" BB SURE YOXJ ARE RIQHT ; GO AHKAD.-D Orookett "toL.SS. NO. 19 TARBORO. N C. THURSDAY, MAN u. 1910. BKTABLtBHBD ttll THE SOUTHtRNEJTSSA nMaY SMKMi JUST ONE WORD TO THE PHI LATHE AS OP NORTH CAROLINA. TUttfiL in to If h refers to Dr. Tutt's Liver I MEANS HEALTH. Sick headache? VlrtiroT Bilious? omnia? inaction ol the LIVER. hap- A VY of these Iseicats Tutt'sPills Take No Sufartitate. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executrix of J M. Howell, late of this. Edgecombe county, nor4ca is hereby given to all persons holding claims against tkv estate of my testator to present them duly proven on or before Marct 17. 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recovery. All persons In debted to the estate must make in; mediate payment. March, 16. 1910. EMILY Li. HOWELL, Executrix J. M. Howei VV. O. HOWARD. Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as admtr.istratrb of the estate of Daniel Wlmberly.'latv or Bugecombe county, notice ifc hsret'j given to all persons holding da; ,a against my intestate to pre s :u: them duly proven on or before March 17, 1911, or this notice wl be p.oa l in bar of recovery. Ail persons indebted to the ee ta e mus make ixntneuiate payment. HARRIET W1MBERLY. Admr. Daniel Wimberly. W. O. Howard, Atty. Fop some time I have noted satisfaction and pleasure the creasing Interest of our people regard to those problems which property solved; will net only then oar lives bat make them Pier: better and more useful, A nation we are indebted to the to our lawmakers and oar nan 1 Stars (or what they have done to a study and to promote an under standing of the doty we owe our selves and to those with whom w live by making a more careful obser Lvatlon of the laws of sanitation and X health. The Progressive Parmer der the caution: -Ton WIU Dto Eight Years before You Should" says "The writer recently had the good fortune to hear 0 ana tor Owen of Ok lahoma; in vigorous advocacy of this proposition for a national depart meat of healtth. Ha points out that white the total number of deaths front Spanish bullet in the Spanish san war was only 1020; every day there axe In the United States 1700 needless graves for victims of pre ventable diseases. The annual death rate in New Zealand is 9 to the 1000 rwonln- in th United States 16.5 o the 1000 people. With proper sani tation and hygiene and the preven tion of unnecessary disease; lowering ur death rate to what it should be the average human life would be angthened eight years. Or to bring the truth home to you Mr. Reader let m put k this way: Under our pres ant policy of carelessness with re Kixd to hygiene and. sanitation; your life and the life of every average A merican to cut short eight years. You wtU die eight years before you ought to It is plain that our young people; who are not too old to prevent and check the ravages of disease should be; more than all others; eager to learn and to carrr out those methods it prevention now being so univrsal ly discussed and urged by every in stitution that stands for the highest development of mankind is most widespread; moat communi- Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as executor of the last will and testament of W S. Crisp, late of Edgecombe county, noti. e Is hereby given to all persons U,.'. .! ima airain t mv tASta- I rhi (and vet least so under proper Or lO yiOKUl uicui viuv j,. . 1 - m . or before March 10, 1911, or this conamons; ana m-u notice will be plead in bar of recov- loato- should be the enemy now be- ing so vigorously fought by that God All1 persons indebted to the es- given Aaeooiation the Nstienol Ae tata must mske immediate payment, sodahton for the Study and Preven A. M WOOTEN, tion of Tuberculosis. I wish to eau Kntor. the attention of Phltotheas thxough- A WOMAN AROUSES SPOKANE. All Alone She la Winning F.flht A gainst Police Machine. There to one small woman in Spo kane who U bigger politically than the tightest machine clique on the a woman who is stronger a pottos chief who baa bean on Job M years; one 118011 woman who in a few weeks has stirred tr public demand for civic n flpiiSsae then various reform brt cades have been able to stir since the town was a town. And she is all this and did all this because she got real mad and went forth to nrove that when she said pottce conditions were had they had sad that when the Chief of Po lice said she lied that he lied himself The woman to Mrs. Philip P. Stal ford; a young; pretty; newly married Southern girl with a dash of red in her air and up to a few weeks ago a boose body who knew she had the oast sslStisRi on earth and was con sent to take core of him. But SSI a member of a committee from the Spokan Woman's Club seek ing the anointment of three police matrons in the Spokane Jail she had occasion to address the Council. Wha she said wiU stand as the original muniolpai roast for some periods. 