BJB SURE YOU ARK RIGHT ; THEN GO A.HKA O.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 23 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, JUNE 9. 1910. shed mzi Mills will save the dyspeptic from many dcvs of misery, ana enable him to eat whatever be wishes. They prevent SICK HEADACHE, cruise the food to ish the body, gtrs DEVELOP FLESH end solid muscle. coated. m Take Mo Substitute. ' SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. No: h- Oaroiina, Edecombe County. Ia the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. j. R. Hedges, surviving partner of J. W. Day and J. R. Hedges, part ners under the firm name of Day & He . vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Rai. waj Jo. and Atlantic Coast Lint Rai.road Co. . Summons: TO TH1: CHBSATEAKE & OHiC RAILROAD COMPANY. Tike nonce that th above entitle ac Ion iias been ins-tituted U recqv the siun of J700.00 for breach contract as common carrier for t sa:e transportation and delivery a carload of horses and a carlo of mules from Maysville, Kep&u to Tarboro N. C in that one bes ot said stock was negligently les and o hers negiigemiiy injured as to recover $176.40 excess and ove charge of freight, and feed due ou said sUipment of stock and that you are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint filed in said action at the next term of th4 Superior Court for Edgecombe County, North Carolina, to be held at Tarboro on the 6th day of June, 1910. Ana you win taKe nouce loss. a warrant of attachment has been ia- sud '.a the .tbove entitled action for the amount claimed aa hereinbefore set forth, and that said warrant of at;a?hment is returnable before the Superior Court for the County of Edgecombe, at Tarboro, N. C. on toe 6 h day of June, 1910. A. T. WALSTON, Clerk Superior Court. COTTON FLOUR AT BARIICUI. Flour "A P TMB FROM THE CHILD Rjjpg TABUL" G satthsw 15:21-28 Jn 12. -Qrmt it fag faith; be it unto thee even aa thou uHUr-Y IS. ODlove the faithful and delights to bare them t rust in hint Hi II i fill uiewuuki ere tor sucn. By reason of various Mads of Cotton Served Spinners at the Whin They Met in Charlotte. A OOOO COOK AT fttoSSBJ TM OUTMIP1NEH S FUST Ml attended food Mb at which of the oe wm Oaur to , when the Urahaaa floar Israelite oe ' the bar be- u- in the who 3 - . ivwua in. various roasusm rnssei San Conines t snd ta Ws with our birth, it Is not alike easy to all to accept the Divine promises tar KstaUUM r Ms.r. n ""-uruing to tnese, trustiag that the rewards sod cooselae 41 son osot messing of the future will more than offset the sacrifices of the 1 1 Per cent fat and is uowever, while only the faithful will attain the sxceedln neat and l.i.e need in She pure t tnmgs or God's promises In this present age. we are sled that the Creator baa Tb saauVsturers say that at on m reservation aa inferior blessln for th, k i ...... used ia ooaaaouasj mith uW' .W W,M ?Jt wlth dartDC Mllleonlal Age more atoag the ,m wwm ecmxy won li lustra tee the Lord's grace those who trust him. a The Canaan Irish woman was s heathen woman mum mm w4th vlmm K. T I wj .. - . . . "i eavereu into covenant relationship one of those who at that time were without God and without hope, because the Divine provision for the blessing of the Gentiles was not yet opened up to them When our Lord sent forth his Apostles to prea ii tbe Gospel, heelinr. all man rer of diseases and casting out devils, he Instructed them to psss by all who ware not Jews Gentiles and Samaritan. His words were. "Go not Into tbe way of the Gentiles and into any city of the Samaritans enter ye not, for I am not sent save to the lost sheep of the boose of Israel." With a few excep tions our Lord's miracles were confined to the Jews. They alone were God s covenanted people. For this reason Jesus Ignored the petition of tbe Cannan itlsh woman, crying- "Have merer on m o ti Sak nr t.m i w ... 18 grievously vexed with a deviL" And Inter on be explained. "I am not sent . H" ouep oi me nouse or Israel,'' and "It 1 not meet to take tbe J spine "ia lTZlhT for brau ' - 1 Tllm - - . ' 7 . she bas beea dotaa the the breed served So them ' masted favorat : on tha ooe at ad saetbod. mseOag 4 useful a a loud, it is lea 'than floor and Is Ud to be an f-jod tar parsons who have a j , rjqgssaaat o. Cm SUner. a. j ioftye Ohsvnrea'. Hi o data as Child Bu.