(The iactoemtflii Bjhetiwi, BE SURE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; THfiN GO AHKAD.-D Crockett VOL. 88. NO. 28 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1910. HEALTH INSURANCE The man who Insures his life Is wise for his family. The man who Insures his health s wise both for his family and himself. You may Insure health by guard ing it. It Is worth guarding. At the first attack of disease, which generally approaches through the LIVER and mani fests itself in Innumerable way TAKE - Tutt'sPills And save your health. MEMEF.flS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. wm r.ike notice that 1 can be found at my office. This is the cheapest in suraace in the country and absolute It ro liable. F. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasure A STRONG INDICTMENT. ngurea writer) Go to Show the Collapse of our Criminal Courts. Something is radically wrong with our criminal courts says a writer ia The World Today. Hon. Charles P. Arm idem, Judge of the United States Court of North Dakota says: w nave ong since passed the time when it is possible to convict an innocent man. The problem which now confronts us Is whether cam convict a guilty man." a"Y- 1 . . . vur ywice are ecnoetng this cry when they are confronted with the startling records of our unpunished crime and unchecked) lawlessness. iney send us to our court for the root or the evil. They point to the 53 indictments for murder in PkUa elpale in 1908 aud the nine con victions. Tber point to the IQMO HE CAN NOT AFFORD ANYTHING BETTER. That Is Why The Oriental LI A glim Vegetable D.et. On In discussing the dangers of u dex eating Dr. Woods Hutchinson -M. D. has this to ear: The moat abundantly fed races of the world today are those which are in the ran of the world s nag The measure of the spare uess and the sienderness of to diet of a race I the measure of Us backwardness and stagnation. We have 'heard so miM-h I ' fi ro tate and poetic cant about the heaXhfuioess and the endurance of the blameless Hindu and the . rn ausQlous Mongolian that a realty comes almost as a shock to us to discover., when we are brought face to face wUh these interesting mo- criminal cases every year that are I Pi that their working efficiency is Report of the Condition of THE PINETOPS BANKING CO., at Pinetops in the State of North Carolina, at the close of business, June 30th 1910. . RESOURCES. Loins and discounts $73,438.?S 0v, Irafts secured, $3 l.OS; unsecured $1,- Banking Houses, $3,046.87; Furniture and Fixtures, 106.81 Da from Banks and l.anKcrs Gash items Gold coin Stiver coin, including all r coin currency National bank notes and other U. S. notes Total LIABILITIES. Capita stock Surplus fund tin livided profits, less cur rent expenses and tax es paid Dividends unpaid Bills payable T:i;.- Certificates of De POiit Dep isits subject to check D-ie to Banks and Bank- Checks Out standing )Ul ta bov! that of North Carolina, t'ecomce, ss: J. V. Cobb Cashier of the a--:;amed bank, do solemnly swear the above statement is true le best of my knowledge and be- J. V. COBB, Cashier. s ribed and sworn to before me 7th day of July, 1910 E. L. PITT, J. P. Carr :t Attest: W. W. w. E. PHILLIPS, J. WEBB, L. REASON, Directors. aumped before the 32 police magis trates of New York city and the lbO.OOO whitewash" sentences and acquittals. They point to the fact that in many of our States there are more executions for m urder by the people than by the courts; more lynchings than legal hanging or elec trocution. And the police can go further with truth. According to the sta t stics of the American Bar Asasocia tion new trials are granted in 46 per cent of all the oases of our courts involving a penttentiaiy of fense. And In 60 per cent of this number the new trial is granted not beacuse of a question affect ing the possible guilt or innocence of the prisoner, but because of a purely technical point of dispute in the conduct of the case! Do you grasap the significance of this statement? In nearly half of the criminal cases in American court it requires two or more trials to con vict he prisoner. And in 60 per cent of these cases hi guilt is plain He is given a new trial because the been an error of "pleading and Higher court holds- that there his practice either on the part of the lawyer or the judge. There were 131,951 murders in this country between the years 1885 and 1904. In only- one case in sixty six was the perpetrator executed by law. In other words in only 2.000 cases m the entire list the death penalty decreed by the courts. But we are not done. In 2,000 more ases the death sen tence