POWELL, E<OI. fashed Every Thursday. Subscription RatesSl.OOperyear j :T:E3-.A-"T3 1 iue uiuiu stut uui iu ui . u.ered at JOBt-flJce a second else matter Thmsdr.y, July 28, 1910. ADULTERY. -I ''Hardlv had the betrothal of ir?2JEZ I ' Tul 71 Priuce George and Princess Mary been announced," says Philip Hume Forster iu the Woman's Home Companion for August, "when the future Queeu of Eng , I land had opportunity to test her sense of dutv and her self control. While the Duke of Clarence had been studing statesmanship as heir to the English throne. Priuce (iecrge had been slowly but surely advanciug in the royal navy. As an admiral his Hag ship had been stationed oft Malta, and heie he had met, wooed and won the beautiful daughter of Admiral Seymour- Before marrying her, Prince George had written a formal reium emtio n of hia claims to the thinp of England aud for a few yaited lived vry happily with the fair haired. blue-eed fikteltsh wile who flitted from colonial pott to" colonial port to meet her royal husband. One winter they spent in Keneuda. where they were most popular with both English and Aui"iicau Tvsidents. ''When Fiince George found himself almost wl tbe foot of the throne through the death of his brother. lie realized that it was one thing to returnee the throne aud another to have his renouu ciation aceepted. Queen Victoria and all the political powers be "hind her insisted upon the annul ment ot the romantic ma riage, so the eng:iem-nt of riincS9 Mary and Prince George was shadowed by this ugly coud. The young piinces-j did no in dulge in hysteris. The e were nc recriminations nor unpleasant scenes fur Prince George to en dure. As his wife, she believed that she should and would be able to hold his affect ions, and she went about the task of winning the love of the m -u whom fate had decided should lead her to throne. In fact, it was generally felt in En g Ik i d that she was more deeply in love "ith Prince Geovge than with his unfortuuate brother. 'The morganatic wife ot Prince George was provided for, it is said by no less a person than his moth er, and since then no shadow ol scandal has ever entered the life of the yonug co;:ple." The Woman's Home Comranion heads this as "The Love Story oi George Y.:' It is all right gs a love story, a toyal romance; but neveithehss it is of no credit to the present king. As king of England he assumes 11 the lying attributes of the laoiviou'? Heury VIII; Head of the Anglican church Defender o the Faith, tiois man ora people who be lieve in one wife and husband, can tolerate such a proposition as marrying on-3 wom.:u with the left hand and then tarn around, and wit lion t a divorce, marry another with the right, is some thing that the Aryan lace never sanctioned a wifely con-i leration that was never thought oT by the Semitics or the Hamites; a relation ' that .Ieus Christ, although a Semite, denounced, and yet here is a man, who poes as the head ol a church, leavii g one woman to take another, beeaofie th a damned foolishness of jackusic 1 mon archy does not permit a uou -royal born to bea princess. What assininily ! What disre gard of the teachings of Jtsus and his apostle St. Paul"! BALANCE Or TRADE. Tf one would read the financial articles iu the papers and just take what is said at;out the bal ance of trade -feeing slowly slipping from tVs country, one might conclude that these Uuited States were on the eve of going whence the prea -Lcrs ary trying to save. The trouble seems to 1 e about this: ot exports are int exactlv falling off; but we are bay ing so -much more than we hive been, that our inr. poits are about to equal the amount of straff we send away. The idea of xprts exceeding imports being a f avorabl balance was conceived by the protected industries of the country and made a rallying cry with the republiea-is wh-ru these grafteis we-e supporting. Trading between iudividuals must mean thai there must be an outgo equal to thaf which is received, without this there must be unadjusted a counts, which lat' or board- must be bal meed and paid. Vh:t ia trae as to individuals