-r.s up la Ham Thursdey mora'ng a ttnea by Jo liio-s. wifu H. 8. WrwMisJe KeUya ia sv by tare ami one oi the 5 yrsar U the bouse. It is bestow ed chat they ptayad srtth the fare whioh oaugbt some loflammatla ma eertai aad aooa had the whuto baud tog ui names. The obiid bomed was aot a year Capt. R. A. Watsoa and bav re uruud here Cross es to make Tarboro thetr sgsia. The captain says Uu is ao plsos tike Tarboro aa oamba aad that hto wife agree wth him. All of aa are lose ad to have them back. Tt-e NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Edgecombe County, la a Special Proceedings entitled Washington Turner and wife, Annie, and others versus Moees Carr, I will on Wednesday. June 15th. 1910 at the Court House door in Tarboro sell at public auction for cash a certain lot of land situated in PriaoevilJe, In said county of Edgecombe, State of Noah Carolina, and joining the lands of Bracey Taylor, Mahala Bunn, A C. L. R. R. and lying on the West side of the Tarboro and Old Sparta public road, being the identical lot of land conveyed to Shadrach Can by j w. Grant by deed registered in Book 54, page 6 of the Edgecombe Public Registry, to which deed ref erence is made for bettes description. This May 13, 1910. W. O. HOWARD, Commissioner. Children's anH namt tt v rk . IV u.; UUO. f IlltW 1 1., 1 1 tl 1 uvs. woa appiteo to me Lrentues Dy the Jews aa signifying I The sjist, aad wtfs i their inferiority. Our Lord merely made use of an i i m asslin common in hi. th field, toavlce th ir May, uw BLiu common m raiesune. But note the woman' faith- Sh mm.Mpo Yea, Lord, yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from the Master's t ble." What perseverance, what faith, was thus manifested! How evidently she believed the Lord to be the promised Messiah, tbe Heir of the throne of uaviai as jesus intimated, she had more faith than a majority of tbe Her request was granted "O woman, great is thy faith! Be it unto tbe mm fhftn ? 1 f T T w ., v.. , - . . . s iuvu ui- no uauuivr w as ueaiea rrora inai nonr . - - s m - j There are several lessons for us In this study. However degraded w mir ' or two as.ui be by naturo, by heredity, by environment; however outcast from God's favor, I booe . becau we may still know of the Divine compssslon The menace is -Jid ia T . ohwa. If he chose first of all to manifest his favor towards Abraham' children. It did not Bignxry mat ne naa no love or care for tbe remainder of mankind; xnai me uivine purpose must flow out to mankind through Dlvlnejy-a cnanneis ana in uoa's due time. We may be sure that when we ret to th standpoint of perfect knowledge in the hereafter we shall see wisdom in every xeature or me invine program, t or instance, from tbe human standpoint it seems strange that God has permitted s reign of sin and death in tbe world for 6000 years, when be bas tbe full power to speak the word sad to over throw tbe forces of evil and to inaugurate gracious Influence of blessing for the deliverance of mankind from the power of sin snd atojjma. Ignorance mm superstition; to give light for darkness; knowledge of God for toi?rsara aad blindness. Studying the Divine Plan bf the Ages, we And the leeeon to ha that God will first select a Church class and subsequent Iv nan th mimrt Church a channels of blessing toward the world of mankind A little while, snd the permission of sin and the trial and difficulties of the present life shall have served to chisel and polish the "very elect.'' A little while, snd they shall be transformed to the glorious likeness of their Redeemer beyond the velL And then a little while, snd the Messing lone promised to the world in general will be dispensed. The children of God will first be fed from this table, snd then not merely crumbs will fall for the remainder of the race, but rich and bountiful provision, exceedingly and sbundantly more than wa could hare asked or thought It is s great and Important truth that many human beings era mors or i completely obsessed by evil spirits demons not the spirits of human be- but the fallen angels, as the Scriptures declare. Many battle for rears sgslnst these influences of demons and, because