was decreed nd carried out by 1323.93 1 people. In these 19 year as many persons were lynched for murder as were executed by the law. And in many States, the number of murderers that were hanged by the oeoDle wos twice a great as the number banged by the courts. These are amazing figures, the more amazing wuen we consoaer o'her factors. They do not represent the total number of our lynchings by more than 1,300. In this period 3 337 persons were executed by lynch law, according to the most trust worthy statisics available on the subject. Most of us have accepted tne erroneous theory that the majority of the victims of doduIot Justice have 5,047.92 5.213.68 19.500.7S 681.35 1,075.00 1,021.09 3,556.00 $109,534.55 15,000.00 6,500.00 945.80 63.00 20,000.00 20,943.17 31,005.21 from one-fourth to two fifths than that of the meat fed whi: that their death rats is from double to treble that of the clrttla od races; and that the average long evity of the Hindus for instance, k barely 23 years aa compared with some 47 years in our American whltee. Ten days of practical ob servation abundantly demonstrate that the only reason on earth why a Hindu op a Chinaman or any o her Oriental lives upon a diet of rice or pulses, or veretablsa is that he can not afford anything bet ter! That sole cause of a veetar- ian or low protein diet in any race is plain poverty. The moment that a Chinese or a Hindu in Amer ica begins to earn eomethlna like a white man's wages be abandon hi former diet and begins, a he expresses it to 'est American. A soon as he does so he increases his working power from 30 to 40 per cent and diminishes his liability to disease in the same proportion. "The first step in the magnificent modernization and civilisation Of Japan for instance w to put first her army, then her navy and then ly as passible her pop tion, upon European diet rich in proteins wheat, pork and beef The so-called vegetarian or low protein victories of Japan were won by an army and navy which bad for 15 years upon a ration rich la protein, modeled as closely as possible after that of the Ger man army and originally adopted for the purpose of stamping out berib eri." PaB4Paar""" OH Hi Matthew 1i U-l art tkt Cartst, As t mtj and with b Ue allowed Ms th art 1,853.42 $109,534.55 County of Some Democratic Eligible. The renomination of Governor Har mon in Ohio is step toward per fecting the qualification of an ad mirable man and Democrat to be a candidate for the Democratic nomi nation for President. If Governor Harmon can carry Ohio again. his friends will be abundantly warrant ed in trying to send him to the White House. Whether he carries Ohio again or not, he la a man the Democrats must consider. We should like to see a group of such candidate under consideration by the Democrat two years from ir. Whom will New York offer? A first-class man from this State who been negroes, guilty of unspeakable can carry the State, would be MR. FARMER: If you "want Pure Flour for our wheat whm it is dry, M i d it to nie. I manufacture as pure white flour as any mill in America. Yours truly, JONATHAN HAVENS, Washington, N. C. m HIS li. crimes. Aa a matter of fact, in these statistics, there are only 70 of such cas3s. little more than one fifth of the entire number. And what is even more to the point, in 600 of these lynchings the victims I have hwi euiltv of neither murder nor criminal assault, but have been charged with such crimes as arson and theft. The people too t-" ojuishmeot into their own hands, nnnv hareine that they were a- fraid of the lax justice of the courts. Cv& otratnA thMe Statistics Ol the American law or the lack of it is the fact that In the last 78 years tr. TCnsOanri thpr. has not been a lynching for any cause. We will protect your crop aga'nst destruction or, damage by HAIL. The charges are from one to foar per cent, never more than four, and will not be over one per cent, unless the losses are unu Mially heavy. The Edgecombe Mutual Hail Insurance Co. has been iiig business six years and iu three years has extra -in en t been made. For the has Crisp Items. Miss Florence Edwards after pleasant visit to friends here returned home xu . -a to learn that little DraHUv TiOvelace ia well iiauvgi -wy - e-ain and out in her go cart enjoy ing the morning air. The young men of Macclesfield gave an evening dance in Buna uweu- , Fniiiav nd all left vOfing It c,. J 3 mmm ly to be one of the most pleasant the season. We are all sorry to hear that H Anna. C00D 13 sue, ner friends wish her a speedy recovery man to whom the delegates wwo pay most careful attention. A Dem ocratic governor of New