titboro 9 nitxm Paoiiaaad Every Thursday. 8bacription Bates $1.00 per year u.ered at OBtefflce ae second claw matter Thursday, June 9, 1910. a a 1 ? A. 1 A. primary is me unest spniiug i drag on kickers. The party should use it this year "to silence envi ous tongues." If Mr. Taft has but so much money to go round, why should he spend more than that, he the head of the nation, too! The streets were ideal for the split-log drag today, but because this were and Mayor Jones was not a candidate, it was not used. With W. Jennings Bryah out of the way as it seems now, we will give individualism, that is the prime factor in Democracy a chauce, unless the republi cans have pushed socialistic chair too far. WASHINGTON "LETTER. (From our Special Correspondent.) Washington D. C. June 4, 1910. The President is again absent on a three or four days' jaunt, ad dressing seminaries and universities at their commencement exercises. K is no small thing for one of these institutions to have the President of the United States on the platform. He will make Monroe, Michigan the limit of his tour, where he will de liver an address at an naugura!on or an eiues rian statue of General Custer. No President has travelled as much and made as many speech es on so many different subjects as has President Taft. He is not what is called a great orator and is not always a happy speaker. He fre quently tells anecdotes that lack ele gance, although they cannot be class ed as tow or coarse, but he is al ways good-humored, never bitter or vindictive and the audience is fcn pressed with his good faith and that he is the very antithesis of Cass ins in that he hath no "lean and hung ry Look" and is not dangerous. It is reported that it is the in tantkra. of the President to appoint ex-President Roosevelt as the head of a Peace Commission which some members of Congress in the Sen at are d is nosed to authorise by an appropriation tili for that purpose The idea i3 that the Peace Commie sion shall tour the world m an en President Taft teiis the peopie that Socialism is the pressing issue in this country. We are; clad that our republican President! tiiu. t'ti! -f k:fr" party With its graft and privilege iClWiaoel of great pMm wnicn ieaas vj tne idis enu. . m,tt,n r o, .nH armaansnts with a view to limitilng tha staggering expense of military A Misfit Mori head is sending out tariff literature to show that our recent tariif law is a good one. .and naval establishments and in the Ae he rpjWU nn m-mev bi make nn : kateraeta of pcac?. it is saod that Kus 1 m S . r . -v nv a f Avnan1 ncr SI the difference, we shall have to pay for the cost ot frauking priv ilege and be content with that, if we cai. BsnusjwaHBsBaMS?HSsHBWMHBBBHBWMa ACTUAL VALUE. Very (.agar.. "V TT U. IMNAU tHJT OOC- fl I I fma mter an ll I 1 "Ok. M: I a K a8- M i mnmm a u n COMACRVA T 1' BYM - - The County Commissioners Seek to impress Upon List Takers That Property Should Bs Listed. At Its Actual Value. The present Board oi County missioners are e ideuroricg to dis charge their duties and to make the tax burdens equal according to a man's property, had the 1st taksrs to meet with them Monday. The attention of the listers was di rected primarily to having personal property valued ct Its actual value. ant what some might think H would bring at a forced aoouoa sale, or what the property cost. but the actu 1 cash value. If any one listed property less than this it was die duty of the Meter to apprise the giver In and to certify the discrep ancy to the commissioners. The Board has taken an advanced step in tax listing. Instead of using the blanks that the State has been sending out with the approval of the State authorlies. Chairman Wil son has prep. red another which re quires a moru detailed, if not more accurate inventory. Next year there will be a new valu ation of rsal estate and if