Carbon Mljjtrra ri6.tT2C F-OTTT'EljXi. Editor, Published Every Thursday, rjabscription RatesSl.OO peryear u .ered ai t'ostcfilce as second class matter Thuisday, Jane 16, 1910. AN UNPRINCIPLED OPPORTUNIST Cleveland, June 8. A severe ar raignment of the Southern States for their failure to properly educate ithe negro was delivered here night in an address by former ernor R. B. Glenn, of North to- cut Gov-1 me Caro- the the lina. Mr. Glenn declared that eleven Southern States, where negroes form 40 per cent of population only 15 per cent of school fund is devoted to their the edu- cation. He was speaking at the Euc lid Avenue Christian Church. "This leads," he said "to an in crsiase i,h crime and immorality and is especially noted in the illiterate lead ership. Tfeexb are 30,000 negro preach ers who exercise an enormous in fluence over nine million negroes. A- bout ten per cent of these have re ceived more than aprimary edu cation and the remaining 27,000 ar ignorant m 5n who are framing the destinies of millions of their fellows." Associated Press What will not a dirty dog do? -The idea of Bob Glenn proclaim ing injustice to the negro when demagogue that he is, and always has beeD, secured h:s nomination as Governor of this good old State by proclaiming, regardless of tbe Constitution, that he favored the negro educating himself out of the money he paid for taxeS and the whites from what they paid. This B-b Glenn did in this county .and adjoining counties, and then became wroth at Dou and -Henry Gilliam and this edi tor because we told him in plain words that we would Stand for no such unfairness. The assinity of some so called reformers is more than damnable Had it not been for his tirades against the rogro in his pit-nomi nation campaign, North Carolina would have had a gent'eman for Governor, Charles Manly Stead man, instead of an unprincipled opportunist, and an official jackal. TAX VALUATION" TALK. Until new assessments of realty are made what the Southerner may say is to awaken the public conscience for the inequalities must exist till next tear when a iaer. appraisenment of real prop erty is to be made. Farm lands are so unequally valued that it is timely now to draw attention to the injustice done other tax payers or certain phases of property. The tax lists will show in over, half of the county laud is valued a! onr-fifth of the price it would bring. In one township could ba named a tract of land valued, or rather assessed at $3, 900, whose owner conlu sell in the market for probably $30,000. We know of a laiy with 8850 solvent credits, in other words she has $so0 that ehe is lending out at 6 per cent. There is a farm of 'J0' acres adjoinirg this township sc s d for taxa tion for 1850; yet that f.rmis mortgaged for over $3,500 and the security is regarded i good that the laud is not sold. Ibe hold erof the debt probably gives it in as a solvent c?cdr. This is our tax' situation, and it is shameful. June 187 and 1310. Older citizens because of the pro tractsa raises and the. high water are claiming much similarity for the two periods. The chief difference to the time of the month the trot spe'.l lasted; this June it was the first half of the month and the last in 1867. line iae K. li. Austin kept a weather diary for many years but at that time he had no rain guage, so the rainfall is not known. The following extracts from diary will assist in comparing two Junes. i. Drigit and pleasant. his the 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Much rain, dry and night Damp and sultry. Bright and fair. Brlgjn; and fair. Hazy. Rain. Rainy. Cloudy, sukrv. ': Cloudy, mis;y cool in p. m. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Cool. Bright and fair; Bright and fair; vc-ry coo'., very cool. Hazy, cloudy ; warmer. 