York of th dimensions and character Of' Mr. Osborne or Mr. She par d wou.u belong in the group that will in clude Governor Harmon. We would Ilk to see in the same group Dr. Wood row Wilson, representing New Jersey and perhaps with a demo atratAd canacitv to carry that State. The group ought to be fairly large, and K wilt he. Democrats of real quality are undoubtedly coming to the front. Mr. DU, the new Demo cratic State ca&irmao in this State looks p:om.itng. Mayor Gaynor snows a wto disposition to els to his present job and see what be cn 6a at that before considering anything else. There are others: I have spoken ma'nly of the ateghborv hereabouts, but all over the conn try the Democrats sre taking poll tics seriously .-iin, and head sr rising above the cowd. Harpe-s Weekly. tags of God sad bis rasath pfnea. Joan th fore-runner. It was a that declared that J taketh away the am of the world." It was I was so much greater than himself Chat he w loose the Master's sandals. Bat after Job had borne I declared that be saw th holy I that this was a sign given blot earn th time for the Master to bring th aw of hi followers. John bad been cast Into prise John's prophetic tsstlmsay was fulfilled. WW wen now asking whether be was th Mllsh, Do th mien I Messiah or not? Surety u ssn could do the God be with Mb" to so ate Our Lord first inquired cerotng hlmnlf. He did this, i might draw out the thoughts of be was John the Baptist: other Ideas of the heathen doctrine of relocarnatJsu, wholly i list is I. Is All the answers, of tears, i could not reappear outU the question to bis cbosna followers -Who do y mj that I ear fit. Peter promptly answered a snots sa far taw i th Christ Messiah, the Bo of t be living OotV designed to be brought forth it was th truth, t present it. bicansi It would better come fro the Btmoa Bar-Jons, tar fiswh and bleed hath net wvealsd it Father which Is in bee van." It was not that BL Petsr had but such s greet spiritual fact as was t could be appreciated only by then wee Indeed. It is evident that man no come onto me. except th Falser wkerb swat sse draw primary drawing sod calling m of the rather n to th dm when his grace In Christ and satis oar esnctntlea to do hai wfg and a spirit of adoption Into hJ family aa Ood a ebJJdrvu. we sn then pa school of Christ to lean of him. Let an Inn th tenon that th an According to the Greek, oar Lord replied to Petar. "Tana art a upon this rock will I SWAd amy Church." The rock wpon which tho built La this cnafa ion which Bt Peter as. BL Peter elmaoif w nek, bat he wss ana of th if i keg atones built by faith upon the ror It was this same us that all God. wbo. sr through th. operation of th bury SjML-l Pater 2 4-7 "he expression. "Cpoa tats rock I will betid say Chare and the hades ahall not prevaU against It." fta en that hi Th gates of bell an not gate to nan place of tartar They are. la tho Greek, "gate of ksdaa." and te of tint. Th passage might well be tnaiia. "Tae aa grave shall not prevail agauet It" That la to aay. Cw4 Jeawe I Church to sws wtrb him. to seen hi has sarrlfitn ha haa fiesta, aafi aamntty. the gates of ada awn pniaBod gataaf th Caere h, age people, for more than ctgateen eaatorte, swvertheiaa, we ban the that- they shall not forever prevail. The Master's assurance tl th be baa become Lord of all and baa the keys of finth aafi I down Into It He assures us that be will do thav as be ear. "Aa t their graves ahall bear the nan of th awn at as sad safi eoan by dPW with Christ, his follower shall yet Un wtth him In bis death they ahall yet abare with and Immortality of the Dtatna a tun Bo. then, our Lord's that then will be a isniiattlu from th grave, aafi aaan th Che "a kind of dnttrrutta unto God of bis creature Uasan 11. 14:4). her rvearrectton nssna. tndlrvctly. tola result, the epRftiag at opening of the grave every aaaaabar of th Baiaaa tamfly The gl Ing of the -keys" of th Ktagfion to Bt P locks aad ben of hnvaa. over wkerh 8t reter fci the hi the prasnt time to the Kingdom of Unnu ta ita to. aad Bt Peaar wa prlrUegwd to do the eeeelog twt to the Chore. Ha opened the door to tho Jtwi at piece of the Wew Crop Tarnip He4 Just Rereived at (OOk DRUCI STORE JMahooir Temple liuilding Tarboro, - - W.C ZTLK2 It pays to boy the bent, try - SLrrrS ook'i sooal this time. Tit The Devil's Touchstone. There ha always been a popular notion which connected his Satan ic nuitoatv with fire and so. when Weiabach the Inventor of the light mantles, discovered a Boy which when roughly ruoooo with a file cava out flasbea of itre. ie used the second "key" to open In that wbeo the fine time cam for