I nttlfaittra:. BE SURE YOU RIGHT; THEN GO HLXJAO.-X) Orockett VOL. 88. NO. 30 TARBORO, N. C. THURSDAY. JULY 28. 1910. egTABUSMBD Utt AN OLD ADAGE SAYS-am. A light purse is a heavy curse' Sickness makes a light purse. The LIVER is the seat of nine tenths of all disease. Tutt'sPill: go to the root of the whole mat ter, thoroughly, quickly safely and restore the action of the LIVER o normal condition. G- e tone to the system &id solid flesh to the body. Take No Substitute. MEM3ERS OF THE PEOPLE'S MU TUAL BENEFIT ASSCOIATION. v.. ake notice that I can be foun a! .. office. This la the cheapest in gorancs in the country and absolute lj reliable. P. H. PENDER, Secretary and Treasurer TRUSTEE'S SALE. . cue of the pawer and aut-io: lined in a certain deed o wired by The Consolidate.: ; i t:u any to the uadersigu !i deed of trust is duly re cords.! in I.ook 146, page 143 of tb e Public Regis: y, defaul; a:ng been made in the payment tea tnerein secured, at the i of the holder "of the said , I will on Thursday August HO at 12 M. at the court house dir in Tarboro, N. C. sell at public , iou to the highest bidder a cer . tot of land si'uated in Tar I i X. C. beginning on Hendrick's t at the northeast comer of Missionary Baptist Church lot, thenee westeily with the fence b e tc loses said church lot 140 irner; thenee in a northerly d: e lion at right angles a straight I) 100 feet, comer; thence eas t ; 110 f l to Hendricks Street, with said street to cbe S nning, it being the identical lo; of lind which was conveyed to the i' jnsoiidated Ice Co. by the and Trust Com. by deed dated 1st, 1909 and duly recorded Book 140. page 279 of the said raas of sale cash. ..is July 11th, 1010. G. A. HOLDERXES3, Trustee FARMERS INSTITUTES. Two to be Held In The County Next Month. G. T. DeBerxy and Dr. L. L. Stat on have succeeded in inducing the State Agricultural Deaitment to holdtwo Fanners Institutes here next month. The firs-: will be heM on Aug ist 23, at the State teat farm and the aher teh following day at Seed. Subjects for Discussion. Among the subjects for discussion will be ' The SoM and Ks P:epration far Co ton, Cora and Peinuts." 'Fertilizers How and When to Use Them-." "U?-w l Cook What to Cook and vVhen to Eat," "S natation Especially as relating to Fides and Mosquitoes. ' There will be speakers who tr e ex perts on tbeee subjects, men and wo men, i The subjects should interest every farmer in the coun'v and his "better hair'' as well. They aire not onjy timely but just now wrth the abnormal weather we have had they suggest problems tbit e-.-v farmer should be anxious to have solved. Another Institute. The Southerner has cskvd the De- paitmect to hold another institute ia November, when there will be ex adoi s of corn raided by the boys for which the Southerner thanks the pub lic spirited co-izeas of the county has been enot'.e to offer attractive pre miums for 'the boys niakirg the best yeild on one acre ia county and t-c:i ia the township. The information that will be eli cited at the ins j-tabs on 23 & 24 can profitably be s jpp'exen cd by the 038 the Southerner proposes just e$ er mid-harvest time. THE 8MOOTH 8TRANGER Unsophisticated Villagers Not the On ly Ones to Fall for Gold Bricks. The numerous writers and lata are accustomed to relate in prist and plctoriaUy the swindling trick played on the country ' jojsrln" when he comes to town and fails In wi'-ta friendly sharpers, who volunteer their service in showing ham around. But they could find much more frur fid mafoadai for their 'fotroygTophB' if they would only took at the homer ous aide of the enomous swindtoa aer- pirated repatdly in town on bankers. merohamt and business and profess tonal men of all classes by the slick atrang ir from elsewhere, kt is the commonest thing fan the world ia all American cities. The "smooth" stranger cam get cre dit, have his checks paid at sight buy wholesale bills of goods, and lave like a lord in the beat hotels