WNCZ. BE SURE YOU ARE RIGHT ; THEN GQ AHiCAD.-D Oroo&ett VOL. 88. NO. 24 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 16, I9!0. BSTABU8NBD I4V22 A FACT ABOUT THE "BLUES" What Is known as the "Blue" It seldom occasioned by actual exist Ing external conditions, but In the great majority of cases by a dis ordered LIVER , THIS IS A FACT which may be demonstra ted by trying a coarse of TutfsPills They control and regulate the LIVER. They bring hope and bouyancy to the mind. They bring health and elastic It v to the body. JTAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. "BLACKSMITH COPPERS". Peculiar History of Some Canadian Counterfeit Pennies. A good deal baa been heard of late years among coin collectors a bout tbe so-called "Blacksmith" to kens of Canada. The unsatisfactory condition of the currency In Cana da up to comparatively recent times explains the reason for the issue of such coins. For many years tbe supply of le gal copper colas bad been altogether inadequate, so that often anything in the shape of a copper passed cur rent. At th hfvinninv .iu Sr .TJ -ar uTsL "nt Delightful Entertainment. At Bed HU1 School House la No. 4 Township on Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs. M P. Bd wards and atlas uicie Howell, wkth tbe assistance of some of the young folks of the neigh borhood, presented a unique end at tractive entertainment for the bene fit of tbe organ fund of Parker's Chapel. In spite of thunder and lightning an rain, tbe school house was crooned and tbe programme was carried out with the result that about tweny dol lars waa added to the organ fund. The opening Chorus, "Polly Wolly Doodle All Day" captured tbe audi- THAT CHARTS HOUSE. was an ioeufftc- Noi He wa; Ra; SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. a Oaroiina, Edecombe County. In the Superior Court. Before the Clerk. R. Hedges, surviving partner ; W. Day and J. R. Hedges, part s under the firm name of Day & i3 vs. Chesapeake & Ohio Rail Co. and Atlantic Coast Line .road Co. Summons: TO THE CHESAPEAKE & OHIO RAILROAD COMPANY. Take notice that the above entitled ac on lias been instituted to recover the sum of $700.00 for breach of contract as common carrier for the safe transportation and delivery oi a carload of horses and a carload of mules from Maysville, Kentucky to Tarboro N. C, in that one head of said stock was negligently lost, and others negligently injured and t3 recover $176.40 excess and over charge of freight, and feed due on saiil aUtpi.ent of stock and that you are required to appear and answer or demur to the complaint filed in eaij action at the next term of the Superior Court for Edgecombe County, North Carolina, to be held a; Tarboro on the 6th day of June, 1910. And you will take notice that a warrant of attachment has been is sued in the above entitled action for the amount claimed as hereinbefore set forth, and that said warrant of attachment is returnable before dke Superior Court for the County of Edgecombe, at Tarboro, N. C. on the th day of June, 1910. A. T. W ALSTON, Clark Superior Court. NOTICE. By virtue of a decree of the Su perior Court of Edgecombe County, la a Special Proceedings entitled Washington Turner and wife, Annie, and others versus Moses Carr, I will on Wednesday, June 15th, 1910 at the 'lour- House door in Tarboro sell at public auction for cash a certain lot of land situated in PrinceviUe, in said county of Edgecombe, State of Noah Carolina, and joining the pmds of Brae y Taylor, Mahala Bunn, A. C L. R. R. and lying on the West side of the Tarboro and Old Sparta public road, being the identical lot of land conveyed to Shadracb Carr by J W. Grant by deed registered In Book 5 4, page 6 of the Edgecombe Public Regis-try, to which deed ref erence Is made for bettes description. May 13, 1910. W. O. HOWARD, Commissioner. rilminlolini, n . . . - . . 