ok f atfeawjit S BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 2! TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY, MAY 26. 1910. KEL. A HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With impure blood there can not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there present idea fit the cannot be good blood. Tutt'sPills revivify thetorpid LIVER and restore tu natural action. A healthy LIVER means pure blood. m Pure blood means health. Health moans happiness. Take no Substitute. AU Druggists. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. Sor ii OaroHnS, Edecombe County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. J. ft. Hedges, surviving partnei ol J. W. Day and J. R. Hedges, pan srs under tfa? firm name of Day & Leg vs. Chesapeake & Oaio Rail way Co. and Atlantic Coast Line Railroad Co. Summons: THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIC RAILROAD COMPANY. L" ke notice that tiie above entitled un lias bean in:ituted to reeove: s .mi of 700.00 for breach o. t r.s common carrier f or tat e transportation and delivery of carl aJ of horses and at carload s from MaysvilLe, Kentucky Tarboro X. C, iu that one head sai I stock was negligently lost. hears negligently injured and ver $176.40 excess and over a ge of freight, and feed due on d sUiptent of stock and that you i required to appear and aniswer ianiur u the complaint filed in id action at tbe next term of Superior Court for Bilgecombe unity, Xorth Carolina, to be held Tarboro on the 6th day of Juna, (By Gaston Lichtenstein.) Prince Bismarck deserves immortal ization. Tbe many memorials to hin. throughout Germany were earned ot account of his loyalty to the ever aggrandizement of the Fatherland. Tbe unification of Germany is largely due to his un tiring efforts and I do not blame the patriotic sons of the Empire for causing statutes to be erected and otherwise honoring a man whc brought into existence what is to day one of the greatest nations upon . the earth. ! Part of the grand scheme to unify the Fatherland was the addition o; jthe dual duchy of Schleswig-Holsteir ; to the possessions of the crown of rrassia. b or many years Denmark had exercised sovereign power ovei the two duchies but, with the ex -ieption of the northern part of Schieswig where Danish, was the popular tongue, the territory was essentially German The people wen German both by blood and speech, just as in Alsace which- France ob tained through military occupation Prussia took only a little mort Kian what should belong to the Fath erland. Her civil and military lead ers had learned their lessons well tod worked until the Germany was aerself again. The readers of this chapter may have studied history uhinteliigently Tiiey may have seen only the, in justice of forcibly taking away froa. Denmark a big part of her terri tory. I wish to correct this iiupres sion. It is true that the Danes could ill afford to lose any of iheir possessions because they have very little to remind them of their for-, mer glory. They once loaded it over Xorway and Sweden, as well as Xorth Germany, but the mighty nation of yore has fallen ffiom its high estate. Kiel, located on an arm of the Bal tic Sea about sixty -six miles north east of Hamburg, is the German nava1 headquarters. When Hoi stein became part of the Fatherlan-1, Kiel was a small city. The population has increased rapidly since hat time tnd, if my authorities are to be believed, the city has "more than And you will take notice that a warrant of attachment has been is sued in th.- above entitled action for I quintupled the number! of inhabitants the amount claimed as hereinbefore under Prussian overlordship. In set forth, and that said warrant of 1864 the combined Prussian and Aus attachment is returnable before the trian armies compelled the Danes Superior Court for the County of to give up two of their fairest prov- Eiite combe, at Tarboro, X. C. on the inces or suffer extinction as a not 6th day of June, 1910. ional entity. At least events tendet' A. T. WALSTON to that conclusion and the transfer Clerk Superior Court. t0k Plac- Today the traveller sees little to remind bim of Danish oceu- NOTICE. pation. t sl J - J 1 TV j- of a decree of the Su- rcnany neeaeci a uvu u. t Edgecombe County, location of Kiel for such a purpose the a; and Not r Loai-t Soecial Proceedings entitled ev Gently appealed at once to . Qgl n Turner and wife, Annie, newly organized imperial Govern others versus .Moses Carr. I will mnt for 7 transformed from sday, June 15th 1910 at a comparatively insignificant place door in Tarboro sell m" a "us"1 foundries and ship-building yards. in . : . i . , I - v. ..... - :,,- . - - -, , . I ) ( 1 1 t . --.I W 11.1 J ! . t LF111 tl J. ' v ,.