the present Board can .have their ap pointees to do this pi'Operly there will be a reduction in the tax rats. The "Board is alive to Uhe laequail ties of valuations and if they hive the co-operaton of the public, these will in a greit measure, be eliminated Tbs statement Is made, of course on the supposMioa ctat the Democrat ic voters will re-elect the present Board, who seek not the office yet would save, as good cKixena they are, if called upon. PRAISE THAT IS PRAISE. In another column we print itwh intense satisfaction a letter from Dr. B. H. Lewis, of Kiuston, commending the rtiseell.my maN ter that appears each week in tLe Weekly Southern?-r. The editor is unstintedly p:oud ofthisprais but he is comforta bly en-conced in the belief that his efforts to make l he Southerner instructive and to have it so that it can be read in any mixed assem bly has not ouly not been in vain, but has met the approval of those best calculated to know what is best in a newspaper. We not only take ff our hat to Dr. Lewis, but also tUnk him for his good words of praise, that doeth the editorial heart good from the aorta to the last ventricle. We hop-to merit the comtueu da'ion in the future of such men who are authorized to speak with knowledge; for where Dr. Lewis sits theie's the head of the table. MADE PROUD AGAIN. The editor of the Southeruor seldom indulges in shop talk, but hopes his readers will pardou him for calling attention to a communi cation printed elsewhere signed ''Subscriber," whose name he regrets he is uot at liberty to publish, because it would crry that much more weight to the good words of commendation said about the Southerner. Knowing the author the testi monial speaks aion side of that ofDr.K. 11 Lewis The Southerner tries to cover the local field, that done impart useful information. FORTY ACRES IN JAPAN. Japan has in Its main islands, ex cius.ve of Fomaia and L..uaiue, a population of 48,542.736 and tie a rea of its cultivated fields is 21,321 squard mil is. This is 2,277 people to the square mile. Thsra are also niiiataired 2,600.000 cattle and horsas, naar.y all of whioii are laboring animals, giving a popu lation of 142 people and seven hor ses and cat".j3 to each forty acres of cultivated land. One old Japanese farmer told an American visitor that he owned and was cultivating fifteen mow of land which is two and ona half acres, and that besides his to?m a cow and small donkey he usually fed two pig schools, 14.927. "This," writes the American in Far and. Fireside, "is at the, rate o 192 p3ooie, sixteen cows sixteen don keys and thirty-two pigs oj a for ty acre farm and a population densit;. of 3,072 P30pls; 2116 cows; 236 don keys and 512 swiae p;r square mile. As early as 1872 she had estat lis hod an as-l :ul:ure cOi.er. Foi several years the soil saivey of ta main islands h s been eompled with large scale mars and is made the "basis of values for national pre fecural aad local land txce. Sh has an admirab.e s y s o.u of roac maintenance Li effective opura.. Ion . Sae has many agricultural experi ment stations, nine of which wa vis ited, and the equ pment at Tokio for soil investigation is superior to anything yet provided in this coun try. We hive more pretentious build ings, but their resources are more largely used in providing appliances and man for risid accurate research work. "I visited one of their dormitories at the the agricultural college con nected with the Fukuoka experiment station, and here young men are pro vided with room and board at $4 monta. From the two colleges of highest mnk they had graduated im 1907, lt)il students; from their 13 A and B. class s of agricultural schools of second rank they had graduated fin 1903 12,371; and from the still lower grade of third rank there graduated in 1905, from the 2,450 supplementary agricultural 14,927. 