1 "fa auit; n wuni'vuv , from circulating medum tent, British half pence sent over England A J'ttle later this waa supplemented by a deluge of imported private to kens. Their over-abundance, accord ing to a writer in the Numismatist, soon caused them to be discredited. and stringent means were adopted to prevent further importation of such coin into Canada or its manufacture there. , T But as the necessity for an ade quate supply of small change be came more pressing various ways lor evading the blockade were evolv ed. One of these was by making or importing tokens which bore a daW previous to the date of the edict excluding private coins. Another way which was at one time very preva lent In England was to evade coun terfeiting laws by suppressing the legends and substituting instead some capricious or meaningless legend as "Claudius Bomanus," "Geobgius Ti Rox" "George Rules," Glorius ler Vis" etc. These spurious coins pre sented the same general appearance to the ignore at populace as the regal coinage. A third means and this is char acteristic of tbe Canadian Black smiths, was by counterfeRlne the worn British half pence, the only legal copper coins in circulation, on which the dote, legend and all hut an indistinct outline of the design had been effaced. Although they thus produced a rude coinage these early Canadian coiners showed considerable skill In so making fresh coins bear the ap pearance of an old worn out but still legal currency that they were able to circulate vast quantities of their spu rious Invitations. It la worth noting that the designs on these Blacksmith often face in tbe opposite direction to their protoypes. As an explanation of their name the story is told that a blacksmith of dissolute habits lived at Montreal and when he wished to have a good time struck two or three dollars in coppers and thereby supplied him self with sufficient change to grat ify his wishes." The name was a- dopted by numismatists and applied to the whole aeries. bv the boys and "Mary Had a Lit Lamb" by the rwla owned the way for every body to be reidy to enjoy the vocal solo by sitae Dick- Howell and the instrumental by Miss Emma Purvis. "Jingling Bells," by the chorus and the 'Japanese Drill ' by Rachel Edwards, Pbllalta Landing, Ella and Beatrice Manning and then "Good Night'" sung by all closed a fine programme. The Japanese Drill In costume was beautiful. The girls were appro prist y Gressed for the part and brought down the house showing tbe result of Miss Dicle's careful training. Ice cream and cake followed and then the j oung folks danced the bear galop and all went borne happy. The Wo to bolM a tela st. to to a The I Tt W AGAINST W We will protect your crop apaiqst destruction or damage by HAIL. The charges are from one to four per cent, never more than fonr, and will not be over one per cent, unless the losses are unu sually heavy. The Edgecombe Mutual Hail Insurance Co. has been doing ' business six years and twice hi three years has extra assessment been made. For the six years the premium charge averaged only one and a third per tent. e carry a surplus or emergency fund of over $3,400 of Whan Widows Re-marry. Strange commentary on Dr. John son's famous dictum that a second marrkige "is the triumph of hope over experience" comes from France. Dr. Jacques Bertillioa has been col lecting statistic to discover want age is moat favorable to second ven tures in the troubled seas of mat rimony. Moat amazing Is the deduc tion that women whether widows or divorcees, between tbe ages of 20 and 30, are leas inclined to a rep etition of the great experiment than those under 20 or over 30 years. Tbe more youthful widow seems to be the less hopeful. It may be that sentiment is powerful to keep her in the bereaved state. Possibly a widow between 20 and 30 is charming and attractive to such a degree' that so many men pay court to her as to make H impossible for her to choose between them. But once tbe widow passec 30 she apparently feels old enough to select a second partner. la the natural course of human life st would seem that the percentage of widows under 20 must he relatively small. Between 20 and 30 the pro portion will Increase rapidly. Once the boundary line of 30 la passed, per haps the buoyancy of youth has gone and the widow In France again for a home and a Philadelphia Press. Briefly $5 J oo in same number paying that aaeeb ey which they oaa aback oat tar papers and magailaes tail 1912. get Ike building and all that with at Now Just a word, good womea Civic Leajru needs a m iaaaf j a home and there are o'bar ttaas of women aad girls that be benefitted by having a r plan of assemblage. Are there not SO, or even public spirited womea la tils that will undertake to glee the m unity what la so jnnch nesdvd desired? The Southerner has a Mat of the pualicattawa that can be ea cuilag oat the reqairemeoU. Tails t list embraces every ism. all kinds of c so that the woman with eac ergy will have no trouble la the amount she needs. Oa rrMay. Jbm 24th ta the e- n wMlta the wU la the grove Mr. w B win H their of the vb Hra to prefer 1 9 oarry I enjoy their dtaaet la good ed pk&ic atria. CO MY FRIENDS AND ACQUAINT ANCE. I am now open for neatness