most of his beat days are spent m worrying; harassing and figttii.g L.s neighbor to gain for himself a means of enjoying life only to find tbjai such methods have s-ifled s.nd dwarfed his community in to one no: wor.h anybody's living in it. Such a policy Is more than abort sighted, even from the most selfish viewpoint. No strictly agricultural community ever develops in its midst anything but what is commonly known as an 'agricultural town" unless there be brought into the town something oth er than the mere proceeds from their farm spent by the surrounding fiarmei La the town for the towns people to interchange among themselves. The history of such communitise has shown that there was not enough money in sight for any oue person In the town to get as much as be want- a matter of fact, as much )re March 10, 1911, or this will be plead in bar of recov Ail rsons indebted to the ea ts."-; must make immediate payment. A. M. WOOTEN, Executor Fountain, N. C. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of tb estate of James R. Satter thwaie, la e of Edgecombe county, notice Ls hereby given to all persons boding cl-ims against my " intestat tj pr sent them duly proven on o: b ore March 24, 1911, or this nor-Ac will :je plead in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to the es tat must make immediate payment. ihs .Marvh 21, 1910. E. L. ROBERSON. Admi W. 0. HOWARD, Atty. Notice to Creditors. (laving qualified as administrate. o: the estate of P. S. Sugg, late oi - ombe county, notice is hert by given to all persons holding s against my inwsiaw to yiv as bis ability really entitled him to want. The consequence has been that the town drifted along as a "peaceful-valley, elm -tree-lane" va riety of burg, whose inhabitants hav ing no raal affairs of moment to de cide, spent most of their unused en ergy in talking about persons and personalities, instead of facts, condi tions and things. Its residents mere ly interchanged among themselves the speedings of the farmers in the town wth si-me peas ore and more or tee acr.mony, bitterness and person 1 feeling incident to the different individual trades and small business combinations made by cliques among themselves. Every business proposi tion in town soon came to be decdi ed by the element of friendship, en mity or personalities only. Neigh bors straggling with each other to get their fuli share of a small Btore in s gut can expect io other condition to resuK. Today outside of the productivity n.j . . ia story be asked twelve year old Johnny what he thought of Nero's terrible onnduot. Johnny did not an swer. upon being asked again "etun ne unatfy snook his head and asad "Well, Nero never done nothing to me Again there are those, who hav Ing nothing to sell and nothing with which to buy, will grow excited and procaoe in aiiBiiiisisng their views on a protective tariff, and I have heard in Edgecombe a very estimable lady', whose election to Heaven was as sure as death itself, grow per sjoal and denunciatory In an argu ment over original sin. These types may toot enter directly into the real business of a ky but they help to make or unmake the community life and have their af fect on the ideal "community spir it sOQKht for me types going to make up the business of a community are equally var ed and Edgecombe probably con tr.but-8 also its share to North Car- Oiinas chum of a sample of every animal species, u has it types that can be correctly described by the term "man" and its men whose snse- ial kind of business methods have caused their neighbors to more ac curately describe them as "hog," wolf' "fox" 'goose or fool which moans the same thine New York has its trusts and mo nopolies composed of Individuals who ma new s.p pe. a variously picture as tugs.' Thc-.r modern methods of h gh finance m manipulating the de posits of one bank obntroHed by thk-m to ga n persoorl control of a Ota of anks and thereby obtain oth r depoet s to manipulate', have caused some depositors when the ch.in to broko to characterize the ok jmera as financial wolves. BM n elle tual Boston has Its tmf fLianoiai l lackma-ler. and sel -sty.ed ' . a pi Lai st. ' Bt announce ments