8be pointed out the necessity for police matrons In the women's ward Of the Jail by remarking that Chief SuJM van and his officers were not fU persons to search women prisoners or to otherwise be intrusted with the care of women. Then she took up each Councilman's record and his affiliations and said some rather per sonal things which the Cooucm . had not heard made public before. vt mwninc Chief Sullivan threat ci .1 U ma Mrs. itatlord for SI' OvO damage, to his lnjur-d feiingB Likewise s very mad CouucH declar ed toot never oh surely never would It gran any pottce matrons. By hr own of forta she lined up In her matron fight the woman's club; the oity's 9000 union men; the Township Good Government League St. JglM JCVII1 11 Lord: to hto prayer far He EXPERIENCES why at to to a I bav. tot 'W Crop Farm and Gar den Need Just Arrived 8 E that I rams fuss ha In loving unity they might be one haw. as Hto rather ware asm. New by this prayer Be too nature of be natty He SS peoto to extot between all Chris tina mem la a certain aease Shay cannot be united bees see la a eOf tato sense He and Hto rather are not one and ta another sense they ease He and Hto rather are one L As God the Son and Ood the rather am dtottaoA persona with dwtinct and separate powers: func ona asm operations; so Christian men con never be mode to think e. M eU alIA sasm msase aiasH toot No moo on earth to Just llkej any other man In face or form; salad, heart or soul and oneequenUy aoj two men can ever be In perfect agreement upon any matter which sdsntta the poaslWiry off difference of opinion. Ben every mans Una of Ood and hto faith In HI n vis t to some respect differ f every other man's. This account the rettgtoos differences we see -1 for a oi leung Between man squally eiroest jku ir1 fiKhfal and prayerful Though they a m seem to differ ; they both may be oat into the COO haeo te Shot aa ateto Mho aa THE DRIGC.IST fscelto other . We I fi by oar la wtth hto gtrl Oer at first for he had oo a pair of He searched a efore von buv. He Hells lrrpr the kind tkat briaa; rehalta. .v1aMnie Temple Building r Tarboro, - - PleCe it to as la m ' nd and eipiaaattoa fact that being difl Mul they each hare the mauyetded Trath of Ood other could not grasp. fWir miIim this is the cease of th. tbo Sasm oe. sis a oac e toni t t aweeo. th The aou tftwr woe hto heart that aethc The ad to hog om bm rid of the U) MMrtaVsat ad po'sscutkios fl oo o' her men tor they oomtdered them. The stojgoror a ( r' Charles the PVth aTer harms trees &J in vain to stamp out the nmwmui te Reforms' resigned hto power re-1 -I" A Q OOD APPfARArlCE UMOIT a AJt uirmmv sal rmr Doonou TO - sitint. asm hhTlH Of ehowtag. I so by Fountain, N. C. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James R. Satter thwai:e, late of Edgecombe county, notice is hereby given to all persons qo ding claims against my Intestate to present them duly proven on or I ata B Exhibition. As Phltothea Wwp Mart 24. 1911. or this notice T- i tr "ether Youn will be plead In bar of recovery. th state to this great cimpalgn against disease and particularly to r th rerv PhUathea class In the -. nr TjAiarh and nearby either attend the American Tuberculosis Ex bibitlon In a body sometime between a-;i ah May 10 or send rep- esentatives to biggest thing of all she secured affi davits and testimony from vxan snd women of the lower world showing Just how rotten conditions were in the Pottce Department Then the woman's sjub and labor and Germans and Mrs. Stalford de manded an Investigation. The Mayor apointed a committee to suit him- eeif. Every organisation interested u. the reform fight refused to consider this whitewash aggregation It looks verv much like a real otooa up for Spokane. Anyhow the ftoat real live pahttc reform movement ev er started In this town to Jumping Ured to a monastery aad ameses himself the rest of hto We by mak lag clocks. He was accustomed U ..y that he learned from sj faU urea to nake hay two etodka hees. jxacUy she aaaae time hoi he had been to trying SB men think and bettsve alike v. -o tr .e rrtsttoa man can de- sp'se -cthe. 