1 right; warmer. Bright; dry ; very daSty. CiouSy; heavy showers. Fair in morning, showers La afternoon.. 18. Cloudy; much rain. 19. Rain; rain; rain. 2021. Cloudy. 22. Cloudy; river rising; above any freshet this year; commenced falling In p. rn. 23. Much rain; heaviest of season zi. Liouay; second rs-e in (high freshet. 25. Raining p. m. 26. Cloudy; 27. Cloudy; slowly; showers in much rain lt night river ring and very jhlh; ra.ia in p. m. 23. FatT; river falling; the high est since 1842 a.nd within 7 inches of that. 2930. Fair, hot. Only once has the freshets of 1842 and 13S7 been exceeded; in Novem ber 1887, when the river here was (two f 3t above that of 1842. Farmers: Y'ou short pn eorn ana nay, plant nape for yo-r I HoSs, Mi l?t end early Corn for youiV Mules. We have tbe beat. W. H. Macnair Dru3 Co. gt24 11 WASHINGTON LETTER. "-' (From our Special Correspondent.) Washington, D. a June 11 1910. Hon. E. C. Stanley, a member af Con gress from Kentucky, his presented a unique bill in Congress. It is to pro vide a government cold storage plant iu Washington. He insists that such a plant will more than pay for itself in saving the government thousands of dollars yearly. Dr. Wiley, the distin guished government chemist and advo cats of pure food laws, expresses his approval of the Stanley bill. He says a government ice house will result In better provisions for the army and off the enormous profits of the ait trust. A cold storage plant built bv the government according to the statement of his bill, will cost a mil Hon add a half and it is provided that the Secretary of the Treasury shall buy a site, proceed at oaceto build a model storage house for meats but ter, vegetables and other foods as are issued to the army and naval forces of the United States. The bill has another purpose in that it will give the government a chance to studv and learn the cost of keeping perishable foods in healthful condition without traking the evidence of interested and prejudiced men . in J the emnloy of the trusts. Moreover, it win s:ivb iuuub4uus i j suff1: g food to the army and navy and to Soldie s' Home situated in Washing ton and io oth?r soldiers' homes in di ferenf pans of the country. In h's ar gument in favor of the bill, Hepwsen- tative Stanley says that the most o- dious and oppressive of all trusis is the food trus , aad he points out thct although She cell storage men pro'-ea. tart charge of exorbitant prices with which they a e Indictrd have been dlt proved, it is universally believed that cold storage in the hands of the trust is on? of the main causes of the high price of foods. Corgre-ssrcan Stanley and Dr Wiley have been in correspondence. In a re cent letter to Dr. Wiley, Mr. Snley asked his opinion with reference to the feasibility and advantages of the cold storage plant?. In this letter he said: "It is certain thr.t cold storage men are ia the hacilt of keeping meat and other foods long after they cease to to whoksome. The government ex peri mces great difficulty ia ObtnfeteS accurst? information and must nec essarily d:p?nd upon expert slate men of interested parties. In replying to this letier Dr. Wiley said: "In regard to .he subject of cold storrage in Wat ngton, in so far as facilitatiug our in vestigations on the storage of food is concerned, I am .free to say it would be of greatest advantage. A govei a meit warehoas? wirch ;! I co!ia:or wi a us in securing defln te degreei of ref ugerat'on wouid le advantageot Dr. ..Wiley declared that cattle are sold from his farm naar Washington and bought by the consumers at less than half the prices charged in Wash ington or any other city where it H necceaarv to buv cold storage nui -t Ir. Stnnley argues that if Dr. W:i I is correct :n his s cements ice gov amei.t will quickly be repaid for tb more mve.