in the newspapers, and other wise, wild rumors of receiverships ap plied for -nd wUl allegat-ons of lm mln nt "..solvency In suits Instigated by h ms If aga: st perfectly sound fi nancial or Indus rial Institutions are spread brx dc; st with the hope that the public may be frightened thereby la the injury of the InsUtution and g his own personal profit or UU the atcnt on of the people by his own at acas on others may be di verted from the schemer's own per sonal f -naaclal schemes uuiii he eaa pull them through before the com munity awakens to what he himself h luietly planting in their midst. Every community has some of all of these. In the language of the lawyers the exact percentage or proportion in Edgecombe may be "more or less as the case may be." In my humble judgment that community will thrive most that contains most men whose neighbors can call them "men" and fewest nr i. whose neighbors can Justly call them various other animals. As a matter of fact, a flock of sheep in a Western snow storm show more concerted action In defending themselves than many herds of hu man sometimes do in the management of their common affairs There is never any internal dtosensto: in the sheep community. They proper ly appreciate the fact that their Indi vidual safety depends upon the Indi vidual protection of their common In terests. They therefore herd dose together and assist each other a- gainst the common enemy. A covey of Edgecombe County partridges will do the same thing. Mankind hi the wild ages of its development had the same animal in stincts. Mankind f-a" live alone. Ia the tribal period of its evolution Cher.- was complete comes unity of interest. When it progressed to the feudal system the dominant spir it of community protection was so b tterly fought for by each commun ity that the word "feud" today has a of .ts land and its good climate there j special significance. But now that we s not an inducement of any sort, ; have gone a little farther and pre- laltfaly. tf u t at bllr Kid or description for any man send, spend or t.ring his money to f r to call our communities towns, in-' mankind often permits internal dda- them duly proven on or before to Edgecombe County. Conditions are ; seas.oos :o break up the solid front larch 10, 1911, or this notice wiL plad in bar of recovery. All nersons indebted to the ee .e must make immediate payment. ROBERT SUQU, Admr. CSTRAY. No Ice is hereby given that Blos lom Lawrence has taken up one red ' rling steer, short horns, on Oak 3 ring Farm, No. I Township, Edge for of' en rirP now and have been ripe for , that should be their strongest some years for the development of , mation for conquest or def what mey be called a "community ! Truly a little learning may spirit." That sipirit only will es- prove a dangerous thing. thi:h entemrises. which will attract , Exactly what constitute proper investment of capital upon their own j action by men toward each other In merit regardiesB of whether this or j business will never be determined un . i It. Writ. I til n.nAMo1 (i - flnTl POaihi fl tlifllil. .oat oerso". in me cwwuuiiu; u i Bfutiui -w originated, contributed or subscribed to the proposition. The personel of the manEgement of any business proposition necessarily combe County. Owner may reclaim I has great weight in determining is me by pa! cost of keep ana i future success or failure. -No one p -uses of advertising. H. S. BUNN, Register of Deeds March 19, 1910. er stage of development than it un to tbis time. Probably it will surprise many to hear that a pro mi nant North Carolina jurist once said that the administraton of the law in the State of North Carolina was MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE8 MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found a- my office. This Is the cheapest in urance in the country and absolute ly reliable. that the masses in the State of North Carolina were not so well ed ucated or enlightened as to what would be condamned for diruattng many years behind Its administration KHnOHa flntBrnrise fostered and . in some others of the Lni-ed simm. managed by an individual, whose methods the community diat runts