'or diftwtng from hiss In reUgton. H he hmfce aoatJsar man s error to so great that It ae- J onl: It argu- f.Uachcd Sat It eereiy lose hh he did. Oat She loot She aajst by by the mm wad: up s leattar frae All persons indebted to the es tate must make immediate payment. This March 21, 1910. E. L. ROBERSON, Admr. W. 0. HOWARD, Atty. ' . . ainiw evej-aJ rods a day; and Mrs make an mei-w r . , ' .. mmam. ssauera; prw-y mo ubwcwv mm - . w heck at her Job of making homo comfortable for her husband. Da na Stoeth In the Seattle Star. c oatty te hto EST RAY. No ice to hereby given that Bios- a Am T .q irraaP hsLs taken ut) one red yearline steer, short horns, on finrinir Farm. No. I Township, Edge ecmbe County. same by paying cost of keep all expanses of advertising. H. S. BUNN, Register of Deeds. March 19, 1S10. MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU ruai BENEFIT A8SCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This to the cheapest a surancs in the country and absolute ly reliable r. H. PENDER Secretary and Treasure' upA tv Thtaes" and for ' ether xoun Women." it therefore behooves us to take a strong and permanent stand la this 'matter. This Exhibition is intensely interesting and helpful In particular. FLOSSIE A. BYRD President State Phltothea Union. Greensboro May 4th 1910. The Old Negro Mammy We see that the Galveston people right and duty to try ty maes aad example to coavlace asm off hto error. Bat he ikssabi ik no fee Una of scorn or hate to ,ri. h his heart towards fnr holdins to an honest , u tmt to him to be I The t. How having seen how men ha wtth aa) afSaat must be different; let us see how lass -lUtMy after 1 on the other hand they should he , there began a tier which .nltAd ffhraitrK the ftsfMft SSd the I m. MmmT SShd ftoOttP hSSS S FsXhcr are different Persons yet uiat ooth ddnt wait far hto hhamV srr rsjasjoaTsasi. mni Ja ANDER. AT monument to the old colored mamy have been prevailed upon So transfer the location to Washington n ium " making It a national affair and In nak I is patient even with a nagging ! vVHsst all Darts of the country to con- v, vnnws ahe needs n-eu-p. . , wi. - . i rnhirfii Tt to . rood ana An Ideal Husband. who proposed la the first place to still they are One ta the Vy of ( tag gtrl. he etaspry U . k inrAd the Oodheed. So la many ways all .set of the ins; aasS TO TB y rnt of keeD andl .i troubled Mke to see the wnoie nu she is roetancooiy . - with loss of appetite; headache; soei psaasi edlfloe. leseness consttpotton or fainting and ; l M of I dizzy spells ahe needs Electric , to nvemories good tne mom wwnw" I She Oodhsad men may be aa one. a. Wa should be one in love. Wt may differ much about God hot wa should all unite to the fact that we should love and serve Him. Thai" can acorceiy he room for differ- once between two Chrlaa men thai thev should krre their fel Let two men the common ground of loving osuo OOSsTAXT WHICH aT ta a ram. to face hto fatvl ar -oe bed la hay away dowm on ters; . m m s a I afa.UatS at ahwl fyv , sMM-, Ds4al arui UlUliirjtrAM, au ailing women. Thousands oc r. t)eiMtuDt other from female trouwes; nervuue 1-. Wa heroes some of lea; backache and weak kidney. peering used them and become -7 tlateZ! hot foaming hors. happy. Try them. Onlyhoc - Zl stxttudes of ulptore. pa- one MBrniBur. . achieve with all their man. ad their sod you will aoSt sble to see the dlfferoaos betwi those two aaaa oath a ml m wops sod Mr. SIR a. lima guars nteed by W. H. ROBERTS TASTELESS CHILL TONIC. The arsst Fever snd CMH Rsmedy 88,847 Bottles sold last year. There is a reason. It relieves ehllls, fevers, and clean ses the blood. For sate by all dealers. 