" . I 1 " f 11 - iF"'MT" " mmmmm , BE SURE YOXJ ARE RIGHT ; X0 AHKAD.-D Orookett VOL. 88. NO. 29 TARBORO. N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 21. lMO. Tsitt's Pills This popular remedy never tefls to . ffcc tually cure Dyspepsia, Constipation, Sick Headache, Bfliousness And ALL DISEASES arising from a jorpid Liver and Bad Digestion The natural re wit to good appetite a nd solid flesh. Base sms efcgant ly 5ugr coated and easy to swaiiow. Take No Substitute MEMBERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT A8SCOI ATION. Will take notice that I can bo found at my office. This is the cheapest In surance In the country and absolute ly reliable. P. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer NOTiCE TO CREDITORS. Havire: Qualified as executor of t Last will and testament of F. Cook, late of Edgecombe . . . notice is hereby given to ail persons having claims against hei tstate to present them duly fiad on or before June 2, 1911 or this i.oUoe will be plead in bar of recovery. a;: idebted to the estate most make immediate payment'. J. P. MCDOWELL, Executor. June 1, 1910. THE MERASSIM KIOSK. the It to Ona of The Many Palace In. ViWix. LIKES FRANKNESS. An, Adherence to Principle Is Making of All. in Southerner reproduces the The Merassim Klook, one of the following extracts from a private let- many palaces of YUddi Kiosk. Is tar one not written for publication; Prepared as lodging for Kins; FeroM oux it says so many nice things about nad of Bulgaria and King Pot or I i-ne southerner- that we publish -it, Servto, successively during their OOeftwAItt M honing that the rare good sense con toined therein will bo the excuse for so doing. 102 W. 136 Street, New York July 10, 191. Mr. Frank Powell, Tarboro N. C. Dear Sir; I am reading your pa per with Increasing interest every day and I am writing this to let you know how much I appreciate your editorial of July 6. I fool more like saying our paper now. I hare shown the editorial tjo several per sons and it was very gratifying to all. I showed K to one of the editors or "The Literary Digest" and he siid that he would have been pleas ed to use a Use or two from It in next week's issue of that paper but I was too late in bringing it t him yesterday he had already prepared his article. I had a heated argument this mora ang about what constitutes a prin ciple, brought on by my speaking a gainst the desecration of Sunday. Besides the fact that I won and it turned out that the young man did NOTICE. not desecrate the day as he had plan t:;g qualified as administrators I red and made arrangements to do. estate of J. B. Bradley, de-1 the most important thing in the dts- the county of cussion was the thought which oime to me that the only way a person race or notion can rise and acorn- plish things beneficial and imperish able is to think, speak end act un- compromdsungly upon principle. Such expressions as your editorial of the 6th inst and other similar broad- minded things you have said and done will amount to incalculable good in establishing confidence rath er than distrust in the dealings be tween your people and my race. We aim through such expressions bet ter appreciate the value of prin ciples from the white man's view point. Life means more and more to me because the more learn and f the. visit to Constantinople. Ylldto to not a palace in our stylo. but like the palaces of Persia China to really a small town, which Includes several palaces a ntiainssl or large and small residences. si village of staples a theatre: a ms- soum; numerous workshops and of fices of all kinds. It to so so speak, sea supporting and to self con tained wKhln a atoaafCsc wall, which was built by the ex-6uJtn Hamid strictly for defense and protection and looked very foiiultsila when viewed from a vessel on the Bos phorus. The actual palace which was us ually ocupied by Abdul Hamid is now a public show place, and Cor a. small payment the public can sse the dining room where he used tr entertain the Foreign Ambassadors and the council chamber where ho reelved hto Ministers. The other pal aces however, are not exhibited sad It to one of these which to to be the guesthouse. YiUls is about three miles from Pens, the Christian Quar ter -of Constantinople, where the foreign embassies and legations are. From the Court Journal. a r a . swBBlMBsatoBBBEBTa I SMaaSSfllSSBSSSSSU LLh mm Sr5 fPspsrwsj ST EBflfljR OsvwMwiAa 0re ssf Asssa MOUaT TAJ011 tMW fBML j . mfmn rsessltty sala Matthew 