South etwee BE SURE YOU ARK R1GHT;THKN GO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 26 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. JUNE 30. 1910. So Tired It may be from overwork, bat the chances are Its from an in active , With a well conducted LIVER one can do mountains of labor without fatigue. It adds a hundred per cent to ones earning capacity. It can be kept in healthful action by, and only by Tutt'sPills TAKE NO SUBSTITUTE. judicial Convention for the 4th Ju dicial District. By order of the Democratic Judic al Executive Committee, the Demo cratic Convention for the 4th Judic ial DUiri t of North Carolina is called to meet at Rocky Mt. mi July, 7th 1910 at 11 o'clocV far the purpose of nominat lidate for Judge and Solic id of transacintg such other" rther business as may properly before it. R. A. P. COOLEY, H. A. GILLIAM, e Democratic Judicial Execu .uiuittec, 4th District X. C. oro, X. C. June 14th 1910. THEODORE ROOSEVELT I BY 8AYOYAKD In Charlotte Observer. were N. t A. 3 A Woman's Great Idea w t3 make herself attractive. Bui i :i health, at is hard for her lovely ia face; form or A weak sickly woman will rvous and irritable. Consti a and Kidney poisons show tiaapiee, blotches; skin erup and a wretched complexion, tnc Bittars always prove ;a:id to women who want healthy beauty and friends. They r?guLte Stomach, Liver and Kid n ys; purify the blood; give strong n ry s; bright eyes, pure breath; smooth-, velvety skin; lovely com pi ixion, good health. Try them. 50 c. at W H. MacNair Drug Co. a god Jw: received complete line of. Cr ssett Oxfords. Roberson-Ruffin Co. NOTICE. Haviag qualified as administrators ox the estate of J. B. Bradley, de t sas 1, late of the county of Eigecombe this is to notify all persons holding claims against the said estate to present the same to us or to oar Attorney, T. T. Thorne Rocky Mount North CaroMma, on or before June 22, 1911 or thto notice win be ;iiead in bar of recovery; and a: I p-rsoos indebted to sand. estate .' pi -as? make immediate payment This June 15th, 1910. GEORGE W. BRADLEY. H. L. BRADLEY, Ad nin's rrtors of J. B. Bradley, dec'd T. T. THORNE, Attorney. "iui m me mines ot man. u.WUOiffiB noat Theodore Roose vett to greater than Caesar and wis ar Solomon, that to more than toe genius of Napoleon he edds more than the character of Wash wgton. "Hear ham but reason in divinity, ui anminaig with an In wan: wish. Yon would desire the King made a prelate; Hear him debate of Commonwealth affair, ion would eay it hath been all in i all Side study; List his discourse of war and shall hear A fearful battle render'd you music: Turn him to any cause of policy, The Gordian knot of it he will un loose, FamUiir. as his garter; that when he speaks Tho ah a charter'd Libertine, is stai. And mute wander lurketh in ' men's ears To steal his sweet end hon eyed sentences.". you in SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power and au ritv contained in a certain mort- jsge executed to the undersigned by 1 1 r t Grimes and duly recorded in tha ffice of the Register of Deeds for EWgecombe County, North Caro Una in Book 103, page 468 I shall for cash at the Court House in Tarboro, N. C. on Monday 18th fay of July 1910, a certain or parcel of land lying and in said county and State in town of PrinceviLle, being lot n u ered 20 in. tbe division of cer iar.ds among James B. Lloyd I others, a report of which is re ". in said office La Eook 63, page t- t j w'li.