BK 8URE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN OO AHL KAO.-D Crockett . OL. 88. NO. 23 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 2. 1910. mmmmmmm m. ml m - 4 HAPPY HOME Is one where health abounds. With impure blood there can not be good health. With a disordered LIVER there cannot be good blood. Tutt'sPills reri if the torpid UVER and restore Its natural action. A healthy LIVER men blood. m Pure blood means health. Health means happiness. Take no Substitute. All Druggists. SUMMONS BY PU3L1CA1 ION. N b rolina, Edecombe Count.. . In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. J. R. Hedges, surviving partner ay and J. R. Hedges, paa. r he firm name of Day t s va Caesapeake & Ohio Hai . and Atlantic Cor-st Line Railroad Co. Summons: fO IH3 v.IErATEAKE f: OI1TG itAiiJlOAD COa'PAIsY. T ke notice that the above entile. ... ueea instituted t recov: of , $700.00 for bieath o; . n cormnon carrier for tVc nspar I t'an and delivery oi i ( i I Oi" borss and a carioac. qiu! s from .Maysviiie, Kentucky j 3io v. C. in that one heao j. saii stock was negligently lost. .. negligently injured and .) n - j-.- r i 176.40 excess and ovsi- of freight, and feed due on ; id shipment of s:oek and that you : d to appear and answer r israur to the complaint filed in ;tion at the next term of h Sap rior Court for IMgecombe v. Xirth Carolina, to be held it Tar' oro oa the 6th day of Junes And you will take notice thatt a v.rrar.t of attachment has been fa med :a th above entitled action for lount claimed as hereinbefore rth, ai d that said warrant of it i . i;,t is ratarnaLle before th Sups lor Court for the County of Edge i. :-, at Tarboro, X. C. on the 6 u day of June, 1910. A. T. WAL3TOX, Clork Superior Court. NOTICE. By vir as of a deei'ae of the Su p r Court of Edgecombe County, in 3 Special Proceedings entitled Wasa gton Turner and wife, Annie, and others versus Moses Carr, I will oa v, ::. sday, June 15t'a, 1910 at th ! i .: House door in Tarboro sell t pu . auction for cash a certain lot of land situated in PrineeviV.e, ix ; 1 . y of Edgecombe, State of 'arolina, and joining the lands ey Tavlor, Mahala iiunn, A. r . L. R. R. andVlving on the West ie tb Tarboro and Old Sparta road, being the identical lot I conveyed to Shadrach Can J VV. Gran: by dead registerec page 6 of the Edgecombe : li R giafry: to which deed let- made for tetteiv description. Th'a .May 1C, 1910. W. O.. HOWARD, Commissionsr MEXICO'S MARRIAGE PROBLEM PASSION PLAY FOR INDIANS. Stats and Church Laws Cause Con fusion and Women are Victims. CUy of Mexico The problem of civil and religious manriages in Mex co has again given rise to an ani mated discussion in .the press and Pulpit. The reform laws of Juarez. Which accomplished the complete sep aration of church and state made marriage a civil institution. The church ceremony is not recognized hy the scate as a legal marriage coa fcraot, and children born of snch unions, where there has not also a civu marriage, are legaUv classed as illegitimate." Oa the o.har hand, the church does no; recognize the civil marriage as being matrimony at all, but merely a civil contract. Heretofore, indeed, many priests have discourag ed the recognition of the odious re form laws by their parisnianei who haire sought union ia wedlock. Out of such conditions have grown serious social evils. Many, asposhUiy tmong tie common people, are mar ried by the priest and neglect to e'Lae such unions by go.ng befo.e a civii usai3tite. Men easily take j ivaatage of wou.eu in tbis waj . fhe wife is deserted, and being un ibie to show that she wS3 