-.iea m fr.noevikie, m I of Edgecombe. State of of the port wUl be surprised to see aa, and joining the lands Ke formidable fleet anchored of Bra.- Taylor. Mahala Bunn. A. C. L. R. R. and lying on the Wes' T r'joro and Old Sparta ad, being the identical lot yed to Shadrach Can Grant by deed registered page 6 of the Edgecombe ibttc Registry, to which deed ref is made for bettev description. This May 13, 1910. W. O. HOWARD, Commissioner. sij" pBbU o: la by J in Dc X NOTICE. Carolina. Edgecombe County. If. the Supreior Court. ' L it. H.gbes vs. .Margaret Hughes. Th defendant above named will akv ttotice: T an action entitled as above . commenced in the Superior i.tgecpmoe wua lur a.u ; .... . UttI 1.1 j iliiu ottrvv at the harbor. When I returned from Scandinavia, my southward journey to Bremen lay through Kiel. Thus, two oppor tunities were presented for ob serving German war vessels at close range because the passenger boat, in going both up and down the Bay, di rects its course between the assem oled fleet. I counted thirty odd wa. vessels of all clases in the harbor. At this point it may be well to state that my second visit to Kiel .vas much more instructive than the rt 1 1 i vrhil,a rwn ,mv war UD. I did not allow much time for a stay i:i the Baltic port. But having arranged mv schedule to reacb German soil a few days befoie the departure of the tra'tis-at'jantic steamer on which I was to sail, I had an extra tweti tv-four hours to give to sightseeing thought , . -nnr liiaion nas orougnt me lu " that the relation of my observations on two visits will -be more satisfac tory, if combined; so I have decided t-. n'resent here a chapter which will tho result of my entire 5Ct IV! UJJ. " time on and about Kiel Bay Mv readers may recsui m 00 or ,rorce by the plaintiff agains :iaant upon the grounds Oi as set out in the complaint 3 'in the clerk's office and lance with section 1561 sub 2 Re'sal: lofendant will further take lat she is required to appear ii xt term of the Superior - travelling com LI I LLill ili-f 1 wuv panion from Luebeck to Hamburg Uoon our arrival at the latter city we walked together in tbe direction of the Klostertor depot whence my w .o Vw continued. While JIMM mm I tt c0 v strolling along the street, Mr Mc o A a r a turn a n v iollv. soon got mc to laughing loudly by the way read a Gar man sign. He wanted Vn., u-hit the inscription towards the Baltic was not especial ly eventful. After leaving the Ktoa tertor depot, the train stops at three other stations in the city of Hamburg. Then, before reaching the open country, tbe road runs across the Holstein line into Alton where another stop is made. Thirty-six miles from Hamburg . 1b a town which de serves to be mentioned because of the name. It is called WRIST. Fif taen miles further tTe train passed through a city of thirty thousand In habitants, Xeamueneter, with large cloth factories. The German word for factory Is "Fabrik." I remember a young lady of the Fatherland who was one of our cosmopolitan party that left TrondhJm, Xorway, for a visit to the Land of The Midnight Sun. On a certain occasion, she made the laud able effort to taJk English with me. I used to listen to her converse in French wtfth a Parisian couple, a physician and his wife, and often lon. ed secretly to be able to do as well. She spoke English with a due regard far the proper accent. (The Import an co of phonetics, in talk lug any .aaguage was long ago impressed up on me.;, But to return to my s'ory. The young lady bad acquired a, fair vocabulary. Sue hiul learned that the Eng.ish word fabrication" nuana. among other things, "the art of con structing, or manufacturing." Hwinl of telling me that her father wca own at of a big factory, she said that her father owned s large FABRICATION. My entry into Kiel was made upon the aftornoon of the l.'