CerwOoa. toe to be received, at Pwter did the wee. By aad by bepu-dag hlsa Into Chfiet he threw at se our Lord foretold a the words of tbu msia Peter iwsiiikeniis that whatever tblngs to hound I heaven aafi what things as si Matthew 18. IB) it dees not moan, of course, that the Lord tan tea a id a trra over to Bt Peter and mad him Ij6 of anew and earth, ear that i use hia Apostles aafi to n teotfi a their hnafia. g all tir affatra. ttaat as of God. If they deriarvd ibat eaetala of th Jewish law wove sot hind lag Upon CbrMlaaa. statements wan true, aafi that. atmUarty. ta beat as Aafi If they bowed certain fiattaaa aad that those an bound and Brmly astibHahafi ta fiaarsa. I t recogniao the Apostlea as God's It Th time fa prwdrdatfag Jean aftn bis finth and inaiiattloa ladm hJ ranurractaun. Be dnlrad to than than to ski tad wtth too Ixwd's em took now the rote of leecher to the In this be erred. It waa In nrapc.k, ..t tn nravfi that the Mi BOt think of aay steps wblcb lead to lafffillag and finth. hnt ah of prosperity sod earthly fai to HTABUShED 1822 l aal ga mT.. A QOOD 7 A APPEARANCE y la I. ar wf rjn nr 0k nr TaTa! ZANDER. Zr MEfi US FOR THE BBMT o o efij Bttndfird Plows. WtfH oil Implemi to be 5' Edgecombe Hardware Co at J . a drinking the cup wblcb my Father ba to the world and not of Oofi. Similarly, the follow of Jam Who thus offer r aaaaal coatrary to Dirts wtu aad wo dd not to ntwaragi ii an I hear advice foir4 from their fellow dt h-a as did Bt. Petsr. nrfifi Of Pwter f wfi the Meat of his foltoenar the terSB of F. SHACKELFOBD, Sec'y and Treas. F. H. PENDER, Agent. inmce written only in Edge- :n lit. THE NORTH CAROLINA ot Agriculture and Mechanic Arts had. 'i Tl W are sorry to know that Mies Cora Eagles has typhoid fever and is not any better. w regret to learn that Mm ivey Crisp is not feeling so well. Miss Maggie Summerlln of rmm after a visit to her - i... i -n e ku Henry Stalngs spent avuray aa LOe new nre dwowu vlded fur every on. sad life hoped for. finth would mnnar iven at the home of Mm Uhe new alloy gives off -men a enow pinna. His t .... Williams when all who attend- r & aoarha that they laterally make to withhold - . i a nUw time mej , i.nh nf Urht. Similar 10 m itaw awwaa law aim a mm m aw nw a taaa ei are I " ' T" . " .a tho Chmw coJtod to ho or u rttx r if c Trom runi auu iuovj. i v v m - rT . - tnfAiH KHiiUtvrv and enerav. These I lWM ul vvuivhu f . . lIllR V lk hMKf .! .Ilk hi. .nL . - .buhU nf uttlm lire l ' - " - "-' " "-a-" "- - as a nertflc At the Utne of Mb to subetaocn upon vu w- -w of bla tQlowmn from flint and steei xau ggLi to the contog riagfikim by and some very ingenious ""' I hare an ocular li-aunlisUUB of have been Invented whereby on the . a i , m : n i c i . . . . ev aj rnAitHneJAna us tne Diemium cnarte annHnv wtth relatives ana " I auooea ine lpo 'i ll nnlir nno anil a r.hir.1 nor , m i .lniiiil n Ice cream When hornlv rubbed WSth a ftto . urn , v.i u - - ir- - n ere uiu mo" . wwU - . - - - - e carry a surplus or ency fund of over $3,400. J the Royal top State's college for training in- jms Summerlln ha returned home, ial workera. Courses in Agri- TOMBOY. re. Horticulture. Animal p'lry and Dairying; in Civil, i it'll and MecbaTiical Engin : iu Cotton Milling and Dye ') Industrial Chemistry, and ; Itural tt-acbiDg trance ' seat on the 14th of July, D. H. HILI President, West Raleigh, N. 0. Tbe world's mop t succesafaJ medi- i Munnisints is Chsm- cine lor aaaw m berlein's Colic, Cholera and ho Remedy. It has relieved pain and suffering and saved more Diarr-more opening a small metal one. rkini of the lid canan a fiL en nase over a piece of the alloy and produce sparks Ignite lamp and thus flame which wlU light an4 cigar. street examinations fit each 1 y 0ther medicine . , a i m -t i ' . .. . i use Invaluable for ennaren w dnH, SOW bf H vvaw- Contract Let. new Oeorg Howard haa the which trct to build the furnish a store W. L. J. K candles I hare erected on th they nsrsly Job Cobb Th bidtag w4U ha A man seldom measures his own two stories and really fault and tbon of hi neighbor by stores In one aafi wUl toe same rule. 1 by th eoterprtsl . summer Reduction expect to be Sale eommencn FMday, Jul. ftt. -then by Dscaaabar 1st, to ell I apt off. 1. T T AT TBI all. aT Yam Can Tan Can ( afcttafy TnrWrai Jed a Xrrw Ml I THE BANK OF TARBORO j Can tT tub m PRIAE: 7 1-2 PER CT COTTON 8IED MEAL. SALE OH EXCHANGE top drillir. Braidr the am MwafJ CHstfiina 2 1-2 rcr ct Pautlfawl m Wa afaMl wTytJa (aVfV ams na---Sirfc"-,48hiloh Oil Hill or Tar The Hnb Grocery Ct. River Oil Company, P. A. LrK . c. Ism Jl'kjal. LBan - tmtijaiiimjlml