-h report and tho mortgage said, reference is made for a : . - : ulir description of saed land. HENRY JOHNSTON, Mo:-agee. J m : 13th, 1910. MR. FARMER: If you want Pure Flour for jour wheat whfn it is dry, serd it to me. I manufacture as pure white flour as any mill in America. Yours truly, JONATHAN HAVENS, Washington. N. C. II HI HAH We will protect your crop aga nst destruction or damage by HAIL., The charges are from one to four per cent, never more than four, and will not be over one per cent, unless the losses are unu sually heavy. The Edgecombe Mutual -ail Insurance Co. has been oing business sii years and ice in three years has extra si ssment been made. For the years the premium charge aged only one and a third per ut. We carry a surplus or ".ergency fund of over $3,400 I am sorry that I cannot agree with this estimate of Colonel Roose velt though I am ready to admit that he is the moat popular American who ever lived and that he has received moae flattery and adult atioa than any other human being that ever lived Go out on the highway, in town or country and .accost the first damphool you meet, and the chan ces are seven out of a possible ten that he will toll you that Teddy has a stronger hand than Caesar and a finer brain than Bacon, more patriotism than Tell and more hon esty than the law allows anybody eLse to have. I don't believe any such stuff. I think Mr. Roosevelt is fashioned of clay and very common clay at that. I am sure that he Is more mud than marble. I am convinced that the only true picture of the man yet is that limned by Annie Riley Hile, o Tnen., the most intellectual wo man I ever saw or ever expect to S3e. And the inexorable historian that will come from a remote gen eration will not omit to take a long look at the picture Mrs. Hale draws of Teddy. There is much vicious hostility to the Taft administration, that in my humble opinion is the very best Re publican administration we ever had. Certainly it is the only one that ever recognized in the South a full sister, and not a step-sister of the national household. Did Roosevelt so look upon the South ? I'M tell yon. I. was somewhat amused and not a little angered to read a paper on Roosevelt a few days ago. It was separated into twelve chapters and headed: "What Has Roosevelt Done?" tt went on to enumerate soma scores of things he did as mender of the Legislature, Gover nor and President, for the "uplift." And ia youth reading it is sure to conclude if be has a plastic and reoeotive mind that there is little o- nothing fit for anything ia this life, at home or abroad that Teddy dil not Invent forge and put on the narfcet, frie as air for all to enjoy. But there was a painful hi.tus so t call it. There were things un men tioned. For example no account was taken of tbe fact that Theodore Roosevelt has an utter and absolute contempt for the binding forces of law when thev come in contact wttl with one of his pragmatic and damp hool ideas of what is expedient. That he is a consummate politician, I admit; as a grandstand player be is unequaled. He can pray with SU" Priaet and be can curse with Sir Knight. Theoretically be is a civil saivice reformer with Carl Schuri; rnvtrti-ftllv be is a sDoilsman with Tom Pkifct. He. ia Janus-faced that fronts every way.. When, the people of IndJenola, Miss exproseod dissat isf action with a negro postmaster, Theodore Roose velt, in contemptuous defiance of the plain law of the land, abolish ed the officer. Had Andy joanson done the like of that, the Im peachment proceeding would have re iiit.fvi in conviction. Sooner than treat ZanesvUle, Ohio as he treat ed Indianola, ML. Teddy would have taken a raging Bengal tiger by the throat. He was as sectional a Paesl dent as Hayes, or Harrison. He did not believe the South was entitled to the same treatment be meted out to the North. He forced the negro drum on Charleston because it was Charleston He would no more I iron 7 IH tell you. Cot. RoosMlt Pres THE SOUTHERNER'S SATURDAY taeni. posed as