-ted in a cold strago r.;c: nd moreover, that the military sac naval forces of the country wi'.lbe su; p ied with a better quality of eatables p. Stagey says that the plant could be operated bv the government at : minimum cost and t'i:t inasmuch a.- the government has refused to ton: tobadbo from the tobacco trust or pov der from the povrder trjsf, there is n reason why it may not make every of fort to obtain its supply of ms-t in de pood eat of meat trust, which has be .a dme ad time ag in .indicted an co .victod. He say3 that it is no' I:: tenked to have the government go ir to Lh? bui'.aiss, but inas much as the government Is the largest pur chaser of meat and other like product Io fto duty to the tax payer to se caiu provisions the most economical way. Daring the last yor more than c niliion of dollars was expended fot :a3it.5 for the soldiera' home alone. The army expended over two mill'ion of doilars for fresh mearts, to 3ay rot iag o! bacon and lard. The navy b'Jl far batter was $400,000 a the rare of 33c per pound. The fresh meat for the navy was fi'ten millions. Uasidoj, w parch, cod thousands of pounds of poaltry. Swtft, Armour CMdahe-y an other liek cancers furnished this tooS at exorbitant cost to the government and a immense profic to themselves. IMPORTANT. T."o advertise to seed o-ar 5 ton stel frame Pitks? Scale on appro val. Misunderstanding a letter from L. D. EngJes who only wanted price ?e wil' soon have a scale at Macclesfield, which will be cold at a rifuc-lon to save storage or re sh ping. The first reasonable offer will b3 taken. Address JON'BS OF BIXOH1MTOX. 637 K. St. Elnshamton, M. Y. Sparta Locsls. Mark Spoiht and wife of Sara toga spent Saturday and Sunday with Aire. Ann Cumminga Wiley Leggett of Rooky Mount, s??nt Sunday near here. Mr. and Mrs. Edwards of Raleigh. spont the week-end with Mrs. YV. T. Knight, Mrs. Edwards is pl3-s-aratly remembeied hero zs Miss Sel ma Knight. Miss Hxttie Little sport Saturday wiih the Misses Cuman-ings noar hesv;. Mrs. Rosa Mercer of Tarboro, is vivMng her mother, Mr: E. L. Moore. L. II. Weils went to Grsenviiie last Sunday. Mm. Godwin his returned to her horse In Greenville. WILD DRIER. Kept the King at Home. "For the past- year we have kept the King of all laxatives Dr. King's New aVfe Pills In our home and they have proved a blessing to ail our family. ' writes Paul Mithulka. of Buffalo, N. Y. Easy; but sure rem edy for all stomach, Liver and Kidney-troubles. Only 25c. at W. H. MacNair Drug Co. Are your eyes weak. Can vou see how to thread a. needle. If not, you yihould see our neWle threader. tTa a wonder TtnhXi.nm. BOOMING MANCHURIA, Chins Helping Her Own Poople to Settle There. A fine exhibition of native pro docte recently took place in Klr'.n, capstal of the central prorlnoe at fjUkmobaria. A short list of the ar ticles exposed 111 give a fair Mem of the wealth of thiscorner of the Chinese Empire. There were tlge-r and leopard steins, white fox; sable; otter; squir rel; badger; boaTer; ferret; wolf; wild dog; cat; bear; deer; sheep sod lamb skins; goid dust; silver ore; pearls; giig; rice; wheat; barter buckwheat; Indian corn; seroral va rieties of miii.t; hemp; beans; bean cake and bean oU; tobacco of oxoOr Lent quality; indigo; sesams seed and potatoes. AH these bespeak a rich agricul tural country, writes a correspondent of "America" one which would bo much Improved by further railway ex pansion andTthe introduction of for eign machinery, poogho and modern agricultural implements. Among other valuable products art also wood, fruk and meaiotaU herbs. The oak. ohojferat .lm maple and poplar grow to a Urge size and co aid well be exported to other parts of the empire, but in China inter-provinctal trade to little develop ed, 'highways that caa lay claim to the title of gooi roads aa-a rare and iikio tar:iers oppose an iasur mouuUble objticle ta too expanstot. of trade. The