married according to law, she has .j legal r.eourse. Cases are numerous Li vbraa the man has two vivos, being r.aiTied to one by toe church fo; mjoa and to the other by ihe civil -er-eauxay . he cannot he yroseeuced for bigamy, as only ha ci.il mar riage cn be xeoogn zext ia the lew courts. Coniineaitiag upon thda state oi affairs, the clerical press had found I occasion to again attack t-ie p .ky u EXPERIENCES OF A PREACHER TWT (By a Teacher.) Fart VI. 8kale Tribe Will Present Story with . Thrilllnn Reallmm. - Mother said abe Obarammergau la famed the world -ooight with aom of bar over because of the Passion Play. Skwa. the hamlet of the -Shale, or Eraser Rir, Indians on the ChlUl wack Reservation, m not. but if the wonderful portrayal of the Story of the Cross to be produced by them on June 8 was as widely known its fame would be greater. For twenty years these Shale In dians have told the Story of the Cross in tableau. They were the life, teachings, and the and ascension of Christ by holy fathers from the many mission churches to the North vrest. The Passion Play at Skwa will be the closing event and feature of a week of religious celebration, ax watch from 3,100 to a ,000 Indians from all over toe Xortaweet will participate. Already several hundred Indians from Puget Sound are jour neying toarJ-the Ft.sct River by canoe. Indians from reservations in Washington and O.egou have been g ven p mUsi on to Invade Skwa and aiv trawlliag ovt-rtjid IKnl. s. In. lav. s from Al ska and 3rx!sh Columbia wQl no pres-jnC. The Ur-le v Uage of bkwa con sists of 100 traders, shops. tents sticks, houses and a tiny but we.i bu.it and painted mission church, to the steeple of th'a uhurcb is the first bi'iss bell ever carted toe grat Xordawest. Its ; .ling otn oeon heard fiftj- miles In niounta'ns. . A taji. manly Skale I Clan rn,)e sona e" Jesus. His dusky ale awhile." how vhrldly sasmsr an leet uw moon uagie to my finger tips with aaUctpethm as tt did when such brought to my K.ving or Chrtotmaa by cbUi of the neighborhood. We would cojceal eer Joy ae heat we c Mild until the km taught ojt of sight and death Uoas. ea.u child nren u the bay alstar 'knew that a pounding, and the the afternoon wovtd tm porous naOrhUon. aivey crack corner moat be dusted; the tabic ciwed. each little bo v abed and tic em waa must be brought in and a olaae started to the sOttteg and Lust, but not host. h a drill on b havbv for yon Pie watch the prioeheila chlldreo. -No one bat a preacher and hJ ch ldr e can even gucea the real by of a pounding. It vies with Saota CUua in U.e eyes of the child, and wth a love-feast ta the yea of the pr. .cbe and hu wife. Soon mltvr alhc-.U buad 'he Inevitable tramp of f on the porch, the (root door wouid be openoU and the crowd rlah for tm I .. -3ias runs ta it ilina rimlr r-x Ir xges. We wooid u. "very nice- mm- 1 ' wh yat toraa; mmm9 mm assegMer t mm Lard. High a. that rt h. big htm iifht free a U an a ve ca eiym u-to Mas. I mm d met And he enht, whe art t-mnj as tAa Lars aad. I am Imam then paraac wta 1 1 aro far thee to kieh gi r j "j the astihd aeM. Lard, thou have ibw ta deT Aeto IX 14 "Lard. mJM wiai or u d In tola Mmm. w. Pnc ihe to mt to in Uea la ft t i the gore a and to to aafitmg roojo, ami toen awa to the diaiig room we would go. A - ... .... V " ' .11 W .111 will .be in marked to the white lobos he face I holo must ! puacnrd hi I- "Loci, what wilt THOC tarn to do?" t Lord what wilt umw hare MB to da? 3 "Lard what wlft then here m to Dor L Paul naWV kaiw mUy . - - - . . t Ml . W hstw him do. Me might here anhi ArL gl . . to? chief an.1 tf of the government ia dealing wi'u t ajL to the white lobos be wiU things that are claimed to beiuag ei.