is equally a; plicable to nations or countries. A personal instance will illust rate: that cleverest and most accommodating of cashiers, Luther Hart, had the hardihood and ghll to notify this editor that he had overdrawn his account at the bank. Now this export or outgo idea was the thing this editor had been practicing or that very same ban'; and the balance should have been in our favor, if the fa vor; be trade balance idea holds god. Mow good fiiend Hart knows that it would be iest for thS bank that we never checked out more than we Had if quite so mu h. It our balance remained below t e debit li-.ie too long he would as he should charge iater- est. Bo this would brine us back to paying not only the ' principal but also the interest. Without makinjj good, f be import nf Knnlr nmitlil ai-iaaH f ha . xPur; aw. wu UV: - be paying the penalty. The san rule holds good as to nations:! that received is what is being paid on debts due. The creditor nations of the world are in order named, Eog larwl ITroDAa onil rinrmoiit' or H 111 t n t I MM' IlM.IIlt'11 111) I 11111 im ports exceed their exports. At one time rt was estimated that Europe held enough of our securi ties of one kind or another to make the interest charge 600, 000,000. To th's vast sum was to be be added the expenditures of the tourists iu that country. sjhilock had had more coming to him than he ever paid out, until he tried to get the pound ot flesh. The republican party claimed may claim as loud as they can that an excess of exports ia iu our favor and we still shown by the proposition that a farm that sends out more than it re ceives in return is being converted into a sand hill. Two More Games. Thursday and Friday .Saraiaga will cross bats here with our highly ehY ed amateurs who have taken two scalps from one of the best teams ia the State, Elm City and from -a c:ever a set of bo; s. As has already been stated the first game was a splendid exhibition of ball playing by both sides; the second was more onesided, one of the vid.ing players being injured be ing a factor in making the score stand Tuesday 10 to 1. Two more games we are to have here- this week Thursday and Friday . Saratoga promising to give the local team all thaf they can attend to. That town hss a first class team and thv piay ball for all it is worth. Some how .the Southerner takes more interes in gomes that are p'.ay el for the fun rather than the mon ey. Of course it is some'hing to hire a professional team and have ii win; but the real delight and the pleasure of sport is in witnessing what the homefolks do and rigiA here this is what is being done. Dyi -g Friend Inspired ' Miserere." Men of geuiua are confessedly crei tares of mood. Grief and adversity have o:ten been a real help to thea ra'ber than a hindrance. Poe it h said wrot e "The Raven" while sitting at the bedside of his sleeping but dying wife. .Many similar in s ances might te cited but an an ecdot? of Veidi toUl by Carlo Coca r-ili wffl suffice. un on 3 occasion wnen erui aw engaged on his well knowa open. "11 Trovatore," toe stopped siiop". a tie passage of the ".Miserere" being at a 1S3 to combine no es of auffk lent saJn.ss and pathos to expro. the grief of the prisoner Manrico. Sitting at his piano ia the deei stillness oi the winter night his im agiaitioa wandered back to tb. stormy days of his yolfch ende.voi -ng to extract from the past, ; plaint; a groan; like those which pel frsm his breast when he a hlnisslf forsaken by the world.. All ia va:n: One day at Milan he was un-? ectedly called t3 the bedside of ; nyiflg friend one of the few who had reaiaiaed faithful o him in adveui ty aai ptoapority. VcrOi at tfc sight of his dying friend fe'.t a lum; rise In his throat; he wanted k weep but so irrtense was his grie that not a tear flowed to the mHsj of his anguish. Ia aa adjoining room stood a pi a no. Vardi, under one of those sud den Inipu'sea to which men o: s-i.us are sometimes sai'K'-t sat do.va at the lattrument and tb and tieivj improvised the ejjblime "M s'-rere" of the ' Trovatore.' Tie musi.iaa had given utterance to h grief. Boston Globe. The world's most successful medi cma for bowel complaints is Cham berlain's Colic. fJholera and Diarr hoea Remedy. It has relieved mow pain and suffering and saved mon lives than any other met-'icino ' in use. Invaluable for children and a dults. Sold by all druggists. 