city of Kirlai H a great in dustrial and t.udiLg cootrc and the head or s'eam navlg tlon on the Sun gari river. Two new staaasrs are now being buit by the gOt-eramett for the traffic on this river. toai- munication with Kuungchccgtsa oc the Sou'h .MaacLuilaa railway lloe will also be aooa estahliahed. When the Antung Mukden railway will bo completed Japan i .to' :onnect!as Kiria wi:h the Coraaa r-l.way ay tam, thereby g Mug into ber oei. barn the agricultural products men tioned above, i. e. the whole borrost of the fincit and richest parts ol wXIanchurio. To induce forclgncro. o-h?r than Russian or Japanese to settle In Kiria the gov .Tamest Is marking out the limis of an international oaf-le-meat. It Is situated outsdv the east wail and will be two mttea in length by one broad. Officsa of tae lnpsrul .lan.ime Chiton. a were opened la the city la the early put of the year. A Constitutional Assembly Its U already erected and has cuet SO, 0i0 Jookk Schools tre b?!og built ith all possible has "-a av.d sno large : attended. The stadnts have imbib ed the new patriotic sp6rtt and sbo everywhere a morkoi hctrod ol Japan. 0iag to their agitation a ooycott U atid malnaineed against Japanese goods. io resst toe inx.ux of roretgn sst (lonj llhst is from Russia and Ja :an m Moaokaria, tue Chinee go jrum-oat baa recootly a a; tod aa eoa ration movcaieat, principally to the north rod nor h eastern pa its oi the country, in these rogloaj froatixar .owns are spriogicg up with the muahioocn rapidity of Ainerieoa i It laj in the far West. Many places V stioyel dating the Uoer havi asw a Ca.'aejj poya. n a.i tars tlm a as taumeroud as before. Tee go t ujant eocourages these eeUlere agllnst Ruaaia aaU Japa. Taey are OOOoathj tewe soldlois. and botag trained to bear arms, a HI proe bep ful In ail casas of troub with the new iavaiing ti r..ei.;. To enab thorn to soite quickly a loon is advanced for travebing ex penses, ftnx sowing of !d and la- tiai outlay, within tea emigrants kavo to py to tae meat, all tbc.d aJvanecs. Thl eaai gretioa mj.-cxeai shows tait China is wide awaie to the daoger . and nee of tae mom?nt in M.achrla aaa is firmly resolved to hold Lor own s gii-st all ootstion who asy wUh to settle w4'i..i bar BOOOtlaog anu axploit her wealth tcr otlr owe purposes. America has her l col si taJ ecoooml oal problem. The wh t race and It box auut be iket the "yellow peril." China oa the ota slda of tie Pacific, is coaf.-jated w4U the same probiots bavMonenagda ana pats Into practice ths lesson given by th9 States. New York Sa. . BREjlAU & SHORTElt COL. ' LECE3 AND CON3EAVA. TORIES. Gainesville. Rome Qj. Mar.h lL, 1310. . Mr. Chaa. ,T. 3tl ff. Balt.ap.erc. Vd. Dear Sir: The unlnftru! ted arowth of our CoosKvalory an J tha noes- - pecs r. an aatTal eulargenaant thapuejk, -ibe conso Uutirf of tha facalty of Shorter College . wtla th t of BpgaiB renders ' neikteaan gdlV2 ta oir to place i h yo-a i-n order -for piano eui-.-rt t, ana wo wish . twanty 8 lo f li.un, which pleaae tenet for u w-th groat care and ship la to reach s not loawr iuta Sootembor fLsL We haveln oar Connorvstory . pianos of too most fan.ous manufacture: a, and la coa . alteration of thU fact it shou.d be a Bource of gra:l".3atlon to - yoa that we ar aole to aay that thla ordor for your pianos Is due to oar very satisfactory experience of the past three . years with stleff pianos In our Conservatory (and also la Shorter College j, and It to of Interest also that this purchase gives us no fewer than aeventy Stieft pianos alone probably a . greater number than the oa tire ciuipmect . of aay other . woman's college tn America. Very truly yours, H. J. PRARCE. T. J. SIMMONS. Presidents. CHA3. M. 3TIEFF Maker of th Ar: tic tttoff, Shaw and Stiiff Self-PUyer Pianos -W. M. BAGWELL, Salesman. r armors a-J Gardeners: W can aavj