.th of June, 1906. I walked from the depot, a pret n'ious structure to a nearby ho tel wheiv i obalned a good room for about sixty cents. Then followed the s. renuous task of sight-eeeing. strolled along a narrow, crooked bus iness street and watcned the crowd of pedestrians. They were streaming both ways and a picturesque appear ance was given to the scene by tbe intermingling with the citizens of handsomely unlfored naval officers and sailors ga ore. Those, who have' visited an army post may form a faint idea of the annoyance la wbicn a German sailor is subjected when be valks along a thoroughfare and every little while Is brought face to face with a superior. There were per iods, I observed, of continual and continued salutes. The sailors must become hardened to the rigid disci pline and be able to raise tueir right hands to their foreheads as a matter of second nature. Tbe portion of the city through which 1 waa now passing may be denominated, the old town. It is bad ly built and somewhat mediaeval In appearance. Tbe new quarter present! a modern aspect and many of the up to date buildings are bandaoa-structures My initial meandering led me to the Schloss. or Palace, Garden. This park is admirably situated near the water's edge and contains an eques trian statue of Emperor William the Great, the pedestal of which is or namented with bronze relief work, representing historical scenes. A War Monument, erected to com memorate the patriotism of the Ger man masses during the stirring per iod of seven months in 1870-71, Is adorned with a series of pictures In bronze telling a silent, but powerful story. As well as I can recall this aeries. the first represents rustic lue. fhere is the happy family. father. ninths Anil son. Then the gradually unfolds itself. Military men placard the Fatherland, with tbe an nouncement that war has been de lared and that the ruler calls up oa his loval subjects to enlist under the colors. Tbe son takes leave of his parents and marches away with file of soldiers. I was strongly im pressed with the details, depicted by tbe artist of the particular picturt when the mother tells her son good Vrrf on'v daes Tf.e race sno her intense feeling but her clutch her auror. as she gazes upon bim. The following scenes are. tn ha.tr U return from the war. back to work, and the preach low Mt rt of said County to be held on 13th Monday after the first Mon in .March, 1911, it being June ..MO, at the court house in Tar i Xorth Carolina, and answer mur to the' complaint in the . ion or the plaintiff will ap . the court for the relief de d in the complaint. 22 day of April, 1910. A. T. WALSTON, C. S.C. f erect flag from the one ws ars ac- vajr stalks customed u ass flying at ths stara J wafts as I of the trans rianWc liners of the j the TVink ( Notch Osrmaa Lloyd and Hamburg A JMricaa Company. Ths aisiihaiS asa rine uses the three striped flag. Mask, white and red. But. when we gas upon the immense banners hanging at the rear of the German Mil ships, the majesty of their make up naturally awakens ou we cannot fall to note tbe between the simple flag of pesos and the Imposing imperial banner ol war. Picture 4a your mind's eye a lirge white field diagonally crossed by two black Unas bordered with narrow strip of white, ths cents of hte whole being a clues con taining the Oermao black eagle sp on a white field, and you will has a fair Idea of the flag reverenced by the Bailors of the Fatherland. In the chapter oq Copenhagsa, I -hall apeak of ths beat tr'p frOOf K'.