mxb mam uwthctitix BJS 8UBE YOVJ ARK RIGHT;THKN GO AHEAD.-D Crockett mm VOL. 88. NO. 20 M'sPills stimulate the TORPID LIVER, strengthen the digestive organs, regulate the bowels, and are ap equaled as an AT!-BILIOLS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues , are widely recognized, as they pos sess peculiar properties in freeing the system from that poison. Ele gantly sugar coated. Take No Substitute. Notice to Creditors. ring qualified as executrix of J II, late of this, Edgeetfrnbe v. no ice is hereby given to rsans holding claims against state of my testator to present auij pio.en on or tefore March or this notice will be plead u recovery. AIL p-rsons in- fco :ue es a-e mast make in. it pavm.'at. rch, 16, 1910. EMILY L. HOWELL, Ex-cntrfx J. M, Howel O. HOWARD, Atty. Notice to Creditors. Having qualified as administratrix o. the estate of Daniel Wimberly, lat of K.itjecoiiibe county, notic? h h : ..y given to all persons hok'.iu, claims against my intestate to pre s : them duly proven on or befort h 17, 1911, or this notice will b p.ead in bar of recover-. Ail persons indebted to the es ta'e .aus. make immediate payment HARRIET WIMBERLY, Admr. Daniel A'in.uerly W. O. lioward, Atty. Notice t3 Creditors. Having qualified as exeutor or the lc.s: w'll and testament of W. S. Crisp, lat',- of Edgecombe county, i is hereby given to all persons ing claims against my testr. ' j: to present them duly proven on or ' fore March 10, 1911, or this notice will be plead in bar of recov cry. persons Med to the es tate must make immediate payment. A. M. WOOTEN, Executor. Fountain, N. C. No'ice to Creditors Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James R. Satter thwai e, la e of Edgecombe county, q ti e is h--rjy given to all persons no ii::g cLinis against my intestate tj pr sent them duly proven on or before March 24, 1911, or this no-ice will be ; lead in bar of recovery. .All persons indebted to the es tat ii a t make immediate payment. This March 21, 1910. E. L. ROBERSOX, Admr. W. 0. HOWARD, Atty. ESTRAY. No ice is hereby given that Blos som ;.a.vrence has taken up one red yearling steer, short horn, on Oak Spring Farm, No. I Township, Edge conue Lounty. Owner may reclaim same by paying cost of keep and all txpmses of advertising. H. S. BUNN, . Register of Deeds. March 19, 1910. MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. Will take notice that 1 can be found at my office. This is the cheapest in suranee in the country and absolute ly reliable. P. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer APPLICATION FOR PARDON OF MUNCH GUfiTER. V p'icaMon will be made to the G . rnor of North Carolina for the term of the Recorders' Court isrenibe County, held on the 6th day of December, 1909. of the crime of retailing and sentenced tp "he roads of Edgecombe County for a t rm of Twelve (12) months. All pereots who oppose the grant ing ot said pardon are invited to f -r ward their nro ests to the Gov ernor without delay. Th Mke 23rd day of April, 1910. DON NELL GILLIAM, Atty " 'WANT. COUNTRY CORN AND field peas. Highest cash prices paid for this. R. B. Peters Grocery Comnanv W NOTICE. jr.h "Carolina, Edgecombe la the Supreior Court. County, L. R. Hughes vs. Margaret Hughes 1 h defendant above named will notice: The. an nation e.ntitled as above . 1 2 5 f u unnprinr u,en - ""r I ' irt or nwgecomDe i.uuu wi dtvor-ce by the ptsukyn sbb finrenttant upon xne gruu - sry as set out in ine cumywm' fiipri in -the. r.lerk's office and rdance with section 1561 n 2 Reisal: sub- (I defendant will further take that she is required to appear , xr term of Uie tupnui f said County to be held, on 4 Monday after the first Mon- larch. 