you money these times of hgh prices ia haying your seed of us. wj aell tk3m in quantl'y atoo Cabbage and Tomato plants, w. H. Macnair Drug Co. gut MOTIC1. Notice Is hereby gtvea to all per sona concerned that Che Rooky PopsiCola Bottling Co.. a only organised and laws of Una, with principal office at Mount, N. C. and in ty. has this day mod org the ClSrk of tKa ItllM III - - WAmm. I , I , the reg'craUoo, iion. under Chapter 01.. of 107. of too follow- or trade-mark, for 000 i of Its glass boOUeo sow ttlon'i business of ' bob Public Laws log d)Tice( or upon certain tn us-. old corporation" lag. dealing ta. and ooiUag cola, ginger aia, aoda oher aerated beverages, to wit: Aa sUlptloal medallion or shield within and around too outer rim of which appears, in relief, the Punch I Nello Bottling Co . Mount, N. C e octroi lag the figures, likewise a relief, of a raroed as. and intended to ronrooeaf a Punchinello holding ia kka out B-rouhecla left band s goblet. Thlt device which msaamreo two oad eighth inches from top to two and throe q from Wt to rxibt. belns Wows te the glass. And farther notice la hereby glv on Ihu mmlA rormnlLoii ha thla Ja lUowUe fUed wttk oald Clerk aa op plication for the registration aa foresaid of a certain other device or trade mark, for use upon certain of mm or nii i Bottling lu wooden crates, now la aess, to wt: Tk. - I- !-. n-VI V..M i' l;n-b. UmiiI V C " BkMll with , ' T . spproxlmatoty free oad on half lock as from top to bottom sad ftftooo o :hos across from loft is right. TV V-vice being printed or vi aaid orates. This lth day of Vsy, lift ROCKY MOVXT PEPSICOLA IlC- ruDtrj co. VALUABLE LAND FOR SALE By virtue of a ooerra of per" or Couit of County male la tha Spe-fcM ia pondlag. enttUed H. M. Aveot et ate rem us Frank Hitch et aia. wo wUl oo Juae lth. 110. at 11 o'ctork a. m. ta Hobgood. North Csrollaa. sM at pub I - suction for ssh. toot cer sla tract of land, sttaated pertly In Edgecombe County nod rr County . near Hobgood. containing six hundred scrra, t ot or and a ijO'nrsg the lands o R H Oi '.la. Baker Boll. Mrs. H. Rodger and others, and to the same tract of laid 'hat was conveyed by Jobo I ilr.drrs. trustee. t Oeoiae 4 Droee, and one half Interest ?o. veyed by said Oeorgt R. -o Frank Hitch, all of mbl h will oily appaar co a'so s full deortlp U)a 4 aaid lands by reference to th- s Id deeds la tko offtoo of R'iU or of Deeds of This May n h. 110. T. T. THORN E, J. P BL'NN. &ALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power and su iti::. -o:::at.:.'.i K ge exaruted to larrett Or' rare aad duly m the of ft o of the Rag later of for Rlgsconbo County . Nor a Ilia in Uook 103. page SIS 1 sou for esak at too Cwort or la Tarboro. N. C s.o 18th day of Jbty ll. p'e-.-e or pa real of load latest bttog to said cosjaaty a the tra of Prl-iiV. !n tot numbec-od 20 la tbe via Van of cer tiki iardt among Jamee B. Uoyt! " and others, a resort of wafcxh cor lad in said ofCro te Book 3. 4: t whi-h report and the a.or-aid. reference to pir Vulir de rlitton of r d HENRY JOHNRTOlN. Mo.- Jons 13th. 110. SALE or Ry virtue of the REALTY. Quoted so tbe undersigned by Heary R Hymen and duly racoroad to f ce of tbe Regtoc of Deeds far Jgacoasko County. North Carol ins 10 Jo A 141. pags I: I shall aeU A the Court Hones door la Tsar- Oa- . N A, on Monday tke lata day or July 1910. o certain piece or par c -! of land lyteg sod be law m 'J county aad bwa of Tarbof. of D-. . N Hsrreil being a part of lot 31 la the division of certain lands 1 domes B. Uoyd sad others. 