with a New. Ualqee line of SVwslry: also be aarm aaa aaoosotae una of Wire .. fraUa; o. Ware, and Cot Glass Sattabie lor win be for www eg gtfte etc. ttc. Any artiste selected trom my stock will oarry wVh at a lastLig recollection of the srtver aad toe occasion aad always wlu represent VALUE aad QUALITY, j "swat my aim ia to establish say 'rates o reputation for pleas has say patrons by j rwa ea having a fair profit, but act high cha an fcxrh pnoea for cheap Yours for buaiaeaa, . M. VON MtLOROM. Next door to Ssvtnga Bank. Rocky Mount, N. C. Fine repairing and engraving done promptly Personal MsaTMs s Mail Orders. If yon have stomach or ble heart, liver or kidney lister's Rocky Musts In 1 you more good in leas Ma other remedy because tt ural condlUoas. SMgeoombe Small FlgM. Basse Parker and Joe flat cuff . rtiiaaiat of Thursday evenkeg. Mayor the affray op with $2 SO Civic League on Cleanliness. The regular monthly meeting the Civic League was held Friday ternoon. We regret on account the absence from town of many mem bars and the uncertain weather, there was not a ruii attendance, as wa 3 an War Commissioner, Dr. Jenkins gave us a very brignt and interest ing talk on tbe work undertaken by The League. He suggested that we have a "Clean- mg-up wees tor eacn warn in in town, beginning with the First Ward. This Clean ing-up Week should appeal to every citizen as it is for the bene fit and improvement of bis own in dividual premises, as well as for tbe good of the town that this work is being donee. He spoke of the higher work the League could do by converting Tar boro into a clean and healthy town, and thereby preventing so much sick ness among its citizens; for a clean town means a healthy town, and a healthy town means happy cW-ixens. He also warned us against the da.nee.rs which come from the use of fire works on the Fourth of July and at Christmas, and asked our sad towards abolishing a practice which results in so much loss of life and limb throughout the whole country. We hope that Dr. Jenkins will give us another helpful and suggestive talk Tbe Cleaning-up Week for the First Ward, will begin June 20th. MARY IRWIN BRIDGERS, Recording Secretary. In F. SHACKELFORD, Sec'y and Treas H. PENDER, Agent written only in Edge- combe. Members of the people's mu tual BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. wiU taks notice that I can bs found my offict. This is the cheapest in uranca in the country and absolute l7 rli&ble. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasure! CHICHESTER S PILLS c 3 fjftl&k. BRAND HAM ,"',,rU for CHT-CHKS-TKR'S A Ct. ' " ,V,KD rilXS In RRi and aibUn ' t V'J, aealed with NO GTIIB1I. Tin. ol iTn,T "k ror cm.CHEs.TtKS V ar,r". , K1!" PIM.S, for twenty-dve m twentr-Cve ft O I k ' " ' ' Bet.Safest, Always Reliable 85Jh-D BY ALL DRUGGISTS tiiRi, EVPRVWUCDC worth A Rabbit Party. A most elegant and dcMghrfal aoclal event was the Rabbit Party given by Mrs. Claude Wilson Thursday even ing la honor of her sister, Miss Annie Wilson of Cape Charles, Vs. From tbe time of receiving the quaint hand painted invitations, all knew there was a delightful tame In store, knowing tbe popularity of the hostess and her guest. Thirty-six of the forty invited were present la spite of tbe downpour of rain. Little Miss Willie Wilson met the guests at the door, presenting each with a hand-painted rabbit wrrih a dear tottle verse telling what to do. Mrs. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. Wed deU received in the hail, Mjs. Ash born and Mrs. Braewell presenting the guests to Miss Wilson, who re ceived In the parlor. From the time of entering to that of leaving (there was not a doll mo ment. Beautiful hand-painted cards with appropriate verses always di recting the next fun from getting your little bow. to going to the punch bowl: to writing poems and drawing rabbets; to finding tbe and various shaped bundles hid with such wonderful care by tbe thought foil bunnies. Henry Clark Bridgera in his usual bright, charming manner pre sented Miss Ballard Buna and Dr S. P. Baas with two beautiful fur Bunnies for best drawing and poem on a rabbit. Miss Sallie Porter aad Mrs. S. P. Bass presided over the punch bowl. The whole house was thrown open and most beautifully decorated with hollyhocks and sweet peas, carrying out. the effective scheme of white and green. The dining room with soft with Nannie Frtckson. Thief River Falls using HolMeier-a Rocky Mom stain Tea he past year jays he can act praise at too highly. He Is glad to iweotaawa I it to anyone suffering frees) headaches j stomach trouble ' Bag n nm.be Drug CO. Well Sold Peaches. The peach drop In this county is a ..n w T Parrv .1 ftttKlIlfl nas 0Hf of the finest and soon will have the ! bt highly polisbedl tables J . Hi Florentine laces, rabbits aad aw mies- iiuii- vjuwu - has been selling them here and else where- at remunerative prices. He shipped a few to New York and they netted him something like ?11.00 a bushel. 