not rightly Informed of the Mhag ea the subject, they came more sad more under the occult hr wlth danger Of entirely losing than reason. It was probably some such affliction aa this which affected the daughter of the fanaanlte Sb to realise that there was only the one quarter from which aha could get help. Hence her importunity, when she recognised the Lord, In another sens of the word all sin snd sickness may be said to be affile of tbe devil, becaos all are either directly, or through heredity. Satan's work. Thus our Load declared that Satan had murdered our race by hto falsehood to mother Eve "He wss s murderer from the t-giiintnr and abode not in (be Truth." Through his lie our race bas gone down into sickness, men tal, moral and physical, and to going down rapidly to the tomb. Thank God for the great Deliverer, thank God also, for his great day of deliverance, the sffinermtol Age, now nigh at hand! jea s wife School EahlbrL uraal exhldt sad closing of tbe Prtooevtlto graded school will ha test la Odd Fellows Hai on West water street aeii Thursday. The exhibits wtU be opoa from 4 So 7 S p. v The caorest will Uke peso la the eveatoa paginal- at 8. J0. Prof C. H. Boyer. of tl 8t. AoawUa ScfcooL mistoh wtU Cat William, of Green lUe visitor to our little town tost Mrs. J. H. Little to vtostlag a. J. C. Ltotto of Tarhoro, Mrs Boss Merorr sad Mrs. Purvto spent Satorstoy with Mrs tie Moore. Miss Nelrto Will lams has Mr home hi Greenville, aft delightful vlst of isistl rss and I here. Mrs J. D. Webb to iHKIssj this til MHI Hill We will protect your crop against destruction or damage by HAIL. Toe charges are from one to four per cent, never i nor than four, and will not be over one yer cent, unless tbe losses are unu sually heavy. The Edgecombe Mutual Hail Insurance Co. has been doing business six years and twice iu three ears bas extra astsment been made. For the six years the premium charge .averaged onlyoue and a third per cent. We carry a surplus or icoi, - 'ency fund of over f 3,400 J. F. SHACKELFORD, Sec'y and Treas. F. H. PENDER, Agent. I turanes written only in Edge combe. FRANK a"hAMPTON, Attorney At Law, Office Opposite postoffies. Rocky Mount, N. C. s ttaaaaawsasMMMMMi I PANOLA DAIRY i i I Pure Milk and Cream Patrons will pb'me their rderH to phone No. 243a. CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND DIAMOND COPIES ro.. p,ut for CHI-CHHS-TKX BRAND FILLS ia Cold metil boxes, sealed ir)x)n. takb yo ornaa. Mmr O-onrtut ..j r naunss,' 5 A wiu wutyy diamond BKAHS PltlS, for twenfhW : xmrAA mm m hmtmmt AJwavs ReHable. SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE T: WORTH TIJST5P DINNER COMMITTEE. Confederate Vsterana Will Have Din ner at Their Annual Meeting. The f olio-wing gentle veterans of , 3ABq amso jreAM ioa l'l wr been appointed to get up ana pre pare a baarbeoue dinner when the Camp holds its regular annual meet ing, Wednesday August 3rd. E. D. FoxhaM. M. T. Gwatney. S. S. Nash. F. B. Statan. J. L. Bridgers. W. S. Clsrk. C. A. Johnson, T. P. Jenkioa. W. A. WUltoms. J. T. Howard. F. L. Tbigpen. E. C. Knight. G. A. Stancill. R. C. Warren. N. B. Dawson. Jno. E. Warren. Wild C. Ootvb. G. P. Grimes. J. H. Downing. John Henry Savage. B. F. Shetton. John Cherry. John Mayo. Hardy Mayo. John Whichard. Henry Parker. R. H. Savage. John L. Savage. L. M. Allabrook. George R. Gammon. W C. Bradley. R. E. Plttman. Geo. W. Weeks, j. j. Pittman. Jno. D. Hargrove. Charles Fountain. J. H. Thlgpen. Dr. R.. H. Speight. J. M. Cutchln. J M. Johnson. Dr W. H. Cobb. Wm T. Bras we 11. O. L- Pttttnan. M. J. Battle. J. K. Lawrence. H. W. Gor ham. Geo. W. Stewart. iM. C. BraaweW. Hugh Bryant. Geo. Philips. James Ruffln. Dr. M B, PKt. jenri Denton. B. W, Beasoua, J. A. Davis. L. R. Moore. W. L. 8talngs. B. F. Eagles. John Webb. Amos Wooten. A. E. wooten. J A. B. Thome. Frank Webb. James Forbes. Frank W a Is ton. John E. Cobb. W B. Walaton. E. L. Pitt R. E. Pitt. W. L. Dun. W. T. Oorham. Joshua Proctor. Frafflk Gorham. W. H. Killebrew. R. O. Hart. Dm C. L. Killebrew. Jesse Brake. Joseph Brake. H. L. Brake. E. L. Daughtridge. Joaeph Lancaster. B. P. Jenkins. J. P. Jenkins. Dr. W. P. Mercer. Ruel Jenkins. Cape Jos LincaMtor. Charles Ruffln. W H. Lang. J. D. Boseman. Gray Dawes. Fenner