000.000.00 for the army and navy This wij neeessaruly arouse Japan to a like effort. Germany, notwWi standiag her colossal military and naval establishments will certainly not quietly sit by while Russia is organizing sooh a preponderant force, and Austria, Fiance said Etog- lind will also bestir themselves until. as someone has said, "Every laborer or Europe will have a soldier or a sal! r on his back." An army is pro ductive of nothing but destruction. Eve-y solcfiir and sailor is so much taken from the field of productive work and mide to swell the ranks, not only cf consumption but of de struction. If the millions of soldiers now m a: mi s throughout the world could on y be conveited to workers in the field, in the factories and mines, the cost of living would be greatly decreased and that ques- ion would cease to agitate Con gresses and bread-winners. Think of whit Ru s a might do with that one billioa in the way of railroad build ing. That country has milrions of suai'o mil;a of as fine agricultural laai as can be found anywhere and cheap transfortation would quickly quadruple their value and bring prosperity to a hundred million of ver poor people. But Russia is un der the immediate necessity of ex pending her millions in preparation to dee ray instead of to produce. II the great powers of the world, tht United States, Great Britain Japan, Getrmnty, Itaiv; Russia and Franct v.ouldagree to settle the exact ratio as to military establishments, they could reduce expenditures probably eevorsty-five per cent and stm be on the same relative bass that they are now, and these millions could be turn ed to the material development of the unimpioved parts of the world, sc that thrift and prosperity might gladden the continents and the islands. The apcarances in Congress at pres e.it are decidedly in favor ot legisla tion giving the country postal Sjiviags banks. The Republicans have agreed on a bill which widl probably be passed at an early date. It is the opini on of financiers in Congress tli at the bill is more advantageous to the l;cal banks throughout the coun t y from which the poatial savings. ; drawn, than was the bill re cently proposed by the House Com mrueo. Thit bill limited the amount to remain in the local banks at 47 1-2 per cent.. It Is probable that the bill wi.l have a hard road to travel neiore It Is enacted Into law. It must pass the lower house and through confer once committees te made acceptable to both the House and Senate, but it held that there re no sacn wide dirrerences as wi.l prevent it3 final enactment be foi'j the end of the session. The Company Lady. The Company Lady has a hat her head ; ; My mama only has hair. The Company Lady always gloves ; I v mama s h nds are bare or. wssrs la winter, the Company Lady weai J fur. In summer, a chain of gold: And every one always spjaks kind ly to her. And her dresses are never old. 4s a waken lag to tbs as sjscsftoc, tbs rsaltsstloo is - by Issps sod w liases ts to bs found not osiy the special tax districts, of wa save many, bat Is sU school districts. The best evtdeoos of toss Is Prof. R. O. Ktttrsil who baa Superintendent both of tbs aad county county sup.rr (Tasty sad frankly not serve both ss they SStTSd- This editor la talking wKh htm. org thry lag him to rroa'a County t.udsnt, was told mors schools, sad their needs than bs im agined aad so much so that be fts convinced that the acboofca Is this township where almost ss asuea money is paid out ss In tbs county outside nose's s superloteodanf full Urns.. In educational lines tbs County has been morlog oa as rapidly ss oth ers, la fact a little more so; but cat fact that it Is makes K tmoortaif QtSt act only tbs a accessor of Prof. KHtren be s man acquainted wttb h's duties bat siso tbs County Board of Education ts composed of tbs beat in tbs county. Just now wo are leaving out Prof Kittrel. who baa done