-' to Korsoer, Denmark. After aa ab sence of three weeks soy return jour ney was made over the same route. I arrived in Kiel on ths afternoon of J a y fttb.. Being 8unday, there was little for me to do In th way of sightaecing. I took s walk in th 3w business portion and noticed In tlx window of toe of ths shops that our five c. r.t VM Western stories, wltl the lurid UMe page had been trans lated into German and were offered for sale. ii'-cliignt Germans have many curious notions concerning us but th? class. tht reads lit i agate of the Diamond Dirk and Nick Cartel atyle. must think a still unclritkwi. Monday morning I boarded small harbor steamer snd maie an ea r-srsion t Hoit nau, a viPge .son. distant - up the Day. At that point th tourist car. sp d with profit a goodly portion of J day. Hoitoaaa li on the north b a of t Kisser Wilbelm Csnal. I wa determined to ke this link b. twcc-i the Nor h and Baltic Ssss, even if I had to asa ojmethlng of int-ix -i Msswhsr. Tbe Baltic Ship Cat j perhaps bet t-T known y ia other name, 1 one of the celebrated artificial water . o irs. at the world. It was thrown open to the commerce of ail aaUoos oa June 21st. 190, when Emperor William, tbe Second, formally sn nounced the event. By meson of tbl nana I. ships save not only s coo sidarahie tune but also avoid tho dan gorou voyage around the psnfauMris of Jutland. Emperor William the Fbst, for whom the water course was named, laid th founds' Ion stooe In 1SS7. At tloitenau there stands aa hero ac statue of the First Kaiser, whom history has honored with the sf fix rf Great. Two misbty Teutons. of ancient days, adorn ths plinth sent War and th other. will wings on his headgear. Peace. . A close beside the canal, is adorned with two mermaids clasp lug hands, thereby signifying the union of the North and Baltic Seas. A double lock, used merely to nen traliae the tidal changes forms par' of an elaborate eonstrnotloa which may be termed the inner and outei harbors. I walked over half of oae of these locks. Bosu enter tbe oaaai aug on bank and pass out oa th opposite aide I saw several so la and come out. A steamer, flying tho Nor wegian flsg, must have been almast empty for abe aat up high abo the water, so much so that part of her propsUor showed. Tugs are kept busy. On waa pulling a three mas ter Far Flay, soother, hsi the steamer, Senstor in tow, snd. wbeth eer by accident or by design, three boats, named respectively. B Hamburg and Luebeck. Ilimssn the oaaai while I was In specting the sppurtenences Beyond the village of rlthln sight of the Bay. there ia a plain upon which I noticed youn men exercising tbomeelve with In dian Clubs; even a football was to A crowd of girls bant, filed across th opsa country, which circumstance re calls th various excursions leaving Kiel on summer mornings. I flfu 01 iko on. Mam 1 U ,i.K tks National AnUqasUss gave ass greatest plifsass of tho day. r objatga of a The atias out Che rtssMtna of a ha dried p. upon whoso f ago eosdd still be ass Ilk looking st s maansaj pure bed fes tares may as w About feet I A Viking boat, a leagtk. was tho trrt"l me to the In Cm nisaht Moor where It had lain for centuries, this relic of Nor. glory U s rare apsclmas A pwtur lo ChriBtitns. haaga apoa ths The j last mt about to compare Ub two whn I intorruptsd aha. iast a vsak rwfforv. 1 bad esea the boat 1 shall speak of K is Sue use how Letf Krlcsoa aaUsd away from Norway about tks year loao ssd dls was really natiwt cklof, cr imaii vesssl. or bU er's blessing. The naturalness of the ber well ths crowded VOUR JT A L. F.. lihwvi. he to meant and pronounced the words as if they were English. Having the German pro nunciation in my mind, I was mildly itartled when he began to read. A mericans, who laugh at natives of the Fatherland in their efforts to spean Enelish. are liable to the same egregious errors when they attempt to put a foreign language into prac tical use, and, should be prepareu for occasional explosions of merri ment. Nevertheless I must say that foreigners are more considerate of ; felines than we are of thenvs. Mv new acquaintance from Port land, Maine appreciated the cause of torv is heightened by the in trod uc j tion of a cow on one of the ante-bee lum representations and a black smith's shop as tbe background to s post-bellum scene. Not far ffrom the Kriegerdenkmal , or War Monument, there was post ed a large chart of the world. The German naval stations were marked and the name of every snip, to gether with a miniature picture of a vessel, appeared at whatever point a fleet, or an individual boat, hap jened to be. Only one ahlp, the Panther, was In American waters st that time. At