- wear. The portrayal o." tl- troaso.i ciusiveiy to the jurisdiction of laae of J ad-s And the trial oef o; e PI .tr ciiurch. On the other side, the Bup-; will and the play at the churtn yaro. porters of the government b'.ame the aid the prooes.-ton that will march priests for neglecting to enjoiu up- toward the crosses at the end of oa all who are married in the j he plain will bo oac of tae groat churches the necessity of iaving the! eat spectacUa over seen in tae civil ce.eaiony peKormed and the ! Xorthwesi:. Every event la the aaarriage duly recorded. j graac work beforCho st racended Airchbishop iiora, the palmate of 1 wiL be portrayed. Seattle Corres room to hear Mexico, has sought a o:!i.t;an of the ' ponden; e of iifce Xcw York W a? a problem by issuing a pastoral letter caLUng upon all the pr jests co p:each bla k sack to find out Mm coouota: pack-con-1 ag w of luu; aid off aa wouU oe Looided: m. ocxaatoamliv w- would 1 umm mKm come aoross aome confrteormrtcr do was U go an yhi b, sarcly must asm.-; j. UsJ OaI .. x apo i. o b-as Ud a ' what OOD snail bar him da I toe two wam that he became igrxAai seder of Chrtot the ba r.cr ksowQ. I The trwaoia Mh m ft thct I taiak too aaanh of what m JAPAN DOESN'T WANT WAR :rom the pulpit and advise from the ' confessional ne celebration of the Tiic Mikado's Ambassador Gvea As- civil ceremony ia addicion to tnc re ligous n the wedd.;ngs of all Oatho- l oa who h.-ace forth contnet matr. moaiy San Antonio Express. surances o' Fnti up. It is qu.te incomprehensible how start war stores about my country In the I'nrtcd States. No in Spite off What Shakeapeare Said ; "n Justifies such tout. It -m!i We Have a Mild Preference. 1 8M!m you bare to go ! to a Dlaoe olut-r than here or the A Liverpool lady narntJ Mrs. i . we know nothing about their.. Thre appears to oe an entirely wrong No of A LITTLE FISH NEWS 1 to i ct Vovi Know What ion:" on in ose had a pretty daughter, to vhom she gave the name Wad tnto name WUd Rose was so sweet- pretty. The young lady taought so too, uatd m course or time, she married Mr. Bull and then her s gaature Wild Bull was neither sweet nor pretty. But for real curiosities in the ay of names, we must go to the country from which so inany otaer curiosjties spring America. A little local newspaper published at Cherry Valley (that's a pretty name), in Xew York Staca, lately, - M 4V n li J n tr n - sC 1 t V A man in Oswego county by the nemorT of mmm or urns, gave ui .emawiaai to U VLa thri4. J ' JU,iIt"IdWJr cue uaui v nnU am, maw 3.- L. f,,l TV nrrc Ton n V fkO rrrvz jrznzrz: opportunity to show our. Si.. . e U Je m av ounst, au tw mar, who was the IU"Bt to ODen IB Ai l Burst. This is in line with .rr, of v.; v o'-naior tiajgs uiu M u ... mmmm are.n Ima Hogg and Ura Hogg." n.mB U torarma fhe father of Lord Magheramorn fe was Douglas McGarel Hogg bero.-e - da-ami Kuri he was made a baron, on 1887. His ' ' in, Amirl . t Ho. i-n .vue was oae t?v llis u.c a usmvt. T FlStl WORLD We Are Selling Nice Fresh M Croakers and Butter fish hunches for 25 cents. When YOT are in need of FISH phone 22, and save money. H DAUCY. impression. Japan does not want war wXh any country, least of all with her steadfast friend, the United Stat e. Tour distinguished QgTma President, Ch srles W. Fairbanks, af tar his opportunity to know the situ ation intimately, etactly represents the feeling hi Japan when be rnys that anybody who talks war with this country is wicked, tntochtero-js. and almost malicious Mr. Fair banks told of the undisguised af fection of the Japanese for the mt mmm Commodore to the Some of the young gentJeman made reference to hex name.