eaptr. JfciE SURE YOU ARK HIOHT ; THEN GO A.H. KAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 27 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 7. 1910. BBT 1RDI822 ' B - A v A I 1 -" a p CiViV't? IU IIIC HKCQi ""aumo, SWEDEN. . i ' r m nun niiiicB, sikd as SJS 2 i bowels, weak kidncvs and Kla!L and TOKP1D LIVER. CT--i tfsPills wl a: gur lv a -pectflc effect on these organs, ting t!i bow els, causing them erform their natural functions aa i'uth and sting VIGOR : kidneys, bladder and LIVER, y are adapted to old and young. LRS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU . BENEFIT A3SCOIATION. te notice that I can "be found ffice. This Is the cheapest in in the country and absolute le. - . P. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasure! - ALUA3LE LOTG AND RESIDENCES. of authority contained in (3d of Trust executed to " T. Karris and wife, &taa irris, on the 12th day of ' :, and duly recorded in j' the Register of Deeds I e County, in i:ook 112 i s.vure the payment of eer-I- b -aring even date there cher-i:i fully dcsc:-;'ed, snd ions Sv.-t out in s.-id r! .. : having bean complied expose to public salt . -s.t bidder for Cash , on the "t!i day of July- 1910 at k M. at Court-Houss door r , ildgecombe County, the d crl.-.ed real estate, via: i : act of land lying and the own of Macclesfield, County aforesaid, and I as follows, to-wit: lid t it or parcel lying on Lnd Second Streets in said a 1 1 silled, X. C,. and be ait a sake on said street at i?r of Greene, West 150 feet, ; w h parallel with Second St.. . thence Xori with Second U feet to the beginning, aind Square No. 1, in the plot v y of said town, and being ll and 12 in said plot and and b Irig the same land d to J. T. Harris and wife, Mtrude Harris by J. H. Ward . by d ed duly recorded in '-, p 171 of the Edgecombe Public Registry. .: lot is a good cottage which $144.00 per annum. j h: 24th day of May, 1910. J. H. DARDEN, md Administrator of :., deceased. By Gaston Llchtenstein. The most fertile section of Swe den, is in the southernmost part of ae Scandinavian Peninsula. Malmo, the third city of the kingdom and capital of the agricultural province of Qbn woore iiKty as weu not be an the map so far as the average American vuarnea, because he does. &ot even know of Ks existence. Yet the place has a population of over eigh ty thousand and, at ts prasent rate of growth, will develop during the I ft iiinui , w a 1WW aeoaaes into a mu nicipally of wealth and size. s,rf fJicieat to lift it out of its umloserv- ed obscurity. Malmo s proximity to Copenhagen offers the tourist an exoallejit op portunity for com pa ring Swedish and Danism customs, and other national differences. A body of watr- cat 1 Oeresund, separates the two cities. Five tlin-es daily s -aimers make the sixteen-mile trip across the Sound. ..o aui vuge, uesignuul on summer's day costs the traveller ridficalously small sum (when a con if my n FARMER: you want Pure Flour for ; wheat vh n it is dry, .1 it to tne; 1 manufacture pure white flour as any Ll in America. Yours trulv, J N A. T II AX H A. YENS, Washington, N. C. BE AGAINST HI W w iil protect your i;.'a tist destruct'OT : damage by HAIL. charge are from one our per cmt, neer than four, and will over one per cent, the losses are anu ly heavy. Edgecombe Mutual vi ranee Co. has been -m-ss sii years and ii three jears has extra ut been made. For the rs the premium charge L only one and a third per We carry a surplus or and of over $3,400. vci'ueo kmo American cents racolleetion is not at fault. While the boat steams oat of Co penhagen's harbor, one can get a view of the defences whkh have been erected to protect the e:y f.'im hos tile vassals. The Danish shore g.