the North end of the Palace Oar den stands the new University built la 1876 and close by are several buildings connected with It, such as the Library, containing a large collection of works, the V inoralogloal Institute, and the Zoological M The park takes its name from tbe Schloss, or Palace, which rises at th south end of the ' Garden and tl the la order u Carj sr?T Tarboro, n-h pets mag mm od the A Untie lal auar to u oss mo Via la ships pas R la of Lief, the Lucky, sad who. the aagas ah a lead where ths Good only to the a tsay Ivor sad alt cures alt LHer d Kidney trouble. tm part bee Kb and rigor to Iko was aorvoua and s ft bag. Ik tt W. H- Mac Nalrs lot m w f Dr. C. A tt to hi a Last Wsrd of King Edward VTJ I ki and. Toil the Onto King Charles V Ay Chaws I (as oa tho block I harle, tl-Doat let poo starve (Referring to Nail by a mad dog a EST Bl JSMED 1822 New Crop Farm and ar nen Heed .Just Arrived SEE COOK THE DRUGGIST before you buy. He sell the kind that briiisr; results. JMaMHiir Te Building N.C. A GOOD 3 APPEARANCE J3 ALMOST X UsttTKR- sal imr Ducnos TO - SltlEIT. is gnnli ZANDER. X lprtris 1Mb In 4 to) ln's tar. i Napoleon Moo Dteu Richard Cooor de forglv you To nf km XVI gutricoa of th crime la me Pray God my mcs. If an of the gatthwlae fell.) Mass children, forovor I go to k tho Oroai Wo are Che nil. Wo shall go better (Spoken after a flaal fit of LsWBw -IObbU. " - - Bartraad de Owr UM, r ksllsd hlav) I star ed tir"lt THE BANK OF TARBORO CAN Dt OAT a a. fall ant vg MY AitNOa, ANO TNI VOT- W J F flsasssMsfd, FlssV. J. T. Ben4 . PeSsw BUs) IN IOMC0MH oouwrv. go MOUNTAIN FREEZERS which is surrounded by s high wall Prince Henry of Prussia, brother of i janlea translate the the present German Emperor resides , thetr films Into foreign DRaYING my laughter and perhaps .accentuated The Americlln newspapers do send the output all FOUNTAIN'S 123. Residenc3 89J. Es V AGNER, tractor and Buildr and Heavy Work Solicited .ates Promptly Furnished. Pnone .. ..One Three Five the circumstances. No one Dut 'bale and well met fellow' would have asked another (almost immediately after forming his acquaintance) whether he had seen Christ and the Twelve I Apostles As lO McBride expected to meet his wife in Hamburg and as I want ed to learn how soon I could get a prmoe has been fairly earned train for Kiel, we parted. My trip Gorman war vessels carry a voted considerable space to this , Thus, we In the Ui iroyai personage when he visited the i chance to enjoy tho United States In 1902. As Admiral ol tloct French reel. the Imperial Navy. His Royal High pa-j,a brothers. A nass could not have selected a bet films is their beautiful tor location for a home. Ha rise da , People like details. For this the service waa through years of on. while my diary a open, I earnest effort and his title of Sailor extract some of ay doing on morning of July ltb. "Ai dif ng good." At st the Bahaanf (rail Plies. Try ft. Me at W. An Ideal Musnsad. roa TftgAgufttft. I mm oar'--"" W M " I Otv I tJSL S.TSTSlJissS WC -0 DO DRAYIN tractors Cho now public school hnfld fgr (kowe tlaartaX In gagtp taftav lag loented la the '0 1 III Bill salvos hotter tor tear kiss ia the PVon TrjLr .BBBBSw I - an asswawsn n - aa 10 n R Y aii nunr.citTt --w Aonitn - I a w a mw wsw w w on. WA a w WW aay g a m ie parting from ths wharf return In the afternoon when children fairly streamed from vessels. Kiel, like Norfolk York, offers the pleasure al opportunities for a day's lug My diary, dated July ttk. three catch words: AUTOMAT. MO ING PICTI RE8. Lot us knock at the door of my on amplification of th unsatisfactory Idea conveyed by them the German word for AUTOMATIC ia the name applied to tuaranta distributed throughout Kiel A ten-Pffennlg piece, dropped hi slot, was sufficient to bring forth a sandwich, or a pise of oaks. Tho proper coin of would produce sundry article of food. Of course, I had to sample a sandwich. The other reference Is to ths mov ing picture snow I attended at night. One of Ike reels I had already in America. Th moving picture oi i; DI MacNalr SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Si EVERYWHERE SSS

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