'The Piano With The Sweet Tone" IN RM.EIGH, NORTH CAROLINA Meredith College School of Music has 40 Upright and Grand STIEFF PIANOS, and Mr. Wade Brown, Dean, sas they give tbe best satisfaction and he considers the STIEFF the 'most ar idic instrument in every respect. Most of the important Music Schools iu the South sre equipped with ; STIEFF PIA.NOS; a list of them will be farnishei on request. STIEFF PIA.X03 are sold direct from maker to you, at the lowi st factory prices; a saving of goodly sum. Write for Price List CHAS. M. STIEFF. L. C. Steele," Manager, 114 Granby St. Norfolk, Va. Mention this paper. Official Piann, Jamestown Exposition. NEW PROPOSITION: Cummings & Little will give you ccsh coupon ticke-ts with every cash purchase you nuke in their sore, which will entitle j ou to china ware, free. Ask for coupons. Special prices on High G rade Coffees and Teas. CUMMINGS & LITTLE. BNAKESKiN DflftMES. Can Woman Be Coaxed into Such Aaaaciation With the Hated Foef by th advance agent If fashion . . warning bythoee who took too freely upon the wine when at 1 . . red. The new garb will Include akin dresses and anakeakia provided o.ie may believe tide har binger of at y lea who goes on to ex plain, what wonderful thing la the art of di -4l::g can toe aeeoaapUabed by Che aid of ana beak Ins. "Marvels," aeys the foretime of sty lee "can be achieved toy the py thon's skin in the hands of a clever designer . This afekn never pulle or gives. K ia tooth waterproof "and pUable aud by - skillful manipulation of its wonderful scale markings may bring in-to prominence a pretty pain I or ntde a detect of a woman. By as ing a python's akin for footwear the foot can be made to look smaller or V. can be given btvadth or tapered to a point. An entire figure can be modeled in this wy Breadth cam be attained where deal red; the effect of aUaaaaas is obtained likewise: a pretty waist can be emp.iaatsed ; an gular hips oan be transformed into rounded out ones aa if by magic. Py thon'a skins wfii make impervious shoes for golf pkiyers or to n for motorists." WbJt a boon to the discontented fa wooden as well as to her angular sis ter. Is&l t'ae wonderful garments come but woe to Che wine bibber for bis comfort will be little and hard pressed. FLO WER SUPERSTITIONS. Fear Which Bar Ce tiii Posies Frorr the House at Times. Some of the mov curious supers- tViis about fl owora have to do with the seemingly innocent ma lor ol bri"gu-g t-iem Into the house. If you koep a scarlet g .-.niam in the hoase all the yeir somoje will surely dU they say. Bid ntly thbi fear is current in soxe of the coaet torn because I is a common cu. om to keop ttoe sc-riet cerinium in doors all summer as the win 'm are not con iucive to btvlding out of doors. I Scotland bringing a flowering haw thorn into the house foretells l-.ith in the famUy. In Norh Cor many it the cornflower the Kais er's own bloom that la barred the house I -eat the bread mo'.d. i -vonshite toika think it meaaa daatb to bring to the houce a al g daffodil when thia ftiwei- fh appears in the spring. There must U a bunch of them and th- cowslip similarly hedged in by s-j&ere Uio A hydranger ii t;. house "brings trouble" and tsoowdrops are "un lucky while wl.dflowera prevent the first brood of chickens froa hatching. No yellow broom should be broug': into the hou in May. The bojst- ith bergamont near R ia never free rom sicknej. A plant of beUotroa a church will 'keep ia "their placer it untrue wives in the coogre It is good luck bo eat the flr lay .lower you see ia the soring. I it ta a crocus let K alone; in .ia trla they say K draws one's atreagtt toray. Nor mu.t you dig up a cuckoo ..'lower and Wmpt luek by moving wild daisy isto th- gai-.'en. K -'P. the anemone is one of lucky flowers o.' apt ing; wrap first one in red clo'h and If urbed IVwlll CM dLens. 