11.140Ma-ir at t'wam I HMl TImii fhs S Tsia is ns astosod Bom. to IX daya aftsr oar Lortf's James and Jobs, thrso of hto to Veritas - . w . mountain appearancs cha sHPtos &h?lrtt whataMd by omethtog Uka drwwaSasaa but tatsr borsnas fatty swaps ft was oa into accsslsa that thay baud a fates trass Hat to n u na m vsng, Thto M say bekxrwd Sna to) wooes I am wen pasd: r y atoa" H qutrad oar Lord's kind words sad touch to return too apsattss af tostr ffajas sud loosing up they ssw so ooo hat Josoa Bit nssaSgsistles bad vaassawa. Jus had entered into glory- tasy sow psresjMs tost they s ilTtolL 1 i T i-S Z I Mason ir Tei of a tht sss toe to as h of Ms (II Pstor I is. ftto 1 as H was at iss of U ceased, late of E igeeombe this is to notify all pe -s us holding claims against the , . estate to present the same to us id oar Attorney, T. T. Thome ft ,;y Mount North Carolina, on or bef re June 22, 1911 or thto notice wLJ be plead in bar of recovery; and all P rsans indebted to satid estate I ;i ase make immediate payment This, June loth. 1910. GEORGE W. BRADLEY. H. L. BRADLEY, Adnrinis ratars of J. B. Bradley, dee d T. T. THORNE, Attorney. SIZE OF LAWYER'S FEES. MR. FARMER: If you want Pure Flour for our wheat wh n'it 'is dry, serd it to me. 1 manufacture as pure white floor as any mill in America. ' Yours truly, JONATHAN HA YEN8, Washington, N. C. HSURE mm We- will protect yoor. ( rop against destfactio-i ; damage by BAIL.' older I grow the heavier does "the re-this Legal Charges Have Kept Pace With Cost of Living. According to the naws reports, the amount of the lawyers fees In the long will contest over the Russell es tate in Boston has reduced its val ue from (750,000. to $160,000 and la Camden N. J.. Chancellor Plney to ! chambers, rebuked a firm for charg log a'total fee of $75,0OO la a case Involving $40,000 with Interest. In the old frugal days groat law yers were more modest. Hofus Cheats was accustomed to taking cases for a fee of $50 and Aaron Burr a most successful ptoottttoner, did not come to Infamy because be asksd less. Webster in the greatest period of i sssstog sad ssors ear lamp tbsi IS t fs sra 3B"! The charges are from one to foar per cent, never more than foar, and will not be over one r-er -cent, unless the losses are unu-.-ually heavy, . The Edgecombe Mutual Hail Insurance Co. has been doing business si a years and twice in three years has extra a--sment been mad?. For the six years the premium charge av. raged only one and a third per (nr. We carry a surplus or etue geucy fuud of over $3,400. J. F. SHACKELFORD, Sec'y and Treas. F.H.PENDER, Agentl Insurance coin be. written only in Edge- THE NORTH CAROLINA i: spoosibility of my brother's wel fare seem to weigh upon me. And something teHs me too. that the mono has resoonaibiltty to felt and! fulfilled by all, the longer will we have peace, it to pleasing to think of the peace which prevails in Tarboro. Heaven grant that it will ever thus exist ! Your editorials snow that you feel your responsibility. Long ttre 'The Tarboro Southerner;" may It ever continue to teach the right idea o! liberty: Cordially yours, WM. AUGUSTINE PERRY, Prof. Perry is north taking a spec ial course in carpentry. All who "at tended the Princevllle school clos ing know about the deft work in bas ketry; the Southerner has the most admired waste basket, made of Princ ville pine straw in the town. So suoessful was Prof. Perry is ornate basket work shot he has de termined to still farther Instruct ho pupils, especially me ooys nence ne is studying carpentry. He is doing more than obis. A graduate of Yale he wishes not the "flesh pote of Egypt" but the bet torment of his race where hto father has aist his lot He has done so with compensation far less than h? could have bad for the asking elsewhere. He is a true Missionary and what a -Missionary should bs like Charity beginning at home. Let no mistake be made the white man cannot lift himself without an up gradient of the colored race. Prof. Perry is trying to learn the boys of his rare skilled hands so that career never earned -r- more than $20,000 a year. Abraham Un coin amassed $8,000 la money and a small cottage In Springfield, 111. before he became President, hoptoa to increase it to $20,000 "and that" he said, is as much as any man ought to want The cost of living to lawyers has advanced since then. Still we are not at all sure that the two esses of relatively high legal fees recorded above are typical of modern prac tice. Mr. William D. Outhrfe