without ever paying a cent or making any show of money, if he be well dr ed has an easy end self-confident mm ner, and make pretensions to be person of quality or importance. Any scheme he may offer no matter bow impossible or unreasonable, from opei at!mg machinery by perpetual to converting lead into silver or flint pebbles into diamonds, wiM be eater tained by apparently the moet f-igaci pus business men, who will risk thou sands of dollars on such propositions whe. pneMMMi lv a smo-xh s'aanger while aa old acquaintance intelligence ij above question and whose honesty i above reproach can not raise one dollar to aid m terprsse of real merit and also prec- ti-abLc Tb New Orleans Picayune HEP rr:"B arser b I'M- RcvfeaJSaSMr" '-CWTksG WAtTOW gANOCRL . ..l xiew vrop iirmp Meed Mist Received at s To Clean Parasols. Dp not remove the cover from the frame to launder your parasol. In stead open it out and wash the cover ing thoroughly using bruch, cool wa- tr and some good white soap. After rinsing set -it ia the sua to dry, if the material is whiCe; hi the shade if the material will run. The wire "frame will not rust, and yoirr parasol will be found beautifully clean and dcinty . it is well to wash it again in this roaamer ia the fall, and not put it a- way in ?. soiled condition. "Wrap in tissue paper and then in newspaper From Woman's Home Companion fc August. r Just A Little Mother. She's just a lt'le mother in a cabin faraway; Since I kissed her in the gloaming 'tis forever and a day La mv droams I hear her calling. call lag o'er the weary sea. "Come ve back to Ballyshnnnon Ko fi!!- ty dear, come back to me. She's standing in the doorway, tag up the little spite. Wi3 the kerchief o'er her bosom and the rills around her face; She is smiling as Our Lady above the Holy Child. And mv heart runs footh to meat her o'er waste of waters wi d. MR. FARMER: 1 f you want Pure Flour for jour wheat wheu it i- dry. ei d it to me. 1 manufacture as pure white flour as any mill in America. Yours truly, JOX ATH AJjT H WEN S, Washington, X. G. HE HUD. AT THE HUB ou Can Satisfy Your Wants. Can Get a Never Fail Can 4.T the hub Free. Oil Llehtnine Ice Cream Freezers tiold at the huh. They are 1 he liest. Ice Cream Can be Made the Quickest in These Freezers. T'.tst Thine in Town is our - icinc Machine. You Can Get Breakfast Strioa. Smoked Beef ! li.icou Sliced on Short Xot:ce, ;i y Quantity. It is Much Iter Than the Kind lou Get in - and For Less Money : e Lot Country Hams Just In fresh Candy Jnst Received Fruits All The Time. wish to Thank Our Customers Their Liberal Patronage for They. are Causing Our Business to low Larger F very Day. Please call loo for your warts. See the 4 t Kged rooster. The Hob Grocery Co. P. A. Lewis, Proprietor. SEALED BIDS. :!cd Lies for a two room school ' ise to be erected near Crisp will opened July 30th next. For complete specification apply W. H. PITTMAN, ty Superintendent of Schools. ELECTRICAL MASSAGE. I HAV1T ' - an electrical vibrator for givln age. As the cuiTent Is on ony ' Ife-ut, 1 will be pleased to aerr - ons then. Nathan Williams. Elon College. The vacation number of the Elon College Bulletin, advertisement of which we have been carrying in our columns, has just reiched our desk It is a IT page publication, neatly bound and contains words of encouraj meat to prospeotdve students and dis cussions of the fundamentals ot euu caion. The bulletin shows why young peo- Dle should zo to college, and why the ?ollees need the young people; and contains a discriminating article set ting forth the distinction between col lege and University, and another ar ticle showing the difference between Training and Education. K discusses education as an investment, and as a paid up insurance poiiicy also. It shows furthermore that there is no short cut in life nreDanaxion and K shows that only white supremacy can exist by the education of the children She's of the white. It also describes the