itKor from a standpoint of dishon esty or for lack of ability and good J really constituted right and wrong judgment necessary in business af- In business matters and that a strict fairs I enforcement of the principle of right t nro in all communities, good, ' and wrong as determined by the law bad and indifferent and Edgecombe as administered in some other iUtes v-,w,,. ,,c Um hare of the into- would of en work Injustice to many '. . . .HHno that m Mrtrth (Carolina Dersons who BM rte variety oi pe' F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer ' communities. dealt with each other under a mutu III I"" I ' - ..... . . T .V. mm There are some who never express ally nustaxen sianoaro. .... m.i ia nAAwnl Aifntnrinn fiTWl an opinion on any subject umess uay. i-.. en ROBERT'S TA8TELESS" CHILL -ramr. Th, 0rt Fever and Chill Remedy either benefits or injures the lightenment only will eventually teach '-3.847 sotties sold lat year, There is a reason. it relieves chills, fevers, and clean- ts? the blood, for sale by all dealers. M26 year old Johnny who teach th aw gsneisMoa to folly th Uoportaac and ess ty of Its working ogthi the ganeml Irrslmsasa of th nity la which It expect so lire Th new generatoa wHl sot k ooo tant to drift along In a purely 'agri cultural town." R wUl sea th sals- takes of those bow if they hav sot seaa now existent there, be either do so or leave. k will recall how to the yearn of this century soot of citizens aotahlUhea an 1ttliBu bar bass at th very to th ooaaaaalty; mm given at length la onj of a law suit. apUt oaf and ganlxM soother their own capital left Be firat laatttatiod. I make no personal racam of any hot merely cite unity, whoa public ttah so law oslfs dttforsacas can sot of ks resident la th oostUon of psung in busnest wsth thssr ova capi tal with th possibility of seeing thr own competition or oaeosKa the s of jeopsrdlisht their ova S ey and lmpniio the completely awe- of an UsUtatlon. which illsli he of great b'oeft to the bo bit, if naervaUvery and safeiy managed. Operating four banks la the town of Tarhoro In Us present condlUoc of looking chiefly to the farmer's pro-do-ta for a source of fands. I suf.lcootly baaardoas to caaM a depo4or to use extra teal la rhoo. lag a conservative bask. Bank arv s m t m a Induced by too great com peti ion to j-hy ru-o u rate of Io erests on deposit and to aShgod too great loan favors U a cuTo.acr. whom they do sot want to lose. ThU el ruin for the bank sad its de positors. There', another iacldeot which I will oue merely becaass I hav hoard it repnatnd ouU4le of Tarbo-o as reason for not lav eating capal la Tarhoro. A former resident of T-r- boro chose hi old home town as a sit for a manufacturing pi a DC The town refused him permission to build upon his sit tn th limits b uae guano s mailed bad. He there ore boat and operated an expensive lani a half mile outsid the limits. When too late to move his plant the town reached oat and saddled bib with an additional town tax rat of nearly three per cent, upon th cap itad he had Invested. Without entering Into any discus sion of whether a thro per coot Ux rate Is either too high or to low. it to undoubtedly true that tbis investor would not hav Is vest ed his capital to this cosnoraaKy If he had known that after t sit he was to be looted to an additional pense of thro per coat, paa the amount of capital invested. He sold never hav bought the sit nor built the plant and would remove it now tt It were not too 1st to avoid great loss. Other would-be investor of capi tal will compare with his taking In" th traatmei by other common Hies having not only a swell if tax rate hut a spirit prompting them to offer free build ing sites to anyone who will or set manufacturing plant In tbeh- midst. There are many such. If I cited the additional burden of nearly $4,000 In taxes Imposed an nually upon the Tarhoro Cotton Fac tory I might be accused of using the editor's invitation aa a mean af airing personal grsvaaces. The real and Imactoev trouble of this in stitution hav been sufftrleutly s plotted already by word of mouth of the streets and In the law courts. Bv en this newspaper two years ago