1911, it being June at the court house in Tar- N'orth Carolina, and answer to the complaint in the m or the plaintiff will ap- the court for the relief de i in the complaint. 22. day of April, 1910. A. T. W ALSTON, C. S.C. THE SOUTHERNER'S SATURDAY SERMON (By Rev. Bertram E. Brown.) "Th.. v. n. . . . -uon iajce the name of t' Lard thy in valn f will not hold him guiltless who takeL xiio name in vain." ' we have no right to say that any - w vraa s commands are less im-1 portant than another. A groat HUM people think that just so thev keen o 1Jva gainst; stealing or murder r adultery, it will not matter much in v" "ism it they break little laws I like this one. But God sees no ddslinc i "V r-l ' --. . - S -n m His laws, being euuallv tive So commanding us not to take His ncme in vain as not to steal or I murder or slander our neighbor. .Men I aae different views of sin according I o now much it uuy hurt them, Your I ueigroor blames you more for being t t&eif than for being a profane sweare I because your stealing is more injur-1 iaus to htm. But God naturally does I not look at it thait way. You are just as wicked a sinner in His sight fori breaking one of His laws as another,! just as inexcusable for habitually blat I pheming His name as for lying or I stealing or murdering. I When a man aays "I am not so bad I 1 curss once and awhile, but I don't I rob anybody." His excuse mav seem I good to men, but it does not hold I with God. You must try to obev Hia. in every wayto stand justified in Hia I sight. Let us consider some of the of taking God s n ne in vain: i. i-iuiane Swea;ing. Some use oaths in conversation as a mere mr-t- ter of habit, some break out into cura es because they are angry. But in eitl er case it is a wicked, indece t, and foolish thing. It is wicked because it is :go.met uod s law; it Is 'ndecent for it is offensive to all good ladies and respectable men; it is foolish bscaiicc it is a sin which the sinner gets neitb er proft nor pleasure far committing. A theif hopes to enjoy the thing he steals, but the profane man sins his sin and ;'oes not get a thing ou' of it, The Devil catches him with an empty hook. 2. Breaking one's solemn vows, taken in the name of God Th:s law is broken when man f fails to keep a promise he made in God's name. The juryman swears to render his verdvet fearlessly, honestly, impir I tially, according to the law and evi dence, he does so with the words "sc help me God."' When after that he lets the guilty man go or convicts the innoeent he has taken God's holy nan m vain, and stands convicted nun self, a perjured sinner and blasphem er, before God's High Court of JusUc The officer of the law sw- ars to do his duty "so help me God." When af ter that he fails in his duty from fear or favor, Las taken God's holy name in vain, and must answer for his blas phemy tothe Just Judge at the last." The man and woman who marry swear in God's name to loveand to cherish each other till death part them. The neglectful husband who makes misery in the life of her whom he has sworn tolove and cherish. The! quaiTeiSome, complaining wife who I makes her husband's home a wretche I olac both have taken God's name In I vain and stand guilty before God's I judgment bar. 3. Praying prayers to God which I one does not mean. Th hvnocrite who for show prays I to God for things he does not want or beleives that he will get, take3 God's name in vain quite as wickedly as tht profane does- t- mu-p; nn difference how you tiVps His name in vain whether in profanity, perjury, or in empty pray- -if you take it vainly in any way, you have broken His law.and He will not hold you guiltless. God does not object to you us.