1 , Bat'.kbc-o and Vicinity. Cotton hae g -satly improved I the t . t.o is beginning to kxk like July roc'.o:. The corn prosper. Is aiso brightr J we ar? now hoping for- an av erage crop if not better. J. A. i. ere t. one of th- tr.o" popular i ;lrsmn of M. C. Brasw is off on a vacation, lie took hit leave about the same time some oat e'e diJ. w ask e Jesr? tmnrr rss a mora pro round re-x-t fir gaeoSene. Fri-lay ae ap;.i J Uifl P. vkefeller liquid to a bed an I then scruck a match. He now n?"d a- i'.ri-r bed. He h i the burning one out before otiber dam?ge was done. Familiarity sometimes breeds lets as weM as the proverbial ;..a but coo tempt. List S.turday nighi. ::e Whitehead ma 1 h'.mseir too faml Sai with the faml'y ot Waiter Red 11 owdw co.o.ea mxr. Keaaioa ordei'.-c sVfadtabead to leave and as ha per aietenrijr refused to go. Roddick usod hU gin alh convincing. bu not much laarhi:ing effect; for he shot hi j man in the forehead whlcl defletod the bdl which coursed un I t the altin coming out hepini the ear. Whitehead ran one way, looking for a policeman and a do tor and Reddlck took to the tall timber W. R.. Pore:I.",. P. Rawlings and R. E. Joyner are spendiaar ar; fe days In AauevUle- Tbe now principal of the Battle boro High School is Prof. J. W. Hert of Blsck Creek Va. H- comes highly rechrim ended, yisa X Whartnj of Rocky Mount and Misa May Tiylor Of MargareUaiille. Va. two charm aad aocomplShod young ladles will be his assletanta. A. J. HogooJ. eiw of N9w Church Va. is here vJattiRf his old hoot. Next Sunday will he CaMdren Dry with the Method b Chun.h. The evening of the same day, i protracted meeting wall begin. H. H. Powell and family of Virgin la are the aues's of Cant nn i vira B. B. Guipn. RAMBLER July 27th. When the stomach fails to per form its functions, the bowels be come deranged, the liver end the kidneys congested causing numer ous diseases. The a to math and liver mult be restored to a healthy con dition and Chamberlain's stomach and Liver Tablets can be depended up on to do it. Ekuy to take and most effective. Sold ty all druggists. t Arnheim'a Summer Reduction Sale cojrunences Friday, July 8th. THE LION'S HEAD. Origli a Ita Uaa aa Decoration ror Fountain-. eaters the) aoatttee on the other ha t2n astrologcra fiery and ferocioaa lton ia part of the aodsac which the nun The oonataalatloa which at eaflad Leo bears very Mstht rsaaaahlence to I the outline of a I km. Probehiy the name was oriedaajiy oyplled only so W principal star. Rrgvaaa. It to 0 cone'ellatiao In the aodtoc tht lion's heads, which are round 4a a cteat in the totter part of July, while the aun ia still in the atga Lao. Ni!a la at iU hie" sat atvek FurthercDor. the Itoaw hold wtd.ry op.-n im yi in J:nsT rry aatoatoto for the moutb of a or water spout 1 tif was employed unhrsrsaiiy out the Oroco-Rotnan world. Wton's Mto were found ossd la at Athens. Bphesve Olympto. Agrig netum and coontieas other p toe as. I la not quite cercaai meat of be lluo'e head aaagUiatid in Egypt Curtlue deacalhea OA Aaayrtog t-relief from Badtoa ahoartag i stream lag from a rtng ehaped v A lion stands as sf on guard either aide of the The water clock which a lion aad a name which n gutrdian of tbe skwm. Hei Ilea of pitectloa any bae origin of the aaaoctat wo of Rh fouDtaloe aad U ' eaaJ have or'.gloaled la Aali. Km tafi- Amercan. KEEP THE KIDNEYS WELL. Heal h is Worth having and Tsr-cro People Knew How t have it Many Tarhoro people take tj fori "TK- !.. i ,K lives Li their heads bv aea ec'loa thelriarKr' kUlruv. i i Ik.. " --- mm. kxo te a neip. strt a:anfs ' -r a mi amount of auf r rtog aad 111 health had there la no need to auffar nor to reeaaaa aa aang. p when all diseases aad ac aa1 pUas doe to wesh kldnera i be i ckly aad penaaaoctl -ared by he of Daai Kldner PUIa. H i a Tar'.oro c lion J-Mjph Savsge. Chnrrh . nv or y .n. l . aays: Kor some uaae say kldnev s w 're ea of the kidney lag s a-.ty and at Umea pakafal I had sharp pdns la say lolaa aad If I coped saddenly sharp twinges aigb- me i wu the ba.