8ave Your Chickens From Gapes. Macnalr's Chicken Powder does the work for the gapes. Had some little chicks nearly dead and It cured them completely. C. D. Brown, Speed, N. C. Oct. 12, 1909. 8124 In order to make the best crops, knu. tho heat Seed. We JFMIX 1UUBI' " " sell them "Landreth's" W. H. peas was a dream of beauty, the col or scheme waa carried out la the ice-cream white rabbits oa I The refreshments were moat grace fully and daintily served by II Sallie Roberson and Annie Sledge. At quite a late hour, all wkth reluc taace told the hostess good night Juvenile Scrap. Bob Mitchell and Wilson Porter, two colored lads for fighting fined $4.00 by Mayor Jones. nalr Drug Co. Mac-8t24 When you're alUng and dont know just what's the matter with you, the safest thing to take Is Hollletera'Rock Mountain Tea, both because it's the greatest all-round systemic regulator, and because it cannot work Injury la era Railway will aios bags Oresgyro, This special lyej wJU Wave Ore mam o at TJt a, aad reach Oaford .tboat It tft a. Returning K will save Oxford CM p. as. aad arttva. la On bare ebos 7.U a. am. The Oxford Ornfciaage, one of waeKb. ru three hi adsad aad thirty children the Lo4 CO.U, tbeeti MB, Phllathsa Meeting. The PbUathea Class of the West Tarboro Methodist Church held Its ;uiar monthly meeting at the hosse of Mrs. J. D. O rimes lag at 8 o'clock, and deep favorable weather, these large aad eathoalsst Much business of transacted, after which Mia. J. Powell. President of the Class interesting abort talk the dulea of this organise low, of young women, at work for the bet- -meat of other young women. Brief though the talk, tt was very mack enjoyed. Tbe class now numbers about forty and Is steadily growing. Much tereat aad enthusiasm la being feated. AJssr the business of as over, delicious ret served and tbe voting lira. Orl say x o aU la- all CARDI OF CI NDIDATH TO MY PRIgNIM, rtNO TNI VOT FOR TRg lURIR. Sahjact to tbe e of us party. I ta i rriee of treasurer t t h r. CRS IN EOO tOO COUNTY. IJast to be a ! Have on Tried I h- COOK QVALITV II not t Don't iro anoth r day until you do. Delirious unsu rpaftsed In tbe Yer- oi all. iit'ii Place at W H a v COOK THE DRUGGIST Masonic Temple Building Tarhoro, - N.C. a aooo iHKHl APPEARANCE Oa - SOCIE TT NOTlCt TO . J i itaadT- a bk 1 ' W ZANDER. i. Ittl or K I North Carw4M!" ' Use Allan's The antiseptic powder to be en Into the a boss . If you have tired. aching feet, try Allan'a Foot-Easa It rests the feet aad makes new or tight shoes easy. Cares aching, awot tne, hoc sweating feet. RsMaess corns and bunions of ail pain aad res rest aad comfort. Always use K to Break In new shoes Try at to day. Sold oaj abate, U eeata. Dont apt any substitute. For free trial package, address Allen S. L Roy. N. T. ei.;c.r- -nnriT niiniirn nnniuin nur AO. Fwast aaraay.rr-Hnju - ba U L R V II 11 U L U ML II II I V L D. C.'Onaa Jaaaa: Sara 1 190 aaaseaaa as Mabasa aiargaa HH I H AMI n T X II Ml t . H I i- - i w u - iiiiiaiiaii i i a ai IMPORTANT. W advsrttee to send our S steel frame Pttleaa Scale oa val. M arnndersland Ing a letter U D. Baglas who only wai price we wU' sooa have a m Macclesfield, which wBl be et a rd suet Ion to save storage shiping. The first reasonable will hs taken. Address JONBS OF BIN OH AM TON. m K. St. Rmghaarton. N. T offer of Onsen oenoera. stuffed wotb fresh .n hoVivt make a dainty an v case, be ins purely v glOii Wlu wus. - . . ' - luncheon dish. ! EdgBcombe Drug Co, "K cared me," or "a lae of say child" are the you hear every day about Iain's Colic. Cholera aad Remedy. Thai hi true tbe world where tads valuable remedy been introduced. No otba In use for dls stThosa or I pisiota has received such pro v al . The secret of tbe Colic. a that It Said by ail a Oa. rlbu of as a Jfteess st C 1. R. No ail by W. h Hi Tbe Taka a Kodak Wtta You. of taw la a KODAJLB i aa 9U. BBOWmCAMMRAMtl lafUL wur tUindcw. Catalog on w7cquct. a sear an tSsassi us. itts at U J Slid mm sea n NOWGOINGONAT J "?!52:r; itanum-LiTy Co. 5 Store by i 7 w. 114 Rosenbloom-aLeYj Co.

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