mors than yeoman service la oar educst'ona up lift: bat with to direct Southerner readers to tbs Importance of se lecting a chairman of tbs Board of School DixSors. Tbs present chairman, R. G. Al brook, baring that proper seem log .n him ss soon ss bs was a caao dsta for solicitor resigned ss chair man of tbs DssBOcratie County s$ ecuthrs comsnsttes sad tendered bis r- s gnat ion ss Chairman of tbs Co inty Scho l Directors, so that bs la anv official capacity could not be accused of using bis office for bis own uisfs. i sisat. Good for Dick Allsbrook! But bis sjccasaor has to bs cbos so. Hs should te on that will not let the eJuationsl interests sag or stop. wars lira years nam. Ok. I hs -. girt a asm the best of my fssaon b, best of say life! And now be says st as a slllaika mhstsbo " And I ujsnfiwtsil bar sa bast 1 sold tekla at ra a rof Aad that mldnaabt, I say a tbs tragedy of so of their youth o ana who mononnllssd their fd kept from tbs ssasntion of or man. Aad Uen. Ara sway out Prof loss t bssrtn nn -wKb S future notblna; but dreary care' awli'sajp tlms sa tuask first. Ottsawsasassy -itoMjast tWHckl n nsj tssjdj snvjta Ttvsll b rrt-" ihe Hob Grocery Co BHy mmiv cm yii M rtta i . s r. 4. Ustss, fwfsrwji, wfsssSsn'' Tbure srs lnuu to for sttsyag n sOvar there srs no ran far tbs of tbs nasa who steals tk of s woman's Ufa bar coaacas for bsctimlssj a this. sad then drifts out of lag her to s lonely npinstsrhood! MttKi llrrbsst Urasa m tka lisi'i ' "or? tausy'yuuVnf"'1' " H J. PbUHCE. T J tOtONt. chasv ss. rricrp Art.tic 1f wkssf Sd ,MT ur st OWnUX, CALL TO SEE U 8 WB TB MOCJaTsUX IVVIX W I' I I.I A' AM VAlM.im IK DOOM AKD WIXUU "best ysasn youth. Mr I wifs sad Mfe. HBE PRICES LASTS AT his en UK to to t I 03 i ami rt. 9. C your Orwwr. at the loueat tka oar. There Is only way wurstn . aad that is by si remdsu D'afa.ss U Price jrou ) 00 r lifr. slsUuaod Htandar.1 I r caies. I yd u.de. 9 1 I crsU MP jd qaalitj. 4 On sis time when I broke one of ter's beet cups She shook me and made my teeth chatter. But when the Company Lady broke one. She said ' Oh it doesn't matter.' STEALING WOMAN'S YOUTH. "But you are ill. She shook ker bsud. No. I m VI. I'd much to bsvs notb- like very ing to do Bu drink tea on a porh taat Is shrdy. So when I g t big I'll try very hard To be a Company Lady. The New I ' a Woman's Magszin for July. TAKE IT IN TIME. back recom- Free $7 .SO In Gold Free. W.. EL Macnair Drug Co., will give $7.30 In Gold to the Gardener, who has the best and largest varie ty of vae'-ables raised from the seea. $500 for the Best, and $2.50 for the 2nd Best. To be judged July 1st, 1)10 all Trackers Barred. St24 Jy:t as Scares of TarLoro People Have Done. WaftSaw, doesn't pay. If you neglect the aching back. Urinary troubles, dUbe-es surely follow. Doaas KlJaiey Pills releve ache. Care every kidney 111. Many p:opie in this locality mend poms Kidney Pills. Here's one case: Mrs. O. R. Sadler, 212 3. Church St. Rocky Mount, N. C. says: " can strongly recommend Doan'a Kid ney PUis, as I received a greet deal of benefit from their use. I suffered severely from sharp pains in my beck '.ly kiineys were also disordered ant and the passages of secretions from these organs were attended with pain. Af.er reading testimonials giv en by people who had been cured of similar troubles I was induced to try them and procured a box. They helped me at once, removing the aehes and pains and restoring my kidneys to their normal condition. I feel so much bet er Bince usiag this remedy that I bave no hesitation in adviiiag other people similarly af flicted to try it" For sale by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Fostsr-Mllburn Co., 'Buffalo Msu York, sols agents for the UnM ad States. Remember the name Doan'a and take uo other. Battlebore and Vicinity. L:s: Saturday, generally called the First Saturday in Jure, was a busy day with all the merchants of our town and with Chief of Poll . Stewart also. He was strenuous mil day In banning the big crowd order ly and had to lock up three for be ing dunk and disorderly.. One o' the heaviest rains of years. fell In the Manor Hill section. Ditch- were over flowed and the crops much damage! bv washing. Another treasurer of the lodge of colored Odd Fellows Is la trouble. Charlie Lewis. He was charged with appropriating $3,000 of the lodge mo.ey. Sou re LiwTce sect h'.m up to the Recorder's Cou.