Gay. M. A. Hall. O. B. Proctor. Mm. Godwin of Oraeovttle Is mat of her dawsht sr. Mrs. L Weil aad to quits sick. Itoses Mary Blaad Flu aad Lit Uaa Ptot are bom on a vacskioa. WILD BRIBL A Woman s Great Idaa SB make herself sttsactive. health, at to hard for mk sickly sum a and irritable. Co Kidney potoon bktoches: kla But Honors to sn Edoscomblan. Our more than good friend Gas ton Lichtensteln has favored tbe Southerner with maav of the contri bution of has facile pen. That each a scholar as Dr. R. H. Lewis, cf Kinston should commend ban moras ua to no astonishment, for we know the bov: but that librarians should ssk for what ha has favored Southerner with not only thrill edJtou-aai trinod but atoo makes this Bfttars always to women who health, beauty aad friends regulate Stosnech, Liver saw ays; porwy tbe asaoa; give oervee. bright eyes, pure b velvety skin; lovely good health Try them c at W M. Maori air una v. toft SMI Ul OH Have Yam Tried The COOK QUALITY ICECRK4M? II not? Doirt iro another day until joa do Delicious unsurpassed is the ver dict of all. cmcmbfr The Place COOK THE DRUGGIST Haftooir Temple Building Tarfcr, - ff.C. Tl A GOOD Aar r'io to SM Kings New PaUM Mr M ALMOST AX rxiTBsV sal rmr Docnos TO StCICTT. Tee Lady ia n f i istolii ya as soft m the la rjatitosj af sk ins of t to Lady la Osay to the ti Aad over tba valley aha A t.lakto of stow la the pi List flash of Mw asm ea That saage when ail sb Ob. f SSj awfcssk I .SZttZ.m (are i? we Twin bag s Z ANDER. EDGECOMBE AUTOMOBILE CO. m. M m stvsi by all Co The 111 gave Yeur Chickens From Macualr Chicken a- m ew 4 - editor who wa bom aad reared in WOT'W Tw " thfa, Kood old county of Edgecombe 1 let: e chicks nearly dead aad Just as hto friend Gaston was. feel them completely proud. c. D. Brown. Speed. N. C. Appreciably reaoer, pieeae vr- stli Concord, N. H. May 14 ltlO. Mr. Gaston Lichtensteln. 1419 Grove Ave. Richmond, Va. Mv d3T Sir: Wp snail ereaur aui)rw;"u n m you wiu sana it oena um coavp lmentary copies or tne kww hut publications for permanent prea- ' "K 1" I I ... . ...v HI Esj4v Histoxv of Tarboro. .N. W. I iiim u; mm. Visit to young a rter i- w at a issues lanUc CKy." I mm, rf the, "mtm gsad always Thanking you In advance for your vaijts QUALITY. v,rjj. )1U. mm - rejwi. ' . - - - - I. .a ---- W Yonr verv truiv. 1 lmJ ARTHUR H. CHA6K. reeastaXian for pleas'ag my patroas oy OA CaS'S U4 D. O - fO MY FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT ANCE. I asa now opaa for business with, a Now. U alone tine of Jewelry; also s large aad h sad ram Uaa of Silver Cut Glass Botoabss for sUVa ate. sat. Any article VALUABLE UNO POfi NOW GOING ON AT Rosenbloom -Levy Cos Store Oa. to Osast OHsg At Lttirarian The Southerner again take this opportunity to say that U to giving its readers their money's worth snd mark you. of A grade and quality that is equal o tne oeet sn land. tbe Home lmpreemnt. Durward Liggett ass purchased of Mrs, Wm. Howard, her resioenoe on on Mam street and Battle Avenue ant is making ertenalva alteration and improvements thereto.. having a fair profit, but aot Ml price for cheap article Tours for bussness, M. VON MILGROM. Next door to Savings Bank. Bod Mount. N. C. promotlT to Mail Too are Com mm Hay. stoat ft Hogs. Ml tot sad sorty Mates. Wo have tbe Drag Co. Si ml Roieabloom-lavevj Co can save yoo money Ugh fwieso to boytag os. we sell thesa h all NOTICE TO CNEDITOP Hi Kept the King at Homo. "For the past year w have kemt I the King of all hvxativeo Dr. K"T New Ufa Pilto sa oar home aad they have proved a ll lag so ail MsoaWj F. Cook, tot of our family. Peal Nothing Better For Chickens A Turkeys. I think MacNslr's Chicken Powder gj Buffalo, N. T Is fine. I have never had anything tor stomach. Lrrar fed to chicks In the way of powder Kidney troubles. Only tbe. 4 or anything else that can corns up to your powder. I firmly believe your powder will do what yoo ssy. Mrs. F. W. Jones. Flacaatle, Va. Sept. JO. 1909. tO MaeNsOr Drug Co. Piano In i to road n Shorter A W. H.) Oo- TMs May IJO, !! T T J. P. ETNN. t, Itll or iMgMtoSOS OF TME bar I TVAL BENEFIT AsBOOlAThOM. J. P. 19 la. 1 IJBI nSJBBB IH 1 I THE BANK OF TARBORO J F. fJatoMstoasswM, Pt so., j T Bitui f .fm L.Jtklm, H. 9JL Bsoaoe, Aaot Co I law.