- A a ly becomes dim, during the progress of tha passage tand, if It is the voyag er's first exporience, will prob ably direct his attention towards the Swedish coast. Otherwise he may oc cupy his time in reading, or drink ing. But, the writer can testify that no highballs are served. The netu est approach, in Scandinavi to weii known Yankee exhilirator, ds the Britain's combination of "whiskfy and soda." Even though the particular American tourist may not be classed with the inrmy of topers in his own count, he lays rao claim to abstem iousness and hath imbibed sufficient wsdom to refer to ttae abominably tasting Scotch brands, likely to fee served. In Stockholm, however parch ed patriot can throw up his hat and yell Hurrah!' Here he finds a home product, Huntars's Baltimore Rye. My readers must now turn their thoughts back to the deck of the steamer, on its way across tie placid Oaresnind and plctuna me strarining my eyes order to locate Malmo. The CoastliQe became quite distinct before I was afcle to note signs of concentrated human activity. Being Pat tie Sunday afternoon, the harbor offered I lifttle toy way of diversion and, ow ing to the suspension of business, I quietness reigned for the most part, a el' fetit eme F SHACKELFORD, Sec'y and Treas. ;. I'EXDER, Agent. written only iu Edge- - IIL'Ii. T THE HUB. ' an Satisfy Your Wants. on and about the quays. But the ex cepion to prove the rule wes dis closed after disembarkation. Our en try into another nation necessitated tha presence of cusstom offf ials wh subjeoted the passengers to the I S UAL. EXAMINATION. A study of Swedography discloses the fact that the port of Malmo to the logical starting point for a ton. of the Scandinavian Peninsula. Hera I began and here I finished my stren uous journey of long 'Jumps.' Up U this time, all my railroad Tiding to gether did not total in miles tiv. sin glo t;Lp from Malmo to Stockholm; Taking in consideration that the pan insula extends from southwest to northeast a distance of over eleven hundred mUes from the chief cly of Skane to the North" Cape and return. S'nce my itinerary was not arranged on an "as the crow flies" plan, sev eral hundred miles more must be added to the above calculation. How ever, the details both of my Anaba sis and Katabaste will appear in the due ooursee of narration. When Du Cnaillu visited Malmo, during the early seventies of the oast century, he noted that it was one of the most flourishing towns of Scandinavia, and in his excellent wor enttled 'The Land of The Midnight Sun' gave to it a population of thirty six thousand. Baedeckers Guide, pub lished in 1903 raised the number of Yoi Cfet a Xever Fall vr the iiuu Free. Oil Thp Si if-" Dr. a ami i in a Bett. Jars ed to f ly from his native land, went to Denmark. He did not remain lone at liberty for the authorities thought it beat Upkeep him where be -would not be likely to disturb the peace. At this time, the rich agricuKnral prov- oce or scane, or Scania bekonced to Denmark and the fortress, juat a crosj the Sound from Copenhagen o which city the brute betook him self, was selected as a suitable re sort for a number of years. After wards he was removed to Drag&bolm, on the island of Zealand. For the benefit of those who are unacquaint ed with the character of Both well, I wish to add th: t he rendered unhappy even the frail woman who did so much for him. As my stay In the city was to be brief (only a few hours), I left the custom-house and walked to the railway station, fortunately nearby where a kind official took charge of my dress a'jt case. Being relieved of the encumbrance, I set out Is the direction of King Oscar's Park. This pleasure resort had been recom mended to me as the b-t place to which t3 pass a Sunday afternoon. The ft st distinctive feature to at tract my aitecA'oa upon eaterta the park was the number or national Hags displayed. A multitude of poles had been erected of thr pur pose of flying the colors. Later on in Trondhjem, I noted the extraordinary amber of flag poles.. Whether the S aad'nivL:ns coaelder an abundant display of the national emblem a patriotic duty the writer Is unable to say, as no suitable occasion aroas to sound thv-m upon this point. Read ers of thfae chapters of experiences will recall. In th's connection the marching throng of Sunday School children la Copenhagen, each of whor carried a small Danish banner. Before Norway separated herseif from Sweden, t-e flags of the two countries required more than a glance to impress the features of their rath-en- attractive design upon the mind of a stronger but, since the removal of the Union Jack from the upper left haul comer, the two emblems pre sent a simple problem for the eye. Danmark and Sweden use the same design white that of Norway Sm al most identical. Theso flags are easily diarj'nguishabie, however on account of dlisiml arity in coloring. Den