- . where having ngliaf ntS.d the lodge. or ma-Je good all he oeJ, Judgmen was sasrecd.d oa payment of costs. Another cas I "was sent np by Squirt Vick, Dave Pender for an assault wtt a shot gun on Ora Taylor also col ored. He did not shoot and with good character proven. Judgment was suspended on htm. Miss Pat ie Bezson who has boss visaing frienc's in this vicinity re turned Saturday to Durham. T. A. Trultt, one of o-r clever railroad tgerXj la the happiest man in town, the kindly stork having con ferred on htm the title of Pa. M. C. Basw.d! last Saturday moved intohis ne-v; commollous; handsom and etegint ho i.e. Long may be and his enjoy it! -Vise Ruth Hobgood. one of Bat Ueboro'a most chancing and popular and lovely young ladles baa return ed from an extended visit to New York. Dr. H. B. Ma. :o t U In Rchmond. Jack Ho" good Is home from the University. C. H. Mey is another happy a fine health v it". sir!. . RAM3LSR. A tka 8ka was standing by tbs window lool:l c out Into the street, and as the Igbt fell oa bsr face I was st rticd at tka lines of esdnsss 1 bid never noticed there before. II bad been only a few weeks in 1 bid sesa b:r. bat bsr whole face seemed chanced. "What la It Helen? Something happened. ' She did not answer, but turned facs sway Aad 1 felt it was so the team. Tben don't tell me. dear n you d rather ant. Ton know I dldnX mesa to daatress you." no do. I might ss wall tall you I pr. as to hive you find K out Eer oan U know In a UtUt wkUs. HI D sad I well our sagagement Is broken' She ffXCQ "Your engsgemeat broken'- I re P Jo ted dully. It seamed ail I could any Just thou. Ska did not apeak lor several moments and than It was with an effort. "Of course bs will siy that R was 'mutual' that I broke it off. But you might as well know the truth you will guess K nay way. I I bad nothing to do with It aad ft Is almost more than I can bant.- Hag vol e broke to n nob. but she ana trilled t sad went on. "It seems oh. the world has grown so black! And I I tkfcs tubs USUI if to 11 nn. bearing will ht ever, nine cwneu nut Of I caused by Catarrh, which Wa will iOo Uaadiwd lain for aay eaauaf Dsafasss at hf ca'ankj skat onaaot I eg ky Hall's Casnrsk Cure. aV has cirruUrs. free. y J CHJtNBY CO. Tula I J Druggists. Tie, Tnh Hsils PaaaUy Pitas k Dot Prif Flaat Bwlteties. t is noun bullotis prtse light. July will hi dny IV too, rrn p-f L Tl.cll d'. HJack I'ts.gh: for th lirrr. IS rwotn Ororr s Ts.tetews Chili Ik. of Ckrdul, P. W. I Cora, 8 cao'k Bawlag FgrliJi a & , & a Mkta, DSU Wsansja, gsintMJSt for IS yram. just for vast era i nsWtng S13.8S. Jut !rf..rv ?.u buy W-l as Kdecoinbe llartiuuro t ru cut . oa The Decree of Protection Insured 25 3w yed m mm. h.r face 1U turusd. t H'oar. Ut S grmhUlla ssr yon he Ewrily;t . AsnrraWa sad cur catarrh W. II Macnair Drag Co. guars a lean tt Una M cents mm! hla. rikkn. tmmA if tTSS ' ' wSf?" StS Ssf wMM MBgwSkng tk nen, mac noooa dtmsa, x. U Ombv. t l t Ms. " kin I. S MM " M"' .t 'IsMJJa Bt'MMs W. O. Gswk, C W.! IsMJsS. S. C. I X2ae Fazmets9 PinsVUl S tASCAM COUNTRY "k cured sae.