toe only great oriel a' and genuine octopus chaser. He kept the country in hot water for even years. He never touched an octopus. Show me one trust be ever hurmed. He thundered In the Index. He matched op the hUl with 40,0000 men and then marched down again. As a carpet knight be was aim ply superb and could look and talk the reformer as never man did before As' President, he was toe very essence land incarnation of the Tarveydrop of neiorm. Well there was a panic rn 1907, not withstand ng the blessed and divine tariff. Some folks were ill- mannered enough to call it the "Roos. vclt panic," It brought unnumbered disasters to the financial and com mercial world. Millions crumbled in to thousands and thousands dwindled into nothing. The very devH was to pay. There was the Sherman Anti T.ust Law that was very embaraes- ing to monopoly. The Stoei Trust had one competitor, and that the Ten nessee Coal Sc. Iron Company that the panic had hit' bard. Here was the opportunity of the Steel Trust, and it came down to this town at the hour of midnight, and aft -j- a long conference with Presi de:, t Roosevelt, he granted the Meat Trust men immunity and li censed them to violate the law and buy and absorb their only rl- Iron IOUTMIHN OCVlLOmtNT (By Rav. Bertram E val, the Tennassee Coal & Company. Take down your history of the sixteenth century and read how Pops of Rome granted indulgence to commit sin, and for largess Leo X would niiqw one to com mitt every crime denounced In the Deoilogue. That was the precedent for Roose velt's indulgence to the Steel Trust, to which every bill of corn, or Plant of tobacco, or row of cotton or field of wheat, oats rye; barley; every blade of grass of the meadow. has p. id tribute every year the past third of a century. Nay every in habitant, man woman or child of all races and conditions has bean laid In those days came John the list preaching In the wtl Judes. St, Matthew. 1:1. Yesterday, 'Jane 24 was the btitb dy of 9t John H Baptist, which baa been kept for many oeotarias by the Christian Church ta honor to a memory of that great ner of Christ and tost of the Prophets, and is also a day of spsetsj orvnmemo ration by the H fc Fraternity. As our attention has bns bean recently celled to him. will make the lessons of has life sad cbaraoter the sabjnut of oar esrmoa today. St. John Baptist was the nan of Ztthartaa, a ntsaaber of she oaaar of Jewish Privets. aaJ Ella cojsln of the Bkused Virgin Mary! u We are told that tr was months 0I1W than Jtsrjs, which fact fixes Jane 14. six nwntbs Christmas as the date of his birth. I aasnln the Pot the account of the romarkablo; dr I 1 cumseancss connected wi'h his btrtb. I settled ta his career as a powerful preachei lag n- snort period of abont year thirty years afterwards; connection with Jeaos sad the story I pared by of ha imprisonment sad death at In tne nands of the weak and wV-keJ toe Sooth ia fifty son of Herod the Great, wo an yon to your Bibles, as the I that prepared by space at oar disposal doss not per mit as Co give H. Ton will find the a ory of his birth la the first chap this gpaoJU is tor of St Lake, the account of ht of all preaching and his coa section M Joans io St. Matthew J. St Mark u l0d.MSX.