to said to have received upward aM.0O0jDO0 for wlnnlna the Plant will case and $S0.000'ln the proceedings to the coBstituUoaaQLy of the luuiaia tax. Elihu Root gave up a lucra tive practice to accept $8,000 in president Roosevelt's Cabinet. Gov ernar nugnes receivea azo.ovu ior his work as counsel for the Arm strong committee. But in all the ea ses U might be shown that too foes represented hot a small part of the vast Interests at stake. A Just com pariaon might show that the old time lawyers really charged more than the successful practitioners of today Jfew York matter was i toM thewj to hto but words of o lag bars which shall sot tarts la hto Ktosjdom." These three osss those words wars ottered, and new Kingdom glory Is virion. The reality Of although It la surely nigh, svsn at the St. Peter himself declarss that they of oar Lord i assurance of hto have not followed caooiagty the power aad coming of oar Lord Jissa. hat bis kingdom), wbso we wore with alM Is the soty Yst the Apostle proceeds to twit us that ' secondary as Be came to S totter particularly deartibas oar Lord He says, W aavs a mors sure word of the vtotoa) to which wo do wau to tabs dark place aatU the day dawn" and Pstor 110, Before waving the Mary of the Lord's Kingdom glory, ws auto hto Ptoa, "Arise, and be not afraid." Oa i It would appear that by natore sassy Imperfections sad s rosJtoatJoa of our are Ukory to grasp as sad tartars oa This to bssveaty rather. Tea mors w Isara of aim cast out rear from oar basrta aad assure as that pathetic towards all who are strlvta a little aaa True, be will not who come into harmony with that b aboatd be feared aa aaah. He takes no tag of hie (restores and will sot persaft that any a therefor a hto provision tbsr all a bail have, tin sash fja regaining perfatfloa sod stomal Ufa. and that asf of this great primes mast die the sscood While Jesus aad the tars favored Apostle ws flguratloo, supposed to have bssa Moaat Tab at, at Lard might sspsi the dessssv Lord's represents Uvsa ta various ports of the eosatry of Patostto too sack and expelling dsmoas ta hto assss; as they assayed to east Critics that what oar Load and wraa ma il I taaanit aolkaoav mm Ctt tmm i ih mI t. - I vsraary. or an Indirect on rhioagh karsdity la sass, dto-sssa dtocomfort. Wo, ssrwavsr. asv sto of the Lord aad hto choose A post la Doctors of theology sad Doctors of i lfli toi Is the whoa aorta, ft o lass sat af too hay. who was llH'i Tarboro, - u a ay 5 It pays ta bay the best, try Z Cook's sees) this time. toes all trv. tha DOt Tb wartoa to St swsy from lb sss ring of the had failed when they sttsgtpted to east sat tha demos of your nttto faith.' Aaothsr esiqat say that ha sto not oat except by fasting and prayer.'' la other we Apostles was that their greatest power near to Obd, living Uvea af of tb Lord's mj story : rather tb to God the ssors of tha Dtrin power may ta It Is perhaps difficult for us to hsvtag Ottto faith, for they sorely attempt to east out' the Qkiass, Falto. to ha spiritual power: ana eur uora ssssrwa BS tsst rea wSJtt a faith w would b asto to rasssea a aassatsta ssd ssaasss w ar not to saapos t bat oar Lord me rnpuntains as s dlvratoa. nor as a rAtt&S&Jstt-ztoam uswrtbi: best new Crap Tarnip Set d Just Recti veil at STORE Ituildinf; N.C. A QOOD APPEARANCE m ALMOST Dccrtosr to S8C1ETT mj ttssssrch ssssrs warn sbbbIJjbbbK CaaSTaaassBBi MLf . JBsawsT-saiBsTasswi V JBMSF sTraTBTaM awawaaa M A N D E R . GIRL SWIMS 8EVEN tdlLES. MS would be more Out Co'iene of Agriculture and mechanic feU they win he useful at the start. He would teach them agriculture eel the State's college for training in I iist rial workers. Courses in Aeri '.utii re. Horticul ture. Animal Husbandry; and Dairying! in tUvil, j.lectr'.cil and Mechanics Jsngin eerinwj in Cotton Milling and Dye iner: in industrial Chemistryt Shd rz -1 1 - v. Asrriulfeural teaching. I ntranee examinations at eaeh county seat on tbe 14th of July. D. H. HILL. President, a w West llaleigh, N. C eattflcally if be had the ground. CHICHESTER SPILLS BRAND ' of DIAMOND X.ADrES t ttl yo.r uLt for CHI-CHKS TTBR'S LIAMOND BRAND PILLS In Rsb ndA Cold metallic boxes, sealed with BluK xi'.ooa Ttrtn ho oraas. Bt f ywf y and uk for cniKKS-TBS S y - i m i t nir i n D1M.& far tweatV-S' v irs r aa fWt Safest. AlwSTS Reliable.- SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE JSSrSb Clectric itters B f Succeed when eTeiyihtosj eV i In nervous orostration and v.