-nr; His name, He wants you to use nu a. nwM'llAil V"V" 1 use it rightly. He M giao or you w call His name in other men's presenc if vou call it in blessing instead of in ursing. The sweeteet words in God's eers that rcii irom uuiua.ii 1 1 r" bless you" uttered in love by a man o his brother. If you use God a name in speaking to men about God's great mercy and love for them, it is a wei to the Rood tJod who wants all men to know Him. An oath taken in God's name is good, if like a brave and honest man j&Ll-t rn k-eeD vour oatn to tne m hp" of it. And the "O God, be merciful to t o trim, and faithful Draver. is n of His name at which, as the dear Savior tells, the very angels in Heaven sing songs of joy. Replenishing With Shad. H. B. DeSheilds, of the U. S. Bur.a of Fisheries, Friday evening, brought - . 4.. ,nt oha I Yi f -atit i- p .s . 1 1 jm 1 r V e rram narcnerv a.t miuw. e 500iooo ehad. . . th st shipmen.t from the hatcherw this season, and made at the Instance of Congressman Kltch en responding to the request of Frank Dawson. Thess Uttle fish were liberated 4n- 1 riy)ga. &t foot of Trade street. n7... rji in tne river uiv; ,v aa- should re!turn here in three years. ,. government has a rock hatcner weldon. Mr. Dawson -should now Mr Kdtchen to help restock tht stream with rock Death Claim Paid. The late David Cummings was in j : th Woodmen of the World c -1 aaa Hi. on and benlf iciary lJY f 1,VVV. aa.w has just received a check for this a nount. BIRTHDAY DANCE. And the Moat Enjoyed Terpaeichorea Function of The Season. George Howard was 44 year old 01 May 13th. but this comblnatloi was not unlucky for the friends who I attended a dance given by our elderly rrlenl and his charming wife to oele irate the occasion. Fr down right enjoyment, bv on I aaiu ' no aance of the season was I83 m""b enjoyed or furnished ao mac lu:, c2pt the Taxboro Orchestra wao declare that In all then- playing Dosi-I1114' never found people wuo wanted t: danoe so stead ilv and obk. i d e. eT? me number on the proK.-.tmmt cam to an end. But all had a goou Ume and debonair squire and sistei.o aane chased "glowing hurs with fly a1 tail the 'wee mi hour a YOnt twal." And then voted their nost hostess as gracious the lnd af Iords and the evening the moat en JFd in many a day. S niaay of the ladies taking MM ,ave en so much better engaged matrons for so long that the youngar Sneration have forgoten V they ever kjow the name that eai'Vlllshcd ever card when they were girls, we preaen Delw besides the Mr. and Mrs., aJao tn "maiden name which has been for- '-'-ed for wife. a Kudy set it was that they "d 10 be chaperoned and never hat heedless! -s more appropriate du iuaa than, :iis4cs Mary Davis, ilarv Powell, .Marie MoCulien. of Greena- )oro, Susie Zollicoffer, r.f Woldoo i ssie oask-Jl, Sue Baker, Hannal. Gi'liam, an J Iaabell Cl.-m, with Harr Grin jal as Presiding officer. ir. and Mrs. George Haward no. LuzAje Rawl M . aau Mrs. Johu Pender nee Ldly 3ro a a -Mr. and Mrs. Frank PaaaWr nee Ei za Garret' Mr. a: J .drs. James P-oder nee Sal iie Pippen Mr. and Mrs. Ed Penaicgioa net (jrract Palamountain 'r. ana irs. Asniev t urus ne. a t . . . -dary Nash Mr. and Mrs. R. B. i'etera nee Sal ine Brown. Mr. and" Mrs. John Weddell nee Lo. sie MacNair. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Johnson nee Co- ra Brown. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. L. Cook t Emma Simmons. Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Harreil n-i Isabell Fairlv. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Norflect n' Mabel Curtis. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Phillips nee Marion Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Holdernee n; . Hat tie Howard Mr. -and Mrs. A. Williamson net- Annie Thomas. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Brown neeCyn- thia Kirk pa trie. Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Cia k nee Ruth Hardesty. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Simmons nee Ada Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. W S. Clark nee Los sie Grist. Mr. and Mrs. Aim on Hart nee Julia Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Will Fenner nee Ann Baker. Mr- and Mrs. Joe Pennington nee Jacqueline Woolard. Mr. ana Mrs. treo. rennmgion nee 'earl Morson Mr. and Mrs. Stamps Howard nee Mary Ferebee. Mr. . nd Mrs. Durward Luggett ne Katie lioward. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Roberson nee Janie Fairly. Mt. end Mrs. W. J. Thigpen nee Virginia Grey. Mr. Wyatt Brown, of GneenvHle. with Mrs. Jennie Williams nee Jennie Bourne Dr. Don WUliama with Mrs. Mariet ta Howard nee Marietta Baker. Mr. Robt. Rawls with Mrs. Will CUrk, of Wilson, nee Mary Howard. .Irs. R. L Farrar nee Belle Hamll ton. Mrs. Van Kirk nee Louise Van KirV Concerning Self Culture. It was the head of the English de partment In a woman s college who said: "When all k said, it la quite true the women I have known who I hn a.n n n r. r m r 1 'i Kaj4 mruit Q nfi Kaasa vh o... di e b "iI-4fUlM.ttlcu , oru Uiauf ao should say of a man." The saying is quoted as solace, not as a rule. Who ever goes out to do the worlds work wichout education and preparation un doubtedly goes with a handicap, espe cially in these days when there to so much specialization and skilled prepa ration. Yet no one who ia cut off from the I usual facilities for education need de- I SDair. Education. - is the power of reading, and never be 1 . . , , kv- .n h .ccea8lble. For the prlct A of waikinK stores you eon I buy oae Qf the great English poe' I compiete and well edited, snd a very falr education is contained in any of I these volumes. So theie is no need to de8palr m to plead poverty, aays HUr I p3r.8 gaur. 1 tno nt 1M, in these davs ctothe our w m bodies too well to match our mlnfs. and son Qf compromise ought to D3 reached. Every self-supporting I woman should once syesx balance bet accounts, and set down In black and white, oppocsite one another, the s- mounts spent upon the body and the - 1 am0unta spent upon the mind. Educst I never finished, and a bit I attention will keep the mind IV - 1 v for new impresalons. sgito and capable of further exerclae. TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. MAY I9V 1910. REALTY DEAL Which Means Another Hand wis Do u o S to r W L 4 J E Simmons have pur baaed the vacant lot on tract where the old Chamberlain ho tei one stood and the vacant lot a Was OraarUlo street whore i. L ipragtns has a stable The Main street front ta 64 GranWUe. 80. The price to bo la aotnething over On Main street the Messrs 8hn nons wtiU erect a doable two tore with a depth of 100 feet wfckh will add murb to the appearance of the street. They are lle . lvo cittens The Sou'. r only notes with pleasure their PerKy, but also rjoicee In U Trying a New Food Plant Dr J. M. Baker boo ordMod Burbank. the Calif omU fruit flower wlsard. a neaaeer of tiej of the thornleea cartas hirh ho to plan -Jag on hU farm on high dry sand hlUs and is giving to tone or ne friends in Uie county to do likewise The cartas ss a food is most trltious. hut until Mr Berbsok so rid of its spines it could not he so oaed eorcept by the hard Wet of anl mala of the plains and tbea not stuck with aafvty With lu thorns off It is a wboiesome. nutritious, delectable food for man snd beast. The experiment will sow be made to ascertain If this specie will row and thrive In this section where the precipitation !s so much groat rr than where It is Indigenous A Few Shad. About t. rec yea . 