mark's banner is a whl'e cross upon a red field; Sweden's a yellow cross upon a dark blue field; and, the Norwegian emblem, a bit more complex, employs the familiar Ameri can colors in the following manner: a bide cross, bordered with narrow strips of white, upon a red field. Those persons, who may object to my apparent wandering off from the subject wlH reflect a moment with me. Remembeer we entered Kiss Oscar Park at Malmo together, a few paragraphs above, and also re call how the multitude of national flags impressed the writer. May he not be excused for pausing long enough to amplify a thought that occurs to him? Things about us are not just so, according to the popular saying. There is a reason for their being SO. Is It not worth while to follow a train of thought and observe whith er It leads? Let us see! The large collection of banners in King Oscar Park brought back to my mind the profuse display of national col ors by the Sunday School children. While writing today, I can also add a third observation; the forest of pales at Trondhjem. From pondering on the WHYNESS of this appar entry intense, patriotic display the mind easily pictures each of the them are CROSSES upon a field of three Scandinavian emblems. All of a certain color. Does the design mean anything to you? Another mental suggestion. In view of the remarkable similarity of nat ional standards, will It not repay us to make comparisons along Other lines? Just bear with me, a little further. We find, on inspection that the Danish written language Is the same as the Norwegian written )an- j gunge. Inquiry reveals mat pronun ! cvatkm constitutes the difference be- I0T. ssertr. m4 rase sr -T " fits IA Mota litopertast tfttol w re I MM WITHOUT A PARABLE July 10. The word that I tptmk sate sea. rfcrv mrt ITUOUT parable spake be lropb? hud declared at Dim In psrsbies and In dark number tfeta Many our Lord s werds were all simple, sad thai they ner ea'i.r tinuerstuod l wryt.udr. N'thlug is our Dora s panwn aw dark asyrejr be truth, they will lead to all kinds of error and mi member, therefore, the Apostle's dsclsraUoa. "Without a parable There Is soaointely nothing la the srorSn f jesas ajHfcst a deep aasjalaV csnce. now many Have stum bled over ear Lord's pa rabies by taktssj tkaai as i-rirr-TiM or ioia: now 'orn the eoorhasloai drawaj iMtrauie 01 ine ricii i an ami Lssarus. fur lnaore flow afceurd to that simply brairw a man wsa rtefc. fared eumpteoesry every day. - - ""ru- ' e maat aunrr tnmch n eternity. ... k Nur wan immmrmm, woo ay at the rVb aass a as)ta as ..Muuk. mc-i anj . pnor anu a n i naf i at Bow aataasi inai oniy Burn aa bare had ao experteore of thla kind, wlin Aaaji aores, and bannering for the erambe that fell frees the rtrb wouia exnertence the Joys of heaven, according to the Dltloe iooiin to mi uk or Abraaaro a boaom. which could hold only two or ",u" i" 1 "" oi wewnf aaroaiy a bandrol of beagsra. Truly three various atatemeots of the parable ahlne out I isrency as we get (be true Mjrhi upon them, sad aaa tbetr ana application. We have already am sated the Iras Mlsrprssattoa) r thas , auu u.-j uo bd again at some ruture time, for the heorOi of readers. We merely demonstrate now the fart that ear Lartf apoaa ll i..m- aiwaja in paf4biea aotl dark aa rings. Note afresh the parable of the wheat sad the Ursa, the rilaitkna ef the former Into the garner and the burning of the letter. Neither fuiiiSBSto Marti experience in the parable the wheat la set literal wheat, ibe tares are no literal tares. Tb. wheat symboMsea the Inheritors ef the Klagdoa.: the tares '"""" ,or nnspnnp oi error-ctilldreu of the artrfcrd one and tn H -w aasaajta te to ttch Into the bnrn of safety symlwliaes lbs gtoriarsiioa of (he Chorcb ea tassaartt plnne. and precedes the shining forth of the s..ua of Uorf In ih. wr aTTk. i-1 m ... " mJ i xee nMiiwiDi, iot ine uieasms; of tne fr anlsaj craatloa: as the assaaaaaai m. am wrx.ie creatioa groaueth and traesileth la pain uianiirsiaMOB or IBS SOBS Of MmF XBBB arhsaai jhj.II I tor lue aniuing rrtb of the son of God lo the Klncdom a lonn in trutu ami rlghteousueaa will era iter all the anu awaken and revivify the world of mankind. Eventually all the willingly ohrdieot may enjoy the . un ine outer nana, tne nam n lit am of the or reremng to the literal hernias, baa means the destruction of the tare etess hut as "tare." aa Imitations of the " Dow glad we are to flod the are to abw. How triad we are that by the as of thai hay the pstaaatJ v.