- or "ft snvsd life of my child" srs the ap 7ou bear avtry day shoat a CuClr. is soobtBf. Departure cf Tra.na. For No: folk, Va. No. 90 at 'O.tj A. M. No 48 at S OU P. M. For PJyxou bj No, 19 z.l "l!5 A. M. No. 64 at 5.15 P. M. For Rocky Mount: No. 65 at 10 A. M. No. 49 at 12.13 1'. IC No. 91 at 7.48 P. M For Farmvl.lc: 10.30 A. si. 5.30 P. M. why I live oa." h?ad nialast the moaent give wuy to pi 3ut wby wky - I torn with the pity of it "Why? Bscanse bs bus grown Ur al. We bars been sn gaged coo log. He has ceased to cam sa bs aid. Hs Mstsg It but I know that la why..- "3o wnat doss bs say what sn doss bs gire? "We had a mtsunderatnadlug n foaiah I'etin qunrml shoot s thing of no eouasuuence sad he us sd that ss s pretest.. Hs said be fel we could g'ther. that ws pa. , thx w bsi mads s mistake "Hs says that now after been going with you tor tan lust Krs years T She nodded. "And ks kss Just dhfooeisnd that yo i are ait suited st ksn taken bVaa all that Use to Had outr- Sbs nodded. "Aad you don t see tka InhasUce. tks cruel aslRnbnesu of tknt. to sit the test of snd for okl by aJ Reeaasy. ThJs hi true tka world ansa bars that vnloubta rsnty krm In aas for aMrrboea or bowwl sn nrovnl. Toe aasorsg of Ckn sanaans of Chamb-wiaiBs CoMc. rbotem and fkwJBlkstL ALMOST her Diarrhoea Mccormick rcapkr, s goad ss saw. Merer rut scrs ssd wl : gala, only SIS. TV. . P. D He NOT ICS. At a me .ting of the lodge In n 'way-back village a member suggested that cuspid ora be secured. "I move, Mr President" said an ever-ready member, "that the exec iftive committee bs sm powered to employ two competent cuspidors to serve during the ensuing year." Everybody's Magazine. "You say that you have invented a new kind of an auto that Is bound to make a hit?' "I say it Is bound to make a bit with young people.." "What In Its special recommenda tlmr "It can be driven and steered en tirely with the feet, leaving both arms free." Houston Pont, In order to make the best crops, "luai- "Y sw oeT seea. we i Underwear should be Ironed on sell them-' Landreth's" W. H. Mac- the right sride; colored oloth. on nair Drug Co. 8t24 the wrong aide "Tnt Plane Ws The Sweat Teas" You Don't Haw lo Hunt Him Up. ITere'a ''Food for thought" You can't are ahead, and do matter bow good the piano jou select, sometime in the future possibly years -something may happen no ou'll want to call on tbs party who told you for advice, or oa account of trouble, or dissath faction. If it't a 8TTKFP or SHAW, you bare to do It to unite to C3A8. M 8TIBFB, Baltimore, Md., aad you'll ret a prompt reply, for all 8T1KFF and SHAW piaros are sold direct from autker to homo, aad the maker fat responsible. No trouble; no "rid tape.'' Remember this, for it's im pot tan t. CHAS. M. STISPF. L. C. Steele, L'it. . 114 Granby St., Norfolk, Mention this p per. taat tka Sawky emy orgaaid aad nwa of tka State of "ib nriaeisej N. C aad ta tT. kas Ulj day rued PsMae La a Ug derwe. or rartaln lilt! afka1 Mteul' HAMS. AUK pine mm o. k. pMosr nt an won. pajjTgssw, CU i Mihui & LITTLE Psaxjquartergjbg gtMto M4 Speiai prtrua SjSkk OfJto offtes Md Im. CJSII mm bad you alii be Mr cii to Oa. OVMMlSCsS 4k LITTLH ttteg, daatlag rtiLa of its gtasa bstttsa aaw I kw Sajlbu? aad MtttaT umm aaSEar w'thia and to wM suiptisal aanamaa or ter rtss npneaan. la reiluf. the INelkf Bortl bag Co. Boch V a YOUB JaW. FUImTDS .wMajM ir toc M OB UTUT m AMD L. a jimi blnsQiT ?iiilg' atsJ',' "est' eisViaa' atekTT4! X from left tujgtttTbeaio ""i Aad further .otice ta aaMay t SaaT 'tTmmmaUm " SilMlhja for JJJ1 bwMhfter to M ssaad. ta M laid beat ansa, to srtt: Oa Rocky atoaat. X c --tsaaiarsS kkaa asitMi CresTse teTisagnto E. FOUNTAIN'S IrfaVf. Banking & Trust Co, THE VERY LATEST liul t t rick IK-! Embroidery, Braid in, Ktc sf si BUTURICK TRANSFER PATTERNS BUT J E RICK TRANSFER PA'TEhR wiu t asasaessas ' ss W. Hf. 4RNHEIM. S P E C I A LlA June Sale With August Prices Oaly ttWUiSsl PRUNES 8CTS A POUND 1Mb day of Msr. Itio ROCKT MOUNT PSPSKOLA TUNO CA, If yM dMt USM Sdtjk aja i bats mlTmrnS Om sVH Far iSJn Wssfe Oadj U9 mm - . H W MSMs? Nati UlWfIN CO. INC. Wu W. Benjamin & Sons For