3 hence the fth rme in this river for shad should be singing the praties of Prank )awsm a .d Ctaou Ki . .la Mr Dawson la fond of shad ftoh ing and t.ii . : r ii d o kn and netx- so fe t . a. h oncl ji J that the supply was running abort. so wrote our CjjgTvs . .an askiag b a if he could not induce the Depart neat to put young shad la the river Mr Kltchln succeeded and this evening two m.iiVon youog shad a ill imre here to be turned tuto the river A Sanitary Move. Sa-.itary Offflcer. Berry Lewie has jwi nalticg up ail the o.J sink mJ ba k houses in the b-jsiuea dU trxt oi the loan. Every oae oa cat side of M in street, wlthia ISO feet bos been closed except on' and the oner of that naked a few da; Ume when be wou.d hsve water and sewerage Installed. The ordinance requiring this was passed at- the instance of Mayo. Jones It eneforcement Is s rat If lag. Not Much Hsll Osmsge. Toe haH Thursday aftriMOOo fell from ail accounts as much snd the stosoa as large right here In toa: as els -wber and did no -nous dam age. The storm seems to pro ceeded from the west of b?re. saJ ooo was dissipated. a bad the effect of making sever al at onoe take out hail Insurance for subsequent protettion. and also to hasten the insertion of the advertise nt of the Edgecombe Mall lnsuraar Co . which company onlv insurer crops against destruction or dai age from bail In this county of I namesake. SHAKE INTO VOUR SHOES Al'en'n Foot Esse, the aaLseptlc p er. It cores painful, smarting. vous foot, and Instsntly takes sting out of corns snd bun loss, the greatest comfort discovery Uie ago. Alton's Foot TSnae mi tight or new shoes feel rssy. It certain care for sweating, callous. tired, aching feet. Always use It to Break ta New shoes. Try It to day. Sold everywhere. By mall 25 cents In stamps- Don't accept any substitutes. For FRBB trial package, address Allen 8. 0 1ms tad. Ll Roy, N. T. Graded School Closing. The closing exorcises of the Grad ed and High Schools of this to ship will take place Fiiday 17 th Superlntendsar Klttre'J has fortunate to secure J. Bryan Orl ss speaker on that occasion. if yoar sppesi'e to poor. whole body must be nourished, eaahnaaa snd result There's nothing Uke Holls tor's Rocky Mountain Tea to create a bealthyo pppetlte. Te a or Tablets. !5c. Edgecombe Drug Oo Will Be Ovsr Tbe subscriptions to stock to orates of tbe kVlgecombe Hosst toad and Loan Aaaootot beer SOP abaros with IS tain to be subscribed. This is not n bsd showing when it is remembered thnt both assorts tlona had new series tost October. The pimply fsced aeldom "shines In society" A broken out with eruptloaa or Is repulsive to everybody ne.vl of wearing such as Hniltotor's Rocky cleans up the worst complexion Cdgeoombe Drug Co Brerweer Hosiery tSo kind that s on display at W. min Sons. PHOTICTING ALLINOtn leweetiaeties) CommHUt by the yaatlgaiktg forte of stoa'!. u: t 44m are wash Haulages Masse against teak 3 than to ousts odsy to having Bollinger th regard ta bis fkoiitlral na 00 tb groaad that a bring tenant Pdes, of W Into tbo k was action exactly similar Oa iaa waea a rear oaya ago toe) I . Hto . . i Bltocor was also saved toeay I U lecstb he sfli tsg'tfcs wm4 wtU the very ssea, aaotodtosjl mmtt progr e iae Casmabelaa. ut I V -T-TT . ' latereotasi. ef toe lr Why alaaoid yeas oat. sir - L w raatod aaon to adUsa I m,U injailliis ef ttettf Esse Mrat tar ttfa tsaaass ssmO rat iaed to force Balliaoer to sablsbsr why be Sad ofHclsU to coosaM Fosteastr Uts ersl HXr ico about sppolatsseota of specie agecu ta the Ldad OfCee -Phlladelpbia North America it a whit-ling, alwaja gattiag fi' "b a tuu, sprUns. Sflgo; boras or acslds. Hat u oo-her just appiled Uoekleo's Arn cs S le and cured brr oukk s evetythlag bealc U. U. cars Krsems Old terse Coras or r.lsa. Try R. Ms) at W. II MacNair Nsoelaon on Woirm. Amoig Napoleoas pUr aV- s.e lb foUowtos: I am ased to kind, geaita. per saasl e anen. '.best are tbe aromc 1 Lks," too uuct Lr sboul not be r- atoStad as man's qeas. for aft. ail they are aotblag box the er, fo.