-.wT- KUNMnnit auu oeauttiui. bat a silver Using there m to the nouu oi imuoie wnien ta now toooalac an bef , . . . . o-iipn. mom oe io lea rn thai just beyond the clouds and Ckrioo Millennial day. The parable of "the fusion to many life dark to the Mu With the inhabitants to sixty-three thousand; Dodd, Mead & Cos International Yeai ; tween the two. Has not our daareaanra Book for 1908 has increased this lat-. yielded some interesting jnaf orneUloxi ? Despite the fact of Ks being the thou- tar figure to almost eignty sand. My readers can see, irom 17th JuQei th-e air was suff lease the authorities cited that the place tt ooti t(x me to or(ier a hot drink, is rapidly acquiring more inhabitants j lxi&Xiy tables placed out in and as these find something to do, j tne open, at was pusling to oboose indications point strongly to a f unre a suitabie location. I mingled with for flu : Ice Cream Freezers the hub. They are I Jest. Ice Creara Can Made the Quickest These Freozets. ! Thing In Town is our lacbine. You Can Get t Strips, Smoked Beef ii Sliced on Short Nbtce, Quantity. It is Much in the Kind You Get in nU For Less Money. Country Hams Just In. Candy Just Received, it- All The Time. Lo Thank Our Customers Liberal Patronage for 1 aiising Onr Business to i Every Day. I'lease '! your wants. See the 4 iter commercial centre at this point- Merchants from all parts of the Baltic usad to trade in Malmo, when herring fish'ng in the Oeresund was at its heishth. Big profits meant pros perity and the town became the chief gathering place on the Sound for tradeis until the end of the sixteenth century. A decline in the lttshing in dustry caused the merchants to cease their visits' but the greatest blow tn the port was a terrible plague. Du ChaiUu tells us that, at the end of the seventeenth century the town innaw- numbered only two thousand tanas. One hundred years later the an elderly Swedish genUemao popuation had doubled itself. About wui4,ieak English. He had the happy crowd which was enjoy ing itself Innocently wWi such de Ughts aa. are afforded by eating, drinking promenading, and listening to a good, military band concert. Having fo md a spot where a waster would be likely to see me, I a oaf ad myself and orderd a cup of cocoa. This species of Cootinenbsi Sunday is in slMtrp contrast to the Anglo-Sax nn mtho.1 of anendlnc the -day Vic tor Hugo, the celebrated Prench nov elist tails ua that the English themselves on Sunday. la he right? On my return to the depot, I met who just aad the leam- taken liter it has ny tniuk or the separation of the bow in progress, ratling to notice the Pi ikfajaj uiju iw appuraiton -wnen IBS BBBB Bff BBSS Shed CBBBS hi all bla holy angels (masse mp i si with him. Then shall he alt ui or us glory and before him hall be gathered all oat arBB them one from another aa the goabx. We thus Be that lbs anpllrailou of the lennlal age All through that are the work of Cferaat sad tn. cwn a.. Bnde. seated with hiiu upun Ma thr-cnr kii hs a nark of Mass te the world of mankind. And lias manner m whirl those lttaaBiias BH hsBJtltl will oemonstrar the abep-tiv. or coat Ilk ebaracler of every Indittdaat of the human family The aho-ttke will come to the right bead poeiUoa of favor: the goat-like, to th lot hand poHto of dsxfaver. The rrarlaaasa af the thousand yanr Jodgnwet .lay will hrteg the mm sal us af the Lards fa roe towards the abeen-llke. rrwaMiag them wtth eternal life, gad the expeeaaaea of bla disfavor towards the aoat-llke, rteioj lug them ks the Reread daaknv" This la symbolically represented by the atstomaat. Depart ye i aiaad Mb the Ustlng fire (a figure of dewtrortloni prepared for Satan aad ah) aaaasnsaaara (followers) The reward of be righteous III thus be "everlasting pnnlahmont" of the nnrbrhtenes wtU be wagea or am is deetn ana the gift of Had ks eternal life our Lord noma as 6 :2S. KTldeutlv some wtae and tag or aecreting at present of the Divine While the Scripture declare It aa n mark af apartnl faver to the Lord a inac mey are roaue scqaainteil wirh the Dtvlee rvrpoers, yet oeeiare luai ail inose Irom wlmm ;! plane