- 1: St Luke 3; and St John 1 nls ust message to jeans ta St. Mast hew I states m tsss to 8; and St. Lake 7 and the olrcum ptxndis to have stances of Ian death la St. Mat first 14: and St Msrk . IdncUoa of all too Read these jSSSSfJSS which coo's! n I i ni a pot Bfl th-.t u known of St. John tup tlst and you will leara four from us me very good for you lr shown to hare Ttiey am: lOOO between the y l. lie was not afraid to speak to The troth even when be know hare to die for data It King Herod the way1"' r,,"'lJ liver sd before Cnssgrean. Jtono 14 to sots-4 riisasrias. . Incramsa. to UTS sno Sooatl Planus usjstt barrels, to ISM snown. by this ap I m - - AHKMa with Kla rj aAl . under tribute bv this crasntne men on I .. . . . - i ,..' . " v. , oonrusrs sad bto so I is snown br Cto called wife who was really an broth-1 ISSS ers r-nmps wis, cam dowa to I laeroanod J4 tvasr John preach eipaottag to boar. I Sotsta At according Co the custom of Ki some pleasant compllmsato to a If. Imagtno bto aatoatohmoot the acorn prophet potanai nto gaunt l MSSicaa ftasnr at him nt ban. too Kins; and Oulf oly, tnat bestowed on Carnegie hall a billion and filled Pittsburg fuMer of millionaires than Tophet to Of fiddlers. That is what Rooseveittom means and all it means tost whatever such a matchless character as he shall order shall be the poster of the fed eral establishment There to nothing new in it. Take down yonr Gibbon and read of a hundred RooseveMs and more only he eelled Cheat Cae sars who had changed the common wealth of Rome, that had some r specL tor law. Into the deepotasm that knew no law except the waM of Tiberius, or a Domhtian or a Caligula or a Trajan, of a Nero or P rob us. And way should not Theodore Roosevelt come to think himself in fallible? If he would put out bto toe, 10. 000. 000.000 American voters would kiss k. If his muatsq wore In their reach. aU of them would touch it. implicit in toe faith toot virtue would issue out of st to them and the worst of it is that the Demo cratic party is full of voters religiously bciveve such rot. is the misery of the whose If there were no Roosevelt c-ats la the 1 nd I would still have some hope of my country. But W me get back. These Roans MM 1SS7 and IPM tinned yonr woo Iff f H ftg lb pw cent. be W"" r'"i" "ow w nsnrvgp o oobjbbb sjgsssvvnniBBnsseweBn In a voice of Ch under said h not lawful for yon to have John Baptist died for saying word, and be knew ae would to die when ho said It bat It right to say I Land so be How should 'not brave deed to shame the office bolder who afraid to vote for a messnre Knows si ragm dmhn do avgai mow i yN a few votes. How It should abame pata tne men nant woo is acroao to iut i scbe Che right stand bias see no aalgnt lose a few isnleanira the prutssr IAN LXAT. the who to afraid to rsDnae ata annsanw ibosb Car tor all Kidney be not dare to throw on1 a pmi iit maaarias or wasaawy on. o i of barbs and roots As s ey they brtog tne doctor who at I TRALlAN-LXAr U sold by Get to Oray s ACSTaVAL- " ACaV SSS truth o,. al - i a iitol. en o vcil ouibw w , I any other earthly reward Colonel Roosevelt's exploit of the I "" "My dear Harrlman" letter. What wai that lettsr? Harrlman was the most brilliant, the moat adroit the moat successful monopolist since Midas. Judge Parker got Che information to confidence that tne trusts would bay the election for Roosevelt so they afraid to tell hto because be might ranage! 2. St. Jons Baptist woo willing to do his work for God a gtory. with out asking for men a He as s propnet ana a pr r, yet when Jesus came bo potatod Him out so the real Messiah. shoos he was not worthy to aad himself retired Into oboeortty glad merely to have prepared thejaar lQ way for toe Lord er Oray Co, Le Bfl. N. T. vv rrw4 nutfi ma often llama o aad for Mcruniey. iuionw nvr a pof.!, speecn m wnacn ne oau I iiMn . a it .it lAXINO f Ml rnoMT VAStO IF as Have ou Tried l h- 'lrS COOK QUALITY rJT-TSr. J! W no Don't ro another J day until you do. Delicious uoNuroass d in the wr- j- dirt of all. Remember The Plare COOK MaM)nir Temple !SLrrSi Tarboro, - THE DRUGGIST Huildins; 3 APPEARANCE ! i un i a to only ss osansasnnton of cant fesad '1 SJn aassva Moon i JLm m at sat atuabs sspsas aaay tosoo ascssr and to toonr from V