- the turning en of ' All toe women ta the ' Lo.e a merely a silly Inf-tusUot.. la a 1 mter to Joaephtae So anoto: 1 awake Uiletf wKh yam. Yoei psctaeo sad yesterday s latoxloatuw cvenlag bare gea ay Incomparabte 1 fert that oj have my heart. Are yes Do I aselsa the oat yo-4 sad Are you My ooollai! to brassed, sad for too frtamc of years there to so la OSroe houre 1 shall see earn. Meaa while mor o Son b so, for they are a Ira Si Sty rstss Book by Tigbe Hopklts I ta AppajsJ oa the Court - at paStts lot of land A men who to !?. at the age 7g TsaSataaiT'Dtot'l tot"" asd V X rrr xtjt-z: tr JL-urrsf the bank of tarboro frtasdo a that Usee suss ad from too tatot to tit.btt ami lo toe WeOtoro K aAJLlla1 SSMSt Imprtooamiot ot Sard tabor, waa par gamed to the Es stirs Dtstrtot were ft m - - - as. e . dooed two weeks asm and nisrsii an, aod la the Westers OUUlil V - 'TT. V J' Mmi v rT"- J to hto old homo Is Borne "What s m' S . ? ? Am tSbSlsj. J strange being be to" writes a chanty TSo dtoUtot pay tog toe ssest tax F nxegsgaj xor root. worker who called oa the obi asaa to tSo WaU Sdeet dtatrtot of Nam J at a m . .. .. .-. - M TimM, ssniirlag at aO So soos, YosS near Mjlljll tbe aeat to WZZiz wm m W" Wtoto 4SfMBnm K ami stow to speak la physical ap aSJTiWtmjm jaoSsSSJnJ S j S j j i i j g g IHS pas ra bos the ssaaj of tmj mas '' fiayalgtoi years old ami atoatoi tupjatOMS SV ruaiPSATKN. I SseasBanssBaaSse SssaaBaaasWgaSS SsssSssSssaSsSBf SsSsassSssSxSBS ft than the average What Impresatoos wast work.' So rays. 'as maaSss j "lyCo sad Tttossto CtoraT UM I HammpS saaSj aapartMSHsa nlgbt that to all No famUy. ac " OmasstossVamr. """ be wtob for "-New Torb TYtoaae ITO THE OiaSATBAKa a OftsOl V S S 3Ts roradtwro ttossxS M oootoi taatUo. KAtUbOAD COMFAXT. Si MoAfc hslto lAoamti soosd. m -If yoare alck aad diymii as I JSl yMail -out of aortsr there a BOStai I Tass SOttoa ttost tto aSawo SMFtol I AT I T All a Art 1 rt aa..sMAea I Oae make, osr one bar U s. roonoem carrier for tSoll " " wiiWtJUrviW dred cuure of let. At draasU. lit ! trisap sisJIob sal IsSimj af I notice. Ito Tartoxra M. C. to dtos oao toradjH.. I By virtee of s decree of tbe Sc V!9 . ssseBassSxSsxn? sSssSBI SssasVSsssssSsSB SsasaSS SBSSP the parlor Court of rtojlUMli Oooat. IEE r""fi StUisEly laJoroS aod asatom for cash s certs' sottos at too oast Issas of 1 mmmm - . - - . W Public Regmrr. to wSicb 4mi ' ' Tof Sol omsi' Orart" lor tsTosmbty" 8 L L I Sx. m Cats 8 Thin May ia. iio Itts dap of lama, ttts 0 M. A. CURTIB - - CA8HIFR o B-J W. a HOWARD. A T. WALsTTON 110 " A C ' Ctosa sraxerter 09(tiyS999S&99tm .T.hnrUS.rjjir'" v?; TLT Z -u-j.-; I V it Ls Uuu Dr Klmj. oeory ooMi have ssved "A Moon cored oar Si M mat of Oaap" writes Mas. a Darts of Flat Rorh N. C ays glee fe to km wbeo Mia. Va s tISt Trial by a . H M ""I wreorar Klirbla baa bad ssore a fUtad Vy 'tie ppulalssesaef Jadgt toanlug. flwiniatw Katebaa bao Sad -o HU ftvo Jodkbal eases He B to arsll rK -lr j that Goevrao Otcblo Soo ib Mgp artooij Is oeery isa-eoce.-Oartoam Sam. too hood that a child threat tabs ttoa Dooaer to arblld to aaaae- sd WaoopmsTooemsCTtey Hi! Nov DO aooderfol Ulitoji for for Oomjil ftobfa. L reSsrei Cirparaaiis Tax. wrSsU. ZANDER. at wtttomltae aew tortff art Metas LTreZrr:,ii-:l5 st respowiiiuty mm save to sot Crop Farm and .ar rnSeed Just Arrived SEE COOK THE DRUGGIST before you the kind thnt Masonir Templ Tarboro, A GOOD APPEARANCE IB ALMOST AX UlftTHs. sal nrrsa Dl' CT! OX TO Tssts. 1 as J Ue.earcb mm la Qaall I I tp o e BSTABUSMBD IS 22 buy. He sella. brine: results. Kuildinfr . C. - - Seflwaa aa ssaT ssV

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