-One of them, caiking rather reely to a young lady to whom he was hurriedly in troduced for a dance, and whose nam he did not quite catch, said to her, in allusion to Mrs. Hogg: "The old sow is goiaig to give a dance next week. I should like to meet you there." "Oh. if you go, you very likely wiU," said the girl.. "I am of the little pigs!" can landed in 1852, and induced Ja pan to enter Into friendly rotottons with tho r-onntrtea of the West. We owe a great deal to Commodore Per ry and to the United States for the moderation of Japan. Your country has taken a sincere Interest to our progress, and we beg to reciprocate this feeltag. Beron Uchkto. In Lea- lie's. one ter with whom he was dancing New York Telegraph have do and to j Umm of wl wuim bo ea do. Th t- tow what God. bat wfeU omtoto Idadrm m ptjmm wmtM hare nmtmtr mm -b t be do. ft to a c t to ft d a. Com lea. tog only- the avk tbe talr. (weiv I to take pi it la a p landing I would fjraty too a sack of confcttooer4es. After everything had bee 3 looked or or to oar entire aatsaf action we would slip quiftly into th aXtl:.g the arrowo up" folks bod to say. And when toe guest were ready to -hive the mrgo family Bible would oa brought oat and soma good oM brother would ' d to read a aeierttan tod load ia p - yer. end many e Ueao I har a trna U my father's e;u his voice would b husky .s a the guests good-night Such ur ore pracbra life worth li. nc torn fe- . Uvu hia ksoor ft not to voto They draw the people and nearer together. 1 pity the bas to serve a poor Ifctle where they never think or Omwi tail of a p-xmdlag where there la h same turkey amoonUag to tor do! Unco allowed him for a asiary whl h to never pedd until the sad of year. The writer boa la mind now ore, her who to a tokhfjl workre Tbe people on his circuit don't thtofc of pound togs, mat sod their ttoa to mi th "almbxbcr daHar." A tow days' before tost Thankaglrtog good old brother weat ap to him and torn him that he had be oaring a fat gnbhtor for bm Thanhogtrtog dla lighted and forthwith the neat week he hitched ap and weat after that If asm gobbler. Tfedt week Quarterly Conference week and tb, Presiding Elder was ashed to dla; with him in order to cat a share of th treat. And how daHctoua It pror el. Even the children joined to with then- elders In think lag at was a good ctorut after all. Out imagine. If you can. the preacher at Quarterly Coofree tog th good old Uiothm the preacher with a hill for that self aaawo f -kr .inniinliu CO WO dot. torT ' God woeid bar m why our as they tbooght of what Odd woadd bar mmm. u I to fan ssjaaraty what God weeto torn wa da Or oaa to pianfrnto ftaaa ran to ter op to tmftr pro fmwtoa If be waaM towre atom to mJi - "ZIwUl tapaad ail t torn hto dety ta to qtalt aa tb Cftrmma iff. Aa- - 'other aase to wormed at If you are not satisfied after using according to direction two- It was Mrs AIcGarel-Hogg's daugh- t'airds of a bottle of Cbaanbertaiua Stomach and Idver raoiexa you " have your money back. The tabets cleanse and invigorate the stomach. improve the digestion, regulate the No hing Bet er For Chickens And )ttJ Qkve a triAl get r- ri W W il B Bl I HAMS. SdfmaHaaftftftftftftBftBB Turkeys " I think MacNair's CL!c'n Powder' i3 fine. I have never had anything fid to cheks in tb.3 way of powder or an-. thin3 e so that can come up to y-ur powder. I firmly beileve your powder will do what you say. Mra. F. W. Jonas, FLncasUe, Va. Boat, jo, 1909. 