spirit of Elon COHese. The soir.it that actuates its students and controls their conduct The final pages contain a brief state ment of a few vital facts as to cost and scholaishiip and equipment of the college. Those who are interested Do you know our BaHyshannen, whan the very, winds are sweet With the saltiness of the ssafrwm aod the tang of unoidertog peat? Do vou know our MMM that fold us In a blanket soft and gray. Do you know our Bally shannon 1 the red-roae dawn of day' poaoivrjio in MstUtSW 18 21 'If M or MM sms their imms. wr Mm! sfeUrw . T. PETKKa own -Lord, how oftsa I sad I forgive aim. ootti nn UmmT It M a qosstloa thai at ssmv Oms sod mrs to eosas to all the foOowera of by stasrs wbu are tssporrsrt. wo which auto roily spprretatM JmOcs and Mass toward oa It Is also fsinarksbw hew MMM M Un ood womoa and rtiDdroa M advoratM of Jostiea. m tiMMow mmmm a gafity loah whs the dutcboa at torn law and a Jomt pees to. asd MMM mm MM sagesoco into their own sanda It wmmJ spcior that mv of mm wm participate In idooo bavo at Umoa bssa gMsty si arlj or oojto so gnat appear that tboro la a craving to lbs fa Ikes nosh M do tloMar a is aasOMr. m to sos violence dona. If only tboro cooid bo aa oacaao tor H oa tas acosw Sf Jastlia Alaa poor ercatarsa. how l rebonalMo Is tba algbt of God I And yot ibooo who tb Mia to their pa Ml i mm. qnlot their own t nnatUaroa, at they are viewing tba mat i or mm God, lootag Jaotk i It Is tmo that Justice hi tho foaadottoa of DtrtM la just , but It Is also tree that Uod Is loring and Mad, M that ho acres himself tba very aams of lovo. for Ood la toea" Msrh shoe Id Mara th bo In tho Divine II season Is to govern one's self asd oewh moms by tho of justice, bat to moeoare tho coo roe of sthoM by tho roio of Moo asd pathy. gonoroaity and forglvooom In answer to BL Peter's qoaatkia ottr Lord Mid that t eboatd forg brothoi not only seven Umoa, bat serve ty those miss Wbsi s MMM) generosity U hers saggeotod! Bow R tolls so of tho tovtog sserry mm gtveneos of him with wboM wo have to do! Mat lot as reMSMbev aa tement of thin mm Matter, where R hi iMgdMi that besots the f M granted. It to to ha at tooM OMdrod. If not luoghl -If thy brother against tbeo apron Umes In a day asd mvoo times to a day ball ear. I thou shalt forgive him or to the ex tool of rooty Has soooo f even assume that the Lord meant that la oar beans wo shoe Id sawed the brother hto tnseesssa area tboaeb wo Mhxbt a tost j waM to eaw forgiveness until his attitado Manlfeat.d SOMO I win far It Christ are to ho coo O anally tai tba attltndo of goairnoHj and BUed spirit of forglTaoiM as to the baa ran ly father ready sad waiting i dona and under proper coodltJooo. to ma a 1 foot that roadMsaa To Illustrate this matter the Master spufco a parable. He eaM. - dOM of beaeo to like onto a certain Kins which woaad tat -. . priaont rime to tba etnbryotbr KtojsM aad to betoaj aV Lord after the manner of tba Ulwattattoa la tato para DM. ft an Illustration ofMjod'a baling with the world tie to eot OSaMsa arah Lhr world at all lis Is not railing them hto Mtiaata hi say eaaae of the weed only believers, consecrated ones, occupy this favorable aeatftoa of Dtrtos raM tionshlp and only tbeao arv aaeast to lbs parabto. rnilhaiMaia, the para hto for original Mo needed to be paid, not by tba prayer of tba M Basra bat by the praclooa bWd sf Christ Bat after hsvtag oar atoe fMglro tarwagb turning from olo and faith hi Christ, aad tbroagh cooaarrattoa to the Load and hagetUeg of the holy setrtt. than wo ara hto sort auto aad tho paraMo m la tea to these onto. servant of God. as a follower of Cbrtot be bad ooase far short Tas oms of reckoning causa lie raaltosd It aad oasowgat Dtrtos faros at totng to do au be moid to make op tor tba eaaadeaetoa Be sea toe n apoa him was atsyed Bat whoa ha west Math M Bad a Mtoaw aat who owed him a trifling aaaa. ood woMd have ae mmcs omms hti 7 aogry and declared that he, too, aswat bo haraaiy