8t26 WANT COUNTRY CORN AND field peas. Highest cash prices naio f. thi. t B. Peters Grocery Company. Conversation to one trioto and statesmen moat of whom Ood and hto neighbor there to are planted in our private Pn- fereoce newoon Conversation. ITT " . . .,T' ssomi - ss from the North Pole to of the bligncs asses 1 so South. But a dlf- ISIS. of civilisation. ofCgea of mud stained public- sod their People spend tbousass of dollars -urriora aad question difference In education In books; in travel. u veiantora. Nothing mors nor miking about. theater tickets; and all that in or- arT We let it so I b. Ws should he room for d at that. All of us however can unite open the he black mammy; the miuiwii have enjoyed their kindly minis tra tLons and the other and numerous millions who hove only heard of NOTICE. mh, fQn-Jini Eideecombe County, in the Supreior Court. L. R. Hughes vs. Margaret Hughes. The defendant above named wU1 ULke notice: That an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Hountv for ab- MlUn JL ABjfWWww w l, hv the nlaintlff against the defendant upon the grounds of adultery as set out la the complaint ,i mii i th clerk's office nd i -icu axa --- . in accordance with section 1561 sub- SaLi Hfenrtjit will further taKe nrrt v. i. aha io. reoulred to appear a the next term of the Superior r-. l j i.t r he held on v mil tjl biuu i btP i?.th Monday after the first Mon dav in March. 1911. tt being June 61 l&io at the court house in Tar- and answer S' J i J, W I J BSSl v ,.- th. nomrdslnt In the eaid action or the plaintiff wiU pH- to the court for the relief manded in the complaint. This 22 day of April, 1910. A. T. W ALSTON, C. S.C. der to be able to carry on a conver se Ion. . As a consequence the women iai -,,. nir. nd olotbes; and the men about weather and women. Conversation may be divided uno . ,mant- niffin and ne lav- coax, . - tham er; with gossip, and quarrels as .Id. v wbeth w. issues. ' lkflia -mi vrrln South or to Conversations ore fortunately - thousands who are gotten as soon as 7 -- dUmrW over the North; erwise people wouM be ao mortmed over the r inane remark, that wlth. white aproned would seen nw ."I- ,t u baned; always devoted and aier. The idea that when people meet it to r.trenuou. and proud nftRrv for them to talfc has pvw .,, rirls- aat of helpless distrust. Not race They wMt to over five out of a million pweqw. tsles and shaMm. y anything when they conv They lolled upon her humble; patient The art of conversation .SfcTate comforted them one and the art of keeping saw LhA. hflt urfoattis affliction. The mande cultivation. i wWfc Ks dread epilogue of Th trouble to taat were - - - n Vammv not . .I thA art of keeping " - Ljey wcj tACTgvar la rlght- CARDt OF CANOIDAT tt TO MY FRIBROB, AMO THE VOT g Kg N BOOECOMBE COUNTY. ap-de- B agree that It ai at: W be athagy: to ha aad tox y AB agree that tt to right to ha honest and li ismf.l niaWis kind aad gea erous; merciful: fsJthfal aad am .., i .11 mm kantklr 111 it WOrh JZmtCr 1UM tksTsndaatohto oam- County, aahjact to Mm mon ground aad our differences wDl DMMc Coen'y SMS UWWK " mmmmmm mm - - , - dowa aad poll. som. struggling brother up wUl anon ftod N C oa A. T. W, m c, arteo wa wU' seoa Imva . . , nJIn tl w stiU we 8 homo msaw-----w to talk about R. Life. at hftein A She was uw' : th. fimUr. Sine mnimiw r h, inslculable'duty. row sw ot her class survivs voe surely dying; but If ever there were rricnlcs !,. and martyrs who eVeservea We may hare differed as to wisdom of a prohibition msr h ail stood firm now oa the ghat since IT IB THE LAW aa est ctUsou Mai.ll obey tt aad that It to obeyed by others Urn Basra 1M rshfa taran ad hiUsj asasj 8 Ohssai asMl aavBasa asa aaar. mVhmvas 'sH8Tw Vof tmtn enumcraud? so a t He It te snl- School Picnic. . -. . i Tio.f lohnm ZJZLml enjoyment; immortal celebratloo; the old famous for their general enjoyme . ( good nelghhorllneaa was given ' head of the list X Roads to mex Miss yaoamrhy nlSmZ T j.TXV' T Usa,at . Ph il ins the closing for he term of . mt that mace. xwj UOT - usia SDWey s wv - About a half a dosen went up from the comt.- -i every one return-. to be awed by nere luw - - - - od delighted. , ! that he can see for nothing. - their seal for tne There was no .penning tew M log and a moat exceUent dinner. tngum to be awed by anything We may have djfjfaaed as to how th hosDitei sboald he conducted but ut mm. hmA iU united u disputable principle hst MUST have a quick and isssmi j mt am T ". c. Ohrtotlans ed by ahetr danger as Christian charity ge m la might he of sa aH. 1HBBAJTK OFTA1 PsVKOLA DAIET Milk and One ratoh oa sarth. oue He I ttYtn "SS am8 tmS M rfl7 gH-'-? I tttsW mwmwaw Jk I i