-esicnesses they are tha supreme remedy, aa thnnssnrli have testsVd. FOR KIDNEYat-IVCR AND STOMACH TROUBLE I t is the best medicine evef sold 1 Leggett Items. Richard Fountain is out ssjath af- tTan attack of fever. Miss Neoma Ellsworth has return- el-is-hferhome In Norfolk S afte soveial week's visit to Miss' Ver non Fountain. Mrs. Theo Fountaia and Mtos Vernoa Fountain left today for Ashe eilbv t mi. We are glad to a out again Mtos Idelr Headxicks after an attack tvnhoid fearer. - .. Mns. V. W. Emory aad lfje daugh ter have returned home today af tor visiting their grandmother, Mrs M, E, Fountain. We are very sorry to hear Tom Bottoms id Try jn tv-Dhoid fever, B. AT Fountain cams up sunaay issi his mother, Mrs. A. Fountain. MUs. Annie Ellsworth has returned home aster a pleasant stay with Miss es Irma and Annie Bell Fountain. Mra.VJ. F. Ellsworth and son, re turned' to Norfolk today after spend Ing some, time with Mrs. M. . Prntotaia, im za s. m 3. 1 that Arsis Aykroyd of Boston does Male Companion. Atole .Aykroyd. the - 16 year old glri swimmer of East Boston, re cently swam across the bay from Revere Beach to Nahont and re turn without stopping, a distance of a little more than seven miles. In the remarfcahl time of hours and 21 minutes, outowlnwnlng s strong male swimmer who accom panied her part of the way. "I know I could do it!" she ex- claimed when she had finished. u roueh all the way and I was forced to swim away out of the course as I neared Nahant because was about to make the Point wharf and crossed he- fore) me. "When I Just touched the rocks neap Bass ruinx s great cwww persons ran down to the shore and shouted out to me that I ought, to rest. I wag not a bit tired, hat I ri.M ma that Mr. Everest was weakening. "I feel fine now and I was ur nriaari when the Decade at Nahant thought I needed asssjtoaoe. "I leave for England. August 1. am golnsag there to enter the 1 mile oonntest on the Thame river near London, to be held on August 20. have never eoasldered the Boston Ljght swim "and I think mv race to London will be the nnA of mv swimming osraer St a hr IS OwMiC offOlCB SrS concerned." Boston Post. by having would have no right to do. Ws assures that If In tb furaiimnt of the Dlvtn bars a mountain rssnovsd, sod tf th Lord'. obey tha that tbe majority of as th Lord to and tsndsrd Fooie Oaaolaxio Plows Wtiom Farm Implements Hsurd Hand-Hide Brink if h fans a BECOMING DANGEROUS. An Eye Sera Now About to s Menae. The blackened walls of tha pd building 20. aad tSS Mai of s'ures that two WILL WRITTEN IN ACCIOSNT. an Sack of two yeara1 the had their ocapaato are awry, fawsa fUad mowawiT surer um iiiw. bs iwr noa OS sad of the side wall oa tha allay Er.erd. to had to be braced to srsrssS foiling. j. McElrsy. - of a tendency to ooss sar- ward, to leave the side wall Wide cracks la the upper-part shew this. The town authorities should make a lawoutU examination aad If the walls are unsafs she swears ahoald be requlrad to Died. Thursday evening of ty Oharles Franklin Jenkins aged IB wars tha son of Mrs. Nora Jenkins and the tote Samuel P Work 24 Hours A Day. The busiest little things ever are Dr. King's New Life Pi Us. am to a. sugar coaied gtooute I Pr wtito sBdgecombe Hardware Co iry J - l AT 1 Favorable Crop Weather. These, hat, hasajd days so most favorable to crops sad they SSS shaw ing to too. While at to true that tha oottaa Mr will It Try Lave. crop is lata. It to bettsi at this tUna last year. Fanner If he With"favusabla oq there la so fHasusty shaaM of cotoa. average of corn. from why rlU of that changes weakness Into phcHd feveer.rirsngth languor into energy brain fag into meowi powwr. cwiisi vwr stlpation; Headache. ChlUs; Dys pepsia; Malaria; 60 cents at W. II. HacNair Drug Co. Jenkins. Y 'irai'some- lafS is tha toother Arnhsku's Summer Reduction When the form Its functions, rotas deraoged, ths kjdneya ton to must ha lessor ad to a healthy dUlon and Chamherlaln'a Liver Tablets can he on to do It assy to U thr I fen her UatU 1 My Ansa, vasts sac reahls tewu.niUSI CAROLINA IS IRII as f II. I. MOD. NESIHI. Hffllli II t Uaatalag old AT is da- is a Ja a 5tos Lat Coaatry Prash QasiT J Ska Fvaito A PRIME: 7 1-2 PER COTTON SEED MEAL CBANOI mm The Hab s Grocery Co. Vtr monLs. Pfciepiiirl Add 1 1-2 r their tsMat avaiLsbk form IVcsstsas the 2 1-2 rr .t cent Pfttash In Shi loh Oil or Tar Stiver Oil Company, over a druggists Sate iiisSSiiiiiiss IMday. July 8th. I A.. s. a effective. Sold by ail . . . A

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