dean T M DRUG STORE JTSTZSIZ MasoBir Temple BalMing to a SirS Tarbor - - if.c. , c. Meeh rJT. It pays to buy the best, try ifaasaLr fsa aaaaaal .LI. all atauLicai COUMTV COM S It. a. I oa tho llth day of Jasw. Ult a isiy , ll A GOOD APPEARANCE m ALMOST AM UWHTsmV BAL 1NTR DUCTIOX TO - SICICTY. TrytMi toy Barew Um Fabic for SB PMJtosi After all m j Htiear c b aad receive Then Tou've seen the Htto mother . w . just herself, en small and old; With a look I'm sure would warm you were vou shivering with cold: Oh, so mirthful and so patient she whose work is never dona. Oh, so ready with her laughter at the rise and set of In the great house where I'm serving. folks are ever kind to me. But they do not guess my yearning for the cabin, over the Wage I earn and wage I Yet I cannot longer mast seek my Little mother, I must nestle at her side. a cabin It I hae I just a little mother In far away; Since I ktooed her in the gloaming 'tin forever sod a day. In mv dreams she's calling, call- ldz: Mother, dentine ysa I'll come. I'll go hack to Ballyahannon to my mother aod my home. can receive a copy of this Interesting Margaret E. Songster In the Wo publication by addressing a poscai raTvi t- tho rwan. of the Pacultv. W. A. Harper, Elon College K. C. man's Home Companion for August. Would Have Tarboro Celebrate. Editor Southerner: Having read in the Daily of July 15th, that Tarboro will be represent ed at the 200dth anniversary celebra tion to be held in New Bern, I de sire to bring before the people a fact perhaps overlooked by the patriotic ci and has caused many Universalist Church Organized An Universalist church has been organised at Old Sparta with sixteen members. A year ago there were not a half a dozen members of that de nomination In the county, if half that many. On the third Sunday In this month Rev. BodeU began a series of meet tog professions of thy fallow oat-rant area as I bad Marry oa LbeeT" an to the tormentors until he sboold pay all that was di not Include any port of tas prosify of mlgtoal for the short eoMlaga of the ti is a mm ant who was a too a debtor from the ot Tba Lord's words coo'-tsdlng tho parable ara "do OhOd i Father do unto yon. If ys from roar hearts forgive not over hto trespasses' la another test oar 1 different words, saying: "If ye frrglre Pather will a too forgive yaw." The purpose aad object of ear heavenly rather seems not dear to alL It to net that be wtototo to be would My to aa "If yon are omms towards others I til he yon. Rather the lesson i tbta, ! to kind very grscloua to yoa la lbs forgives qm of year artotoa.1 ato t your cqooonrattoa to be My servant asd la Islaglag yea lata I bare called yon Into this pool Moo foe a aortal parpone asd fit nor be prepared tor tho Mriki I dsatoe tor ysa sstoso yoa ons toward your teettwea la their Imperiecttoea I do thto t yoa a great lesson which eaaaot be eo weO toaraad hi say M I am sashing la yoa ee say servant to Mabel Itoo to my Too are Inclined to took et the justice of My HMrartM aM deal severely with others who are roar debtors wtah to that the grandest elements of My character are of my leva aad aysnpatby. My klndnsas sod forbearanc to progross In thto character Uk eoooe and se eeass M t om you In my service more abandaaUy. therefore I rale test yoa on forgiving and gracious one toward asothev etwa as' t hare a needy torn ctoas toward yoa. aad area aa I propose yot farther to to gist lass to if yon will abide In harmony with nay spirit of tore eod sseh to woJh I way. I am ready to forgive the loring and my character; I om ready to be kind aa r BMSaavBO 'a ZANDER wUl P rot ret yowr ajmil ffTfi 1?AD rFUV DDaim trwedhan BlUff. UT IF m a by BaVUa Mowortj Bjnd m on the market Herd Hand-Made Brick Cement i Ti OA MM WIM Aod To pity, and perhaps pair Hail Ii domg twice) ia Urea eix ware the svrraaMd Male mm) aad a third t. We earry read of A rVayer. Electric iffers Succeed when everything else falls, in nervous prostration