-k it hard for m to straighten. Afr. tahlag a nujbr of ramedke arfh r.kai r-iser. I procund uoan Kllaey PUfcs t Looks Drug 8lo and began their use They 'ae aches aad paWus and the pa ss ax ss of the k C: -t aerre -as I am pleaasa to rea Dacna K kin ye Pitta la rati :a benefit 1 kate derived frost heir use. . 'or sah by an deal era. Prsr -ns Foater-Mllhara Co, hafT Yar. sole sgats for the Uah M 8U.ea. rtc.Maber th -.a me -Does k ao other Reso u'io-s of F,epect. la o.'-il:. lo the D vie Pur aaaj aaaa ti Dams aj sahmUatoa to oe of the Father of Light and Lf. the membership of foe -o. I Loveje No. Id A. F. 4k A. ii are called upoi again to mourn the J -par r- of a worthy able b: acr. E. L. R the 7th day of March. Ita rsj 1 1 ue sttDBian aegree of a Msa'er Maroa. daly adailtUd t sU.a e et avas.. a. -, m iwiowaawp in -o sae inner coui- s of the mystic circle, wtth all th fOjtrhj, purl egea and raapoaathlVtUe thereof aad on the 19th day off Jeiy 1910. aase-ed the Final Bcxnaroc jo at'-e-sd a aaeeUag la Heaven of h Redcn ed around the Great Vhlte TLroaa: Aad adgfhj the fritoralty nrrow and bemoans the Is meet aa la Iu wont, mid th-r dsHaert perfectly tho' pirit of bro'herly love r'l raaat bta vlr'.oe-, And to that aad ha It rjeofved: 1- That to the aeaanlasjl deot j of Bro'ber Roberaoo. Wage loses a faithful officer, i a true aad aeaUaaa ia raft sr. nasi lost te attendance upon Ms iilisys aad aver latereated to Ita wasfara: 2. Thee tho young to year aad na' orally of reef Hog dteposlUoa aad mod'et m nner. yet for elevee yeara l c had stood tree to the ten aa o- ::asoary. faithful to every trjet aal among the bretbrea was abrea-ty dlsUr. Tuiahed ae one w na conns I waa sough. In matters off mnent t th craft and inte oou.ee wWh all ita tlr.iy void of effeaaa. a. toi t we recogwiae too to bla death, th.- fe ec.aed by inunity: for aa a aaaa of caff Mm aad lai-e botlneta retardcaaa. be waa a te a conaplcuooa aad etcm-d hy wl th whom he.c Mci ana tout ware press g a carerr of street deaiy cat ahot c That a copy of these aeaat by the Secretary to the Tarboro Southeraer and the Orphaaa Frtraad fir publication, and o th widow off tho do: eased aad that same be i .'.l uprn a page of th mlaajftl ds 11 eOed to his memory ReeecUully sob misted. R. G. ALLSBROOK. 8. R ALLKT. LES D. HARGROVE, Arnhetm's Bala co air Friday. July llh. Arnheim'a fill Ball Friday July lift. THI flUAADI IN CAMP h.r Mah Fine Credits The Coaaaoay ! day saomlat at T ia m Pit for two oe tryiaaj th ooa atsff The H. Of 114 of a thto of flaw la that eity i . . I J i upon is an i Tea Jhn be , New Bern they the - c aa veil aa the try it a local disease i reused te. gad hy i cor with local raaa ad ej at lacurahle catarrh to ho a aid ikataffaai fisaTaaaal UsU s efaetored by F. J. Chat bade, Ohio to tow oaly 4 Co. ear oo the market ft at tarnally to doaaa froea it d tapjoafal. It acta directly ee the toe. They orfac far aay caee it for cr-nlers aad Add r-as: F. i. CVeaey h Csx. Okao. 3 d by all D -uxgtate. T8c. Take Itatt a f Moa. uraa te aacn Jlo hlad Che klad thai y soat whea y oa e a bed or lung disuse Svppoe coouh syrace cod tow tors bar mi failed, deal or horn. Take Dr. Kings k.xrt irouble h has I kipslsaj I orrhsgae la I fever aad the aaoat aaf aad for all bronchial aff II . Trial bot-4 Drug Co s tiCtl. MASftAQft HUVf aa eiectrteei lser far i it. I win be at sees aa thea Maihaa ARNHEIMS Summer Sale Still Going On. M Hssznrr! hy oo M is O Defy, lathe en I aal furry KOTlCt. the 4h day of ih p. at. to treated .to aatiafy aaaaah aalasl aaaaal aaasaalasl aaaaBF Thai Jala U. !! New hi 4s, I we hey theae aaaal toey are MAOUtttft DfttJO tfTOftft SOME Of OUR FflNGY CUKES eye - rUi jat ha", jnp arael tea. TaajfJ b ii as m 4mmt fer i he 1 1 Wa Bahe Thwa Fn day. and aarrrr sVtah eaougb l-t tj o tLr 4fwjr l boksaJe aad lictail ratoawSft TawLaro. Jff. C. 'If oa doo t tt i s-. rbato M. F Reduction ARNHEIM HERE 40.000 VkHtTal ia a W M the! B. T C ft aV. ft N A la a O ft i. w ft Oa. Ca. w. r. Para p a f a . . I I I r mm """N IVanui Ih ev Final Kawtathiav Te.1 4k I Hill m a a i A I M ft ft t ft I ! ft ft1 Baaaaaaaaaattaaa dh