aa aounced In glaring headline TOeatv- SOhip imminent" for the Cotton tory in a minority stockholder's Isw salt supposedly asking the court to make hto count the right count of votes In an elect ton of director. No reoatvur has yet been appointed for that company and the exchange of InchrUltes between the parties km crrl court ha been trans rred. foe the time being to another But the factory ha it outside trotib ie aa well as every other log institution to the it of the town of Each of the institutions Is pay ing nearly three per cent town tax upon a valuation made by Stat of Iclals under the method prescribed by the corporation law for Stat tax atlon and followed bf local for the town. If either at those tn- 1 tU rations wee owned or operated by an individual instead of a LUipoaatiaa the State's valuation would not be followed so blindly by th local as sessor, but Us proper valuation wow be truly ascertained by th ao- o ess or 's using the same methods that he adopts la ascssitag th rami es tate of sn Individual. Under this ha takes into some conslderstion the Income made by the property taxed. He could give a corporation the same consideration. The position at proa sat occupied by as to fright of a c pies sod what i end he wU put W maacpa, at-1 (Where Mr. B has stated nearly tare what n to shuaor ) THI COOT OP All! TKAVKh. . of H23 Fare ts A First ciaou Ah I The sxpscsi of to each of a to three fvevhsuled ed twice a Utp t h rofUr by th- SIM trips would uot Mr years V rufJB- for each trip ut Uriel that culd ear; l sod thro ox.h trip, bat by craw fro wood t for wJ eech trip If t aty at liro each, the far oo a able th air Itorr to Jlvldaod and lay aohf a food first for The I h) the trilalng Itor than vr. I ass ward th shy. Th y hood. Th earth BU with You say that th soal to at tb ii ok in of th bodily Why than. Is wy sued set room say bodily paw to hall. Winter to on my he apriag la ta amy 0 at this hoar th th lilaca, th vtotot. i aa at twenty ysssu. l aal ,lr am -Over eon by Airship- ta May Century XXHltsV la a ay the Lord l aypocrtto g ho t be a r ta or taat ts raey too rtoy of I k is i which hnON yet ohogOB. ft Is a fairy tale sod It 4b half a cot ery I hav I in. history: sedtosophy: ng. I hav tried ah I bar not said th of what to ta as. Whoa I g does to the grave I eaa soy as ataay others. I have rto lakes' say day's wont." Bat I nnot say I have rtatshsd say life - My day s work will bogta agato the m aioroisg Th tssah la act a bund sllsy: It to a tboroogbfare M nsos on the twilight; opon o m dawn Victor Huso wUl Otoe thorn sp Ugsaa 'pr Crop Farm antl $;ar. den Seed Juat Arrived SEE COOK THE DRUGGIST lief ore yon bay. lie aelU the kind that brin reaulta. Maaonir Temple liuildin Tarhoro, - .C. A 0000 APPEARANCE al ixno DUCTttiX TO Taaaa. I tat F-aod Art sji 1 JT Keeesr r h I M 9 1 1 1 Mr D i ZANDER j III PMlid llUfHCt III till H AAA A A A A r r r w rnr s" p I A. CURTIS Back of all there la really hot oue blood or poor clrejlottoa Hoiasfev Rocky Mooatsln Too, be s for Ooht Drug Co. T COUNTRY CORN ANP 1 - peas. Highest cash prices paid 'or tnis. r. b. Peters Grocery Company. psrsonaUy. This type of undesirable jvery man what is Ideal human con- is described to the story of the scnooi duct teacher and h:s history class, The , Qne m03t potent forces bring i these Institutions to teacher hod told his class at great lag taia about in Edgecombe sud on away from Turbo ro any length of the hideous atrocities com- wnose effect will be felt more aa I tve Investor in new enterprise minted by the Roman Emperor, Nero, more from year to year In Tarhoro. local capitalist already know k who In drunken debauch fiddled while ig the new Graded School. H will the foreign would-be Investor w I Rome burned. To learn the effect of broaden the towpoint of every 12- learn It upon Inquiry. can DAN8BT. Dead S3, mo. at A. m. um Daaaay widow of Those H 1 to th fifty fouKh year of h i at i JO P. M. ttU Best Or latatad to th kat bs think, sad vkdh f th 1st R. B. April to das to as af arte add to lister's Rooky That's why R tB be tbat loan ill e e see w rm AN OPPORTUNE TIME ha a sTii-S t THE BANK OF TARBORO I Plaa.v i.T. Howusd T.