and female veaknesses they are the supreme remedy, as thousands have testified. FOR KIDNEY, LIVER AND STOMACH TROUBLE "t is the best medicine ever over a druggist's counter. tizens. This year (1910) completes one hufl dred and fifty years since Tarboro was "laid off" into lets; streets; Qom moa; bounds; ec; by the order of Rev, James Molr; Lawrence Toole; Aqullla Sugg; Elisha Battle and Ben jam Ine Hart, its first Commdssioners. (See page 524, Bo D in the Reg ter of Dedes' office: Xnw iit occurs to TE-e if the county seat of Edgeeomhe can afford to send representatives to a ceiebrjtioa of such character as will be held in New Bonn, the town ought to be doubly able to plan and carry through sucoes fully a local patriotic display. The early Fall 4s far enough ahead for the Daughters or me auic- w Revolution, for those descended from the inhabitants of Colonial Tarboro, and for all patrGotic citizens to unite and devise a plan thet will bring m a forcible manner the age of our town before the people of Noith Caro lina. If necessary, Mr. Editor talk our townsman personally. You talk to the gentlemen; and, if Mrs. John A. Weddelf, who is a loyal daughter of the county, will interest the ladd.es success muat come. Gastan L,ie bit en stein. Capon Springs, W. Va. July 20 1910. faith, with the result and the leaven of his at work. above preaching at 11! A Frightful Wrack, of train, automobile or boggy may cause cute bruises; abrasions; and sprains or wounds that demand Buck lens Arnica Salve earth's greatest healer Quick relief and prompt cure results. For bums, boHs; sores of aU kinds; ecsema; chapped hands ana Hps; sore eyes or corns; Its supreme. Surest pile cure. 25c at W. H. Mac Nalr Drur Cos. Softly as the oms llcaah ear anal to 1,1 Of the wild worl so far announced, falls to tba tot the Departure of Traina For Norfolk, Va. No. 90 at 9.23 A. M. No 48 at 2.05 P. M. For Plymouth: No. 56 at 11-35 A. K. No. 64 at 5.1S P. M. For Rocky Mount: No. 65 at 10 A. M. No. 49 at 12.18 P. M No. 91 at 7.48 P. M. For Farmvllle: 10.30 A. M. 4.50 P. M. The Cace of Adama County i Washington. July 21 Proatobly the Teach M, eatoat dtosppototment over the salt of the census Maoist He Hut mj safrit. Adams County. 111. Make aa aha ato aa a tower It swears that the UKaoto I egleli Lot the dry heart WI Met tore enaotad a tow to the effect that Uka a poay looalag aa: sf Adams County could show a pope- Let Late Ibyhtly wear bar t tot km of 70.000 under the TaietosUh Like the nopy looalag atowi Census It would be entitled to bare Whoa Be beast la Bltod ad and elect a prtoate judge Aad Be life bagtoa MM. Adams County wee gteafol. cork Towh as. rather haw aa 1 d woH eattoftod wth the pro- Klad an J pet saf aa a trs There was prJb ato Judgeship Joy felly the to ahandanca aad the Job Under shsdi nrtaters of the county iMood a bar- Beetto. oa b vest printing publicity staff of the va Taretoe la thto ranis caadhtotsa who annfiaacod thorn Lot mo, atoo cfc absto The Twelfth Census offtoton tame County a aopadaatoa of C74BI power. I Oa the In round itoHni at Which M - FiS: EdgeeomlH flardware Co Alrd par -am J. P. BHACABlJrOMD, F. e. kaca writiea aedy O. C WABM1R. 1eb aeeebbeeeeeb e I SJFJPaws I mil. 4 bM tank imM. soMdajoejed aad ylalde SZ THE BANK OF TARBORO PANOLA DAIBT Para Milk aad f J Plea.. J.T H)e4 T. sod oh cruel, cruel the Census Bureau cording to their Bgoro only 4.&sa people reside la Adams Coaaty 4a this year of Oar Lord 1910. Therefore n nrobote judge tor Adams Oooaty and the Adama Count votes ara bm' to Arnhelm's Summer m Redoctioo its op to them now Sale oommenoes Friday, July 8th. Btt Ideal toatructlon to Dunbar batter, the beet made. , metojpiy sf they hope to follow oi a Viol m'a Summer Reduction Sale eommences Friday July 8th. .alway. trash at Huh Grocery Co. only Dye yo. eeaety aaat aa ttoe let ef Jaly asis D. H HILL, PnBinC dw Woat llklaiah, M. Q i Yrf BOSTJ

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