are eternal torture, or to everlasting nWtrwriion Thus ear Lord J -i tnsns tnee. Father. lorn of heave so.l nh. tning from the wtae and pendent and so. Father, tor ao It aaemed good tn thy sight -Hsd tb hiding of the Dtrtae ceunasl front rare for thos frees whom It eras bidden, ground for thanking the heavenly rather for thas set. W however, that alt bough many of the worldly wise are not of bla glorious plana, neverthele thos plasa are sure hare known of the divine purposes) In Jurtoua. because In their blind we s they would purpose nod therefor would lis gotten themes into a condemnation. Oar tost show that however dark and n fa birth; mgs. nevertheless, rightly aodersiod. bai aiir ga fj that to rtj or our ixra a massaga which make the ri tlglan af the satoto that of all tb be then It to a asaaaap f Mb si well as Bollnesa It to a massage of forgl ranee as wsjO as s meeesej f it is a massage or love as well as a rsesamge of Jaarh a iiaj Of life are charming, beautiful, forceful. W may read II after year sod we see still more beamy in that tn proportion to onr own growth In to the spirit of ear Master consideration. The diatauc to Stockholm Is three hundred and c gr.tvtnr satire the trip was to conaaa? what over twelve hoc to ts.Vd ao .M.I. KtUHT (though ta this hat toes ft to ha naafcaairiii oUx lumtner,) I bad an opportunity rale In a Bwednah alu spang tsar. ant. Swedish railroad are batfarr ao- aoaotrtaa aad. If tb. productivity of the soil bssU, Svarfcas would be one of the Great Powcwa. prlviiBSssJ to kaoto far the world to bav. attrmpted to thwart tasso trial the res i red sad two loar tosrr . ta era Vty lUw, an tan assaasaaatoy C4anaVaaakkBaaaaV V it wtU ha (self of aval of the k may h. ISO am 1 to Why I S I as ever yr New Crop Tamip Sel Just Itccfit ed at COOK DRUG STORE Building Temple Tarboro. - It puyi io buy thv bent, try Cook's teed this time a anoo APPEARANCE l ALMOST ax uvrrrR. OsVl UTKr Docno TO to Years. I mj kniitci mm J. z i v m AND E R. EE UMFOIt THE BEST Mowerb uzid Rakei on tna Stindard Fooie Oasolone Enitil Plows WatODB Ftrm ImDlemanti. d-Maid a Brick. Cement EdS be Ilanlw Jirt- i '. this time, Frans Suell inauguraxeo a rWn5d unm oermsary anu wan policy of commercial advancement his way northward. As he paced which is regarded as the first step and down, waking for the train uo to the present phenome- he "made-up" I engaged him ta nil growth of the city. eeraitnn and as his wife the occupied wun a lemsnuae No readers, Srerteje to n ROVrnp-Mcai error It to af the country. la the aim way a Norwegian child 'would hardly recog atoo the name of hto native tad spelled by am school hoy. of Noras aad by to a oniony of Nriraaajaana la Virginia gsthered to SSJl a i. lt'3t exiled Norg How many Americana recogntso the aid United States under the Mo of Velndaw Staaten? 1 'awsj It was soon after the train pulled ' out of the sartloa at companion, had recently formed, said: "Wo are on up to eaa well I . ... . f w w ! bow naaauna uarouaa ta asoat aat en i-ewLs, Proprietor. i r'asitio a. fortress of . hse the doubt- I felt that- my totarmitto-f totrua- aow pamung through tb TLJZ of bein the place tons were panrdonable. especially stoce ta. pan o, Sweden" On to, uiov - iji . .nart from their ' tn lm4i. I ,Tanih government impws- vne iwi ""- "I- where the . " T " tw.h ,kwr of escort and in view of the fact tna on the h M (IrnrArv f,o ZZ& - some Hi t-h hnd of Scotland's on- the country. fortunate sovereign, after being f ore- ntronfe hand snt'.tu-d me to seme an the subject and found oxplioK ref- o the fertility of tb loos of Skane. So muoh of country la comparatively Barren, tt say y be that pam sator atrees to toad upon the shinty of the mi bji , and would be . a asi. - . Ml the r of Cie cvr Ti-xi ti o-iai; r-- . U real name oase as thaw On tk. - ' JOOOeOOo0.0,OOOOao eoaei 1 1 W 10 DO IS 1 '11 a!m-T!riT?t irjTh?nri iTTl! 1 I THE BANK OF TARBORO f ass?Spaltof May 1 i, t awa rt artU tot Basedow Uaw aarfaaatto J mmmm$ m PRIME 7 1-2 PER CT ; OOTTON SEED MEAL FOE BALE OR EXCHANGE A s I ' a al m. PHoapfvor k Acid 1 1-2 per for in Very tupcrior aa monia. coilfMI k Add 1 their mt a ail.iblc BcakVc the am- ins 2 HI Ms? Ct Ktnl lolaah In Shiloli Oil Hill or Tar River Oil Company, s. c. I 1

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