0 port of ehkh to r icarned la o.'foe la Book S3, page 4; and bounded aa follows town of Tarboro. ofoodad MS U a westerly dfroctloa along aobJ ivnu- from the Northern ooraer of said lit numbered 31. along anU WUaoa 51 fort to Dr. 8. N HasresTs tine, thence tn n eootberiy dlreotlos te s Uos pe-pecd.'culnr to oald Wttoon Ave aoe extended, and along oald Har nallR line 7t foot to coo Hoc of Dr. S. N. Horrent tot, tkaocc te on em, erly dlrect'oa Uong aaid HntroRto Uw Km on tha Pne of tko tot for marly owned by Bdwla Corbort. now by John rVathfol: ibmoa la o oorth orty dlreotlon along said Faithf at a line 78 feet to tko beadnnteg reosronce to hereby made to mortgrgej for o tioa of aaid tend HENRY JOHNSTON. Jane 13th MM. tonwc SUIIIIItlt SCHOOl SLS 1 g rood to open at m school rooms Jaoc IS, Mori tlay . g 5 or 6 weeks Summrr School for those desiring to equip tbe rn selves better Tor teaching io tbe public school, and to take some special courses io Higher Bragliak, yathemaUos, Latin, Greek sod Elementary Uciroce. F. 8. WIKIXFOX, lrio. T. M. A JMtUs y sd Vtstaltr. I llargwia 9m' j to foil la AO now VTLl7 m' M"J r- J WMT,,!!!f Vf. V kj '"uil"' hoi J" bm eSMo too A beo yro aiMog and doat rfr tul rMm tl rloioag a( Rocky Mooat and Flokte CrweI : EarMd teiiiBOHooa sea I rM" V tbat the arster wlU go I ? Ul roterol in any paces. I gnJkT LZTTmT toot, ao ofl oooso of b ooSoao Ik Nask toot tfojntalareo?k kooonoo H i to and bv-a H cannot work injory lot till Pi.alng. The ttbUc builoxngo biO now appro pcHas for a public oolktlog at this eteco and Rocky ill want toorj oao to askwoprtoaed tor tko goto korol and Mf jlOO forr Rooky Marti. te i u. ago-Vtlr on heavy catena, t rtols wa mm wkeo te trip i aan ckitte: II boy f kooptei til kroa.hksl it oiool. 1 too ognot of AsRodtl. N C. R R No k carodTkito of oo sft.w oJl otker c nta sd It .ao A trtol bottto by W H MscNstr NAL INTaUCtNCt. gogj days' t rr OS Lotos Rented teat Otekt are. Wadamn. w M . r. o nk. Sr W.; U J Tklgpes, Jr v Hi ... ECGEC0MBE AUTOMOBILE CO. it: Jicyclo Ropslriug Mr 'A Ico hes hsl Ral ToRM IT EVER I Tan! . fEroI t OLA ton Hop 1110 ok R WELL XT I 1 hen . why notdrlok PiniCVLAt It at on Par an. r j t Iron sod hot lied o PIFCk-OOLA cjoajtRlsjg fVfgoa. Sura , srlci. Acid 1.. a- I Not (0 r.eoirot of dop io U, but He re -ago niioe kief. Ii )oo dcnls. send you a lei. If br Yon ku bore o oodn f -acU-o la io th ; rrfrlget a'nr Dot onsorR node the asmc rare aod eaaueitoto On PkPl fJOlJL. Alona for teAUcd drioW note hw Thrh. mjwm9m Uo -! 11 with to Our Urontoat llleateag. HUM it rood by drinking oar flnadtory THporo" Ottulled tTtur IVIItkredl ta yaar home, fvr only Sc per gal lea w- Th outer I altogether a dioWwot p edict iban ii lin 1 ,t-eu from ordinnry factory boHera. Water fraga 8Mb bottara te omt rkrea icnllj port- tbrrrfnrc not bralt bv To Ibtak. Be sa Iks abate fhwL and dhmk oar Prod acts. Ask Tatar Phrbioo atd Z af 1.. lhiall mrnre t. -r. a r sod a THE aa Slut tc rick Designs For 3:mbroit!ery, Braid ing, Ktc" ihklaa aai ij of BUTTEROK TRANSFER PATTERNS BummoK L trary now hand wionskt laentosunn; gag Stoart Yoaroo, sa trail as n a a -a. liocua. home a With oaoh bonk are two Collar and a Hhlit Watet) TCnaaaka. Atoear W. IW. A RNHEIM. I ognoogg loft thaj ooo ota I bs "AN O T I E u.t no Or CUVMIMuSUITTLE Tko Tn hi! tm b Rat to h dateRlt' iagfioto. If it o n STIKVr or RH gW, oil V u bare io do te t 03A& M. RTIRKe, Md.t and oll gw4 reply, for oil KTIIUT sod Ml A Diprxm se U ii. red froea I IbUl and i So aaskor to No Utooble. mm rd E. r mGrutesi. Xortesk. V. MotoUooi l.tepsptr J R- A1LCB, OCCUR TO YOU Itolng, and FVtfnl, tlnrtkoR MoRCRlMt IS TRTTE Aetd Vttelt J4 tovurt Trtpuro OmtlUrd S PklW. kro assg pal oaoR. Here's "Food for tfcgsagRf," tbr paorfy wkto oaM ygej tor ode too. r oo kCoteMt of I mo bio. or oooof aay throe bard boors fl) R a ''Y1, " ri'" " Obtof. o gyaateao of Okie Ckoaf, wory trwiy . jsaOk, W. sL TUKJTRN Mrcr4 Pr Hen. Kx pot ten on. Poosjo 2I4L . . OSPtaaint asytler u direct fmea . VERY LATEST for uaiag aad s lrnmn murn tiimmtn epparai ha la vcart for (R AO tor

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