n I eyjanjbj BBSSW MBsn - Km Cm A GOOD Pi B ALMOST SAL DCCTtOX TO sicifir taaPaatts far sa KUPPENHEiMER Hhsg Saaon proved a basnaaag so sal ssaassrsjliS 4TotojasjSji TTjm?Jm mSll Bdowtm and Ravkasi oi of1" aJmOwaTV aatoT toasanp B t SVZldaird FoOSl GhsM ito stark bwisaa FlOWsl. WsgODI F NDER. EE UN FOR THE BEST lane Engines rxn Implements no yon may oasa ao gae oat to Hard Hand-Made Brick. Oomant by so to toatob SwS, Edgecombe Hardware C o. Chat dry on a letter he had written Harrl man asking for $250,000 boodle to credit tor doing tt. They wtu er as a liar. When he the poor fall to pay pay tne jec" w rwm for thnt to what Che letter meant party: bat tnoy party reward orrice; tnoy will with a for and all U meant. Herri man raised Che mm a. S Sa oootue. an njw nnu a- ehtrrcJj but they eotaptala And this is the man toe aukmki tf church dona m people ore ready to fall down d I appreoiatkon for their worship. He wUl be the next Preai-1 camrmtl n M utnral a dent V be wonts tne jao. ne want prato? and gratttode for doing I a, thoroughly persuaded of his own rn I Q. ft obtaatisa man cartels-1 hod fallibility, and bto utter tooapacsty I . OQh, to rj. yjad to I J to do wrong. Before be dies, he will 1 mjajmmy, for God's sake and be filrm in the opinion or as """lyni sake, whotber a right to rule this country and Chen I booo' for U or "1 Vaa Ka omnirs atnlsastoaW w i " . 3. at. John Baptist was a pre- i woum swwn tne rr w of ta wov for the Lord. Tnat Theodore Roonooait in 1912 if 1 1 " ww sw. 1a in life I Joan sbooM were assured thnt early in hto ad lZZm be would he coafroaced 8o obt every ChrU ton to I a - AP o buk n mr fiw fa s4Vav f , iff u- thaw heat CVeve 1 vvm, " W Mttl UC .... - n 18Q3-97 Then we would see the yeller streak in ham longer Chan mare,Jr b9U as comet's tail. trtwaird either Portland that on the Atlantic side or that on cific one ia toe Republican State of Population of Wsshingten City. According to Che returns of the thirte3nth census, the population oflfte--a.: hBJ B have noted that th District of OoAumbJa hi W.04JS forW to . way for o oo- Ood to 4totosS TJtzTmLrr S. compared wttb 278,718 ta 10 trance of Cbrlto Into the start orlT and Hto . and 230.392 In In 1890. I umrkkB atoes of other avea. and 4c to The lacrease from 1900 Co 1910 ih to see the Southern Democrat will toss hds cap in the air J. F. SHACKELFORD, Secy and Treaa T-W -T-fc-w-x tTTV WJITh A A. r. a. i unn, Agent,. haaQT Qf oensler. sarance written only in Edge-1 But bow abont Tennessee coal combe. . x., u. ki aitoe preceding aeceae m or 41 1 th. riku. -i-ava eeta ft ?ZcZ oHbe aaMtok gle. ! fL? bnros.- faotto id faMtaa. - TI .h hdeelf down a conamerm. T IT fully as tt doss their neasTna nunisb Cbarteston simply be- coextensive with tne oc -. BftpU-t imm. f !. r.harieston. Now I want, mmnia. I of the V. C tJK-v W m " who in While mora Talent pauses out aide the threshold, Genius enters in ( Lord n and makes a successful bun, God ed the Proa the H ana I - -y - as a sa a amdam I saaaavsnsvsjasa, sr arnsa sbjv v. sra m mwm wvsw a MfUr JUS N ro tov rnisnos and AcocjAiarr j av a Mk a - . . av jjk a. a s a js am ssk s BLdr r a s a s a s a ra sT" bp kestore to Htm for that. I Oeawea mg o g aSjSjsaabJjsa)dsdr to a e e e e e e e o r a. aaoaSM a rt4m becauoo Ho does Hto week ta Mr rsSat i So ft. lata ! I mmmA . Baptstaecb ! way. not ta onca. latgnt to f . oaanjja. IV CTllWdOW. CatalOtf On sffcquCat. W srfk tto I Stosnaan to an ana to stosssnd-l - - - - - . - - i -- ' via i T i id u iwm v Uvea. a Heaven U only half n Cartottaa sides being a foOonor of Christ like St Peter or St. J ffhriatla. aaaat he a John the Baa let to still so too. doing what ho can by bto ta- "7 Jj

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