8124 well. Sold by all druggists. ARE Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Is sold on a guarantee that if yo are not satisfied after using two I thirds of a bottle according to diivc- tions, vour money will be refunded, it is up to you to try. Sold by druggists. Save Your Chickena From Gapes. Macn air's Chicken Powder dos the work for the gapes. Had some li t e chicks nearly dead and It cured th -m completely. C. D. Brown. Speed, N. C. Oct. 12, 109. ilJ4 FiSSE i. mm mi Farmers and Gardeners: can iva you money these times of pjoweriand." Musical Recital. Mi Marv Austin win doae hep music school on June 3rd weth recital by her pup!s In the Opm house. in addition to ftn beautiful ae- j lections by the' members of the class, 'there will be given the pretty aa ft tucveful operetta. "An Evening to all (To be continued.) A CARD. Some parson baa mallctously ataK- ea tne report tnat w nave rii ( to rat at the Parker Hon to It a day. Thto report ft ohanhatoly fatal) Oar rates are. and always have been $2 and MM. I sometimes tbmh bad I nrMrJuw I would hare followed the exam pie of th whom that swallowed THE PARKER HOUSE. j I talk, bat know Ooi a wlli Attention Ladle. Riasmbw w can fit your machine with any kind of a needle. abutUe or t us a trial. Roberson Ruff la Co. dlOt t Ooe naawri nocsy Mowansm i U Naturs a own tonic, because It t purely tegeUbie and tta use W not faltowwd by ilmltelftliai after-' m r?suRa. Nothtog Ilka tt for dbtfty.'tk anosmia, mal-notrltkm or pstito. ftdgsoomb Drag Co. aaf wl h what a to pisxixl m Baala and wiU tsl ym of words haw b. Taa wiu aa Dunbar bu'ter. the boot ways fresh at Hub Grocery Co. "K cured life of my . . i rd - a 1 1 1 w, 1 . nn Ak " w h gh prices lu buying your si roe Pr iJ -Til t Isto a Colic. Cholera and DUrrbo) tllk . ti' . oun .i o..-.ta win he oa sale St us. wa sell mam in iu-v- " Remedy. Thto to am th world Orer H ii II .r a. 1 .n:n A7 atari rwatoflaftT . J lalM Cabbage and Tomato pianos, w- jisca .. , mmUm tJato rttuoMe lamiitr a is Macnair Di-ug Co. 1-4 , 1. w I been tatrodoced. No Taa - , , i; atnmv-h and Kiv- defray vjunniuvi iom o . .. t . . .,, i. ,v the nerves. I13J1 er raoie-s wm -i . . jv. muivont de- banish sictt neaoao, t T.lUEE FOUR. I.pondoncy aod invigorate the whole GOODS DELIYEBrP. ! 9fmUm by ail druggists. amaU admimkm chenje Is to V" tha oecemary epenee of aaaaft Dunbar butter, the best mad, al- Diarrhoea ways fresh at Hub Grocery Co. Bold by all d s am try tog reryhafd to aby 1 1 I WW the aaama of' Gad to asewd maci I cbms obytog to ftw of Oad am i i . . - - ii In 'a Colic. Cholera oad Iryto dtoeoire wbaTHE woam US "aaaaa. IT: Ifto Crop Farm and Gar. nSet'tl Just Arrivt d 8 K E COOK THE DRUGGIST before yon buy. He nelln uie kind that brin- n ulk r Hanonir Temple 1'iiihliiijf El. C. Tarboro, i A GOOD r- APPEARANCE m ALMOST AX Uatlwm to WmmmA After oil 7 Kr.rarcS I ... A N D B R. that u da3 from tftft dmto to wil: a s srs -." june l aatardar, May 14th. 4 HIBBdUnLOr T IMSURE KIIISI III! Jiwijtd. a imm naar I iha mum, ir hm &m mm mm I m; and dd,n , an. oa'on to w4 mm. mmm mm ulVrn mmm. ft mmm m - 7 ito tm wta m MTaL tm J' ftrt ei - mm m -wmwmm mwmw W w - - mm. tmrit God to a'rm : i bra- mmm mmm tol'" HA-PTOft, TM NG SPECIALS We m all prater, year Maft laft !!!! lam. 6cftU U aa aTftfta ld.a H7cU rtgbbam j oally bra r y . flljmfW, s, Clark A Son J F MHACkV LFORJO. to raa Ttoaa. Taa P. H. PEJCIKa AgamC IHt MRMERS FRItND 1 fZmaato II PAN0L4 DA1EY If Ya Waaf Dawsoa & rVilson d?Tr cttacrro inn EDGECOMBE AUTOMOBILE CO. OLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 5 EVERYWHERE rSrSa